Scenario for the holiday “to visit autumn” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Scenario for the autumn holiday in the preparatory group The scenario for the autumn holiday will be prepared by the group

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the preparatory group “At the Queen of Autumn’s Ball”

Description of material: This summary can be useful and used by music directors and preschool teachers. The holiday script is intended for older children preschool age(senior and preparatory groups). During the celebration, children will learn what is special about each month of autumn.
Target: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the autumn months.
1. Consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in music classes.
2. Develop communication skills.
3. Systematize ideas about the signs of autumn.
4. Foster patriotism and love for the Motherland.
5. Create a festive mood in children.
* * *
Presenter - Quickly, quickly, everyone, go to the hall.
Let's start, let's start our autumn ball!
Children enter.
Child - Each season has a special smell and color.
But nature is so perfect that in general there is nothing more beautiful than it.
Child - It’s autumn. Foggy distances, leaf fall is raging all around.
And with the smell of light sadness, the fallen leaves rustle.
Child - Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech, yellow circle of the sun in the sky.
Child - Yellow yard, yellow house, the whole earth is yellow all around,
Yellowness, yellowness, that means autumn is not spring
Child - Autumn walks through the gardens, walks, smiles,
Just like in a fairy tale, here and there all the colors change!
Child - A drop of rain fell on the rowan clusters,
A maple leaf trembles above the ground.
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again she put on the gold outfit.
Child - You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad tune sounds over the fields.
But we, Autumn, greet you with a smile
And we invite everyone to the festive ball!
The children sit down.
Child – Between summer and winter everything falls asleep:
The St. John's wort dries up, the maple falls.
The oak tree is scorched by frost, the marmots are going to sleep...
People call this very dream in autumn.
Yes, September, October, November are a real dream:
It is encrypted in the first letters of these words.
September – Attention, attention! Today our Empress Autumn deigned to invite all her subjects to the holiday.
October – Attention, attention! To all the Vanyushkas and Katyushkas!
To all the Andryushkas and Tanyas! To all the Svetkas and other children!
Strict order: have fun, sing and dance until you drop at the festival! And whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will - do not cut off his head!
November – Attention, attention! Our Empress Autumn herself has arrived for the joyful holiday! Meet us!
Autumn - Everyone calls me Golden Autumn, I walked through the fields and forests.
Happy autumn holiday to everyone!
How good, how fun we all have!
Your friends hurried here to see you, gilded everything around,
Covered the ground with leaves. I brought the holiday to your home!
You guys have fun, I’m very glad to meet you.
Child - We open the holiday with a song -
and with this song we glorify autumn!
September - Dear Queen Autumn, we are your beloved sons, I am September, brother October and brother November, today we decided to amuse you, amuse you and show you what we are capable of.
October - Each of us has faithful helpers who are ready for anything.
November - Allow us, queen, to begin our holiday.
Autumn - Let me start the holiday!
Let's have a lot of fun today! Someone came up with the idea that autumn is a sad time! Get started, September is a sorcerer, my beloved, playful son. Introduce us to your assistants.
September - It grows on a long stem
With petals like horns,
Its head is large and full of black seeds.

