A sock, a hairpin and a rope - the secret to curling your hair (51 photos). How to make curls with socks? Preparing improvised “curlers”

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Can you get beautiful curls with socks? Not every girl has heard of this technique, especially since it is quite difficult to guess the principle of wrapping, because the modern market for styling products is replete with variety. Let's look at how to curl hair around socks, the essence of the method, its advantages and disadvantages.

The essence of the method

The essence of this hair curling method is to use socks to curl the strands. This will require 4 pairs, although the number depends on what kind of curls you want to get as a result: small or voluminous. For smaller ones, you need to take more socks.

In order for curls to last longer, you should first treat the strands with mousse, foam, or other styling product. Curling should begin with the hair near the temporal area. You need to place a sock under the strand, wrap the ends around it, then twist the whole mass onto it to the roots.

Note! To securely fix the sock at the roots, you need to tie it in a knot.

When all the curls are curled, you need to dry them. It is better to do this naturally - without using a hair dryer. This will help keep your hair healthy.

This styling is best done at night. Firstly, socks do not interfere with sleep at all, and secondly, after waking up you can easily create an original, beautiful hairstyle.

A device such as socks has absolutely nothing to do with hairdressing. However curling curls with them has a number of advantages:

  • low cost of styling (and if you have a lot of socks in stock, it’s completely free);
  • easy to use, no special skills required for cheating;
  • the ability to do your hair at any time;
  • hair does not deteriorate;
  • the shape of the curls holds well;
  • soft socks on your head do not cause discomfort during sleep.

This The method of obtaining curls also has disadvantages, but they are minor:

  • the procedure takes a lot of time - you need to wait for the curls to dry completely;
  • you need to acquire hair styling products;
  • Not all types of socks are suitable for shaping hairstyles.

To achieve the highest quality result, you should pay attention to the recommendations of specialists in the field of hairdressing:

  1. The resulting hairstyle depends on the obedience of the hair. Curls that are too thick and thick will only acquire slight waviness. If the hair is light and manageable, the girl will receive a style with full curls.
  2. Be sure to apply styling products especially for unruly hair.
  3. To create a hairstyle, you need to choose thin socks, preferably a classic type. You will need to tie the ends, and with shortened models this is problematic.

What can you replace socks with?

In addition to socks, you can use other available means. To create wavy curls, rags are sometimes used. They need to be cut into small pieces measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. Then put a thick thread about 20 centimeters in the middle. For winding you will need approximately 20-40 rags. It all depends on the thickness of the hair.

Another option that can replace socks is pieces of paper. They need to be cut into small elongated pieces and rolled into tubes. Thread a thick thread through the hole.

Important! The width of the rolled paper should be no larger than your index finger, this will help you wind the strands more tightly.

To style your hair, you will need about 40-50 of these pieces of paper.

To curl curls at home using improvised means, you will need the following tools and devices:

  • 4-10 pairs of socks;
  • comb with a thin handle;
  • mousse or foam;
  • texturizing wax;
  • aerosol hairspray.

Preparing improvised “curlers”

As already noted, in addition to socks, you can use pieces of paper or rags.


Note! For styling, it is better to take a soft stretchable fabric that will secure the ends well and prevent them from unwinding.

The rags can be cut into sizes of 10 by 10 or 10 by 25 centimeters. It all depends on what result you want to get: short rags are suitable for small curls, long rags are suitable for voluminous large curls.

Have you tried perming with rags?



Before you start styling, you should make sure that you have a sufficient number of pairs of socks in your arsenal. For a spectacular hairstyle, about 10 pairs are usually taken for medium-thick hair.

Important! The thicker the curl you need, the fewer socks you need to use.

If the hairstyle is done for long hair, it is better to wear knee socks instead of socks.

Papers (papillots)

Homemade papillots are very easy to make - you should cut thick paper into pieces 10 by 20 centimeters. You need to put a thick thread in the middle - it should be longer than the paper itself. Twist all this into a tube with a diameter of no more than 1 centimeter.

How to get curls from socks on hair of different lengths?

To get identical beautiful curls, you need to adhere to the winding pattern.

Step-by-step instructions for making curls on short hair:

  1. First, you should separate those strands whose length allows you to wind them.
  2. Haircuts with a shaved nape and temporal part need to be started with bangs, gradually moving to the parietal area.
  3. Then you need to gradually go lower, capturing those curls that are suitable for curling.

