Scenario for graduation from kindergarten "royal ball". Scenario “Prom in a fairy-tale kingdom. Grand entrance of children and teachers


Large heart layout, small hearts;
- chest with lock, key;
- a pack of tea, a nut, glue, a calendar, silver coins, postcards, a leaf, a thread, a needle, a bow;
- boxes of different sizes, nuts with grains;
- a tray on which there is halva, compote, a saucer with apples;
- balloons of different colors;
- threads for a necklace;
- congratulatory telegrams;
- parcel from fairy-tale heroes;
- whistle.


2 queens - teachers
Presenter - parents
Sorcerer - parents
Seller - parents

Two graduating classes take part in the celebration. The hall is festively decorated.
There are two thrones in the middle of the stage.

Leading. Attention! Attention! Let's open the ball! I invite all guests to take their seats.

Music is playing.

Leading. The inhabitants of the kingdom arrived at the ball...

Graduates stand in pairs: a boy and a girl. The first and last name of each child is read out. Upon invitation, the couple goes to the middle of the hall, bows and builds a “living corridor”.

Leading. Her Majesty the Queen of the Whychek Country is a teacher of grade 4 A (name, patronymic of the teacher).
Her Majesty the Queen of the Country of Know-It-Alls is a teacher of 4B grade (name, patronymic of the teacher).

The queens walk along the “living corridor”, all the guests bow,
The queens sit on the throne.

Leading. Dear queens! Guests from different countries arrived. May I open the ball?
Queens. We command you to open this ball!
Leading. Her Majesty the Queen (name, patronymic of the teacher) greets the residents of the country and the neighboring state.
1st queen. I greet you, residents of the country, and you, overseas guests!
Today I invited my people to this holiday to celebrate their success in mastering the wisdom sciences and to award diplomas to the best.

Summing up the results of training in primary school.

Leading. Her Majesty the Queen (name, patronymic of the teacher) wishes to speak.
2nd queen. I am very glad to see the people of my country and the neighboring state! Residents of the country, today you are leaving us and going to travel to other kingdoms. On this occasion I am giving a ball. For this holiday, you have come from all over the country to hear my parting words and receive rewards for your work.

Leading. The first to express a desire to greet their queen were the residents of the state (called the state-class).
1st student (reads). We, residents of the state, bow deeply to the queen of our lands (name, patronymic of the teacher).
Your Majesty! We came to this ball to express our gratitude for the countless riches that you have given to every inhabitant of your country.
2nd student. We can't help you
This day is solemn
Now give the stars from the sky,
But this day is wonderful
We are in a hurry to talk about love.
3rd student. Although this confession is intimate,
We don’t need to hide it:
We love you collectively.
All. And also one at a time.
4th student. And warmed by your generosity,
And finally, with the brilliance of the mind
We give you, queen,
Warmth of grateful hearts.

Music is playing. Each student removes a heart model from his chest and attaches it to a large heart model.

Leading. Your Majesty! Artists from a neighboring state called “Know-It-Alls” have brought funny, fiery numbers for you.

Concert numbers are performed.

Leading. The inhabitants of the state (called the class state) greet their queen.
1st student. Rumor has been going around for a long time,
What a wonderful country there is.
At least go around the whole wide world,
But there is no better state.
2nd student. The queen rules that country,
Our people are proud of her.
3rd student. To that majestic queen
We sing praise and glory.
4th student. Royal anxieties and concerns
We wanted to evaluate
And school gifts
We decided to give it to you!
I’ll ask four good fellows to bring in a chest of gifts.

The students bring in the chest. He's locked up.

Leading. Who locked the chest?

The Sorcerer appears with a key in his hand.

Witch. I will open the chest on one condition: let each of the children say a kind and affectionate word for their first teachers, otherwise the chest will be mine!

Children say: “kind, affectionate, gentle, friendly, joyful, smart, good, beautiful, beloved, sincere, fair...” The sorcerer opens the chest.

4th student. Your Majesty! Allow me to present you with gifts.
Queen. Here's a pack of tea for you,
So that you don't get bored without us.
2nd student. Nut, so that in your class
There was children's laughter.
3rd student. In life you have to hope for the best
Take glue if something doesn’t stick.
4th student. The calendar is always with you -
Celebrate with passion
Every day and every hour
Lived next to us.
5th student. Here's some silver for you,
So that good things can happen in your class.
6th student. With this little postcard
They decided to give you a gift.
She will serve you well,
Helping you out at the right time.
7th student. We also give you onions,
To relieve children of boredom.
8th student. Your soul strives to fly -
Make an airplane out of a sheet of paper.
9th student. Here's a thread and a needle for you,
So that the children follow you.

The students bow and leave.

Leading. Dear Sorcerer! What country did you come from?
Witch. I come from the distant land of Hocus Pocus. And my name is Don’t Believe Your Eyes. I also did not come empty-handed: I prepared a gift - a magic trick for Their Majesties and all those invited to the ball.

The sorcerer shows everyone a large box and takes out a smaller box from it. And so on 5-6 boxes, and from the smallest one he takes out a package containing a nut. The sorcerer takes the nut. He splits it and shows the nut grain to the viewer.

Witch. No one has ever seen this grain before. (Eats a grain.) No one will ever see this grain again.
Leading. Dear Sorcerer! We can perform such tricks, even though we didn’t study to become sorcerers.
Witch. But besides the trick, I also have a treat for the guys, which I brought from overseas countries.

From the chest on a tray he takes out a saucer with halva, compote, and a saucer with apples.

Witch. It is in your power to try these sweets.
I would treat everyone, but there won’t be enough.
Let those who want something sweet
He will pay with a tongue twister.
Say the tongue twister five times
"Praise to halva"
And take the halva for yourself.