Children - Sunflower.
Sunflower - In the garden, on the path, under my window
Today the sun blossomed on a tall stalk.
Only his yellow rays are not hot.
Sunflower - A sun on a stem grows near a winding path.
When the sun ripens, there will be a handful of grains.
September - You see, autumn, what helpers I have!
Autumn - Yes, brave fellows! What else can you do to amuse us?
September – One evening in the garden there were turnips, beets, radishes, onions
They decided to play hide and seek, but first they stood in a circle.
He is not trousers, not a shirt, not pajamas, not a vest!
Child - It’s time to harvest, how do you understand this?
Did he work reluctantly and fail to get the job done?
Child - It’s time to harvest, how do you understand this?
Take a photo for a portrait and then send it to the newspaper?
Child – It’s time to reap the harvest – this is how you need to understand:
This means everything is ripe, browned, ripe.
There is suffering in the fields, a time of friendly labor!
Grandfather comes out
Grandfather - Oh, how tired I am! Grandma is watching the series
My grandson, like almost all children, got lost on the Internet.
The bug and the cat, the trouble is, they ran away in all directions.
Here the Mouse was digging around here. And where did he go?
Finds a turnip.
Grandfather - That’s so wonderful! That's how big the turnip has grown! (pulls)
No, you won’t vomit, that’s a shame! You need to call your grandmother for help.
Grandma, hey, run here, help me pull the turnip!
Grandma comes out.
Grandma - Grandfather, I don’t have time today, your garden will wait.
In a program about health, doctor Malakhov talks. (leaves)
Grandfather - My grandson, run here, help me pull the turnip.
The grandson comes out.
Grandson - No, grandpa, it’s soon evening. I have a meeting on the site.
I'm running to the computer, I'll help you tomorrow. (leaves)
Grandfather - Bug, hey, run here. Help me pull the turnip.
A bug comes out.
Zhuchka - I would be glad to help, but I just can’t do it right now.
I'm afraid I'll be late for the dog show today. (runs away)
Grandfather - Kitty, run here, help me pull the turnip!
The cat comes out.
Cat - Grandpa, I have no time for turnips. I rarely rest these days.
I'm filming an advertisement. Now you can handle it yourself.
The cat leaves, the Mouse comes out with a book.
Grandfather - Well, are you, little mouse, still gnawing on the book in your sleep?
After all, it probably tastes bad.
Mouse - Grandfather, chewing books is bad.
The book, pay attention, is about healthy eating.
Grandfather - The turnip has grown big. I don’t know what to do with her.
Mouse - Turnip! This is wonderful! There are a lot of vitamins in turnips.
There will be enough for a year for you and your entire family!
Grandfather - All relatives run away from work like from fire!
Apparently I’ll be the only one pulling this vitamin.
Mouse - Let's wait a little longer. Here come the Dog and the Cat.
A tired dog and cat enter.
Cat - Oh, how tired!
Dog - I have no strength left!
Cat - How hard the work of models is!
Dog – Snacking here and there won’t do you any good!
The Grandson enters, swaying.
Grandson - Something is dazzled in my eyes, my head hurts badly.
There’s no strength at all, it’s like...
Mouse - Crashed his computer.
Grandma comes in.
Grandma - They said on TV: eat more vegetables.
Well, why are you standing here? Let's pull the turnips quickly!
Grandfather - Stand next to each other! Grandma, hold on to me!
And behind us: grandson and Bug, cat, mouse. All together in harmony
We need to pull out the turnip.
They pull and pull out the turnip.
Grandma - Turnip - just a sight for sore eyes! There will be a treat for all of us!
Mouse - So as not to lose heart in winter, let's remember autumn.
Autumn - Well done, son September. Nice helpers you have. And now your turn has come, my second son, Golden October! Show off your skills and present your creations!
October - A large army collects an old stump.
Thin-legged guys are growing up every day!
Troops are walking along the grass, mushroom pickers will find them here!
Just bend over a little and look - the basket is full!
October – Autumn comes to visit us invisible
And autumn's steps are inaudible.
With a yellow-red brush he draws along the branches -
Everyone will notice the traces of autumn.
Red rowan trees, yellow birch trees
The leaves rustle merrily in the wind.
Like golden maples clapping your hands.
Our garden rejoices in autumn.
Flower – The cranberries and lingonberries turned red too.
Autumn's hand blushes their cheeks.
Asters raise their proud heads,
Autumn nods - glad she came.
Flower - The sun does not want to warm the earth.
The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.
Often the rain pours, the birds fly away,
And the last flowers begin to dance.
Autumn - Thank you, son October! And I really liked your assistants. And now it’s your turn, my serious son, November is frosty.
November - The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often,
The day was getting shorter, the forests had a mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog falls on the fields, a caravan of noisy geese
He was drawn to the south: a rather boring time was approaching,
It was already November outside the yard.
I can’t imagine how to please you, queen. You know, it’s a dreary time – late autumn.
Presenter - Don’t forget, November, that in late autumn our country celebrates its holiday - the day national unity.
Child - It’s not in vain that we have a day off on the fourth day of November.
Holiday, feast, fun - Day of People's Unity!
Our Mother Russia will remain strong as before.
The holiday is the day of patriotism, glory, proud Fatherland!
Child - What is Russia? It's a wonderful autumn
When cranes fly in the sky, curling,
When ripe cones fall from the pines,
When the leaves swirl all the way to the ground.
You will be enchanted to listen to the crane sing
There are no better songs in the world if they were composed by the people.
Child - Russia has many fabulous places,
Russia has countless cities,
Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,
But it won’t be more dear than here!
Child – Autumn in Russia! How glorious, how wonderful!
Don't believe that autumn can be dull!
Autumn – We celebrated nicely today. Yes, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, for my beauty, for the rare but glorious warm days. Thank you for coming today to our wonderful holiday in the fabulous autumn kingdom. Low bow to everyone! And now, dear guests, taste my delicious gifts!





Autumn holiday scenario for children preparatory group


Klepikova Galina Borisovna

Musical director

Highest qualification category



Target: creating a joyful, festive mood among the participants of the holiday.

Formation of sustainable interest in all types of musical activities.

Consolidating knowledge about changes in nature with the onset of autumn.


Develop skills in expressive performance of learned songs and dances.

Develop the ability to move to orchestral and piano music, changing movements in accordance with it.

Create a desire to participate in the holiday.

Continue to develop the ability to monitor actions fairy-tale heroes,

respond appropriately to them.

To develop in children the skill of transforming into images of fairy-tale characters.

Integration of educational areas : Artistic - aesthetic, Speech, Social - communicative, Cognitive, Physical development.

Characters: Adults: Autumn, Cold.Children: breeze, rain.

Costumes: for adults: Autumn, Colds. For children:a cape with a hood for the breeze, a hat for rain, a blue sundress, a shiny plume.

Attributes: two autumn leaves for each child under the chairs; two pairs of galoshes, two cardboard puddles;

treats in a basket for children.

The course and content of the entertainment.

Music. Children from the preparatory group enter the hall in a line and sit down.

Presenter: Hello children! Hello, guests!

We all gathered at the Autumn festival!

Let cold Autumn look out the window,

But our hall is cozy and bright!

Music. The children come out to the middle of the hall.

1 child: Autumn! We are so glad to see you!

Variegated leaf fall is swirling.
Leaves near the trees

lie like a golden carpet.

2nd child: You captivated the eyes

Multi-colored beauty
A spikelet ripened in the field,

yellowed leaves.

