About love: True dating stories. Real stories of dating guys It's fun to write a dating story

The phrase “Your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law?” will soon be able to claim the title of a good classic tackle. Time passes, and the ways to meet a girl are becoming more sophisticated. Sometimes they amaze you with their unusualness, and you agree to drink coffee. But it happens that such things completely kill any interest, if not frighten. Our material contains several dating stories, successful and not so successful.

Mila, 25 years old

“I liked the guy’s tackle; in my opinion, he’s very talented.” I’m walking calmly down the street, and then he comes up and asks: “Girl, do you know where Ordinary Street is?” And I don’t know the city well, I just came to preparatory courses for admission. Although I had been to St. Petersburg before, I only knew the route from university to home. Naturally, I never saw this street. She apologized. She said I couldn't help. And he says: “Let me show it to you!” If I weren't in a hurry, I would definitely take a walk with him. Resourcefulness should be encouraged!

Nina, 27 years old

“Recently, a man slowed down when I was passing through a parking lot. He asked: “Girl, are there any parking spaces?” I say I'm not knowledgeable. And he’s like, “Let’s go check it out?” Brilliant, isn't it?

Valeria, 21 years old

— It was funny when my friends wanted to introduce me. Naturally, without my knowledge. We agreed that we would go to a cafe after work, and their friend came to pick me up. I got angry and sat at work for a long time, at the same time growling into the phone at the guys. Then she gave up and went out to the stranger. It turned out to be nothing like that: not for long, but we met. But the situation is still the same.

Inga, 24 years old

— When we met, my ex volunteered to give me a ride home. It was winter: there was porridge and ice everywhere. I get out of the car and start walking around from behind to get to the entrance. Naturally, being in heels, I stretch luxuriously on the road. And this smart guy is starting to backtrack. Almost ran over me!

Eva, 28 years old

— I usually came across strange invitations on a dating site. According to correspondence, the man seems okay, but when we meet, he turns out to be very strange. One was terribly boring, so much so that my teeth were hurting from boredom. I barely made it through 40 minutes. And as a farewell, he handed me his business card. Me too! The other one turned out to be scary in appearance. He was pleasant to talk to, but incredibly scary! I couldn't even look at him. Naturally, before the meeting he sent his best photo: taken from afar and from the best angle. There was no continuation.

Marina, 19 years old

Evgeniya, 23 years old

“Once I was getting out of a minibus, before I even had time to look around, a man ran into me shouting: “I like you, you like me too!” Go!" I barely lost my legs.

What to say? Pickup craftsmanship is a strange thing. There is no ideal way to meet people. Be yourself and people will be drawn to you!

Do you think online love is a myth or reality? Is it possible to find your happiness by completely trusting a stranger? And what do you need to do to find that fabulous one? love online"? Perhaps you should frantically register on dating sites? Sitting on various forums for days? Or maybe just let go of the situation and communicate with interesting people on social networks with ordinary ease?

Be that as it may, today we are all connected to communication on the Internet. It is there that we find important news of the day, weather forecasts, current news from famous brands and much more. The World Wide Web helps us in everything! Every day we turn to her for help: someone is looking for useful information, someone is looking for reliable friends, and someone is looking for their true love, which could take them into the world of romantic dreams and pleasant expectations. And let avid skeptics say that finding a sublime feeling on the Internet is complete absurdity. The main thing is to believe, to be sincere, and not to split hairs. After all, many couples managed to find their happiness. They took a chance and got their “love prize”, are you ready?

Andrey and Anya . Love online: “Hello, I’m your Anya”

“Andrey and I met on one of the forums, where I was trying to figure out a brand new camera and its capabilities. I found communication with him easy and entertaining. Having exchanged Skype accounts, communication became closer and more intriguing. At first there was ordinary correspondence, one might even say studying each other, but the further it went, the more interesting it became... At some point it even seemed to me that Andrei was trying to “stick me together”. He kept telling me how good he was, how successful he was, and so on. But at the same time, he did not forget about me, he was interested in my hobbies, work, even what school subjects I liked most. Our online communication lasted for long hours. And one day Andryusha suggested calling me. The video call became a real stress for me, I was very worried - will he like me? And he behaved absolutely at ease, even a little strange... For some reason, he walked around the apartment with his laptop, talking in detail about his home and what kind of furniture he preferred. To be honest, I considered it a kind of boasting, but the interest in him still became more and more. Having shared the results of our video meeting with my friends, they almost unanimously said that he was, to put it mildly, strange and that I should stop this communication so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. After all love online may be dangerous. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t do this.