Note! For curling short hair, it is better to use paper curlers or rags. They will help you get more structured, defined curls.

To get a spectacular hairstyle on medium hair, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Make a horizontal parting from ear to ear, separating the back of the head. Then divide vertically into 3 more zones.
  2. Each separated zone must be horizontally divided into strands 2-3 centimeters thick.
  3. Pinch the end of one strand and wrap it tightly to the very roots. Then secure the ends of the socks (rags, pieces of paper) together. In this way, you should wrap the entire back of the head, starting from the bottom.
  4. After processing the occipital zone, you should begin to separate the strands in the parietal, then in the temporal parts.
  5. The temporal strands are wound from bottom to top.
  6. The bangs area should be curled towards the forehead, and the remaining hair should be separated with a side or straight parting.

If the hair was divided into identical strands, the result will be no worse than after visiting a beauty salon. The curls will be structured, smooth, and clear.


Long hair should be curled in the same way as medium hair. But if the length is significant, it will be more convenient to use knee socks rather than socks.


This original way of styling hair raises several questions.

How long does it take to wind?

On average, it will take about 30 minutes to curl your hair around your socks. But it all depends on the length of the hair. So, styling a short haircut will take about 15 minutes, long and medium curls can be done in 20-30 minutes.

How to remove homemade “curlers” without harming your hair?

In order for your hairstyle to last as long as possible and your curls to maintain their health, you need to adhere to the following rules when removing homemade “curlers”:

  • you need to untie one at a time, starting from the bottom;
  • When unwinding, do not stretch the strand so that it holds the desired shape;
  • if you need to comb your hair after removing it, do so with a wide-toothed comb;
  • Immediately after removal, fix the installation with varnish.

Curling your hair around socks is an original and gentle way to create a beautiful hairstyle. It is suitable for styling even children's hair. It is better to use this method at night - during the period of sleep, the curls will definitely dry, and you will get a spectacular hairstyle in the morning.

All girls want to look beautiful and well-groomed, and hairstyle is the most noticeable element of the image. There is not always enough time and money for frequent visits to a professional stylist; styling tools are also expensive, and not everyone knows how to use them on their own, but a beautiful hairstyle is needed every day. What to do? - You can use improvised means.

Let's learn from this article how to wind your hair on rags, pieces of paper and even socks - the pros and cons of such DIY styling, as well as step by step instructions execution technologies.

Pros and cons of curling with improvised means

All methods of curling hair with devices that, at first glance, do not relate to hairdressing, have the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to curl curls at any time;
  • hair does not deteriorate;
  • the shape of the curls holds well;
  • soft objects do not create discomfort during sleep.

There are also disadvantages to winding hair on rags, pieces of paper or socks, but they are minor:

  • this is a long procedure - the formation of a curl requires complete drying of the hair;
  • need styling products;
  • Not all rags and socks are suitable for curling.

To form a good curl, the hair must be completely dry, so it is better to curl it with improvised stylers at night or use a powerful hairdryer.

Tools and devices

To curl your hair on rags, socks or pieces of paper at home, you will need the following materials:

If you plan to wind your hair on rags, then it is more convenient to use stretchable fabric, since it securely fixes the tip of the strand and prevents it from unwinding.

Preparing the stylers

Before curling your hair with improvised means, you must first prepare all the devices. Different ways Winding strands on homemade stylers requires certain processing of materials.

Preparing rags

Before you wrap your hair on rags, you need to cut it into pieces measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. After this, insert a thick thread 15–20 cm long into the middle of the pieces of fabric. To curl medium-thick hair, you need 25–50 rags, depending on the thickness of the curl.

There is another type of flaps that can be wound. To make them, you need to cut knitted fabric into ribbons measuring 10 by 25 centimeters. The consumption of such rags for average hair thickness is also 25–50 pieces.

Preparing socks

Before you start wrapping, make sure you have the required number of socks. For medium hair thickness you will need 10-15 pieces. The thinner the curl you want to get, the more you will need.

For long hair, it is better to wear knee socks to prevent the tied ends from unraveling.

Preparing papers

To wind hair onto pieces of paper, you first need to cut it, roll it into a tube and thread a thick thread through the hole.

