Dysbacteriosis was present from birth to complementary feeding. Introduction of complementary foods for dysbacteriosis. Indicators of normal intestinal microflora

The baby is growing up. The first serious change occurs in his life - he ceases to be a baby and gradually begins to get acquainted with other types of food. How to make the transition to “adult” food as painless as possible, especially if the baby has been diagnosed with dysbiosis.

Complementary feeding and dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is not a fatal phenomenon, but unpleasant. The immaturity of the intestinal microflora leads to disturbances in the absorption and assimilation of nutrients, vitamin deficiencies, and disturbances in body weight gain. In the future, children who often suffer from dysbacteriosis may experience disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract. Dysbacteriosis complicates the process of switching to new products, since the body cannot cope with the breakdown of food products that are unusual for it. Enzymes are not yet produced enough, which also does not contribute to the absorption of nutrients from foods. Therefore, the introduction of complementary foods for dysbiosis should be carried out according to the rules.

New products need to be introduced more carefully, not guided by recommendations that “worked” 20 years ago. Careful administration of the product will not lead to fatal deficiencies of nutrients and vitamins, but will reduce the risk of complications to a minimum. This will avoid the development of an eating disorder with the subsequent appearance of atopic dermatitis, diathesis and attacks of dysbacteriosis.

Introduction rules

Complementary foods should be introduced in minimal quantities. The smaller the portion that is given to the child for the first time, the lower the risk of developing dermatitis. The new product is introduced dropwise - a few drops in the first feedings with a pipette or a teaspoon. If children with dysbacteriosis receive a large amount of complementary foods at once, disturbances occur in the intestines that lead to diarrhea, constipation, allergic reactions, and rashes. How younger child, the more strictly one must follow this rule. Only after bringing complementary feeding to an amount of 30-50 g can you start giving it at the beginning of feeding.

When complementary feeding, introduce a new product at the end of the usual feeding, mixing it with your favorite food. A new product is introduced into the feeding that will be replaced by this complementary food later.

Remember that the introduction of complementary foods for dysbiosis should be spread out over time. The intestines must get used to the new type of food. At least 10 days are allotted for the introduction of one product, or more if the child suffers from dysbacteriosis.

Remember that under no circumstances should you introduce two or more products at once. The child must get used to one product. And only when the new complementary foods become habitual food that does not cause any changes in the gastrointestinal tract or skin, then the introduction of a new product can begin.

If there are any deviations in health, then the introduction of complementary foods should be postponed. Corrective treatment for exacerbation of dysbiosis or when it is detected, teething, acute infectious diseases, vaccinations are contraindications for the introduction of a new product. If dysbiosis is being treated, you will have to stop introducing complementary foods for two weeks.

As complementary foods are introduced, it is necessary to very carefully monitor all changes in the child’s body. If any changes appear - rashes, changes in stool, mucus in the stool, regurgitation - be wary. If the changes are not significant, then you should not cancel complementary feeding - you just need to stick to the same portion without increasing it. When the baby’s digestive system adapts to the new product and the body returns to its original state, the portion can be slightly increased. It is better to increase the time for introducing complementary foods than to develop diathesis. Only if the manifestations of changes are too strong, should you exclude complementary foods for a while. During the week after an eating breakdown, you should not introduce other types of foods - let the body cope with stress and the intestinal microflora recover. You can return to the food that caused the child’s rejection after 3-4 weeks, again with minimal doses.

If complementary foods cause constipation

There are many problems when introducing complementary foods. And it’s not always diarrhea or skin rashes. Children often experience a reverse reaction to a new product - constipation. This is no less harmful to the child’s body. If a baby develops constipation after introducing complementary foods, this is the first signal that the child’s body cannot cope with the new product. Enzymatic activity is insufficient; the increase in the amount of complementary foods overloaded digestion (which in infants is still very immature) and constipation appeared.

Children prone to such reactions to new types of foods (this is detected at an early age when introduced artificial mixtures), it is worth changing the mode of introducing complementary foods. Such children should not start giving new foods, even in minimal doses, until five and a half to six months. There is no need to fear that the baby will not receive additional nutrients and will begin to lose weight - up to six months, the body’s needs are provided by breast milk and adapted mixtures in full.

If constipation occurs, then you need to massage the abdomen three to four times a day for 10 minutes. Place the baby on his tummy more often - this is a natural stimulation of intestinal motility and strengthens the abdominal wall muscles well.

Introduce drinks into your diet

Between feedings, give your baby water more often - up to one hundred grams of water. You can give your child mineral water, but always without gas, in the morning on an empty stomach. The dose of mineral water is half a teaspoon at the first dose. Then its quantity can be increased to 50 ml. per day. Water Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya have a laxative effect.

No medications should be given without examination. If constipation appears early and is persistent, undergo an examination and take all tests in order to rule out dysbacteriosis, pathological changes in the intestines, which may even require surgical intervention; neurological diseases. Improper feeding combined with a tendency to constipation can cause very serious complications, including intestinal obstruction. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and prescribe laxatives to your child: if your baby experiences repeated constipation after introducing complementary foods, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

14.12.2009, 23:31

Our situation is this: we suffer from staphylococcus and Klebsiella. We started introducing complementary foods on the advice of doctors 6 months earlier. We are on breastfeeding. But constipation also began, we are pushing like crazy, even though we poop 1-2 times a day. But we can’t get rid of the torment with a belly. It already seems to me that this will never end....:(
Girls, I would like to know if anyone had a similar situation with their stomach, after starting the introduction of complementary foods, how long did it take for you to go through everything or not everything, at least partially and how this happens, simultaneously or gradually????