One day I found out that I was going on a business trip to the city where Andrei lived. I pulled myself together and asked for his address. I thought I’d show up to him unexpectedly and say: “Hello, I’m your Anya.” Although, to be honest, I don’t know what I was thinking about then. But one thing I can say for sure: I’m glad everything happened this way. Our meeting did take place and since then we have been together for 3 years. Andryusha is a very close and dear person to me! It’s scary to think how everything would have turned out if I hadn’t bought that camera or if I had ended up on another forum... By the way, after a while I asked him why he was rushing around the apartment with a laptop during the first call? To which he laughed it off and said that he was simply preparing me for a future together. After all, today we live in his apartment.”

Lena and Maxim. Love online: “Hundreds of toads and one prince”

“Having been burned many times in real-life romance novels, one day I thought that it was time to change something in life. After reading articles about dating on the Internet, which helped many women plunge into the world of a real fairy tale, I decided: love online- this is for me! Then there were actions - hundreds of profiles on various dating sites, intriguing letters and dozens of hours spent online. I was sure that my prince was waiting for me somewhere there. But to my great disappointment and regret, everything was wrong and everything was wrong. Some were boring, others were ugly, others were too arrogant. I even went on dates several times to make sure that this “husband candidate” was not for me at all. I spent almost six months like this, no less. I hoped, believed and continued to get acquainted...

However, time passed, and hope became less and less. One day I decided that I had had enough of these profiles and photographs - I was returning to the real world! And as soon as I made this significant decision, he appeared... Maxim was ordinary and at the same time very interesting. According to the profile, he was not arrogant, without any bad habits, and in the photo he looked very good. It’s just that I’ve already decided that love online long ago in the past. And then it dawned on me: I was there, I wasn’t – I’ll try again! What if it’s him, the one and only. And so it turned out. Max won me over with his charisma! He was attentive, courageous, reliable. I went on one date with him and stayed with him for the rest of my life! Now I call him my prince! Indeed, how many “toads” have I “kissed” to find my ideal happiness!”

Nastya and Sasha. Love online: “Lasagna, against cutlets”

Communication took place in a pleasant, one might even say friendly, atmosphere. Until He showed up. A certain user with the nickname Alex2310 noted with particular causticism that my knowledge of Italian cuisine does not at all make me a super cook and that it would be better for me to think about ordinary people and clearly state the recipe for preparing ordinary homemade cutlets. All forum visitors literally attacked Alex2310. I, despite the offense, tried to ignore such comments, allowing myself to write to him in a personal message, so that he would bother to buy himself a book called “Cooking for Dummies” and leave normal people alone. Which, of course, didn't happen.

It was with this ridiculous situation that our “ love online" At first we argued a lot, then he apologized for a long time, after which we just started texting. As it turned out, the user Alex2310’s name was Sasha, and he had recently broken up with his girlfriend, after which he suddenly discovered that he was not at all good at cooking. I came to the culinary forum to find out at least a few simple recipes that will help brighten up his bachelor days. And here I am with my lasagna and bechamel sauce! So he broke down.

Over time love online smoothly flowed into first dates, walks, meetings. He turned out to be a very friendly and tactful young man, something I would never have thought of at the time we met. About a year ago we got married. Today Sasha is making great progress in the “school of young cooks”, practicing with me at the stove. Who knows, maybe someday climbing will be up to him.”

Roma and Alina. Love online: “Meeting in 5 years”

“Roma and I’s story can be called quite banal: we met in one of the chat rooms, started communicating, exchanged photos, fell in love, met, got married! But if it weren’t for one nuance - the correspondence lasted for 5 whole years!

So, I was an ordinary provincial girl, and he was a student in the capital. Almost immediately we replaced the chat by email. Personal communication with Roma seemed to me like some kind of incredible miracle. Every day I waited for his letters. If there were no new ones, I re-read the old ones. Now I understand that I was obsessed with this guy! No one could replace him for me: “Hello! How was your day?" But I didn’t dare tell him about my feelings. I thought that for him I was just a friend and for love relationships he chooses girls from a different circle. But one day something happened that changed my whole life. In one of his letters, Roma wrote to me that he was in love and wanted to meet. At that moment, it seemed to me that this was real happiness in its purest manifestation! It just so happened that we were not able to meet for almost a year. However, the feelings did not go away. After all, we have begun the real love online! It was our romance and tenderness.

