Scenario "farewell to the alphabet" outline on the topic. Holiday "Farewell to the ABC" class hour (Grade 1) on the topic A good script for the holiday farewell to the ABC

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Perechenskaya basic comprehensive school"

Yurginsky district of the Kemerovo region

Holiday script for grade 1

"Farewell to the ABC"


primary school teacher

Bushmanova Natalia Anatolievna

With. transverse



    in a playful way to repeat and consolidate knowledge on the course "On the way to the ABC";

    educate the ability to communicate, help each other;

    create conditions for the formation of trusting relationships between parents, teachers and children;

    to promote the disclosure of talents in students;

Equipment: the class is decorated with balloons, drawings and crafts of children, audio cassettes with songs.

The course of the holiday

To the song "Blue Carriage", the children sit on chairs, behind each chair is attached a drawing of a trailer.

Teacher:Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests! We are finishing our fun journey from A to Z, and the time has come for an important event: today we say goodbye to the most important book in the life of any person: the ABC!

Behind high mountains, behind dense forests,
There is a magical land...
We'll go there
The country is called by the alphabet
Only the entrance is open only to those
Who learned the whole alphabet.
Who wants to learn to read
Who loves to play and dream
Who can laugh
And do not succumb to difficulties.
Who loves to study
And will not be lazy!

And we'll go by train.

This train is going fast
From border to border.
Through the steppes to the blue mountains
At the green traffic light.

He's in a hurry to school now
To us on a holiday in the first class.

You can't be late for the holiday -

Everyone knows this.

The first-grader train rushes,

Gaining speed.

Adds along the way
Four by three, two by five
Slightly rattles with pencil cases,
Moves his lips a little
Learning the alphabet.

So get on the happy train
And let's go from A to Z.
Today in our hall - a holiday!
"Goodbye, ABC!"

Teacher: Well, are you ready? Then go! ( music "Blue car" sounds)

While our train is running, let's tell our guests about ourselves. I will ask questions, and you answer yes or no.

Will we always rescue a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes)

Do we skip classes sometimes? (No)

Shall we fight with a neighbor on the desk? (No)

Shall we throw a candy wrapper on the road? (No)

Will we leave a dirty mark on the textbook? (No)

Will we pick the color from the trees? (No)

Do we always do homework? (Yes)

Shall we throw a stone after the cat? (No)

Will we eat all the birds for dinner? (No)

Well done boys. And our train made its first stop. What is it called, learn from the riddle:

The letters are strictly aligned

It's like a line.

Everyone knows their place

And dare not leave.

All of them are beautiful

In order, look!

Well, now you can

Repeat all 33?

That's right, the station is called Alfavitovo. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

Let's remember them (children go on stage, begin to read poems about letters, showing cards with letters in turn)

Let's go through the alphabet together

Let's sing it like a song.

Let's have fun singing it!

Louder than thunder, louder than thunder!

Today is a musical day

Do you have vocal talent?

It was boring to live without knowledge,

Knowledge is our strength.

And the paths are open

Who will make friends with the alphabet!

Horse, llama, lily of the valley, spoon,

Chalk, blizzard, subway, matryoshka,

Sky, seine, thread, bride,

Gadfly, cloud, orchestra!

The parrot sings from the notes.

A swarm of bees builds honeycombs.

Dragonfly in the garden chirps!

Dachshund paws!

Duck listens to records

Fantu tries flamingos!

The choir is not bad, the choir has a hearing!

The king of beasts is his support!

We honor him - he growls cleanly!

He will replace six soloists!

The generous world gives us songs.

This day brought us together

Comedians, optimists,

Bright schoolchildren - artists.

(Pinocchio runs onto the stage)

Pinocchio: Hello guys, do you recognize me? It's good that you came here. Malvina gave me a task. You need to solve riddles about letters and make a word out of these letters. And I can't. Help me please. And then Malvina will again lock me in a dark closet.

Teacher: So guys, let's do the job, shall we?

1. In the morning on the grass with dew
This letter will shine

And in the evening on the porch,

Nearby growls loudly. /R/

2. This letter is in the cold,
How can a wasp sting.
Well, in May on a birch
The beetle will help to recognize it. /AND/

3. With this letter, good morning,
Long road to the house.

Day after day in spite of ailments,

Even in the rain we go. /D/

4. This letter locomotive
On his pipe he brought
Pull your lips into a pipe
And you will get the letter /U/

5. This letter is a brisk step
Goes into battle to the drum.

And the letter butts the letter
Like a prankster ram. /B/

6. This letter is famous -
It is at the beginning of the alphabet. /A /

children who have guessed letters go on stage)


Here are all the letters in front of you
Everyone can name them.
And now we need you
Collect all the letters in a word. (the remaining students come out and rearrange the children to get the wordFRIENDSHIP).

Pinocchio: Thank you very much. And happy journey.

(children sit on chairs, a melody sounds)

Teacher: While our train is going, I suggest playing one more game. I will read interesting poems to you, and you listen carefully and, if necessary, correct.
Snow is melting. A stream flows.
The branches are full of DOCTORS. (rooks)
The blue sea is in front of us.
T-shirts are flying over the waves. (gulls)
The hunter shouted: Oh!
DOORS are chasing me! (animals)

One fisherman said:
I caught a shoe in the OVEN. (river)
Old grandfather Pahom rode on a goat (horse)
The bug did not finish the booth: reluctance, tired. (bun)
Sat down in a spoon and - let's go! - Back and forth along the river. (boat)
There are no roads in the swamp. I'm hopping and hopping for cats. (bumps)

Teacher: And our train arrived at the next station. It is called Poetry. Let's read the verses you have prepared

1. We are very happy today
To all the kids, dads, moms.
We welcome guests

Dear teachers.

2. All acquaintances, strangers -
Both serious and funny.
First class, first class
Invited you to the party.

3. At first we did not know the letters,
Mothers used to read fairy tales to us.
And now we are reading
Fairy tales made friends with us.

4. Let the seven-year-olds call us,
Let them not mark us.
We don't keep diaries
Yet we are students.

5. We love a bright, clean class,
This time!
Here we read the words

It's two!
Well, thirdly, I'm Lariska

I'm already writing notes.

And grandma says:
"My granddaughter is a child prodigy!"

6. For those who want to know a lot
Who wants to read books.
About mountains and valleys
About the water depths
About the stars, willows along the river,
You can't do without the ABC!

7. This is my first time with this book.
Came to my first light class.
I loved this book
I learned all the letters in it,
And how glad I am to say:
"Now I can read!"

Winter is in the air.
And today we have to
Say goodbye to the ABC!

Teacher: It's time for us to move on. We play the game "The word crumbled" ( Children are divided into three teams, each team receives an envelope in which cards with syllables. Each team writes a word and reads it. It turns out the sentence: Reading is the best teaching.)

