The ratio of height and weight in girls. What should be the normal height and weight for girls? Normal weight for a 10 year old girl

Every mother sooner or later asks herself the question: “Is the baby developing correctly?” Some people think that the child is too calm, others, on the contrary, that he is too active; for some, the child is overly well-fed, for others, he is “losing weight.” In order to understand the correct development of her child, every mother finds her own solutions, be it a consultation with a doctor or searching for answers on the World Wide Web.

When a child grows up, he is no longer such a defenseless lump, and it may seem that the difficulties are behind him, but this is only an appearance. With age, a huge number of changes occur in a small body. And all parents are concerned about how the child should develop correctly. One of the most frequently worrying questions for parents is the normal height and weight for girls and boys. And all because this is, perhaps, one of the few visible indicators of the development of a young creature.

It should be noted that boys and girls develop differently, so you need to write about them separately.

Normal height and weight for girls

Nature dictates that boys are larger and taller, while girls are fragile, small and slender. But it is not only the gender of the child that determines the accuracy of height and weight measurements. You need to understand that the figures showing the ratio of height and weight for girls are approximate. After all, different nationalities have different external characteristics, for example, a European and a representative of East Asia will clearly differ in height. Another factor of non-compliance with the parameters is lifestyle and nutrition.

There is also a so-called psychological factor, that is, sometimes a girl thinks that she is overweight, and she takes all sorts of actions to solve this problem. But this factor is typical for girls aged 14 and older. Also, we should not forget about heredity. In any case, even when all factors are determined, the norm of height and weight for girls may differ. After all, people tend to be different, have different muscle and bone mass, and different characteristics of growing up.

Weight and height chart for teenage girls

Although everyone develops differently, tables of approximate indicators are still available and are widely used by adolescent therapists. The data in this table is updated regularly, just as the statistical norms of height and weight for girls are updated.

The tables clearly illustrate the current norm in this regard. It should be noted that height and weight for girls are shown in three columns: very low height/weight level, average and very high.

Growth standards for girls
Age, years

very low

very tall

7 111,1 116,9-124,8 131,3
8 116,5 123,0-131,0 137,7
9 122,0 128,4-137,0 144,8
10 127,0 134,3-142,9 151,0
11 131,8 140,2-148,8 157,7
12 137,6 145,9-154,2 163,2
13 143,0 151,8-159,8 168,0
14 147,8 155,4-163,6 171,2
15 150,7 157,2-166,0 173,4
16 151,6 158,0-166,8 173,8
17 152,2 158,6-169,2 174,2

Weight table

As for weight, the average figures look like this.

Weight standards for girls
Age, years

very low

very tall

7 17,9 20,6-25,3 31,6
8 20 23-28,5 36,3
9 21,9 25,5-32 41
10 22,7 27,7-34,9 47,4
11 24,9 30,738,9 55,2
12 27,8 36-45,4 63,4
13 32 43-52,5 69
14 37,6 48,2-58 72,2
15 42 50,6-60,4 74,9
16 45,2 51,8-61,3 75,6
17 46,2 52,9-61,9 76

If one of the parameters in the table (weight or height) corresponds to a very low or very high value, then there is no need to immediately sound the alarm and take the teenager to medical specialists. The fact is that a young body tends to develop faster or slower. If, for example, a child is very tall, but his weight, on the contrary, is very low, then this situation indicates a so-called growth spurt. The same applies to a sharp jump in body weight towards increase. It is much worse if weight and height are close to the lower limits of normal. This picture may indicate problems in the child’s development.

Weight and height for a 12 year old girl

As you know, 12 years is a turning point for a young lady; she begins to turn from a girl into a girl. And these changes, physical and psychological, are very noticeable. Girls' bodies are rebuilt, metabolism accelerates, which, in turn, leads to less weight gain. Weight and height for a 12-year-old girl are the indicators about which parents should least worry. At this age, there may be a slowdown, some decline in physical development (within the normal range), but everything will be restored as the girl matures. Of course, the onset of puberty occurs at different times for each girl, and 12 years is by no means always the breaking point.

Body mass index

The approximate height of a girl before the onset of “adolescence” should be in the range of 137-164 cm, weight can fluctuate between 27-64 kg. If parents still have concerns about their child’s body weight, then try calculating the body mass index. This is a surefire way to check, suitable for any gender and age.

To calculate your body mass index, divide your weight by the square of your height. For example, weight 48 kg, height 1.56 - then 48: (1.56 * 1.56), that is, 48: 2.4336, equals 19.72.

The normal body mass index ranges from 19 to 25. If this figure is less than 19, then this indicates underweight, and if more than 25, then it is overweight.

in girls

The transition period for a girl is a complex process of emotional and physical restructuring of a young body. The child begins to perceive the reality and people around him differently, to see what he did not pay attention to before. There may come a moment of complete denial of all norms of behavior. Actions go against everything, but this does not mean that the teenager has become a bad person, it’s just that the physical changes that occur during this period in the body of a young girl force the nervous system to work “for wear and tear”, and it is clear that the girl is not fully understands why she needs this. As development processes accelerate, there is first a slight delay, after which there is a sharp increase in the girl’s height and weight. Usually this jump begins from the moment of the first menstruation. Also, the transition period is characterized by the final formation of the girl’s internal organs and the production of a huge amount of hormones. At this time, parents should be most attentive to the young girl.

Changes in the body of a teenage girl are natural and occur differently for everyone and at different times. Girls grow and gain weight. So that parents are aware of how correctly the child is developing, there are various calculation formulas and tables and weights for children.

One of the indicators of the normal development of each child is the correct ratio of height and weight corresponding to age. Many parents worry when they look at their sons: they seem to have been born big, but by school age they have become disproportionately thin and long. Don’t worry ahead of time: a table of boys’ height and weight by year will help determine whether this is a variant of the norm.

Physical development of boys

Data on the height and weight of boys according to WHO tables was updated in 2006 and is still relevant today. In addition to the ratio of body length and weight, such parameters as the head and chest circumference of children are also important for WHO: these indicators provide additional confirmation that the boy is developing normally. It is especially important to measure the circumference of up to a year by month: at each appointment, the pediatrician must, in addition to placing the child on scales and a stadiometer, measure the head and chest with a centimeter tape. Russian data differ slightly from WHO data and are average values.

