What is included in harmful experience? Pension for hazardous working conditions Incomplete preferential service according to list 2

In order to realize and respect the right of citizens to preferential pension provision, rules have been established on the application of Lists 1 and 2 of harmful professions of the Russian Federation, according to which a certain category of workers has the right to retire earlier than the majority of other citizens. If there is documentary evidence of the fact and period of work in special conditions classified by Lists 1 and 2 as harmful (difficult) working conditions, the employee can apply to the Pension Fund administration with an application to assign him an early old-age insurance pension.

Hazardous professions according to Lists 1 and 2

Explanations on how to determine special work experience and apply Lists 1 and 2 of hazardous occupations in the Russian Federation are contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated July 16, 2014. For convenience, let us briefly formulate the main points:

  • List 1 is subject to application if the employee was engaged in underground work, as well as work with hazardous working conditions, or the work took place in hot shops at high ambient temperatures or in direct contact with sparks/fires;
  • When employed in jobs where working conditions are recognized as work with difficult working conditions, you should look at List 2.

In practice, a situation is possible when an employee is simultaneously employed in several jobs from different Lists (for example, is a part-time worker); in this case, List 2 must be applied.

To ensure that when assigning an early insurance pension to an employee there are no problems with the Pension Fund, the employer should take into account the requirements for the names of hazardous professions provided for by Lists 1 and 2. Therefore, even at the stage of hiring and paperwork, including the staffing table, work book, employment contract with the employee, his personal card, the employer should familiarize himself with the procedure for applying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of July 16, 2014 and indicate the name of the position (profession) and the employee’s labor function as indicated in Lists 1 and 2.

If the job title (or job function) does not match, there is a risk of negative consequences for the employee: the Pension Fund of Russia employee may be denied early retirement. In this regard, the employee can be recommended to try to prove the identity of the names by enlisting the legal support of the Russian Ministry of Labor, set out in letter No. 3073-17, No. 06-27/7017 dated 08/02/2000. State bodies recognize the employee’s right to preferential pension provision if the necessary requirements for the emergence of such a right are met, despite the different names of the same profession.

List 1: particularly hazardous conditions

Establishing the fact that the nature of an employee’s labor function for a particular employer is associated with particularly harmful or particularly difficult working conditions, as required by List 1, is carried out through workplace certification.

The employer, as well as the relevant state (municipal) bodies, at the request of the employee, are obliged to provide him with a certificate about the nature and period of work. These documents are subsequently submitted to the Pension Fund and are the basis for calculating the employee's preferential length of service and early retirement in old age.

The right to an early preferential old-age pension according to List No. 1 with particularly harmful conditions is granted to an employee whose profession is identical to the profession from List 1, subject to the conditions that:

  • the employee has full-time work (that is, at least 80% of his working time, the employee performs work in particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions) and
  • the fact of working under special conditions can be documented.

The main, but not the only document confirming the fact of work in special conditions is the work book. The legislator does not limit the employee’s right to provide other documents, which the Pension Fund is also obliged to accept to calculate the insurance period to establish a preferential pension. This can be a certificate from the employer about the period and nature of the work, the employee’s personal card, an employment agreement drawn up according to the rules in force at the time of its conclusion, salary certificates, orders and other documents. The employee’s right to provide additional documents is enshrined in paragraph 11 of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing an insurance pension, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2014 No. 1015.

Work experience in a position included in the list of preferential professions with hazardous working conditions is at least 10 years for men and 7 years and 6 months for women.

List of 2 preferential professions

An employee’s work will also be counted towards special length of service if his work (position, profession) and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions are included in List 2.

When including work from List 2 in special experience, one should take into account the explanations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1996 No. 5 on the procedure for applying preferential Lists 1 and 2.

The pension fund is obliged to grant the employee an early preferential old-age pension, including special work experience in the calculation, if:

  • position of an employee from the lists 1 and 2 of hazardous professions of the Russian Federation,
  • the employee has a full-time job (that is, at least 80% of his working time, the employee performs work in particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, including business trips, sick leave, vacations (annual, additional), time for lunch breaks).