Teacher: Next stop "Zagadkino"

Baba Yaga appears.
Baba Yaga. Oh! Where did it take me? What is your holiday here. What children are elegant and, probably, very smart. And try to complete my tasks! If you do, I will fly away to my forest. And do not do it - end your holiday! Guess my riddles!

1. There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read. (school)

2. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on it!
You can also draw...
What is me? (notebook)

3. Guess what the thing is
Sharp beak, not a bird

With this beak she

Sowing, sowing seeds.

Not in the field, not in the garden,
On the sheets of your notebook.

4. He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws
And tonight

He will color the album for me. (pencil)

5. In this narrow box
What is this? (pen) You will find pencils.
Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons -
Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

Teacher. You see, Baba Yaga, you didn't fool the guys. Go away quickly, Yaga, your head hurts.

Baba Yaga. Wow, what smart kids here! I'll have to fly to my forest.

1. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals

And one day from the swamp

He pulled out a hippopotamus.

He's famous, he's famous

Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

2. Grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat

The girl forgot her name

Can you tell me what her name was?

(Little Red Riding Hood)

3. He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living being
But such in the world
There isn't one more.
Because he is not a bird,
Neither a tiger cub nor a fox,
Neither kitten nor puppy
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.
And known to all for a long time
This cute face
He is called .... (Cheburashka)

Teacher: Well done, and our train stopped in a clearing of fairy tales. I suggest you show the fairy tale "Turnip". (Children act out the story)

Teacher: Take your seats. Our train leaves to visit the ABC.

Here is the last stop. Who will meet us there? (Queen ABC exits)

Alphabet Queen. Hello children!

It's impossible not to know me.

Study me for "five"

Without any labor.

Are you first graders?

Teacher:. Yes! And we have great joy - we finally learned to read!

Alphabet Queen. I see that you have grown noticeably and wiser. I congratulate you guys on the holiday, on what you have learned and learned to write letters, numbers, and I want to give memorable gifts (Gives children books)

Alphabet Queen. Well, our holiday has come to an end. Today you have to say goodbye to me.

Here comes the hour of parting.

And I'm a little sad now.

But I'm calm for you

You will enter life with dignity.

Get good knowledge

And the marks are excellent.

There is much more for you to learn

Don't be lazy, work hard

Year after year will pass,

And from the school threshold

The road to life will open.

Important discoveries await you

Don't be shy, but persevere.

And you solve problems

compose essays,

Surprise everyone with knowledge

Teachers and parents believe in you!

Teacher: Thank you Alphabet Queen. The children have prepared poems for you.

1. Letters, syllables and riddles,

They live in a good alphabet,

Step by step

They lead us to the realm of fairy tales

2. We now read ourselves,

We know syllables and words.

Say thanks to ABC

It's time for us to part!

3. She opened her pages to us,

Teaching, entertaining, having fun.

Gave us a lot of knowledge!

And now we're best friends

4. We want to thank you,

We thank you for everything!

We say goodbye to you!

Hello! We are talking about a new book.

5. Laughter and tears, joy and sadness,

We got to experience

But we are not sorry for our efforts

(children sing the song "What they teach at school")

Teacher: Well, our journey has come to an end. Before you lies a long and difficult road through the land of Knowledge. And I wish you good luck and victories on this path!

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.

For the excitement of the competition, which ensured success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

My speech will be short:

I tell you goodbye

Until happy new meetings!

List of used literature

    Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A., Vinogradskaya L.A., Boykina M.V. Alphabet 1st grade. Part 2. - M: "Enlightenment" 20112. Grigoriev M.I. Analysis of the poetic text - M .: "Student", 2003.

    // Primary school №2, 2001

    // Primary school №12, 2002

    // Primary school №12, 2006

    // Ped Council No. 6, 1996

    // Ped Council No. 10, 1997

\ Scenarios of school holidays

When using materials from this site - and placement of the banner is MANDATORY!!!

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to the ABC"

Script provided by: Kapustina Lyudmila, primary school teacher, second qualification category, Lenskaya MSOSh, Lena village, Lensky district, Arkhangelsk region. email: [email protected]


  • a curtain,
  • stacked canvas,
  • letter cards,
  • sound diagrams,
  • Handout,
  • costumes: "ABC", "guards", "Literature"; books.

Scenario characters:

  • leader (teacher)
  • ABC,
  • guards,
  • Literature.

Scenario "Farewell to the ABC"

The song "If you want to know a lot ..."

Leading. Hello guys! Read the name of the city where we are located. (Azbukinsk.) (Name of the city on the curtain.)

Do you know who lives in it? (ABC.)

You have already studied at school for half a year,

You have done a lot and learned a lot.

And they read their first books.

And you have become a faithful assistant in this

First main book.

And she showed the first letters

For girls and boys.

The letters then formed into words

Words into sentences and phrases.

Huge and colorful world then

Opened, guys, you immediately.

You will read a lot of good books,

Let the years pass and many, many days

The ABC has become a good friend to you,

We dedicate this holiday to her!

Hello guys!

Letters of small drops-icons

Streams merge together in words.

These streams have become a river,

What is the alphabet.

And the sea stretches ahead

There, in the wide and free expanse,

There, in the sea of ​​Knowledge, where the waves and the wind,

Remember the dear ABC, children!

Before you get into the country "Literature", you must prove that you are ready for this. And I will sit, look at you and listen.

Leading. Let's prove, guys, that we are ready for new knowledge? (Yes.)

So, let's go.

There are letters in front of you, we will help the guards to put them in their places.

Guards.(Riddles or poems about letters are read near the gates of Azbukinsk. Which of the children will have this letter is inserted into the alphabet window.)

There are houses in Azbukinsk. In each of these houses you need to resettle the letters.

This letter is the beginning of the alphabet,

That's what she's famous for

And it's easy to find out:

Legs set wide. (A)

Look, who is

blocking the road,

Standing with outstretched hand

Bending a lamb leg. (B)

Nearby are two even arches -

Here we are ready

frog glasses .(IN)

And like a poker

The letter hunches back ... (G)

Here it is, blowing smoke,

The letter that is a stove pipe.

Also, a good home.

Kindergarten in the house vol. (D)

This letter is like a fork,

Like a rake.

As if sticking out in a log

Three sabers. (E)

There are two dots above the letter E -

Flowers bloom in spring (Yo).

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle. (AND)

Look at this letter

It's just like the number 3. (Z)

Look at the gate:

What does she look like?

Between two straight boards

One lay down. (AND)

A bird flies over the gate,

But he does not sit on the gate. (Y)

The captain stepped aside

Raised his hand a little

Take a look: for sure

Do you recognize the letter... (TO)

She looks like pants

We all need pants. (L)

Here is the swing


Here to swing

It is possible for everyone! (M)

On this letter

Like on a ladder

I sit and sing songs! (H)

look at the wheel

And you will see this letter. (ABOUT)

Suitable gates.