Having met after 5 years of communicating online, we 100% realized that we were made for each other. They didn’t hesitate to get married and got married 3 months after the meeting. Perhaps there will be those who will say that this was a rash and risky act. After all, the image of a person on the Internet does not always correspond to the picture in reality. But all this is complete nonsense! We have been married for almost 3 years, in total I have known Roma for more than 8 years, and believe me, I live with exactly the person who once wrote to me: “Hello” in one of the ordinary chats.”

Love online: summing up

As you can see, love online- this is not fiction, but the real story of our heroines. Many couples have proven from their own personal experience that sometimes modern Internet capabilities help reunite two kindred souls, two loving hearts. Yes, it can be frustrating sometimes, but doesn't that happen in real life? There is only one thing to remember here: close relationships always require hard work. You may have to take risks in some places and forgive in others, but in the end you will get the happiness you so deserve.

And let it now love online– this is just platonic communication at a distance. Who knows, maybe the very near future will be able to give lovers the effect of the presence of a loved one, a long-awaited hug or tender kiss thousands of kilometers apart.

Do you know how, for example, your grandparents met? Definitely not on a dating app! But everything is changing, and today it is easier to meet your destiny on social networks than in the nearest cafe. So what does romantic dating look like now? Here are some true stories.

“He and I worked in related industries and knew each other in absentia, because we might have had to work together. When I started Twitter, he started writing me private messages on various topics, and I started going there just to chat with him. A few weeks (and hundreds of messages) later, he invited me to a bar. And we’ve been together for three years now,” Daria, 27 years old.

“We met at school when we were both 14 years old. Mutual friends invited us to a party. He took my hand while we listened to Pink Floyd, and we never parted again. I had a boyfriend at the time, but I took Mark’s email address and added him to MSN that evening (yes, there was such a messenger). The next day the company met again, and we spent the whole day together. I admitted that I was dating a guy, but I didn’t feel happy. He replied that he would take much better care of me, and then he kissed me. I broke up with my first guy that same day, and the two of us went on a date. We’ve been together for 15 years,” Zhenya, 29 years old.

“In the apartment that my friend and I rented, there was a room for rent. He called and asked if he could see her and we immediately approved him as a tenant. Soon he came to take the keys, and we talked for several hours straight. After he left, I called my friend and told her I was on a great date. Soon we drank together and started kissing right in the bar. He admitted that after leaving with the keys he called his father and said that he had fallen in love with a neighbor and could not now rent this room. I replied that I had been abandoned so many times that now I was ready to do anything just to see him next to me. And he found himself in a trap. Forever (or until our feelings pass). So the method worked,” Alena, 24 years old.

“I literally met my husband on the road when another car crashed into my car. I slowed down at a red light and got into an accident. The husband was the first policeman to arrive on the scene. When I saw him for the first time, I thought he looked great. After being taken to the hospital, I thought we would never meet again, but he arrived the next day and began asking about the details of the accident. A couple of days later I received a letter from the insurance company. There was his email address, I began to think about writing him a letter of gratitude (and asking him to meet). After long meetings with friends and family, I finally made up my mind. It was a very funny letter, but after an endless weekend he replied and we met. The date went great, and we have been married for several years and raising a daughter. I realized that sometimes in order for everything to be good, you need to go through bad things,” - Ekaterina, 30 years old.

“We met on a social network to look for work. I wanted to find a psychotherapist for my new project, he turned out to be a suitable candidate, and we called each other via video chat. I quickly realized that the relationship went beyond work. A couple of weeks later, a conference on my topic was being held in his city, and he offered to take the next room. It turned out that we would fit perfectly in one! We have been together for five years,” - Yulia, 35 years old.

“We met on vacation, but we barely talked all week. While waiting to fly home 20 minutes apart, we started a conversation and didn’t have time to finish. Then he added me as a friend on social networks, and we started communicating every day. The first phone conversation lasted three hours, and we both noted that we had lost a whole week! The next day we met and we haven’t parted for almost three years now,” Alisa, 28 years old.

“We met four years ago when I was studying in France. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and felt terrible. I didn’t want to start a new relationship, but I needed acquaintances in a foreign country. At first we communicated on Tinder, and a week later we met. At first we were just friends and talked, I taught him Russian, he helped with French. To be honest, I liked him right away, but I was afraid to start a love relationship again. So we started dating when I went home to work. We maintained a long-distance relationship for several years, and two months ago I was offered a job in Paris, and I moved in with him. We’ll have a wedding soon!” - Diana, 26 years old.