To tightly wind the strands, the width of the homemade curler should be no more than the length of your index finger.

To curl medium-thick hair, you will need 40–60 paper curlers.

Step-by-step instruction

In order for your curls to be clear and last until the next wash, you need to follow a few rules for working with these tools. After all, each available tool has its own characteristics. Let's look at them separately.

Wrapping on rags

Step-by-step instructions on how to wrap your hair in rags are as follows.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and condition the strands from the middle to the ends, without touching the roots.
  2. Blot excess moisture with a towel.
  3. Apply mousse to create curls.
  4. Divide your head into strands.
  5. Screw it up. To do this, clamp the ends of the hair with a cloth and wrap it, moving towards the roots. Tighten the twisted strands with thread or between the edges of the tape, depending on what design of flaps you use.
  6. Dry your hair with a hairdryer or naturally.
  7. Remove the cloths. To do this, you need to untie or cut the tied edges of homemade stylers.
  8. To texturize your curls, treat them with wax.
  9. Fix the resulting styling with aerosol varnish.

If the flaps are carefully untied, they can be reused.

How to curl hair with rags

Winding hair into rags for a child

When perming children, use bright colored patches to increase their perseverance and then creating a hairstyle will turn into an exciting game.

How to curl a child's hair into rags?

The step-by-step instructions for children are no different from those for adults, with the exception that for babies it is necessary to use care and styling products appropriate for their age.

Rolling on pieces of paper

Now let's move on to how to curl your hair on pieces of paper.

  1. After washing your hair, apply mousse to create curls.
  2. Separate hair with partings.
  3. Screw it up. To do this, clamp the ends of the strands with paper, wind them to the roots, and tie the edges of the thread together.
  4. Wait until completely dry. Remove the papers, treat the curls with spray varnish and wax.

To reuse homemade curlers, make them not from paper, but from thick foil. This way you will reduce the time for preparing the stylers.

Winding hair on pieces of paper

Twisting on socks

Sometimes even the most unexpected things can become stylers for creating curls. How to curl your hair around a sock?

  1. Wash your hair, pat dry, then apply mousse to create curls.
  2. Divide hair into strands.
  3. Wrap it around the sock. To do this, fold it in half lengthwise, pinch the end of the strand, wind it to the root, and then tie the edges of the stocking.
  4. Once your hair is completely dry, untie your socks and carefully unwind them.
  5. Treat the resulting styling with texturing wax, and then fix it with aerosol varnish.

Wrapping on socks is convenient because it does not require special preparation - cutting, so they can be used repeatedly.

How to curl your hair with socks

Winding scheme

To get beautiful curls of the same diameter, you need to wind the stylers according to the pattern. Let's find out how to properly curl your hair on rags, socks, pieces of paper or any other available means.

Curling medium to long hair

This head parting plan is versatile and suitable for long as well as medium hair.

  1. Using a horizontal parting from one ear to the other, separate the occipital area, and then into three more vertical parts.
  2. Divide each resulting zone horizontally into strands 2–3 centimeters thick.
  3. Holding the tip of the separated strand, wind it tightly to the roots and secure the ends of the improvised styler together. In this way you need to wrap the entire back of your head, starting from the bottom.
  4. After wrapping the occipital zone, it is necessary to separate the parietal from the temporal.
  5. It is necessary to wind the temporal zones from the bottom up to the border with the separated parietal part of the head.
  6. The bangs area is curled towards the forehead, and the remaining hair is separated with a side or middle parting (depending on how you comb it), and also curled.

If the strands of hair wound on rags, socks or pieces of paper are the same, then the result will be no worse than after visiting a beauty salon - the curls will be equal, clearly textured and long-lasting.

The bob and bob are curled in the same way as long hair, but without affecting the lower occipital area, since it is cut short and simply does not wind up.

Curling short hair

It is easy to wrap medium and long strands around the stylers. But how to curl short hair into rags?

  1. First you need to separate those areas of the scalp where the length of the strands allows you to curl them.
  2. Haircuts with the lower occipital and temporal zones cut short begin to be wound from the bangs, then move to the parietal part, and from there they go lower, capturing those strands whose length allows for winding.

For short hair, it is better to use paper and rags, since the curl is clearer and smaller. Socks, on the other hand, are more suitable for medium and long hairstyles, since the formed curl turns out to be large.

