Seven wedding years. What to give for a copper anniversary (7 years of wedding) 7 years of life what a wedding

Seven years of married life is quite a long period during which a lot has happened. Holidays and sorrows, joy and grievances. The spouses have a lot in common, because they have gone through so many stages that they can no longer imagine life without each other. The seventh wedding anniversary, or copper anniversary in other words, is a wonderful occasion to express all the gratitude, devotion and love for your soulmate!

What is this anniversary called?

The seventh wedding anniversary has two names - copper and wool. Such names were given to the celebration for a reason. Each of them is filled with deep meaning, because if you think carefully, you can notice a lot of similar qualities between these materials and the seventh anniversary of marriage.

Copper is a noble metal in itself and can take on absolutely any shape., however, its strength is inferior to many other, more expensive metals. After 7 years life together The relationship between the spouses is already strong, but still not completely strengthened. Under the influence of various factors, they can either become stronger or completely collapse.

As for wool, at this stage of life married life very similar to this matter. 7 years after the wedding, the relationship between two people is filled with tenderness and warmth, but in places there is causticity and rudeness in them. Wool has the advantage of keeping you warm. This fully characterizes the relationship between the two loving people who lived side by side for 7 years. They warm each other with real warmth, manifested in sincere love and fidelity.


Like any other celebration, a copper wedding has its own traditions and rituals, which people have believed in since ancient times. It is believed that if you adhere to them on your wedding anniversary, you can strengthen love, fidelity, and also fill the family hearth with warmth and harmony.

Let's look at how to properly celebrate a copper wedding anniversary, and where to start this significant day. This is the question everyone asks loving woman who wants to fill the hearth with warmth, love and tenderness.

First of all, the holiday morning should begin with general cleaning. On this day, the hostess must bring the house into a truly solemn appearance. It is necessary to thoroughly wash every corner of the home from dust, dirt and cobwebs. This procedure is mandatory, because dirt and dust are the main enemies of harmony and tranquility in the house. Since there is absolutely no need to fill this special day with unnecessary bad energy, a woman needs to bring it 100% clean, and also get rid of all old and unnecessary things. Without hesitation, you should throw all cracked dishes, broken vases, faulty floor lamps and other rubbish into the trash bin.

It is worth moving to a new stage of life together in a clean and orderly manner, so that the whole next year will be happy and bring with it only positive emotions.

In addition to cleaning their home, spouses need to unwind mentally on this day. The couple must have a heart-to-heart talk, confess all secrets and secrets, no matter how unpleasant they may be. It is necessary to speak out completely and ask each other for forgiveness for everything, even if it is the smallest quarrels and insults. Although this is not the most pleasant procedure, it is mandatory to strengthen spiritual contact between spouses. After all the confessions and repentances, you should thank your soulmate for all the good things. This must be done sincerely, with all your heart.

After such a tiring conversation, you should remember all the happy moments lived together. You can look through old photo albums or videos from the family archive, remember funny stories, or just drink a glass of wine and tell your significant other how much you love her.

Seven has strong magical properties. For this reason, it will be wonderful if she is seen at the celebration as often as possible. In addition to the fact that it will be symbolic, since it is the seventh anniversary, it will attract a lot of positive energy and fill the home with happiness and tranquility. You can decorate the table with seven copper candlesticks or place seven vases with beautiful bouquets in the house. The more sevens there are on this day, the more prosperous another year of married life will be.

There are also two rituals that a husband and wife are required to perform on this day when the marriage was concluded. The first ritual involves presenting copper coins to each other. It is believed that such a talisman will ensure prosperity in the house. The second ritual is the exchange of copper rings. This should be done solemnly with music and candles. Such a gift symbolizes a strong and immaculate union of spouses. Rings should be worn extremely carefully, because they are the main talisman of a couple’s spiritual contact.

How to mark?

It is recommended to celebrate a copper wedding in a large and cheerful company of loved ones. You can invite friends, colleagues, distant relatives and, of course, parents to the holiday. Such an anniversary should be noisy, with loud music and bright congratulations.

The place in which the holiday will be held must be new and unusual. You can have a picnic outside the city, or celebrate your anniversary in a cafe. If possible, you can take a vacation and go to some beautiful and warm place, for example, go to the sea. Of course, the holiday can be celebrated at home. To do this, you need to decorate your home, place as many bright and unusual lamps as possible. The house should look like it was on New Year's Eve. You can celebrate the seventh anniversary wherever your heart pleases; here everything is decided by the imagination of the heroes of the occasion.