Come on, who cares! (P)

The log exclaimed:

It looks like an ax!

Break for sure! (R)

Crescent in the dark sky

The letter of that hung over the house. (WITH)

Answer who knows:

What kind of hammer is this? (T)

She is a bitch. In any forest

You will see that letter. (U)

With this letter on my nose

The eagle owl is hiding in the forest. (F)

If the scissors are opened

Letter can be obtained. (X)

The letter is -

hook below,

Exactly with a faucet tank. (C)

If we turn the chair

Let's find that letter right away. (H)

Look slowly

The letter is very good

Because from her

You can do E and Y. (W)

And this letter will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning. (SCH)

The door is closed! Oh no no no!

Here it is, the key. Open! (b)

Here is the axe. Log nearby.

Got what you need .(S)

The letter R is upside down

I turned around with this sign. (b)

With the letter that marvels

It's like looking in a mirror.

There is a resemblance for sure

Only there is no language! (Uh)


Kalach with a staff. (YU)

You listen, friends,

Everyone knows:

This letter

The most boastful. (I)

Guard 1.

Thirty-three native sisters,

written beauties,

Live on the same page

And they are famous everywhere!

They are on their way to you now.

nice sisters,

All the guys are asked

Befriend them!

Student 1.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G -

Rolled on a hedgehog.

Student 2.

Z, I, K, L, M, N, O-

Together they climbed out the window.

Student 3.

P, R, S, T, U, F, X-

They saddled the rooster.

Student 4.

C, H, W, W, E, Yu, I-

Everyone is my friend now!

Student 5.

Yo, Y, b, b, y-

Five sisters were late -

Played hide and seek

And now all the letters are up

In alphabetical order.

Guard 2.

Get to know them kids

Here they are standing side by side.

It's very bad to live in the world

For those who are not familiar with us.


You learn these letters.

There are three dozen of them too

And for you they are the keys

To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road

Magic bunch of keys.

In any story you will find a way

You will enter any fairy tale.

Read books about animals

Plants and cars.

You will visit the seas

And on gray peaks.

You have wonderful lands

It will open the way from "A" to "Z".

Leading. And now, ABC, we will pass through your city and overcome all the obstacles that will meet on the way.

1 task.

We are located on the Street of Sounds and Letters. We need to find the appropriate words for the sound schemes. (Each student has his own word. Word schemes on the easel.)

(forest, coat, days, book, closet)

Guys, what is shown in the diagrams? (Sounds.)

Let's tell the ABC verses about sounds.

All students.

Daily in the morning

We need to take care of.

We do not take our eyes off the board,

And the teacher teaches us.

Student 1.

Spruce, ax, shovel, hands-

We are looking for sounds in each word.

These sounds are different

Vowels consonants.

Student 2.

Vowels stretch in a ringing song,

They can cry and scream

Calling and haunting in the dark forest

And cradle Alyonka in the cradle,

But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

Student 3.

And the consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But they don't want to sing.

Student 4.

Here are some different

There are those consonants

Voiced, deaf

Here they are!

Student 5.

Soft, as in the word carried,

Solid, as in the word nose,

Long and no

What a secret!


Well done guys, you did a great job.

2 task. Leading.

We are on Word Lane. Let's play a game of typing.

Let's make other words from the word GRAMOTEI. (peace, sea, Rome, volume, theme, march, measure, mouth, tiger, thunder)

3 task. Leading.

Now we are at the Proposal Square. You need to assemble a proverb from words.

Take a book in your hands - there will be no boredom.

The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Do not say - I do not know how, but say - I will learn!

4 task. Leading.

We have come to the Square of Fairy Tales. Learn the story in three words and tell it.

Baba, grandfather, testicle.

Grandfather, turnip, mouse.

Grandmother, bun, fox.

Fox, crane, jug.

Mashenka, bear, pies.

5 task. ABC.

Well done guys, I liked the way you work. You have one last task left and I will help you. The River Rech flows outside my city, you need to cross it.

And balls containing texts will help you cross the river. After reading them, you will find yourself on the other side.

The cat was sleeping on the roof. A bird sat down near the cat. Don't sit close, birdie, cats are cunning.

Chickens and geese lived near the house, and the fox lived near the grove. The fox had sluggish legs and blunt teeth, chickens and geese were happy.

Nastya came after school. One mother was at home. Nastya sat down at the table, took a book and read a fairy tale. Mom was very happy.

The grove had a willow. Don't cut this willow. This willow is ours.

I remember, I was small, my aunt gave me a rag, a needle and a thread. And I made myself a bag. The bag was bad, but I was proud that I made this thing myself.


Well done! You have completed all the tasks. (Opens the curtain.)

You don't have to go to your mom

No need to ask grandma

“Read, please! Read!"

You don't have to beg your sister.

“Well, read another page!”

No need to call, no need to wait

Literature. Hello guys!

Having mastered the letters, syllables,

You can without help

Enter into a huge wise circle,

There are many books in the world

Where the book is the best friend.

You can read everything later.

Do you want to sail the oceans

Dive into the depths

Visit many countries

Land on the moon.

Be a brave explorer

In the thickets of centuries.

All paths are open to you

On the pages of books.

Let's say goodbye to the ABC.

Student 1.

We have gathered you today

But not for fun.

We are reporting today

About your successes.

Student 2.

We are in new clothes now,

And everyone looks happy

After all, today we are ahead of schedule

Learned the alphabet.

Student 3.

Wake me up at night

In the very middle

I'll tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch.

Student 4.

We love vowels

And more every day.

We don't just read them -

We sing these letters!

A thousand words a minute today

Like a machine, I write.

I am any of your books

I'll "swallow" in one fell swoop!

All: We will say goodbye to the ABC,

And let's wave our hands

And thank you ten times

Let's say in unison!!!

The end of the script of the holiday in the elementary grades "Farewell to the ABC"

Primary school teacher Lisovaya N.S. Mikhailovskaya osh

Holiday goals:

    motivate interest in learning, form a steady interest in reading;

    develop children's interest and love for reading books;

    cultivate a careful, respectful attitude to the book;

    to promote cooperation with parents to develop in children the desire for closer communication with the book.

Equipment : festively decorated hall, balloons, posters, carved letters. Audio recordings, video recordings. Costumes for children.

Student 1:

We are very happy today
All welcome guests.
All acquaintances, strangers,
Both serious and funny.
First class, first class
Invited you to the party.

Student 2:

Adults and children know
And the miner and the diver,
What is the hardest thing in the world
The very first class.