14.12.2009, 23:36

14.12.2009, 23:42

We had the same situation. On the advice of a doctor, we took BIFIFORM. Well, if our daughter didn’t poop for a day, the next day her diet always included porridge, to which they added either prune or apple + plum puree.

14.12.2009, 23:48

Well, we started with vegetables, zucchini, as we were advised. And for constipation, prune puree. Well, I don’t see any special effect yet, maybe just not enough time has passed...

14.12.2009, 23:50

It seems to me that dysbacteriosis has nothing to do with it. You just started introducing new food that is not known to the gastrointestinal tract, it must get used to it and adapt.
What has nothing to do with it??? Because of him, I started introducing complementary foods earlier. The symptoms were the same as before complementary feeding, and remain.

15.12.2009, 00:00

Pooping twice is normal at this age in general...

We had staphylococcus. There were constipations, they go away on their own, the main thing is
do not disturb peristalsis so that the baby does not forget how to poop

Maybe it's worth adjusting the products a little...?
we ONLY ate "grandmother's basket". She recommended them to us
a mother who even from the states orders them from Russia.

Be sure to read the ingredients, in your case you should avoid
jars containing!! starch (any)!!.
"Frutonyanya" is too liquid, what remains is "grandmother's basket"
and some of the "gerberas". I definitely gave fruit purees
apple with plum, you can dilute the plum juice a little
(we drank Frutonyanya). strengthens blueberries 100% blueberries, potatoes
It’s better not to give them yet. Well, don’t forget to drink some water
some time after eating. This is also important for the chair now.

Good luck baby :flower:

15.12.2009, 00:01

Another good thing is Agusha fermented milk mixture from 6 months (Agusha2, I think),
our digestion improved right before our eyes after these terrible
staphylococcal torment...

15.12.2009, 00:26

15.12.2009, 00:39

15.12.2009, 12:03

15.12.2009, 12:17

We bought NAN fermented milk, but my friends say that it can ruin the child’s stomach.
If you give it once at night, it won’t ruin it. Nan Km should not be given every feeding, only once or twice a day.

15.12.2009, 12:55

We treated Klebsiella and introduced complementary foods. we started with cereals because I was underweight, then vegetables and meat, everything seemed to work out.

15.12.2009, 13:50

We react normally to complementary foods... jars of gerber purees.
staff was treated with sumamed, a good bacteriophage... disbak - lactobacterin and creon. Very good stuff, they correct all bowel problems, I recommend it, but it is advisable to discuss it with your doctor. :))

15.12.2009, 16:03

24.12.2009, 13:13

24.12.2009, 21:10

Please tell me, we also have clepsielas and staff, now 5 months, the pediatrician said to introduce fruit purees and juices? How did you introduce complementary foods with dysbacteriosis?
No, we were told to introduce vegetables and fruits, and juices last. I introduce complementary foods, like ordinary children with a cat. Everything is normal with the gastrointestinal tract. I try 1 tsp, then gradually increase it and bring it to 100-150 grams.

24.12.2009, 21:51

Girls, tell me, we are 1.5 months old and we don’t have enough milk, I want to introduce complementary foods only at night, please advise a formula.

24.12.2009, 21:52

No, we were told to introduce vegetables and fruits, and juices last. I introduce complementary foods, like ordinary children with a cat. Everything is normal with the gastrointestinal tract. I try 1 tsp, then gradually increase it and bring it to 100-150 grams.

And we have staphylococcus. Juices were also not immediately recommended. Let's start with 5 months. with vegetables

25.12.2009, 18:54

Natalya0509 do you have any improvements? It seems that with the introduction of complementary foods it should become easier to deal with dysbacteriosis (at least that’s what they say), I’m also planning to introduce it at 5 months.

25.12.2009, 22:04

Oh, I don’t even know what to answer you....:005:.It seems better, but somehow I started pushing more often, but the binges seem to have passed, but I’m still pushing.:(


25.12.2009, 22:14

Girls, thank you all for your answers, but I would like to get an answer to my question. Otherwise, no one answered it....

So if there were no similar situations...

25.12.2009, 22:20

NAN, you can try Nutrilon for starters,

It’s better to take milk, I just wrote in the dark
Thanks for the info.
This is supplementary feeding if there is not enough milk. And complementary feeding is the introduction of other products (not milk or formula).
We didn't have any infections, but we did have constipation. I started introducing vegetables. So far only broccoli and flowers. cabbage The bowel movements have improved: she poops 3 times a day, she has stopped pushing hard.