For a copper wedding, a husband and wife should dress brightly and beautifully. On this day, a woman should “ring” in the literal sense of the word. The more jewelry the hostess wears, the more happiness and good luck awaits her in the next year of married life.

The table must be set with the most expensive dishes in the house. Crystal glasses, souvenirs, candlesticks - on this day you should arrange all the attributes that create coziness in the house. If there is a huge copper plate in the house, then it must be the main decoration of the table.

You can try to cook something new with dishes. The wife can bake a huge chocolate cake or savory pizza, or use recipes from other countries and surprise guests with some exotic side dish.


On this significant day, gifts should be presented sincerely, from the heart. These can be both attributes of home comfort and various equipment that will be useful to spouses.

For husband

A good gift for a spouse can be various men's accessories made from the symbolic metal for the seventh anniversary - copper. These could be stylish cufflinks, a bracelet or a tie clip. You can also choose a gift related to your spouse’s hobby. In addition, the wife can make a gift herself by knitting warm mittens or socks made of wool. Such a thing will carry the meaning of the festival and warm the man he loves in the cold.

If a man is a connoisseur of expensive alcohol, then you can please him with an original wine glass or flask. If you choose the latter option, you can get creative and engrave the flask with congratulations. If your spouse smokes, you can present him with a beautiful copper ashtray complete with quality cigars. A man will definitely like such a surprise.

In addition, you can please your beloved man with the following gifts:

  • expensive leather belt with a copper buckle;
  • collection of copper coins;
  • beer glass;
  • an elegant leather-bound diary complete with a luxurious writing pen;
  • A custom-made copper figurine will successfully complement the interior of your spouse’s office.

And also the wife can purchase two paired copper pendants, which will be very symbolic. Such a gift will always remind you of your loved one, while warming your soul with love and tenderness.


The best gift on this day for your beloved woman will be copper jewelry. Bracelets, earrings, pendants, various hair accessories - all this will please your soulmate, and will also be very symbolic on the occasion of such an anniversary. Since comfort in the home plays an important role for a woman, she will be pleased to receive a figurine or souvenir made of copper, which will perfectly complement the interior and fill the house with light and warmth. You can present your lady with an original vase or box, making sure to put a copper coin inside.

The best gift options for a woman on this day are:

  • high-quality woolen set consisting of a hat, mittens and scarf;
  • all kinds of decorative elements made of copper;
  • bright lamp or lamp;
  • expensive perfumes;
  • copper pendant with precious stone insert.

And give symbolic gifts. The next year after the wedding ceremony, best friends and good acquaintances were invited along with the previous guests. After a few years, new people from close family and distant relatives could be seen at the tables.

Symbols and gifts

In different countries, it is customary to celebrate wedding dates in their own way. Not all anniversaries are celebrated, and gifts do not always coincide with the symbolism of the anniversary date. In the Russian tradition, it is customary to widely celebrate the so-called “round” dates. These 25, 50, 75 years spent by a couple in marriage are considered throughout the world to be a great joint effort of a couple.

And seven years - what kind of wedding? Since ancient times, in Russia there has been a tradition of planting a family tree for a “wooden” wedding (fifth anniversary), which is usually celebrated outdoors. The “pearl” anniversary (thirtieth anniversary) is celebrated at the reservoir. During the “golden” wedding, on the fiftieth anniversary of marriage, the couple puts on new wedding rings, and the ceremony itself is carried out exactly according to the first scenario.

Wool or copper?

The couple lived together for seven years of marriage - what kind of wedding? Such questions worry friends and family, and all invitees. Everyone wants to follow traditions and please the heroes of the occasion. According to some sources, this date is associated with wool, while others - with copper. This metal is quite strong, but soft; it conducts heat and electricity well.

It is believed that by the seventh anniversary of marriage, the spouses have already managed to “get used to” each other, have learned to bypass the shortcomings and notice the advantages of their other half. This is probably why copper, as no longer black (cast iron) and not yet precious (gold) metal, is a symbol of a marriage that lasted seven years. What wedding? Of course, copper!