A competition is being held.

Witch. And this is a fresh fruit compote!
It just begs to be put into your mouth.
Who will say what it should be?
“Reboil the compote” five times,
He will have something sweet for lunch.

A competition is being held.

Witch. Name a fairy tale, proverb, song, dance where an apple is mentioned.

- “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water.”
- Proverb “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
- Song “Apples in the Snow” (in Spanish by M. Muromova).
- Dance “Apple”.

Witch. Allow me to take my leave, Your Majesty. I hasten to attend other balls in neighboring kingdoms.

The sorcerer bows and leaves.

Leading. The Queen of the country is greeted by guests from the Kingdom of Pochemuchek.

A concert is being held.

Leading. And now I invite Their Majesties and all the guests to dance.

Children and guests dance.

Leading. Attention! Attention! The balloon seller has arrived at the ball! Salesman. Different balls:
Blue, red.
Don't be shy, come over
Take any for the correct answer!
This ball will come in handy -
It will serve you well in the game.

Each team is asked 5 questions.
If the answer is correct, the player receives a ball and goes to the middle of the hall.

The most unpleasant thing for a poor student is in a briefcase. (Diary)
- The most important person in the school. (Student)
- Assistance to the student, which is provided in a whisper. (Hint)
- A tool used by parents to discipline disobedient children. (Belt)
- Why does the director go to school? (On the ground)
- On what street is your school located?
- Name the month when Teacher's Day is celebrated. (October)
- In what year did you come to 1st grade?
- My father's son, not my brother. (Myself)


Each team’s relay includes 5 children and 2 parents. It is necessary to assemble a necklace for the queen from balloons (beads).
Parents stand at the finish line and hold the rope. At the signal, the first participant runs to the rope, ties his ball to it and returns to the team. He passes the baton to the next one. When all the “beads” (balls) are strung on a string, parents must tie it and put it on their Queen’s neck as quickly as possible.

Salesman. Allow me to leave (bow),
At another ball. I need to show up urgently.
Leading. Dear Queens and subjects! Many telegrams have been sent to your address.

1. “Happy holiday
Congratulations to all the guys!
A telegram has been sent to you
Nif-Nif, Poof-Poof, Naf-Naf."

2. “Dear teachers!
Let them live in your home forever
Fun, luck, love for each other!
We wish you happiness, health, of course,
And smart, competent students!
House of Creativity."

3. “Dear graduates!
I want you to be healthy
And they always looked after themselves -
After all, it won't hurt you.
Your favorite Aibolit."

4. “(Name, patronymic of teachers)
How to find words worthy
How to say without unnecessary phrases,
That we are very grateful to you,
That we love you very much.
Parents of your students."

5. “Dear students!
Continue studying as before
Be polite at all times.
And your teachers, of course,
Never forget.

6. “We are making reservations for next year.
Preschoolers kindergarten ».

7. “Our dear teachers (name, patronymic)!
There is no more honorable work in the world,
Why teachers have a hectic job.
We will never forget you
And we will be worthy of your love!
Your students."

Leading. Dear guests! Parcels have arrived for you. The contents will be received by the one who guesses what is inside.

A package from three fat men. (Candies)
- Parcel from Alice Fox. (Three crusts of bread)
- A parcel from Princess Nesmeyana. (Handkerchief)
- A parcel from Znayka. (Book)
- A parcel from the old woman Shapoklyak. (Slingshot)
- A parcel from Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. (Balloon)

Leading. We continue the ball! I announce the next dance, which is called “Whistle-dance”. I invite everyone from every state to this dance.

A fast dance is performed, the children whistle to the beat. The winner is determined by the Queens and given a prize.

Leading. And now everyone is dancing!

Both children and parents dance.

1st queen.
We feel good among friends
I love our fun so much.
“What could it be,” I ask you, “
Is the queen’s surprise more beautiful?”

Surprise - amateur performances by teachers and parents. Presentation of memorable gifts.

Leading. Your Majesty! The wisest from the land of the wise ask to speak.

Thank you words from parents.

2nd queen.
Many thanks to the guests!
We invite everyone to tea.
May it accompany you in life
Health, luck, success!

Leading. By order of Their Majesties, everyone was ordered to arrive after the feast for the royal hunt.


Props for the competition
- Wading boots;
- ducks to which threads with pencils and balls are attached;
- magazines, balloons, boxes;
- a fishing rod with a bear attached to a thread;
- ropes, clothespins;
- mittens, paper airplanes, hoops;
- fluffy tails attached through a hole on the outside of the box;
- rings, deer antlers, branches;
- bows and arrows, apples;
- sticks, boxes.

Leading. At the direction of Their Majesties, two royal squads go hunting. Each squad must demonstrate its observation, dexterity, ingenuity and cunning in obtaining game. Compliance with the laws will be monitored by the royal foresters (judges), who protect animals from poachers, and forests from cutters. For violation of laws, fines, i.e. penalty points, will be charged.

The selection of royal foresters is carried out, the teams come up with names.

Leading. There are different types of hunting. Which ones do you know?

Possible answers:

Photo hunt.
- Falconry is hunting with the help of tamed birds of prey: falcons, hawks, golden eagles.
- Hunting with dogs.
- Hunting with a gun.
- Spearfishing.
- Hunting with a trap.

Leading. Hunters have to be in different conditions. No wonder they say: “If you love hunting, walk through the swamp.” This is what our first competition will be called, and we will begin it at the signal of the bugle. And I wish you: “No fluff, no feather”!


Task: putting on waders, run to the finish line and, returning to the team, pass them on to the next player.