25.12.2009, 22:54

So if there were no similar situations...
It’s just not very often that you come across a recommendation to introduce complementary foods to improve the condition against the background of staf and klebs!
It may make sense to consult another doctor (gastroenterologist). Otherwise you are waiting for a positive result, but it may not happen.
Mine did not have infections, but there was constipation (only with a straw or a suppository). She introduced vegetables at 4 months. From the first day the bowel movements are regular.
In fact, I received consultations from more than one pediatrician, including more than one gastrologist. Our bowel movements have also improved, constipation (ttt) has gone away, but we are pushing and the gases are tormenting....:(

27.12.2009, 23:24

28.12.2009, 12:13

I talked to the doctor today. As soon as he arrived, he asked how often I feed the little one, we are on breastfeeding, I feed every 2 hours. So he said that all the troubles are from this. At least 3 hours between feedings, the food does not have time to be digested, hence the pain and gas and constipation and dysbacteriosis. Klebs and staf said not to treat, everyone has it, just not everyone gets tested!
Yes, yes, when we went to the pediatrician at Children's Hospital 1, we knew each other, we were 1 month old at the time, so the doctor immediately asked how I fed, I said that very often, on demand. He said that we need to transfer the child to feeding after 3 hours. And the same thing as what the doctor told you. True, we went through more than one treatment, but it didn’t help us :(

28.12.2009, 17:07

I decided not to treat for Klebs and Stafa. The only thing I read about the medicine Normoflorin, these are live bifido and lacto bacteria, naturally there can be no harm from them. According to the analysis, my bifido is low, I have been giving him Normoflorin-B for 3 days, since the very month there have been constant vomiting, and for the last 2 days the diaper is clean , only if he pooped, and so constantly, no. My stomach still hurts, I fart, but I hope that bifidobacteria will defeat Klebs! You should give it 30 days

28.12.2009, 17:53

oh, we have the same situation! I talked to our pediatrician on Thursday, she said not to introduce complementary foods until 5.5 months if there is enough milk. And start with single-component vegetables, and in no case with fruits. Do not give juice at all until a year. Her arguments are as follows:
in a child with dysbiosis, the intestinal flora is more difficult to form, all these problems interfere with it, fruits can lead to a disruption in the formation of that very flora, and this is not good. Fruits, or rather apples, are a very aggressive product. (I even know from my own child that when I eat a fresh apple, the child immediately produces green poop). Vegetables are safer in this case.
Regarding my conversations that for many, on the contrary, things with their stomachs are returning to normal, she answered me the following. Each child reacts differently to the introduction of complementary foods, and there are many cases of children ending up in the hospital from the early introduction of foods. And in general, her main advice is not to listen to other mothers, but to seek advice from doctors!

It is a very common problem for many parents. Children under 1 year of age encounter this disease, especially for children who are bottle-fed and often when the selected mixtures are not accepted by the body. Many doctors recommend not treating dysbiosis in infancy, but allowing the body to cope with the pathology on its own with the help of complementary foods, in the form of proper nutrition and mixtures. If you select mixtures that contain substances that are necessary to replenish during, then, of course, this will help solve the problem.

The fight against dysbiosis includes the use of various means. It is necessary to properly organize the nutrition of a child who is prescribed antibacterial therapy in the presence of infectious diseases and disorders of the digestive system. Experts recommend giving preference to mixtures with a fermented milk base; they will help improve digestion over time and restore the intestinal microflora. They contain fiber and prebiotics, which are so necessary during the treatment of dysbiosis. The mixtures help create favorable conditions for the formation of a bacterial environment in the digestive system. They are also able to improve bowel movements, get rid of constipation and diarrhea caused by dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

The manifestations of dysbacteriosis consist of a list of symptoms, which at this age are recommended to be corrected with the help of nutrition, not medications. There are several reasons for the development of dysbiosis; one of the most common is antibacterial therapy of the child or mother. If you are taking antibiotics, breastfeeding should be avoided, because... this will lead to a rapid process of disruption of the baby’s microflora. During treatment, the doctor prescribes mixtures with probiotics for temporary complementary feeding.

During normal functioning of the child’s digestive system, the intestinal microflora is populated by bacteria and microorganisms that help the digestive organs function properly.

If there is an imbalance due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, the child may experience:

  • unstable stool;
  • colic and pain in the abdomen;
  • bad breath;
  • there may be inclusions of food debris and mucus in the stool;
  • changes .

If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor who, after diagnosing and making a diagnosis, will prescribe nutritional formulas, complementary foods and the necessary medications to help restore the number of beneficial bacteria and stop the proliferation of pathogenic ones that cause dysbacteriosis.

Often, dysbacteriosis can develop against the background of artificial feeding, since the baby’s body does not receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins that are so necessary in the process of developing the digestive system. If breastfeeding is not possible, complementary foods and formulas need to be selected more carefully.

Is it possible to introduce complementary foods with dysbacteriosis?

Complementary foods for dysbiosis can be introduced, but this should be done gradually and in small quantities. The smaller the introduced portion of complementary foods, the easier it will be for the intestines to absorb and process new food.

In the absence of intestinal problems, complementary feeding of the baby is carried out as follows: first, a small amount of puree is given, and then breastfeeding occurs. If a child has dysbacteriosis, everything happens the other way around: first you need to feed the baby with milk or formula, only after that give a little puree, no more than 50 g. Each portion administered must be remembered, the puree must be liquid. One product is administered for at least 10 days, this will help avoid disruption of the digestive system, manifested by diathesis, acute symptoms of dysbiosis, as well as.

