Cheap medicines for beauty and health. Cheap recipes. How to use simple pharmaceutical products in a non-standard way. Rating of the best cheap analogues from the pharmacy

Most often, we go to the pharmacy only to purchase some medicines there. And only a few representatives of the fair sex know that some pharmaceutical products can also be successfully used for cosmetic purposes, to maintain beauty. So don’t rush to turn away from sometimes unsightly packaging - they can hide great opportunities and unexpected effects! What makes sense to buy at the pharmacy specifically to maintain beauty?

Zinc ointment

This simple and laconic name hides a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that has a pronounced adsorbent, antiseptic, astringent and drying effect on the skin. This ointment can be applied to the skin not only for acne or various inflammations, but also after such a well-known procedure as facial cleansing. If you accidentally discover that a pimple is about to appear on your face, you can simply lubricate this area of ​​skin with zinc ointment before going to bed - in the morning there will be no trace of the pimple left! By the way, if you look closely at expensive acne products, you can often see zinc ointment in their composition. So why not just purchase it separately at a more affordable price?

Zinc ointment also helps cope with irritations after depilation in the bikini area - in order to get rid of irritations in one single application, the ointment is left on the skin for several hours at once. And if you apply this ointment to your heels and feet from time to time, you can significantly extend the life of a pedicure done in the salon!

Epsom salt

This drug is quite widely known under the name magnesia or magnesium sulfate, however, it is used mainly by people with a diseased liver or hypertension. However, this valuable medicine is also useful for cosmetic purposes, however, for these purposes you should purchase not ampoules, but powder. If you add one kilogram of this powder to a bathtub filled with water, you can lose a little weight in one single session! This is due to the fact that magnesia is endowed with the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, such baths will bring great benefits to people suffering from edema - magnesia perfectly helps the kidneys cope with almost any load. They will also serve well for patients with psoriasis, as magnesium perfectly cleanses the skin.

Taking baths with magnesium is recommended for those with problem skin (especially if they have acne on their body), as well as for everyone who simply wants to cleanse their body. However, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to abuse such baths - they are allowed to be taken a maximum of once a month!


This product is a great helper for fighting wrinkles! Aevit is nothing more than a mixture of the most important vitamins for maintaining beauty - vitamins E and A. And it is usually sold in capsules. Aevit is recommended to be applied under the eyes in the mornings and evenings. However, you can use it just once a day, but in this case it should be left on the skin for at least two hours, and then (if necessary) the remaining product is removed with a napkin. And if you finally have a day off, you can wear this look all day! By the way, it is advisable to use Aevit in two-week courses, after each of which you need to take a break.

Heparin ointment

This ointment can help to quickly cope with swelling. If you suddenly notice ugly bags under your eyes in the morning, just apply heparin ointment to the area!


Made from royal jelly, this drug is not only an excellent general tonic, but also boasts the ability to successfully cope with a number of cosmetic problems. And “Apilak” is produced in completely different forms - both in the form of dietary supplements, and in the form of suppositories or ointments. The ointment in combination with a dietary supplement is an excellent remedy for the treatment of neurodermatitis and seborrhea; moreover, after just a month of use, this product helps to significantly reduce the oiliness of the skin, as well as reduce itching and inflammation.

For those with problematic or oily skin, it is recommended to apply Apilak ointment in a thick layer to the face at least once a week and a half. And for people who are constantly faced with colossal mental or physical stress or suffer from chronic fatigue, it makes sense to purchase “Apilak” in the form of dietary supplements.

As you can see, even the simplest and cheapest pharmaceutical products can bring many benefits not only to our health, but also to our beauty!

Pharmacy facial products will provide professional care at home. Active ingredients act at the cellular level, solving problems of all skin types. Available solutions, ointments and acids will help tighten the oval, cope with acne and age spots, and restore the elasticity of the skin. Thanks to regular use, it is possible to prevent aging and protect the epidermis from adverse factors.

Terms of use

Pharmaceutical products are actively used in cosmetology. For rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, treating acne, can be used in home care. To solve aesthetic problems, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Pharmacy drugs have a different spectrum of action. Some allow you to achieve a lifting effect, moisturize, smooth out wrinkles. Others, on the contrary, dry, cleanse, and tone. It is worth carefully studying the composition before use.
  2. When using more than two components from a pharmacy, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist about their compatibility.
  3. Prepare in small portions; long-term storage may result in unpredictable chemical reactions.
  4. Be sure to test the prepared product for an allergic reaction.
  5. Before carrying out the caring procedure, wash your face; to enhance the results, you can steam the skin.