3 child : Gifted by the guest – Autumn

fruit harvests,
drizzling rains,

a box of wild mushrooms.

4th child: Autumn, autumn, like a queen,

comes to us slowly.
And the leaves fly and circle,

quietly rustling a song.

Music. The children take their seats.

Music. All children stand in a semicircle.

SONG "AUTUMN, SWEET, RUSH" music by M. Eremeeva

Music. The children take their seats.

Presenter: Who would say to Autumn: “Come into our bright hall!”

Together we will ask: “Come to us, Autumn!”

Children repeat: Come visit us, Autumn!

Music. Autumn enters.

Autumn: Hello guys.

I am Golden Autumn, look at me,

I came to visit you in a golden outfit.

I'm glad we're together again. Do you know songs about autumn?

Presenter: Of course, dear Autumn. The guys were waiting for you and prepared a very beautiful song.

Music. Children go out in a semicircle.

SONG “GOLDEN AUTUMN” - solo number music phonogram -

Music. After the song is performed, they sit down.

Autumn: Thank you, dear singers, I praise you, you are great!

Music. A child comes out.

5th child: Gold autumn! We are all waiting for you.

Let's go dancing with leaves, umbrellas.

DANCE “AUTUMN BLUES” - individual

Autumn: A colorful round dance circles and circles in the air,

The red and yellow leaves are torn by the wind.

Music. The teachers put a wind cape on one of the children.

Music. A “breeze” runs out, runs around a circle and stops in the center of the hall.

Breeze: I am the autumn wind, I bring greetings to winter!

6th child: If I blow, I’ll get a cold, and I’ll dance around the leaves.

All the leaves will fly straight into the children’s hands!

Music. The breeze flies onto the chair, the teachers take off their caps.

Presenter: And we’ll take the leaves and go dance with them.

Music. All children take leaves under their chairs for dancing.

DANCE WITH LEAVES according to the choice of the music director

    “LEAF, LEAF, LEAF FALL” - in ranks

    or “WONDERFUL TIME - AUTUMN” music by Y. Verizhnikov - in pairs

Music. After the dance, the children sit down and put the leaves under the chairs.

The teachers put a hat on the “rain” girl and give the little plume in her hand to the music.

Presenter: While we were dancing with the leaves, clouds ran across the sky.

Gloomy weather and rain outside, it became very cold in October.

Music. "Dozhdinka" - a girl - runs out.

Rain: I am a raindrop - a laugher, I am Autumn's friend!

How wonderful is my outfit, there are droplets hanging everywhere!

Because the rain and I are old friends!

Autumn: Well, little rain, stay and have fun with us.

We want to play with you and run away from the rain!

Music. Children join hands and stand in a circle. In the center there is a “rain” - a girl

with the sultan.

ROUND DANCE GAME “AUTUMN, AUTUMN IS COME” accompanied by a soundtrack

Music. Children run to their chairs. "Dozhdinka" takes off his cap.

Autumn: Thank you, little rain, for the fun game!

Music "Autumn under an umbrella". Enter Cold.

Cold: Hello kids! I am a cold. I came to see you.

The cold weather is coming, without me you will be nowhere!

I will help you get sick and cough and sniffle.

Presenter : We didn’t call you, Cold. Get away from us. The guys don't want to be friends with you.

Cold : Why don’t they want to? Where can they get away from me?

Presenter: The guys know what to do to avoid catching a cold, right, guys?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Guys, tell me, what should I do to avoid catching a cold in the cold autumn?

Children: Dress warmly, play outdoor games, don’t stand still, toughen up, do exercises, don’t scream in the cold air, don’t get your feet wet, etc.

Cold (mockingly): Just think, they know, so what?

Autumn will help me, send me rain.

You'll get wet and catch a cold.

Autumn: Well, Cold, you’re wasting your hopes on me!

Our guys are smart, they won’t get caught in the rain.

Now you can see for yourself.

I want to stand in a circle with friends

and play with you.

Music. Children go out in a round dance with Autumn.


Music. Children run away from the “rain” onto their chairs.

Autumn: You see, Cold, how clever our guys are. Escaped from the rain.

Cold: Just think! They will go for a walk, their feet will get wet in puddles and they will catch a cold.

Autumn: What's the use of boots and what's the use of galoshes?

Music. The children come out.

7th child: Autumn brought clouds to replace hot days.

I'll put new shoes on my feet.

8th child: We need to update our new galleys.

We will run through the puddles in new galoshes.

Music. The children take their seats.
Autumn: I just have a pair of new galoshes. Now we will play with them.

The presenter explains the rules of the game.


Presenter: I understand, Cold, how clever our guys are.

Nobody needs you here, none of the guys want to get sick, right, guys?

Children : Yes!

Cold: No, I won’t leave you, I’ll bring your runny nose and cough to you.

Presenter: It's time for us, guys, to drive away the Cold, otherwise it won't go away on its own.

She is very afraid of hardened guys, and exercise helps her become hardened and strong.

Get in order for some fun exercise.


Music. At the end of the game, the children sit on chairs.

Cold (offended ): No one here is friends with me, no one is afraid of me, so I’ll leave you for other guys!

Music. The cold goes away.

Autumn: Well done guys, they drove away the Cold.

