Birthday script in Komsomol style. Back to the future: how we hold corporate parties in the style of the USSR. How to decorate a room

We offer a simple and very fun scenario for a retro party in the style of the 80s, which includes a selection of popular and interesting contests in the spirit of the Soviet era.

To execute the script, you need a host and a couple of initiative assistants. The host should choose competitions for the holiday, based on the preferences of the company, be able to adapt to the situation and the mood of the guests.

Prepare small souvenirs and gifts in advance. As prize points, you can use chocolate medals in a golden wrapper, symbolizing the 1980 Olympics, and as prizes, Soviet champagne, Alenka chocolate, pennants and whatever your heart desires!

We start the party from the most positive moment - the solemn dedication to the pioneers.

Initiation into pioneers

An amazing journey to the most nostalgic period of adolescence, a surge of emotions and an uplift in the mood of all guests, including those who came without it! Good memories and spiritual impulses, as well as a sparkle in the eyes and the wind in the head!

Necessary attributes: pioneer ties and caps from newspapers, a recording of the pioneer anthem “Fly up the fires”, if desired, a horn and a portrait of Lenin's grandfather.

It is advisable to put all the guests in a line and, to the anthem of the pioneers, fulfill an important mission, giving each cap and tying a tie. Each dedicated participant should solemnly and loudly pronounce the pioneer oath:

“I (name, surname of the applicant), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Lenin can be replaced by the name of the birthday person or, if it is a corporate party, the name of the organization), in the face of my comrades, I solemnly promise: to love my Motherland dearly.

Drink, walk and have fun, as the great Lenin (name of the birthday man) bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches!

Always fulfill the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union!”

After the initiation, the pioneer drinks a glass of Soviet champagne in one gulp and, in response to the call “Be Ready!”, loudly pronounces “Always Ready!” This motto can be used throughout the evening as a call to raise glasses.

If those initiated into the pioneers strongly enter into the image and do not want to leave it, you can walk (if the room allows) with a marching step, cheerfully singing a pioneer song.

Competitions for a party in the style of the USSR

Competition "Skilled Pioneer"

The older generation will enjoy the memories of the technique of tying ties, the young will gain invaluable experience and feel the energy of the Soviet era. The competition is held at speed, the fastest participant is awarded.

Auction "Back to the past"

Frantic excitement and inexhaustible thirst for victory!

Necessary attributes: everything you will find in the store from a series of Soviet-era products: champagne, Pinocchio lemonade and tarragon, Bird's Milk and Swan Lake sweets, sprats, Alenka chocolate, condensed milk in a jar, Artek waffles and more.

The host announces a lot with an initial starting price, for example, 10 rubles. The guests are bargaining. The lot is taken by the highest bidder. All lots can be used as a treat to "refresh" the forgotten taste of childhood.

Contest "Guess the retro hit!"

Musical euphoria will plunge guests into the most unpredictable moments of the past and defuse the holiday atmosphere with popular hits!

Prepare in advance a quality selection of popular hits of the 80s. The best hits of the 80s.

Both all guests and a few avid music lovers can participate. The melody is turned on. The participant who recognizes it first loudly pronounces a pre-agreed word, such as "stop", "beep" or any other. If he names the composition correctly, he gets a ball in the form of a chocolate medal. The moderator sums up. The participant with the most points receives a symbolic prize. For example, a CD with hits from the 80s.

Competition "Retro Podium!"

An extreme runway show, a stylistic show of fashionable hairstyles, incredible compositions on the heads of the most sought-after models in the world.

Do not hesitate, the participants of the competition will greatly amuse the guests with their performance!

Suffice it to hint at the trends of that time: high bouffant hairstyles, perms and ponytails were in vogue then.

Necessary attributes: combs, bright elastic bands and hairpins, hairspray.

You can attract the most daring men to the competition. Offer them the necessary attributes, and you will be surprised by their knowledge of the fashion world.

Announce the nominations, they can be as follows: “Soviet hippie”, “freshly from the slaughter”, “member of the CPSU”, “drummer combiner”, “worker and collective farmer”, “collective farm chairman”, etc.

Contest "Where has progress come to?!"

The task is to come up with a Soviet analogue to the proposed word.

Guests will be happy to show their imagination and knowledge in the lexicon of the Soviet era.

DVD player - VCR or filmoscope

Parmesan - processed cheese "Friendship"

MP3 player - reel to reel tape recorder

Pepsi - Pinocchio or Citro lemonade

CD disc - gramophone record

Flash drive - audio cassette

Shrek - crocodile Gena

Laptop - calculator, typewriter or game "Electronic"

ATM - savings bank

Credit card - passbook

Colgate toothpaste - tooth powder

Barbie doll - baby doll

Glamor magazine - "Worker" or "Peasant"

Washing machine - washboard.

Luntik - Cheburashka

Chocolate bar "Nats" - chocolate Alenka

Nike sneakers - sneakers

Biggest Bubble Contest

Required attributes: chewing gum (better from the Soviet series: Turbo, love is ...)

It's simple: participants blow bubbles, guests get sick and laugh merrily! The player who blows the biggest bubble wins!

Competition "Public catering"

No less amusing and funny competition. The scene is a Soviet-era canteen.

Required attributes: buns and kefir in faceted glasses.

The essence of the competition is in the speedy eating of buns and washing them down with kefir. The fastest catering customer wins!

Competition "Abbreviations"

This intellectual game is played right at the table. The host distributes paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. Guests need to decipher them, and then come up with a new decryption so that it is certainly associated with the hero of the day. The winner can be chosen by voting, determining the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way:

CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

GTO (ready for work and defense)

DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy)

VLKSM (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union)

BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)

TASS (telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)

HPP (hydroelectric power plant)

GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia)

MTS (machine and tractor station)

PGT (urban-type settlement)

ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic)

Research Institute (research institute)

An example of a new decryption:

The name of the hero of the day is Konstantin. Deciphering the abbreviation of the CPSU: "Kostya is the strongest guy!". Or research institutes - "our birthday boy is perfect !!!"

Next, you can hold a mini competition for the best toast, which would resemble, in style and content of speech, the leaders of that time. Do not hesitate, among the guests there will definitely be a talent.

Blitz-poll "What could you buy in the 80s if you have 3 rubles in your pocket?"

for 1 kopeck - A glass of gas water without syrup, matches

2 kopecks - call from the machine

3 kopecks - sparkling water with syrup, notebook

4 kopecks - condom

5 kopecks - a bun, travel by public transport

10 kopecks - creamy ice cream

22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate

30 kopecks - lottery ticket

56 - kopecks cost a dollar

1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office

2 p. 82 kopecks - a bottle of vodka

120 rub. - salary engineer

5000 - Zhiguli

80s Party Fantas

Forfeits can be fun and exciting entertainment. The facilitator collects one item from each guest and puts them in a bag. Then he announces a phantom and pulls out the first thing that comes across from the bag. Accordingly, the owner of the thing fulfills the declared phantom.


portray Leontiev

make a high bouffant and walk along the catwalk

dance lambada

drink a glass of Soviet champagne without holding hands

blow a huge bubble gum

portray a Soviet pioneer. Marching, sing the anthem!