Leading. Having walked through the swamp, we came out to the royal pond. Here you will be hunting ducks.


Participants play in pairs: a hunter and a helper. The hunter tries to hit the duck with a “shot from a gun” (the ball). A thread with a pencil is attached to the duck. If the game is shot, the hunter, winding the thread around a pencil, tries to get the duck as quickly as possible.
If the hunter does not hit the target, then the assistant returns the ball to him, and the hunt continues until one of the players shoots the duck.

Leading. Behind the royal pond is a forest. This is where you can hunt various animals and birds to your heart's content! They say, “a wild boar is quick when running, but not fast when turning.” Using the movement characteristics of this beast, try to drive it into a trap.


Task: use a magazine to hide a balloon in a box. If you fail, you need to take the balloon and magazine and return to the team; pass them on to the next player.

Leading. Previously, bears were hunted not only for meat, fat or skin, they were caught alive and fattened for fun and entertainment.


2 people from each team participate.
Blindfolded, catch with your hands a bear attached to a fishing rod with a long thread. The leader controls the “fishing rod”, constantly changing the location of the bear.

Leading. With the help of a trap you can catch any animal.


10 people from each team participate.
Task: the first player, having reached the rope, makes a loose loop on it and returns to the team. The second player inserts the clothespin and tightens it. The third player makes a second loose loop. The fourth person inserts a second clothespin into it, etc. Whose team is faster?

Leading. With the help of birds of prey, experienced hunters can catch several dozen birds and animals a day.


8 people from each team participate. Assignment: quickly putting on a mitten, “fly a falcon” - a paper airplane - after the game. If the “falcon-airplane” hits the hoop, it means the game is hit; if not, then the “falcon-hunter” did not cope with its task. In both cases, the baton will be passed to the next player.

Leading. It is not easy for a hunter to get a beautiful fox skin. After all, the “cheating fox is always tricky.”


1 person from each team participates.
Task: try to pull the fox out of the hole (the fox is a fluffy tail, secured through a hole on the outside of the box with a pencil). It is necessary, by pulling the tail with all your might, to break through the box with a pencil and free it. Whoever succeeds in this returns to the team.

Leading. They say that the beast runs to the catcher. Try to catch this beast.


5 people from each team participate.
Assignment: put a ring on the deer's antlers and you will get a point. Whoever scores the most points wins.

Leading. In the old days, nobles competed in archery and javelin throwing.


4 people from each team participate.
Assignment: Each hunter must shoot an arrow and hit an apple. Only three attempts are given.


5 people from each team participate.

Leading. At the end of the hunt, the spoils were divided. Usually this was done by the leaders of the squad. Now they have to divide the prey and choose the best hunters. The royal foresters will help the leaders with this.

THE RESULTS are summed up and the winners are awarded.

Prom in a fairytale kingdom

Parents and guests enter the assembly hall. Everyone takes their places.

The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays

A fabulous time is a welcome time.
Quiet! The long-awaited fairy tale begins.
The fairytale kingdom is famous for its miracles.
Audience, attention!
The fairy tale begins!

2 presenters take the stage

Presenter 1.

According to the royal decree,
The familiar old hall that gathered us...

Presenter 2.

Today it will become the site of a fairy tale ball.
Let it be so! The king ordered it!

Presenter 1.

What's a ball without a queen?

And what would a ball be without court ladies?

Let the fanfare sound!!!

Meet! Our teachers

Led by the director

We invite you to the hall!

Presenter 2. (Shrek 1 fanfare sounds!Teachers are invited to the hall (according to the list))

The school director is invited to the hall... and guests of the holiday

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________________________________________________
  5. ________________________________________________________________________________
  6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1.

And again fanfare!!!

Holding breath

We solemnly invite you to the hall

Princesses, who are all gorgeous in dresses

And princes - unique style and charm!
Let's welcome them here!
Eleventh graders are coming!

Presenter 2. The heroes of the occasion - 11th grade graduates - are invited to the hall. Classroom teacher - ….

Fanfare sounds (Shrek 2)

Graduates: (full name)

Presenter 1.

I know that everyone's heart was pounding,
Here, as they say, the fairy tale begins.

Presenter 2.

In general, as it happened in the old days,
The school has its own sovereign -
Kozhina light Galina Alekseevna.
Whenever you asked about her,
Then without flattery and without lies,
They would answer you like this:
- Not blush, not pale,
Not rich, not poor
In one word - teacher.
Queen! Great thinker!
A wise word is always with her,
And he remembers and loves everyone in the kingdom of children.

Presenter 1 . The floor is given to the queen of our school kingdom - the director, Galina Alekseevna Kozhina.

Congratulatory speech from the school principal (flowers)

Presenter 2. The music is “In a Far Far Away Kingdom”

There is probably no such thing among the guests,
Who wouldn't wish you well!
I think I should give the floor
It's time for us to have guests.

Guests speak and congratulate. (flowers)



Presenter 1. (Guests from the Education Department)The music is “In a Far Far Away Kingdom”

These guests are useful prospects
Never against.
With value they give the way
And always in step with science.
Because they are with knowledge
They manage education.
With them it is at the forefront.
Attention! I represent them.



Presenter 2. (Guests of BLMZ.) The music is “In a Far Far Away Kingdom”

If everything is forced -
There's no point.

Without a doubt, the relationship is good,
Only if friends are having a conversation from the heart,
Here I am talking about our chefs.
We are friends with them, no doubt.
They lead us along,
Chefs – Balashikha Foundry and Mechanical Plant

And it is a great honor for us
That they are here today.

Sound signal

Presenter 1.

Presenter 2.