For this glorious holiday I thank you,

As a farewell gift, I give you fragrant apples.

Music. Autumn brings out a basket of apples from behind the house.

Presenter: Dear Autumn is generous and beautiful, we will say to Autumn together:

All: Thank you!

Autumn: Goodbye friends, it's time for me to hit the road.

Forests, fields, and a lot of autumn things await me.

Music. Autumn is leaving.

Presenter: The holiday is over, it's time for us to say goodbye.

Let's go to the group and treat ourselves to gifts.

Music "Autumn" studio "Springs". The children leave the hall.

Used sources:

    Song “Autumn, dear, rustle” music by M. Eremeeva.

    Round dance game “Gifts of Autumn” music by M. Sidorova

3.Music of songs and dances:

Dance with leaves of your choice: “Leaf, leaf, leaf fall” - in ranks, or pair dance “Wonderful time - Autumn” music and lyrics by Y. Verizhnikov, Round dance game “Autumn, Autumn has come” author S. Nasaulenko, Game “Fun exercises” » author A. Stikhareva, “Autumn” studio “Springs” - CD disc - recording studio.

musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10 "Fairy Tale", the city of Alatyr, Chuvash Republic

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory school group “AUTUMN CHEST”

Scenario for an autumn holiday in a preparatory school group


Presenter, Baba Yaga, Autumn - adults;

Children: Peas, fruits, vegetables.

Celebration progress:

(Children enter the hall to the music, performing dance movements with leaves. They stand in 4 lines in a checkerboard pattern, the leader collects the leaves).

1st child: Hello, golden autumn,

Blue sky above!

The leaves are yellow, flying off,

They lay down on the path.

2nd child: The garden is painted with flowers

Asters, peonies, dahlias,

And above they burn with fire

Clusters of red rowan trees!

3 reb; Why be sad about summer now!

Autumn has come to visit us.

In a gilded carriage

I brought gifts for everyone.

4th child: Without sparing gilding,

I removed the braids of the birches,

Cherishing the cold in my dreams,

Scattered it in the field of dew.

5th child: Hush...Autumn speaks to us.

Do you hear?.. The leaf rustles under your foot,

The stupid gray bunny is trembling,

A squirrel peels the cones off the tree.

Do you hear?.. It's drizzling frequently.

Hush... Autumn speaks to us!
Song: “Leaves are boats” music. etc. T. Krivova (m/r 7/16, p44)
(After the song, the children sit down to the music)
LEADING: Into your tent, magical and beautiful

Autumn has invited us to a holiday.

From distant and wonderful journeys

I brought a new fairy tale with me:

— Among the maples and aspens

The chest stands alone: ​​(shows the chest to the children)

Decorated with leaves

And rowan berries in tassels.

He is neither big nor small...

Who sent it to us?

We ask the guys to guess -
Who is this?

Children: It's Autumn!

LEADING: YES! Apparently autumn has walked here,

The chest is tightly closed...

What's in the chest? Maybe there are autumn fogs here that lay on the sleepy meadows? Maybe the leaves are a soft golden carpet? First drizzle painted pattern? Maybe the farewell cry of the cranes, or the quiet whisper of the poplars?

What is in this chest? Isn't it time for us to open it?

(The presenter tries to open the lid of the chest, but the lid does not budge.)

Nothing works. The chest won't open!

We will not lose heart, we will dance the polka!

Dance: (Polka “Friendly Couples”), m.r. 1/08, p.26

(after the dance, the children sit on chairs to the music)

LEADING: (approaches the chest with the words: “Guys, maybe we should try again to open the lid of the chest?!”, tries to open the lid of the chest, but the lid does not budge). Nothing works out again. The chest won't open! (Listen) But it seems to me that someone is rushing to our aid!

Baba Yaga runs into the hall to the music.
Baba Yaga:Hello, killer whales! I've been waiting for you! (laughs evilly)
LEADING: Don't scare us!
Baba Yaga:My profession is to scare and ask everyone! It doesn't take long to go wild from such work. At least they would cheer me up or something! Look, you would become kinder.
LEADING: If you want, we will cheer you up, just help us first.
Baba Yaga:I? To you? I haven't helped anyone in my life. What if you deceive me? First fulfill my condition, play with me, amuse me, old lady, amuse Yagusya.
LEADING: Do you guys agree?
Children in chorus: Yes!
GAME: “Christmas tree, mushroom, breeze”

All the children play, forming a circle around Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga recites a poem, accompanied by a show:
Baba Yaga:I have a game for you: We'll have a dance!
You dance, but look, don’t take your eyes off me.
The music stops, and here the Christmas tree grows(depicts a Christmas tree: hands
to the sides – down – “twigs”),
It's a fungus on a strong leg(arms above head “hat”, leg raised and bent),
The breeze is flying towards us!(They shake their hands above their heads.) The children dance freely, when the music stops, Yaga pronounces one of three words: “Christmas tree, mushroom, breeze.” Children need to immediately depict a Christmas tree, a mushroom or a breeze.
(After playing 3 - 4 times, children sit on chairs)
Baba Yaga:Wow, you little fir-trees! I liked playing with you!
LEADING: We fulfilled your condition. Now can we count on your help?
Baba Yaga: You can, as long as I’m kind!
LEADING: Autumn walked through the forest,

I lost my chest! (trying to open the chest)

The chest is tightly closed, what is in the chest?
Baba Yaga: I will help you! (walks up to the chest, tries to open the lid,
but the lid does not open), what should I do? And I can’t open Autumn’s magic chest! Guys, I’ll run and call my friends to help you! (runs away to the music)
(Goroshina comes out to the music)

Pea: Guys! You all sang and played so merrily just now! Well done! Let's get acquainted. I am Pea (notices the chest). And I will help you open Autumn's chest.