To keep your curls looking fresh and beautiful for several days, use the following tips when curling them.

  1. When purchasing a mousse, pay attention to what is written on its bottle. You need to take only the one that is intended for creating curls. Mousses for smooth hairstyles do not hold their curl shape.
  2. Use only strong varnishes. Aerosols, medium and elastic hold sprays are only suitable for smooth or slightly curled hairstyles. And also spray aerosol varnish from a distance of at least 30 centimeters.
  3. How to wrap your hair in rags to get root volume without combing the finished styling afterwards? To do this, moving to the parietal area of ​​the head, change the angle of the twisted strand and treat the root part with a spray varnish without gas. In order for the hairstyle to look as fluffy as possible, you need to pull the strand perpendicular to the plane of the head and twist it without changing the degree of the right angle.

Using these tips, you will create curls yourself no worse than in a beauty salon.

How long does it take to wind up?

It takes no more than half an hour to wrap your hair on rags. It depends on their length and thickness. Curling short haircuts will take 10-15 minutes, and medium and long hair can be wrapped in rags in 20-30.

The more often you do styling using this method, the less time it will take.

How to properly remove homemade stylers

In order for the curls, after curling, to retain their original shape until the next wash and have a clear texture, you need to correctly remove the devices on which the curl was formed.

  1. The fastening elements must be untied or cut one at a time, starting from the bottom.
  2. Unwind the strand without stretching, so as not to deform the curl.
  3. After removing all the stylers, comb your hair only with a wide-tooth comb.
  4. Immediately fix the resulting curls with aerosol varnish.

Incorrectly removed rags spoil the shape of the curl and significantly reduce the shelf life of the hairstyle.

Hairstyle ideas

Curled hair looks impressive not only when loose, but also in a collected hairstyle. The finished curls easily rise to the top, where they are secured with bobby pins and hairpins.

You can pull out individual thin strands on the frontal and temporal areas. This will add an element of romanticism and fashionable negligence to your hairstyle.

Raised hairstyles suit different styles of clothing; they make you look slimmer and visually increase your height.

Winding on rags, socks or pieces of paper is a gentle way of creating curls, which is suitable even for brittle and children's hair. This method can be used at night, since such soft improvised stylers do not interfere with sleep. Styling done with rags will last for several days if you use special products for creating curls. In general, curling your hair with homemade stylers is a good budget way to quickly get a beautiful hairstyle.

How else can you curl your hair at night?

Do you still not know how to twist your hair into socks to get curls or voluminous waves? Read below!

If you want to achieve long-lasting curls or voluminous waves in your hair without damaging it with hot curling and styling tools, then you're in luck! There are many ways to curl your hair without using any heat at all. Read this article to learn how to achieve lasting curls using only regular socks!

Method one:

How to curl hair around socks

So, we will make curls using socks. For this we need 6-8 socks. The number of socks you will need depends on how thick your hair is. If you have very thick hair, you may need 10-12 wears. The longer and thinner the socks are, the more convenient it will be to fix them on the strands.

Let's start curling. Wash and towel dry your hair. Be sure to comb tangled hair before styling; to make it easier to comb long hair, use your usual product, but preferably not oil-based, since in this case the resulting curls will not last very long. To continue styling, the hair should be damp, but not dripping.

Separate a small section of hair (we start from the temple section, lifting and pinning the hair from the top of the head). Place the sock under the strands so that they are perpendicular. The sock should be located in the middle of the strand.

Wrap the end of your hair around the sock. You should leave about three or four centimeters free at the end.

Now you need to roll the sock up to the very roots, and then secure it by tying the ends with a knot.
Curl all your hair in this way (first at the back of your head and then at the top).

Next, as with any other curling method, we need to let the hair dry completely. A huge advantage of curling your hair on socks is that you can curl your hair at night and still sleep absolutely comfortably. By the way, this hairstyle is convenient to do during the day, for example, at the dacha - while you are in the sun, your hair curls and does not interfere with your business, and by the evening you have a chic hairstyle.
Once your hair is completely dry (make sure your hair is completely dry before removing the socks, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted) you need to untie the socks and gently release the strands.