A song contest with words in reverse is going on very rapidly. You need to guess the intended song by turning the words.

What are you dreaming about, locomotive Potemkin? (What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora?)

Grandpa hated the wolf a little (Grandmother loved the goat very much)

Above the floor of his hut (Under the roof of my house)

Let's put out the gray days with water (Fly bonfires, blue nights)

You have changed unrecognizably, river crucian, slender intellectual (What you were, you remained the same, dashing Cossack, steppe eagle)

Than enemies sit in a gloomy dungeon (Than friends wander around the wide world)

What a pity that none of them dispersed yesterday (it's great that we all gathered here today)

Rested tools of production do not sleep (Tired toys sleep)

Competition "The best fashion designer from the USSR"

Creative, exciting and very fun competition.

Required attributes: old audio and video cassettes, vinyl records, adhesive tape, scissors, wigs and anything that can be used for a costume. At the end - a show of models on the catwalk.

You will need to record the selected melodies.

What movie is this tune from?

"Three white horses" (Wizards)

"Your Honor, Lady Separation" (White Sun of the Desert)

"Alexandra, Alexandra ..." (Moscow does not believe in tears)

"Somewhere in the world" (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

"In the dark blue forest where the aspens tremble" (Diamond Hand)

“Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence” (Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession)

Who sings this song?

You will need to record the selected hits.

“Music connected us (Mirage)

"Strange Dances" (Technology)

"Lavender" (S. Rotaru)

"Bouquet" (A. Barykin)

"White Night" (Forum)

"Disco Bar" (Carolina)

"Don't worry, aunt" (Funny guys), etc.

What movie is this line from?

“Don’t teach me how to live, better help financially!” (Moscow does not believe in tears)

“The ruble is a thing! Three rubles - a bunch! There are three things in a pile!” (Sportloto - 82)

"Salt is a white poison, sugar is a sweet poison!" (Love and pigeons)

“To live well, and to live well is even better!” (Caucasian captive)

“Be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome” (Diamond Hand)

“Stole, drank - in jail! Romance! " (Gentlemen of Fortune)

"I demand the continuation of the banquet!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

"Announce the entire list please" (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)

“It’s always like this: you work, you work, and then – bam! - second shift ”(Big break)

"Down with prejudice! A woman is a human too! (White Sun of the Desert)

"Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! The snow will fall on the head ... ”(Gentlemen of Fortune)

"Everybody dance!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession.)

Competition "Incendiary Disco Dancer"

The competition for the best dancer is relevant in the midst of the evening, when each of the guests will be happy to show their hidden talents.

It is very fun to dance on the newspapers. You need to do this in pairs to incendiary retro music. Each time it is necessary to complicate the task by folding the newspaper first in half, then several more times. Participants must stand on at least one leg. The best dancer, at least a medal!

We wish you the most incendiary retro party in the style of the USSR!

March 17, 2016

- Are you ready for an incendiary party?

− Always ready!

Welcome to the annual retro party in the Soviet style - Pioneer! It is she who will take you to the era of red ties and caps. Despite all sorts of prohibitions and the suppression of freedom of morals, Soviet youth knew how to have fun.

Be ready! A pioneer-style party would be appropriate for celebrating a birthday, corporate events, student's day and many other events. Or maybe you just want to break away from everyday worries for one evening and return to a carefree past? Then this themed event will come in handy. Let's run through the scenario.

1. Venue

Pioneer party is best held outdoors. It can be a forest zone or a river bank. A country cottage or cottage is well suited, then all the amenities are at hand, as they say: "The sun, air and water multiply strength for work!". But at the same time, we do not forget that only sex and indifference strengthen the body!

If this is not possible, you can organize a holiday in a bar, cafe, nightclub, and even at home. If the budget allows, invite the presenter and musicians. If not, you will have to convene a council of the pioneer detachment and choose its chairman - responsible for the party.

2. Invitations

In those days, communication through ordinary letters was very common (regular letters are those without @). What an exciting moment of opening the envelope. Inspire your guests with the right atmosphere, and for whom even nostalgia at the invitation stage. Print out old postcards, you can use different drawings for all your friends.
On the reverse side, in beautiful calligraphic handwriting or under a stencil with the alphabet, write the text: “Dear comrade! I solemnly invite you to attend the meeting of the pioneers!”

Be sure to indicate the place and time of the party. On a separate sheet, you can write individual wishes for each guest and indicate that there will be a dress code. Fold the postcard with the letter into an envelope and mail it. But do it in advance: jokes about the Russian Post did not just appear out of the blue.

3. Decorating a themed party

If you chose an open space as the venue for the pioneer party, arrange for transportation of guests to old bus decorated with red flags and balloons. Choose a site in nature surrounded by trees, this gives a special comfort, and also take care of the opportunity to make a fire.

It is important to style the holiday in red - the main distinctive and generalizing color of the Soviet boy scout movement. But don't overdo it, it can get annoying.

Dilute the color scheme with yellow and white tones. Use paper flags and balloons of all colors for decoration. The pioneer banner should be mandatory. Posters and slogans will fully convey the character of the distant socialist past.

Don't forget simple attributes.

And here are the most famous slogans of the pioneer movement, which will help you design posters on your own or find the right pictures to print on a color printer:

  • "Be ready! - Always ready!".
  • "Create, invent, try!".
  • "A pioneer grows bold and is not afraid of difficulties!".
  • “We can do everything ourselves, we help our mother!”
  • “A Pioneer is a good comrade, takes care of the younger ones, helps the older ones!”
  • "The Pioneer is friends with children from all countries of the world!".

Don't forget about honor roll, on which you place a photo of the invitees (add characteristic caps and ties to everyone in Photoshop). It is better if these are children's pictures - guess who is where. And then take a photo next to it in real time.

Get old Soviet attributes (balconies, pantries and attics of grandmothers will help you). It could be drum, bugle, Soviet satchel, school books, wooden abacus, record player, burning machine and everything that every child had at that time. Can't do without olympic bear- a symbol of victories and great achievements. There is no way to get such things? Then just print the photo with the attributes on the posters, you will get an interesting exhibition "Born in the USSR".

4. Dress code

A pioneer party cannot do without appropriate costumes. The main attributes in the clothes of "translators of grandmothers across the road":

  • Pioneer tie . You can find an old one or just cut it out of red fabric.
  • Cap.
  • White shirt with short or long sleeves, there is, probably, everyone.
  • Soviet school uniform . Finding it is real. Then it can come in handy for nightly role-playing games, if you know what I mean 😉
  • Shorts, pants and skirts only in limited colors: blue, black and brown.
  • Jeans are allowed, but without fashionable additions. Remember that everything was corny simple.
  • T-shirt with olympic bear .

From shoes fit shoes, sneakers in retro style, sandals and sandals.

Hair must be neat. Girls can braid pigtails, make two tails, and always with bows or colored ribbons, it’s easier for guys - a neat haircut.

Faceted glass - where without it? And who remembers heavy transparent glasses for draft draft kvass? Aluminum utensils in school canteens, gray plates with fairy tale characters. Nostalgia, in a word... or just a great idea for teleporting a modern person into the recent past!