Chest, chest, decorated barrel

Open your lid, surprise us soon!
(Tries to open the lid of the chest, but the lid does not budge.)

Nothing works. The chest won't open! Well, where is it?
helpers, my little peas?! Hurry up, come out, tell us about yourself!

(Children come out in polka dot costumes and read poetry)

1st child: Peas have a lot of worries,
He is a participant in many dishes.
Modest, kind and not cool,
Compared to others,
Expensive vegetables!
2nd child: And it looks quite simple,
Without filling, golden.
Looks like a pea
And I can enter any house!

3rd child: So eat your peas,
No one is always bad:
Both dry and young,
You and I like it!

Dance: "Jolly Peas"

(after the dance the children sit down in their seats)


Chest, chest, decorated barrel,
We danced for you, showed our prowess,
So, open the lid and surprise us!
(Fairytale music sounds, Pea opens the chest,
the presenter looks into it).

LEADING: Oh, what is there in this chest! (Takes out and shows the children 3-4 vegetable dummies).
Child: There are many beds in the garden,

There are turnips and salad.

There are beets and peas here,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed everyone for a whole year.
Song: “Merry Garden”, music. etc. V. Semenyuk
Pea:This year I collected a large

harvest. Now I have enough vegetables to last me all winter until spring. Do you know,
Guys, how should you take care of them? Children's answers
LEADING: We not only know how to reap a rich harvest, but we can also show you how to do it.
Polka "Vegetable Garden" (music recording)
LEADING: Yes, all of you are great! You know how to work hard. Guys, Goroshina decided to cook vegetable soup today. What vegetables do you think should be put in the pan? (Children's answers)
We cooked the soup, but forgot to put in the peas. Come on, now we will prepare pea soup together. (Explains the task of the game).

Game-relay race “Collect the peas”

Children line up in two columns, 6 to 7 people each. In front of each column, a hoop is placed into which green and yellow balls (from the “dry” pool) are poured. At the end of each team there is a bucket. The players' task is to transfer all the peas from the hoop into the bucket, passing them from hand to hand along a chain.

(After the game they sit on chairs)

Autumn enters the hall to the music and greets the children and guests.

Autumn:Hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday!
I dressed everything up,
The dark forest has been enriched!
It became as bright as day,
The leaves there are burning with fire!
LEADING: Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to see you! We were waiting for you and, of course, we missed you,

We drew you, the long-awaited one.

Here is your portrait, here is the autumn landscape.

We invite you to our opening day!

Children come out with their drawings in their hands.

1 child:I drew Autumn -

Golden, bright.

Here are birch trees, a hedgehog in the leaves,

And a mushroom with gifts.

2 children:Autumn turned out to be warm -

Gouache helped me.

And in winter it will warm me

This golden landscape.

3 children:And look, I was painting a still life!

Here is a vase with water... There was also a cake somewhere...

A! The cake on the other still life remained.

Here are rowan branches! How scared I was...

4 children:Autumn, I give you a portrait -

You don't have that!

The hat contains leaves and flowers.

Do you recognize? After all, it's you!

Autumn passes and looks at the children's drawings, praises and thanks them.

Autumn:Thank you guys for such wonderful drawings and poems!

LEADING: We were preparing to meet you! And for you, beautiful Autumn, we will sing a song!
Song: “Autumn, Autumn”, music. etc. G. Krainova (folder)
(sit on chairs)

Autumn:Well, you sang the song.

You can see right away that you have matured!
You sang and danced.

All tasks were completed.

And now it's time

Treat you, my friends.

Guys, you probably already guessed that my autumn chest will contain everything that will help you have a fun holiday. And today our people will leave for the group with gifts!
The pears and apples are ripe,
So that their kids can eat.
Help yourself, enjoy,
Try to be healthy!

Autumn distributes food to the children, the children leave the hall.

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory school group “AUTUMN CHEST”

Scenario of the autumn holiday for the preparatory group “Autumn Disco”.

Children enter the festively decorated hall in pairs to the music and stand scattered.

The sound of rain is heard (phonogram).

A boy and a girl come out, the boy has an umbrella in his hand.

Boy: Autumn, you are autumn - boring rains. Don't rush to us, autumn,

Wait a little.

Girl: The leaves flew, forgetting about summer.

On a trotting horse, the autumn wind rushes.

Autumn can’t wait, no matter where it is: the rain keeps pouring and pouring.

The boy hands the girl an autumn leaf.

Boy: Don't be sad! The wind from the north flew to the east,

I tore off a maple leaf. He was born last spring

All so beautiful and carved. I give it to you from my heart.

Dry him in a thick book. He will warm you in winter,

The autumn leaf is my gift. Do you want us to have a party now? Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three – boredom go away quickly!”

They rotate the umbrella (the boy turns into a DJ and puts on his baseball cap backwards).

DJ: Dear friends! Dear guests! We congratulate you on the Autumn holiday and begin our autumn disco!