He's used to helping us out
He will give you
Valuable rewards -
That is, certificates.
Get ready, get ready
And be patient.
We'll still dance to our heart's content.
And now - the official part!

Fanfare sounds (opening)

Presentation of certificates under Fanfare Shrek 1

Sounds like "Balalaika"

Presenter 1.

We have in the state
Mandatory order:
So that immediately, in the morning,
Everyone come to the court.
And the teachers run
States benefit for.
After all, it is known: in our school,
What is not a teacher is a specialist!
If only we had our personnel, or something?
To the President to the palace.
But we are glad that they
They are wholeheartedly loyal to the school.
And I came to you guys for the ball
The one who started with you,
Who got you into first grade?
I'll name it now.

Presenter 1.

The floor is given to the first teacher, Tatyana Fedorovna Makarova

Congratulatory speech of the first teacher (flowers)

Sounds like "Balalaika"

Presenter 2.

At school there are failures, stress,
Up to emergency measures.
In ours there is only progress,
In education, for example.
The people have become daring now,
Don't put your finger in their mouth.
Well, in our state
It's just the opposite.
Our graduate is not a fool.
And isn't this progress?
Just how did he become like this:
With or without someone's help?
Who protected them all?
Sometimes he praised, sometimes he scolded?
I forgot to sleep and eat,
To save you time?
I'll tell you who we're talking about here.
Talk about a classy lady here.

Presenter 2.

The floor is given to the class teacher, Elena Nikolaevna Ponamareva.

Congratulatory speech from the class teacher (flowers)

To the music Light of Love

Sounds like "Balalaika"

Presenter 1.

Well, how can we not remember today those

Who shared joy, sorrow, laughter with you.

Who went to school every day

And sometimes I burned with shame for you.

Parents! You can't go anywhere without them!

Any trouble - no problem with them!

And the joy is so complete that you can have fun -

After all, together you study and learn!

Presenter 1.

The floor is given to parents


Parents' speech

Sounds like "Balalaika"

Presenter 2. (about teachers)

According to folk signs

In our school-kingdom there is

And there is progress in learning.

How much do they know about subjects?

With or without a cheat sheet?

To the question of such friends

The teachers will give the answer.

Fairy tale "Goldfish"

The music sounds "Life goes on"

Presenter 1.

Sit down, friends, make yourself comfortable,

We'll tell you a fairy tale -

An old, wise fairy tale

About the goldfish.

Presenter 2.

On the banks of the Pekhorka River

Teachers worked

Their children were different

But the concerns are common.

Presenter 1.

And from these heavy worries

They had a headache

Both during the day and late at night.

Presenter 2.

And so they went to the Pekhorka River

To cast a net,

Hoping to get caught

They are goldfish.

Presenter 1.

They walk at a slow pace

And everyone thinks:

What will he ask the fish for?

What desire to fulfill?


I would say: “Fish!

There are no medalists - and there is no need!

Make such a miracle

So that everyone passes the Unified State Exam!”


And I would come with a bow:

“Mistress fish!

Let our children do

To universities – and better yet, for free!”


And I would ask for a fish:

“Have mercy, madam!

Maybe I want too much?..

To go to school someday

They came with a kind word!”

Presenter 1.

And here they are in the Pekhorka River

Once they cast the net -

He came with nothing but mud.

Presenter 2.

Another time they threw a net -

He came with river grass.

Presenter 1.

For the third time, finally

Got a goldfish


“What do you want, people?”

Presenter 2.

Teachers on their knees

They wanted to plump themselves in front of her,

Yes, we changed our minds.

They prayed:


“Mistress fish!

We don't need a new trough,

No palaces, no nobility,

Help us fulfill

Our deepest desires!

Presenter 1.

The fish listened to them all

And she answered quietly:


“How many years have you been teaching them?

How much effort did you put into them?

Isn't it by your hand

Is every diary full of writing?

Isn't it your foot?

Is there a route to the class?

Aren't your lips

On classroom hours broadcast?

Aren't the calls yours?

Did you pester your parents?

Why are you itching?!

And the children could do it without me

Pass the exams successfully.

And they will do without me:

No wonder you taught them!

But will they come to school?

Someday with a kind word,

Now no one will tell you:

Only time will tell.

Now go with God,

Be patient

And keep it in your heart

Faith, Love, Hope!”

Presenter 2.

To the bluest sea.

Presenter 1. (to the side)

Yes, it turned out beautifully

If only everything would happen in life...


There is a huge celebration at our school!

A little sad, but nice!


You have received an important document. A certificate is not only a general assessment of school knowledge and success.


This is a kind of ticket to adulthood. There are so many roads in front of you, so many paths, the future is in front of you. And what it will be depends on you.


But, if you ever find it difficult, remember the warmth of the fire of knowledge, like the warmth of your home. And let it warm you away.

Galina Alekseevna (comes out with a candle) Sounds like Vanessa Mae

Take the sacred fire with you.

The fire of knowledge is creative intensity

The fire that made the heart bold

And the grayness of everyday life was swept away by a whirlwind.

Take the sacred fire with you into life,

The fire that Danko tore from his chest.

And the hearts flame is bright, inspired

Let your path light up ahead.

Bring fire to your people!

Be worthy of the daring Prometheus!

So come to the sacred fire,

Touch it with your palm.

The music increases, the director goes around all the graduates and they touch the fire.


Today is a festive and bright evening.

And it’s not the time to be sad, not the time.

Glorious deeds and apple trees in white

We wish you happiness and goodness.

Teachers sing the song “We wish you happiness”

In a world where crazy snow is swirling,
Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,
Where for a long time
Sometimes we wait for news
To make it easier in difficult times,
Each of us must believe
You need to believe everyone
That there is happiness.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this big world,
Like the sun in the morning
Let it come into the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be like this
When you're happy yourself
Share your happiness with others.