Special rules for calculating special work experience provide that:

  • when production volume is reduced and an employee is transferred to part-time work (working week), length of service should be calculated based on the time actually worked;
  • The periods of work during which study leave was granted shall not be included in the calculation of special length of service.

Preferential pension provision according to Lists 1 and 2

Despite the next pension reform currently being carried out in the country, aimed, among other things, at increasing the retirement age, which since January 1, 2017 has affected some citizens who are state and municipal employees, as well as persons employed in political positions, the order preferential pension provision remained the same.

The essence of preferential pension provision is that men can retire at old age not at 60, and women when they reach 55, but several years earlier.

This means that those employees whose work (position, profession) is included in Lists 1 and 2 of hazardous professions of the Russian Federation, subject to the requirements:

  • about work experience in the specified jobs for men at least 10 years and for women - 7 years 6 months, and also
  • having at least 20 years of insurance experience for men, 15 years for women,

then these employees are entitled to preferential pension benefits. This means that men can retire at age 50, and women at age 45.

When working at least half of the required period in jobs included in the list of preferential professions with hazardous working conditions, and subject to compliance with other requirements of the law (including the required minimum insurance period and the period of work in harmful and dangerous working conditions), men and women can also count on a special procedure for assigning an insurance pension - the generally established retirement age for all Russian citizens is subject to reduction by one year for each full year of such work.

In conclusion, we will indicate the regulatory framework governing relations regarding the assignment of pensions, including, among other things, preferential pension provision in connection with the performance of work under harmful and dangerous working conditions. This:

  • Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. Part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ regulates the right to early assignment of an insurance pension;
  • Until January 1, 2015, the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions In Russian federation" (

This is any environment in which, during interaction with which, irreversible physiological changes in the employee’s body occur.

  • 1 Retirement due to harmfulness - list of professions
    • 1.1 What documents are needed to apply for a preferential disability pension in 2018?
    • 1.2 Early retirement due to harmfulness - list 1 and 2
  • 2 Experience for retirement in Russia under the new law for harmfulness?
    • 2.1 Recalculation of the pension of those who left due to disability from list 1 to 2
    • 2.2 Read more

Retirement due to hazards - a list of professions Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 10 approved a variable list of professions, the production of which is associated with hazards to human health. The list is divided into two levels:

  • List No. 1 defines activities with a critical level of danger.

Lists of 1st and 2nd hazardous professions for early retirement based on hazardousness


Citizens who have been employed for more than eight years in one of the areas can count on preferential and early retirement. Important! If a citizen was employed in one of the areas from list No. 1 of the Resolution, then the total length of service is not taken into account when assigning an early and preferential pension. Working conditions are considered particularly dangerous and harmful to health, so 10 years of work is sufficient.

Download for viewing and printing: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665 “On lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations)” Other professions In addition to list No. 1, the Decree also provides for list No. 2, where professions are registered related to difficult working conditions. At the same time, the legislation allows the summation of the period of work in a profession from the first list with the period of work in a profession from the second list.

Registration of early retirement pension in 2018

Particularly hazardous professions In 2014, Resolution No. 665 was adopted, which approves a list of professions in which employment is classified as harmful, difficult and dangerous work. All of them are divided into large categories:

  1. mining;
  2. agglomeration and enrichment;
  3. metallurgical production;
  4. coke, coke-pitch, thermo-anthracite and coke-chemical production;
  5. gas and gas generating plants, stations and gas production workshops;
  6. production of dinas products;
  7. production of silver nitrate, refining and production of chemically pure precious metals and their processing;
  8. pipe-pressing, pressing, drawing shops and departments;
  9. chemical production.

The full list with detailed explanations can be read in the resolution.

Preferential pension for disability in 2018

In the case where an employee worked simultaneously in several specialties from different lists, for example, part-time, the second List is applied. In case of a part-time working week (but full working time), introduced due to a reduction in production volumes, the preferential length of service is calculated based on the time actually worked. See also: How to calculate maternity benefits? Calculation of maternity benefits Idle time, as well as periods when the employee was removed from work for health reasons or due to lack of regular medical examination, are not included in the benefit period.