The Soviet menu is quite simple, but appetizing.

On the table should be:

  • olivier salad,
  • herring under a fur coat,
  • jellied fish,
  • sausage cutting,
  • pancakes,
  • canned food,
  • Mashed potatoes,
  • pickles.

Sandwiches with sprats or red caviar will be a good snack.

The pioneers did not drink alcohol, so put labels of lemonade or soda on bottles of alcohol.

For dessert in the era of “developed socialism”, it was customary to serve choux pastries, jam buns, Eskimo ice cream, marshmallows, boxed chocolates, Golden Key toffee, cockerel on a stick, Pinocchio lemonade, dried fruit compote.

Do not prepare "new-fangled" dishes and presentations, and do not use products that were not available at that time. This will only overshadow the themed treats. Remember, everything should be simple!

6. Entertainment and competitions

The scenario of a pioneer party necessarily involves a ritual of initiation into pioneers. It was the most responsible and long-awaited moment for the Soviet guys. The leader says: “To the solemn promise quietly!” , after which he lists the duties of the guests for this evening:

Each promise begins with a loud and expressive expression: "I solemnly promise..."

There is a distribution of pioneer paraphernalia (ties, badges, ribbons). The invitees express their readiness and acceptance of the assigned obligations with the phrase: “Always ready!”, And with a pioneer salute - a symbol of readiness for active action. And the fun started!

Pioneer drum and horn are traditional musical instruments of the Soviet Boy Scouts. Use them during exciting moments and at the start of every competition.

And now the options for thematic contests and competitions.

"Get everything!"

The host chooses two or three applicants. If there are quite a lot of guests, you can choose a larger number of participants. It is necessary to prepare cards in advance with items of clothing, dishes, interior written on them ... Lay them on a table or tray with the inscription down. Pioneers draw a card at random and must get the object written on it. The one who brings more things in a certain time will be the winner. Card options: shoe, stocking, women's shirt, men's T-shirt, bra, plate, glass, corkscrew, napkin, Soviet motivational poster.


It is a well-known and beloved game of many generations. One person comes to the center of the hall, and the counselor asks him the word that needs to be shown without uttering a single sound. The pioneer who first guesses the given word becomes the next one to show the word. Determine how many words you need to show so that the game does not turn out to be too long. The winner is the best guesser.


All those gathered give the leader one of their little things, pointing to its owner. For example, a watch, jewelry, lipstick, hairpin, lighter, napkin with a name. You can't give away pioneer ties and caps! Next, the host comes up with a task and randomly pulls out the things received from the guests. The owner of this item is obliged to complete the task, because he made a solemn pioneer promise . Come up with simple but fun tasks. This game will be able to liberate all party participants in a special way. See the article on this for options for tasks for phantoms.

Team games

If you can’t think of it, here are the most famous pioneer chants:

  • Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only all together!
  • Who walks together in a row? Our pioneer squad! Strong, brave. Clever, skillful!
  • Be ready always ready! Be healthy - always healthy!
  • We are loud, we are swirling, we do not need peace of mind!
    We are romantics, we are dreamers, a pioneer fighting squad!


Team relay. A common basket with washed fruits and vegetables is placed in front of the competitors. Do not take exotic ones, because in the Soviet Union it was such a rarity. The task of the pioneers, without using their hands (they can be tied from behind), is to bring as much harvest as possible from the total to the team basket.


One pioneer from each group is selected and the leader blindfolds them. Selected competitors are taken to a sufficiently large distance from their teams. Many obstacles are placed between the pioneers and their units, such as bottles, chairs, tables, it all depends on how much space and themed accessories allow. Using the tips of his team (forward step, left, right three steps), the participant seeks to overcome the given path as quickly as possible. Distracting and confusing an opponent is not prohibited. No sharp and dangerous obstacles, hold the competition only at the beginning of the holiday, while everyone is still relatively sober - zavodila. com for a safe holiday!

"Tug of war»

Only men participate in this competition. They stand on both sides of the rope and, resting their feet on the floor, try to pull it to their side. If there are more than two teams, then each team must fight all opponents. Girls, in turn, do not stand still, but support the guys of their team or distract opponents, you can use their boobs!

"Bag Run"

Since the male contingent has already participated, invite the beautiful half of the troops to this battle. Choose not a very long distance, it's still a party, not a physical education lesson. The girl climbs into the bag to the waist, runs to the leader as quickly as possible and receives from him a balloon, the thread from which she clamps with her teeth. Returning to his squad, he passes the bag to the next participant, it is important not to lose the ball along the way. The team that completes the run the fastest wins.

Incentive gifts.

And, of course, do not forget about the awards of the winners. Prizes and promotional gifts can be very diverse, but they must be themed - toffee, candy, red stars, badges, postcards or stamps.

And finally, to the drum roll, solemnly hand over commemorative certificates and awards to everyone! Sign the diplomas in a cool way: “Awarded for being always ready!”, Or “Winner in the nomination 50 shades of red.”

7. Musical accompaniment

Songs and dances by the fire! No party should be complete without incendiary music! Have fun with your favorite modern songs, diluting them a little with hits from the 80s and 90s. In moments of a protracted feast, be sure to turn on well-known and pleasantly exciting melodies. Here is a small selection of popular and favorite songs for a pioneer style party:

  • Mark Bernes - "Where the Motherland Begins"
  • Yuri Antonov and the group "Arakas" - "I remember."
  • Igor Sarukhanov - "Masquerade".
  • Merry Guys - "I won't come to you."
  • Gems - "I have everything in life."
  • Zhanna Aguzarova - "Yellow Shoes".
  • Blue Bird - "I don't dream of you."
  • Igor Ivanov - "Student Song".
  • Lev Leshchenko - "Not a moment of peace."
  • Mikhail Boyarsky - "Song of the Musketeers".
  • Alice - "Bad Rock 'n' Roll".
  • Valery Leontiev - Hang Gliding.
  • Underwood - "I really want to go to the Soviet Union."
  • Earthlings - "Grass near the house."
  • Flowers - "We wish you happiness."

Note! In the fight against bourgeois ideology, the Soviet government actively banned Western music, but this did not prevent Soviet youth from falling in love with Western musicians. Be sure to include banned but popular foreign music in your repertoire: TheBeatles, PinkFloyd, OzzyOsbourne, BoneyM and AC/DC.

Karaoke will complement the musical part of the holiday well. Already warmed up and liberated guests will happily remember their favorite songs.

And do not forget to collect scrap metal, glass containers and waste paper after you, you are always mine!

Theme parties have long been among the most popular entertainment of our time. Wild West, Hawaii, Chicago, Monsters, Space Conquest, Spartakiad, Pirates, The Great Gatsby - the choice of topics is huge and varied. And a party in the style of the USSR can be safely considered one of the most interesting and multifaceted. Various event agencies offer a variety of scenario plans for such events. Looking at their advertising photos, you really plunge into that distant “Soviet atmosphere”. But if you prefer to create a holiday with your own hands: prepare a script, competitions, costumes, then our advice will certainly come in handy. Organizing a themed party in the style of the USSR is not at all difficult.