In a world where there is no rest for the winds,
Where there is a cloudy dawn,
Where on the long road
We often dream about home,
It is necessary both in a thunderstorm and in a snowfall,
To someone's very kind look,
Someone's very kind look
Warmed me up with warmth.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this big world,
Like the sun in the morning
Let it come into the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be like this
When you're happy yourself
Share your happiness with others.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this big world,
Like the sun in the morning
Let it come into the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be like this
When you're happy yourself
Share your happiness with others.

We wish you happiness,
We wish you happiness,
We wish you happiness!

Presenter 2. Sounds like "Balalaika"

Oh, you goy-esi, good fellows
Good fellows, and beautiful girls!
Are you still among your ranks?
Sydney - sit down, don't go out.
Come out, don't be shy,
Let's create a praise in honor of the teacher
In honor of the teacher, in honor of the parent...
Let us remember everyone, let us remember everything...

Song White Lilac

1 . Girls cry, boys sigh

Moms quietly wipe away a tear
Childhood ended as a bird fluttered

Adult life stared us in the eye

P-v: White lilac waves to us like a bird

The last day of school - he will rush into the past

And now we’re leaving the school porch

Let’s take only a childhood dream with us forever

2. School desk, flowers and notebook
A glance at the neighbor and only stealthily
Here we studied, fell in love, became friends
Laughed at something, sad about something

The chorus is the same

3. Our last lesson is over
We’ll take everything we’ve taught without a doubt.
IN new life you and I are so simple
Childhood has passed away and you have become an adult

The chorus is the same
Chorus repeat 2 times
Just a childhood dream
We'll take it with us forever

Sounds like Paul Mauriat

Leading graduate 1. Our school fairy tale lasted for eleven years.

Lead Graduate 2. There were also good wizards in it - teachers who owned the magic key to the land of knowledge.

Leading graduate 1. And the magic words that opened the cherished doors to this country.

Lead Graduate 2. And wonderful pointer sticks, and living water from the source of knowledge.

Leading graduate 1. . But the school fairy tale is over.

Lead Graduate 2. All that's left is to turn the last page.

Leading graduate 1. And say kind word to those who led us through this wonderful land of Knowledge.

Lead Graduate 2. . To those who helped us overcome our shortcomings.

Leading graduate 1. To those who helped us grow every day, year after year.

Lead Graduate 2. We dedicate our last performance to you.

Together. To our beloved teachers!

Azarov's song "Goodbye, School"»
Today the girls and boys are all together,
We say goodbye to our dear school.
My school years will remain in my memory,
Here we were connected by one life.

Here we grew up and here we matured,
Here we learned to be strong friends.
Maybe once upon a time we made noise in the classrooms,
But how can schoolchildren live without this?

Now we are all no longer children,
Why are we sad?
Because this evening
We say goodbye to school.
Now we are all no longer children,
Why are we sad?
Because this evening
We say goodbye to childhood.

We are leaving school, but we know for sure -
There will be girls and boys like us.
The only sad thing is that we won’t be able to return it
My distant school years.


Dear Galina Alekseevna! (Danilova G.)
The hour of parting has come,
We will remember a lot of good things about you,
How many times have we seen you at work?
You are always searching, always caring.
Everything worries you, everything worries you,
A sensitive heart will help anyone,
We wish you to remain like this,
And never change for anything.

Thank you!

Marina Nikolaevna! Oksana Valerievna! Elena Romanovna! (Gorbunova E.)

You have rigor with kindness
Intertwined so subtly.
It was probably given to you from above,
Restless to hear the fight
Children's hearts are sonorous.
You are responsible for school performance
And you force all the kids to study.
You had to work a lot on us -
And we managed to achieve a lot at school.

Thank you!

Leading graduate 1. Our first school fairy tale is, of course, “Snow White and the 33 Dwarfs.”
Lead Graduate 2. Our first teacher Tatyana Fedorovna Makarova appeared before our eyes in the image of Snow White

Leading graduate 1. Kind, smart, beautiful, fair.

Lead Graduate 2. Forgiving of our pranks and mistakes.

Leading graduate 1. And she performed a miracle!

Lead Graduate 2. She made disciples out of us!

Graduate: (Lukyanova V.)

The teacher was the first to beckon me to the window.
And opening it, he said: “Look at the world.”
He put a beetle on my palm
And he extended his hand to the rays of dawn.
Said: “Go for it!”
Said: “Don’t be upset!”
Like if something doesn’t work out, don’t cry!
Look at the world, but don't get lost in it!
There can be no success without difficulties!

Song "Childhood, goodbye"

1.Childhood passes through my threshold,
and children's fun is forgotten...
I remember my first lesson
and the school world, opened to me for the first time...
And the first pages of the primer,
And the first words in my notebook,
And the first flowers, the flowers of September -
their smell is tart and slightly sweet...

Chorus: Childhood, my childhood, goodbye,
I'm waving my hand after you...
and let them into my toys
another baby will play,
let them sing good songs
Bird voices
And let them happen to him
only good miracles!

2.Childhood has very quiet steps,
It is leaving us little by little...
Take care of the feelings of childhood,
Take some of them with you on the road!
She calls me and beckons me into the distance,
And sometimes I can’t sleep because of it
Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry,
That a page of childhood is closing...
Chorus - Loss - Chorus:

Sounds like Paul Mauriat

Leading graduate 1. Then my studies went like clockwork.

Lead Graduate 2. Everyone wanted to study, everyone wanted to become excellent students.

