Labor disability pension per year. How is a disability pension determined? About documents for pensions and benefits

The amount of the disability pension is the amount of income of the pension recipients:

  1. insurance, assigned to a person who is recognized as a disabled person of groups 1-3 and has at least 1 day of insurance experience;
  2. state disability. She is prescribed:
    • employees of military and equivalent departments;
    • astronauts;
    • victims of radiation or man-made disasters;
    • WWII participants;
    • holders of the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  3. social disability. These are those who do not have insurance experience:
    • disabled people of all categories, including those who have suffered since childhood;
    • disabled children.

A citizen has the right to choose only one of the above types of income.

Calculation of insurance pension

SPI = B + PC / (T * K), where

PC - pension capital (calculated);

B - the size of the labor pension (basic) for disability;

T - the number of months before the date of retirement due to old age (since 2013 - 228 months);

K is the ratio of the standard value (in months) of the duration of the insurance period on a specific date to 180 months. Until the age of 19, the value is 12 months, after which it increases for each year of life by 4 months, but cannot exceed 180 months.

Table 1

The amount of labor pension (basic) for disability, established on April 1, 2015 (in rubles)

Recipient category Disability group Number of dependents
3 2 1 0
General I 13150,77 11689,58 10228,38 8767,18
II 8767,19 7305,79 5844,59 4383,59
III 6575,40 5114,20 3653,00 2191,80
People who have worked in the Far North for 15 years and have 20 years (women) or 25 years (men) of insurance experience I 19726,17 17534,37 15342,57 13150,77
II 13150,79 10958,99 8767,19 6575,39
III 9863,10 7671,55 5479,50 3287,70
People who have worked in areas equivalent to the Far North for 20 years and have 20 years (women) or 25 years (men) of insurance experience I 17096,02 15196,46 13296,90 11397,34
II 11397,35 9497,79 7598,23 5698,67
III 8548,02 6648,46 4748,90 2849,34

From April 1, 2015, the monthly allowance for disabled citizens is equal to (in rubles):

Group I - 3137.60;

The amounts are indicated subject to the citizen’s refusal of the NSS (set of social services), payments for which amount to 881.63 rubles.

The size of the disability pension is calculated as the sum of social or labor disability benefits and the monthly allowance.

State pension

The calculation of a disability pension for recipients of state pension provision is based on a certain percentage of the basic amount of the labor pension (4,323.74 rubles).

If the ability to work is lost due to a military injury, then the percentage of payments for the corresponding group will be:

If the disability occurs due to a disease acquired during military service, then, depending on its group, payments are assigned in the amount of:

Social pension

These payments are assigned for the time that a person is recognized as incapacitated, although they may be indefinite. The presence or absence of work experience does not affect the amount of payments.

The childhood disability pension of group 1 and similar payments to disabled children amount to 10,376.86 rubles monthly.

Disabled people of group II from childhood and disabled people of group I are entitled to pay 8,647.51 rubles.

Group 2 disability pension - 4323.74 rubles.

The size of the disability pension for group 3 is 3675.20 rubles.

Two types of pension payments

At the same time, a state disability pension and old-age insurance are assigned. They can be received at the same time by:

  1. those who lost their health due to war trauma;
  2. WWII participants mentioned in the law “On Veterans” (Article 2, paragraph 1.1, paragraphs a - g, i);
  3. marked with the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  4. parents of military personnel who died:
    • during conscription service;
    • after dismissal, but due to military injury;
  5. widows of military personnel who died during conscription service;
  6. disabled family members of certain categories of people who suffered in the Chernobyl disaster.

Additional Help

People caring for:

  • disabled persons (elderly people in need of care, as established by a special commission, or those over 80 years of age);
  • disabled since childhood, group I;
  • disabled children;

compensation payments are awarded. Additional conditions for receiving them: the assistant must be of working age, but not have the right to work. The degree of relationship is not important.