The average height and weight of boys under 18 years of age can be checked in the tables:

From birth to 2 years:

Year + month Weight, kg) Height(cm) Month
birth 3,60 50 0
1 month 4,45 54,5 1
2 months 5,25 58,0
3 months 6,05 61 3
4 months 6,7 63 4
5 months 7,3 65 5
6 months 7,9 67 6
7 months 8,4 68,7 7
8 months 8,85 70,3 8
9 months 9,25 71,7 9
10 months 9,65 73 10
11 months 10 74,3 11
1 year 10,3 75,5 12
1 year 1 month 10,6 76,8 13
1 year 2 months 10,9 78 14
1 year 3 months 11,1 79 15
1 year 4 months 11,3 80 16
1 year 5 months 11,5 81 17
1 year 6 months 11,7 82 18
1 year 7 months 11,9 83 19
1 year 8 months 12,1 83,9 20
1 year 9 months 12,2 84,7 21
1 year 10 months 12,4 85,6 22
1 year 11 months 12,3 86,4 23
2 years 12,7 87,3 24

From two years:

Age(years) Weight, kg) Height(cm)
2 12,7 86,5
2,5 13,6 91,1
3 14,4 95
3,5 15,2 98,8
4 16,3 102,4
4,5 17,3 105,7
5 18,6 109,0
5,5 19,6 112,2
6 20,9 115,5
6,5 21,9 118,6
7 23,0 121,7
7,5 24,4 124,9
8 25,7 128,0
8,5 27,1 130,7
9 28,5 133,4
9,5 30,2 136,2
10 31,9 138,7
10,5 34 141,2
11 35,9 143,5
11,5 38,2 146,2
12 40,6 149,1
12,5 43 152,4
13 45,8 156,2
13,5 48,4 160,2
14 51,1 163,9
14,5 53,8 167,4
15 56,3 170,0
15,5 58,8 172,0
16 60,9 173,5
16,5 62,9 174,6
17 64,7 175,3
17,5 66,1 175,8
18 67,4 176,2

Is the boy developing harmoniously?

Boys grow to be 22 years old on average. At the same time, the average height of the male population of Russia is 178 cm. Particularly intensive increases in the height and weight of boys are observed in the first year after birth and during puberty (from 11 to 18 years). On average, during this time, the guys’ weight increases by 35 kg and their height by 35 cm.
How proportional the ratio of height and weight is can be found using the centile table. The columns indicate the quantitative limits of height and weight for a certain percentage of boys; The interval 25%-75% is taken as average indicators. If a boy’s indicators fall within these corridors, then this is the norm. The columns before and after these intervals are indicators below (10%-25%) and above (75%-90%) the norm. If the boy’s height and weight fall into the extreme corridors, this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is very important that both height and weight are in the same corridor (+/- one column).

It's easy to use:

  • In the “Height” table, in the left column we find the boy’s age, and horizontally from this number - his height.
  • In the same way, we determine the boy’s weight using the “Weight” table.

Estimate ratio age, height and weight of the boy using the following tables:

Age Height
3% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 97%
very low short below


average higher


high Very


newborn 46,5 48,0 49,8 51,3 52,3 53,5 55,0
1 month 49,5 51,2 52,7 54,5 55,6 56,5 57,3
2 months 52,6 53,8 55,3 57,3 58,2 59,4 60,9
3 months 55,3 56,5 58,1 60,0 60,9 62,0 63,8
4 months 57,5 58,7 60,6 62,0 63,1 64,5 66,3
5 months 59,9 61,1 62,3 64,3 65,6 67,0 68,9
6 months 61,7 63,0 64,8 66,1 67,7 69,0 71,2
7 months 63,8 65,1 66,3 68,0 69,8 71,1 73,5
8 months 65,5 66,8 68,1 70,0 71,3 73,1 75,3
9 months
67,3 68,2 69,8 71,3 73,2 75,1 78,8
10 months
68,8 69,1 71,2 73,0 75,1 76,9 78,8
11 months
70,1 71,3 72,6 74,3 76,2 78,0 80,3
1 year
71,2 72,3 74,0 75,5 77,3 79,7 81,7
1.5 years 76,9 78,4 79,8 81,7 83,9 85,9 89,4
2 years 81,3 83,0 84,5 86,8 89,0 90,8 94,0
2.5 years 84,5 87,0 89,0 91,3 93,7 95,5 99,0
3 years 88,0 90,0 92,3 96,0 99,8 102,0 104,5
3.5 years 90,3 92,6 95,0 99,1 102,5 105,0 107,5
4 years 93,2 95,5 98,3 102,0 105,5 108,0 110,6
4.5 years 96,0 98,3 101,2 105,1 108,6 111,0 113,6
5 years 98,9 101,5 104,4 108,3 112,0 114,5 117,0
5.5 years 101,8 104,7 107,8 111,5 115,1 118,0 120,6
6 years 105,0 107,7 110,9 115,0 118,7 121,1 123,8
6.5 years 108,0 110,8 113,8 118,2 121,8 124,6 127,2
7 years 111,0 113,6 116,8 121,2 125,0 128,0 130,6
8 years
116,3 119,0 122,1 126,9 130,8 134,5 137,0
9 years
121,5 124,7 125,6 133,4 136,3 140,3 143,0
10 years
126,3 129,4 133,0 137,8 142,0 146,7 149,2
11 years
131,3 134,5 138,5 143,2 148,3 152,9 156,2
12 years
136,2 140,0 143,6 149,2 154,5 159,5 163,5
13 years
141,8 145,7 149,8 154,8 160,6 166,0 170,7
14 years
148,3 152,3 156,2 161,2 167,7 172,0 176,7
15 years
154,6 158,6 162,5 166,8 173,5 177,6 181,6
16 years
158,8 163,2 166,8 173,3 177,8 182,0 186,3
17 years
162,8 166,6 171,6 177,3 181,6 186,0 188,5
Age Weight
3% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 97%
short below
average higher
high Very
newborn 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,4 3,7 3,9 4,2
1 month 3,3 3,6 4,0 4,3 4,7 5,1 5,4
2 months
3,9 4,2 4,6 5,1 5,6 6,0 6,4
3 months
4,5 4,9 5,3 5,8 6,4 7,0 7,3
4 months
5,1 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,2 7,6 8,1
5 months
5,6 6,1 6,5 7,1 7,8 8,3 8,8
6 months
6,1 6,6 7,1 7,6 8,4 9,0 9,4
7 months
6,6 7,1 7,6 8,2 8,9 9,5 9,9
8 months
7,1 7,5 8,0 8,6 9,4 10,0 10,5
9 months
7,5 7,9 8,4 9,1 9,8 10,5 11,0
10 months
7,9 8,3 8,8 9,5 10,3 10,9 11,4
11 months
8,2 8,6 9,1 9,8 10,6 11,2 11,8
1 year 8,5 8,9 9,4 10,0 10,9 11,6 12,1
1.5 years 9,7 10,2 10,7 11,5 12,4 13,0 13,7
2 years 10,6 11,0 11,7 12,6 13,5 14,2 15,0
2.5 years 11,4 11,9 12,6 13,7 14,6 15,4 16,1
3 years 12,1 12,8 13,8 14,8 16,0 16,9 17,7
3.5 years 12,7 13,5 14,3 15,6 16,8 17,9 18,8
4 years 13,4 14,2 15,1 16,4 17,8 19,4 20,3
4.5 years 14,0 14,9 15,9 17,2 18,8 20,3 21,6
5 years 14,8 15,7 16,8 18,3 20,0 21,7 23,4
5.5 years 15,5 16,6 17,7 19,3 21,3 23,2 24,9
6 years 16,3 17,5 18,8 20,4 22,6 24,7 26,7
6.5 years 17,2 18,6 19,9 21,6 23,9 26,3 28,8
7 years 18,0 19,5 21,0 22,9 25,4 28,0 30,8
8 years 20,0 21,5 23,3 25,5 28,3 31,4 35,5
9 years 21,9 23,5 25,6 28,1 31,5 35,1 39,1
10 years 23,9 25,6 28,2 31,4 35,1 39,7 44,7
11 years 26,0 28,0 31,0 34,9 39,9 44,9 51,5
12 years 28,2 30,7 34,4 38,8 45,1 50,6 58,7
13 years 30,9 33,8 38,0 43,4 50,6 56,8 66,0
14 years 34,3 38,0 42,8 48,8 56,6 63,4 73,2
15 years 38,7 43,0 48,3 54,8 62,8 70,0 80,1
16 years 44,0 48,3 54,0 61,0 69,6 76,5 84,7
17 years 49,3 54,6 59,8 66,3 74,0 80,1 87,8

