Sample contract for the supply of precious stones. Commission agreement for the sale of jewelry made of precious metals with inserts of precious stones. Details and signatures


____________________ “___” ________________ 200 ___ g.

Hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, represented by ______________ (name of organization)
_____________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and
(f., i., o., position)
____________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”, represented by ________
(name of company)
______________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, (f., i., o., position)
have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The Seller undertakes to supply to the Buyer for sale on the terms of a commodity commercial loan the jewelry specified in the delivery specifications (hereinafter referred to as the goods).
1.2. Supply specifications are integral parts of this contract and contain names, code (article), quantity, unit prices of the goods supplied, and the total amount according to the specification.
For products with precious stones, prices are indicated as average; prices with precious stones may deviate from those indicated in the specification, depending on the characteristics of the items. precious stones.
Delivery specifications are concluded for 1 year (broken down by quarter) and one-time for a fixed payment period.
1.3. The rights and obligations of the parties to this agreement arise if the Buyer receives a license to sell jewelry.

2. Terms of delivery
2.1. The goods are delivered by the Supplier to the Buyer’s address specified in the shipping orders.
2.2. Delivery of goods according to quarterly specifications within a quarter is carried out evenly across months. Changes in the monthly supply rate (in assortment) or early delivery are made by agreement of the parties, drawn up in writing.
2.3. Delivery of goods according to one-time specifications is carried out within the time period specified in the specification. The delivery date is the date of shipment of the goods.
2.4. For each delivered batch of goods, the Supplier is obliged to issue and transfer to the Buyer an invoice indicating the names, product codes, unit prices and amounts. For products from precious metals The invoice is accompanied by a weight sheet indicating (in terms of codes) the numbers of the boxes, the weight and number of products for each parcel.
2.5. The Supplier, by agreement of the parties, may replace the unsold product with another from the Supplier’s range.
2.6. The Buyer has the right, in agreement with the Supplier, to refuse the goods specified in the specification no later than _______ days before the beginning of the quarter in which the goods are to be delivered. The refusal must be made in writing.
2.7. The quality and completeness of goods must comply with current industry standards for the supplied products. If the Buyer discovers a defect, the Supplier undertakes to repair or replace the defective products. Labeling and packaging of goods must comply with current industry standards for the supplied products.
2.8. Transportation of goods from the Supplier to the Buyer is carried out as agreed by the parties ________________________.
2.9. Acceptance of goods for quality and completeness is carried out in accordance with instructions No. P-6, P-7, approved by the decisions of the State Arbitration Court under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 15, 1965, April 25, 1966 with additions and changes.
3. Payment procedure
3.1. Payment by the Buyer for the goods is carried out in installments for 1 month from the date of shipment of the goods.
3.2. To use a commercial commercial loan, the Buyer pays the Supplier ______% of the cost of the goods supplied.

4. Duration of the contract and its termination
4.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is concluded for a period of up to “___” ___________ 200 ___.
4.2. The contract is subject to unilateral termination if one of the parties has committed gross and repeated violations of its terms. In this case, the party initiating the termination of the contract must send written notice of the proposed termination of the contract no less than __________________ before termination.

5. Limitation of liability
5.1. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if it was the result of force majeure circumstances that a party to this agreement could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures and if these circumstances directly affected the performance of this agreement. In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances existed. If these circumstances continue for more than three months, then each party has the right to cancel this agreement, in which case neither party will be entitled to compensation for damages.

6. Responsibility of the parties and the procedure for resolving disputes
6.1. In case of late payment for the delivered products, the Buyer will be subject to penalties in the amount of ____% of the amount not transferred on time for each day of late payment, including the day of delay.
6.2. In case of untimely delivery by the Seller of products and goods ordered by the Buyer, the Seller shall pay penalties in the amount of ____% of the cost of products not delivered on time for each day of delay in delivery, including the day of delay.
6.3. In case of underdelivery of products, the Seller pays penalties in the amount of ____% of the cost of underdelivered products, which does not relieve him of the obligation to make additional delivery of products ordered by the Buyer.
6.4. All disputes and disagreements arising under this agreement or in connection with it are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements arising under this agreement or in connection with it through negotiations, the parties submit them for consideration to the Arbitration Court of _______________________.