Assistants are paid 1,200 rubles monthly. Parents and guardians of disabled people - 5500.

Indexation 2015

Since 2012, the amount of pension payments for citizens with disabilities is tied to the base part (fixed payment) of labor pension payments. This indicator is adjusted upward annually according to the level of inflation in the country and the amount of income of the Pension Fund.

From 02/01/2015, labor pension payments were increased by 11.4%. The amount of the fixed payment increased to 4383.59 rubles.

The increase in the income of disabled people from 04/01/2015 is planned at the level:

  • 10% in relation to pension payments;
  • 5.5% for EDV, DEMO and NSU.

According to Rosstat, the increase in consumer prices in 2014 amounted to 11.4%.

In this regard, from February 1, 2015, according to Government regulations Russian Federation dated January 23, 2015 No. 39 “On approval of the consumer price growth index for 2014 to establish the cost of one pension coefficient from February 1, 2015” and dated January 23, 2015 No. 40 “On approval of the indexation coefficient from February 1, 2015 of the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension” increased by 11.4% the cost of one pension coefficient and the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension.

As a result, the cost of one pension coefficient, established as of January 1, 2015 in the amount of 64 rubles 10 kopecks, will increase from this date to 71 rubles 41 kopecks.

Indexation from February 1, 2015 of the size of insurance pensions for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner, as well as fixed payments to them, will increase the level of pension coverage for almost 39 million people receiving at the date of recalculation insurance pensions, as well as about 0.69 million people from among military pensioners who receive, along with the state pension, an old-age insurance pension (with the exception of a fixed payment to it).

As a result of indexation, from February 1, 2015, the average size of the insurance pension will increase by 1,265 rubles and will amount to 12,464 rubles, while the old-age insurance pension will increase by 1,313 rubles and will amount to 12,930 rubles, the disability insurance pension will increase by 818 rubles and will amount to 7,994 rubles, insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner - by 822 rubles and will amount to 8,040 rubles. The average pension for citizens disabled due to military injury and participants in the Great Patriotic War receiving two pensions will increase by 1,655 and 1,914 rubles and amount to 28,490 rubles and 30,257 rubles, respectively.

At the same time, the average size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account the increases established for it) will increase by 522 rubles from February 1 and after indexation will amount to 5,104 rubles.

Costs for indexation from February 1, 2015 by 11.4% of the old-age insurance pension, disability insurance and survivors' insurance pensions will amount to 29.41 billion rubles per month, or 323.51 billion rubles by the end of this year. The costs of increasing the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension from February 1, 2015 by 11.4% will amount to 20.54 billion rubles per month, or 225.93 billion rubles by the end of 2015.

Average pension

before increasing


Including growth

fixed payment

insurance pension

Recipients of insurance pensions

old age

on disability

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

Recipients of two pensions

disabled due to war trauma

participants of the Great Patriotic War

widows of fallen servicemen

disabled people awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”

It will cost a lot to make the required sample. The reason is labor, which is not possible without knowledge. In the process, the application is a substitute for the qualities of the person applying. The judge unconsciously forms emotions about the applicant who wrote his own motives by looking at the text and its content. This can be fundamentally responsible in places where the exit opens from a mental decision.

According to the current Pension legislation of the Russian Federation, military personnel can exercise the right to receive a state disability pension; WWII participants; persons who received disabled status as a result of man-made or radiation disasters; astronauts; citizens who have the award “Resident of besieged Leningrad”. At the same time, the fact that the listed persons can receive payment for work activities does not in any way affect the payment of the state disability pension.