Preliminary questions

Before you start creating the necessary entourage, you need to answer a few questions.

Holiday invitation

So, the circle of guests is determined, the time and place of the holiday, too, it remains only to invite friends to your party. Of course, you can always just send out text messages or make a few calls, but you're having a theme party that requires a certain entourage, isn't it? And therefore, the issue of invitation should be approached with a greater degree of creativity.

Electronic invitations

The easiest option from a technical point of view. It is enough to choose a suitable picture and print the invitation text on top of it. Agitation posters, postcards, symbols, slogans- You can use anything as a background image.

paper invitations

In this option, it would be desirable to have some Photoshop skills. The invitation can be issued as a postcard card or left in a more traditional, "opening" double form. The invitation layout you created will need to be printed in color and distributed to future guests. Or maybe you prefer a more non-trivial option? For example, to issue an invitation in the form of a telegram or a teletype tape, in the form of a membership card or identity cards, in the form of a symbolic keychain with a card attached to it indicating the place and time, a label on a bottle of lemonade - it all depends solely on your imagination.

audio invitation

You can record an audio file even on a regular home computer, having only a microphone and a keyboard at your disposal. The sound of a pioneer horn or drum roll, the first chords of the anthem of the Soviet Union as a screen saver can be found on the Internet, and then the composed text is read out in a solemn tone. Such an audio file can be sent to e-mail or recorded on voice mail / answering machine to future guests. The text of the invitation is best written in a solemnly patriotic style: “Dear comrade! We invite you to a solemn event dedicated to the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which will be held at the address ... Uniform - full dress.


Of course, not a single theme party can do without special costumes, in which both the organizers and guests should be dressed up.

If you have outlined some thematic boundaries, then it is better to warn the invitees about this in advance.. Otherwise, a guest in Budyonovka and pants with stripes will feel awkward among the dudes of the seventies. Crepe de chine dresses with polka dots, round-toed shoes with socks for women or trousers with arrows and shirts with pointed collars for men - what is not an option? Or maybe the guests will prefer a school uniform - white shirts and blue skirts or shorts plus a pioneer tie tied around the neck? A military tunic, a shirt-shirt, flared jeans, banana pants, national costumes of the peoples of the USSR - just look at the old photos of our mothers and fathers, and the choice of a suitable suit will be made.

Decorations and decorations

What, if not decorative elements, will best emphasize your chosen theme? Of course, not a single party in the style of the USSR can be imagined without "agitation" - propaganda posters calling for achievements. Any search engine in a split second will give thousands of results for the query "posters from the times of the USSR", you just have to choose the right one for yourself. With the knowledge of Photoshop, it is quite possible to remake the sample you like for your own needs. But kumach banners and streamers with slogans can be made independently. All that is needed is a few meters of red fabric, white paint, a brush and the desire to create something like that. Those who like to do something with their own hands will also like the idea of ​​​​arranging the “Honor Board” - a large wall poster with photographs of “labor shock workers”, that is, party guests. The same board can be used in competitions by posting photos of the winners on it. Household items of those times will complement the surroundings: a tube TV, a gramophone or a large Yauza-type reel-to-reel tape recorder, a typewriter, knitted napkins, a crystal vase with three carnations, an old Mayak radio, Pravda editorials, inkwells with fountain pens, a lamp with lampshade... Grandma's pantries are an inexhaustible source of scenery.

Meeting with guests

Perhaps the meeting of guests is the most important part of the event, because it sets the tone for the whole party.

Young pioneers with a drum and a bugle, welcoming guests with solemn sounds, a worker and a collective farm woman with a sickle and a hammer, a strict security officer with a revolver, demanding a password from all incoming, Mayakovsky, reciting a verse, chanting chants and slogans printed in the invitation - the main thing is to show the direction events and make guests laugh from the very first moments of the party.


Of course, the famous "Book of Tasty and Healthy Food", which every housewife considered it her duty to have, offers a huge amount of healthy and, undoubtedly, excellent-tasting dishes. However, a friendly party does not necessarily imply a luxurious table served according to all the rules of culinary art. And therefore, the theme of the USSR can be easily identified with several dishes that are very simple to prepare. The traditional menu consists of several items:

  • snacks,
  • salads,
  • main course,
  • dessert,
  • beverages.

And each position has its own characteristics, characteristic of the period that you are trying to recreate. In the party menu, you can include all of the items listed, or limit yourself to one or two.

Appetizers and salads

So, on every Soviet table, there had to be sandwiches with sausage and cheese, decorated with a sprig of parsley. Caviar, more often black, by the way, was not as rare on the tables of Soviet people as one might think: white bread or a loaf, butter and a spoonful of caviar on top - no toast or crackers. Well, then, according to your imagination - herring with boiled potatoes, the famous sprat in tomato sauce, Baltic sprats, pickles and sauerkraut, chopped vegetables and so on and so forth. From salads to the theme of the party fits perfectly Olivie- hearty, familiar to everyone, invariably popular with guests. Boiled tongue with green peas, mimosa salad, fish, vinaigrette- the main thing is not very complex components and a minimum of mayonnaise. If you prefer to organize a table in a buffet format, arrange the salads in advance in tartlets or volutes.

Main course

Only soups are not welcome as the main dish, otherwise everything is at the mercy of your culinary preferences. Chicken Kiev, chicken tabaka, mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, kindergarten semolina, even ordinary dumplings - most of the dishes of that period have remained on our tables to this day.


For dessert, you can offer guests eclairs and biscuit cakes, cake "Prague" or "Bird's milk". Or you can go the other way and put cans of condensed milk, waffles and cookies "Chess" or "Anniversary". The main thing is not to forget tea from the same pack "with an elephant" or coffee from distant and mysterious India. And, of course, dried fruits compote, poured into faceted glasses - and then the nostalgic memories of the guests from the series "how we were fed in the pioneer camp" are provided to you.


Of course, the main alcoholic drink of the table will be vodka - "Russian", "Capital", "Wheat". Girls can be offered red semi-sweet wine - Moldovan or Georgian - or champagne, certainly "Soviet". Lemonade is good for non-alcoholic drinks. Pinocchio or Duchess, mineral water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki", well, for especially advanced Soviet youth, save a bottle "Pepsi".

The main difference between the Soviet table is abundance. A large number of different dishes, hearty, but simple, so that not a single guest leaves hungry - this is the life credo of any Soviet housewife. Therefore, it is better to forget about diets this evening.

Well, you can always organize the menu to your own taste by changing the names of the dishes to something corresponding to the theme. Salad “Dream of a Komsomol member”, appetizer “Dish of the Day” or garnish “Production Leader” - what is not an option to diversify a feast?