How to introduce complementary foods correctly

As already mentioned, the first complementary foods should be introduced in minimal portions, this reduces the risk of developing rashes. The first product is introduced in a very liquid state using a pipette a few drops at a time or with a small spoon. When a large portion of a new product is received, an imbalance occurs in the intestines, which in most cases leads to constipation, diarrhea, rashes and other allergic manifestations. The younger the child is, the more vigilant you need to be; only after gradually reaching 50 g of complementary foods can you give such food before breastfeeding.

When adding a new product, it must be given after breastfeeding, mixed with food that does not cause a negative reaction and that the baby likes. The new product should be added to the feeding that will subsequently be replaced.

If the microflora is disturbed, the introduction of complementary foods should be as long as possible to allow the intestines to become accustomed. An average of 2 weeks should be allowed for the introduction of a new product if dysbacteriosis is present.

Important! You cannot introduce several foods into complementary foods at once; the baby’s intestines must master one product at a time, and only when the product becomes familiar and does not cause any reaction, can a new one be added.

If there are any abnormalities or diseases in the baby, complementary feeding should be postponed for some time. Nutritional adjustments in the treatment of intestinal disorders are contraindicated during teething, vaccinations and acute infectious diseases.

When introducing new products, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s body’s reaction. You should be wary of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of mucus in the stool;
  • regurgitation;
  • change in stool;
  • the appearance of rashes and other rashes.

In this case, the administration of the product must be stopped. In case of minor changes and weak manifestation of one of the symptoms, complementary foods should be continued without increasing the portions. After the intestines adapt and there is no reaction, the portion can be increased. In this case, the time for introducing complementary foods will be slightly longer than usual. The child’s body can return to the rejected food after a month, starting with minimal portions.

Constipation while feeding

During complementary feeding, some problems may arise that are far from related to allergic manifestations and dermatitis. A child may experience a reverse reaction to a new product - constipation, which is no less harmless.

If constipation occurs immediately after introducing complementary foods, this indicates that the digestive system is not able to cope with the product. This reaction occurs with enzyme deficiency, or if too large a portion of food was introduced, overloading digestion.

If parents have previously encountered such a reaction of the baby’s body to a new product, then it is worth changing the mode of introducing complementary foods. It is better to completely eliminate complementary feeding until the baby is 5-6 months old, even in minimal portions. Many parents are afraid that their baby is not getting important microelements and vitamins - this is not true. Until the time it is possible to introduce foods, the baby will receive all substances from mother’s milk or adapted formulas.

After six months, such children need to be introduced to industrial purees, which are more gentle on the intestines. Homemade products can only be consumed after 8 months.

If constipation occurs, the baby can have a tummy massage, but no more than 4 times a day for up to 10 minutes. Placing the baby on his stomach more often will serve as a natural stimulating mechanism for intestinal motility and will help strengthen the muscles.

The intake of fluid into the child’s body is an integral part of complementary feeding. It is allowed to give the baby still water on an empty stomach. The portion of water at the first dose should be no more than ½ tsp, then its amount can be increased to 50 ml.

Also, introducing water will help avoid constipation, but this still does not exclude their occurrence. It is strictly forbidden to give medications for constipation on your own; you must first undergo tests that will help rule out intestinal pathologies or even neurological diseases. Incorrectly introduced complementary foods if the baby is prone to constipation can cause serious complications, one of which is intestinal obstruction. Therefore, you should not give laxatives on your own; if you have a persistent problem with stool, you should consult a doctor.

Complementary feeding consists not only of food and water; for better functioning of the intestines during dysbiosis, it is important to introduce infant formula into the diet. They include essential microelements and pribiotics that are important for digestive system dysfunction. Mixtures can help restore intestinal microflora during dysbiosis. The child's diet should include oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Now commercial mixtures based on them are available for sale, which contain the required amount of probiotics, lactulose and inulin. All these substances in instant porridges are well absorbed by the child’s body.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis during complementary feeding

For preventive purposes, experts give several tips that will help eliminate the development of dysbacteriosis:

  • immediately after birth, the baby must be put to the breast;
  • breastfeed up to 1 year;
  • is attentive to the baby’s body’s reaction to new food;
  • watch your stool;
  • monitor the baby’s development and weight gain;
  • Complementary foods should only be introduced at the appropriate age.

Of all skin rashes of a non-infectious nature (that is, not chickenpox, measles, etc.), only 15 percent are truly allergic. We will call the remaining 85% of rashes in children diathesis. Diathesis can be caused by various reasons, but in most children, diathesis occurs as follows.

Usually, infants are introduced to complementary foods 1/4 teaspoon at a time, drop by drop, a few grams at a time, between meals or supplementary feeding, after breast milk. And even if it doesn't happen gross mistakes, when a child is given a large amount of new food at once or a product is introduced that is not appropriate for his age (introducing baby kefir per month, when it says on the package - from 6 months), the child becomes covered with diathesis. Not to mention “horror films”, when children under 6 months are given a cutlet, sausage and soup.

No one is to blame - the parents followed the advice from decent books, the pediatricians followed the instructions and textbooks, and the child was in diathesis. This ? Most likely no. Books, textbooks and instructions were written a long time ago; since then, due to the environment and human lifestyle, newborn children have become a little different.