With the advent of 2015, financial changes have affected many social structures and accruals, and the disability pension is no exception. Today, many people know that the size of the pension for disabled people is calculated on the basis of the disability group, which allows for an increase in pension payments for those whose disability group is higher than the degree of disability. Since 2012, Russia has introduced a fixed amount of disability pension, corresponding to the size of the basic part of the labor pension. Indexation of the base size is carried out on the basis of the income of the Pension Fund in accordance with the Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Social disability pensions are awarded to: disabled people since childhood and disabled children, as well as disabled people of all groups who do not have an insurance pension certificate and the required insurance period, which entitles them to receive a disability pension (or old-age pension). According to the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the average size of the disability pension in 2015 was 6,651 rubles. The first increase was carried out on February 1 and amounted to 400 rubles in monetary equivalent. From April 1, 2015, disability pensions were indexed by 1.81%, which amounted to 212 rubles in monetary terms.

We also note that the maximum amount of disability pension for disabled people of groups 1 and 2 when calculated is 3 minimum old-age pensions, for disabled people of group 3 - in the amount of one minimum pension. However, when calculating a disability pension, there are also some exceptions. Thus, the size of the disability pension in 2015 for disability groups 1 and 2 increases by 1% for each year of work, indexation is carried out beyond the length of service required to assign an old-age pension (but not more than 20%). In addition, the pension for disabled people of groups 1 and 2 who do not have work experience should not be less than the social pension, or 2/3 of the minimum old-age pension.

For persons recognized as disabled before January 2011, the amount of the pension is established without additional examination, and in addition, this category of citizens is given the right to choose a more profitable option for calculating the amount of the disability pension. Also, it is worth noting that a labor pension for disabled people is assigned if they have an insurance period of 5 years; in cases of absence or insufficient number of years of experience, the disability payment is extended.

Pension for disabled people in 2015

Many already know that since 2015, the procedure for creating pension rights for citizens has changed. There will no longer be such a thing as a “labor pension” in the laws. Now a new concept of “insurance pension” appears. However, as the Pension Fund website writes, in 2015 the conditions for granting disability and survivor pensions will not change.

Citizens who are recognized by relevant medical institutions as disabled have the right to one of the types of pensions:

Disability insurance pension;

State disability pension;

Social disability pension.

As before, disability is assessed by medical and social examination bodies and a person is assigned one of three disability groups. And for citizens under 18 years of age there is a special group “disabled child”.

According to the PFR portal, certain groups of disabled people have the right to receive 2 pensions at the same time, as well as a monthly cash payment in an increased amount of pensions and benefits.

It is worth noting that the disability pension is paid not only by the Pension Fund, but also by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. You should also know that if a disabled person is cared for by a non-working citizen, then he is entitled to a payment for caring for a disabled citizen in the amount of 5,500 rubles.

Should we expect an increase in social and disability pensions in 2015? According to available information, pensions for disabled people should indeed increase in 2015. However, one should not expect a radical increase in the size of these pensions.

I found information that pensions for disabled people in 2015 will be indexed slightly higher than inflation.

Pensions for disabled people, as well as regular labor pensions, remain at a rather modest level. For example, my father is disabled, group 2, and he receives, taking into account subsidies, about 8 thousand rubles. At the same time, 2 thousand rubles almost immediately go towards rent. And his pension is far from the lowest.

Dear reader, if it’s not difficult, please write down the real size of your disability pension. This will help other readers get more detailed information about the state of affairs with pensions for disabled people in 2015.

Pension since 2015

From January 1, 2015, a new pension formula, which will affect citizens retiring. The goal of this system is to reduce the Pension Fund deficit without increasing the retirement age. In addition, it is planned to maintain the indexation of pensions, thereby preventing their reduction.

That is, the retirement age threshold will not be officially raised, but later retirement will be encouraged. For example, if a citizen retires a year later, then his basic pension (BP) will increase by 6.6%, if he retires 2 years later, then the BP will rise by 15%, 3 years later - 24%, etc. . But you should know that in 5 years it is planned to abolish the BP altogether, i.e. it will not be paid.

Three-part pension system

From January 1, 2015, we intend to introduce a three-part pension system, which involves the following 3 types of pensions:

  1. The basic pension is a guaranteed minimum pension that a citizen will receive one hundred percent if he was included in the new pension system;
  2. An insurance pension is a pension, the amount of which will be directly determined depending on the length of service and salary of the citizen. Its calculation will be made relative to the employee’s coefficients, i.e. according to the point system;
  3. Funded pension – the size of the funded part.