Leading graduate 1. Our parents conscientiously completed all our homework with us!

Lead Graduate 2. The future seemed to us like a serene voyage full of amazing discoveries!

Leading graduate 1. And so we moved to high school.

Lead Graduate 2. And a new fairy tale began.

Leading graduate 1. “Go there, I don’t know where...”

Lead Graduate 2. So we went. True, sometimes we ended up going to the cinema or to the park instead of school.

Leading graduate 1. Sometimes this happened on tests.

Lead Graduate 2. “Bring me something, I don’t know what...”

Leading graduate 1. But even if we went where we needed to, namely to lessons, we brought home from there something completely different from what we needed.

Lead Graduate 2. Notes in diaries.

Leading graduate 1. Twos in notebooks.

Lead Graduate 2. Yes, it was easy to get lost in the labyrinths of knowledge.

Leading graduate 1. But here we were met by real wizards. They knew where to go and what to look for.

Lead Graduate 2. We traveled to the ends of the world and revealed the secrets of living water.

Leading graduate 1. We read thick books and solved foreign letters.

Lead Graduate 2. We looked for pistils and stamens of scarlet flowers and sang magic songs.

Leading graduate 1. And at every lesson, our magic teachers helped us obtain grains of precious knowledge.

Lead Graduate 2. In ordinary school lessons, they revealed to us the secrets of time, space and matter.

Leading graduate 1. With them we revealed the mysteries of the Universe.

Lead Graduate 2. And outside the school window a huge world opened up, full of wonders and discoveries.

Graduate: (Malinina M.)

The shoemaker fixes your shoes,

And the carpenter - a stool and a porch,

But only a wizard can fix it

Your heart and face brighten!

What delicate work -

Bring a flower of good luck,

Save from loneliness

A wizard is a fairy-tale personality

And he is fabulously modest, gentlemen,

There is a fabulous lack of duplicity in him,

He never seeks profit.

The language of someone else's resentment and sadness

The wizard has been studying since childhood

He was trained to give hope

And this is his main subject.

What delicate work -

To make at least someone happy

Bring a flower of good luck,

Save from loneliness

And then quietly leave...

Together. Thank you, our dear teachers!

Song "In the old class"

The last line was written in the notebook,
June lilac peeks into the classroom.
I can no longer sit on the second to last desk
And don’t count the minutes until the ringing changes.
Here, without me, now America will be opened,
Other shores are calling me in the distance.
I will smile later over school love,
Well, in the meantime, tell me about love again.

Chorus: In our class, old class
The photographer took a photo of us,
And we must smile
Just sad about something.
And we must smile
Just sad about something.

And sad and funny, and maybe naive,
But the teachers look after us differently.
Balloons are my colorful dreams,
I let them go and let them fly.

And the chalk crumbles, and the formula is simple:

And the school board is still clean.

It's half dawn until tomorrow,
And the chalk crumbles, and the formula is simple:
Two letters A+B, but there is no answer yet,
And the school board is still clean

Sounds like Paul Mauriat

Elena Nikolaevna! (Mikhailova I.)

Cool mom!
You are forever with us in our hearts.
You will remain in our memory
The embodiment of kindness.
You loved us all sincerely,
Like the children of your relatives,
So please accept my gratitude
From his students.

Nina Vasilievna! (Bykova A.)

Algebra basics, oh, how hard,
But let's be honest, we love them.
Cubes and squares, you can’t count them all,
We know for sure that there is a method of integrals.
We know that there are trinomials, functions, zeros...
There are so many equations that it's driving you crazy.
There are new questions, an eternal marathon,
Please accept, Nina Vasilievna, our bow to earth.

Tatyana Gennadievna, Svetlana Semyonovna! (Tolstopyatenko N.)

You tried to convey knowledge to us
So that we can express our feelings
The world of classics and critics
You opened it for us
For your tireless work
We thank you.

Oksana Valerievna! (Bespalova T.)

We studied art, we instilled a taste for beauty
Thank you for the science, you taught so beautifully!
We have the right to assert – we have no equal in the MHC!
We will tell our children everything about masterpieces in the world!

Serafima Nikolaevna! (Yakovleva M.)

We are so grateful to you
Quite recently
And we didn’t know:
Neither Joule nor Ohm,
Neither Lenz nor Coulomb
And now everything is familiar to us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Tat `yana Aleksandrovna! (Kharitonov V.)

We were timid at the sight of the test tubes
And they lost their gift of speech,
But one day we managed to open
Your character is so spiritual.

Thank you!

Nina Alexandrovna! (Verkhoturova K.)

Buttercups-flowers, pistils-stamens,

Bright pictures with different animals,

The world around us is such a thing,

You have carefully invested in strict science.

Most likely we will no longer become scientists,

But today you still want to say:

Thank you for your character, for your attitude,

For the fragility of the dandelion and brutal patience!

Irina Ivanovna! (Bespalova T.)

With English we are already
Now it’s completely on your own,
We have an English gloss,
English features.
With English vocabulary
We can handle it easily
When we met Thatcher we -
Let's not be afraid.

Thank you!

Elena Alexandrovna! (Danilova G.)

We know many stories now,
The door to secrets has opened before us,
The Age of Catherine, decline, rise, prosperity...
Wars, their causes and the price of victories
Hundreds of different dates were kept in memory,
Because they adored your sparkling look.

Thank you!

Vadim Gennadievich! (Kuzin E.)

We now know for sure
Everything about service and regulations,
It's a pity we're leaving school
Without really shooting like that.
We loved your lesson
And believe us, friends,
We will remember this subject
Even forty years later.

Thank you!

Tamara Andreevna! (Mikhailova I.)