Girl: Let the music play and cheerful laughter sound. Our disco is open to everyone!

1. What is a disco?

2. Lots of music and light,

3. Lots of dancing, lots of songs,

4. Lots of joyful things to do.

DJ: Are we starting a disco?

In chorus: Let's start quickly!

5. Well, let's get started, keep up with me, everything around is sparkling, everything is shimmering, our disco is just beginning.

DJ: What is our disco dedicated to?

In chorus: Happy Autumn Festival!

1. The beautiful autumn splashed colors, the sky blue as if from a fairy tale,

2. In yellow there are birches, in purple there are rowan trees, scarlet beads on clusters of rowan trees.

3. Spruces and pines are dressed in green, willows are silver, maples are in gold,

4. Autumn has laid out a carpet of mosses, with golden mushroom caps in it.

5. October is turning through its golden pages, and the white birch trees are already dreaming of winter.

6. The rain will play songs for us on the strings. Autumn invites children to the holiday.

Song “Wonderful Time” by Yu. Verizhnikov.

DJ: Great song! And our disco continues with a fun game.

Game “Sort out the gifts of the forest” (two baskets containing dummies of mushrooms and vegetables mixed in them, two teams select mushrooms and vegetables on trays, each with their own).

DJ: What do I hear? Somewhere, it seems, heels are clicking. Autumn is coming to us!

Autumn enters the hall.

Autumn: Hello! Hello! Did they really start without me? Well, I don't play like that. I was literally a minute late, and you...

DJ: Autumn, don't be upset. We were waiting for you, we even prepared a song for you.

Song “Autumn has come” by S. Yudina.

DJ: But still, why were you late for our holiday?

Autumn: The autumn rain is to blame for everything: the weather is bad. I had to wait for it to end.

DJ: You just didn't have an umbrella! Look at our girls - they are not afraid of any rain.

1. All around, colored umbrellas opened in the rain.

Someone's boots started running from the rain

2. Why did mom gasp? Is it raining? Well, let!

I'm not made of sugar at all, I'm not afraid of melting!

Competition “Rainy Landscape” (2 paintings, you need to draw a picture, 2 teams).

DJ: These are the umbrellas that save us from the rain.

Girl: I wonder how you should dress this autumn?

Boy: Guests from the fashion studio will answer this question for us.

Girl: Let's see who is the most fashionable.

Come in, admission is free.

Where the sleepy ash tree sleeps,

We demonstrate styles.

1Child: Rowan beads are fashionable,

On green silk.

2Child: Necklace made of peas,

Thistle brooches.

3Child: Belt made of maple leaves,

And the oak scarf is green.

Music sounds (harpsichord), children show autumn clothing designs.

DJ: These are the outfits that will be fashionable this season. Applause to our models. And our holiday continues with a cheerful song.

Girl: Let the rain be cold outside, but we’re having fun

We'll sing a song now and cheer you up!

The song “Autumn” by G. Partskhaladze is performed.

DJ: (goes to the center, puts on a bandana, sunglasses, raps)

Who doesn't dance, sits against the wall? Everyone should have fun at our disco.

Turn on the music quickly, let the lights flicker,

After all, there is no better activity for us today!

General modern dance “Childhood”.

Child: To be healthy, strong,

You need to love vegetables. All without exception!

There is no doubt about it. Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide which of them is tastier, which of them is more necessary.

DJ: Thank you for the wonderful poems.

And I want to introduce my guests to everyone.

We greet the retinue of vegetables with applause!

Scene “Why the tomato turned red.”

Host: In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden (the vegetable children come out one by one and introduce themselves).

1. I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber!

2. The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.

3. Without me, you are like without hands; every dish needs onions.

4.Children have loved delicious sweet tomatoes for a long time.

Host: The owner loved her small green garden and watered it every day.

Hostess: I’ll water my garden, he drinks water too. (Waters from a watering can).

Host: The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived amicably, never quarreled, but one day the tomato decided that he was the best and began to boast

Tomato: I am the tastiest in the world: rounder, greener. Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.

Cucumber: Listen, it's just a laugh, bragging that you're the best.

Onion: He won’t understand, brothers, it’s not nice to ask questions.

Host: And the tomato kept saying his own thing.

Tomato: I am the tastiest person in the world, rounder, greener, adults and children love me more than anyone else in the world.

Vegetables in unison: He boasted, boasted and fell from the bush!

Host: At this time, the hostess came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.

The hostess takes away the vegetables.

Presenter: A raven flew past.

Crow: Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare! Didn't want to be friends with us!

No one will need you!

Host: The tomato is ashamed! He cried and he blushed with shame!

Tomato: Forgive me, friends, take me with you.

Host: The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato and took it with her. Believe it or not, but since then the tomatoes always turn red in the fall.

Children sit on chairs.

Child: The rain is crying outside the window,

The rain doesn't stop. Since he cries, it means -

He says goodbye to summer. The ball barks. To whom?

I run out onto the balcony. The linden branch gives chills,

Darkness creeps in from all sides. Somehow everything changed

Unnoticed, by chance. This autumn has come to us.

You won't drive me away, bark, don't bark.

The dance “One, two, three on your toes” is performed.

DJ: We had a lot of fun - well done! Our disco is coming to an end. It's time to say goodbye to autumn.