Review of pharmaceutical drugs

Indicated for the care of problem skin prone to acne and blackheads. An effective remedy not only for treating acne, relieving irritation and inflammation. Zinc is an important element necessary for the structure and division of cells. The ointment has protective properties against adverse environmental conditions. Smoothes wrinkles, relieves swelling. By improving the movement of lymph, it helps tighten the oval contour. Cheap but effective products can be purchased in 30 grams. for 35 rub.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

The ointment is one of the inexpensive products from the pharmacy for mature skin. Helps smooth out wrinkles, fights sagging skin, and restores elasticity. The active substance is dialysate from the blood of dairy calves, which increases regeneration processes. Improves oxygen respiration, strengthens capillaries, and is effective for the prevention of rosacea. Increases collagen synthesis, helps smooth out wrinkles of varying degrees. Solcoseryl-based anti-aging products are also used if there are wounds or burns. Restores skin after sunbathing. Buy 20 gr. possible for 314 rubles. We wrote more about the use of this ointment on the page.

The drug helps eliminate wrinkles, pigmentation, and improves skin structure. The active ingredient is isotretinoin, which is a biologically active form of vitamin A. Treat pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation, as well as the fight against acne. It has a peeling effect, stimulates collagen synthesis, and improves oxygen respiration. Thanks to regular use, you can restore color and smooth out the texture. Cost 15 gr. 330 rub. Read more about using retinoic ointment against wrinkles.

Refer to pharmaceutical acne products. Recommended for tightening pores, relieving inflammation and redness. The product is also effective against wrinkles; the composition with hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration. Thanks to the normalization of water balance, renewal processes are activated. The skin becomes firmer, more elastic, and its texture is evened out. Buy 15 gr. possible for 551 rub.

The alcohol solution has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Helps cheaply and quickly narrow pores, remove blackheads, and improve color. Does not dry out the skin, can replace a tonic for oily, problematic dermis. Price 25 ml 12 rub.

Belong to popular pharmaceutical facial care products. The sorbent removes toxins, oxidants, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The paste can be used for oily skin, as well as in anti-aging procedures to relieve swelling. Effective for getting rid of bags under the eyes, used for lifting the oval. You can buy 225 gr. for 390 rub.

The active substance is provitamin B5. Thanks to its action, it is possible to get rid of inflammation and soothe irritated dermis. Often prescribed by cosmetologists after professional cleansing, chemical and hardware peelings. Promotes integument regeneration, restores cellular metabolism. Can be used even on open wounds, burns, cracks. Strengthens the protective properties of the skin, revives after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Cost 30 gr. 425 rub.

Pharmaceutical masks

Available facial products from the pharmacy can be an excellent basis for preparing a mask. The result of use can be compared with professional cosmetics, which often include pharmaceutical products. For comprehensive care, it is recommended to use for all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Lifting mask

Age-related changes in the integument are characterized by a shift in the oval line and the appearance of deep wrinkles. It is recommended to prepare face masks with curiosin for a facelift, for sagging skin, and also for restoring a beautiful, even tone. The composition is rich in active ingredients that stimulate regeneration processes.


  • 10 gr. curiosine;

Mix the gel with a liquid solution of fish oil. Clean your face of makeup and apply a thick layer. Leave the night mask on while you rest, and wash it off in the morning as usual. It is recommended that after 35 years of age, use in 8-day courses every other day, 3-4 times a year.

Black mask

Provides deep cleansing, regulates the functioning of sebaceous secretions at home. The mask has an anti-inflammatory effect, stops the spread of infection, and soothes the skin. As a result of use, you can get rid of post-acne marks and refresh the color. It is recommended to use to prevent the appearance of rosacea stars.


  • 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • 5 ml aloe gel.

Pre-crush the coal into powder; there should be no large particles, so as not to injure the skin. Separately, dilute gelatin granules with green tea, add aloe gel. After mixing the ingredients, spread over the entire surface of the face or only on the T-area in a dense layer. Leave for 20–25 minutes, then carefully remove the film, following the massage lines. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a month.


For facial beauty and maintaining freshness and elasticity, procedures using tocopherol are recommended. Vitamin E relieves dry skin, restores elasticity, and stimulates renewal processes. It is useful to prepare a mask for moisturizing, against dry skin, cracks and pigmentation.