Being more careful will not harm your child at all; there will be no shortage of food, vitamins, etc. he (she) will not experience. But if you carefully introduce new foods, you will minimize the risk of developing diathesis in your child, and subsequently possibly avoid allergies, eczema, and other diseases, including bronchial asthma.

It occurs when the child’s body and its enzymatic systems are not ready to digest a new product. “Not knowing” how to digest an apple, porridge, Malyutka or kefir, the pancreas “strains”, trying to produce the necessary enzymes in the right quantity. “Overstrain” of the pancreas leads to slight “inflammation” (on ultrasound it is usually enlarged in such children). The child’s immune system must respond to any inflammation and heal it, but in the child all systems are still immature, unformed, and the inadequate reaction of the immune system “crawls out” on the skin in the form of diathesis.

How to protect yourself from diathesis?

Child's needs

(weight gain, height, teething, etc.) a child under 6 months only needs breast milk (if the mother’s diet is complete). From 6 months to 1 year, for normal development, it is enough to feed the child only breast milk and adapted milk (Frisolak, Hipp, Humana, etc.), which contains all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. The rest of the food (juices, fruit and vegetable purees, meat, cottage cheese, kefir, baby food, porridge) is needed only for training the enzymatic systems of the intestines (pancreas, liver, etc.) and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Such training is needed in order to gradually, after a year, transfer the child to the “adult” table. Therefore, there is no need to rush into introducing juices, baby foods, purees, cereals, etc. Genetically, a child, when born, knows how to digest and utilize only other foods and the rest of the products are almost “poisonous” for him. Therefore, “this poison” must be administered with extreme caution, leaving the child’s body time to adapt and get used to the new food.

The mixture is closest in composition to milk, but is not milk, so it must be introduced before juices, etc. for training the gastrointestinal tract. After 6 months, milk changes its composition, becomes poorer and less nutritious, so you need to supplement it. Previously, this was solved with complementary foods. Now, in order to avoid diathesis, etc., there is no need to rush with complementary foods, or rather, start with the most gentle complementary foods - mixture.
The value of mother's milk lies not only in its maximum digestibility, but also in its protective properties - in children breastfeeding and there are fewer colds and fewer worries.

There are three basic rules for the careful introduction of complementary foods.


If a child reacts negatively to a new product, you will know exactly which one; in addition, the load on the body with “one product” is less than several, and it is easier for the child to adapt. A negative reaction to the introduction of a new food can be expressed in diathesis, constipation, diarrhea, other changes in stool (odor, mucus, greens), etc. In these cases, it is necessary to discontinue the introduced product, give the child a week to rest and begin introducing another product. Complementary foods that caused a negative reaction in the child can be tried again in two months, when the body has already learned something from other complementary foods. It should be remembered that a negative reaction may not be to new complementary foods, but to other “life factors”, but it is better for the child to cope with them without additional load in the form of new food. If the child “spits” a new product, then it should be discontinued because the child does not like it. As he grows up, his tastes will change and he will eat everything or almost everything. Try not to judge the taste of baby food - what is tasty for a newborn may seem very disgusting to you. This is normal, since the taste of children under one year old is very different from the taste of adults.


It should be given to the child at the end of feeding, if possible mixed with “old” (familiar to the child) food. By analogy with physical training: first the muscles are “warmed up” and then they are given a load. Enzymatic systems and the intestines also need to “warm up” and begin to work actively, digesting “familiar food”. By introducing complementary foods at the end of feeding, you will not “take the child by surprise” and will not harm him. A positive side effect of such introduction of new food will be that the child will more easily get used to new taste sensations, which means that the child will not spit new food at you.


This rule can also be illustrated with a “physical education” example. In order not to “tear the muscles”, but to effectively “pump up”, you need to gradually increase the load. With regard to the introduction of complementary foods, this will happen as follows. If there is enough mother's milk and the baby is not hungry, after breastfeeding, you need to introduce complementary foods, as written below, but if there is no breast milk or little, or unexpectedly ends, then the introduction of complementary foods as written below should begin earlier, as soon as problems begin, Be sure to constantly consult with your doctor. So, if everything is enough, then until 4 months it is advisable to feed the baby only breast milk. From four to six months it is necessary to introduce an adapted milk formula (Frisolak, Hipp, Nan, Humana, etc., but not Malyutka from the dairy kitchen, it is not adapted and will not replace milk). It is necessary to introduce breast milk substitutes so that the child does not experience a lack of vitamins, microelements and other components of mother’s milk, the amount of which in breast milk quickly decreases after 6 months, although in other respects mother’s milk remains useful and you should not stop feeding the child with it. The mixtures are introduced carefully, gradually, “without rushing anywhere.” After the baby has let go of the breast, having eaten his mother’s milk, he needs to drop literally one drop of the mixture from a pipette into his mouth. Day by day, slowly, you need to increase the dosage drop by drop - today one drop, tomorrow two, the day after tomorrow three, etc. The remaining products should be introduced just as gradually, starting with the minimum possible dosages and slowly, slowly increasing them.

These rules look overly strict, but if you start feeding your child according to these rules, then after introducing a dozen foods, you will begin to introduce the “next” dozen faster, starting with 1/8 teaspoon, increasing the dose daily, perhaps exponentially.