We have become stronger in body and soul
Under your strict guidance.
We will be friends with sports all our lives
And introduce our children to it.

Thank you!

Dina Yakupovna! (Plotnikova D.)

At school there is a subject like this:
We are all rooting for him,
He helped us become a mistress,
Economical, businesslike!
We knit perfectly now,
We iron, darn and sew.
If necessary, we will set the table,
We'll bake a cake and a roll.

Thank you!

Song "There Will Never Be Autumn"

The green wind of leaves plays with the clouds,
And the sky is very close - easy to reach with your hands.
I inhale the smell of summer. It's time to say goodbye
Where to throw a coin, here to return?

I will never forget school
She remains in my memory forever,
I will never forget school!

I will draw a school and save the drawings,
And I’ll hide them for my grandchildren in a huge school bag.
They are my class and we all laugh at our desks,
What day is it today?
We are leaving school.

I will never forget school
She remains in my memory forever,
Everything you dreamed about will come true,
I will never forget school!

Sounds like Paul Mauriat

Appeal to parents (Malinina M.)

Good dads! Dear mothers!
We completed the program at school!
You shared grief and laughter with us,
Tears, doubts, worries, success!
Evaluations of our joint work
You will find it in the certificates today.

Leading graduate 1. Knowledge was not easy for us.

Lead Graduate 2. Sometimes we had to take them with a fight.

Leading graduate 1. Wade through the jungle of mistakes and overcome incredible obstacles.

Lead Graduate 2. It happened that we were defeated and retreated to previously prepared positions.

Leading graduate 1. But victory, as in all good fairy tales, was still ours!

Graduate. (Kharitonov V.) And instead of a princess and half a kingdom, we were given this diploma (shows the certificate), which indicates that we have already become smart, grown-up, mature.

Leading graduate 1. And that our childhood fairy tales are over and it’s time to say goodbye to school.

Song "We are together"

What could be more beautiful and wonderful,

What could be stronger on earth?

When friends are with you, when we are together,

When we've been close for many, many years.

Walking forward along life's roads,

We are always sure of only one thing:

There are never too many good friends

With whom you are next to day after day.


Together you and I

We are close all the time:

In summer and winter,

In the rain and cold.

Together you and I

We are happy for each other

Both in frost and in heat,

This means we will always be together!

Leafing through the past pages of life,

Moments of years gone by,

I remember with sadness the faces of my friends,

The one who is not around today.

But in a moment sorrows and worries will go away,

Just call your friends,

And we're all on the same road together

Let's go towards friendship and love.

Chorus (2 times)

Presenter 1.

And evening falls over the city again,
The guitar rang and it was all time for the ball.
At least a little warmth of this memorable meeting
Take it with you, take it with you!
And let's not shout crackling promises,
Speak loud words, make high oaths.
Just try to live better on Earth,
So that you never lose school prestige!
Bon voyage, dear graduates!

Graduate: (Kharitonov V.)

Dear guests, let it be for you
The embodiment of youth and happiness.
The last school waltz will sound,
I invite you all to dance.

Waltz “School No. 6” (waltz dancing)

1. The expanses are dressed in bright crimson,

The freshness and smell of autumn leaves.

And on the border of shadow and light

You will see school number six in the distance.

The school sparkles with ruby ​​color

The moment the dawn wakes up in the sky.

With pride and honor we declare to you:

It was not in vain that you chose school number six!

P/v: School 6, home school -

A sea of ​​smiles, worries and kindness!

Give me at least one reason

So as not to love you, my school!

School six, home school,

My school!

2. Snowy paths will show the way,

If you are on your way to visit us.

The school will embrace you, and even

He guides you through the floors in a friendly manner.

Traveler, are you looking for something unusual?

We have very nice, friendly people.

Every child, every teacher

Here we found inspiration and comfort.

3. Well, when the city becomes spring,

We will never forget

Sad looks, words of parting,

This farewell ringing song.

Don't hide your tears, your sadness.

You spent a lot of time here.

Should I hide my feelings in my soul?

So as not to love her more than all the schools.

Presenter 2:

The formal part of the evening is over, but our evening continues.

Tonight is the first and last evening in your life. He is the only one. Smile at each other, say good words, even make wishes. They will come true.

Good luck, dear guys!

After many years of study, every graduate wants to feel like a real prince or a real princess at the prom. Therefore, to fully satisfy their wishes on this day, you can organize a graduation party with a Royal Ball theme, where the principal will act as the king and the female head teacher as the queen.

This scenario should first be agreed upon with the director, as it goes slightly beyond the standard graduation script. Roles can be distributed among those teachers who want to take an active part in the holiday performance. So, for example, a physical education teacher can act as a royal jester.

The hosts will be two graduates of the opposite sex. If possible, then the day before High school prom you can send invitations to the “Royal Ball” to the parents of graduates. They can indicate the criteria for the dress code (you can arrange a type of carnival, asking everyone to come in masks, or in outfits similar to the clothes of the king’s courtiers in ancient times).

First presenter

Today is a time of celebration, because our children have grown older,
They went through all the science, and they all became like experts,
They solve all the problems, read books, and stopped chewing gum.
They stayed in the kingdom for at least two hundred years.
Now it's time to say goodbye
And so as not to be too bored today we will dance.

(Graduates come out on stage in pairs and start dancing.)

Second presenter

We arrived to the king when we were still quite children.
We all wanted to become smarter and kinder
He sheltered us all and, together with the courtiers, taught us knowledge.
We are grateful to him, and on this day of miracles
We all want to hear his solemn speech.

(The director comes on stage with a crown on his head.)