Alina Demeeva

“Our dating story is banal to the point of indecentness: there were no accidents or mystical coincidences - we were introduced by mutual friends. First there was correspondence on the Internet, then the first meeting followed at a celebration Catholic Christmas in the club where we relaxed with classmates, and then the wonderful time of our relationship began - dates, movies, walks around the city, cafes, flowers, gifts. Six months later, I realized that I had truly fallen in love, and how happy I was when I realized that my feelings were mutual! We remember this moment as the beginning of something serious and global. A year later, we already began to think about living together. My husband (at that time he was still just my boyfriend) insisted, but I was categorically against it - my upbringing did not allow it. That's how the idea of ​​a wedding arose. Our parents supported us, and we began to prepare our wedding together.

We have been married for almost 2 years, we have been together for more than 4 years, but we still remember that evening of our first meeting and our feelings and emotions. We often remember our acquaintance and each time our story acquires more and more new details that we were previously embarrassed to tell each other. It turned out that we liked each other at first sight, and although we are very different, we can no longer imagine life without each other. Only when my beloved is nearby, I am calm and incredibly happy. Love helps us to be together in harmony and understanding."

Katerina Lebedko-Pogrebnaya

“The first time I met my now husband was at an acoustic evening dedicated to fans of the work of the group “Spleen”. I sang there, and he came as a guest. Our eyes met and I immediately liked him. However, that evening we never met. After 4 months, an acoustic evening was again held in the same place, this time dedicated to Russian rock, and I was again invited there as a performer. Imagine my surprise when I saw Him there. We met our eyes again, and to At the end of the evening we met and talked a little, but things didn’t go further than that. I left the establishment earlier, but he stayed. Later, I tried to find him on social networks, but, unfortunately, nothing worked out for me. About a month later we completely met by chance in another place. That's when I realized that it was fate! It was like this: somewhere in mid-March, my friend and I agreed to meet at a bar. It was Friday, I came to the bar before my friend, ordered myself a cocktail and in stood waiting at the bar. And suddenly He passes by! I was a little confused and continued to stand near the bar. Suddenly, someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder from behind, I turned around and saw my future husband. He was no less surprised to see me and decided to come over and say hello. We got to talking, and it turned out that he had come to a “corporate party” with his colleagues. The most amazing thing is that he came to that bar for the first time, while I was a regular customer of this establishment. That evening we exchanged phone numbers. He called me 2 days later, and from that call our romance began. And a year and a half later we got married."

Zhazira Zharbulova

“My husband and I met in a cafe on August 30, 2008. I often went there with a friend, and he, as it turned out later, had lived nearby all his life. That same day he gave me a ride home, and I understood everything. I realized that he is the one. The next day he asked me out on a date, and a day later, on September 1, he left for Russia to continue his studies at the military academy. At that time I lived from call to call, from SMS to SMS. He came 2 times a year - during the summer holidays and New Year. So two years passed. After graduation, to my great joy, he was sent to serve in Almaty. But, as it turned out, I was happy early. He disappeared from work for days. We even broke up because of this a couple of times. So another 2 years passed. And in the 5th year we finally decided that it was time to decide something. I told him that if we don't get married by September 30, 2013, we will have to separate. After all, I was already 25 years old and, as is customary in our society, it was time to think about a family. As a result, in January 2013 they put earrings on me according to Kazakh custom, in July of the same year I was betrothed, in August they first held an “uzata”, a traditional farewell to the bride, and on September 21, 2013 there was a wedding (it turns out that my husband managed to marry me before September 30th). Now we are expecting our baby!"

Tatiana Kudrina

“I sincerely believe that there are no coincidences, and when we meet our person, a certain mysterious voice quietly whispers to us how important this meeting is, urging us not to pass by. You would have to have very serious hearing problems not to pay attention to this voice.:) Apparently, I had such problems, so I did not immediately recognize my happiness and could not even imagine that a banal story of meeting at work could develop into something big. However, let's talk about everything in order. I organized an office move, and my husband was a representative of a contractor company, and, accordingly, initially our conversations with him were based on topics such as the terms of the contract, payment terms and the quality of services provided. Although, I must admit, I’m being a little disingenuous, because I liked him very much from the first the same look. In general, when the move was successfully completed, he continued to come to my office under various pretexts, but even then we did not think about anything serious. However, gradually, step by step, we became closer to each other, until Finally, we didn’t notice how all the doubts disappeared, and we both realized that we wanted to be together always, all our lives.”

Perhaps these very personal stories will not form the basis of a romantic film, will not touch hearts and will not cause tears of tenderness. However, they will always retain that special magic and warmth, turning into a little fairy tale for each individual family.

Dear readers, how did you first meet your loved ones?

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