Esoteric practices on the day of the autumn equinox. Autumn equinox. Magical September practices. How to Prepare the Day Before the Equinox

The day of the autumn equinox is approaching. This year the event will take place on September 22.
This is an unusual day in terms of the influence of energy, and that is why this period has long been a special time when magical rituals and various esoteric practices are carried out. Each of you will have a chance to change your destiny and make your life happier. Therefore, do not be lazy during this period to take any steps to form the basis of these changes.

I will offer some of the simplest techniques that can be performed regardless of your level of training and how busy you are. And you choose for yourself what will be either simpler, more interesting, or more relevant.

1. Morning and evening practices.

Surely you have already made one, some special wish, the fulfillment of which you sincerely and with all your heart desire. In order for it to be heard by higher powers, you should do the following on this day. At dawn, go outside (if this is not possible, you can go to the balcony at home) and face east. The body should be calm, relaxed and without tension. Say (mentally) a clearly formulated desire and ask for it to be fulfilled. Let go of these sensations, stay in this state for a while, after which you can return home and go about your daily activities. Separately, I note that morning practice should be associated with desires that are aimed at attracting something new into your life (new job, more finances, new relationships, your dream trip, and others).

Evening practice is essentially the same, the difference is in the details. At sunset, go outside (you can also do this at home if you can’t practice in nature) and face the west. The body is relaxed, you are completely calm. In the evening, you need to work with those desires that break the connection with the past, with what weighs you down and what you need to get rid of. Imagine how your desire should materialize (leaving work, finally breaking up with a person, getting rid of an illness, etc.). Record at the level of sensations the state of deliverance, liberation from what was disturbing and painful. Come back. If possible, do not talk to anyone this evening.

2. Day practice.

If you find it easier to practice with something more tangible than mental visualizations, there is a simple practice also associated with breaking aggravating ties, getting rid of unnecessary things and freeing your internal and external space from everything that is unnecessary and interferes with your life.

I will also offer two implementation options - minimal and maximum.
The option is minimal. Throughout the day, mentally collect everything that prevents you from living, feeling comfortable and moving forward. Write everything down on a piece of paper (don’t scroll through it in your head, don’t save it on the computer, but on paper - this is important). There may be names of people, character traits, a list of things, events and situations - for everyone it will be individual. In the evening, after sunset, light a candle and burn this piece of paper, mentally letting go of everything written in your life.

Maximum option. This option is more suitable for those who have the opportunity to practice outside the home. During the day, do the same as described in the previous version. For each situation written on your sheet, there are probably some tangible things that each item is associated with. For example, some things (gifts, household items) remind you of the person you want to forget. Collect these things. If papers, household items, etc. remind you of some past activity. - collect these things in a pile. If souvenirs remind you of some unpleasant trip, they are also here. In general, everything that really bothers you and ties you to the negative past needs to be collected, and in the evening, light a fire and burn it all, saying goodbye forever. This way you can more effectively break ties with the past. If you have not previously engaged in such actions with a magical purpose and do not quite understand the processes that are occurring at this moment, I recommend limiting yourself to the previous, minimal option.

So the red summer has flown by, the beautiful summer.

And although the sun is still quite bright and hot, the air is already touching us with its autumn coolness. The latest flowers are fading, the lush grass is fading, and every day there are more and more fallen leaves on the paths and parked cars.

Oh, I don’t want to let summer go. But life does not stand still. Nature itself knows when to bloom and when to rest. And you can't argue with that. We can only follow her wise call, leave the carefree summer and plunge into the beautiful autumn.

After all, autumn is truly fabulous,
magical, romantic time.

Some events only happen in the fall, and some things can only be done in the fall. And this applies to all areas of our lives, from winter preparations to spirituality.

Autumn Equinox Festival

One of these exceptional events is Autumn equinox day. This is one of four significant magical days of the solar cycle, When a portal opens between the world of people and the world of spiritual forces of the Universe.

Astrologers call these days cardinal points of the year. In fact, these are portal days when a person’s sensory awareness increases and the purity of desires and intentions is most audible in space.
The symbol of the autumn equinox is a sword pointing downwards, which means a peaceful state of life, justice, harmony of creative energies and the materialization of desires.