7. Other conditions
7.1. Additional agreements, as well as any changes and additions to this agreement, are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties.
7.2. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.3. This agreement is concluded in two copies - one for each of the parties, both copies have equal legal force.

8. Addresses and details of the parties



Moscow "__" ____ 20__

Jewelry House"(Certificate of special registration with the State Property Inspectorate No. dated June 09, 2011, validity period: until June 09, 2016), hereinafter referred to as “ Salesman", . E., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and

_______________________________ (Certificate of special registration ___________ GIPN No. ___________ dated “__” _______ 20__, validity period: until “__” _______ 20__), hereinafter referred to as (th) "Buyer", represented by _______________________., acting on the basis of ________________________, on the other hand,

collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Seller undertakes to supply and transfer into the ownership of the Buyer jewelry made of precious metals with inserts of precious and semi-precious stones or without inserts (hereinafter referred to as the “Products”) in the assortment, quantity and at prices agreed upon in accordance with clause 2.1, and the Buyer undertakes accept and timely pay for the Goods under the terms of this Agreement.

1.2. The goods are delivered in separate batches on the basis of invoices. Each batch of Goods is formed by the Seller in accordance with the Buyer’s application accepted by the Seller.

2. Price of the Product and payment procedure

2.1. The price of the Goods is agreed upon by the Parties in the Price Agreement Protocol, which is an integral part of the Agreement, and is indicated in the invoices.

2.2. The terms of payment for the Goods are agreed upon by the Parties in the Additional Agreements to this Agreement, which are its integral parts.

3. Delivery procedure and terms

3.1. The terms of delivery (transfer) of the Goods to the Buyer are agreed upon by the Parties in the Additional Agreements to this Agreement, which are its integral parts.

3.2. The goods received from the Seller to the Buyer are the property of the latter from the moment the Parties sign the delivery note.

3.3. Delivery of the Goods from the Seller’s warehouse to the Buyer’s warehouse is carried out at the expense of the Seller (with its own funds or with the involvement of freight forwarding organizations). Upon delivery of each batch of Goods, the Seller simultaneously provides the Buyer with shipping and other documents, namely: Bill of Lading, Price Agreement Protocol.

3.4. The return of the Goods to the Seller for any reason is carried out at the Buyer’s expense (with its own funds or with the involvement of freight forwarding organizations).

4. Quantity and quality of the Goods

4.1. Acceptance of the Goods by quantity is carried out by the Buyer in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods by quantity, approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Arbitration Court of 01.01.01 No. P-6 - within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Goods to the Buyer's warehouse.

4.2. Acceptance of the Goods for quality is carried out by the Buyer in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods for quality, approved by the Resolution of the State Arbitration Court of the USSR dated 01.01.01 No. P-7 - within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Goods to the Buyer's warehouse.

4.3. If the Buyer fails to comply with the deadlines established in clause 4.1 and clause 4.2 of this

Contracts, claims regarding the quality and quantity of the Goods are not considered by the Seller.

4.4. The quality, completeness, and marking of the supplied Goods must comply with the requirements of OST 5 “Jewelry Products Made of Precious Metals”, OST 4 “Ritual and Ceremonial Products Made of Precious Metals”, as well as the requirements of the Regulations on Assaying and Hallmarking of Products Made of Precious Metals in Russian Federation.

4.5. If hidden manufacturing defects are detected in the Product, confirmed by the Certificate of the results of the examination, the Buyer has the right to return it to the Seller within 2 years from the date of retail sale of this Product, while providing the Seller with an Invoice in the TORG-12 form and a Certificate of the established discrepancy quantity and quality when accepting inventory items in the TORG-2 form.

4.6. The supplied Goods must have individual packaging and labeling.

5. Risk of accidental loss of the Goods

5.1. The risk of accidental death or accidental damage, loss or damage to the Goods is borne by the Seller or the Buyer, depending on which of them had the right of ownership of the Goods at the time of its accidental death or accidental damage.