1. How, Autumn, you were beautiful, we remember the falling leaves,

Autumn rowan clusters burn with bright red fire.

2. We say goodbye, Autumn, to you, with beautiful yellow foliage,

With the rain that washed all the paths, with mushrooms in a cheerful basket.

3. With geese, a noisy caravan that flies to the hot south.

We say goodbye to you, Autumn. The last song sounds.

Song “Autumn” by Yudina.

Autumn treats everyone, says goodbye, and leaves.

Characters: Presenter, Autumn (adults). DJ, girl, vegetables for the stage, hostess (children).

Repertoire: “Autumn has come”, “Autumn” by Yudin, “Wonderful Time” by Verizhnikov, “Autumn” by Partskhaladze. General dance, “One, two, three..” dance, skit, game “Rainy Landscape”...

Equipment: two easels, two markers, vegetable caps, fashion suits, an umbrella.

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    ... scenarios matinees and entertainment (Vlasenko et al.). 400 s. Price 133 rub. 888v. Autumn leads the winter: holidays For ... holidays. Price 157 rub. b/sk. B-V-11. Visiting the gnomes. Fabulous disco. Benefit For... V preparatory group kindergarten...

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The hall is decorated in autumn, in the background is Baba Yaga's house.

The presenter and 2 children come out.

Moms, dads, attention, attention!
Please hold your breath.
Let's start the show
Surprising for the kids.

So as not to distract the guys,
I need to put my cell phone away.
We really, really ask you
Turn it off now.

Let your worries wait
You won't have time for them here.
Better have fun with us
Better go back to your childhood

Clap and sing along
Celebrate the Autumn Festival!

In the summer I went to the river:

Swim and dived

I walked carelessly all day,

But I didn't notice

How the foliage has dressed around

In a golden outfit,

It's Autumn dressed up

Our favorite garden!

We really like to admire

Like leaves burning under the sun.

Of course, it’s a pity to say goodbye to summer,

But autumn likes colorful outfits.

Children come out with autumn leaves in their hands.

Song “Dear Autumn, rustle.”

Ved: Guys, guess the riddle:

"Prickly touch-me-not"

Lives in the wilderness of the forest
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread.”

Who is this, guys? (Hedgehog.)

That's right, well done!!!

Sly Hedgehog
I sewed a prickly jacket,
All covered in needles without fasteners,
Hedgehog will put a needle on it

Pear, plum, any fruit,
What will he find under the tree?
And with a gift to the rich
He will hurry to his boys.

Leading: And here comes the hedgehog!

Reb. - Hedgehog

I am a cheerful, brave Hedgehog,
I look like a Christmas tree
I’m in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,
Hello my friends!

Became a golden ball
The sly hedgehog is prickly,
Stringed maple leaves
On your needles.

Reb. - Hedgehog

I'll bring it to my home,
I'll make the bed,
So that during the long winter
It's sweet to sleep under a spruce tree.

Hedgehog dance.

Presenter: Hedgehog, what kind of letter is this hidden in your needles?

Hedgehog: And this is for you! (Gives it away.)

Leading: "Today in a fabulous autumn forest There will be a ball in honor of the Queen of Autumn! Everyone who knows how and loves to have fun is invited!”

Guys, do you want to go to a ball in the autumn forest?

Children: Yes!

Reb. Maple leaf on the palm
Slowly it will fall
This is golden autumn
He's coming down the path towards us!

Reb.On the gilded road

Autumn is coming generously.

Garnished with maple leaves

She is carrying a chest.

But where is Autumn? Suddenly she

Forgot your way to us?

With business, maybe alone,

A little late?

Let's call Autumn

Let's sing a song about Autumn.

Song Autumn songs.

The children sat down. Autumn is coming.


How beautiful it is in your room.

I come to you every year

I always find you cheerful.

I am preparing my outfits for you,

Are you happy about my arrival?

Children: Yes!

Reb. Leaf fall, leaf fall

The leaves are spinning and flying!

Multi-colored, carved.

Like painted with a brush...

Autumn gave me paint.

The leaves began to dance.

Yellow leaves are dancing.

They fall from the branches and fly.

This golden fairy tale

Called "leaf fall"

Louder, louder

Hush hush,

On the windows and on the roof

The mischievous rain is dancing

He invites you to dance with him.

Dance "Falling Leaves".


Oh, what friendly guys!

how well do you sing and dance

And now, my boys,

Guess the riddles!

1. Alena dressed up in a green sundress,

She curled her frills thickly, but her name is (cabbage).

2. Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails (cucumbers).

3. Long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,

They just hang out in the garden

Green heels (carrot).

4. Before we ate it,

We had time to cry (onion).

5. A bush grew green and thick in the garden bed,

Dig a little, under a bush (potato).

It’s autumn, and we also have our own garden,

Only for some time now

They start an argument.

To avoid quarrels there, let's listen to the conversation.

A skit is being performed "Garden".

Vegetables come out to the music.

Which of all vegetables

Both tastier and more useful?

Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber,

Everyone will like it, of course.

It crunches and crunches on your teeth.

I can treat you!

I am a ruddy radish

I bow to you low - low!

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone!

Let me say a word!

Eat beets for health!

You need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself,

There is no better beetroot!

You beetroot, shut up!

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.

And what delicious cabbage pies!