In addition, the insurance pension is divided into 3 more subtypes of pensions:

As already mentioned, the insurance pension will be calculated in points. The amount of points for each citizen will depend on his work experience, salary, retirement age and the amount deducted for the employee. At the same time, a citizen’s right to an insurance pension arises when he reaches age: for men - 60 years, for women - 55 years, and the number of points earned is at least 30.

Minimum seniority from 2015 to 2025 will increase by one year each year. In 2015 it will be 6 years, which means that by 2025 it will reach 15 years. This means that if by 2025 a citizen has less than 15 years of total work experience, he will receive a social pension, and he will be able to apply for it at the age of: women - 60 years, men - 65 years.

Contributions made by employers

The amount of pension contributions will remain the same, i.e. 22%. However, the changes will affect the threshold of taxable earnings, which will increase by 1.4 times. At the moment, this threshold is 568,000 rubles. which means that in 2015 it will be 795,200 rubles.

Calculation of the amount of the insurance part of the pension

The amount of the insurance pension will be calculated based on the citizen’s pension contributions in relation to all receipts to the Pension Fund in the country. Based on this, it is clear that in order to receive a more or less normal pension, it is more profitable for a person to work longer, i.e. cross the standard retirement threshold and work for a white salary, from which regular contributions to the Pension Fund will be made.

In general, the formula looks like this:


  • RSP – amount of insurance pension;
  • IPC – individual pension coefficient (points);
  • KSP - coefficient of increase in insurance pension in case of late registration;
  • SEPCKG is the cost of a single pension coefficient for a specific year.
  • The individual pension coefficient (IPC) is calculated annually. The principle of its calculation is as follows. The amount of pension contributions paid is taken and compared to their maximum possible amount. The experience coefficient is also added to the IPC. If the length of service is 30 years, then the additional coefficient is set to 1. Moreover, for each year of experience over 30 years, the coefficient increases by 0.1, and if the experience is less than 30 years, then the coefficient, on the contrary, decreases by 0.1 for each missing year .

    As mentioned earlier, CPSP is the coefficient for increasing the insurance pension when it is issued late, which, when retiring one year later, will give a bonus of 6.6%, for 2 years - 15%, 3 years - 24%.

    The cost of a single pension coefficient for a specific year (SEPCKG) will be established in accordance with the Pension Fund budget.

    Indexation (increase) of pensions in 2015

    The increase (indexation) of labor pensions in 2015 will take place by at least 7%. The timing of the increase will remain the same as in 2014, which means that on February 1, 2015, labor pensions for old age, disability and loss of survivors will be indexed based on the inflation rate of the previous year. On April 1, 2015, labor pensions will be re-indexed and social pensions will be indexed, and the percentage increase will be calculated from the difference between inflation and income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). On August 1, 2015, pensions for working pensioners will be automatically recalculated. The amount of their indexation is individual and will depend on the length of service of the working pensioner and his salary.

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    What is the size of the disability pension in 2014-2015.

    The issue of disability pension is closely related to the concept of social pension. Social pension is a regular cash payment to disabled citizens who for some reason are not entitled to a labor pension.

    In accordance with the current pension legislation, the following categories of disabled citizens have the right to receive a social pension:

  • Disabled people of groups I, II and III, including those disabled since childhood;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under the age of 18, as well as over this age, studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost one or both parents , and children of a deceased single mother;
  • Citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North who have reached the ages of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively);
  • Citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively).
  • To receive a social pension, you need to go to your regional department of the Russian Pension Fund. You may need the following documents: passport; a document confirming belonging to the small peoples of the North; documents confirming the establishment of disability and the degree of disability; about the death of the breadwinner; about the death of the other parent; documents confirming that the deceased was a single mother; confirming family relations with the deceased breadwinner; identification and powers of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee); about the place of stay or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation; about the cause-and-effect relationship between the disability or death of the breadwinner and the citizen committing an intentional criminal act or deliberately causing damage to his health; about an intentional criminal act or intentional damage to one’s health.