It is advisable, when starting to introduce juices, purees, cereals, etc., to use ready-made products from Baby Food stores, since they are better processed and sterilized, adjusted for age, than you can make at home yourself. Purchased baby food Does not contain any preservatives harmful to children. Remembering the desire of any company to sell more, introduce the next jar not from the age indicated on it, but “being late”, introduce it a couple of months later. Do not buy food from companies whose names you see for the first time, do not buy food from other stores, try to buy food made in developed countries, and not in the former socialist camp.

There is a certain vector of your actions from which deviations are allowed. For example, from 4 to 6 months, the task is to introduce approximately 200 ml of the mixture per day. And from 6 to 7 months, introduce a little juice, and then puree. One or two items each. But there is nothing to worry about if you drink only one juice per month.
Then introduce the vegetable. And not vegetables, such as potatoes or carrots. Then some porridge, such as oatmeal.
It's already 8-9 months. By introducing several products you will begin to experiment more boldly.

Mom's milk

Mother's milk or, in its absence, donor milk is desirable once every 3 - 4 months (microbiological purity with determination of the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics and bacteriophages) so as not to feed the child microbes and not expose him to additional risk. If any microbes “grow” in mother’s milk, there is no need to rush to discontinue mother’s milk; it contains absolutely irreplaceable immunoglobulins - antibodies that protect the baby from all kinds of viruses and other microbes, preventing in many cases the development of dysbiosis or acute respiratory infections in the baby. In order to ensure that the antibiotic that will be used to treat the mother does not harm the baby, whom she will continue to feed, you should firstly select from a special “approved” list (ampicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, etc.), and secondly, prescribe preventive treatment for the child from dysbacteriosis, which can appear from the use of antibiotics and is unlikely to appear if, in parallel with the mother's antibiotic, the child receives drugs such as bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, primadophilus, when these drugs are given to the baby, then he is almost not in danger from antibiotics. And abolishing mother's milk is the very last thing.

Another consequence of improper introduction of complementary foods can be. An “overstrained” pancreas and mechanically rough food change intestinal motility, improving conditions for the proliferation of “bad” microbes and worsening conditions for “good” bacteria that are beneficial to the body. , or rather, a large number of bad microbes can also lead to diathesis.

Sokolov A.L. and Kopanev Yu.A.


Imbalance in the qualitative and/or quantitative composition of the intestinal flora. “Good” bacteria live in the intestines, helping the body digest food, produce vitamins, etc. But if the body’s immune system is not in order or there are not enough good bacteria, then “bad” microorganisms (staphylococcus, candida, etc.) can penetrate and multiply in the intestines.

Children are especially sensitive to such unfavorable background as. In the last 10 years, the frequency of such forms of dysbiosis, which are accompanied by food and digestive system disorders, has increased.

This is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the frequent pathology of pregnancy, the early transition to artificial feeding and improper nutrition of children under 1 year of age, as well as the irrational use of various medications (including antibiotics) during pregnancy by the mother and from the first days of the child’s life.

Occurring in the first year of life, it can lead to the formation at an older age of such diseases as intestinal, chronic, colitis, proctosigmoiditis, neurodermatitis,. Due to a weakened immune system, a child with intestinal dysbiosis can often get sick for a long time.

Needs correction. Disturbances of the microflora are easier to correct in infancy and by eliminating the unfavorable background, not only the treatment of existing dysfunctional disorders is carried out, but also the prevention of the development of those diseases mentioned above.

The diagnosis of dysbiosis is made according to the analysis of dysbacteriosis and complaints. For treatment, CIP (complex immunoglobulin preparation), bacteriophages, bifidumbacterin, acylact, bificol, lactobacterin, primadophilus, linex, etc. are used. If a child has skin manifestations (atopic dermatitis, pyoderma), then, along with general treatment (enzymes, membrane stabilizers mast cells) and correction of intestinal dysbiosis, local treatment is used.

With proper feeding and care, the risk of developing and relapses of intestinal dysbiosis is significantly reduced (the risk of developing chronic diseases that occur against the background of dysbiosis is correspondingly reduced).

We recommend that you continue breastfeeding for as long as possible. If for some reason this is not possible, then the transition to artificial adapted mixtures should be carried out gradually. Complementary foods are also gradually introduced.

Another important factor in a child's nutrition infancy is stability. Considering the imperfect digestive function of children under 1 year old, each new dish in their diet is a stressful factor that requires adaptation. Therefore, frequent unjustified changes in nutrition can cause the development of dysbiosis.

It is advisable to take a stool test for dysbacteriosis when unfavorable stress factors appear: any disease that weakens the immune system (intestinal infections, etc.); change in diet; moving to another climate zone; ; use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormonal drugs; planned surgical interventions; strong psycho-emotional effects. It is also advisable to do an analysis if constipation, diarrhea, poor appetite or sleep, abdominal pain, or “allergic” skin rashes occur.

Sokolov A.L. and Kopanev Yu.A.

Video on the topic of allergies and the introduction of complementary foods. Conversation with a doctor. 40 min.

Video on the topic of introducing complementary foods. Conversation with a doctor. 63 min.