Student 3:

First class is the first perky call.
The first class is the first serious lesson.
First class is the first grade in life,
This is a noisy, joyful change.

Student 4:

Every girl and every boy knows:
The first grade is the first school book.
Always study from this book
This book is the ABC.

Student 5:

She taught us letters
Both writing and reading
Strong friendship and work,
And also patience.

Student 6:

We are unrecognizable today
We began to read briskly,
They became very literate,
wiser, emboldened
And now without a break
We will read any book.

Pinocchio runs in.

Pinocchio: Hi guys! I found out that today you have a holiday “Farewell to the ABC”, and I love holidays so much! And here I am. But did you learn to read and write so quickly?

Children: learned!

Pinocchio: Oh, what good fellows you are! And remember, Malvina taught me to read, but I was not a diligent student and now I read badly. Okay, now I honestly promise you that I will try and soon learn to read like you. You know what, let's invite Malvina to the holiday.

The children agree. (Pinocchio runs out the door and returns, leading Malvina)

Malvina: Hello guys! Pinocchio said that you have already learned to read well. This is true? Perhaps you had a magic book? What is it called?

Children: ABC!

Malvina : Did you know that sometimes incredible things happen in fairy tales? So, now a miracle will happen.

(claps hands) One two Three.

The alphabet comes out.


I am ABC. I am learning to read.
It's impossible not to know me.
study me well
And then you can
I like to read any book
Without any labor.
And these books are about everything:
About rivers and seas
And a round earth.
About astronauts
That they flew above all many times,
About rain, and lightning, and thunder,

About light, heat and gas.

ABC: Do you know why they call me that? Do you want to know?

Previously, the letter A was called Az, B - Buki, V - Vedi. So get my name from the first two letters of the alphabet Az and Buki - ABC.

Malvina: Sit down, dear ABC. Today you are the most welcome guest on our holiday.

ABC: Tell me guys, what have you learned, what have you learned? Do you know letters well?

Children: Yes!

Children sing ditties

We gathered dads and moms,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today
About your successes.


prickly, green,
All children are first graders.
In love with the ABC!

We are in new clothes now,
And everyone looks happy
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
Learned the alphabet!


Wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch.


We love vowel letters
And more every day.
We don't just read them -
We sing these letters!


Oh, you are my grandmother,
Disagree again!
You remember forever
There are only ten vowels.


A thousand words a minute today
Like a machine, I write.
I love your book
In one fell swoop, I'll swallow it!


Who is not in tune with the ABC,
I don't make friends with that.
I have a character circle -
I respect work since childhood!


Why babies
Wet eyelashes?
Because in the alphabet
The pages are out.


We say goodbye to the ABC,
And let's wave our hands
And thank you ten times
Let's say in unison!


Letters are icons, like fighters on a parade,
In a clear order built in a row.
Everyone is in a designated place.
And everything is called - the alphabet!

Students read alphabet verses

A: The stork spent the summer with us,
And in the winter he stayed somewhere.

B: The hippopotamus is open-mouthed,
Behemoth asks for rolls.

Q: The sparrow asked the crow
Call the wolf to the phone.

G: A mushroom grows among the path -
Head on a thin stem.

D: The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow.
Oak hollowed like a chisel.

E and Yo: Spruce looks like a hedgehog:
Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree too.

Zh: The beetle has fallen and cannot get up.
He is waiting for someone to help him.

Z: We saw the stars during the day
Beyond the river, beyond the Kremlin.

And: Hoarfrost lay on the branches of spruce,
The needles turned white overnight.

K: The cat caught mice and rats,
Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.

L: Boats are sailing on the sea,
People row with oars.

M: The bear found honey in the forest-
Little honey, a lot of bees.

N: Rhino butts with a horn,
Don't mess with the rhino!

A: The donkey was angry today
He found out that he was an ass.

P: The shell is worn by a turtle,
He hides his head in fear.

R: A gray mole digs the ground,
Ruins the garden.

S: The old elephant is sleeping calmly -
He knows how to sleep standing up.

T: The cockroach lives behind the stove -
That's a warm place.

U: The student taught the lessons -
He has ink on his cheeks.

F: The fleet is sailing towards the native land.
Flag on every ship.

X: A ferret walks through the forest -
Predatory little animal.

Ts: The heron is important, nosy,
The whole day stands like a statue.

C: Watchmaker, squinting his eyes,
Repairs watches for us.

Sh: Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man:
You carry the globe like a ball.

SC: I brush the puppy with a brush.
I tickle his sides.

E: This button and lace -
Electric bell.

Yu: Jung - future sailor-
He brought us southern fish.

Me: No berries are sourer than cranberries!
I remember the letters!

Malvina: Guys, what letters did we not remember about? (b) (b) (s).

So that they do not take offense at us, let's tell poems about them.

Kommersant: I am a very firm sign, that's why I'm proud.
I separate the letters in the word,
Only sorry, they lose me!

B: I am a soft sign. you will find me
And in the word “pour” and in the word “rain”!

Y: Here is the axe. Log nearby.
It turned out what was needed.
It turned out the letter Y -
We all need to know it!

Malvina: Guys, now we will check how well you have learned the letters of the alphabet.

Guess the letters according to their description.

Children read poetry

1. Here are two columns obliquely,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
There is a letter in front of you...

2. This letter is so round -
I could roll….

3. You look:
Who is blocking the way
Standing with outstretched hand
Bending, lamb leg?

4. Look at this letter
It's like the number three...

5. You are familiar with this letter:
Two pegs stand side by side
And between them is a belt
Stretched across…


Malvina: Now let's play. I will name different words. If the word begins with a vowel sound, then you raise your hands up, if you hear a consonant, sit down. Ready?

Iron, orange, horse, game, board, table, window, pencil, board, pit (trap), book, school, donkey, beetle, echo.

Malvina: We continue our conversation about sounds and letters. Do you know what story once happened with letters?

Scene “ABC”

Everybody knows:
The letter I is the last in the alphabet.
And does anyone know
Why and why?

Well, listen to the story.
Letters lived in the ABC.
Lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends.
Only once the whole thing got up
Because of the terrible scandal:
The letter I did not stand in the line,
The letter I rebelled!

Letter I:

I, - said the letter I, -
Home capital!
I want it everywhere
I was ahead!
I don't want to stand in line
I want to be seen!

Letters: Get in your place!

Letter I:

Will not go!
I'm not just a letter to you,
I am a pronoun.
You compared to me -
Misunderstanding! misunderstanding -

No more, no less!

Letter F: Fu-you, well-you!

Letter C: "Shame!"

Everyone is screaming.

Letters: I imagined!

Letter P : “Try to talk with such a person!”

Letter I:

I don't want to hang out with you!
I will do everything myself!
Enough of my mind!