On this day we prepare for autumn, invite peace and abundance into our lives. This one of the four mysteries of the year, which allows you to honor your feminine essence, live an energetically important day correctly and, thereby, express love for yourself.

On this day we give thanks and connect with our roots, ancestors, clan, fill ourselves with the energy of the Earth element, turn on the vibrations of the Mistress and Beregini.

Would you like to take from this incredible holiday of Nature everything that she is ready to give you?

Then join us.

On September 21st, our center will hostseminar - celebration of the autumn equinox.

What will happen in class?

· Mastering the art of “correct” wish-making

· Practices of working with family

· Daily management

· Primary element “Earth”. How to be the master of life and relationships

Practice of attracting abundance and prosperity

We are waiting for you with love

Review 1

Oksanochka, my favorite sorceress! I am very grateful to you for everything
you are doing. Now I’m participating in your seminar “Money the Women’s Way” and
I am endlessly delighted with the generosity with which you share
with your wisdom, warmth, love... You are a unique person! You give out
package information - just have time to unpack))). What's special to me
What’s impressive is that you manage to maintain structure,
explain everything complex in simple, accessible language, and... mmmm... the most
delicious...))) you know how to convey the FEELING of HOW everything should be done,
for it to work. Enchantress!
I have just signed up for your seminar “How to Become a Wife” and the first people came
gifts.... I managed to leaf through the book a little... there's so much in there!
A treasure trove! Let’s turn on awareness, start making friends with our “highlights”,
and then we consolidate the positive result with your practices. Oh what
it will be, it will be!)))) Love to you, joy and endless flow

Review 2

Oksana Spivakovskaya is absolutely unique!
A charming combination of stunningly delightful femininity and
at the same time clarity and structure of the material! Completely limitless
volume of knowledge, charm, generous presentation of material, masterful mastery
audience! The information is multi-layered, rich, lively, there are no templates.
Side effect: you get so hydrated during class,
that you don’t even want to eat!
Nina Leskinen

Review 3

If I could, I would write in poetry, but I write in prose. Can?

When I see that the training will be conducted by Oksana Spivakovskaya, I know for sure that it will be interesting. It’s interesting to me - it’s vital, understandable, and can be applied right away. And most importantly, you want to use it right away! A soft voice, smooth speech - the feeling that this is a sincere conversation with a friend. Very wise, very kind and who will never show that she is much more experienced than me, knows much more. It's impossible to tear yourself away. My favorite coach is Oksana Spivakovskaya.

THE DAY OF THE AUTUMN EQUINOX is an energetically powerful time for putting things in order in life and creating the desired future.

Since ancient times, this event has been especially mystical

It was believed that at this time invisible gates between heaven and earth open. Prayers, dreams and wishes are easily materialized these days

How to prepare the day before the equinox:
  1. RESULTS: On the equinox, our ancestors held a harvest festival, thanking nature for its abundance. It’s time to take stock for you too. Write down your major achievements this year. Which of your ideas were realized and which were not. Why? Perhaps you should reconsider your plans and exclude something from your life?
  2. GRATITUDE: Make a list of all the people who helped you this year. Start with yourself. You will be surprised how large the list will be, how much support and gratitude there is in your life.
  3. RELEASE: The autumn equinox point symbolizes the transition to winter. This best time say goodbye to everything that no longer serves you

Write on paper what you want to let go

  • habits
  • behavior patterns
  • relationships with people
  • situations

Thank you for the experience and just burn the paper

This is a technique for getting your energy back from people. You will be able to harmonize existing relationships, and end unnecessary ones easily and safely

On the day of the autumn equinox:
  • Greet the sunrise and sunset
  • Balance your feminine and masculine energies. Inner man and Inner woman. Harmonization practices
  • Describe your plans and desires and approximate steps to achieve them
  • Strengthen your intention with energy practices

It is on September 22 that love energy is especially strong. A favorable time for marriage, establishing relationships with your soulmate. To attract love, buy any two paired items on this day and place them in your house as a symbol of a happy marriage with the words “I make a couple, I find love.”