  • 5 ml tocopherol;
  • 10 ml Lyoton gel;

Mix pharmaceutical products, add warm almond oil. Steam your face, distribute the cosmetic mixture over the entire area of ​​the face, including the thin skin of the eyelids and around the mouth. Leave for an hour, then remove the residue with a damp sponge. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a month.


Pharmaceutical preparations will not only help get rid of pigmentation, but also protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Luxurious color and smooth structure, deep hydration, will provide an affordable home recipe. The mask prevents premature aging and activates collagen synthesis.


  • 5 gr. retinoic ointment;
  • vitamin B5 ampoule;

Dilute white clay with mineral water until you obtain a sour cream consistency. Add pharmaceutical ointment and pantothenic acid and mix thoroughly. Distribute evenly over cleansed skin, excluding eyelids and nasolabial triangle. Finish in the usual way after 15 minutes.

Video: Top pharmaceutical products for facial beauty for pennies

Vitamin C sachets can make hair more shiny, calendula tincture can get rid of pimples, and almond oil can help get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. About what pharmaceutical products and how to use them for beauty - in an interview with the deputy head of the Green Pharmacy, Elena Gavrysh.

Elena Gavrysh
pharmacist, deputy head of the Green Pharmacy chain of pharmacies

Clay is the basis of masks for face, body and hair

Clay is a universal remedy for skin and hair. It comes in different types and is used for different skin types. Yellow - for aging skin, white, green and black - for oily and problematic skin, blue is suitable for all skin types, red - for irritated, pink - for sensitive.

Clay powder should be diluted with water to a thick sour cream and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. If your skin is dry or irritated, you can add oil (almond, avocado or cedar). Some people experiment and add sour cream or honey to such a mask.

Malavit instead of lotion for problem skin

The water base of the product allows you to use it instead of lotion. "Malavit" does not dry out or damage the skin. It contains 26 Altai herbs, mumiyo, silver, copper, gum.

According to the pharmacist, the undiluted product can be used for acne 2-5 times a day or diluted with water if the skin is sensitive. Helps well with irritation and allergies. The product can also have a deodorizing effect. "Malavit" is effective for sweating of the palms, feet, and armpits. The product reduces the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, eliminates odor.

For feet and palms, baths with sea salt are used (30-50 g per 5 liters of water + “Malavit” in a volume of 10 ml). The armpits can be wiped with undiluted Malavita solution.

Calendula tincture for problem skin

Calendula tincture can be used as a lotion, but only in diluted form (minimum 1 to 1). More often for oily skin. In a concentrated state, the product is recommended to be used only locally and on inflamed areas of the skin. It is advisable to wipe your face in the morning and evening. Not recommended for use by people with sensitive and dry skin.

You can, according to Elena, use the following recipe: add 2 drops of tea tree oil to 50 ml of calendula tincture. Gently dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply directly to pimples. Repeat 2-3 times a day. However, it is not recommended to wipe the entire face with this tincture; it may cause overdrying.

Shilajit for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin

Mumiyo is suitable for enriching creams, shampoos and masks. To do this, you need to crush the product and dissolve it in a small amount of water, then add the pulp to the cosmetic product. Shilajit contains 105 natural minerals, which is why it is so useful.

The drug improves skin tone, helps smooth out wrinkles, protects the epidermis from adverse environmental influences, restores the deficiency of micro- and macroelements in the integumentary tissues, and stimulates skin regeneration processes. This is why mumijo is often included in products that reduce and eliminate scars and stretch marks.

According to the specialist, mumiyo removes waste and toxins from the skin. Regular use of masks optimally affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and cleanses the pores, which contributes to overall rejuvenation and the cessation of inflammation.

Sea salt and algae for facial care

An excellent scrub for oily skin can be a mixture of sea salt and shaving cream. You should use it no more than once a week. Dry seaweed (fucus and kelp) is good for all skin types.

According to the pharmacist, they need to be poured with boiling water, left for 30 minutes, and then frozen in the form of ice cubes. Should be used to wipe the skin. Ice cubes tone blood vessels and improve complexion. Fucus, for example, contains an almost complete set of macro- and microelements, as well as a wide range of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D3, E, K, F, H).

Zinc ointment against acne at any age

Zinc ointment should be applied to the skin of the face not in a thick layer, but directly to the pimples. It also helps well in the fight against herpes. The high zinc content helps dry the skin and get rid of inflammation.

According to the pharmacist, the positive effect will double if you first wash with tar soap. It also relieves skin from redness and rashes. However, those whose facial skin is not oily, but dry or sensitive, should be careful.