6. Responsibility of the Parties

6.1. A Party to the Agreement, whose property interests and/or business reputation are violated as a result of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement by the other Party, has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused, which are understood as expenses that the Party whose rights were violated has made or will make to restore its rights and interests, including costs associated with loss, deterioration or damage to the Goods (actual damage), as well as lost income that this Party would have received under normal business conditions if its rights and interests had not been violated (lost profits).

6.2. For violation of the terms of delivery of the Goods or its incomplete delivery, the Seller pays the Buyer a fine in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the Goods paid by the Buyer, but not transferred by the Seller, for each day of delay.

6.3. For an unreasonable refusal to accept the Goods, the Buyer shall pay the Seller a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the Goods not accepted on time, for each day of delay.

6.4. For violation of payment terms for the Goods or incomplete payment, the Buyer shall pay the Seller a fine in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the unpaid Goods for each day of delay.

6.5. The basis for calculating and paying a fine is the written request of the injured Party.

6.6. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms and obligations under this Agreement, losses incurred by the injured Party are recovered in addition to the sanctions provided for in clauses 6.2–6.4 of this Agreement, in the full amount in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.1 of this Agreement.

6.7. Payment of a fine, penalty or penalty does not relieve any of the Parties to this Agreement from the proper fulfillment of its terms in full.

6.8. The party that has not fulfilled or improperly fulfilled its obligations under this Agreement shall be liable unless it proves that proper fulfillment of obligations was impossible due to force majeure (force majeure), i.e. extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances. The Parties to this Agreement include force majeure events such as natural disasters, prohibitions by government and administrative bodies, strikes and other circumstances that may be defined by the Parties to this Agreement as force majeure for the proper fulfillment of obligations.

7. Validity period of this Agreement

7.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until December 31, 2011 inclusive, and in terms of mutual settlements - until they are fully executed.

7.2. If, before the expiration date of this Agreement, neither Party notifies the other Party in writing of the termination of this Agreement, the Agreement is automatically extended for the next calendar year on the same terms, unless otherwise established by written agreement of the Parties.

8. Privacy

8.1. The terms of this Agreement, Additional Agreements or Appendices thereto, as well as other information received by the Parties in connection with the execution of the Agreement are confidential and are not subject to disclosure.

9. Dispute resolution

9.1. All issues not covered by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. Disputes and disagreements are resolved by the Parties through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements under this Agreement during negotiations, the dispute is submitted to the Moscow Arbitration Court for consideration.

10. Final provisions

10.1. Any changes or additions to this Agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. All annexes or additions to this Agreement are an integral part of it.

All appendices, changes or additions to this Agreement signed by the Parties and transmitted by fax or e-mail, have legal force equal to the original until the receipt of this original.

10.2. All notices and communications must be given in writing.

10.3. In all other respects that are not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.4. This Agreement is drawn up in 2 copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

11. Details and signatures of the Parties



Jewelry House"

Legal address: 109428 Moscow, Ryazansky prospect, building 8 A, building 1

Legal address

Postal address: 109428 Moscow, Ryazansky prospect, building 8 A, building 1, office. 206

Mailing address




Account in



___________________ / __________/

The Buyer's obligation to pay for the Products is considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are credited to the Supplier's bank account or deposited in the Supplier's cash register when paying in cash. 4.5. When delivering Products to the Buyer under sales conditions (clause 3.1.3 of this Agreement), the Buyer undertakes to provide the Supplier with reports on the number of products sold every 15 (fifteen) calendar days. In this case, the Buyer undertakes to pay for the sold products within 3 (three) banking days from the date of submission of the report to the Supplier. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 5.1. If payment for Products is late by more than 1 (one) calendar day, the Supplier has the right to charge the Buyer a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the unpaid amount for each day of late payment.

contracts by type

Supply specifications are concluded for 1 year (broken down by quarter) and one-time for a fixed payment period. 2. Delivery terms 2.1. The delivery of goods is carried out by the Supplier to the Buyer’s address indicated in the shipping orders.