Video on the topic of colic in children and child nutrition. Conversation with a doctor. 44 min.

Dysbacteriosis in newborns is not an independent disease, but a consequence of certain pathologies in the body. To treat it, it is necessary to identify the cause of abnormalities in the intestines. The diet of the baby, as well as the nursing mother, should be balanced. If you receive appropriate recommendations from your doctor, you can use probiotics and prebiotics.

Often a similar diagnosis is made to newborns who are not yet a month old. The development of deviations is influenced by the following factors:

Late initiation of breastfeedingMother's milk is a natural source of beneficial bifidobacteria. If breastfeeding begins on time, already 7 days after the first breastfeeding, almost the full range of necessary bacteria appears in the baby’s intestines. If the diet is incorrect, the intestines become colonized with opportunistic bacteria, causing various disorders.
The use of antibiotics necessary to relieve various diseasesDuring surgery and the development of dangerous diseases, it is impossible to carry out proper treatment without administering these medications. Among the side effects that occur when taking antibacterial drugs is the loss of beneficial intestinal microflora. The most dangerous are broad-spectrum drugs. If antimicrobial therapy is carried out in conjunction with breastfeeding, the recovery process occurs much faster. It is advisable to carry it out for up to six months or longer.


If disruptions in the functioning of the intestines appear periodically, these deviations are considered normal. When negative symptoms worsen, a deficiency of beneficial microflora in the intestines is diagnosed.

The following symptoms indicate the occurrence of dysbiosis:

  1. Increased anxiety in the child.
  2. Sleep pathologies.
  3. Refusal of daily meals and sudden weight loss indicate disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Diarrhea of ​​watery consistency with a greenish tint. In some cases, mucus impurities, white flakes, and areas of food that have not been digested are found. These symptoms may appear when complementary foods are introduced. The stool has an unpleasant odor.
  5. Constant constipation. A breastfed baby can walk about once every 2-3 days. This feature is a variant of the norm if defecation occurs without outside help and the baby does not experience discomfort. If a child is bottle-fed, natural bowel movements should occur at least once a day.
  6. Irregular bowel movements. Diarrhea may occur, alternating with constipation.
  7. Increased gas formation, excessively severe colic.
  8. Regurgitation after eating. Similar abnormalities are diagnosed in a large number of infants. To avoid these unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to move the child to a horizontal position after eating and keep it there for 10 minutes. In the presence of dysbacteriosis, almost all the food that the child recently consumed can be released. There is a risk of excessive vomiting.

To clarify the diagnosis of dysbiosis, it is necessary not only to confirm the presence of the signs already listed, but also to undergo an examination.

Tests for dysbacteriosis

To identify the disease and develop therapeutic therapy, the following studies are carried out:

  1. Coprogram. Allows you to determine the degree of digestion of specific food components. Using this study, you can detect inflammatory reactions and confirm their absence.
  2. Stool culture with subsequent identification of opportunistic microflora in laboratory conditions. With this study, the percentage of obligate bacteria can be detected. Their numbers are determined without taking into account the amount of normal microflora.
  3. Stool culture for dysbacteriosis. Using this analysis, you can determine the ratio of pathogenic microflora to normal. The effect of certain antibiotics on pathological bacteria is diagnosed.

Collection of analyzes must be carried out in accordance with important rules. When collecting stool, it is placed in a pre-washed jar. To obtain the most accurate information, stool is collected in quantities of 5 g or more and submitted on the same day. Do not store test material at room temperature. If your child is already prescribed probiotics, it is necessary to take a break from taking these medications before the test.

Causes of dysbiosis in newborns

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are often associated with pathologies in the intestines. Usually the disease occurs due to improper nutrition of the child.


Sometimes women decide to feed their baby on demand. If you decide to adhere to this technique, you must take into account the natural needs of the baby. A child may become hungry only a few hours after a full meal. You shouldn't feed him much more often. If you do not follow this rule, severe digestive problems may occur. The formation of pathologies is affected by the immaturity of enzymes and their small quantity. If the complete breakdown of nutrients and microelements does not occur, fermentation processes begin, which causes increased gas formation and colic.


When a child consumes only milk, which contains a large amount of lactose but not enough fat, standard digestive problems may occur. The child suffers from bloating and too loose stools. You should encourage your baby to consume milk rich in fats and lactose. You should not offer another breast until the previous one is completely emptied.

Switching to another mixture

If bottle feeding is practiced, problems may develop when trying to replace the formula. The child’s body produces enzymes necessary to digest a mixture with a specific composition. Digestive problems can occur with lactase deficiency. If the amount of this substance is reduced, the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the breakdown of important microelements. To solve this problem, you need to switch to low-lactose mixtures. You should not change the composition of the formula that your baby consumes daily too often. The transition to another diet should be made gradually. Replace the mixture within 7 days.

On a note! Dysbacteriosis can form during a sharp transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding.

Early introduction of complementary foods

If you decide to give your baby juices, vegetables and fruits, and meat dishes before reaching 6 months, gastrointestinal dysfunction may develop. If characteristic symptoms are detected, it is necessary to begin treatment of dysbiosis and completely adjust the child’s diet. Complementary feeding is introduced gradually, products are selected according to the child’s age. Focus on certain characteristics of a particular person’s body.

