Holiday script for future first-graders class hour (1st grade) on the topic. Theatrical performance “Holiday for future first-graders An interesting event for future first-graders

Scenario of the holiday "Meeting with future first-graders"

"Open Day" for future first-graders

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1.

Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world:

You can hear music, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

Presenter 2.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

From games, ventures, from fairy-tale books.

IN school life childhood never ends

Childhood continues here too.

Presenter 3.

Good afternoon, dear guests! We are very glad to see you within the walls of our school! Today we dedicate our meeting to you, future first-graders! After all, already in the next academic year the doors of our school will open for you, and you will become students, first-graders!

Presenter 4.

First grader is cool!

First grader - yes!

After all, study in first grade

This is not nonsense!

(first grader song)

Load more and more of us

For some reason they became

First grade at school today -

Like an institute.

The teacher asks us

With X's of tasks,

Candidate of Sciences and the one -

Cries over a task.

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

Or there will be more, oh-oh-oh!

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

Or there will be more, oh-oh-oh!

Presenter 5:

We wish all future first-graders, as well as their parents, success on the difficult path to the world of knowledge!

Student 1

And now I ask future first-graders to guess the riddle:

There is a cheerful, bright house,

There are a lot of nimble children in it,

They write and count there,

Draw and read.

What is this magical house? (School)

Student 2

School is a bright house,

We all learn from it.
Here we learned to write,
Add and multiply.

We learned a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;

And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.

The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
This is what “school” means!

Student 3

There is a father's house in our life.

We call it school.

We play and sing in it,

We live, we learn science.

We come here as children

To learn life.

And become good people

To be proud of yourself.

Student 4

We learn to be friends at school, have fun,

Walk along the school road together.

We love to study together

And there’s nothing to be sad about.

Student 5

I want to go to school

To gain knowledge,

To sing and dance

To study our world.

School is always fun

The classroom is spacious and clean!

Teachers are waiting for you here

And good friends!


Now we offer to listen to a song performed by 4th grade students and find out what they teach at school.

Song "What They Teach at School"

Student 1.

It's the way it is at school -

We are all together - at the same time.

We are all a friendly family,

At least separately, everyone is me.

Student 2.

I can say with confidence that our school has a warm, friendly atmosphere and mutual understanding between teachers and students. After all, school is our second home. And it is very important that kindness and understanding surround us here.

Student 3.

The school will become a second home for you, you will find many new friends. You will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge. Who will help you with this? (pause)

- This is our teacher. And her name is Galina Ivanovna.


Look around how many guys there are. Maybe you don’t all know each other yet, you don’t know everyone. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to immediately remember whose name is what. But it’s difficult to talk to a person if you don’t know his name. And we will study together, and therefore we need to know all the guys.

- Let's get acquainted. When I say: “Three-four!” – everyone will shout out their name on command. Come on, let's try! (Children shout their name)

- Oh-oh-oh!.. They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! Did you catch all the names?

- Let's try it differently. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a quiet whisper.

– Something’s wrong again. Nobody shouted, still nothing is clear. Have you heard many names? Also no?

- Probably, guys, the point is that everyone speaks at the same time. Working together is good, playing is fun, singing is great, but answering is bad: when everyone says different words at once, nothing is clear.

Let's do it this way: whose name I now name, I will ask him to complete my task. Do you agree? Then we begin our acquaintance.

Zlata, Vanya, Oleg, Masha raised their hands up.

Diana, Vera, Nastya, Arina - they clapped their hands.

Well, Ruslan, Alisa, Zhenya and Timofey stamped their feet.

Dima, Vika, Yulia and Vlad screamed.

Anton, Maxim, Andrey - everyone stood up.

Alina, Veronica, Sasha and Sofia meowed in unison.

And Matvey and Nikita grunt a little.

Who didn't I tell you about?

And today you said nothing?

And now, as a united family,

Let's shout "I" together.

That's how we met.

Teacher: Look at those on your right, left, behind you, look around you, smile at everyone. Guys, what do you think a smile says?

Children: When a person smiles, it means that: he feels good; he received a gift; he is praised; he did a good deed; received a good rating.

Teacher: And a smile also tells us that we have good mood. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile.

song "Smile" (show clip) everyone sings

Student 1

Today you crossed the threshold of our school. Each school has its own rules that every child must follow. Want to know which ones? Now we will tell you.

Student 2

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself thoroughly.

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

Student 3

Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

Stroke the uniform yourself, believe me,

You're big already.

Student 4

Train yourself to order

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

Student 5

Don't giggle in class

Don’t move the chair here, don’t move it here,

Respect the teacher

And don't bother your neighbor.

Student 6

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school,

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends.

Student 7

That's all our advice,

They are none wiser or simpler.

You, my friend, don’t forget them -

Make your way to the Land of Knowledge.

Alarming music sounds and Barmaley runs into the classroom.

Barmaley: Hello girls and boys!

Why did you take the books with you?

Do you want to study?

What are you guys? Are you yourself?

Who needs knowledge?

Strength and laziness are important to everyone!

Leading: Excuse me, dear, but who are you?

Barmaley: I'm certainly not a speaker.

I am a bandit...a co-operator.

I'm a racketeer and a villain,

And in his own way - Barmaley!