Boy's height, cm

Boy's weight, kg

The main factors that influence the height and weight of boys are:

  • good nutrition;
  • sufficient night sleep;
  • regular sports and physical exercise;
  • genetic predisposition.

You should not try to adjust the height and weight of boys using surgery or hormonal drugs - this can seriously affect your health. If these parameters do not correspond to the norms, but pathologies are not diagnosed, perhaps it is worth looking at this from a positive side? A unique child is growing in your family, who, in addition to physiological characteristics, will certainly demonstrate other abilities and talents!

Video: Height and weight of children

Scientists around the world are studying the factors that influence a person’s height and weight at any age. The most modern data say that the characteristics of the ratio in weight and height of children under five years of age depend not only on heredity and genetic predisposition, but also characterize the quality of life of the family as a whole: nutrition, climate, psychological peace in the family. If we touch upon the norms of height and weight of children, this directly depends not only on the physical development of the child, but also shows the characteristics of the life of his family.


Short stature for a child under 5 years of age may mean a developmental delay, indicate the presence of certain diseases, and indicate the child’s prematurity, which has not been compensated over time. Tall height is usually not a problem, but being too tall may indicate the presence of an endocrine disorder (a similar suspicion arises if the parents of a child who is too tall are of average or below average height).

Height rating scale:

  • Too low – medical help is required;
  • Low – it is advisable to consult a doctor;
  • Below average is a variant of the norm;
  • Average is normal;
  • Above average is a variant of the norm;
  • High;
  • Too tall.


Weight characteristics are less informative for the doctor and give a very superficial idea of ​​the child’s development. However, if you have low or very low weight, you should consult a doctor for additional tests.

Weight rating scale:

  • Extremely (very) low weight – the child is exhausted;
  • Low weight (underweight) - exhaustion;
  • Less than average is a variant of the norm;
  • Average is normal;
  • More than average is a variant of the norm;
  • Very big.

Height and weight in relation to each other

Height and weight in relation to each other are usually called the Body Mass Index. It is by this parameter that one should determine how developed a child is and how physically healthy he is. However, it is important to remember that BMI indicators for children depend on age and are very different from BMI indicators for adults.

What can be diagnosed by BMI:

  • Exhaustion in a child (treatment required);
  • Being underweight;
  • Having low weight (a type of normal);
  • Weight norm;
  • Increased weight (a type of normal);
  • Overweight;
  • Obesity (needs treatment).

Preventing excess weight and obesity

Excess weight is a problem for both children and adults. Recommendations for normalizing weight are the same for everyone - proper nutrition, exercise. Those. It is the lifestyle of the child and his family that directly regulates everyone’s weight.

  • It is important to make physical activity and proper nutrition a family hobby. Plan a healthy menu with your children and engage in active sports with the whole family.
  • Never reward children with sweets or junk food if they behave well or get good grades. Do not associate praise or punishment with food.
  • You should not force your child to finish eating if he is full.
  • You shouldn’t talk about healthy and unhealthy foods all the time, much less completely exclude sweets and delicacies from your diet. Such a ban can push your child to eat a lot of junk food secretly from you - for future use.

There is no need to remind how dangerous excess weight can be for a child. Therefore, it is very important to identify the reasons that make children overeat and choose higher-calorie foods. Often children, like adults, relieve stress and replace disappointments with sweets and other unhealthy foods when attention and support from adults could help.

  • “How to wean a child off sweets. A proven, safe and simple program" Teitelbaum, Kennedy. Everyone understands how harmful sugar is to health and how it affects excess weight, so this book will be useful for both parents and children. In addition, she has already gained many enthusiastic fans.
  • Book by Evgenia Makarova “How to rid a child of excess weight” will help you understand the psychological problems of excess weight and help your child cope with them.
  • Book by Smirnova, Kartelishev, Rumyantsev “Obesity in children and adolescents. Causes and modern technologies of therapy and prevention" is devoted to the whole range of issues of obesity in children and is intended for a wide range of readers, both parents and doctors.