Lists of preferential professions provide citizens who worked in harmful or difficult conditions with the right to early retirement.

How is a preferential pension calculated according to list No. 2 with incomplete work experience due to harmfulness?


Then he is entitled to a reduction in retirement age:

  • for each year worked on the first list, it is reduced by 1 year;
  • according to List No. 2, for every 2 years worked, it is reduced by 1 year.

Additionally, legislation requires a minimum of 30 pension points. To apply for a preferential pension, a citizen must write an application to the Pension Fund. You should choose the department that is located at the place of registration or residence of the citizen.


For the same purpose, you can contact the Multifunctional Center. An application can be submitted to the relevant organization in person or through an authorized representative. To do this, you must draw up and notarize a power of attorney.

If a citizen does not have the time or desire to go to the Pension Fund office, then he can use the Pension Fund website and send an application electronically from his personal account.

Disability pension

In what cases can you retire early in Russia? In accordance with Law 400-FZ, citizens who worked in hazardous working conditions or hot shops, in railway transport, logging, on river and sea vessels can retire earlier than usual. The right to preferential pensions is granted to drivers of city passenger routes, civil aviation workers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, teachers, medical workers, and theater employees. Also, people who have worked for the appropriate number of years in the Far North, women who gave birth and raised more than five children, visually impaired people or those who were injured in war can count on early retirement.
List of hazardous professions for early retirement A preferential pension for hazardous occupations is assigned to citizens who worked in hazardous or heavy industries.

Early retirement pension list 1 and 2 - list of professions

Example Insurance pension payments (they are also payments for harmfulness to citizens who have reached the appropriate age) are calculated according to general rules calculation of an insurance pension: the individual pension coefficient is multiplied by the cost of one coefficient. For example, a person in a hazardous profession earned an IPC of 150 points, and an additional 100 points for his overall work experience. The cost of one coefficient in 2018 is 78.28 rubles.

That is, the pension will be: (150+100)*78.28=19570 rubles. These are the payments a person is entitled to. At the Pension Fund, when submitting documents for an early or preferential pension, you can clarify in advance how much the individual coefficient will be, and then independently calculate the amount of future payments. The number of points is also influenced by the region of residence.

If these conditions are met, retirement due to harmfulness is possible. How is preferential length of service calculated? The employer is responsible for all the nuances of calculating preferential length of service. A legal entity is obliged to transfer all insurance premiums for the employee.

Reporting is sent to the Pension Fund. Before calculating harmful work experience, working conditions are assessed with the help of third-party organizations licensed to conduct such inspections. After this, the company is assigned a certain hazard class, which allows it to receive a pension supplement. The most common is the second list of specialties.

How a pension is issued A person who can retire early applies to the Pension Fund, where all the necessary information on its registration is issued. Typically, the following documents are submitted to begin the process:

  1. A work record book as evidence of the necessary work experience.

Preferential pension according to list 2 with incomplete service due to harmfulness

Lists of such industries and professions were approved in 1991 by Resolution No. 10. Since many provisions are already outdated, in order to respect the rights of citizens to a preferential pension, special rules were adopted on how these Lists are applied. Resolutions No. 665 of July 16, 2014 and No. 781 of October 29, 2002 contain explanations on how to calculate special experience and use the Lists of hazardous professions.

The lists of preferential professions are compiled in accordance with the degree of influence on the employee’s health from negative production factors in which he works. The fact that there are harmful or severe factors for this profession is confirmed by the results of a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with clause 6 of Art. 30 of Law 400-FZ. In addition to the two main Lists, a number of additional lists of professions have been approved that give the right to preferential early retirement.

List No. 1), and then for seven years - a junior nurse caring for patients in the X-ray department (List No. 2). In fact, in difficult conditions, the citizen worked for ten years, which is enough to retire early and receive a preferential pension for disability. Important! In addition to the “dangerous” experience, an additional general work experience is required. That is why the right to retire early may be denied, even if a sufficient number of years have been worked under difficult conditions. Basic rules Men counting on early retirement pension must meet several criteria:

  • 10 years of continuous experience in a profession from list No. 1;
  • total work experience of at least 20 years;
  • age 50 years.