    Many Russians want to know in what cases a disability pension is awarded? The answer is simple: only when you document the fact of disability. A disability pension can be insurance, social or state - each of these types of pension provision for Russian citizens has its own characteristics and conditions, and the size of pensions also differs.

    According to Russian pension legislation, a disability pension can be assigned for the period for which a particular disability group has been assigned by a medical and social examination (MSEC), or for an indefinite period in the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the disabled person. Disability pensions are indexed annually, to a certain extent protecting pension payments from inflation.

    What is the disability pension established in 2019?

    The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes three types of disability pensions, depending on the length of service (insurance) and a number of other factors:

    1. Social disability pensions

    The concept of a social pension implies a special type of pension, when a citizen has not acquired the right to receive an old-age labor pension. It is assigned to categories of citizens who have received disability groups 1, 2, 3. This group includes disabled children and children with disabilities.

    2. Insurance (Labor) disability pension

    If a citizen works throughout his life, accumulates experience and makes appropriate insurance contributions, then he will “earn” an old-age pension upon reaching the age established by law. The question arises: “Why did the disability pension get the name labor?” Let's figure out who a disabled person is - a citizen forced to lead limited life activities due to health problems or injury. In other words, a person cannot take care of himself, cannot engage in full-time work, study, or take part in various activities available to ordinary people. Therefore, he is assigned a disability pension, which, in essence, acts as compensation to the citizen for his possible earnings, which he would receive if he had the opportunity to work full-time.

    A disability insurance pension is assigned and paid to a citizen recognized as a disabled person of group I, II, or III and who has at least one day of insurance experience. Recognition of a citizen as a disabled person and establishment of a disability group is carried out by federal institutions of ITU.

    3. State disability pension

    If a person has a general work experience, which is provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation, but for certain reasons a disability is documented. The assignment of such a pension will not depend on the length of the citizen’s length of service.

    Who can apply for a state disability pension?

    • Persons who took part in hostilities;
    • Participants of the Great Patriotic War;
    • Military personnel;
    • Astronauts;
    • Persons who received the sign “Residents of besieged Leningrad”.

    You should know that if you continue to work, it in no way affects the disability pension granted by the state.

    How to calculate a disability pension?

    In order to calculate the disability pension, a special formula is used:

    P = PC / (T x K) + B

    • P is the amount of the assigned disability pension;
    • PC – estimated pension capital of a citizen who has received a disability;
    • T – months until the moment when the old-age pension should be assigned;
    • K – the ratio of the insurance period to the indicator equal to 180 months;
    • B – basic amount of disability pension.

    What is the size of the disability pension for group 1?

    If we talk about the disability insurance pension of the first group, then the basic amount of the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension from January 1, 2019 is 5334 rubles 19 kopecks per month. Wherein the amount of a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension, taking into account increases to it is:

    • If there are no dependents in the care of a disabled person of group 1 - 10,668.38 rubles per month.
    • If a disabled person of group 1 is dependent on one person - 12,446.44 rubles;
    • If there are two dependents – 14224.5 rubles per month;
    • In the case of three dependents – 16,002.56 rubles per month.

    As of January 1, 2019, the amount of the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension of group I, excluding increases, is 5,334.19 rubles per month.

    What is the size of the disability pension for group 2?

    The size of the social pension for disabled people of group 2 (with the exception of group 2 disabled people since childhood) has been 5,180.24 rubles per month since 2019.