Features of height and weight from 1 year to 10 years

Until the age of 10, a child grows actively. As with babies under one year old, it is now necessary to take into account many factors: genetic predisposition, the presence of congenital or acquired pathologies, possible diseases. The nutrition and lifestyle of the family as a whole is also very important. Metabolic features should also be taken into account.

Weight of girls by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight below average (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
1 year7 7,9 8,9 10,1 11,5 13,1
2 years9 10,2 11,5 13 14,8 17
3 years10,8 12,2 13,9 15,8 18,1 20,9
4 years13,3 14 16,1 18,5 21,5 25,2
5 years13,7 15,8 18,2 21,2 24,9 29,5
6 years15,3 17,5 20,2 23,5 27,8 33,4
7 years16,8 19,3 22,4 26,3 31,4 38,3
8 years18,6 21,4 25 29,7 35,8 44,1
9 years20,8 24 28,2 33,6 41 51,1
10 years23,3 27 31,9 38,2 46,9 59,2

The growth of girls by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (cm)Below average height (cm)Average height
Above average height
High growth
Very tall
1 year69 71 74 76 79 81
2 years80 83 86 89 92 96
3 years87 91 95 98 102 106
4 years94 98 102 107 111 115
5 years99 104 109 114 118 123
6 years104 110 115 120 125 130
7 years109 115 120 126 131 137
8 years115 120 126 132 138 143
9 years120 126 132 138 144 150
10 years125 132 138 145 151 157

Weight of boys by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight below average (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
1 year7,7 8,6 9,6 10,8 12 13,3
2 years9,7 10,8 12,2 13,6 15,3 17,1
3 years11,3 12,7 14,3 16,2 18,3 20,7
4 years12,7 14,4 16,3 18,6 21,2 24,2
5 years14,1 16 18,3 21 24,2 27,9
6 years15,9 18 20,5 23,5 27,1 31,5
7 years17,7 20 22,9 26,4 30,7 36,1
8 years19,5 22,1 25,4 29,5 34,7 41,5
9 years21,3 24,3 28,1 33 39,4 48,2
10 years23,2 26,7 31,2 37 45 56,4

The growth of boys by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (cm)Below average height (cm)Average height (cm)Above average height (cm)High growth
Very tall
1 year71 37 75 78 80 83
2 years81 84 87 90 94 97
3 years88 92 96 99 103 107
4 years94 99 103 107 112 116
5 years100 105 110 114 119 124
6 years106 111 116 120 126 130
7 years111 116 121 127 132 137
8 years116 121 127 132 138 144
9 years120 126 132 138 144 150
10 years125 131 137 144 150 157

Height and weight from 11 to 18 years

At this age, the spectrum of norms is very wide for both boys and girls. The time of puberty in girls is characterized by the appearance of rounded shapes, when at the same time boys are still short and small. It is necessary to psychologically prepare the child for the changes occurring in his body. At this time, girls are strictly prohibited from dieting.

The weight of girls is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight is below average. (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
11 years25-28 27,7-30,6 30,7-39 39-44,6 44,6-55,3
12 years27,8-32 31,7-36 36-45,4 45,4-52 52-63,4
13 years32-38,7 38,6-43 43-52,5 52,5-59 59-69
14 years37,5-44 43,8-48,2 48,2-58 58-64 64-72,2
15 years42-47 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,5 60,4-66,5 66,6-75
16 years45,2-48,5 48,4-52 51,8-61,3 61,4-67,6 67,5-75,6
17-18 years old46,3-49,2 53-62 49,2-53 61,9-68 68-76

The height of girls is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (m)Below average height (m)Average height
Above average height
High growth
Very tall
11 years1,32-1,36 1,36-1,40 1,40-1,49 1,49-1,53 1,53-1,57
12 years1,37-1,42 1,42-1,46 1,46-1.54 1,54-1,59 1,59-1,63
13 years1,43-1,48 1,48-1,52 1,52-1,60 1,60-1,67 1,64-1,68
14 years1,48-1,52 1,52-1,55 1,55-1,63 1,63-1,67 1,67-1,71
15 years1,51-1,54 1,54-1,57 1,57-1,66 1.66-1,69 1,69-1,73
16 years1,48-1,52 1,55-1,58 1,58-1,67 1,67-1,70 1,70-1,74
17-18 years old1,52-1,56 1,56-1,58 1,58-1,67 1,67-1,70 1,70-1,74

The weight of boys is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight is below average. (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
11 years26-28 28-31 31-39,9 39,9-44,6 44,9-51,5
12 years28,2-30,7 30,7-34,4 34,4-45,1 45,1-50,6 50,6-58,7
13 years30,9-33,8 33,8-38 48-50,6 50,6-56,8 56,8-66
14 years34,3-38 38-42,8 42,8-56,6 56,6-63,4 63,4-73,2
15 years38,7-43 43-48,3 48,3-62,8 62,8-70 70-80,1
16 years44-48,3 48,3-54 54-69,6 69,6-76,5 66,5-84,7
17-18 years old49,3-54,6 54,6-59,8 59,8-74 74-80,1 80,1-87,8

The height of boys is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (m)Below average height (m)Average height
Above average height
High growth
Very tall
11 years1,31-1,34 1,34-1,38 1,38-1,48 1,48-1,53 1,53-1,56
12 years1,36-1,40 1,40-1,43 1,43-1.54 1,54-1,59 1,59-1,63
13 years1,42-1,45 1,45-1,50 1,50-1,60 1,60-1,66 1,66-1,70
14 years1,48-1,52 1,52-1,56 1,56-1,67 1,67-1,72 1,72-1,76
15 years1,54-1,58 1,58-1,62 1,62-1,73 1.73-1,77 1,77-1,81
16 years1,59-1,63 1,63-1,67 1,67-1,78 1,78-1,82 1,82-1,86
17-18 years old1,63-1,66 1,66-1,71 1,71-1,81 1,81-1,86 1,86-1,88

Features of puberty

  • Girls begin to grow earlier, from 10 to 18.
  • Guys' growth starts later, around 15 and continues until 18-22 years old.
  • The most intensive period of growth for a girl begins at age 10 and continues until age 13.
  • The most intensive period of growth in boys begins at 13 years of age and continues until 16.
  • It is hormonal activity that explains the sharp jump in growth.
  • The norms for the parameters of boys and girls, which are shown in the table of height and weight of children, are averaged, so it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and genetics.