Leading: Why did you come to our school? Here the children came to the Open Day and wanted to get to know the school. They will learn to be kind and attentive to each other.

Barmaley: Okay, I digress.

Why did I come here?

A!!! Yes, let you all go,

Lock down the school!

Well, what do you need studying for?

Well, truly it’s torment!

We are better without Sasha and Zin

We'll open a store here.

We will openly lie to everyone,

trade in evil and laziness.

Well, what do the kids agree?

Leading: Dear Barmaley, you are probably in the wrong building. You cannot set up a store at school, much less sell laziness and evil. Really, kids?

Come on, better Barmaley, dance with us.



What funny guys. Well done!

Can I tell you riddles about school supplies? Do you guys agree to guess my riddles?

1) I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked,

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important. (Briefcase)

Right. Let's guess what should be in the briefcase.

2) I am yellow, black, red, blue,

With a hard filling in the middle,

I'm friends with a sharp knife, and I'll draw whatever I want. (Pencil)

3) Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Write on me!

You can also draw

Who am I? (Notebook)

4) Multi-colored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

He carries water with his beard.

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke. (Brush and paints)

5) I love directness

I'm the most direct

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

6) My back is grimy.

But my conscience is clear -

I erased the blot from the sheet. (Rubber)

7) You need me for order

Don't flip the pages in vain.

Where I lie, read. (Bookmark)

8) Guess what this thing is

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows and sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook. (Pen)

9) In this narrow box

Anything for the soul:

Pens, erasers, sharpener,

And colored pencils. (Pencil case)

There are many things in the student's briefcase. But the most important thing is missing yet. Try to guess what it is.

10) I know everything, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent,

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write. (Book)

Leading: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles!

Barmaley: Yes, I liked it! Real academics have gathered here. Well done! You did the right thing by coming to school for knowledge. I will not bother you. Good luck to you in your future studies. Goodbye!


And now we will listen to the performance of future first-graders. They prepared a poem “What awaits me at school.”

1.The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature, forest and field await you!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
Grades are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!

2. "I'll go to school soon!" -

I tell everyone about this.

To a passerby on the street,

Rooster and hen,

Grandma on the bench and little sister Galochka.

They already bought me a briefcase,

Pens and notebooks.

Mom and I took care

Even about the outfit!

3.I look forward to that hour

When will I go to first grade?

Although I'm almost a student,

But I’m still not used to school.

Everything here is unusually new for me,

Alien, unfamiliar...

But I'm not afraid at all

I smile and I am brave

And I know only one thing -

Everything will be fine!


And now we invite first graders to play games.

Game "Remember your place", which develops attention. And attention is very useful while studying at school.

Children, stand in a circle, remember your neighbors (those who are standing next to you). Now the music will start, we will walk around the classroom. As soon as the music stops, you must take your place.

Game "Third Man" which develops thinking. And thinking is also useful while studying at school.

I name 3 items, and you say which one is extra.

Apple, cherry, tomato.

Cow, goat, pike.

A cap, scarf, cap.

Pencil, glass, spoon.

Bag, pot, suitcase.

Sausage, milk, saw.

TV, sofa, fridge.

Cat dog, wolf.

Presenter 1

Guys, did you like our school? (pause)

Are we having fun?

Presenter 2

On the road, girls!

Let's go, boys!

Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly!

Wonderful meetings and good books

There will be steps on it!

Presenter 3

And may bad misfortune never happen to us...

May the sun shine brightly and shine peacefully on us always!

Presenter 4

Our class has a national anthem.

A hymn is a solemn song that is performed on special occasions. And now, at the end of our holiday, we will fulfill it.

Presenter 5

But before performing, I would like to explain to you why this song has become an anthem for us. The fact is that when we came to 1st grade, we met new friends at school. Together we are interested and have fun. After all, it is easier to solve many problems with friends. We wish you to meet new friends at school.

Song “If you went on a journey with a friend”

Holiday scenario

Opening of the “School for Future First-Graders”

Entrance to the music “What they teach at school”

1. Sound the fanfare! And the trumpets, sound them!

The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

Today we invite children to school,

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten soon!

I. Krutoy’s song “First-graders” is playing

2. Hello adults, hello children.

Today is an unusual day in the world.

You can hear music, smiles and laughter

The school opened its doors to everyone.

3. And don’t be sad, boys and girls

From games, ventures, from fairy-tale books.

The magic never ends in school life

The tale continues here too.

4.You preschoolers are dreamers

Our school is looking forward to

Everyone to their dream soon

The paths of knowledge will come.

The song “First-graders” (Earrings and Natasha) is playing.

The floor for greetings is given to the director...

5. The teachers are here, what you need -

Only a creative approach!

Strength, time, attention

A year is enough for the school year.

6. The school will become a second home for you, you will find many new friends. You will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge. And our teachers will help you with this.: ...

Slow music is playing.

Teacher: Hello, dear children, dear parents!

We are glad to see each of you,

And let the winter breathe coolness through the windows,

We'll be comfortable here

After all, our class

He loves, feels and hears each other!

How beautiful, happy, and elegant you are today! You will come to school in September. Here you will learn to write, read, count, and solve problems. We wish you good luck and success!