Bunnies are tricksters

They love stumps,

I'll treat the kids

Sweet stump!

The story about me is not long,

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And nibble on a carrot.

You will always be, my friend,

Strong, strong, dexterous!

Don't talk nonsense, carrot.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice!

They go to their seats to the music.


You are all right, don't argue!

To be healthy and strong,

There's no doubt about it

Gotta love vegetables

Everyone, without exception!

Suddenly music is heard and Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.

B. I.: Who is having fun here? You see, they have a holiday, they celebrate Autumn here, they rejoice, they sing songs! But I have radiculitis from the autumn cold and dampness and this, what’s-its-name... autumn blues... oh, I remembered, DYPRESSION! The whole hut was covered in leaves! And there is so much dirt! In general, yes, killer whales! We don’t need any autumn, it’s better if winter comes right away. In winter it will somehow be more fun. Now I'll say a magic spell (I was looking for it all night in my witchcraft book) and I will enchant this Autumn of yours so that not a single rain falls from the sky, not a single leaf flies away!

Baba Yaga casts a spell, making magical passes with her hands around Autumn.

B.Ya.: Autumn, we don't need you.

Autumn, you must leave!

I want that in the summer -

Winter has come to us right away!

Autumn falls into a half-asleep state and, obeying the movements of Baba Yaga, leaves the hall.

Baba Yaga, what have you done! You can’t imagine how much trouble you brought to your forest!

B.Ya.: Yes, what troubles can there be! All forest dwellers will only be glad to see snow and frost! Eh, let’s remember our youth with Koshchei, and go to the skating rink.

Leading: Just look at it for yourself! The wind howls. Now it will snow, but the forest dwellers have not yet collected supplies for the winter.

B.Ya.: (to the side) Hmmm... I was in a hurry though... I did it without thinking.... (to children and presenter): Why is this, I’m a charmer, I have to think about everyone! Who will think about me? Who will help you harvest the crops, prepare supplies, and, most importantly, get rid of the autumn blues? (whines).

Leading: Baba Yaga, And if our guys help you do all this, will you break the spell of autumn?

B. I: Well, I don’t know... (looks at the children), they are too can they cope with all the things...They probably only know how to watch cartoons on TV...

Leading: Yes, our guys are getting ready to go to school, you know how many things they can do! Really, guys? And how funny they are. There will be no trace left of your blues!

B.Ya.: Well, so be it! If you fulfill everything you promised, I will return your Autumn to you, and if not... I will leave it in my attic forever! Just in case it comes in handy when...

Presenter: Baba Yaga, do you like songs?

B.Ya.: well, I don’t even know.

Presenter: Listen to our children sing.

Song "Artist Autumn".

B. Ya. Of course, they sing well, but it’s just that the weather is bad, and boo-boo-boo.

Ved. Guys, is rain really bad?

It's raining all over the land
Wet road
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.

Dance "Droplets".

B. Ya. The Droplets danced well. Oh, I’m so tired, and in general I’ve been starving for three days now

Leading: Why are you, grandma, starving? Don't you have any food?

B.Ya.: And all because, my yakhontovs, I’m already 500 years old, and in old age, you yourself know, this, what’s his name... Sclerosis! I don’t remember: how to cook this food? I’m sitting here, my dear, poor, hungry, I’m all emaciated, only my bones are sticking out! (Feigns a sob.)

Leading: Grandma, what’s in your basket?

I'm sorry, what? The children told us -
They are friends with vegetables.
Is it possible to taste them?
Guess their taste yourself.
Only, mind you, with your eyes closed!

There is an attraction called “Guess the Vegetables by Taste”.

They bring in a large plate with pieces of vegetables: boiled beets, potatoes; carrots, garlic, onion, cucumber - fresh. They select several children, according to the number of pieces, and blindfold them. Each child tastes the vegetables from the hands of the teacher (served on a spoon), says what he ate, and then shows a replica of the eaten vegetable. In this way, the correctness of the child’s answer is determined.

B. I.: Oh thank you! How diligent they were - they did such a difficult job for me! Thank you! Everyone in the forest knows that I always have order: blade of grass to blade of grass, worm to worm, fly agaric to fly agaric. Well, you made me laugh, you made me so friendly! And I want to make you have fun too. I also want to play with you.

A game "Merry tambourine."

He pulls out a tambourine from his bosom.

While the music is playing, you need to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands will dance to the cheerful music with a tambourine in his hands, like this (shows). It's clear.

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, we see that you had a good time! How's your blues doing?

B. I: What blues? There is no blues! It turns out that autumn can be fun too, if only you have the right company! (winks at the children). And radiculitis... (feels his back) passed! Thank you, killer whales! I return your Autumn to you, don’t give it to anyone else!

Autumn leads out to the music, holding a basket of treats

B.Ya.:(Shaking dust from Autumn.) Here, I’m returning it in the same form in which I took it. Well, you are having fun here, and I will fly to Koshchei and share my joy with him! (Flies away.)

Leading: Autumn! It's so good to have you back! Now everything will take its course, as Nature intended!

Autumn: Thank you guys for helping me out. I'm so glad to be with you again.

And from me and the grateful forest inhabitants, accept a treat. (Pie.) Goodbye!

Presenter: And our holiday has come to an end! Goodbye!

Children leave the hall to the music.

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