If a child has very little weight or, on the contrary, is overweight, then it is necessary to look for the reason. It could be:

  1. disease;
  2. family lifestyle;
  3. daily routine (food, sleep);
  4. stress;
  5. the child's temperament, etc.

Bottom line

A growing child needs to be motivated; he cannot be “put on a diet” or forced to lead an active lifestyle. But we must remember that it is at this age that the dangers of developing various diseases, both physical and mental, arise.

  • From 1 year to 5: It is necessary to develop healthy habits from childhood. Correct eating behavior is established already in the first years of life. Offer your baby only healthy and nutritious food. Encourage your child's mobility.
  • From 6 to 12: maintaining daily physical activity. Sports section, active games on the street. Walks on weekends. Encourage healthy eating.
  • From 13 to 18: Try to maintain healthy eating habits. Teach your child to cook tasty, healthy food on their own. Let there be only the right products at home. Maintain daily physical activity.
  • For all: Minimize the time your child spends watching TV and computer. Do not allow eating while watching movies or cartoons. Prepare healthy and varied food. Eat together often. There should always be a lot of vegetables and fruits at home. Carbonated drinks are harmful to a child's diet. Breakfast is very important. You can't miss it.

When you yourself eat right and exercise, and for you healthy habits are the norm, part of life, then you can easily make the life of your children healthy and active. Sports and proper nutrition should be part of life, the norm for the whole family.

But the most important thing is to love your children, no matter what their weight and height.

At a pediatrician's appointment, every baby under one year of age is weighed monthly and their height is measured. Why is it so important for doctors to know how a child grows and how much weight he gains? What do these parameters indicate, and what are the anthropometric norms for children of different ages?

Where did weight and height indicators for children come from and why are they needed?

A child’s anthropometric data is one of the main indicators of the physical development and health status of children. Significant deviations from normal height and weight values ​​in a child almost always indicate the development or presence of certain diseases. So, if a child under one year old, with sufficient nutrition, does not gain weight well, then this may be one of the symptoms of rickets, anemia, immunodeficiency conditions, diseases of the endocrine or central nervous systems.

Significant growth retardation may indicate a lack of somatotropin growth hormone in the body, and obvious excess weight with normal growth and proper nutrition may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and even the development of a brain tumor.

In order to detect and begin to treat such dangerous diseases in time, doctors carefully monitor the anthropometric indicators of children from birth. The development standards were compiled by the World Health Organization based on many years of research. In addition to the average normative indicator for each age, the limits of the norms were also calculated. Weight and height above this limit are considered high, and below - low. It is these children that doctors begin to monitor especially closely.

WHO height and weight chart for girls under 1 year of age

According to the norms, a healthy full-term girl is born with a height of 49.2 cm and weighs 3,200 g. This is the average. The lower limit of the norm for a newborn is a height of 47.3 cm and a weight of 2,800 g, and the upper limit is located at values ​​of 51 cm and 3,700 g, respectively. Values ​​outside the lower and upper limits of the norm are marked as very low or too high. Doctors will observe such a newborn and, possibly, further examine her.

In the first month, the newborn should grow 4.5 cm and gain a kilogram. The lower limits of the norm for a one-month-old girl will be 51.7 (height in cm) // 3.600 (weight in grams), and the upper limits will be 55.6 // 4.800.

Normal indicators for a two-month-old baby: 57.1 cm and 5.100 g. The lower limit of the norm: 55//4.500, and the upper limit – 59.1//5.800.

By three months, girls grow to 59.8 cm and weigh 5,900 grams. Indicators less than 57.7 // 5.200 are considered low for a three-month baby, and indicators more than 61.9 // 6.600 are considered high.

Average height and weight for a four-month-old girl: 62.1 cm and 6,400 g. The lower limits of the norm are 59.9 // 5.700, the upper limits are 64.3 // 7.300.

By five months, girls should grow to 64 cm and weigh 6,900 g. Low indicators – parameters less than 61.8//6.100. Indicators 66.3 //7.800 are the upper limits of the norm for a five-month-old girl.

The age of 6 months is considered an important milestone for a child's development. A six-month-old girl should grow to 65.7 cm and weigh 7.300 g. The lower limit is 63.5//6.500, and the upper limit is 68//8.300.

The seven-month-old baby grows to 67.3 cm and weighs 7,600 grams. Indicators below 65 // 6.800 are considered low, and indicators exceeding 69.6 // 8.600 are considered high.

At eight months, the norms are: height - 68.83 cm, and weight - 8 kg. The lower limits of the norm: 66.4//7000, and the upper limits – 71.1//9000.

By nine months, the height should be 70.1 cm, and the baby should weigh 8,200 grams. Low indicators at this age are values ​​less than 67.7 // 7.300, and high indicators are more than 72.6 // 9.300.

According to the norms, a ten-month-old baby should be 71.5 cm tall and weigh 8,500 grams. The lower limits of the norm for ten months are 69//7.500, and the upper limits: 74//9.600.

By eleven months, a girl normally grows to 72.8 cm and weighs 8,700 grams. Indicators less than 70.3//7.700 are considered low. Indicators exceeding 75.3//9.900 will be high.

By the age of one year, girls should grow to 74 cm and weigh 9,000 grams. The lower limit of the norm is considered to be 71.4 //7.900, and the upper limit: 76.6 //10.100.

WHO height and weight chartfor boys up to 1 year

The norms for boys are different from the norms for girls, since boys are usually born slightly larger. Thus, a healthy full-term newborn boy is usually born with a weight of 3,300 grams and a height of 49.9 cm. These indicators are considered the norm. The lower limit of the norm for a newborn is a height of 48 cm and a weight of 2,900 g, and the upper limit is 51.75 cm and 3,900 g, respectively.

In the first month, the baby should grow 4.8 cm and gain 1200 grams. The lower limits of the norm for a one-month-old boy will be 52.8 (height in cm) // 3,900 (weight in grams), and the upper limits will be 56.7 // 5,100.

Normal indicators for a two-month-old toddler: 58.4 cm and 5.600 g. The lower limit of the norm: 56.4//4.900, and the upper limit – 60.4//6.300.

By three months, boys grow to 61.4 cm and weigh 6,400 grams. Low indicators will be parameters below 59.4 // 5.700, and high indicators will be indicators above 63.5 // 7.200.