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children, dear parents! Today is a real holiday for you! And when some holiday comes, everyone tries to congratulate each other. You know, guys, when I was walking to school, the postman met me. He sent congratulatory telegrams for you. But these telegrams are unusual. Congratulations to you fairy-tale heroes. Listen to them and tell them which fairy-tale character congratulated you.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

Health to you, kids,

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

We tempered ourselves every day,

So that bronchitis does not torment you.

Good Doctor...(Aibolit)

I wish you to receive as a gift

Huge cake, chocolate and cookies,

Marmalade and jam.

Become thicker, taller.

I'm waiting for your answer on the roof (Carlson)

My dear friends! you do everything like me:

Fight and tease

And study for bad grades.

Otherwise I'll fly

I'll turn everyone into frogs.

you with a magic broom

I'll turn you into scrap metal (Baba Yaga)

I want to wish you

Only get A's

To love good books,

Be friends with mathematics.

On behalf of Pierrot, Malvina

Your friend...(Pinocchio)

Break windows and shop windows,

Don't go to stores

Have more fights.

Hello, Old Woman... (Shapoklyak)

Teacher: You guys are great! Are you really ready for school? We wish you good health, success in your studies and that you never be sad.

Musical pause

(Knock on the door, Pinocchio enters).

Pinocchio: Hello, friends!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

I took heroes from fairy tales with me

I want to take you to the Land of Knowledge

And open the magic door in front of you.

(Noise, din, the music “The Exit of Baba Yaga” sounds)

Pinocchio: Oh, who is this? (Baba Yaga flies in on a broom)

Baba Yaga: Lives in a forest hut

Horrible old lady.

Even though I'm terrible

But she has a beautiful soul.

Don't be afraid of me, children,

I'm nobody in the world

I won’t eat it, I won’t throw it in the oven,

I'm as quiet as a lamb.

I'll walk in front of you,

I'll dance, I'll sing.

Well, what a cutie I am,

How I love myself!

Pinocchio: Hello, Baba Yaga, oh, you scared us!

Baba Yaga: What kind of meeting are you having here?

Pinocchio: And we are gathered, Baba Yaga, for a holiday.

Baba Yaga: For a holiday? What holiday is this? So, let's look at the calendar (takes the calendar out of his pocket and flips the pages). Soooo, it's still a long time until my birthday... There is no holiday on the calendar today! Why are you deceiving old grandma?

Pinocchio: Dear Baba Yaga. Our holiday is not on the calendar, today we have a special holiday. Celebration “Meeting with future first-graders.”

Baba Yaga: Well, that's it, we've arrived! How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is this?

Buratino: And this means that the children came to school to meet the teacher, to meet us. They want to study at our gymnasium.

Baba Yaga: Ah, now it’s clear! How can one not understand!

Dear children! Why do you need this school?

Well, why do you need to study?

It's better to run and frolic.

Difficult tasks at school…..

Whoever solves them cries...

It's better not to go to school

It's better to be quitters!

Musical pause

Buratino and Baba Yaga enter.

Baba Yaga: Pinocchio, what are you doing here? (addresses Pinocchio)

Pinocchio: I came to congratulate the guys and give them a golden key as a souvenir. This key will help the children open the doors to the Land of Knowledge

Baba Yaga: Well, come on, take out your golden key and open the treasured door.

(Pinocchio takes out the key, Baba Yaga snatches it and runs away)

Pinocchio (runs after Baba Yaga): Baba Yaga, return the key!

Baba Yaga: But I won’t return it! Who do you want to entrust such an expensive key to? After all, they behave outrageously, don’t listen to their parents, and don’t like animals. And in general, they are bad!

Pinocchio: This is not true! Our guys are good!

Baba Yaga: I don’t believe it! Until I check it myself, I won’t give you the key! Here's my solution! Let me give you guys a little test. Complete it - you will get the key, but no..... Got it? Here is my condition!

Pinocchio: Say your tasks, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's try! Let's see how attentive you are. Repeat the movements after me.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap (clap your hands)

I take myself by the forehead (and I myself take my nose) Children repeat and make mistakes.

Baba Yaga: Ha ha! What is that forehead on your nose? So I played a joke on you. Be careful! Take on what I name, and I will continue to confuse you.

We all have fun,

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap

I take myself by... (shoulder, knee, elbow, ear).

Baba Yaga: Well done! You have attention! Now let's get up and have a fun physical activity. Repeat all the movements after me. (Fairy-tale characters also make movements)

Baba Yaga: Wow, what great fellows you are! Take the key! And I flew to my hut! ("Flies away").

Buratino approaches the screen, “opens” the lock and the doors open. Music is playing and the screen says “School for Future First-Graders”

Buratino: Welcome to the School of Future First-Graders!

Musical pause

Malvina and Buratino enter.

Malvina: I am Malvina.

We are very happy today

To all the children from kindergarten.

We welcome guests, dear teachers.

All acquaintances, strangers, both serious and cheerful.

Hello guys!

Malvina: Guys, do you like to listen to fairy tales? (Yes)

They ask for fairy tales -

You are friends,

Get to know us!

Pinocchio: There is neither a river nor a pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Malvina: But the road is long,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

("Masha and the Bear")

Pinocchio: A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.

Who has read such a book?

He knows a little girl.


Malvina: Red - the girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears!

("Snow Maiden")

Pinocchio: Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

("Three Bears")

Musical pause

Malvina: Pinocchio, I want to give you a backpack.