    Separately, it is worth informing that for citizens, the basic amount of a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension was approved at the beginning of 2019, taking into account increases to it:

    • A disabled person of group 2 lives without dependents - 5334.19 rubles per month;
    • If there is only 1 dependent in care - 7112.25 rubles per month;
    • If there are 2 dependents – 8890.31 rubles per month;
    • 3 dependents – 10,668.37 rubles per month.

    As of January 1, 2019, the amount of the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension of group II, excluding increases, is 5,334.19 rubles per month.

    What is the size of the 3rd group disability pension?

    The social pension for a disabled person of group 3 from the beginning of 2019 is 4,403.24 rubles per month (this type of pension is intended for state assistance to disabled citizens who have never had work (insurance) experience.

    If a disabled person of group III has an insurance period, the duration of which does not matter, and regardless of the cause of disability and the time of its onset, then he has the right to a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension of group III, taking into account increases to it:

    • If a group 3 disabled person does not have dependents to support – 2667.10 rubles per month.
    • When there is 1 dependent in care - 4445.16 rubles per month.
    • If there are 2 dependents - 6223.22 rubles per month.
    • If a disabled person supports 3 dependents - 8001.28 rubles per month.

    EDV and NSU for disabled people in 2019

    The state has provided cash payments every month to disabled citizens (EDC). Since February 1, 2019, the EDV has been indexed by 4.3%. The indexation amount is determined based on the inflation rate for 2018. To implement this procedure, you should visit the Pension Fund branch located at your place of actual residence and fill out an application for calculating the EDV payment. In addition to the application, you must have the following package of documents with you:

    • a certificate confirming that the person is truly disabled;
    • passport of the Russian Federation;
    • pension insurance certificate.

    There are cases when a citizen falls under two categories of pension payments, for example, he is a participant in hostilities and a group 1 disabled person, then a disability pension will be assigned only on one basis, where the amount is greater.

    Also, people with disabilities can count on receiving a set of social services, which is included in the social monthly cash payment. The set of social services (NSS) included in the EDV was also indexed by 4.3%. It can be provided either in kind or in cash. The cost of the full cash equivalent of NSO from February 1, 2019 increased to 1121.42 rubles per month, which includes:

    • Providing a disabled person with doctor’s prescriptions with free medicines, medical products, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children costing 863.75 rubles;
    • Submission, if there are medical indications, for a disabled person of a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment carried out for the purpose of preventing major diseases, costing 133.62 rubles;
    • Free travel for disabled people on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back, costing 124.05 rubles.

    This set of social benefits can be received in cash, but you must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before October 1 in order to change the form in kind to cash or vice versa next year.

    Disability pensions after the start of the 2019 pension reform

    What new happened after the start of the pension reform in 2019, when the retirement age for women and men was raised? A new law “On Insurance Pensions” has been issued, according to which by 2025 citizens will have to work for at least fifteen years (previously 5) in order to count on an old-age insurance (labor) pension. Persons caring for disabled children belonging to group 1 have a question: “How can they earn a retirement pension if they cannot work due to life circumstances?” There is no need to worry - the law is on the side of this category of citizens. The entire period of caring for a disabled child of group 1 is automatically included in the length of service required for calculating an old-age pension.

    Those citizens who have been confirmed with a specific disability group can also count on an insurance (labor) disability pension - it can be indefinite or given for a certain period.

    What can a disabled person count on in addition to the basic pension? Depending on the disability group, the state has assigned special coefficients. In addition, there are various social payments, and in order to receive them, you should contact the Pension Fund or social protection authorities with a minimum package of documents and an application.

    Since the beginning of 2019, insurance pensions for non-working pensioners have increased and will now be regularly indexed along with regular insurance pension payments, as the government and the president promise. Along with the disability insurance pension, a fixed payment to it was also indexed (analogous to the former fixed base amount). At the same time, since 2019, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCP) to federal beneficiaries (veterans, disabled people, citizens exposed to radiation, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, Heroes of Socialist Labor, etc.) has been indexed by 4.3%. These pension increases affect more than 15 million federal beneficiaries.

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