Hydrogen peroxide for problem skin

When applied to problem areas, the product acts on pathogenic microorganisms, destroying them and giving a strong impetus to increase local skin protection. This activates the immune system and quickly overcomes inflammation.

According to the specialist, you cannot use peroxide daily and as a full-fledged lotion. Only pointwise.

The solution, when it comes into contact with inflamed skin, literally “brings to the surface” impurities and pus. If the process of acne formation does not have an “internal” nature associated with a general disease of the body or hormonal imbalances, then hydrogen peroxide dries out acne and helps get rid of them.

Ascorbic acid for shine and color of colored hair

In powder form, ascorbic acid can be added to water (1 sachet per 1 liter of water) and rinsed with hair. Result: more durable and rich color, shine and silkiness of hair. In addition, this product is ideal as one of the components of a nourishing mask.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Improves blood circulation, thanks to which the hair follicles receive sufficient nutrition. Its action also has a beneficial effect on problematic scalp. The vitamin creates an acidic environment. While shampoos and soaps are alkaline to wash away dirt. Alkali opens the hair scales, making it duller and more brittle. Vitamin C brings hair into the desired condition and nourishes it.

Vitamins A, B, E for gorgeous hair and beautiful lips

Vitamin E in capsules is suitable for strengthening nails. It is enough to pierce the capsule and rub its contents into the cuticle and nail plate. You can also add the vitamin to your face cream or apply it directly to your face. Vitamin E is recommended in the fight against skin aging, redness, irritation and hangnails.

- Aevit (contains vitamins A and E)- multivitamin preparation in capsules. They can be pierced and then lubricated with the solution on chapped, dry lips.

According to the specialist, it is better to combine both vitamins. Vitamin E neutralizes the harmful effects of vitamin A, which increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Both promote skin healing, enhance regenerative processes and promote skin renewal. Vitamin A also helps fight wrinkles.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12 Great for hair care. B1 gradually reduces hair dryness, brittleness and loss of shine. Adding vitamin B1 to masks returns hair smoothness, natural shine, nourishes and restores structure. Vitamin B6 fights hair loss, itching and skin irritation. It is usually applied to the roots. Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobolamine) helps strengthen the roots, improves hair nutrition, and stimulates its growth. It adds shine to the hair, which is why it makes sense to apply it both at the roots and along the entire length.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) restores shine to hair. When added to shampoo (in powder form), it reduces the harm of sulfate, which is part of many shampoos.

Oils instead of expensive creams or hair masks

Cedar oil often more effective than face creams and considered healthier. No other vegetable oil can compare in composition to the composition of cedar oil. For example, it contains more vitamin E, which is necessary for the skin, which is responsible for its youth, than in coconut or olive oil. In terms of the amount of vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids), cedar nut oil surpasses even one of its most basic sources - fish oil. It is preferable to apply to the skin in the evening. After 10-15 minutes, you can blot your face with a napkin to remove any remaining oil. Cedar oil contains vitamins (B1, B2, B3, A and D) and phytoncides that heal the skin. There are also macro- and microelements: phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese.

Burr oil As a hair mask, it is excellent for stimulating growth and strengthening. Moreover, for any hair type. Can be used either alone or in the form of mixed masks.

The composition of this product includes vitamins, mineral salts, flavonoids, beneficial acids, essential and fatty oils (palmitic and stearic acids), biologically active and tannins, natural inulin, protein.

Almond oil is well absorbed by the skin, regulating its water-lipid balance, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and tonic effect.

Thanks to its light texture, almond oil is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy film on it. It is suitable for caring for tired and aging skin, quickly restoring its tone and texture. Indispensable for sensitive and problematic skin, as well as mixed skin types. In addition, almond oil is considered a good natural remedy for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Ecology of life. Beauty: In everyday self-care, not only berries and vegetables grown in the country, or sour cream purchased for potato pancakes, but also pharmacy products can be useful. The price for it is often cheap. Well, it’s certainly cheaper than cosmetics - even mass market ones. But is it true that calendula tincture helps get rid of acne, and glycerin and Vaseline will turn tired feet into perfectly smooth ones?

In everyday self-care, not only berries and vegetables grown in the country, or sour cream purchased for potato pancakes, but also pharmacy products can be useful. The price for it is often cheap. Well, it’s certainly cheaper than cosmetics - even mass market ones.