Pinocchio: No need, I already have a backpack!

Malvina: Have you already assembled it?

Pinocchio: Yes, of course, I included everything necessary!

Malvina: Guys, do you know what they put in there? (Yes) Let's check now. We will ask, and you answer “yes” or “no”

Malvina Should we put a book in the backpack? (Yes!)

Pinocchio And a teddy bear? (No!)

Malvina Shall we take a pen with us? (Yes!)

Pinocchio And maybe a cloud from the sky? (No!)

Malvina Shall we put in a ripe orange? (No!)

Buratino What about a grocery store? (No!)

Malvina Shall we take a ruler with us? (Yes!)

Pinocchio And the canary bird? (No!)

Malvina Do we put a notebook in the backpack? (Yes!)

Pinocchio And also chocolate? (No!)

Malvina Will we still add a smile and success? (Yes!)

Pinocchio Cheerful and playful children's laughter? (Yes!)

Malvina: Well done! Well, our backpacks are packed. Now we have to hurry to school.

Musical pause

Teacher: Guys, do you know how to behave at school? Let's try to play the game "Rules of conduct at school?"

We will ask, and you answer “yes” or “no”

    The desk is a wonderful bed! Don't forget to sleep on it! (No)

    During the lesson - take your time, write straight letters! (Yes)

    At school you should not study, but have fun all the time! (No)

    Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a “D” (no)

    He will scold you again if he suddenly sees “five” (no)

    During class you have to listen and secretly eat candy. (No)

    Open your ears wider, and don't talk to your girlfriend. (Yes)

    If you know, don’t yawn, quickly raise your hand. (Yes)

Teacher: So, guys, all the tests have been passed. You have proven that you are ready to become disciples.

Musical pause

Student 1:

Your smiles glow

They cannot be forgotten

Let this meeting be like a song

Lives in our memory

And repeating every year

Gives strength to you all

Student 2:

And your eyes emit that light

What warms everyone's soul and heart

May you be surrounded by love for many years to come

Warmth and care, of course!

Student 3:

Our big school

Opened the door for you

you will learn

You are almost schoolchildren now.

Teacher: Our holiday has come to an end. Go ahead, guys, today the green light has turned on for you to the land of Knowledge, where fun and joy live, school and friends, teachers and parents, where you will study, and the open and loving heart of a teacher will always be with you.

Topic: Celebration “We are future first-graders”

(graduate from the School of the Future First-grader)

Target: Summarize the lessons of future first-graders.


  1. Show parents techniques, methods of collaboration between teachers and children, introduce them to a fairy tale plot;
  2. Contribute to increasing school motivation in preschoolers.
  3. Reveal Creative skills children;
  4. Observe the behavior of future first-graders in a large audience.

Celebration organization:

In the role of presenters are the teachers who conducted classes at the ShBP, in the role of the fairy of Memory, Prince of Attention, Princess of Logic - students of 4th grade.

There is music and children's songs in the hall. Gifts for future first-graders are prepared on the presenters' table. Parents and children gradually gather in the hall and sit down: children in the 1st row, parents in the 2nd row. Senior students give each child a token (geometric shapes of different colors) for further participation in test competitions.

At the last moment before the start of the holiday, the girl – Absent-mindedness passes by the hosts’ table, looks around and “steals” a gift – books.

The presenters and children of 4th grade come out.

You need to prepare:

  1. Gifts for children in a beautiful box
  2. Musical accompaniment
  3. Musical gifts from schoolchildren
  4. Tokens – geometric shapes
  5. Items for the game “Build a Briefcase”

Celebration progress:

Presenter 1: What Are you preparing for the holiday here?

Maybe the guests of honor will come?

Maybe the generals will come?

Maybe the admirals will come?

Maybe a hero who has flown around the world?

Stop guessing in vain!

Look, here they are, the guests!

Presenter 2 : Hello, dear guys, moms and dads, grandparents.

To the youngest, future first-graders

Dedicated today to the holiday!

Presenter 3: Three months have passed

You are no longer kids.

Everyone is happy to admit to you:

You are not a kindergarten at all.

Fairy of Memory

Be cheerful, dear graduate,

After all, today is your holiday!

And you're almost a student

Almost like a schoolboy, a first grader!

Prince of Attention:

We wish to be friends with books,

Cherish every minute,

Rest during recess.

Princess Logic:

U who's always fine

All textbooks, notebooks,

Who reads a lot of books -

He is a good student!

Presenter 1: We all, your teachers, want to congratulate you on your graduation from the First-Grade School of the Future and have prepared gifts for you... And where are they? (to teachers) You don't know?

There is laughter behind the scenes. Absent-mindedness appears and blows soap bubbles.

Absent-mindedness: Here they are, your gifts (blows) - they burst! Ha ha!

Presenter 1: Absent-mindedness, so you stole the gifts?

Absent-mindedness: (mimics) she stole... She didn’t steal it, she took it to look at it.

Presenter 1: Well, bring it faster. The guys are waiting, the adults are waiting. You'll ruin the whole holiday.

Absent-mindedness: What cunning. You offended me and didn’t invite me to the party.

Presenter 1: But we don't need you at school.

Absent-mindedness: What would it be like without me? Maybe someone doesn't need me. But the lazy ones really need me.