The total work experience is understood as a total of both experience in a hazardous profession and experience in other professions.

The assignment of a preferential pension occurs from the date of application for it, but not earlier than the deadline for the right to obtain it. To reduce the time required for processing security, Pension Fund employees process documents in advance (checking for errors and correctness of execution). At this time, a layout of the employee’s pension file is formed, which then becomes the basis for issuing a pension benefit. How to calculate pension payments Calculation of preferential security must be carried out on the basis of the norm enshrined in legislation. This happens according to the following formula: RP=PK*SK, Where: RP Amount of pension PC The number of pension coefficients that a citizen has earned during his activity SK The cost of one pension coefficient at the time the pension is assigned.

Lists of 1st and 2nd hazardous professions for early retirement based on hazardousness

These may include factors such as:

  • gas pollution;
  • the presence of a large amount of dust;
  • high air humidity;
  • high radiation;
  • work without natural light (for example, in a mine);
  • the presence of a high noise level;
  • working with biological or chemical substances that are harmful to health).

And although working in such conditions is quite difficult, for many people such work becomes very tempting. This can be explained by relatively high wages and the presence of various types of benefits (including long vacations, bonuses and compensation). An equally important role in this case is played by the possibility of early retirement.

Who is entitled to it? Citizens who work in hazardous conditions are entitled to early retirement.

Registration of early retirement pension in 2018

It is assigned during the quarter. The recipient determines the method of receiving it: delivery to the place of registration, transfer to a personal bank account, transfer to a plastic bank card. Partial required work activity How to determine when retirement due to harmfulness is due (the list of professions is taken into account)? If the required length of service is more than half, the preferential retirement age increases:

  • according to list No. 1 - for one year for each full time worked in a preferential profession;
  • according to list No. 2 - for 12 months for men for every 2.5 hours worked under benefits, for one year - for women for every 2 hours worked in a preferential profession.

There are refusals in registration. Often, despite the hazardous work performed, the profession recorded in the worker’s personal document is not identical to that established by law.

Preferential pension for disability in 2018

These include:

  • workers in underground or mining structures (mining);
  • metallurgists;
  • citizens working in the production of explosives;
  • those working in the processing of oil or gas, coal or shale;
  • workers of chemical enterprises;
  • working in the production of electrical and radio equipment;
  • manufacturers of construction materials;
  • pulp manufacturers;
  • working in the production of glass and glass products;
  • employees of nuclear energy enterprises, etc.

Working in these types of production, citizens face hazardous working conditions and an increased risk of injury or illness. All this can lead to loss (full or partial) of ability to work, therefore such citizens have the right to take a well-deserved vacation earlier than other workers.

How is a preferential pension calculated according to list No. 2 with incomplete work experience due to harmfulness?

According to statistics, in our country today there are a large number of organizations with hazardous working conditions that have a negative impact on human health. Dangerous conditions are considered to be the presence of harmful gases in high concentrations, excessive noise, poor lighting, and radiation. Read also: How can a Muscovite pensioner’s social card be extended? The degree of impact of such conditions on a person is divided into several categories, depending on their danger:

  1. Normal.
  2. Acceptable.
  3. Harmful.
  4. Dangerous.

The duration of a person’s work and the possibility of early retirement depend on these circumstances.

Further from the article you will learn lists of specialties whose representatives can apply for a preferential pension according to List No. 2. We will also additionally consider List No. 1.

Disability pension

Pension Fund in electronic form on the government services portal or in your personal account on the official website of the Fund. The service is absolutely free and allows you to find out the amount of recorded work experience and the individual pension coefficient. Download for viewing and printing: Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, as amended.

dated 12/19/2016 “On insurance pensions” Registration procedure In order to apply for preferential payments or early retirement, you need to prepare a small package of documents:

  • employment history;
  • passport;
  • statement;
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate, “green” card).