After tousling the curls with your hands and giving them volume, fix the hairstyle with hairspray; this is a mandatory step if you have naturally straight hair.
Method two:

How to create voluminous waves with socks

In this case, before curling your hair into socks, these socks need to be prepared. To do this, we need to cut off the “nose” so that the sock becomes a pipe.

Next you need to roll up the sock into a donut shape. You can use two socks at once to make thicker rings (this will give your hair more volume).
Let's start curling. We gather clean and slightly damp hair into a high ponytail and secure it with an elastic band. Hold the tail vertically above your head with one hand and thread the end through the ring. Now wrap the end of your ponytail around the ring and roll the sock down until you reach your head. The resulting hair donut should stay in place and not unwind.

Next, as in the previous example, let the hair dry completely overnight or during the day. During the day, this hairstyle will be relevant, even if you are in the city and are going to go shopping or visit.

Once completely dry, remove the sock. Gently comb your hair with your fingers to create the effect.

Use hairspray to lock in volume and waves.

If you have long hair, be sure to try this method. It consists of creating a bun with a sock. With this idea you can make your hair beautiful and voluminous without using hot tongs or straightening. You can get curls even in your sleep.

Yes, you heard me correctly. Have you heard of a donut elastic band or a roller elastic band? Using a sock, you can easily achieve similar results by curling your hair into soft waves.

I found the idea for some time on the YouTube channel, I must admit, I was very skeptical about it at first. The video tutorial explained that you can wrap your hair around a sock, sleep through the night with this style, and wake up in the morning with beautiful curls. This method really works, and it does not take a lot of effort and free time.


The curl literally takes no more than a minute.
No need to use hot tools like curling irons - just a soft sock in your hair.
No styling products (for me, at least) or curlers are needed.
With this bun you can sleep very comfortably.
Wonderful result, beautiful wavy hair.

This is a photo before and after styling with a sock. I have long hair, a layered cascade cut with a slight natural wave. Therefore, styling products such as foam were not needed.


Step-by-step instruction

Take a long sock and cut off the toe.

Now twist the sock into a ring.

This is all you need for curly hair like the picture above.

Pull dry hair into a high ponytail. Make it high on the top of your head.

Now spray the hair in the ponytail with water, but not too much, you don't want the curls to be wet. Just moisten slightly. Remember to let it dry overnight - if the strands are too wet, they won't have time to dry completely.

Now wrap your hair around the sock and twist it towards the base of the ponytail. Try to keep your tail straight.

When you're done, you'll have a bun at the top of your head.

There is no need to secure it with anything else. He will remain in place as he is. Now go to bed and dream about how beautiful and curly your hair will be when you wake up and take off your sock.

TA-dah! Curls look absolutely gorgeous loose, in a simple ponytail or side ponytail, half down updo.

A bun allows you to create natural-looking curls.

Photo: http://aspottedpony.com

A hairstyle with beautiful curls can decorate almost any woman. Not everyone knows that you can make curls using something that is in every home - and these are socks. We will tell you more about how you can create curls yourself in such an original way.

Advantages of the method

Curling hair with socks has quite a lot of advantages in contrast to commonly used methods. So, to create beautiful curls using this method, you do not need to purchase any devices or appliances - socks can be found in any home.

In the life of every woman, a situation may suddenly arise when she needs to do beautiful hairstyle with curls. However, a curling iron, iron or curlers may not always be at hand. Finding socks is quite easy.

This method of curling hair is a real “magic wand” that helps realize a sudden desire to create charming curls.

Curling curls with socks is a mechanical method. Many girls note that they are happy to curl their curls using this method, since it Quite safe for hair. Although most often hair is curled onto socks at night, this procedure does not bring any significant discomfort. So, many girls note that They find it much more comfortable to sleep with socks than with curlers.

Using a curling iron to create beautiful curls is a common cause of hair damage. Hair care experts often do not recommend using such devices. When curling your curls with socks at night, no no thermal devices are used, which means the risk of hair damage is minimal.

How to curl your hair correctly?

Curling curls with socks is quite easy. Girls with different hair lengths can create beautiful curls. However, there are certain features of curling short and long strands. Moreover, soft hair lends itself better to this method. If the hair shaft has a rather rigid structure, then this method may not be suitable.

Hair of any length should be washed before curling. Washing is carried out in the usual way using your favorite shampoo. After this, the washed curls need to be dried a little with a towel. There is no need to dry your curls completely.