The letters looked at each other
Everyone literally smiled
And the friendly choir answered:

Letters: Okay, let's go fight!

The letter a :

If you can alone
Write at least one line
The truth is yours!

Letter I:

So that I can't,
I'm not anyone, but I am!

Letter I got down to business:
For an hour she puffed,
And groaned and sweated ...
She could only write

Letter X: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Letter O: Oh, I rolled with laughter!

The letter a: And grabbed my head!

Letter B: B clutching her stomach...

The letter I first fastened,
And then - how to roar!

Letter I:

It's my fault guys!
I plead guilty!
I agree to stand up guys
Even after the letter Yu!

The letter a : If he wants, let him stand
It's not really in the right place,
The thing is, we're all in this together!

Letters: So that everything from A to Z -
We lived like one family!

ABC: Thank you guys! They showed a wonderful story. The author of this fairy tale is Boris Zakhoder. We will meet with his works on the pages of children's books. Do you know when the first alphabet was printed in Rus'? In 1574. This year "Azbuka" turns 435 years old.

Leading: I suggest playing with letters. On the blackboard you see the word “first grader”. What other words can be formed from the letters of this word? Think with moms. Who will get the longest word? (Kiwi, class,cashier, windows, pen, cinema, picnic, wax, kvass, pony)

(There is a knock on the door)

Malvina: Guys, someone came to visit us!

(Music sounds, Old Woman Shapoklyak enters)

Malvina: Hello dear guest, come here soon!

Shapoklyak : Yes, the first grade is the first step into adulthood, this step is difficult, because “Today the first grade is at school, like an institute.”

Shapoklyak: Try to guess the hero of the fairy tale.

1. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.
He's famous, he's famous

This is Doctor...

2. Grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat
The girl forgot her name
Can you tell me what her name was?

3. He loves everyone invariably
Who did not come to him
Guessed it's Gene
This is Gena...

4. My father had a strange boy,
Unusual wooden.
He had a long nose.
What is a fairy tale? Here's the question?

Shapoklyak: What good fellows you guys are! All riddles solved! And now it's time for me to run to the other guys! Goodbye, guys!

(Shapoklyak leaves)

ABC: Well done! And now come out the letters: A, Z, O, B, C, H, K.

Try to stand in order to form a word.(Oatmeal)

Scene “Oatmeal”

And I have oatmeal at home!

Just think, I have oatmeal at home too!

How I love oatmeal!

And I love!

She is yellow and beautiful!

And delicious. Especially with milk!

How is it delicious?

Yes so! Also good with butter and sugar!

What are you talking about?

How is it about what? About oatmeal! What are you talking about?

And I'm talking about oatmeal!

What kind of oatmeal are you talking about?

About the ordinary About the one that lived in our garden and sang songs.

Kasha sang songs?

What kind of porridge? Not porridge, but a bird!

Bunting bird, right? Haven't heard of this one.

Come to me - listen to my oatmeal!

Let's go! And then to me - to eat my oatmeal!

Teacher: I think you understood the secret of this dialogue? What polysemantic words did we meet on the pages of the ABC?(Scythe, handle, leg, lock)

Malvina: ABC, the guys guessed all the riddles. And now it's your turn to guess what fairy tale the children will show you.

The children show the fairy tale "Turnip"

ABC: Well we enjoyed your performance. But it's time to hurry to the other guys who haven't learned to read.

Pinocchio : Wait, ABC! But what about the guys? Why don't they have a book to read?

ABC: And this is my surprise. I brought you an older sister - a book to read.

Music sounds. The book Literary Reading is published.

Book Literary Reading: Hello guys. I am a book to read. I hope we will be friends.

But don't forget the alphabet. After all, this is your first book, you learned to read from it.

You learn these letters.
There are more than three dozen of them.
And for you they are the keys
To all good books.
Read books about animals
Plants and cars.
You will visit the seas
And on gray peaks.
You have wonderful lands
It will open the way from “A” to “Z”!

Malvina: And today we say goodbye to the ABC as a kind, smart friend who helped us learn a lot.

ABC: Finished ABC.
We know the letters.
Poems and stories
We read freely.

Goodness taught us
Russian speech.
And we will be

Love and take care!


1. Letters, syllables and riddles
They live in a good ABC.
Step by step

They lead us to the realm of fairy tales.

2. We now read ourselves,
We know syllables and words.
Let's say thank you to the ABC -

It's time for us to part!

3. We want to thank you,
We thank you for everything!
We tell you - goodbye!
Hello! We are talking about a new book.

ABC goes away

4. How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom.
No need to shake grandma:
“Read, please! Read!”
You don't have to beg your sister.
“Well, read another page!”
No need to call, no need to wait
And you can take and read!
And for this I thank
Our first book - ABC!

Children sing the song "ABC!"


We all say today
"Thank you" ABC.
From the ABC as a keepsake to you
I will give gifts.

Music sounds. Malvina and Pinocchio present gifts

The script of the holiday "Farewell to the ABC"

Material Description: The material of this event will be useful for first grade teachers. The matinee is dedicated to the end of the first educational book. The holiday in the first class should not be delayed, so my event is designed for 25-30 minutes.
Goals and objectives: sum up the study of the Primer, cultivate respect for the book as a source of knowledge, interest in reading; develop acting skills by attracting to dramatizations, a sense of friendship and camaraderie; to convince that conscientious teaching at school is the duty of every student.
Equipment: a letter from the ABC, letters from A to Z, costumes of Dunno, Chamomile, Two, Five, ABC; computer, screen, projector.

Event progress:

(1 slide)
Introductory speech of the teacher:
Hello guests, parents, children.
Today is an unusual day in the world.
Today we will celebrate
Our first class says goodbye to the ABC!
The guys come out, read poetry.
Parents do not spare your hands.