Copper Anniversary Gifts

On this day, spouses, in addition to other gifts, must exchange copper coins or copper rings as a guarantee of their next happy life. They lived together for seven whole years! What kind of wedding, what to give - family and friends will take care of this. Usually, those invited prepare congratulations, souvenirs, presents and surprises in advance. The family is presented with copper household utensils, cups, Turks, and candlesticks. The presence of copper objects not only symbolizes a certain level of wealth, but is also used as amulets to protect the well-being of the family.

At the same time, the seventh birthday can become critical in a couple’s relationship. Exchange of copper rings will help to cement marriage bonds for a long time.

So it became clear, seven years - what a wedding. What to give as a gift made of copper items:

  • bracelets and figurines;
  • antiques;
  • dishes;
  • simple jewelry and medallions;
  • various utensils;
  • trinkets for comfort.

How to congratulate a couple on their seventh wedding anniversary?

Seven years - what kind of wedding in family chronology? As the ancestors say, this is a copper jubilee. During the festive feast on this occasion, guests make speeches of praise, honoring the spouses. Wishes can be made in poetic form or in the form of a regular toast. Here are some greeting options:

Alternative gifts

For those who are still inclined to consider the seventh anniversary “woolen”, there is an opportunity to show attention to honoring the couple in their own way. Wool is soft and products made from it are cozy and warm. Any beautiful blanket made from such natural material will serve as a wonderful anniversary gift. After all, wrapped together in soft fabric on a cool evening, the spouses will be able to feel the closeness and warmth of each other.

Any gifts that symbolize home comfort, the warmth of the hearth, may come in handy during this beautiful holiday. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you give wool or copper. The main thing is that the family is happy and friendly for many years to come.

Gift options for a copper wedding. Congratulations in verse and prose for a woolen wedding.

After marriage, family relationships change for many couples. Now the husband considers himself the master, and his wife the keeper of the family hearth. The most interesting thing is that over time, couples get used to each other, and relationships change in better side. Spouses become more patient with each other's character traits.

If you are celebrating your 7th wedding anniversary, then you are in luck. Not everyone manages to cherish this magical date. This anniversary is called copper or wool for a reason.

Reasons for designating a copper or wool wedding:

  • Copper is a very soft and malleable metal, and accordingly, the relationship between the spouses is quite flexible. That is, a husband and wife can influence each other and correct behavior.
  • Current flows through copper wires well, so the relationship is flexible. Any request from one of the spouses finds a response.
  • Wool is a very warm material that will keep you warm in the cold of winter. So the relationship after 7 years of marriage is warm. The couple tries to warm each other and protect each other from problems.
  • But if not properly cared for, wool products will shrink and become unusable. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient with each other.

As with all anniversaries, themed gifts are relevant. Usually they buy products made of wool or copper. The gift options are truly unlimited. A little imagination is enough.

Gift options:

  • Collectible Copper Coins
  • Copper cup or ashtray
  • Wool blanket
  • Matching wool sweaters for spouses
  • Paired copper pendants
  • Copper pot, if someone in the couple is a hiker
  • Set of copper glasses for vodka

It is necessary to prepare in advance for this anniversary. Be sure to think about gifts for your beloved. It could be something thematic or necessary in the household.

Gift options for your wife:

  • Woolen scarf or stole
  • Turk made of copper
  • Cake tray
  • Fruit dish
  • Cup holders
  • Malachite box (it contains copper)

Your husband is a dear person, so don’t forget to give him a surprise.

Gift options:

  • Belt with copper plaque
  • Cigarette case
  • Copper lighter
  • Copper smoking pipe
  • Hookah
  • Pocket brass watch
  • Flash drive or mouse (there are a lot of copper elements inside)

If your children are celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary, hurry up and give them some great gifts. If possible, they should be paired.

Gift options:

  • Mittens for husband and wife
  • Wool scarves and hats
  • Copper rings
  • Homemade sheep wool slippers
  • Dog hair belt
  • Wool vests

If the spouses are organizing a holiday, and you have decided on gifts, then be sure to prepare a few beautiful lines. You can purchase a postcard and read congratulatory poems.


Seven is a great number. I wish that the amount of happiness increases as many times as the number of years you live together. Despite the fact that copper is not the most expensive metal, it is quite ductile. This is what I wish for your relationship. Live in peace and happiness.

It's been 7 years that you've been together. So much has happened over the years, but you are still young and happy. Only now your relationship has become warmer than wool. I wish you to live 5 times longer and celebrate your golden wedding.


You have lived for seven years
We will say “hurray” to you!
And it’s clear to everyone that no
For you, friends, there are obstacles.