Delivery of goods according to quarterly specifications within a quarter is carried out evenly on a monthly basis. Changes in the monthly supply rate (in assortment) or early delivery are carried out by agreement of the parties, drawn up in writing. 2.3. Delivery of goods according to a one-time specification is carried out within the time specified in the specification. The delivery date is considered to be the date of shipment of the goods.

2.4. For each delivered batch of goods, the Supplier is obliged to issue and transfer to the Buyer an invoice indicating the names, product codes, unit prices and amounts.

Jewelry supply agreement

Changes in the monthly supply rate (in assortment) or early delivery are made by agreement of the parties, drawn up in writing.2.3. Delivery of goods according to one-time specifications is carried out within the time period specified in the specification.

The delivery date is the date of shipment of the goods.2.4. For each delivered batch of goods, the Supplier is obliged to issue and transfer to the Buyer an invoice indicating the names, product codes, unit prices and amounts. For products made of precious metals, the invoice is accompanied by a plumb line indicating (in terms of codes) the box numbers, weight and number of products for each parcel.2.5.
The Supplier, by agreement of the parties, may replace the unsold product with another from the Supplier's range.2.6.

Agreement for the supply of jewelry

When Roskomdragmet and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation introduce new prices for precious metals, the Supplier recalculates the selling prices for the supplied products in accordance with the increase in prices for precious metals. The price list and changes in prices to the supply specifications are communicated to the Buyer within 5 days from the date of approval of the new prices.4. Duration of the contract and its termination4.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is concluded for a period of up to » » 20.4.2.


The contract is subject to unilateral termination if one of the parties commits gross and repeated violations of its terms. In this case, the party initiating the termination of the contract must send written notice of the proposed termination of the contract no less than before the termination.5.

Limitation of liability5.1.

Agreement for the supply of jewelry

Specifications for delivery are integral parts of this contract and contain names, code (article), quantity, prices per unit of goods supplied, the total amount according to the specification. For products with precious stones, prices are indicated as average, deviation of prices with precious stones from those indicated in the specification is allowed depending on the characteristics of the fixed precious stones.Specifications for delivery are concluded for 1 year (broken down by quarter) and one-time for a fixed payment period.1.3. The rights and obligations of the parties to this agreement arise if the Buyer receives a license to sell jewelry. 2.


Delivery terms2.1. Delivery of goods is carried out by the Supplier to the Buyer's address specified in the shipping orders. 2.2. Delivery of goods according to quarterly specifications within a quarter is carried out evenly across months.

The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if it was the result of force majeure circumstances that a party to this agreement could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures and if these circumstances directly affected the performance of this agreement. In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances existed.
If these circumstances continue for more than three months, then each party has the right to cancel this agreement, in which case neither party will be entitled to compensation for damages. 6. Responsibility of the parties and procedure for resolving disputes6.1.

Jewelry supply agreement sample

All disputes and disagreements arising from or in connection with this agreement are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements arising from or in connection with this agreement through negotiations, the parties submit them for consideration to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. 7. Other conditions 7.1. Additional agreements, as well as any amendments and additions to this agreement, are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties.
7.2. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 7.3. This agreement is concluded in two copies - one for each of the parties, both copies have equal legal force.


____________________ “___” ________________ 200 ___ g.

Hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, represented by ______________ (name of organization)
_____________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and
(f., i., o., position)
____________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”, represented by ________
(name of company)
______________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, (f., i., o., position)
have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The Seller undertakes to supply to the Buyer for sale on the terms of a commodity commercial loan the jewelry specified in the delivery specifications (hereinafter referred to as the goods).
1.2. Supply specifications are integral parts of this contract and contain names, code (article), quantity, unit prices of the goods supplied, and the total amount according to the specification.
For products with precious stones, average prices are indicated; prices with precious stones may deviate from those indicated in the specifications, depending on the characteristics of the fixed precious stones.
Delivery specifications are concluded for 1 year (broken down by quarter) and one-time for a fixed payment period.
1.3. The rights and obligations of the parties to this agreement arise if the Buyer receives a license to sell jewelry.