Surely there are lazy guys among them? Ah, lazy ones, raise your hands! I want to see you! Don't you pick it up? So you are also a liar!?

Presenter 1: No, Absent-mindedness, the guys are not liars. They really want to become real students, so they tried very, very hard in class and learned a lot. Give us the gifts.

Absent-mindedness: Oh, what have they learned? They chatted in class, didn’t complete assignments, didn’t memorize poems. One word - lazy.

Presenter 1: ( everyone) It seems to me that Absent-mindedness just won’t believe us. The children need to convince her.

Presenter 1: Come on, Absent-mindedness, let’s agree: if the children manage to complete the tasks, you return the gifts.

Absent-mindedness: And if they don’t fulfill it, all the gifts are mine!

Presenter 1: So, let's begin!

Fairy of Memory: Congratulations to first grade!

Each of you needs me!

To become very smart at school,

Try to remember everything!

Guys, do you recognize me? I am the Fairy of Memory! We became friends from the very first lesson at ShBP: we trained to remember objects, words, symbols. But most of all I liked helping you learn poetry!

Presenter 3:

  1. Guys, let's tell the Memory Fairy our school poem.

If we stood up beautifully,

So they said “hello.”

They didn’t make noise, they didn’t make noise

And they sat down quietly at their desks.

  1. Whoever has tokens from the Memory Fairy (green triangles), we ask you to go to the stage.
  2. (looking into the envelope) Oh! Absent-mindedness ruined all the poems!
  3. Let's try to fix them:

1) If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

The teacher will ask - you need to stand up,

When you answer - loud sit down! /quiet/ 5 people

2) (yellow triangles)

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought it home from the market

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and Snickers , Oh! /beets/ 5 people

  1. (red triangles)

Pinocchio stretched.

He bent over once, he bent over twice.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently the house didn’t find the key

To get us the key,

5 people need to stand on their toes


  1. Ha-ha-ha! Are these the only poems you know?
  2. Did you teach anything yourself?
  3. Come on, come on, let's listen! (2-3 poems)

Quests from Prince Attention:

I have come to you more than once

And he brought assignments!

I wrote letters to you, friends,

Who am I? Prince of Attention!

  1. Hello guys!
  2. I am very glad to meet you at such an important and wonderful holiday.
  3. You completed many tasks in class, developing your attention.

Let's see how you do in my exam today!

Presenter 3: We invite guys with green squares to take the exam!

A) I will say different words when I name the animal - CLAP YOUR HANDLES

Table, bed, cup, bug,

wolf, book, pen, cloud,

notebook, cow, house, thunder, 5 people

cover, cat, frost, thunderstorms.

B) We invite guys with yellow squares to the exam!

I'll name the plant - STOMP

Sofa, suitcase, newspaper, cassette,

napkin, beets, carrots, love, 5 people

oak, friend, toy, parsley.

fox, star, birch, threat.

C) We invite guys with red squares to the exam!

If I name an animal - CLAP YOUR HANDLES, if I name a plant - STOMP.

Ball, woodpecker, lake, skipping rope, rolling pin,

cloud, pine, fish, sun, heaven,

aster, tulip, seal, burdock, 5 people

cake, tortilla, nut, grass, spring.

Prince of Attention : Now everyone stand up together and check your attention:

Game "Do this"(everyone participates)

  1. If I say: “Do this,” then you repeat the movements after me.
  2. If I say: “And like this,” then the movement cannot be repeated.

Quests from Princess Logic:

  1. Good morning friends!
  2. Yes, now you and I have become friends and together we will drive away Absent-mindedness!
  3. To do this, you need to complete all tasks correctly and clearly.
  4. Shall we try?
  5. Together we will definitely succeed!
  1. Game "What's extra?"(tables) 5 people
  2. Game “Collect a chain" 6 people
  1. continue my thread:

3) Game "Divide into groups":

  1. you have a set of pictures of 4 people
  2. look at them carefully and divide them into three groups
  3. explain your choice.

(- apple, pear,

  1. bear, duckling, dog
  2. cabbage, peas, cucumber, tomato)

Presenter 1: Well, what do you say, Absent-mindedness? Have the guys convinced you that they deserve gifts? Co

Did the guys complete all the tasks?

Absent-mindedness: Well, they did these tasks before. But if they can my complete the tasks, then I will believe you and return the gifts.

Presenter 1: What tasks have you prepared?

Quests from Absent-mindedness:

(Competitions are held by teachers)

Absent-mindedness: I’m thinking, why do you even need to go to this school? We would always go to kindergarten. Your parents will both dress and undress you. And you have to pack your briefcase for school... Do you even know what they carry to school? (Competition "Collect a briefcase").

Children with tokens are welcome. Assignment: of the prepared items, put only educational items in the briefcase.

Absent-mindedness : Okay, you will pack your briefcase. How will you go to school yourself? You probably don’t even know which side is which. (Game-dance “We will go right first...”)

All children are welcome. They stand in a circle and hold hands. Perform all actions.

We'll go right first one, two, three.

And then we’ll go one, two, three.

And then we will all come together one, two, three.

And then we will separate one, two, three.

And then we will all sit down one, two, three.

And then we will all stand up one, two, three.

And then we'll turn around one, two, three.

And we’ll smile at each other once, twice, three times.