Welcome the autumn equinox with joy and the intention of renewal. And it will definitely bring many positive changes in life.

Rituals for the autumn equinox

The day of the autumn equinox is a great time to tune in to the energies of Abundance, Love and Prosperity

Let the rituals help you with this:
  1. Saying goodbye to negativity: Take a broom and walk around the house counterclockwise from the front door. While sweeping, imagine how negative energy, troubles, lack of money, etc. go away. from the apartment and life. And the house is filled with wealth and happiness. Read prayers turning to the Higher powers to help you free yourself from all of the above. Afterwards, throw out the trash and take a bath (shower) with sea salt
  2. Altar of Abundance: Find a bright place in the house and place a bowl of fruit there. Decorate with an autumn bouquet and symbols of wealth. Light a candle and meditate for a few minutes with the words:
    “I open myself to the flow of the endless Abundance and generosity of nature. I allow the riches of the Universe to enter my life."
    After this, set a rich festive table and dine with your loved ones
  3. Talisman of Love: Choose a stone or jewelry made from them. It can be quartz, amethyst, onyx, garnet, jade, etc. Charge it with happy love or success. To do this, clean the stone with fire. Hold it in your hands for a few minutes and say: “I activate the crystal for success in love and business”. Set the intention you need: to create a family, to increase profits, etc. Then carry it with you. It will attract the energies you need all year long

What else is good to do:

  • Take a walk in the forest (park) and ask the spirits of nature for generous gifts
  • Bake a pie of wealth (with cabbage), feed it to your family, friends, neighbors
  • Write a gratitude list for life's abundance
  • Light a fire as a symbol of new abundant life
  • Take care of nature, hang bird pockets, do a good deed

The more you give, the more abundance will come into your life.

I send everyone who reads these lines rays of happiness, love and abundance!

With love, Natalya Vesna

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Peace and Love!

Congratulations! We are already living through the amazingly energetic days of September.

Reconfigurations, transformations, discoveries are already taking place.

The influence of the days of the Solar Eclipse is declining, but the relevance of the Message of this event and the power of the Energies will be active until September 18.

We can already confidently say that the Earth has received a new impulse of transformational energies during these Days, which are aimed at burning manipulative programs in the Karmic Layers, liberating the Soul from gross magical rites, rituals and curses, which block the possibilities of ascent to the New Quality of Life. New codes of Prosperity and Material Well-being were also transmitted.

I know that there are those who consciously prepare for Planetary Events, conduct practices, do austerities, and meditate. There are those who have not yet created within themselves the Intention to be a conscious participant in events. And there are those who learn for the first time that these are amazing opportunities for the transition to a higher quality Life. A life filled with lightness and harmony.

In this article I want to pay attention to the Message of the Autumn Equinox.

But first, I’ll devote a little more to the Power of Influence of the Solar Eclipse, and how you can still use the resource of these days.

Since the Message of the Solar Eclipse is liberation from manipulative programs and fixation of the flow of Prosperity, do the practices of Karmic Harmonization, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Pay attention to the programs in your mind that record the Codes of Poverty and Lack.

From my material, I can offer to go through, which is constantly in tune with the energy dynamics of Space and will open a New Resource in You.

As well as the “Star of Prosperity” meditation

Use the energy of the days!

And now Autumn Equinox.

Autumn Equinox - sacred holiday, which has been and is revered in many cultures and traditions, which has a great astronomical and energetic Influence on the Planet.

This is an important day, it divides the year into Space into two equal parts, it is a symbol of the Golden Mean, Balance, the merging of Spirit and Matter... a certain transition to Maturity where all acquired experience becomes the quality of Life, strengthens on the physical plane - as a life scenario, events.

2015 was filled with Gifts and Opportunities that the Planet received on active Days. We have done a certain amount of work on the subtle aspects and now the time is coming to recognize our fruits and direct them towards implementation in the physical aspect of Life. Accept your Maturity and Responsibility and move further in the disclosure of Spiritual Gifts in the Great Matter.