Competitions and entertainment

Well, what party is complete without entertainment, competitions and dancing? Games in " Zarnitsa" or " pioneer dawn”, a competition for the best slogan, reading old newspapers and magazines, deciphering numerous abbreviations and much, much more. Maybe you would like to arrange evening of dedication to the pioneers? "I, such and such, joining the ranks of the young Leninists, solemnly swear ...". The text of the oath can be used both canonical and altered to suit your own views and needs. Well, at the same time, invite guests to supplement the well-known laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union, taking into account current realities. The main thing is to practice in advance how to tie a pioneer tie correctly so as not to make a mistake with the knot. Or maybe your guests are karaoke lovers? Then they'll love it rehashing of songs from old Soviet films- both famous and undeservedly forgotten. The singing competition will bring a lot of fun to both karaoke fans and moviegoers. And how much laughter will sound in the process of learning a new “fashionable dance” - the twist! “You seem to be crushing a cigarette butt with the toe of your right foot ...”. Remember the film Gaidai? A good reason, by the way, to review your favorite movie with your best friends. Almost any entertainment contest can be remade for thematic requests, the main thing is not to forget about prizes and gifts. It should be some trifle in the form of a TRP badge, a bag of toffee, a “terrible deficit” - cans of condensed milk, tangerines in a shopping bag, a playful subscription to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ilyich’s light bulb, and so on.

The music that will accompany the evening can be very different - from Utyosov's songs to Italian disco of the 80s. Perfectly fit into the theme of the party and hits of domestic VIA type " Gems" or " earthlings", and the music of Soviet cinema, and Western hits, and even songs Beatles or rollingStones. Well, if you include patriotic songs in the playlist, the guests will only be grateful. A party in the style of the USSR is a fun and joyful event that can not only unite people who both remember what the Soviet Union is and were born already in the post-perestroika years, but also give many reasons for smiles and merry laughter. The key to a successful party is in competent preparation and indefatigable imagination of the organizers, who are able to combine a variety of things into a single whole. And in conclusion - a short video from the celebration of a themed party in the style of the USSR:

In the past, as usual, the grass was greener, and the ice cream was tastier, and the country was united, great and powerful ... The past does not return, but you can briefly plunge into the special atmosphere of the past during a party organized in the style of the USSR.

The times of the Soviet Union are alive in the memory of not yet elderly people, and the young will gladly plunge into the romance of the past decades.

Old times, as a rule, are remembered only by good ones, and these memories should be revived. The attributes and special spirit of the Soviet Union, recreated for the duration of the celebration, is not just a theme party, but, one might say, a kind of “reconstruction”. Let nostalgia for the “good old days” blossom on it, the connection between generations is strengthened and a good and bright mood simply reigns!

What and where can be noted in the style of the USSR?

USSR-style will be appropriate for any celebration:

  • name day of a person born in the Soviet Union;
  • company party on the occasion of February 23, May 1, March 8;
  • New Year's party;
  • corporate celebration, for example, the anniversary of the company;
  • alumni meeting;
  • professional holiday (Day of the builder, metallurgist or accountant);
  • and, of course, on anniversaries, starting from the new five-year plan in the life of the family and ending with memorable dates in the life of any person for whom the abbreviation "USSR" has a special meaning.

For the celebration, you can adapt almost any room. It is quite acceptable to organize a party in an apartment, it is not so difficult and does not require large expenses, we will show you how to do it as simply and efficiently as possible. An office space is also suitable for this.

If you are planning a cafe or a restaurant, you will find yourself closer to the revived era if you choose those located in the buildings of the 70-80s, but you can easily give originality to any interior yourself. A great option is a summer playground or a celebration in the bosom of nature: you can recreate the atmosphere of a pioneer camp or a subbotnik!

We invite guests

The very first thing that needs to be done when preparing any holiday is to make and hand out invitations. After all, a dress code is required at a themed party, and guests will need time to prepare a costume. Therefore, it is better if they are aware of the time, place and theme of the holiday in 1-2 weeks.

Of course, the style of the celebration should be reflected in the invitation. Here are some interesting design options:

  1. Soviet postcard. Many houses still have elements of children's collections. Write the text of the invitation with an ink pen or imitate a typewriter font.
  2. Telegram blank. A sample can also be found on the web. Another option is to print the letters on yellowish wrapping paper, cut them out in the form of ribbons and stick them inside the postcards (this is how congratulatory telegrams came to the USSR).
  3. Membership card. One of the most respected documents of that era. Presenting such a document at the entrance - what could be more prestigious! Except that mandate of the deputy of the Supreme Council.
  4. Diploma. It will be fun and unusual to give such an invitation to the "Honored Guest" or "Excellent Party Fun Party".
  5. Poster. Soviet posters are a very recognizable attribute of the era, so you should find a suitable sample on the Internet and reduce it to the size of a postcard. And if in Photoshop you insert a photo of your guest in place of the hero depicted on the poster, then he will leave your invitation as a keepsake as a souvenir and will proudly show it to his friends!
  6. Soviet invitation card. It was possible to get to the most interesting events in the USSR only by nominal invitations. So make such a ticket: use red, the coat of arms of the USSR, images in a recognizable style (all the same postcards will serve as samples), a sweeping painting and a government seal.

Formulating the text, remember the expressions of the past era: “Dear comrade (name)! We invite you to take part in the solemn meeting on the occasion of (specify the occasion). The dress code is dress code. Please come without delay. Committee of organizers of the solemn holiday.

70 years, so different...

The era of the USSR lasted 70 years, which included several different times that differed in their originality: for example, the New Economic Policy, the time of dudes, the post-war industrial boom, the 80s with their famous Olympics, etc. Of course, you can choose to celebrate a specific era with all its features and subtleties. This will be especially appropriate when celebrating an anniversary, in order to remind the birthday man of the times of his youth or childhood.

And you can not go deep into the intricacies of historical reconstruction and create a cheerful festive "mix", which will be called simply "USSR style", in which case it will be easier for the owner to choose attributes, and for guests - costumes.

What might be needed to organize such a holiday? Go through the attic of your grandmother's house, the mezzanine of the old closet, visit the former school: all of a sudden, somewhere in the pantry there are decommissioned pioneer personal belongings and outdated maps of the country that has changed its borders.

You may find it useful:

  • old Soviet newspapers and magazines;
  • toys of that time - dolls, cars, bears, bunnies;
  • glass bottles from kefir, Soviet champagne;
  • labels, wrappers, pictures, etc.;
  • Soviet money or their imitation;
  • any pioneer attributes - a tie, bandage, bugle, drum, pennant;
  • retro things: a lamp with a lampshade, a decanter with faceted glasses, a gramophone or record receiver, a cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorder, an abacus.

Welcome! Wipe your feet

In order to transform the room and give it a resemblance to the chosen era, first decide what exactly it will depict: a hall for party meetings, a Soviet apartment, or maybe a working canteen for Komsomol explorers of virgin lands? This is not mandatory, it is quite possible to simply adhere to the general style directions and decorate the room in a festive way, but in accordance with the theme.

At the entrance put a rug with a caring inscription “Wipe your feet”, and hang a sign “Wardrobe” on a hanger (and the numbers that you give out to guests can serve as a prank for forfeits).

Table. The main color of the holiday will, of course, be red, but be careful not to overdo it, because in large quantities this color builds up tension. You can set a large table with a red tablecloth, fringed tablecloths are also suitable. Place a vase of wildflowers and a water carafe with glasses on each table.

Walls they must be decorated with posters: after all, at that time not a single room could do without them. Choose bright ones that are suitable in meaning: for example, “Man to man is a friend, comrade and brother”, “I have friends everywhere”, etc.