Absent-mindedness : And at school you will be the smallest, you will be confused, you will cry.

Conducting physical exercises:

(Guys with tokens are invited. They depict actions).

As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

(hands up - clap, hands down - clap)

And we meet a bear.

(hands behind head - waddle)

We already know how to jump, we will jump more boldly.

One-two, one-two, there’s already water behind...

We're walking, we're walking,

We raise our hands higher.

A sly fox is looking out from behind a bush ahead.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes...

The bunny jumps quickly in the field, very happily in the wild.

We imitate the little bunny, fidgety little naughty girls.

But the game is over, and it’s time for us to learn!

Absent-mindedness : Fine, fine. Last task: if you guess what they have prepared for you as a gift, I’ll give it to you, but if you don’t guess, everything will be mine.

This item is the best gift.

He is a storehouse of wisdom and knowledge

Consists of letters and pictures

Presenter 1: You guessed it! Bring us, Absent-mindedness, a gift.

Absent-mindedness brings books.

Presenter 1 : Finally, everything is in place. But first, Before we begin presenting gifts, we give the floor to the deputy director for educational work of the 1st level school, Tatyana Georgievna Svistunova.

Deputy directors: Guys, I came to work today and found a letter on my desk from the wizard Yum-Nyam.future first graders.What should I do with it?... Open it?...

Fine. What does Yum-Nyam write?

(reads the letter)

" Hello guys!

I found out that today is your last holiday day of classes at the school of the Future First-Grade. I would like to know if you liked these classes? What did you especially remember and like? What about the teachers?

They liked you too. They said that you are kind, attentive, diligent children. And also that you are preparing to become real schoolchildren. This is true?

My friends and I wish you: to have a good rest over the summer, gain strength before school, but do not forget to draw, color, perform entertaining and game tasks, and read with your parents.

We look forward to seeing you on September 1st. And so that you don’t forget about us, we are giving you a parcel with gifts.

See you!

Yum – Yum and his friends are residents of Lukomorye.”

Before we present you with gifts from the heroes of Lukomorye, I want to invite the senior students who have prepared a musical gift for you to the stage. I invite 3rd grade student Dasha Glukhova. (performs a song)

The oldest residents of the country Lukomorye, 4th grade students Anya Kuptsova, Dasha Shkolnikova, Liza Pyankova, will perform a dance.

Leading: Now let's start presenting gifts.

Children are invited according to a list of 5 people,

Fairy of Memory, Prince of Attention, Princess of Logic and Absent-mindedness

give everyone a book, a pencil, a chocolate bar andinvitation to 1st grade.

The floor is given to parents. (at the request of parents)

The song “Lukomorye” is playing.

Oksana Vasilievna Kokovina
Theatrical performance "Holiday for future first-graders"

This event was prepared to be held in a wide family circle, where there were 6 or 7 first-graders for 30-35 children. IN kindergarten you can use some holiday ideas or the scenario as a whole, supplementing it with musical compositions. The main thing is that the children are happy about the upcoming meeting with the new school season!

Characters: presenter 1 - a man in a Znayka costume; presenter 2 - a man in a Dunno costume; The school principal is a doll.

Future first-graders are participants in the event, the rest of the children are spectators.

The first-graders are sitting in the front row, Znayka comes into the hall.

Znayka (addresses the participants). Hello guys! You are so Beautiful! How big and strong they have grown! Are you probably getting ready for school?

Children. Yes!

Znayka. I know where the school is, now I will take you there.

At this time, Dunno appears in the center of the hall. By the way, his appearance should be as unusual as he himself. Therefore, he can jump on a stick-horse, or ride on a scooter.

Dunno. Oh, what guys! Where do you want to go so dressed up?

Znayka. Don't bother us. Step aside, we're going to school!

Dunno. Ha, off to school! Where are your briefcases? Where are your smiles? Did you do any exercises today? You should always do exercises before school! Come on, come on, stand up.

Cheerful music sounds. Dunno says a poem,

performs movements according to the text. Children repeat.

Disperse in an even circle,

Get ready to exercise!

Get up, sit down! Get up, sit down!

Swing like a swing!

Step in place and around,

Now run after me!

Stop! Are you awake? Did you smile?

We reached out sweetly...

Dress more cheerfully

Pack your backpack quickly.

The school is waiting, calling you -

Get ready to go forward!

Znayka. That's it, stop having fun! Learning is still work, and not some kind of fun. Follow me guys, I'll take you to school.

Znayka leads the children to a stretched screen, decorated like the facade of a school.

Cheerful music gives way to the melody of the introduction to the song “They teach at school.”

Gradually the music fades away. The school principal appears on the screen.

Director. What's that noise? This, by the way, is a school, not a club for entertainment!

Znayka. And we, dear director, came to school.

Director. Why did you come to school?

Dunno (speaks and shows movements according to the text).

Well, why?

To play and have fun,

To spin all day,

To stomp and make noise,

Jump, run and make noise!

Really, guys?

Children. No!

Znayka. You don’t know anything, Dunno! Guys, tell me, why do children go to school?

Children (answer).

Dunno. Ahh, to study... I didn’t even know...

Director. So, so... study, then? Do you know the letters?

Znayka and children (in unison). We know!

The director asks riddles, the children guess, and Znayka attaches the resulting letters to the screen to make the word “school.” Dunno confuses the guys and says the wrong answers.