Mandatory practices of these days are associated with Mother Earth, this is the grounding of one’s Intentions, the acceptance of the Greatness and Divinity of the Material World. And analysis of your achievements.

How to plunge into the Magic of the Autumn Equinox yourself? Here is an approximate diagram, remember that Your addition is appropriate and necessary.

  1. Make attunement with Planetary Activations. Prepare a place, you can light candles, make your altar where you must put the Gifts of Mother Earth - these can be berries, nuts, fruits, honey. Create a space for a magical meeting with the Energies of the Autumn Equinox.
  2. Light the candles, relax and express your intention to be open to the Energies of the Autumn Equinox.

I,, the incarnate daughter (son) of the Earthly Clan and the Divine Clan on Planet Earth, express my openness to accepting the Great Power of the Autumn Equinox. Through Love and Gratitude I appeal to the Primary Source, the One God and Goddess, the Highest Divine Hierarchy to be together in the Unity Creativity of the Creation of Life!

And just stay in the energy that is directed towards You.

  1. Meditation itself and its goal are the liberation of consciousness, harmonization of internal space and events of the external world, tuning into the rhythms of New Energies.
  1. Mentally select a time starting point: it could be the spring equinox or the winter solstice of this year - and... remember. It is important to remember and restore all the good things that happened to you, relive all the events in detail, thank the Higher powers for the experience and participation. See the Spiritual Gift behind every event.
    We thank the Higher Powers, we remember and realize that each of us is not indifferent to the world, that our deeds and thoughts are significant.
  1. We confirm the completion of the practice with the words:

Let the Spiritual Gifts merge with the Material World in this Majestic Moment! Let it be so!
In the next article I will reveal the Message of the Autumn Equinox Day!

See you!

With Love Natalya Polyuk!

Autumn equinox 2017

Magical and esoteric practices

The day of the autumn equinox is approaching. This year the event will take place on September 22.
This is an unusual day in terms of the influence of energy, and that is why this period has long been a special time when magical rituals and various esoteric practices are carried out. Each of you will have a chance to change your destiny and make your life happier. Therefore, do not be lazy during this period to take any steps to form the basis of these changes.

Since you and I have been periodically conducting joint meetings for 7 years, I propose that this time we work on your desires, using energy to enhance the effectiveness of meditation and rituals.

I will offer some of the simplest techniques that can be performed regardless of your level of training and how busy you are. And you choose for yourself what will be either simpler, more interesting, or more relevant.

1. Practice at sunrise and/or sunset

Surely you have already made one, some special wish, the fulfillment of which you sincerely and with all your heart desire. In order for it to be heard by higher powers, you should do the following on this day. At dawn, go outside (if this is not possible, you can go to the balcony at home) and face east. The body should be calm, relaxed and without tension. Star of Erzgamma - in everyday mode, on a chain around the neck at the level of the heart. Touch the palm of your right hand to the talisman and feel the contact. Enter into a familiar meditative state - as you usually work with the Star. The gaze is unfocused. Concentrating on the ajna chakra (“third eye”). Say (mentally) a clearly formulated desire and ask for it to be fulfilled. Let go of these sensations, stay in this state for a while, after which you can return home and go about your daily activities. Separately, I note that morning practice should be associated with desires that are aimed at attracting something new into your life (new job, more finances, new relationships, your dream trip, and others).

Evening practice is essentially the same, the difference is in the details. At sunset, go outside (you can also do this at home if you can’t practice in nature) and face the west. The body is relaxed, you are completely calm. Touch the Erzgamma Star with the palm of your left hand and enter into familiar contact with it. In the evening, you need to work with those desires that break the connection with the past, with what weighs you down and what you need to get rid of. Imagine how your desire should materialize (leaving work, finally breaking up with a person, getting rid of an illness, etc.). Record at the level of sensations the state of deliverance, liberation from what was disturbing and painful. Come back. If possible, do not talk to anyone this evening.