You can play with Photoshop and change them a little. You can also hang printed portraits of party and government members or famous singers and film actors on the walls. A banner made of red fabric with white letters with some slogan suitable for the occasion of the holiday will look beautiful, “Peace to the world” will be universal. The map of the USSR with the coats of arms of all the union republics will immediately give a "thematic" effect.

"Hall of Fame" will gather guests around for a long time, because it will have their photographs (preferably black and white) with flattering individualized signatures, for example, “Forefront of production”, “Excellent worker-activist”, “Mentor and teacher”, “Pocheiny link”, “Noble grain grower ", "Hero of Labor".

Other accessories.Everything that you can find to add color to the room should take the appropriate place. Fold a stack of newspapers on a coffee table: surely one of the guests will want to take a break from the general fuss and look through the Literary Newspaper or Collective Farm Woman. You can also put a lotto set and a chessboard there.

Put a lamp with a lampshade on a bedside table or hang it above the table. Place Soviet dolls and bears on the back of the sofa. Hang a grocery bag with a can of sprat in tomato, green peas and a bottle of lemonade or Zhigulevsky on each chair - you can give them to guests as souvenirs. Don't forget about the red banner - hoist it on a stand in the center of the room or in the "red corner".

Watch this video, where the hostess of the celebration shows how she decorated the room for a party in the USSR style.

If you are making out new year celebration, look for glass toys for the Christmas tree or make decorations yourself, and a red star is simply needed for the top.

Festive set or why there was everything on the table that was not in stores

You can approach the issue from two sides: serve popular dishes of the Soviet era or stylize and decorate any modern treats. Both ways are good in their own way, both will create the necessary atmosphere at the table.

If you choose the first path, then put on the table:

  • salad "Olivier";
  • herring under a fur coat;
  • jellied fish;
  • boiled potatoes with dill;
  • dishes with sliced ​​​​cervelata;
  • pickled cucumbers;
  • canned fish salad;
  • sprats, sprats in tomato;
  • processed cheese "Druzhba";
  • sandwiches with zucchini caviar (if the table is set "in a rich way", then it is possible with red and black, just do not spread it over a slice, but put it in a small slide);
  • the Kiev's cutlets.

For dessert, cakes "Bird's Milk", "Log", "Fairy Tale", cakes "Baskets", "Eclairs" or "Tubules with protein cream", chocolate "Alenka" are suitable.

As drinks - lemonade in glass bottles (look for the Pinocchio or Duchess brands), homemade compote or juice in three-liter jars, from alcohol - Soviet Champagne, Russian or Stolichnaya vodka, five-star cognac, you can put for lovers of a bottle of fruit and berry wine. If you do not find rarities, print and re-glue the labels.

Any familiar dishes will acquire style if they are served in an original way, for example, cut decorative red stars from tomatoes to decorate sandwiches or put a scarlet bell pepper banner on a toothpick on a salad. Or you can download flags, cut and fasten on toothpicks or skewers ..

If you prefer the format of a buffet table, decorate it in the style of a Soviet buffet, it is desirable that there is also a barmaid in a white headdress behind the counter.

Who to be? Choose an image

Of course, for such a holiday you need to reincarnate yourself. We have already agreed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to one exact time for choosing a suit. In the Soviet era, there were many recognizable images and colorful characters that can be embodied as a model.

Home owner or host. This role is the main one, so the image of a party leader (you can choose a specific person!) or a host of some important event (such as Comrade Ogurtsov from Carnival Night) would be appropriate. For a woman, the image of a counselor, a teacher, an athlete-Komsomol member is suitable.

Guest pictures. Show your imagination or just ask older relatives and ask them to lend you the things that were popular at that time.

Depending on the chosen image, you can become:

  • dude: trousers-pipes or bell-bottoms and bright jackets for men, puffy dresses with polka dots for girls.
  • schoolboy or schoolgirl. The famous brown dress with an apron for girls (white bows and knee socks are required!), A white shirt with blue or black trousers for boys.
  • pioneer (pioneer). The pioneer uniform, unlike the school uniform, provided for a blue bottom and a white top, and, of course, a pioneer tie; you can complement the costume with a cap and an armband;
  • worker and collective farmer. The proletarians came to the holidays dressed up, in light shirts (you can roll up the sleeves), sometimes in jackets with leather patches on the elbows. Pants can be quite short. Work overalls are colorful, of course, but it's up to you to decide whether they are appropriate for the holiday. The girl needs a blouse with a flower or polka dots, a plain six-piece skirt and a bright scarf tied under the pigtails.
  • Komsomol / Komsomol member. A leather jacket for both sexes, for a woman a red skirt and a scarf. A Komsomol badge is required.
  • fashionable student / student of the late 80s- girls master colored leggings (“dolchiki”), and young men conjure in the kitchen, making self-made “dumplings”, because where do poor students get money for “branded jeans”?
  • sportsman. Suit for men: in those days, most were fond of sports, so they could often be found in a tracksuit (on the way to training or back), many wore blue Adidas sweatpants at home.
  • Soviet citizens. Here the scope for imagination is simply immense. For inspiration, revisit Soviet films where the characters are celebrating something: the same “Carnival Night”, “Magicians”, “Enjoy Your Bath”, “This Merry Planet” and others. And you will get pleasure, and you will draw ideas!

For girls, in addition to the costume, hairstyle and makeup are of great importance.

For images of young pioneers and schoolgirls, ponytails or pigtails with bows are suitable. The peak of fashion was the “palm tree” - a high tail, decorated with several rubber bands at once. The matured Soviet girls did a perm-perm, and they also had very popular bouffants. For the holiday, bright makeup is appropriate with clear black arrows on the eyelids, well-blackened eyelashes and a blush on the cheekbones.

Meeting with guests

It is better that guests get into the festive atmosphere right from the doorstep. Let the owner or hostess meet them already in character. You can organize the "registration" of guests: a signature in a special "registration book", which by the end of the evening will turn into a "book of wishes".

If the guest failed to comply with the dress code, a stern Komsomol member can suggest to him: “Comrade, you are out of shape!” and offer to choose for yourself one of the pre-prepared accessories for negligent guests (a scarlet armband with the inscription "Druzhinnik" or "On duty", a pioneer tie, cap, badge, etc.).

The holiday can begin with a solemn speech by the host. Compose it according to the model of Soviet speeches, but just do not drag it out. It is worth looking on the Web for samples of speeches by state leaders and stocking up on “delicious” quotes like “The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR inform the party and the entire Soviet people with a feeling of deep joy ...” In general, “You are on the right path , comrades!

Here again, we recall the principle that we decided to adhere to at the beginning: we mix both the original amusements of that era and modern contests, adapted and stylized to the chosen topic.

How did the Soviet people have fun when they got together for the holidays?

  • sang to the guitar;
  • they played charades, burime or "typography" - games related to words, because it was not for nothing that the inhabitants of the USSR were considered the most reading nation;
  • danced to a tape recorder;
  • participated in various competitions invented by mass-entertainers (that was the name of the animators).

You can modernize these entertainments a bit, as well as add other games and contests to them, colored with the appropriate surroundings.