Average height and weight for a four-month-old baby: 63.9 cm and 7000 g. The lower limits of the norm are 61.8 // 6.300, the upper limits are 66 // 7.800.

By the age of five months, the boy should grow to 65.9 cm and weigh 6,900 grams. Low indicators – parameters less than 63.8 // 6.100. Indicators 68 //7.800 are the upper limits of the norm for a five-month-old baby.

By six months, the baby should grow to 67.6 cm and weigh 7,900 grams. The lower limit is 65.5//7.100, and the upper limit is 69.8//8.900.

The seven-month-old boy grows to 69.2 cm and weighs 8,300 grams. Indicators less than 67 // 7.400 will be considered low, and indicators exceeding 71.3 // 9.300 will be considered high.

At eight months, the average for a boy is: height - 70.65 cm, and weight - 8,600 g. The lower limits of the norm: 68.45//7.700, and the upper limits –72.85//9.600.

By nine months, the baby should be 72 cm tall and weigh 8,900 grams. Low indicators will be less than 69.65 // 8.000, and high indicators will be more than 74.3 // 9.900.

A ten-month-old boy should normally be 73.3 cm tall and weigh 9,200 grams. The lower limits of the norm at this age are 71//8.200, and the upper limits: 76//10.200.

By eleven months, the baby normally grows to 74.5 cm and weighs 9,400 grams. Indicators less than 72.2//8.400 are considered low. Indicators exceeding 76.8//10.500 will be high.

According to standards, boys should grow to 75.8 cm per year and weigh 9,700 grams. The lower limit of the norm is considered to be 73.5 //8.700, and the upper limit: 78 //10.800.

Height and weight chart for girls from 1 to 10 years old

The growth of children begins to slow down as soon as the kids turn one, so for children from one to three years old, the norms are no longer determined monthly, but every three months. For children from 3 to 7 years old - once every six months, and for children aged from seven to ten years - the norms change once a year.

By one year and three months, a girl should normally grow to 77.5 cm and weigh 9,600 grams. The lower limits of the norm: 74.83 (height in centimeters) and 8,500 (weight in grams), the upper limits: 80.3 // 10,900.

The next reference point is defined for the age of one year and six months. Norm: 80.65//10.200. Lower limit: 77.7//9.100. Upper: 83.5//11.600.

At one year and nine months, the norms for girls are 83.65//10.900. Lower limit of normal: 80.6//9.600. Upper limit: 86.7//12.300.

By the age of two, girls normally grow to 86.4 cm and weigh 11,500 grams. The lower limit of the norm: 83.2//10.200. Upper limit: 89.6//13.000.

Average height and weight for babies aged 2 years 3 months: 88.3/12.100. Lower limit: 84.8//10.700. Upper limit: 91.7//13.700.

Girls at 2.5 years old should grow to 90.7 cm and weigh 12,700 grams. The lower limit of the norm: 86.9//11.200. Upper frames: 94.3 // weight 14.400.

At 2.9 years, the average values ​​are: 92.9 // 13.300. Lower limits: 89.3//11.700, upper limits: 96.6//weight 15.100.

Three-year-olds should be 95 cm tall and weigh 13,900 grams. Data below 91.3//12.200 are assessed as low, and figures above 98.8//15.800 are assessed as high.

At 3.5 years old, the standards for a girl are: 99//15,000. The lower line is 95//13.100, and the upper line is 103.1//17.200.

Average height and weight for a four-year-old girl: 102.6//16.100. The lower limits of the norm: 98.4//14.000, and the upper limits of height and weight: 107.1//18.500.

At 4.5 years old, the standards for a girl are: 106.2//17.200. Lower limits: 101.6//14.900, and upper limits: 110.7//19.900.

Average height and weight for a five-year-old girl: 109.4//18.200. The lower limits of the norm: 104.7 // 15.800, and the upper ones: 114.2 // 21.200.

At 5.5 years old, girls should grow to 112.2 cm and weigh 19,000 grams. Parameters less than 107.2 // 16.600 are considered low, and indicators more than 117.1 // 22.200 are considered high.

Standards for six-year-olds: 115.1//20.200. Lower limits: 110//17.500. Upper – 120.2//23.500.

By the age of 6.5 years, girls grow to 118 cm and weigh 21,200 grams. The lower limits at 6.5 years are 112.7 // 18.300, and the upper limits are 123.3 // weight 24.900.

Average height and weight for seven-year-old girls: 120.8 and 23,000. Lower limits: 115.3//21.300, upper limits: 126.3//26.300.

In children over seven years of age, anthropometric indicators are monitored once a year. The standards for eight-year-old girls are 126.6//25,000. The lower limit for eight-year-olds will be 120.8 and 21.400. The upper limit is 132.4//30,000.

Norms for nine-year-olds: 132.45//28.200. Lower limits: 132.5 and 27.900, upper limits – 138.6 // weight 34.000.

A ten-year-old girl should have an average height of 138.55 cm and a weight of 31,900 g. Data below 132.2//27.100 are assessed as low, and figures above 145//38.200 are assessed as high.

Height and weight chart for boys from 1 to 10 years old

Boys at 1.3 years old should reach the parameters 80//10.400. Lower normal value: 76.55 (height in centimeters) and 9.200 (weight in grams), upper limits: 82//11.500.

The next control point is one year and six months. The standard for one and six years is 82.3//10.900. From the border: 79.6//9.800. Up to: 85//12.200.

At 1.9 years old, the standards for boys are 85.2 // 11.500. From the border: 82.4//10.300. Until: 88//12.900.

By the age of two, toddlers normally reach 88//12,200. From the line: 84.4//10.800. Up to 90.5//13.600.

Standard for a 2.3 year old child: 89.6//12.700. From: 86.5//11.300, to: 92.8//14.300.

By the age of 2.5 years, the toddler should grow to 91.9 cm and weigh 13,300 grams. Lower limits for this age: 88.5//11.800. Upper frames: 95.4//15.000.

At the age of 2.9 years, the standards are 94.1/13.800. Lower limits 91//12.300, upper limits 97.6//15.600.

Boys' height at 3 years should be 96.1 cm, weight - 14,300 g. Scores less than 92.4//12.700 will be assessed as low, and scores exceeding 100//16.200 will be assessed as high.

At 3.5 years old, the norm for boys is: 99.9//15.300. From the border: 95.9//13.600, to: 103.8//17.400.