King (Director)
Today I have gathered you all for our gala ball.
We taught you what kind of people you need to be in order to become queens and kings.
Now I can boldly tell you, and I can call you princes and princesses.
You have learned to act honestly with others, you have diligently learned how to recognize justice,
You can easily distinguish good from evil,
Now you all know how to read, write, count, and you can speak a foreign language.

You will soon also have kingdoms and you will call them family.
Always remember to apply science and pass on the knowledge that you have received to others.
After all, it is not the one who knows who is wise, but the one who acts wisely.

First presenter

It was not by chance that we became princesses and princes,
After all, the king’s courtiers helped us all the time,
They did not spare themselves, they brought us knowledge, tolerated our antics, taught us as best they could.
We thank you all for your hard work,
Now the students will sing you songs.

(Graduates go on stage and sing a funny song about studying at school, expressing gratitude to the teachers. You can sing the song “They teach at school” or come up with something new on a royal theme; any remade graduation song will also do).

Second presenter

No matter how difficult it may be for us to study
The main courtiers will always come to our aid,
Everything will be explained and everyone will understand.
You always guided us and spoke only kind words.
We will always remember you.
Now for the last time we ask you to guide us
Which road to follow and how can we find happiness?

(Class teachers come on stage and tell the most exciting stories about graduates).

Physical education teacher (as a jester)
I drove you the most
But I’m not tired of driving and now I’ve come to the ball,
To drive you again and drive you crazy.
So that you are strong, don’t get sick and don’t whine,
To boldly move forward, reaching all heights.
And now, so as not to get bored, I suggest you play.

(Graduation competitions will come in handy here. Small gifts can be given to the winners).

First presenter

Are you all ready to go to the kingdom "institute"
There they will take you with their hands.
In order for you to get there, they got you certificates.
We will hand them over to you and congratulate you all together.
You studied diligently, earned a certificate,
Now come and receive them one by one.

(The director calls the graduate’s first and last name, and when he leaves, hands him a certificate, shaking his hand in a friendly manner).

When writing a script, it is very important not to forget about anyone. Therefore, in addition to the teachers, the parents of the graduates should also be congratulated, as they deserve it. After all, it was they who, in order to help the child do his homework, had to re-learn slightly modified school material.

Second presenter

The first teacher introduced us to the world of knowledge for the first time.
It was she who taught us how to read, write and count correctly.
This knowledge will serve us throughout our lives.
And every time we use them,
We will remember our first teacher.
Now we invite the first teachers of our princesses and princes to the stage.

(Teachers say parting words to their former students).

First presenter

Graduates of our kingdom are invited to the stage to express their gratitude to their teachers.

(Graduates come on stage and sing songs and read poems dedicated to teachers of certain subjects.

Second presenter
We want to express our gratitude to our parents and relatives.
They once gave us life, then they raised us in love,
They saved us from all bad weather, lessons helped us decide,
And correct bad grades at school.
They encouraged us, instilling strength not to give up.
Sometimes we were ready to work hard at school just for them.

Parents of graduates are invited to the stage.

After parting words parents, the official part of the prom is coming to an end.

05.05.2012 | Looked at the script 7030 Human

1st presenter: Dear guys! Hello!

2nd presenter: Hello, dear parents, dear teachers! The day of farewell to elementary school has arrived.

1st presenter: Over four difficult years, you learned to read and write, count and solve...

Scenario for prom in 4th grade

03.05.2012 | Looked at the script 7499 Human

Host: Dear guys! Dear parents! The day of your farewell to elementary school has come! Four years ago you came to first grade. Here you and I climbed difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge. You learned to read and count, you learned...

Scenario for the holiday farewell to elementary school

03.05.2012 | Looked at the script 5721 Human

Teacher: Dear guys, dear parents! We're all a little worried today. It's an unusual day for us - we say goodbye to primary school. For four years we climbed together the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of Knowledge. We learned to be friends and live according to...

Scenario for graduation in 4th grade "Royal Ball"

03.05.2012 | Looked at the script 4533 person

Leading. Attention! Attention! Let's open the ball! I invite all guests to take their seats.
Music is playing.
Leading. The inhabitants of the kingdom arrived at the ball...

Graduates stand in pairs: a boy and a girl. The first and last name of each child is read out. By...

Scenario for graduation at the elementary school "Flower of the Sun"

03.05.2012 | Looked at the script 5734 person

Before the start of the holiday, parents take their seats in the hall. Graduates behind the scenes.
Lyrical music sounds with a gradual transition to a more cheerful tone.
There is a voice-over in the background.

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell, elementary school!"

28.04.2012 | Looked at the script 9401 Human

It would seem like the same thing
What day, what year.
But again, as in my youth it worries
Another day's arrival.
And I can’t contain my excitement in the morning,
It’s as if in these everyday life you
You are waiting for an opening and revelation,
And dreams come true.

"Farewell to Elementary School"

28.04.2012 | Looked at the script 6081 Human

Host: Dear guests! Dear Parents! Guys! Today we are all worried, because we have an unusual day - today 4th grade students say goodbye to elementary school. Let's meet them (4th grade students enter). ...

Graduation in elementary school 4th grade.

26.04.2012 | Looked at the script 6336 Human

1ST TEACHER: Our dear guests: mothers, fathers, grandmothers! Today is an exciting day - we say goodbye to primary school.

2nd TEACHER: For four years, together with you, we climbed the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge. Learned to read, write,...

Scenario for junior high prom

24.04.2012 | Looked at the script 6592 person

Uch. Guys! I want to give you this magic pointer as a farewell gift.
She will show you the way to the world of knowledge and will always help
in difficult times. I wish you guys to study only with straight A's!

Unit jumps out.
Unit Why only on...

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