For winning the competition, give the winners incentive prizes-souvenirs (magnets with the symbols of the USSR, pencils, notepads, etc.) goods of the USSR will serve: a can of sprat in a tomato, a roll of scarce toilet paper, the Rabotnitsa magazine, etc.

We offer you several options that will help push your imagination and quickly and easily solve the issue of the holiday program.

Karaoke is a win-win entertainment option that is usually to the taste of most guests. Choose a repertoire from your parents' favorite films: "The Adventures of Electronics", "Merry Fellows", "Office Romance", etc. If you want to really have fun, use the musical motives of popular Soviet cartoons: "The Bremen Town Musicians", "On the Road with Clouds" , "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat". And you can pay tribute to the pioneer past and perform “Fly up the bonfires, blue nights” or “Our locomotive, fly forward”.

For example:

I am a part of the banner
Scarlet three ends
Once put on - carry me,
Don't lose face! (Pioneer tie).

hole bag,
In general, decent
Very comfortable and environmentally friendly! (String bag).

You will find this blue wardrobe everywhere.
If you need fresh water
Threw a penny - and drink your water,
Well, for three he will pour cream soda! (Soda water machine).


For an intellectual audience, you can ask interesting questions about the USSR:

  • How many republics were in the USSR? (15). And in 1924? (6)
  • Whose name did the pioneer organization bear before it became Lenin's? (Spartacus).
  • What was the name of the Soviet morning Sunday program for children? ("Alarm").
  • What about the daily radio program for schoolchildren? (Pioneer Dawn).
  • What could be bought in the USSR for 1 kopeck? (A box of matches, a glass of soda, 2 envelopes without stamps, a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, a metal pen for writing, 1 cigarette, a sewing needle, a piece of chalk, the simplest notebook, a paper bookmark for books ...)

The quiz can be supplemented with a competition for knowledge of Soviet advertisements. Questions and answers can be viewed.


“Competition is the creativity of the masses,” as the great leader said. Various competitions, especially socialist ones, were very popular with the Soviet people.

So arrange a competition on any topic you like:

  • who will quickly tie a pioneer tie (you can do it for yourself, but you can do it for a friend!);
  • who will remember more catchphrases from Soviet films (think for a long time - you are eliminated, there is only one winner!);
  • who will quickly fold the Rubik's Cube or the "Snake" (if you find enough props);
  • who is better at making a cap for a construction team from a sheet of Pravda;
  • relay race "collect a string bag", etc.!

Who said that?

  • “You can, of course, teach a hare to smoke! But, in principle, nothing is impossible. For a person. With Intelligence! - Secretary Verochka from Office Romance.
  • “At 40, life is just beginning. Now I know for sure!” - the main character of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears."
  • “I demand the continuation of the banquet! - Ivan Bunsha ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession").
  • “What a disgusting thing - this is your aspic fish!” - Hippolyte ("Enjoy Your Bath").
  • "Sorry for the bird!" - Shurik, "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
  • Can go on for a long time...

Price nostalgia or who remembers how much a sausage cost at 2.20?

The host shows the product, and the participants try to guess how much it cost in Soviet times. Whose version turned out to be closer to the truth, he gets the goods!

  • Pie with cabbage, potatoes, onion-egg - 4 kopecks.
  • Cake "Potato" - 22 kopecks.
  • Baby soap - 14 kopecks.
  • Balloon - 3 kopecks.
  • Cologne "Russian Forest" - 1 p. 20 kop.

If you find other items, Soviet prices for them can always be checked on the Internet.

New life for old abbreviations

Give participants cards with Soviet abbreviations written on them. Offer to come up with a new transcript related to the hero of the occasion, for example, CPSU - Handsome Guy Seryoga Super, VDNKh - Friends We Met Good.

Ready set of abbreviations: KPSS, VLKSM, VDNKh, TASS, DOSAAF, TRP, CMEA, VChK, RSDLP, VTsSPS, MTS, RKKA.

Outdoor games

They are best held for a younger audience, especially if the meeting format is “open air”. So, Soviet girls adored jump ropes and "rubber bands": it is worth remembering and trying "both with a run, and in place, and with two legs together!"

Movable relay races will add fun, for example, “waste paper collection” - while the music is playing, you need to pick up as many newspapers as possible (previously scattered); the music has died down - tie them in a bundle and run to the "reception point"! Whose pack is heavier? Who is first?

Disco or "dancing"?

In the USSR, both options were used, and this, of course, is an integral part of the party. Let the guests dance to the melodies of VIA "Earthlings", "Verasy", "Pesnyary", to the early songs of Pugacheva and Rotaru. The compositions of "Tender May", "Combinations", "Secret", "Bravo" and other disco will add sweet retro nostalgia to the evening.

Nice end to the party

To make the finale worthy of the whole holiday, think it over in advance. After the dance, when the guests are tired enough from all the entertainment, you need something calm, soothing, summing up the evening. Maybe each guest will make an entry in the “Complaints and Suggestions” book (remember, at the beginning of the evening it was the “Registration Book”?) The final solemn speech of the host or host of the party would be appropriate. It will be interesting to give gifts at the end of the evening, for example, pre-prepared pennants with comic inscriptions “Drummer of dance work”, “Excellent student of competitions”, “For the most original hairstyle - forward, to new achievements!” etc.

If the celebration takes place in nature, a pioneer bonfire will be a great finale.

Parties in the style of the USSR are gaining popularity, because any past is fraught with inexplicable attraction and romance. Please yourself and your guests, because it will not be difficult to prepare for such a party, thanks to our detailed recommendations!

If you haven't decided which idea to go with yet, the video below will convince you that a USSR themed party is a great idea!

Anniversary in the style of the USSR

Good evening, dear friends!
It is very pleasant that the event that we are in a hurry to celebrate today has brought together so many kind and good people, relatives and friends, true friends, colleagues and colleagues. Everyone who appreciates, respects and sincerely loves Raisa Aleksandrovna ……………….!
Today we have a great reason to celebrate.
On September 13, Raisa Alexandrovna celebrates her special birthday - a birthday with two fives.
And I ask everyone to fill their glasses and raise them in honor of our birthday girl. The more happiness you wish her, the more fully pour into glasses, the more long years of life, love and joy you wish her, the higher raise filled glasses.
We wish you love and happiness
Do not know pain and bad weather,
Let the house be a full bowl
Fun, joy will be in it!
May your life become brighter
May there be many friends in it!
Po - more luck and only luck!
Happy Anniversary Birthday!!!
1 toast For our birthday girl, we drink standing up and to the bottom.