Pupils read poems by I. Ageeva(slide 2)

1 student.
We gathered dads and moms,
The class is not for fun
We will now report
About your success!
2 student.
Time flew by quickly
From September to February.
We are celebrating today
Glorious holiday of the Primer!
3 student.
We are in new clothes now,
And everyone looks happy!
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
Learned the alphabet!
4 student.
We all learned to read
We don’t brag about you, we don’t lie,
And forever friends
With the best book - Primer!
5 student.
Wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!
Fun music sounds. Dunno and Chamomile run out onto the stage with a letter in their hands. slide 3
Chamomile- I will read!
Dunno- No, I, I, I!
Chamomile I am the last letter in the alphabet. And don't yak, please, it's indecent.
Dunno- Well, I don’t know if it’s decent or indecent, but I already learned the letters. Give me the letter, Chamomile.
Chamomile- Say the magic word. Even children know him. True guys. What is this word? (Students please)
Dunno. Well, what are you, Chamomile, feet-chickpeas. Give me the letter, please.
Chamomile holds out a letter to Dunno
Dunno happily reads
"Dear Guys! You have a big holiday today. Until recently, your first bell rang, and today you are confidently sitting at your desks. I am very happy for you - you have learned a lot. Now you are real first-graders and can safely open the door to the land of Knowledge. Congratulations guys. I'll come visit. ABC".
Chamomile- I am so glad!
Music sounds.
Dunno- Hooray! Already coming.
The class slowly enters the deuce. slide 4
I am amazingly charming!
So beautifully curved.
I decorate my diary
If you are a bad student.
Don't trust anyone, kids
There is no better mark than a deuce!
You can't do without me.
All lazy people are my friends.
Couch potato, I love sluts.
And I do not tolerate diligent.
If you want to be friends with me
You need to get as many deuces as possible.
Hello guys! I accidentally found out that you have a holiday today. And you forgot to invite me, of course.
Dunno. Is that how things are? Guys, do we need a deuce?
Chamomile(Double). Understood? Set off on the way back, but forget the way here.
Deuce. Ah, there you are! Okay, I'll leave, but not alone. I hope that among you, dear children, there are lazy people, sluts, bullies and fighters?
Chamomile. There are none among us. Our children love to learn. Listen…
Conducted by a teacher or Chamomile (slide 5)
The alphabet gave you knowledge
They are with you forever.
My very first textbook
Will you remember? (Yes).
Ahead of the guys are waiting for books,
Knowledge will bring you light.
They love neatness.
Will you tear them up? (No).
Books tell a lot
Will never be deceived.
You just need to be diligent.
Will you be lazy? (No).
Be careful with the book
Save for many years.
Don't paint, don't stain it.
Do you understand everything? (Yes).
Read the book with interest
Every book has advice.
The book will become your best friend.
Will you leave your friend? (No).
Know that each of the books
Like a bright star
Know and love books.
Will you take care of them? (Yes).

Deuce. Okay, I'm leaving, but I'll be back and then.

Children take the stage Slide 6
Pupils sing the song "Friendship with the primer", author Gulnara Azamatova-Bas
1 verse
Children, mothers and fathers rejoice
We were taken to school, you can see not in vain
We made friends with letters from the primer.
Letters from A to Z
Our best friends now
Vowels and consonants of the girlfriend of an expensive primer 2 times
verse 2
I don't need to pester my mom anymore
We can read the book ourselves.
Because we rushed to school not in vain
We studied the letters from the primer.
verse 3
Children, mothers and fathers rejoice
Because together we are all great!
And we will survive any difficulty
Friendship won, friendship with the primer!
Slide 7

6 student.
1st grade is the first fervent call.
1st grade is the first serious lesson.
1st grade is the first grade in life,
This is a noisy, joyful change.
The girls in the class know and the boys know:
1st grade is the first school book.

7 student.
We have tried a lot
After all, to tell the truth,
Russian literacy beginning
On the pages of the primer.

8 student.
There are, friends, at the primer
A very faithful sister.
You can name her.
This is ... ABVGDeika.

9 student.
Goodbye, goodbye
My first book.
Come and say goodbye to us
Your friends are waiting for you

Slide 8
ABC. Hello first graders, hello guests! Hello boys and girls! How glad I am to meet you again!
Dunno Hello, ABC. We've been waiting for you!
Chamomile Our holiday continues!
You just came to school -
I met with you.
The days of study have flown,
We became friends.
I taught you letters
Both writing and reading
Strong friendship and work,
And also patience.
You are unrecognizable today
You began to read briskly
They became very literate,
wiser, emboldened,
And I want to say now:
I'm glad, my friends, for you!
Where are my helpers?

Teacher. Don't worry, dear ABC. You know I'm a bit of a magician too. Now I will say the cherished words - and the whole alphabet will appear in front of you.
Sharma, pharma, tukva, mukva,
Children, turn into letters.
Children wear hats with the letters of the alphabet on their heads.

Teacher. Dear ABC! Accept the parade of letters!
ABC. Is to take the parade! My glorious team, line up in a row from A to Z! Alphabet, equal, quietly! Report readiness for the parade!
ABC. Alphabet, in order of numbers, pay off!
Slide 9 (the clip is on, turn off the sound) Poem by V. Stepanov
A. Letter A, letter A
alphabet head,
Vova knows, Sveta knows
It looks like a rocket
B. The letter B woke up early
Letter B a barrel with a tap,
Wash up, be healthy
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!
IN. Like the letter B Alena
Holds the phone.
G. G - ordinary hook,
But in work, a faithful assistant.
And in a braid, and in a poker
I can turn G.
D. Here it is, blowing smoke
The letter D is a stove pipe.
E. Outside - what a pity!
Our ladder is broken
Our ladder is broken
The letter E is still there!
Yo. E and Yo are sisters,
It's hard to tell sisters apart
But the letter Yo has two dots,
Like a ladder of nails.
AND. If a sheaf, like a belt,
gird with a spikelet,
Sheaf of straw on the border
Will turn into a Z.
Z. Z - not just a curl,
Z - spring, pretzel, shavings.
AND. Look at the gate
Why is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay down.
TO. The signalman holds two flags.
With flags, he's like the letter K.
L. The alphabet will continue our
The letter L is a forest hut.
M. Hand in hand we stood up
And they looked like M.
N. There I will find the letter H,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.
ABOUT. Hollow in an old tree
Well, just like the letter O.
P. Hockey, football
The letter P is the gate in the field.
R. The letter P is a sail on the mast.
Far away flies heaven touching.
WITH. Crescent in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house.
T. The hammer knocks "Knock-knock",
Letter T I'm an old friend.
U. U - bitch. In any forest
You will see the letter W.
F.- We all know without a clue:
The letter F is like a key to a fairy tale.
Karabas will never take it from us.
X. The letter X keeps walking, walking,
Doesn't seem to find a place.
C. The chair was repaired today by the master,
He glued it and painted it.
The master turned the chair
Became like a chair.
Ch. Yes, you made the right decision:
H we write like four,
Only with numbers, friends,
We must not confuse letters!
Sh. What does the letter W look like?
On the teeth of this bucket.
SCH. The letter W will help us
Brush your teeth in the morning.
b. From the bucket for a reason
We get to drink water.
We need a ladle - a solid sign,
To not get wet.
Y. Here is an ax, a log nearby.
Got what you need!
It turned out the letter Y,
We all need to know it!
b. The letter R is upside down
Turned around with a soft sign.