2. Day practice

If you find it easier to practice with something more tangible than mental visualizations, there is a simple practice also associated with breaking aggravating ties, getting rid of unnecessary things and freeing your internal and external space from everything that is unnecessary and interferes with your life.

I will also offer two implementation options - minimal and maximum.
The option is minimal. Throughout the day, from morning to evening, try to be in as much visual contact as possible with the Star of Erzgamma. This will contribute to your concentration and easier contact with higher powers. Also, throughout the day, mentally collect everything that prevents you from living, feeling comfortable and moving forward. Write everything down on a piece of paper (don’t scroll through it in your head, don’t save it on the computer, but on paper - this is important). There may be names of people, character traits, a list of things, events and situations - for everyone it will be individual. In the evening, after sunset, light a candle and burn this piece of paper, mentally letting go of everything written in your life.

Maximum option. This option is more suitable for those who have the opportunity to practice outside the home. During the day, do the same as described in the previous version. For each situation written on your sheet, there are probably some tangible things that each item is associated with. For example, some things (gifts, household items) remind you of the person you want to forget. Collect these things. If papers, household items, etc. remind you of some past activity. - collect these things in a pile. If souvenirs remind you of some unpleasant trip, they are also here. In general, everything that really bothers you and ties you to the negative past needs to be collected, and in the evening, light a fire and burn it all, saying goodbye forever. This way you can more effectively break ties with the past. But please - be reasonable, and of course - follow the rules fire safety so as not to harm either yourself or nature. If you have not previously engaged in such actions with a magical purpose and do not quite understand the processes that are occurring at this moment, I recommend limiting yourself to the previous, minimal option.

3. Practice "Balancing energies"

I recommend doing this exercise to everyone who has the Erzgamma Star, regardless of your experience in using it. For beginners this will be useful, because... you will definitely be able to feel something unusual on this day, and experienced ones will be able to use the effect of this exercise more effectively.

During the equinox, the lengths of day and night are the same. This helps to balance and harmonize opposing energies. If we talk about the human body, then we will talk about balancing subtle energies (upper chakras) and gross energies (lower chakras). As most regular practitioners know, if the energies are balanced and the aura has the correct shape, then the desired events occur in life, and in general there is a feeling of life in a streak of good luck and luck.

The exercise will be as follows.
You need to lie on your back and relax as much as possible. Place the Erzgamma Star at the level of the anahata chakra (heart center). /Important! Depending on individual energy sensitivity, the talisman can be placed directly on the body (preferably) or held at a short distance from the body. Focus your attention on the sensations. Feel where there is an excess of energy and where there is a lack. Allow the energy to be redistributed within the body so that the sensations are the same in all areas. If you are a beginner practitioner, you do not need to do anything else at this stage. If you are an experienced practitioner, when performing the exercise it is worth cutting off the energies of connections with the past and forming a flow of energy to create the prerequisites for the circumstances of the desired future.

4. Practice "See the future"

This technique is not suitable for beginners, as it is fraught with possible errors. Therefore, it is recommended only for experienced practitioners.
This year, the astronomical event of the autumn equinox will occur on September 22 at 23:02 Kyiv time. At this moment of the so-called transition, it is easiest to see the future or, if necessary, some moment of the past. Therefore, I recommend conducting one in order to get an answer to the question that concerns you.
How to deal with this situation. Some time before the appointed time, retire so that no one disturbs you. Relax your body, get in touch with the Star of Erzgamma. Concentration on the ajna chakra. At the moment of transition, ask the question you want answered. See the “picture” that will be shown in response to the question asked.
The question itself must be formulated as briefly as possible. If you are looking for a job and this is important to you, ask to show you something related to your future activity. If the issue of relationships is important to you, ask to show you the appearance of your chosen one or the place where the meeting will take place. That is, you formulate your request as briefly as possible - and carefully look at the answer so that you can later correctly interpret what you see.

I think that the proposed practices will be quite enough to usefully spend the day of the autumn equinox. I wish you success in making and fulfilling your wishes.

And for those who are not with us yet, I inform you that with us you can, made taking into account a number of magical and esoteric recommendations for such products. Let me also remind you that in our group

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