1. In the alphabet, a good letter for hissing is... (Ш).

2. “Mole”, “swing” and “stick” begin with ... (K).

3. This letter has no corners

And she would have rolled away

If only there were a lot of different words

I could manage without her. (ABOUT)

4. The letter is similar to a stepladder,

It will help to pour, sculpt, leaf through,

There will be no summer without her.

What kind of letter is this, children? (L)

5. The alphabetic family is headed by the letter...

Dunno. YU!

Children, Znayka. A!

Director. Well done boys! Can you read the word?

Children. SCHOOL.

Znayka. You see, dear director, the kids know all the letters and can read - it’s time for them to go to school.

Znayka and children. We can!

The director asks funny problems, the children answer. Znayka encourages the guys, Dunno confuses the numbers and says the wrong answers.

1. Grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren. In total, she knitted three scarves and six mittens. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (3)

2. Seryozha will soon be 10 years old,

Dima is not yet six,

Dima still can’t

Grow up to Seryozha.

And how many years younger

Boy Dima, what is Seryozha? (for 4 years)

3. One evening to the bear

Neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, “slanty”,

A wolf with a “cheat” fox,

But the bear couldn't

Divide the pie among everyone.

Help him quickly

Count all the animals! (7)

4. If a chicken stands on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on both legs? (2 kg)

5. Six nuts for mommy pig

I carried it in a basket for the children.

The hedgehog met a pig

And he gave four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring it in your basket? (10)

Znayka. You see, dear director, how smart our guys are?

Director. Smart people are smart, but I also need smart students!

Dunno. Let's test our guys' dexterity.

Director. Let's.

To the music, competitions are held in pairs between future schoolchildren:

alone and in pairs.

1. "Strong Spoon": Participants need to carry a round object (for example, a chocolate egg capsule) in a spoon over a certain distance and not drop it.

2. "Ball between foreheads": two participants hold each other by the shoulders, and the balloon is pressed against each other's foreheads. You need to walk in a circle like this and not drop the ball.

3. "Jumping gallop": participants jump in bags to a certain goal and back.

4. "Throw the Ring": Participants need to throw a ring onto a pole.

5. "The biggest soap bubble": Participants are invited to blow soap bubbles, and spectators mark who had the biggest ones.

Dunno. Wow, what guys we have: smart and dexterous! This is something you definitely need to learn in school.

Director. Yes, smart and dexterous guys come, but they bring who knows what in their briefcases! And one boy once brought a rabbit to class. You can imagine? We ran after this rabbit throughout the whole school!

Znayka. And our guys know how to put together schoolbags: they know what they need to take to school and what they don’t need.

To the music, a pair competition is held: from the proposed things, choose and put in the briefcase only those that relate to school supplies.

Director. Well done! I accept you to school!

Solemn music sounds. The children are given medals. Then the music stops.

Director. I wish you guys to always be as smart, brave and dexterous as you are today. Would you like me to tell you a secret?

So that you enjoy studying,

You will learn to work.

Without effort and labor

School will be foreign to you.

And now I wish:

Good luck, my friends!

At the last words, the director rings the bell.

The song “They teach at school” plays.

Scenario of the holiday "Meeting with future first-graders"

Prepared teachers early. classes MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" Mikun

Korolev L.N., Svintozelskaya N.V.

  1. Organizational moment (Slide 1)

Hello, we are starting,

Door to the Land of Knowledge

We open together.

2. (Slide 2,) - The Land of Knowledge is our school. Who knows what name she bears?

The floor for the speech is given to the Acting Director of School No. 2, Marina Sergeevna Simanovskaya.

  1. Teacher: Hello, guys! Today is a joyful day for us. You have gathered to meet us, your teachers and the children who will study in the same class with you.

Slide 3.

  1. – I am a 1st grade teacher. My name is Koroleva Lidiya Nikolaevna
  1. – I am a 1st grade teacher. My name is Svintozelskaya Natalia Valerievna.
  1. - Look around, how many guys there are. Maybe you don’t all know each other yet, you don’t know everyone. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to immediately remember whose name is what. But it’s difficult to talk to a person if you don’t know his name. And we will study together, and therefore we need to know all the guys
  1. - Let's get acquainted. When I say: “Three-four!” – everyone will shout out their name on command. Come on, let's try! (Children shout their name)
  1. - Oh-oh-oh!.. They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! Did you catch all the names?
  1. - Let's try it differently. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a quiet whisper.
  1. – Something’s wrong again. Nobody shouted, still nothing is clear. Have you heard many names? Also no?
  1. - Probably, guys, the point is that everyone speaks at the same time. Working together is good, playing is fun, singing is great, but answering is bad: when everyone says different words at once, nothing is clear. There are among you Maxima, Karina, Milena, Vladislav, Valeria, ....
  1. Teacher: Look at those on your right, left, behind you, look around you, smile at everyone. Guys, what do you think a smile says?

Children: When a person smiles, it means that: he feels good; he received a gift; he is praised; he did a good deed; got an A.

Slide 4 (sun)

  1. Teacher: And a smile also tells us that we are in a good mood. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile.

(Slide 4 click) song “Smile”

Game moment

Slide 5.