For years let the family
Your marriage will not end.
Do you value your family?
Which got started!

The wife is one of the closest and most beloved people. She is the one who will support you in difficult times, only she is capable of not getting enough sleep at night and taking care of the children. Be sure to please your soulmate with touching poems. Let her cry on this day, but only from happiness.


Divine date - seven years for you and me!
You became my beloved, friend and wife,
I love you immensely, I appreciate you, I adore you,
I want to live my entire life with you!

My affectionate flower, you are my dove,
And whatever you want, I will do for you,
My star, burn brighter and shine,
Fill your senses with your beautiful light!


My beloved wife, I am eternally grateful to you for the happiness and comfort that you gave me. In seven years, you haven’t changed a bit and you are still the most beautiful and desirable for me. I congratulate you on our anniversary and hope that over time the copper wedding will turn golden.

You my sun. I adore you and I think that 7 years is a decent date. I want you to illuminate me with your smile for many years to come. Accept a gift from me, best wishes.

A husband is a protector and support for his beloved wife. Despite the fact that most men are not very fond of sentiment, prepare a few pleasant and beautiful lines for your spouse.


My dear, diamond man,
I have been your wife for seven wonderful years.
And with our common copper anniversary
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

May our happiness be limitless.
And for two - joint dreams.
Let everything be great in our lives.
And remember that you are better than everyone in the world!


My dear and precious husband. We have been together for 7 years already. All this time you gave me care and support. I am very glad that 7 years ago I answered “Yes”. I hope that we will live together for many more years in happiness and harmony.

My beloved and dear man. So we lived together until our copper wedding. I'm very glad I chose you. If I had the same choice before me now, I would choose you without a doubt.

If your children have been together for 7 years, do not forget to congratulate them, even if they do not celebrate their anniversary. You can call and say a few kind words or send an SMS message.


Dear children, you have been together for 7 years already. We are very glad that all these years you have lived peacefully and do not quarrel. We wish you to live until your golden wedding in peace and harmony.

Beloved Children! We are happy to congratulate you on this, albeit small, but no longer small anniversary. We know how difficult it can be to find a common language. But it is your patience and ability to compromise that keeps your marriage going. We wish to live together until old age and see our grandchildren.


Copper wedding. Seven years anniversary.
The family union is strong and strong.
Let your feelings rage like an avalanche,
Well, all the days pass to the blues.

Joy to you, incredible happiness.
Money - so you can't count it.
Let bad weather avoid the house.
You have inspiration and the desire to fly.

If your friends or acquaintances are celebrating their seventh anniversary, add some humor to your congratulations. Congratulations can be funny and humorous. You can sing ditties or say a few funny lines.


My friend, remember how you got married,
I fell in love with the bride as if I were my own,
Now you are a friendly family!
And I congratulate my friend!
I wish you many victories,
Live in the world for many years,
So that everything always works out,
I have never known despondency.

If you are planning a celebration in a restaurant, the easiest way is to order a birthday cake. There are a lot of ideas and recipes. Regarding the recipe, it can be a honey cake or sponge cake with butter or chocolate cream. If you are celebrating an anniversary in the summer, then you can supplement the cream with fruits and berries. Below are some ideas for decorating your birthday cake.

A copper wedding is an anniversary when you can draw conclusions about how successful the family is. Be sure to congratulate each other and surround your other half with care.

VIDEO: Copper wedding

A copper (or wool) wedding is celebrated after 7 years of marriage. The double name is quite symbolic, since copper speaks of the strength of the union, the flexibility and resourcefulness of characters. After all, over so many years, lovers go through a lot and learn to understand each other in a new way.

And wool speaks of the softness, warmth and care that spouses show each other.

The anniversary is also called copper because the metal cannot be completely destroyed - it is melted down and reshaped as needed. The same thing happens in healthy relationships, in which you learn to adapt to the needs of your loved one.


Not only the name is determined by year, but also new traditions appear.

Many people observe them even in our time, because it is another way to show their boundless love:

  1. Exchange copper coins. Previously, the husband gave a coin to his wife, and she answered him in kind. This gesture spoke of material well-being and financial support.
  2. In the seventh year of a family’s existence, it is customary to hang a large horseshoe over the front door. . It can be metal, wood or made of brass. In any case, such a thing will become an excellent amulet and, as our ancestors believed, it will “suck out” all the negativity from people who often come to visit.
  3. To protect his happiness on the day of celebration, the husband should carry a knife in his pocket (preferably a folding knife, so as not to arouse suspicion), and the wife should have a wallet filled with small coins with her all day.