Raisa Alexandrov…………… was born in the village A………… T……………… of the L district………. region, in an amazing country that was called the Land of Soviets, the Soviet Union or simply the USSR. And I invite you to return back to the USSR, the country of your childhood, your youth. Remember, grieve a little about the past and rejoice at what has left an indelible mark on your memory. Ready?
Dear comrades!
Relatives and relatives of the birthday girl, friends and work colleagues are invited to the meeting hall to hold a solemn meeting, the birthday girl and honored guests represented by the family of Raisa Alexandrovna take the seats in the presidium.
Festive evening dedicated to the shock and timely completion of the ELEVENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN by Raisa Alexandrovna ...... considered open. Who is "FOR" please fill the glasses. There are no objections and abstentions, the proposal was adopted unanimously.
The first item on the agenda of the event is a report on the work done.
During the 1st five-year period, Raisa successfully learned to walk, speak, use a spoon and achieve her goal using all the strength and power of her voice, which all the relatives of the birthday girl unanimously affirm. Everything that was produced in the Soviet Union - as they wrote then MADE IN THE USSR - the best had a QUALITY SIGN. And our birthday girl deserves it. But .... In the USSR, the OTK (technical control department) was responsible for quality, and in our country aunt Maria Ivanovna takes on this role, as the brightest and most experienced representative of the Soviet people.
2 toast - congratulations from aunt

The 2nd five-year plan in the life of Raisa was marked by important events: the 1st grade at school, joining the OCTOBER group and, of course, her acceptance into the ranks of the young Leninists - PIONEERS. When with a red tie tied, she uttered a pioneer oath. The words of which "BE READY - ALWAYS READY!" I'm sure you all remember today.
Shouting pioneer:
We, friends, are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
Happy birthday to congratulate ....
Be ready! Always ready!
Get ready to sing songs loudly
Spare no votes
And walk as long as possible
Be ready! Always ready!
Let's drink our Raisa
Immediately in one gulp without sips
Toast to say today everyone
Be ready! Always ready!

3 toast congratulations
In the 3rd and 4th five-year plans, our birthday girl, by personal example, proved that she deserves the title: Komsomol member, sportswoman and SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL. For exemplary behavior, excellent studies and active participation in public life, Raisa Aleksandrovna was accepted into the Komsomol, but when joining the Komsomol, it was necessary to write a questionnaire and answer questions from the commission. Let's see if the answers change.
question and answer game
4 toast - congratulations

Having cried with the whole country, saying goodbye to the departing Olympic Bear, in the 5th five-year plan, Raisa directed all her strength to choosing a life path, getting a profession and raising her professional level. (Whom to become a chemistry teacher or master the trade industry?) The choice is made - you did not regret it? Well, if you go back to the Soviet years, what could Raisa Alexandrovna afford to buy for 1 kopeck?
1 kopeck - A glass of gas water without syrup, matches
2 kop - call from the machine
3 kop-g azvod with syrup, notebook
4cop is the most erotic condom question, ride the trolley
5 kopecks - a bun, bus fare
10 kopecks - milk ice cream, haircut
22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate
30 kopeck lottery ticket
56 kopecks cost a dollar
96 kopecks - wine "Autumn Garden"
1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office
2r.82 kopeck - a bottle of vodka
120 rubles - salary of an engineer
10000 - "Volga"
15000 get 15 years with confiscation

Money can buy a teacher, but you can't buy knowledge
For money, you can buy a house, but you can not buy family well-being,
For money, you can buy a rich table, but you will not buy friends who gather at it.
5 toast - congratulations

In the 6th five-year plan, at the call of the party and the government, as well as her young ardent heart, Raisa was engaged in creating a cell of society - the family and increasing the number of her native country. Every Soviet woman dreamed of being married, unmarried women were looked at suspiciously. And every woman kept her husband in any way:
German - food
Georgian woman - attention
Czech - power
Spanish - passion
Cuban - dancing
Polka - caress
Chinese woman - flattery
Mexican - revenge
Greek - beauty
Armenian - completeness
French woman - body
American - business
Italian - chic
Jewess - shout
And in the Soviet Union - the local committee, trade union committee, party committee.
What is the secret of a long and happy life for Raisa Alexandrovna?
Husband toast

Although there was no sex in the USSR, children were born.
toast - congratulations from children.

In the Soviet Union, it was customary to live under slogans and mottos. For example: “Five-year plan ahead of schedule!”, “Sobriety is the norm of life!”.

I suggest that you come up with slogans for our Raisa Aleksandrovna that will begin like this: “NOT A DAY WITHOUT……”
Slogan auction
It was under such slogans that the 7th five-year period of life passed
Toast - congratulations

The 8th five-year plan saw the very perestroika in which the country survived only thanks to women like Raisa Aleksandrovna, real Russians. stood in those years of the Board of Honor, the central place was to be occupied by the portrait of Our birthday girl. Let's restore justice.
Game "Portrait of the hero of the day"

Well, in the 9th five-year plan, every day, in work and caring for the family, Raisa Alexandrovna turned from a bright flower into a juicy, appetizing berry.
Acclaiming list
Wife ___________________
Employee _______________
Neighbor _________________
Woman ________________
(name adjectives and write in the sheet)
9 toast

The 10th five-year plan was completed with a golden jubilee to which the hero of the day came with new achievements. Raisa Alexandrovna is an extraordinary woman of Balzac's age, of medium height, of pleasant fatness, in the prime of her unfading strength, the result of the past years.
1. Work.
She left for work in the morning - 7688 times, came to work in the morning - 6076 times.
I was late from lunch - 4216 times, I was not late from lunch - 279 times.
I dined at the workplace and fell asleep there - 365 days (1 year).
She asked for a salary in the accounting department - 744 times. Brought home a salary - almost all, almost always
Quarreled with the boss - 2945 times, of which: he scolded her - 2914 times; she his - 31 times.
2. Family life. Housework:
Hammered a nail - 6031 times.
Washed the dishes - 11315 times.
Planted a garden - 31 times.
Cleaned the garden - 31 times.
Did repairs in the apartment - 30 times.
She scolded everyone who could not help her in this - 17459 times.
3. Quiet family joys.
Watching TV with a cup of tea - 2531 times.
Invasion of guests - 3658 times.
I gave instructions to children - 1460 times, to which they did not react 500 times.
I went to the bath - 1488 times, returned from there "drunk" - 88 times.
4. Other.
She voted in the elections - 15 times, her candidate was chosen - 1 time.
I went to resorts - 10 times.
I improved my qualifications - 5 times, I improved my qualifications.

Total for the reporting period: joys - 80%,
troubles - 20%.
What will be the job offers: to recognize excellent, good or satisfactory?

And now the 11th five-year plan has been completed. You can judge the achievements by the appearance of the birthday girl and telephone congratulations from our government as recognition of her merits.
(Telephone call - congratulations from Medvedev, Zhirinovsky, Putin)
The game "Mobile friend" who will be the first of those present to get through to the hero of the day

TOAST - congratulations

The certificate of honor and the medal are awarded today
For the fact that Raisa Alexandrovna is different from everyone
Mind and talent, energy, strength,
With a young soul and a beautiful smile!
For stubbornly striving for the heights
And in this she managed to achieve success!
For what goes through thorns to the stars!
For being a good woman!
For it's all for sure waiting for you
Love, respect, glory, honor!
A medal to you and this diploma forever.
Long live our dear man!
We wish you not to know failures in the future,
To be young, happy, blossom, prosper!

In the dance-competitive part:
music in the style of the 70-80s
Games: "Socialist competitions" - team games
"Soviet Sport" - boxers, weightlifters (dance with a lady in her arms), football players (juggling with balloons)
"By pull" - any version of the game "bring"

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