But is it true that calendula tincture helps get rid of acne, and glycerin and Vaseline will turn tired feet into perfectly smooth ones? Let's find out from a professional!

We talked about options for budget-friendly and effective self-care with cosmetologist Natalya Gapeeva.

Pharmacy products - a replacement for everything?

Pharmacy products cannot replace complete skin care for the face and body, since products from the pharmacy are aimed only at eliminating skin problems such as dryness and allergic reactions. Various thoughtless experiments with them can lead to undesirable consequences: irritation, burns, clogged pores, and as a result, pustular rashes. Of course, there are age restrictions when using any drug, which is important to consider when selecting funds.

Products that are used daily in facial skin care at a certain age and do not cause unpleasant sensations - dryness, tightness, irritation - can be used regularly. Only depending on age you need to add separate eyelid skin care and lifting procedures. In any case, you should consult a specialist.

Ichthyol ointment and calendula for acne

Ichthyol ointment and calendula can be used, but very carefully, as they can leave burns on the inflamed area, which will lead to pigmentation. Ichthyol ointment is applied to the problem area for 3-5 minutes. You can repeat the procedure several times during the day. Calendula tincture is also used locally. And calendula ointment can be left on for a long time.

Glycerin and Vaseline for soft feet

Can be used without restrictions. Indeed, the skin of the feet will become soft and tender. After all, these ingredients are contained in foot skin care creams. Also, if there are cracks, you can use calendula ointment, panthenol, bepanthen, solcoseryl ointment, Reparef-1, Reparef-2 ointment, rub in AEvit oil. And don’t forget about the foot scrub before the procedure, as it helps remove dead skin particles, and the effect of the treatments will be greater.

AEvit for face and hair

AEvit can be used externally for dry skin, but you should not overuse it. It is better to take the drug in a course: one month every six months. Your skin will thank you!

As for the hair ends, AEvit is an oil-based vitamin that can be added to a hair mask and left for 15-20 minutes. Apply 5 cm from the roots, then rinse with plenty of water. After this procedure, your hair will look well-groomed, just like after going to the salon.

You need to use it once a week for dry and brittle hair, once a month for normal hair. If you want to pamper your curls with vitamins that do not require rinsing, then it is better to use B vitamins (ampoules). And you should always remember that thoughtless use of products leads to hair loss and fragility.

For dry lips - Vaseline with sugar and salt

For dry lips, you can use cosmetic Vaseline with mink oil, but as for sugar and salt - under no circumstances! This will lead to injury to the delicate skin of the lips, cracks, dryness, and peeling will appear. The skin of the lips really loves products based on hyaluronic acid - serums, masks and creams. Lips will look well-groomed and voluminous, as “hyaluronic acid” attracts water.

Nicotinic acid for hair growth

Nicotinic acid can be used for rubbing into the scalp, because it is vitamin B3, PP, nicotinamide, niacinamide. It is necessary to use “nicotine” only for clean and washed hair. Open the ampoule, pour the contents into a container using a syringe, and rub the acid into the scalp.

Full ampoules cannot be stored when opened, because the components of the “nicotine” are quickly destroyed in air. Contraindications to this drug: individual intolerance. Before using it, you need to do a test: rub it into the temporal area and wait 10-15 minutes. If there is no burning or redness, then nicotine can be used. Vitamin biotin also has a good effect on hair and skin.

Sea salt and water for scalp

Salt can cause irritation and stinging. Therefore, you should not use it, as it will lead to dryness not only of your hair, but also of your scalp. There are special scrubs that exfoliate dead skin particles, increase microcirculation, which helps improve blood supply to the hair follicles. After this procedure, hair products will provide more benefits than usual. Scrubbing can be done 1-2 times a month.

Chamomile tincture ice for face

Of course, ice is good for the skin. It improves the elasticity and tone of blood vessels (prevention of rosacea, erythrosis), blood microcirculation. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula, cornflower, blackcurrant leaves, peppermint, echinacea are used for problematic, oily and normal skin. Aloe juice and arnica decoction will help get rid of dark circles, bruises, and bags under the eyes. Cucumber juice has a beneficial effect on skin with pigmentation.

Procedures with wiping the face with ice are especially good if done in the morning. Your face will look fresh and rested!

For irritation after shaving: 2 dissolved aspirin tablets and 1 spoon of glycerin

Under no circumstances should you use this “life hack”! Aspirin is an acid that will lead to irritation, redness, and ultimately flaking and dryness. Glycerin may moisturize, but will not relieve sensitivity or soothe the skin. After all, during shaving, the skin gets injured. Therefore, you need to use products that soothe and relieve irritation. Panthenol 3%, face and body milk, and gel-based products containing green tea are suitable. The lighter the product (i.e. not oil-based), the softer the skin will be.