As noted

On the seventh wedding anniversary, it is customary to make surprises or try something new and unusual. For example, going to a Chinese or Thai restaurant for the first time, flying in a hot air balloon, or going to a petting zoo.

Whether to celebrate the holiday alone or in a group is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But this day should be remembered only for bright emotions, a warm atmosphere and good things.

This is another reason to prepare in advance for important date and find out what lovers usually give to each other.

What to give your husband

According to tradition, after so many years of family life, spouses prepare gifts made of copper. They can have a purely decorative function or be actively used in everyday life:

  1. Cupgreat gift for a man who was (or is) involved in sports, in particular football. Fun engraving and pleasant words will definitely leave a good impression.
  2. Turk- a good thing in a home where every morning begins with a cup of aromatic coffee.
  3. Writing pen. It can be engraved, which will make the gift even more valuable and meaningful.
  4. Copper figurine. For antique lovers or astrology fans, if you find a figurine depicting the desired zodiac sign.
  5. Belt with high quality buckle. Such an accessory will never lie idle and will make a man’s look more complete.
  6. Ashtray or cigarette case. If your husband is not yet bored with smoking, then such a gift will come in handy more than ever.

What to give your wife

A copper wedding will be an excellent occasion to present one of the following gifts to your loving wife:

  1. Copper ring. It can be gilded, decorated with her initials or a romantic inscription.
  2. Malachite jewelry- an incredibly beautiful stone from which beads, earrings, and bracelets are made. It will suit almost any woman and will convey its positive energy.
  3. Flower. A custom metal rose is a true work of art. It will never fade and will be a symbol of eternal, unquenchable love.
  4. Casket. Your wife will definitely love this gift, especially if you fill it with delicious candies or put a love note in advance.
  5. Medal "For Loyalty". A cute souvenir that will make a woman feel on top of the world.

How to congratulate

Guests or close relatives should also not miss such an important event. They need to congratulate the loving couple with warm words and present small gifts:

  1. Any technique will become a good gift on the copper anniversary. The main thing is to make sure that this is the right thing, and it will not gather dust on the top shelf.
  2. Nameplates. An original souvenir that will be an excellent table decoration.
  3. Paired mugs. Such a gift will always remain necessary and will help keep you warm in winter and cold times.
  4. Horseshoe. A talisman for those who believe in omens and do not want misfortune to come into their home.
  5. Hookah. If a married couple likes to go clubbing or try something new, then such a gift will never go unnoticed and will be received with special delight.

Also, do not forget that the seventh anniversary is also called a wool wedding. Therefore, any clothing, bedding or bath accessories should not be left without attention.

It is customary to celebrate seven years of marriage with friends and loved ones, and many spouses wonder about a 7-year wedding, what kind of wedding is it, and what is customary to give for it. According to tradition, seven years of marriage are called copper wedding, there is also an alternative name “wool wedding”.

According to the name, you should select gifts for the newlyweds. It is best to purchase copper products, but you can give a gift made of wool as a gift, which will be useful for a married couple.

Copper wedding 7 years

You can answer in more detail the question of what kind of wedding is 7 years old, and what to give to the newlyweds for it. This anniversary is called wool and copper, so gifts should be given from these materials. Over seven years, the couple was able to get used to each other enough, to learn their habits and characters.

Copper is a symbol of the strength of family relationships; in addition, the metal is quite valuable, which speaks of the value of marriage. But, although copper is durable, it is quite soft, which suggests that the couple must experience many more moments together that will only strengthen their feelings. According to ancient traditions, spouses should give each other small gifts on this day, usually giving copper coins and hanging a horseshoe made of this metal above the door. All this is considered a symbol of happiness in the family.

Wool is considered a symbol of warmth and comfort; this is exactly what married people should give each other. But six at the same time is prickly, this is to talk about small quarrels and disagreements between spouses, which no marriage can do without.