If the work book does not have enough length of service, but the citizen actually worked in a harmful profession, you can request copies of certificates from the archives, copies of orders from the employer on hiring or dismissal.

Early retirement pension list 1 and 2 - list of professions

Please note that experience for work in specialties that are included in different lists is not cumulative. How is the pension amount calculated? The process of determining the amount of a pension is no different from registering a regular one, taking into account insurance payments for the reasons the employee received:

  1. Chronic forms of diseases during work at the enterprise.
  2. Disability resulting from hazardous work.
  3. Incurable disease due to work at the enterprise.

In this case, everything is covered by the second list of specialties. PF employees count the days of general and harmful service. Then all this is added up with release from work due to health conditions, periods of childbirth and maternity leave, time off for time worked, paid leave, and downtime due to the fault of the company.
This does not include:

  1. Training not directed by the employer.

Russian Federation, - military registration document;

  • certificate of income and payment of income tax;
  • a document issued by the employer confirming dangerous and harmful working conditions and the length of service of the person retiring in these conditions;
  • medical examination data;
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS).

In some cases, specialists request missing information to confirm the correctness of the information provided:

  • agreement between employer and employee when hiring;
  • register of accrued wages;
  • an extract from the order on the beginning of labor relations, production movements within the enterprise.

Documents are submitted to the pension fund at the location of the future pensioner along with an application for state support.

Preferential pension according to list 2 with incomplete service due to harmfulness

Since 2003, the Pension Fund has independently kept records of years of service, which can be viewed in your personal account on the website. If there is not enough experience, but in fact it was (there are supporting documents), you must personally contact the territorial department at the place of registration or temporary registration to update the information. Within one calendar month (30 calendar days), Pension Fund employees carry out a data reconciliation, after which the citizen is given either a positive or negative result regarding the establishment of a preferential or early pension.
If the application is approved, no notifications are received; payments are made according to the specified details. If for some reason preferential payments are not assigned, a notification of denial of service is received.

  • Identity document.
  • Certificate confirming income and payment of taxes.
  • If a person is a reserve service member of the Armed Forces, a military registration document will be required.
  • A certificate from the employer about dangerous working conditions, which should also indicate how long the person worked.
  • Medical examination information.
  • SNILS.
  • In some situations, the following documents may be needed:
  1. Agreement between the organization and the employee upon entry to work.
  2. Extract from the register of accrued wages.
  3. Extract on the start of employment within the enterprise.

The entire package of documents is transferred to the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the pensioner with the corresponding application.

Many of our citizens who officially carry out their labor activity, are asking the same question: when does the right to retire on preferential terms begin?

What do the professions on the first or second list mean? Who is included in them? How are pension benefits processed? How is it calculated?

Let's consider all these exciting questions in more detail.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The issue of early retirement is regulated by Federal Law No. 400, in particular Article 30.

Moreover, this legislative act complements the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 adopted back in July 2014. Paragraph 1 of this resolution clearly defines the types of work and production itself, as well as positions and professions held, which are taken into account when calculating the required length of service to receive early retirement benefits.

All positions and professions held, which include characteristics of harmful working conditions, including difficult ones, for which every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to early pension provision, are indicated in list 1 and 2.

It is worth noting that these lists were adopted by the Government back in January 1991.

Who is eligible to take advantage of this benefit?

As mentioned above, there are two lists that include lists of professions and positions for which you can retire on preferential terms.

List 1

In list No. 1 (in life it is usually called first grid ) directly determine industries and professions that allow those categories of citizens who have worked in a particular industry with particularly harmful or extremely dangerous working conditions to retire according to age with preferential conditions. These include work in the so-called “hot” shops, underground types of work.

According to the first grid, all professions that entail a critical degree of harm or danger apply for early retirement benefits.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the first grid does not include the period of work that belongs to the second list, “small” lists and the rest of the time spent working under special working conditions.

List 2

In its turn second grid clearly regulates production, as well as the type of labor activity to obtain the right to early pension provision for citizens who have worked for a certain period of time in difficult conditions.