2. Terms of delivery
2.1. The goods are delivered by the Supplier to the Buyer’s address specified in the shipping orders.
2.2. Delivery of goods according to quarterly specifications within a quarter is carried out evenly across months. Changes in the monthly supply rate (in assortment) or early delivery are made by agreement of the parties, drawn up in writing.
2.3. Delivery of goods according to one-time specifications is carried out within the time period specified in the specification. The delivery date is the date of shipment of the goods.
2.4. For each delivered batch of goods, the Supplier is obliged to issue and transfer to the Buyer an invoice indicating the names, product codes, unit prices and amounts. For products made of precious metals, the invoice is accompanied by a plumb line indicating (in terms of codes) the box numbers, weight and number of products for each parcel.
2.5. The Supplier, by agreement of the parties, may replace the unsold product with another from the Supplier’s range.
2.6. The Buyer has the right, in agreement with the Supplier, to refuse the goods specified in the specification no later than _______ days before the beginning of the quarter in which the goods are to be delivered. The refusal must be made in writing.
2.7. The quality and completeness of goods must comply with current industry standards for the supplied products. If the Buyer discovers a defect, the Supplier undertakes to repair or replace the defective products. Labeling and packaging of goods must comply with current industry standards for the supplied products.
2.8. Transportation of goods from the Supplier to the Buyer is carried out as agreed by the parties ________________________.
2.9. Acceptance of goods for quality and completeness is carried out in accordance with instructions No. P-6, P-7, approved by the decisions of the State Arbitration Court under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 15, 1965, April 25, 1966 with additions and changes.
3. Payment procedure
3.1. Payment by the Buyer for the goods is carried out in installments for 1 month from the date of shipment of the goods.
3.2. To use a commercial commercial loan, the Buyer pays the Supplier ______% of the cost of the goods supplied.

4. Duration of the contract and its termination
4.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is concluded for a period of up to “___” ___________ 200 ___.
4.2. The contract is subject to unilateral termination if one of the parties has committed gross and repeated violations of its terms. In this case, the party initiating the termination of the contract must send written notice of the proposed termination of the contract no less than __________________ before termination.

5. Limitation of liability
5.1. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if it was the result of force majeure circumstances that a party to this agreement could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures and if these circumstances directly affected the performance of this agreement. In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances existed. If these circumstances continue for more than three months, then each party has the right to cancel this agreement, in which case neither party will be entitled to compensation for damages.

6. Responsibility of the parties and the procedure for resolving disputes
6.1. In case of late payment for the delivered products, the Buyer will be subject to penalties in the amount of ____% of the amount not transferred on time for each day of late payment, including the day of delay.
6.2. In case of untimely delivery by the Seller of products and goods ordered by the Buyer, the Seller shall pay penalties in the amount of ____% of the cost of products not delivered on time for each day of delay in delivery, including the day of delay.
6.3. In case of underdelivery of products, the Seller pays penalties in the amount of ____% of the cost of underdelivered products, which does not relieve him of the obligation to make additional delivery of products ordered by the Buyer.
6.4. All disputes and disagreements arising under this agreement or in connection with it are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements arising under this agreement or in connection with it through negotiations, the parties submit them for consideration to the Arbitration Court of _______________________.

7. Other conditions
7.1. Additional agreements, as well as any changes and additions to this agreement, are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties.
7.2. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.3. This agreement is concluded in two copies - one for each of the parties, both copies have equal legal force.