Classic gifts

We have written in sufficient detail about the 7th anniversary wedding, what kind of wedding it is, now we can tell you what to give on this holiday. It’s worth starting with more traditional gifts that will be appropriate on this holiday:

  1. Copper coins. This congratulation option is quite inexpensive. According to tradition, the newlyweds are showered with such coins and wish them wealth, happiness in the family and prosperity.
  2. Horseshoe made of copper. The present is not only the most current, but also the most ancient. A few hundred years ago, a married couple was presented with a copper horseshoe, which the newlyweds hung above the front door. Today it will be difficult to find a metal horseshoe just like that, so usually the gift is made to order.
  3. Copper utensils. This is a practical and at the same time not expensive gift; you can purchase a full-fledged copper set for tea parties, or give a copper mug. Usually such products are engraved with wishes. It is very interesting to give two glasses with the names of your spouse carved on them. According to tradition, it is customary to give a samovar to young people, but this gift is not considered relevant in our time.
  4. Copper basin. No less the right gift for a married couple, it can be used for making jam, or for other purposes, at the discretion of the spouses. Usually on such a basin they make the inscription “So that family life is not covered with such a basin.”
  5. Copper pot. An excellent gift for those couples who often go hiking, or if the spouses have a summer house. You can cook fish soup in such a pot while fishing or hiking.

The best gifts for men

It has already been described in detail above, a 7-year wedding, what a wedding this is. Now it’s worth talking about what to give your husband on this significant day for a married couple. A woman should think through her congratulations in detail and also prepare a small surprise. You can not only present copper products, but also make a gift from wool. This option is suitable for those wives who know how to crochet or knit.

If a man spends a lot of time fishing or hiking, he will definitely need woolen mittens or socks.

As a gift for your spouse, you can choose:

  • genuine leather belt decorated with a copper buckle;
  • a souvenir made to order from copper;
  • wine cup made of copper, with engraving;
  • for a man who smokes, you can buy a copper ashtray;
  • copper beer mug;
  • collectible copper coins;
  • a copper pot if a man likes fishing.

These are excellent gift options for seven years of marriage, but this does not mean that you cannot purchase simpler gifts that are not bound by tradition. A man will be happy to receive a stylish leather-bound diary as a gift. Modern technology and electronics are no less relevant. When buying a gift for a holiday, a woman should rely on her man’s hobbies.

    Did you know what a wedding is like at 7 years old?

Present for wife

Since it has already been said, the 7th anniversary wedding, what kind of wedding, now you can find out what to give your wife on this special day. The best option There will be gifts made of wool and copper, which are symbolic in nature.

The most popular and original gifts include:

  1. Stylish jewelry. These could be copper bracelets, beautiful earrings or a pendant on a chain. Hair clips and combs are no less popular.
  2. Copper figurines. It is worth choosing products that will fit into the interior of the apartment. A copper vase or a carved jewelry box made of valuable metal looks very original.
  3. Leather wallet. This gift can be decorated with a copper lock or a beautiful buckle, and several coins made of this metal should be placed inside.
  4. Jewelry or accessories self made . Today you can find many workshops that make very unusual accessories from various materials. You can order your wife a product made of wool, which is decorated with decorative copper details. The present will be not just original, but exclusive.
  5. Stole and shawl. A nice gift for your wife if your wedding anniversary falls in the autumn season. The products are made from wool.
  6. Wool set. It is best to make it to order, or purchase it in a good store. The set may consist of a hat, mittens and scarf.

Gift from guests

We answered the question about the 7th anniversary wedding, what kind of wedding, now it’s worth talking in more detail about what to give the spouses on this special day. Guests often cannot find a gift that the spouses would like and find useful.

Here are some simple tips on what to give to a couple in love:

  1. Mug. This gift can be considered a small souvenir for a couple in love. The gift is suitable for those spouses who love tea or. You can engrave each mug with wishes for a happy family life. In addition to such a gift, it is customary to give delicious varieties of tea and coffee.
  2. Casket. This is more of a gift that your wife will like. A copper product looks expensive and beautiful; it is advisable to engrave it with congratulations.
  3. Cup holder. On such a product you can engrave with the names of the spouses, or draw family coat of arms lovers.
  4. Turk. A copper product will look attractive, and it will be convenient to brew coffee in it. This gift is suitable for those couples who like to make their own coffee. In addition to Turkish coffee, it is worth purchasing several bags of aromatic coffee.

But it is not at all necessary to give lovers exclusively gifts made of copper or wool.

You can pay attention to modern technology, this could be a blender, a slow cooker, a double boiler and other appliances that will be needed in family life. It is no less popular to give money, which should be beautifully presented in an envelope.

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