  1. Teacher: The little locomotive “Bukashka” came to us.

“Dear guys, he invites us on a journey to the “Land of Knowledge”. You will visit 5 stations. I hope that your journey will be interesting and useful.

  1. Teacher: Guys, let's go on a trip?

Children: Yes.

  1. - Attention! Attention! The little engine goes to the Land of Knowledge from the first path.

(Song "Steam locomotive "Bukashka" children's ensemble Semitsvetik")

Slide 6. Station "Shkolnaya"

  1. Teacher: Our train is approaching the Shkolnaya station. Here we are met by 4th grade students

Student 1

There is a cheerful, bright house,

There are a lot of nimble children in it,

They write and count there,

Draw and read.

What is this magical house? (School)

Children: School

(Skokov Vanya).

What is school

School is a bright house,

We all learn from it.
Here we learned to write,
Add and multiply.

We learned a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;

And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what are thereseas,
And how the Earth rotates.

The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
This is what “school” means!

L.A. Arsenova

Student 2


“Change, change!” -
The call is ringing.

Vova will definitely be the first
Flies out of the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked off their feet.
Is it really Vova?
Dozed off the entire lesson?
Is this really Vova?
Five minutes ago, not a word
Couldn't you tell me at the board?
If he is, then undoubtedly
A big change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova!
Look how bad he is!

He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:
He set three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,
Dashingly plopped off the railing,
Got a slap on the head
He gave someone back on the spot,
He asked me to write off the tasks, -
In a word,
I did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges back to class.
Poor! There is no face on it!
“Nothing,” sighs Vova,
Let's relax in class!

Zakhoder B.

Who knows what they teach at school?

  1. The floor for the speech is given to the head teacher primary school Potapova Tatyana Artamonovna.

2. Slide 7. What do they teach at school?“What do they teach at school?” - the song sounds

  1. Teacher: let's move on!

Slide 8. (Locomotive)

Attention! Attention! The locomotive sets off on its first journey.

Get up! The arms are bent! The locomotive moves: Chug-chug-chug! Tuuuuut! Go!

(Slide 9 ) 2. Arrived at the second station “Mysterious”. The guys have prepared riddles for you

Student 2:

I'm ready for training starts,
I'll be sitting down soon...
Children: desk (Slide 10)

Teacher 1. Today you crossed the threshold of our school. Each school has its own rules that every child must follow. Want to know which ones? Partha will tell you about them now.(Click on slide)

Desk Tips: (sound embedded)

  1. Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself thoroughly.

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

  1. Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

Stroke the uniform yourself, believe me,

You're big already.

  1. Train yourself to order

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

  1. Don't giggle in class

Don’t move the chair here, don’t move it here,

Respect the teacher

And don't bother your neighbor.

  1. Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school,

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends.

  1. That's all my advice,

They are wiser and simpler,

You, my friend, don’t forget them -

Stay on your way to the Land of Knowledge.

  1. Teacher: Listen to the wise advice of the desk. You will have to spend 816 days, 32 thousand lessons, 50 thousand hours with her.
  2. Teacher: Here's another mystery.

Student 2. I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked,

And they live in that house

Pen, book and album. (Briefcase)

(same slide – click, a briefcase will appear)

  1. Teacher: Let's guess what should be in the briefcase.

(Slide 11. Answers appear when clicked)

Lesson 1. I am yellow, black, red, blue,

With a hard filling in the middle,

I'm friends with a sharp knife, and I'll draw whatever I want. (Pencil)

Lesson 2. Now I’m in a cage, then in a line,

Write on me!

You can also draw

Who am I? (Notebook)

Lesson 1. Multi-colored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

He carries water with his beard.

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke. (Brush and paints)

Teacher 2. I have a lot of outfits,

And I'm friends with everyone.

Who wants to write a letter?

I’ll write whatever he wants. (Pen)

Teacher2. There are many things in the student's briefcase. But the most important thing is missing yet. Try to guess what it is.

Children .

I know everything, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent,

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write.(book)

1. Teacher : Well done! And they passed this test.

Let's go to Vesyolaya station

Slide 12 (Locomotive, click engine song)

Get up! The arms are bent! The locomotive moves: Chug-chug-chug! Tuuuuut! Go!

  1. Slide 13 . station "Veselaya" We invite music teacher Tyrina Valentina Pavlovna.(Songs of first-graders, “Lozhkari” Tyrina)
  1. Teacher: You can go to the next station.

Teacher 1. Slide 14. Get up! The arms are bent! The locomotive moves: Chug-chug-chug! Tuuuuut! Go!

Station "Creative" Slide 15.

2. Guys, at school students not only learn mathematics, the Russian language, the world around them and other subjects, but also fantasize a lot and show their creativity. And now fourth grade students will show a dramatization about the life of birds in winter.

  1. Our guys also know how to dance and they give you their dance.
  1. - Our first journey through the Land of Knowledge has ended, many discoveries and secrets await you ahead.
  1. Slide 16. The cheerful bell is ringing,

Calling children to class.

School doors are open

Now always for you.

  1. - I congratulate you, guys and your parents on our first acquaintance and invite you to the classrooms. 1- “A” cab No. 8, 1- “B” cab No. 3

Teacher 1. Slide 17.Get up! The arms are bent! The locomotive moves: Chug-chug-chug! Tuuuuut! Go!

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