Average height and weight for a four-year-old boy: 103.3//16.300. From the border: 99.1//14.400, to: 107.5//18.600.

At 4.5 years old, the boy’s height reaches 107 cm, and his normal weight should be 17,300 g. The lower level of the norm: 102.25//15.200, and the upper one: 111.1//19.900.

Standards for boys aged 5: 110//18.300. From the bar at: 105.3//16.000 cm, to: 114.6 and 21.000.

By the age of 5.5 years, the standards for boys are 113//19.400. For 5.5 years, indicators less than 108.2//17,000 are considered low, and more than 117.7//22,200 are considered high.

Average height and weight for six year olds: 116/20,500. Bottom bar: 111//18.000. Upper: 120.9//23.500.

By 6.5 years, boys reach parameters 119//21.700. The lower limits for this age are 113.8//19.000, and the upper limits are 124//24.900.

Standards for seven-year-old boys: 121.8//22.900. From the bar at: 116.4//20.000 cm, to: 127//26.400 cm.

By the age of eight, children grow to 127.3 cm and weigh 25,400 grams. The lower standard for eight-year-olds will be 121.5//22.100. Upper – 132.8//29.500.

Average height and weight for nine year olds: 132.6/28.100. Lower limits: 126.6//2.300, upper limits – 138.6//33.000.

At the age of 10, boys should normally reach parameters of 137.8//31.200. Figures below 131.4 and 26.700 are assessed as low, and figures above 144.2//37.000 are considered high.

Height and weight chart for teenage girls

In adolescents, anthropometric data are monitored once a year. For an eleven-year-old girl, the average is 144.5 (height in centimeters)//34.4 (weight in kilograms). Parameters less than 136.2 // 27.8 are considered the lower normative limits, and parameters more than 153.2 // 44.6 are considered the upper ones.

Average height and weight for a twelve-year-old: 150//40.7. The lower limit of the norm: 142.2//31.8, the upper limit: 162.2//51.8.

A thirteen-year-old girl normally has indicators: 155.8//44.3. Lower data bar: 148.3//38.7, upper: 163.7//59.

At 14 years old, the average data for a girl is: 159.5//53.1. Lower limits of the norm: 152.6//43.8, upper: 167.2//64.

By the age of fifteen, the average height of girls reaches 161.6 cm, and the average weight is 55.5 kg. Lower limit of data: 154.4 // 46.8, upper limit: 169.2 // 66.5.

Average height and weight for sixteen-year-old girls: 162.4//56.5. Lower limit: 155.2//48.4, upper – 170.2//67.6.

For girls aged 17, the standard is 163.9//61. Lower limit: 155.8//52.8, upper: 170.5//68.

Height and weight chart for teenage boys

Boys aged 10 to 14 years are slightly behind girls in height; this is a normal phenomenon, since hormonal changes in boys begin a little later than in girls. But after fourteen years, boys begin to grow more rapidly than girls, and by the age of 15 they are ahead of them in terms of growth.

In adolescence, anthropometric indicators significantly depend on genetic predisposition, therefore, when monitoring the physical development of adolescents, it is recommended to focus not so much on the average indicator, but on the norm limits indicated for each age and on the child’s heredity. So, if the father of a young man is 190 cm tall, then the height of 182 cm for the teenager himself at 15 years old can be considered the norm in this case.

For an 11-year-old boy, the average figures are: 143.5 (height in centimeters)//35.5 (weight in kilograms). Parameters less than 134.5//28 are the lower limits of the norm, and parameters exceeding 153//44.9 are the upper limits.

Average height and weight for a twelve-year-old: 149//39.8. From the border: 140//30.7, to: 159.6//50.6.

A thirteen-year-old teenager normally has indicators: 155.5//44.3. From the border: 145.7//33.9, to: 166//59.

At 14 years old, the average is 161.9//49.7. From the border: 152.3//38, to: 172//63.4.

By the age of fifteen, the average height of children is 168 cm, and weight is 55.5 kg. From the border: 158.6//43, to: 177.6//70.

Average height and weight for sixteen-year-old boys: 172.3//66.9. From the border: 163.2//48.4, to 182//76.5.

At seventeen years old, the average height and weight are 176.6//66.9. From the border: 166.7//54.6, to: 186//80.1.

Video “Height and weight of the child, Dr. Komarovsky”

Here are the indicators of the ratio of height and weight of a child at different periods of age from 1 to 3 years. Particular attention must be paid to the RATIO of height and weight, which should be (in the table) in the same centile (in the same column of the table).

Anthropometric (centile) tables

The tables for height, weight and head circumference show ranges by group. The middle "blue" column shows the average for a given age. The “green” columns on the right and left show indicators within the normal range, which are slightly below or above the average. The “yellow” and “red” columns show indicators below or above normal that require special attention from parents and doctors.

  • The average height of the child should be within the green and blue values ​​(25-75 centiles). This height corresponds to the average height of children of this age.
  • Growth, the value of which is between the yellow and green values ​​(10-25 centiles) is also normal, but indicates a tendency for the child to be stunted.
  • Growth, the value of which is between the blue and yellow values ​​(75-90 centiles) is also normal, but indicates a tendency for the child to be ahead in growth.
  • Growth, the value of which is between the red and yellow values ​​- low (3-10th centile), or high (90-97th centile), which can be due to both the characteristics of the child and a disease with hormonal imbalance (usually endocrinological or hereditary ). In such cases, you should bring this to the attention of your pediatrician or family doctor, who, if necessary, will refer you to the appropriate specialist. Be sure to monitor the further growth, weight, and general condition of such a child.
  • Growth, the value of which is beyond the red limit (less than 3 or more than 97 centile) indicates a pathology of the child’s growth. Such children must be consulted by appropriate specialists, primarily an endocrinologist, who will recommend further examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Remember that diseases accompanied by impaired growth lead in the future to various disorders of physical and mental health.