In order to determine the availability of the right to retire early and receive the appropriate pension payment, current legislation provides for the possibility of “plusing” the length of service in the first and second grids.

Conditions for retirement benefits

If we talk about conditions of preferential retirement for list No. 1, then they are as follows:

  • for males the minimum age is 50 years, for females – 45;
  • having a general minimum work experience: women need at least 15 years, men – at least 20 years;
  • availability of special experience: for men it must be at least 10 years, for women – at least 7.5 years.

In its turn for the second grid Preferential retirement is possible under the following conditions:

In the event that citizens who fall into the first or second grid have worked at least half of the required length of service, but at the same time have the required amount of total work experience, they have every right to retire with benefits with a slight decrease in the retirement age itself, namely:

  • for the first grid exactly 1 year for each year of special experience;
  • for the second grid - 1 year for 2.5 preferential length of service or one year for every 2 years (calculated individually depending on the nature).

In addition, it is necessary to remember that according to the Federal Law “On Pension Insurance” it is mandatory to have at least 30 pension points.


Let's look at the situation using an example.

The man is 54 years old. At one time, he managed to earn 4 years of experience in the first grid and, accordingly, 9 years in the second. His total work experience is about 26 years.

Based on this, according to current legislation, he does not have the right to retire on the first grid. If we talk about the second grid, then according to it he will retire at 57 years old.

In the process of summing up the period of work on the second and first grids, his experience is only 13 years, which allows us to say that a man has the legal right to retire at the age of 55. This is enshrined in Part 2 of Federal Law No. 400.

The procedure for registering pension benefits

In order to retire on preferential terms, the applicant will need contact the territorial Pension Fund at the place of your immediate residence.

It is worth noting that today there are other serving options the necessary list of documents, namely:

  • using a multifunctional center (MFC);
  • through the official portal of State Services. For this option you must have .

Current legislation allows for the possibility of obtaining a preferential pension by third parties, but for this it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney.

In order to minimize the period of registration of pension payments, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund carry out a premature check of all required documents those categories of citizens who have the right to apply for. In the process of this verification and preparation of all documentation (checking whether everything is filled out correctly and whether there are any shortcomings), a so-called layout of the personal file of the future recipient of the pension benefit payment is formed.

Preferential pension payment along with the general one, it is calculated and assigned from the period when the entire package of necessary documentation was submitted.

List of documents

Before you start applying for a preferential pension, you need to prepare full list of documents, which includes:

  • original and copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • all documents that can confirm the existence of grounds for receiving a preferential old-age pension: the original and a copy of the work book, certificates from the employer that confirm harmful working conditions. This certificate includes a description of working conditions, employee responsibilities, and so on;
  • additional documents: archival certificates (for example, if the place of work has changed several times, the original and a copy of the military ID for men).

In addition, you may need:

  • child's birth certificate (if there is a dependent minor child);
  • document confirming education;
  • original and copy of the authorized person’s passport;
  • power of attorney (if a third party is involved in the registration).

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that if the pension is issued via the Internet, only copies are needed.

If the territorial department of the Pension Fund discovered any errors in the documents, they must be corrected within 3 months from the date of receipt of the relevant notification.

Payment process

Any type of pension payment, including those accrued on preferential terms, is issued to its recipients for the current month.

In this case, you can choose any method of receiving:

  • at the post office;
  • in a banking institution;
  • with the help of other private companies that carry out their work in this direction.

If recipients of pension payments have expressed a desire to change the method of receiving funds, it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund employees about this.

Calculation rules

The calculation of preferential pension payments occurs according to Federal Law No. 400 according to this formula:



  • PPV – directly the amount of pension payment upon early retirement;
  • PB – the amount of points accumulated by the applicant for a pension payment, which are necessary for further determination of the pension payment;
  • TsPB - which is subject to annual indexation depending on what level of inflation is established throughout the Russian Federation.

It should also be noted that the amount of points directly depends on whether the direct employer paid all contributions required by law.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to obtain the right to pension payments under preferential conditions, in any case it is necessary to have a minimum amount of special experience (at least 50% of what is required by law).