8. Addresses and details of the parties

AGREEMENT for the supply of jewelry St. Petersburg "___"________20__ __________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, represented by ___________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ___________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”, represented by _______________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Seller undertakes to supply to the Buyer for sale on the terms of a commodity commercial loan the jewelry specified in the delivery specifications (hereinafter referred to as the goods). 1.2. Supply specifications are integral parts of this contract and contain names, code (article), quantity, unit prices of the goods supplied, and the total amount according to the specification. For products with precious stones, average prices are indicated; prices with precious stones may deviate from those indicated in the specification, depending on the characteristics of the fixed precious stones. Delivery specifications are concluded for 1 year (broken down by quarter) and one-time for a fixed payment period. 2. Delivery terms 2.1. The goods are delivered by the Supplier to the Buyer’s address specified in the shipping orders. 2.2. Delivery of goods according to quarterly specifications within a quarter is carried out evenly across months. Changes in the monthly supply rate (in assortment) or early delivery are made by agreement of the parties, drawn up in writing. 2.3. Delivery of goods according to one-time specifications is carried out within the time period specified in the specification. The delivery date is the date of shipment of the goods. 2.4. For each delivered batch of goods, the Supplier is obliged to issue and transfer to the Buyer an invoice indicating the names, product codes, unit prices and amounts. For products made of precious metals, the invoice is accompanied by a plumb line indicating (in terms of codes) the box numbers, weight and number of products for each parcel. 2.5. The Supplier, by agreement of the parties, may replace the unsold product with another from the Supplier’s range. 2.6. The Buyer has the right, in agreement with the Supplier, to refuse the goods specified in the specification no later than _________ days before the beginning of the quarter in which the goods are to be delivered. The refusal must be made in writing. 2.7. The quality and completeness of goods must comply with current industry standards for the supplied products. If the Buyer discovers a defect, the Supplier undertakes to repair or replace the defective products. Labeling and packaging of goods must comply with current industry standards for the supplied products. 2.8. Transportation of goods from the Supplier to the Buyer is carried out by agreement of the parties ______________________. 2.9. Acceptance of goods in terms of quality and completeness is carried out in accordance with instructions NN P-6, P-7, approved by the decisions of the State Arbitration Court under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 06/15/65, 04/25/66 with additions and changes. 3. Payment procedure 3.1. Payment by the Buyer for the goods is carried out in installments for 1 month from the date of shipment of the goods. 3.2. To use a commercial commercial loan, the Buyer pays the Supplier ____% of the cost of the goods supplied. 3.3. When Roskomdragmet and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation introduce new prices for precious metals, the supplier recalculates the selling prices for the supplied products in accordance with the increase in prices for precious metals. The price list and changes in prices to the supply specifications are communicated to the Buyer within 5 days from the date of approval of the new prices. 4. Duration of the contract and its termination 4.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is concluded for a period until "___" ______________ 20___ 4.2. The contract is subject to unilateral termination if one of the parties has committed gross and repeated violations of its terms. In this case, the party initiating the termination of the contract must send written notice of the proposed termination of the contract no less than ________________ before termination. 5. Limitation of liability 5.1. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if it was the result of force majeure circumstances that a party to this agreement could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures and if these circumstances directly affected the performance of this agreement. In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances existed. If these circumstances continue for more than three months, then each party has the right to cancel this agreement, in which case neither party will be entitled to compensation for damages. 6. Responsibility of the parties and procedure for resolving disputes 6.1. In case of late payment for the delivered products, the Buyer will be subject to penalties in the amount of ____% of the amount not transferred on time for each day of late payment, including the day of delay. 6.2. In case of untimely delivery by the Seller of products and goods ordered by the Buyer, the Seller shall pay penalties in the amount of ____% of the cost of products not delivered on time for each day of delay in delivery, including the day of delay. 6.3. In case of underdelivery of products, the Seller pays penalties in the amount of ____% of the cost of underdelivered products, which does not relieve him of the obligation to make additional delivery of products ordered by the Buyer. 6.4. All disputes and disagreements arising from this agreement or in connection with it are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements arising from or in connection with this agreement through negotiations, the parties submit them for consideration to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. 7. Other conditions 7.1. Additional agreements, as well as any changes and additions to this agreement, are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties. 7.2. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 7.3. This agreement is concluded in two copies - one for each of the parties, both copies have equal legal force. 8. Addresses and details of the parties Seller Buyer
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