Height of boys from 1 year to 3 years (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 71,2-72,3 72,3-74,0 74,0-77,3 77,3-79,7 79,7-81,7 >81,7
15 months 74,8-75,9 75,9-77,1 77,1-81,0 81,0-83,0 83,0-85,3 >85,3
18 months 76,9-78,4 78,4-79,8 79,8-83,9 83,9-85,9 85,9-89,4 >89,4
21 months 79,3-80,3 80,3-82,3 82,3-86,5 86,5-88,3 88,3-91,2 >91,2
24 months
81,3-83,0 83,0-84,5 84,5-89,0 89,0-90,8 90,8-94,0 >94,0
27 months 83,0-84,9 84,9-86,1 86,1-91,3 91,3-93,9 93,9-96,8 >96,8
30 months 84,5-87,0 87,0-89,0 89,0-93,7 93,7-95,5 95,5-99,0 >99,0
33 months 86,3-88,8 88,8-91,3 91,3-96,0 96,0-98,1 98,1-101,2 >101,2
3 years 88,0-90,0 90,0-92,3 92,3-99,8 99,8-102,0 102,0-104,5 >104,5

Weight of boys from 1 year to 3 years (kg)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 8,5-8,9 8,9-9,4 9,4-10,9 10,9-11,6 11,6-12,1 >12,1
15 months 9,2-9,6 9,6-10,1 10,1-11,7 11,7-12,4 12,4-13,0 >13,0
18 months 9,7-10,2 10,2-10,7 10,7-12,4 12,4-13,0 13,0-13,7 >13,7
21 months 10,2-10,6 10,6-11,2 11,2-12,9 12,9-13,6 13,6-14,3 >14,3
24 months 10,6-11,0 11,0-11,7 11,7-13,5 13,5-14,2 14,2-15,0 >15,0
27 months 11,0-11,5 11,5-12,2 12,2-14,1 14,1-14,8 14,8-15,6 >15,6
30 months 11,4-11,9 11,9-12,6 12,6-14,6 14,6-15,4 15,4-16,1 >16,1
33 months 11,6-12,3 12,3-13,1 13,1-15,2 15,2-16,0 16,0-16,8 >16,8
3 years 12,1-12,8 12,8-13,8 13,8-16,0 16,0-16,9 16,9-17,7 >17,7

Boys' head circumference, (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 44,6-45,3 45,3-46,2 46,2-49,1 49,1-49,8 49,8-50,7 >50,7
15 months 45,3-46,0 46,0-46,7 46,7-49,5 49,5-50,3 50,3-51,3 >51,3
18 months 46,0-46,6 46,6-47,3 47,3-49,9 49,9-50,7 50,7-51,6 >51,6
21 months 46,5-47,2 47,2-47,7 47,7-50,3 50,3-51,0 51,0-52,0 >52,0
24 months 47,0-47,6 47,6-48,1 48,1-50,5 50,5-51,3 51,3-52,3 >52,3
27 months 47,3-47,9 47,9-48,5 48,5-50,8 50,8-51,7 51,7-52,7 >52,7
30 months 47,5-48,2 48,2-48,8 48,8-51,1 51,1-52,0 52,0-53,0 >53,0
33 months 47,8-48,4 48,4-49,2 49,2-51,3 51,3-52,3 52,3-53,3 >53,3
3 years 48,0-48,6 48,6-49,5 49,5-51,5 51,5-52,6 52,6-53,5 >53,5

Height of girls from 1 year to 3 years (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 70,1-71,4 71,4-72,8 72,8-75,8 75,8-78,0 78,0-79,6 >79,6
15 months 72,9-74,5 74,5-76,0 76,0-79,1 79,1-81,5 81,5-83,4 >83,4
18 months 75,8-77,1 77,1-78,9 78,9-82,1 82,1-84,5 84,5-86,8 >86,8
21 months 78,0-79,5 79,5-81,2 81,2-84,5 84,5-87,5 87,5-89,5 >89,5
24 months 80,1-81,7 81,7-83,3 83,3-87,5 87,5-90,1 90,1-92,5 >92,5
27 months 82,0-83,5 83,5-85,4 85,4-90,1 90,1-92,4 92,4-95,0 >95,0
30 months 83,8-85,7 85,7-87,7 87,7-92,3 92,3-95,0 95,0-97,3 >97,3
33 months 85,8-87,6 87,6-89,8 89,8-94,8 94,8-97,0 97,0-99,7 >99,7
3 years 89,0-90,8 90,8-93,0 93,0-98,1 98,1-100,7 100,7-103,1 >103,1

Weight of girls from 1 year to 3 years (kg)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 8,0-8,5 8,5-9,0 9,0-10,2 10,2-10,8 10,8-11,3 >11,3
15 months 8,6-9,2 9,2-9,7 9,7-10,9 10,9-11,5 11,5-12,1 >12,1
18 months 9,0-9,8 9,8-10,3 10,3-11,5 11,5-12,2 12,2-12,8 >12,8
21 months 9,7-10,3 10,3-10,6 10,6-12,2 12,2-12,8 12,8-13,4 >13,4
2 years 10,2-10,8 10,8-11,3 11,3-12,8 12,8-13,5 13,5-14,1 >14,1
27 months 10,6-11,2 11,2-11,7 11,7-13,3 13,3-14,2 14,2-14,8 >14,8
30 months 11,0-11,6 11,6-12,3 12,3-13,9 13,9-14,8 14,8-15,5 >15,5
33 months 11,5-12,1 12,1-12,7 12,7-14,5 14,5-15,4 15,4-16,3 >16,3
3 years 11,7-12,5 12,5-13,3 13,3-15,5 15,5-16,5 16,5-17,6 >17,6

Head circumference of girls, (cm)

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
12 months 43,5-44,2 44,2-45,0 45,0-48,2 48,2-49,2 49,2-50,1 >50,1
15 months 44,2-45,1 45,1-45,9 45,9-48,7 48,7-49,6 49,6-50,5 >50,5
18 months 44,9-45,7 45,7-46,4 46,4-49,0 49,0-49,9 49,9-50,9 >50,9
21 months 45,4-46,1 46,1-46,9 46,9-49,4 49,4-50,2 50,2-51,2 >51,2
24 months 46,0-46,6 46,6-47,3 47,3-49,7 49,7-50,5 50,5-51,5 >51,5
27 months 46,5-47,0 47,0-47,8 47,8-50,0 50,0-50,7 50,7-51,8 >51,8
30 months 47,0-47,5 47,5-48,0 48,0-50,4 50,4-51,0 51,0-52,0 >52,0
33 months 47,3-47,9 47,9-48,4 48,4-50,6 50,6-51,4 51,4-52,4 >52,4
3 years 47,6-48,1 48,1-48,6 48,6-51,0 51,0-51,7 51,7-52,7 >52,7
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