For information about the peculiarities of working in hazardous working conditions, see the following video:

The majority of our compatriots work in unsafe conditions. In this regard, they often think about the possibility of reducing their service life. This allows you to enjoy your free time with a clear conscience. Let's consider how this right can be implemented in practice and what is the list of professions eligible for early retirement.

What could be the reason for early retirement?

It's about not enough good conditions labor or the achievement of a special status.

  1. A person who has worked in difficult conditions for a certain period of time can count on early termination of service.
  2. In the second situation, we are talking about the presence of a certain status, according to which an early pension is due.

Such lists containing a set of professions were developed back in Soviet times. Since then, two fundamental lists have remained.

Pension legislation managed to provide early age for certain categories of citizens. These include:

  • women who managed to give birth and raise 5 or more children;
  • people whose children are disabled childhood(but this does not apply to both - mother and father, but only to one of them);
  • persons who received a certain group of disabilities due to military trauma;
  • people who are disabled in the first group due to visual impairment;
  • persons classified as dwarfs;
  • those who have working experience in the Far North.

Employees working in hazardous conditions and having certain statuses and positions are also granted the same right.

List of preferential professions

In practice, the list “1” and “2” of preferential professions for early retirement is used. They are different in their structure and general features.

List "1"

All professions included in this list are united by one feature: such industries necessarily have dangerous and harmful working conditions. These are mining professions, production activities related to the production and processing of metals, and the field of transport services. Citizens can receive a pension only if the following conditions are met:

  1. Men must have at least 10 years of experience in hazardous work. Such men retire at 50. Considering that the retirement age is 60 years old, it is being reduced by a whole decade.
  2. Women – they are subject to a requirement related to the presence of special experience of 7.5 years. The total insurance coverage must be at least 15 years old; it is important that the employee reaches the age of 45 years. That is, taking into account the fact that the general conditions assume a retirement age of 55 years, it is also reduced by 10 years.

List "2"

This list includes representatives of positions associated with difficult working conditions. These are mining workers, those involved in the production of refractory elements, people working in the field of communications, railway. As with the first list, there are special requirements for women and men:

  1. Men must have a special work experience of at least 12 and a half years, with a total covered period of work of 25 years. As for the retirement age, for this category of workers it is reduced to 55 years.
  2. Women must have a special experience of at least one decade, and the total amount of time worked must be at least 20 years. As for the retirement age, for this category of workers it is 50 years, that is, it has been reduced by 5 years.

Both lists include “general professions”; work in them does not need to be confirmed using certificates and other documentation. To do this, an entry in the Work Book is sufficient, which confirms the total length of service. There are positions for which length of employment requires special confirmation through certificates. If these documents are missing, the employee may be denied an early withdrawal plan. Therefore, every working citizen undertakes to take care of his own rights in advance and do it independently.

Now let’s look at both lists of professions that can qualify for early retirement in more detail.

First list

It was approved within the framework of a special Resolution and includes several professions. It includes such areas of activity as:

  • mining;
  • work with ore, in particular – beneficiation, roasting, sintering;
  • production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals;
  • coke activity;
  • measures with generator gases;
  • manufacturing of electrical equipment;
  • creation of chemicals;
  • production of explosive structures;
  • work related to gas and oil processing;
  • production of building materials;
  • metal processing activities;
  • employment in the field of creating glass, artificial fibers;
  • work within the field of paper and pulp production;
  • printing;
  • transport service;
  • interaction with substances of radioactive origin;
  • nuclear industrial and energy sector.

This is the basic first list of preferential professions for retirement.

Second list

  • work performed in the mountains;
  • ore beneficiation;
  • employment in the metallurgical sector;
  • coke production, coal preparation;
  • refractory production process;
  • creation of hardware;
  • production of gas generators;
  • work with mercury substations;
  • oil production activities, oil refining operations;
  • maintenance of energy trains, steam power plants;
  • repair of electrical equipment;
  • printing inks;
  • work in the communications sector;
  • medicinal production;
  • peat mining;
  • food sector;
  • construction and reconstruction activities.