In order for the curls to turn out beautiful, the hair should be slightly damp before curling.

For girls whose curls are rather poorly styled, to achieve a better result, Before directly curling your hair, it is better to apply a fixative - foam or gel. In this case, the resulting curls will look more structured and will also retain their shape for a long time. Girls who want softer curls or Hollywood-style “waves” can skip this item.

To curl your curls using this method, you should stock up on a sufficient number of socks. In this case, you should definitely take into account the original length, as well as the thickness of the hair. So, for girls with soft, shoulder-length hair, two pairs of socks will be enough for curling. For beauties with long curls, you may need 5-6 pairs. Determining the required number of socks is carried out individually.

The material from which the socks were made is not significant for curling. However, it is still recommended not to use sports socks for this procedure, since they are quite short - you simply won’t be able to get beautiful curls with their help. Girls with long curls will need quite long socks for this curl. Some beauties even use soft knee socks to create this style.


After all the preliminary steps have been completed, you can proceed directly to curling your hair. It's better to do this step by step. You should wind it strand by strand. Their thickness is selected individually. So, if you want to get mischievous curls as a result, then the strands should be made thin. To create soft waves, curls 3–4 cm thick are needed.

Curling should be done approximately from the middle of the sock. In this case, it is necessary to wind the curls in the direction from the ends upward. To prevent the hair from falling apart on its own, the ends of the hair should be secured with a knot. Some girls use thin rubber bands for fixation.

After curling one part of the hair, you should move to another. The strands twisted in this way should be left overnight. In the morning, socks should be carefully removed.

Middle length

For hair of this length, you should stock up on 3-4 pairs of socks. It is better to divide washed and dried hair into several zones. You can curl your hair from both the temporal zone and the back of the head. To prevent hair from other areas of the head from interfering, it is better to secure it with “crabs”.

A strand approximately 5–6 cm thick should be positioned perpendicular to the toe. In this case, the textile product must be placed in such a way that the hair is approximately 1–1.5 cm above its middle. After this, the strand can be wound, moving towards the roots.

The loose ends of the strands must be tied, as in the previous case.

There is another way of curling. It will also require a sock. In this case, it is better to choose a product of sufficient length. After this, the tip of the sock must be cut off (about 4–5 cm). Next, you need to twist it into a kind of “donut”. Some girls make such a device for home hair curling from two socks at once. In this case, the curls are softer and have an average diameter.

Wet, towel-dried curls should be gathered into a high ponytail. To secure it, you will need a regular hair tie. After this, the collected hair in a ponytail should be passed through the hole in the “donut” of the sock. Next, the tip of the tail should be wrapped around the ring. After this, you need to twist the sock up to your head. If everything is done correctly, you will get a charming bun.

It is better to do this perm at night. However, some girls curl their hair this way with only 4-5 hours left. It is worth noting that even during this time, curls will appear. But without the use of fixing agents for styling, it will not be possible to preserve them for a long time.


It is quite difficult to curl curls of this length around socks. However, beauties with long hair can also create a beautiful hairstyle this way. After all the preparatory stages have been completed, it is recommended to curl the curls, starting from the temples. To get beautiful curls, it is better to twist the strands around your socks in a spiral.

In the morning, the strands must be removed from the socks and carefully separated with your fingers.

To get beautiful curls, it is better to curl with socks at night. During this time, the hair dries completely naturally, which means it retains its acquired shape for a long time.

However, there is also an express method. It involves using a hairdryer. In this case, you should first wrap your hair around your socks in the usual way. But you should dry them with a hairdryer, not a towel. After using this device You should not loosen your curls right away - it is recommended to wait 10-15 minutes for the curls to cool. After this, you can let your hair down and spray it with hairspray.

For girls with short hair, the ends of their hair can be waxed to create a beautiful hairstyle. This hairstyle always looks very impressive and is remembered for a long time. To give a beautiful shine, the resulting It is recommended to spray curls with a spray containing shimmering particles.

Curls created using this method may look different. So, if thin strands were taken when curling, then the curls will turn out small. However, the created hairstyle can always be slightly changed. To do this, the resulting curls need to be combed a little. In this case, you will get a beautiful voluminous hairstyle with soft waves.

This method is well suited for short to medium length hair.

To learn how to make curls using a sock, watch the following video.

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