E. Over fields in blue
The letter E is gone.
It's a swallow in the spring
Returns home.
YU. In the arena, a tamer
Terrible tigers lord.
He is like the letter Yu with a ring
Face the tigers menacingly.
Slide 10
I. Look at me,
Am I not good?
Not skinny like A
And not fat like Sh!
I'll take my foot to the right
To the letter I am neighboring,
I don't want to line up now
I stand last.
(referring to the ABC)
My first book
Have pity on the letter I
Give me at least five minutes
To be the first in the alphabet!
ABC. Ay-ay-ay, I'm very ashamed
And it's a shame for the alphabet.
How can you, letter I,
Let me down now?
In the alphabet everyone knows:
Boastfulness has no place here!
They know all the letters perfectly:
Yakat is simply indecent.
People need all the letters
This letters are friendly.
The point here is completely out of place.
Together. The thing is, we're all in this together!
ABC. My dear helpers! I express my gratitude to you for your good service, for helping first-graders in mastering reading.
Teacher. Yes, dear ABC. Today we will say goodbye to you: you will remain in the first class, and we will go further along the road of knowledge and discoveries. And what guys, we need to take with us to cope with all the difficulties?
Children. Patience, diligence, skill, accuracy.
ABC. Well, it's time to leave, It remains only to say goodbye and present you with diplomas. Oh, where are they?
deuce(from around the corner) - Hee-hee-hee, ho-ho-ho. No one will congratulate you.
Dunno- Deuce, what are you doing? This is unfair. We learned, we tried. Really guys?
Chamomile- Wait, Dunno, because if the guys and I show what we have learned, then no deuce can resist the power of knowledge.
ABC“Of course, and I will help you. slide 11
Children read a poem by Valentin Shevchenko 3
Lot 10 We came to study in September
In your very first class.
We knew we had to try
To love us more...
Study 11 The teacher boldly us all
Introduced into a wonderful new world.
December has passed. We are already reading...
The teacher is our idol!
Study 12 She cares like a mother
She gives us advice.
And with us together in a great life,
As a conductor, he always goes ...
Study 13 First sticks wrote
Taught by the syllables of the word:
This is the house, and this is the mother,
And there is green grass...
Lot 14 The primer has been successfully completed!
He gave us a pass to walk in life!
We don’t read by syllables anymore!
You can take any book...
Lot 15 The primer is our first key to knowledge!
Let's keep him as a memory...
And it's a pity that soon, very soon
It's time to say goodbye to him...
Lot 16 We will read a lot!
After all, we grow old!
And all the ways, and all the roads
We deserve to get through!
Study 17 We will say THANK YOU to the PRIMER!
PRIMER we will remember!
PRIMER gave us such strength,
To conquer all the peaks!
Teacher Guys, let's show how smart you are
The game "The letter is lost" Slides 12-19
1. Before the eyes of the children, painters paint a rat!
2. Admire, guys, crayfish have grown in the garden!
3. They say that one fisherman caught a shoe in the river, but then he got a house on the hook!
4. The snow is melting, the stream is flowing, the branches are full of doctors!
5. Old grandfather Pahom rode on a goat!
6. On the road along the village, mom went with barrels!
7. Sit in a spoon and let's go! Along the river here and there!
8. There are no roads in the swamp;
ABC- Guys, look! A miracle happened! Our two... Turned into five.
Slide 20
What a beautiful number five!
We will write it.
We draw a semicircle
We will draw a stick, a tail.
Dunno- If TWO flip
And take a close look
So and so look again,
Then we get the number ... (five).
Chamomile- Number five - with a big belly,
He wears a cap with a visor.
At school, this number is five
Children love to receive
Five - What is at the end of the page,
Decorating the entire notebook?
What can you be proud of?
Well, of course, a number ... (five)
-Here are your diplomas! Take it, be proud. Gives the ABC.
Pupils read the poem "Farewell, ABC" Alexander Tsymbalyuk
At part 18. Farewell, dear ABC,
My first textbook.
Three quarters were friends
We played with you.
Uch.19 Learned letters before
Put them in syllables
And stacked up with a ladder
Funny words.
Singing songs with you
Uch.20 They led a round dance.
And learned from you
About fairy people.
About kolobok and turnip,
About the chicken and the grandfather
About the naughty Mishka,
Capricious monkey.
Uch.21 Thank you miracle, ABC,
My first mentor!
Let the scientists rule
Will stay with me.
Uch.22 Now I can read
Any books i.
And we are so happy about it:
Neighbors and family.
Teacher. Goodbye ABC! Let's say goodbye together with the guys dance and sing.
slide 21
Children sing Lyudmila Melnikova's song "We part with the primer"
My primer, my reliable friend
We are breaking up now
Into a new world big and complex
You opened the door for me.

Let's part with the alphabet
We sing a song about him
Let's part with the alphabet
We sing a song about him

Lots of happy events
You generously gave me
To the World of Joyful Discoveries
You served as a step

Let's part with the alphabet
We sing a song about him
Let's part with the alphabet
We sing a song about him

Revealed you like a miracle
It's time for goodbye
I will never forget
Your first big lesson
The word is given to the administration
slide 22

Event goals

1. Summarize the results of training in the Russian ABC; emphasize the importance and necessity of reading.

2. To develop children's speech, attention and thinking.

3. Cultivate a careful attitude to the book, interest in learning.


1. Posters, an exhibition of children's books, illustrations are being prepared.

2. The task is given to the children to choose their favorite letter and come up with a fancy dress for it (draw it).

3. Words are given to the performers of the role of the ABC, Spider-Man.

4. A staging of an excerpt from the work of L. Kaminsky "About a kitten who could not read" is being prepared.

5. Gifts are being prepared for children (bookmarks).

6. Equipment and inventory are being prepared: an album with letters (alphabet); costumes - cards with the words "cat", "cat", "kitten", "milk", "ice cream", "Caution! Angry dog!"; envelopes with syllables (3 pcs.); crossword, colored crayons; Spiderman suit; gossamer ball.

Students of the 1st grade, the class teacher, the mother of one of the students, a high school student participate.

Event progress

The music of the song "Teach at school" sounds.

Classroom teacher. Guys, today we have a little sad, but also a pleasant holiday. We have come to say goodbye to a very respected, and for many - the first in life, self-read book - "Russian ABC".

Pupils read poems.

1st student

How children rejoice today -

There are more literate people in the world!

Let's say ABC "goodbye"

And wave goodbye.

2nd student

It was hard for you and me at the beginning,

We studied letters for six months!

But now it's clear to us

What efforts were not in vain!

3rd student

There is nothing better in the world

How to read a magazine or newspaper

twenty-first century children,

We will master sites on the Internet!

Classroom teacher. Who is missing from our party?

Student. ABCs.

Classroom teacher. Let's call the ABC together!

Enter ABC.

Hello ABC! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

ABC. Hello children. Thank you for remembering me and calling me.

It's impossible not to know me.

Study me for "five"

Without any labor.

Guys, look what I brought (flips through the album with letters). Do you know letters?