In these cases, citizens can easily be entitled to an early retirement pension; list “2” contains an extensive list of professions. All this information is valid and currently time. That is, absolutely any person who has found his position or workplace in the above lists can easily go to the Pension Fund in order to obtain special preferential conditions and ensure early retirement.

Later, additional professions were added to the above lists. Specialists in these areas are involved in the following industries:

  • glass and paper production;
  • metallurgy;
  • extraction of minerals that could be useful in industry;
  • work with radioactive substances.

It would be useful to know that the procedure for using these lists has special regulations and a clear resolution within the framework of Art. No. 665. 13 Federal Law 400.

Early retirement according to categories

Each enterprise in which people work is obliged to carry out detailed assessment activities related to checking the dangers of working conditions. It is also important to analyze the degree of harmfulness of certain working conditions. These provisions are reflected within the framework of federal legislative act 426, in Art. 14. The law became effective in 2013. It is on the basis of this assessment that the employer will pay contributions to the Pension Fund. The higher the occupational hazard, the big sizes amounts will have to be paid.

If a detailed analysis is not available (and sometimes this measure is not necessary), each employer can make contributions on general terms. That is, the employer acts according to a list that involves paying a percentage (1-9% for list 1 and 2-6% for list 2) of the salary level. If these payments are not made by the employer for any reason, this will expose him to administrative liability and the courts.

Features of pensions for men and women

When assigning preferential conditions for receiving a pension, it is important to take into account a large number of factors, which include the general parameter of length of service, the degree of harmfulness of the work, the IPC, and gender. After all, the standard age for men and women differs, and accordingly, there will be a difference in pension payment schemes. Practice shows that women live longer than men, which is why legislation includes projects related to age equalization. But at present they are not valid, which is why it turns out that female workers retire earlier than male workers.

Peculiarities of retirement for residents of the Far North

If a person works in the Far North, then he can qualify for early retirement benefits. To do this, it is important to meet several conditions:

  • possess a certificate confirming residence in territories classified as hazardous places for work;
  • reach the age that is considered retirement (within a particular specialty) so that you can count on early retirement;
  • have a minimum insurance period;
  • have in hand a document (most often a work book), which indicates the presence of a minimum length of work experience in the Far North.

There are also several other parameters that determine at what age you can retire. It is important to take them into account so that retirement according to list “2” of harm or according to the first list is carried out in a timely manner.

Social pension for small nationalities

For citizens who belong to small nationalities, not exceeding 50,000 people in number, who have not had time to complete the required length of service, advance pension provision is expected. Such people are vested with the powers enshrined in Federal Law No. 166, 11th Art. But there are conditions on the basis of which a citizen can count on receiving the due payments. It is necessary to document membership of these nationalities and confirm the fact of residence in certain territories.

The fact that a person belongs to a certain nation must strictly have official confirmation. To do this, you must provide a certificate from the indigenous people, as well as a photocopy of your passport and birth certificate.

Features of pension provision for unemployed citizens

According to the current law, on the basis of Art. 32, every citizen who finds himself unemployed due to staff reductions or liquidation activities of a company can claim early retirement benefits, especially if he is unable to find a new job related to his specialty. The conditions are as follows:

  • unemployment for at least three months;
  • length of service, which is the minimum required to receive security;
  • the inability of a citizen to find employment within the specialty.

Preferential pension conditions for representatives of teaching specialties

The list of positions for teaching staff on preferential pensions deserves special attention. These are the following categories of employees:

  • directors;
  • deputies;
  • managers of specialists;
  • teachers;
  • educators (including preschool workers);
  • school teachers;
  • organizers of extracurricular activities;
  • educational psychologists;
  • speech therapists;
  • music specialists schools and colleges;
  • representatives of additional education programs.

Thus, there are quite a lot of professions that require early receipt of pension benefits. The lion's share of them is associated with heavy physical labor in unfavorable conditions, but their list is increasingly being replenished with mental types of specialties. Every employee must know their rights and capabilities in order to avoid misunderstandings and deceptions. Compliance with certain conditions also plays an important role, allowing you to get a well-deserved rest ahead of time.

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