On a note! Signs of dysbiosis may disappear on their own or decrease if you adjust your diet. When the disease occurs due to intestinal infections, complex therapeutic treatment is required. It is important not only to use specialized medications, but also to strengthen the child’s general immunity, restore the body’s condition to launch self-regulation processes.

Stages of dysbiosis

There are four degrees of development of this disease.

Stage 1

Beneficial bacteria prevail over pathogenic microflora. At this stage of dysbiosis, the child’s condition is often confused with normal. Opportunistic bacteria are present in feces, but have virtually no effect on the general condition of the body. The baby's behavior does not show signs of danger. At this stage, a dysbacterial reaction occurs. Typically, this deviation manifests itself when the mother consumes unwanted foods, introduces complementary foods, or switches to a different diet. This condition does not require medical intervention. Usually the child’s body recovers on its own.

Stage 2

Marked suppression of normal microflora. Stomach bloating and diarrhea may occur. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to contact your pediatrician. The doctor will review the diet of the nursing mother. If your baby is breastfed, the formula may need to be changed.

Stage 3

Pathogenic microflora significantly prevails over beneficial bacteria. Staphylococci and other harmful microorganisms multiply. A pathological process is developing that needs to be urgently occupied. Otherwise, it will last for a long time. Pain in the abdomen and prolonged diarrhea appear, in which areas of undigested food are found. After consultation with a doctor, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. To select a set of necessary drugs, it is advisable to undergo tests.

Stage 4

Characterized by active growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The above symptoms occur, and signs of general intoxication of the body are observed. If diarrhea is not controlled with medications, the child’s weight decreases sharply and the child’s health deteriorates.

On a note! When the disease reaches this stage, the likelihood of dysbiosis becoming chronic increases.


If an acute intestinal infection occurs, the digestive process is disrupted as a result of taking antiviral drugs, therapy consisting of probiotics and prebiotics is used.


A group of microorganisms beneficial for digestion. Preparations from this group contain various bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, yeasts, enterococci, and beneficial E. coli. Probiotics stabilize the intestinal microflora, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, thereby eliminating disruptions in the digestive process. Probiotics can be used in either dry or liquid form.

Types of probiotics:

  1. One-component. Help eliminate specific strains of bacteria. Drugs in this group include Lactobacterin, Biobakton, Bifidumbacterin.
  2. Multicomponent. They help overcome a number of strains of a certain type of bacteria. Among the most popular drugs from this group are Linex, Acipol, Acilact.
  3. Symbiotics. Eliminates several types of bacteria. Necessary for severe dysbacteriosis. Doctors prescribe Hilak forte, Bifiliz, Bifiform.
  4. Sorptive. They are created with an admixture of enterosorbents. Are used Probifor, Bifidumbacterin forte, Florin forte.

For therapy to be effective, it is necessary to entrust the prescription of probiotics to a doctor. The specialist will select methods for treating dysbiosis, based on test results and symptomatic signs. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the characteristics of the disease and the specific drug. If there is minimal disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor prescribes first-generation probiotics. Usually treatment with their help is carried out within a month.

On a note! When symptoms of acute intestinal infections or poisoning appear, 3rd and 4th generation prebiotics are prescribed. The course of treatment lasts about a week.


Organic microelements that accelerate the growth of beneficial microorganisms. The preparations contain proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. These medicines are made from natural raw materials. Soybeans, beets, cereals, algae and mushrooms are used.

Popular prebiotics:

  1. Clean. Lactulose syrup, its analogues: Normaze, Lizalak, Lactusan, Portalak.
  2. Combined preparations made with the addition of enterosorbents. In medical practice they are used Polysorb, Lignosorb, Laktofiltrum.

Prebiotics intended for use by infants are available in various forms: syrups, powders or granules.

These drugs are used to achieve a complex therapeutic effect:

  1. Blocking processes that affect the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Accelerates the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  3. Reducing the amount of mucus.
  4. Regeneration of intestinal walls.
  5. Eliminate constipation.
  6. Increasing the amount of vitamins B and K.
  7. Stabilization of acidity levels.
  8. Improving general immunity.

On a note! Prebiotics and probiotics are often prescribed in combination to achieve optimal therapeutic effect. Sometimes synbiotics are used, which contain the most active components from two groups of drugs. The most popular of them is Maxilak.


Bacteriophages are medicines containing viruses necessary to eliminate certain strains of pathogenic microorganisms. They do not affect the beneficial intestinal microflora, and dangerous bacteria cannot develop resistance to them.

The specific drug is selected taking into account the test results, since certain bacteriophages help eliminate specific types of bacteria. To choose the best medicine, you need to consult your doctor. Bacteriophages are available in solution form. They can be used internally. If this is not possible, rectal administration using an enema is carried out. The course of treatment ranges from a week to 10 days.

To cure dysbiosis in a newborn, it is necessary to adjust the diet, use medications and improvised methods to eliminate the most important disorders. If the disease is characterized by moderate symptomatic manifestations, a minimum of medications can be used, allowing the body to recover on its own. To correct severe disorders, prebiotics, probiotics, bacteriophages and other drugs are used.

Video - Dysbacteriosis

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