Children come out and read quatrains about letters.

The letter a

A - how is the ladder worth

Before entering the alphabet.

Letter B

The letter B will wake up early

The letter B is a barrel with a tap.

Wash up, be healthy!

Bogatyr Boris Bobrov.

Letter B

Like the letter B Alena

Holds the phone.

Letter G

G - ordinary hook,

But in labor a faithful assistant -

And in a braid and in a poker

I can transform.

Letter D

Here it is, blowing smoke,

The letter D is a stove pipe.

There is a knock on the door and Spider-Man runs in.


I am Spiderman!

I don't know science.

I came to you guys to find out

Classroom teacher. If you lived among us, Spider-Man, then something like the story that happened with the kitten Yasha, who could not read, could happen to you.

Children stage an excerpt from the story of L. Kaminsky "About a kitten who could not read."

Spiderman. What about learning to read? Guys, can you introduce me to at least a few letters?

Students. Please!

Letter E

Outside, what a pity

Our ladder is broken!

Our ladder is broken

The letter E - but remained

Letter Yo

Ye and Yo are siblings

It is not easy to distinguish between sisters.

But the letter Yo has two dots

Like a ladder of nails.

Letter Zh

The beetle flies over the meadow.

He was tired of walking.

Letter 3

3 - not easy curl,

3 - spring, pretzel, shavings.

Letter I

Look at the gate

Why is she not a letter

Between two straight boards

One lay down.

Letter Y

The letter Y is called Y short -

Y, like Y in your notebook.

So that Y is not confused with I,

Write on top of the stick.

Spider-Man holds a "Chain" contest: throws a cobweb, names a word, the next one must come up with a word with the last letter and return it back, etc.

Classroom teacher. Let's continue the lesson!

Letter K

Signalman holding two flags

With a flag, he's like the letter K,

Letter L

The alphabet will continue our

The letter L is a forest hut.

Letter M

Hand in hand we stood up

And they looked like M.

Letter H

On the letter N I, as on a ladder,

I sit and sing songs!

Letter O

There is a hollow in the old tree,

Well, just like the letter O.

Letter P

Hockey, football

The letter P is the gate in the field.

Letter P

The letter P is a sail on the mast,

Flies into the distance, touching the sky.

Letter C

Crescent in the dark sky

The letter C hung over the house.

Letter T

The hammer knocks: "Knock knock,

Letter T, I'm an old friend."

ABC. Well done boys. I brought words for you, but the trouble is, I fell and the words crumbled.

Classroom teacher. Don't worry, ABC, the guys will assemble words from syllables.

ABC distributes envelopes with syllables.

Group 1: ta, ro, chu, shcha, sve, kri, shu, cha.

Group 2: cru, chu, pi, shu, cha. ka, sha, that.

Group 3: Hugo, chu, cha, ku, cha, mine, shu, scha.

Children make up words, then each group reads in unison what they got.

ABC. Well done! Well done. And on what rules did I bring you words?

spider man. The guys did a great job with this one. Now let's rest a little. I will ask questions, and you will answer them with a gesture, raising your hand, as in a lesson. Whoever makes a mistake gets up.

1. Who among you does not like boredom?

2. Who is the master of all trades here?

3. Who saves clothes, puts them under the bed?

4. Who keeps things in order?

5. Who tears books and notebooks?

6. Which of you gives thanks?

7. Who says "thank you"?

8. Raise your hands, children, who does not know these words? Well done! Let's finish with the letters now.

Letter U

U - bitch. In any forest

You will see the letter W.

Letter F

We all know without a clue -

The letter F, like a key from a fairy tale

We never have it

Will not take Karabas.

Letter X

The letter X keeps walking, walking,

Doesn't seem to find a place.

Letter C

The chair was repaired today by the master,

He glued it and painted it.

The master turned the chair

Became like a chair.

Letter H

Chizhik confused with the four

And he read: "Four izhiks."

Letter W

What does the letter S look like?

On the teeth of this bucket.

Letter W

The letter W will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

Letter b

The door closed: “Ai-yay-yay!”

Here is the key, open it.

Letter Y

Here is an ax, a log nearby,

Got what you need

I got the letter Y.

We all need to know it.

Letter b

The letters P turned over -

Turned around with a soft sign.

Letter E

Over fields in blue

The letter E is gone.

It's a swallow in the spring

Returns home.

Letter Yu

In the arena, a tamer

Terrible tigers winner.

He is like the letter Yu with a ring,

Face the tigers menacingly.

Letter I

And the letter I said:

“I am a well-known hockey player.

The puck goes straight to the target.

Goal! The alphabet is finished!

Spiderman. Thanks friends. Now I understand how important it is to be able and love to read, to take care of every printed page. Now I'm going to the bookstore and picking out a couple of interesting books.

Students. Wait, we'll take you to our school library, help you choose a book.

Spider-Man says goodbye and goes to the library with the children, and then the children return.

ABC. I have prepared another task for you - a crossword puzzle. Try to figure it out.

The alphabet reads the task, the children guess, the answer is written with colored crayons.

1. Looks black, crooked,

Silent from birth

And as soon as they line up,

Everyone will talk right away. (Letters.)

2. I love directness,

I am straight.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler.)

3. He must get up early,

So as not to yawn at the desk,

To check if everything is ok

There are books and notebooks in the satchel,

And the question came up:

Who is this ... (student).

4. Seas and oceans,

Continents and countries

Everything fits on it

On this blue ball. (Globe.)

5. Every girl, every boy

There is this book, a cherished book.

They read now, they read it in the old days

A wonderful book with a title .. (primer)

See what word we got. Let's read it.

Children read the word "book", the teacher shows a book to read.

Look what book. This is your new textbook, to which I give way. Now she will lead you further through the land of knowledge. I hope that you will take care of it, keep the pages clean, so that the textbook remains as beautiful as you receive it.

Now it's time to say goodbye

And I want to wish you:

Always study hard

Always willing to work

And don't forget the alphabet!

And as a keepsake, I give you bookmarks for a new book.

Children. Goodbye.

ABC gives gifts to children and leaves.

Classroom teacher

You read the ABC to the cover,

You read - five!

Behind the hard work

Syllabic reading...

And now without a break

You will read any book.

So on the road, my friend, do not be shy!

Don't be sad, don't be sorry

That he finished the ABC.

I wish you all

Take off into this unknown distance,

learn to be friends

And help in trouble

And be decisive.


cool cool things in primary school/ Ed. E.N. Stepanova, M.A. Alexandrova. Issue. 1. M., 2004.

Mishchenkova L. Kaleidoscope of creative affairs in elementary school. Yaroslavl, 2005.

Theatrical holidays. 1-4 grades / Ed. M.Yu. Married. Rostov n/a, 2004.

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