Fish oil for vitaminizing facial skin

Fish oil is a storehouse of beneficial properties and vitamins. Can be used for both face and body. For the face, we apply fish oil as a mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cold water. Be careful with the skin around your eyes!Here fish oil should be applied only in a thin layer, otherwise swelling may occur.

It is better to do this procedure in the evening 2 hours before bedtime, because fish oil has an unpleasant odor - and going to work after such a mask will not be very pleasant. At the end of the procedure, you should not apply cream, as it will weigh down the skin. We use a fish oil mask once a week.

Chlorhexidine for disinfection and dullness of facial skin

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic and is not suitable for frequent use on sensitive skin. It is good to use if you have oily skin, complicated acne or oily seborrhea. During the rash, wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening. However, it is worth remembering the possible intolerance to chlorhexidine.

Mouthwash for removing bruises

This is a new product for me, I can’t say that it will help with hematomas. The best remedy is troxevasin, heparin, arnica ointment, and bodyaga. These drugs improve microcirculation, so the hematoma goes away faster.

This will be interesting for you:

Advice from a cosmetologist:

All girls know: proper daily care will give noticeable results. Every day your skin needs:

1. Cleansing (gel, foam, cream mousse),

2. Toning (lotion, tonic),

3. Intensive care (use of serums),

4. Protection (cream according to skin type, and in summer we use SPF),

5. Using a facial scrub (1-2 times a week).

6. Masks according to skin type (2 times a week for dry skin, 1 time a week for oily skin, for problem and combination skin - 1-2 times a week).

Add here the “pharmacy life hacks” that we talked about above, and you will meet this fall healthy and beautiful! published

Did you know that hemorrhoid creams and suppositories prevent the appearance of wrinkles? Can aspirin cleanse and even out the skin in a week? That ordinary licorice will get rid of age spots?

In order to always be beautiful and well-groomed, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. There are a lot of folk remedies that will help eliminate skin problems and imperfections. The best selection of anti-aging products - for you!


A solution of dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide) has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and moderate regenerating and analgesic properties. Dimexide is an excellent conductor and solvent of substances. In other words, the dimexide solution activates the properties of the components mixed with it and favors the penetration of these substances into the deeper layers of the skin. This is the basis for the use of dimexide in cosmetology.

Masks with dimexide activate cellular metabolism, improve blood circulation and promote deep penetration of mask components into the skin. Dimexide is used in cosmetology in masks for problem skin, for acne and inflammation, in the care of oily, combination skin, as well as in the care of oily hair and inflamed scalp. It disinfects areas of inflammation, dries the skin and prevents the progression of infection on the skin.

In skin and hair care, dimexide is used both as compresses (mixing a solution of dimethyl sulfoxide with products such as tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, lemon juice, oil solutions of vitamins), and as an active ingredient in hair masks with burdock. or castor oil. Masks with dimexide help eliminate skin problems, significantly strengthen hair and help accelerate its growth.

Dimexide solution is sold at the pharmacy in a dosage of 50/100 ml. in a bottle. But be careful! Dimexide is not used in cosmetology in its pure form. Depending on your need, the solution is diluted with purified water in a ratio of 1:5 - 1:12, and only a little of the diluted solution is added to the cosmetic mask - cream. But even in this case, it is necessary to protect the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth from contact with the active substance.

Any product containing dimethyl sulfoxide is applied only to previously cleansed skin. For preventive purposes in caring for problem skin or hair, it is enough to use masks with dimexide once every 7-10 days, for therapeutic purposes - 2-3 times a week in a course not exceeding 8-10 procedures. The use of the drug in home beauty recipes should not be long-lasting, and even more so be permanent.

Dimexide has contraindications for use: pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases, atherosclerosis, cataracts. Therefore, before using the drug, carefully read the instructions! Use dimexide in cosmetology only as an adjuvant, not forgetting about precautions.

To accelerate hair growth, do it 2 times a week by adding 1 teaspoon of Dimexide to hot sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil itself accelerates hair growth, and when mixed with it, it helps to grow hair by 3-4 cm per month! If you notice that your hair is overfed with oil, then after the masks, rinse it with apple cider vinegar diluted half with water.

Mask for rapid hair growth - oil vitamins A and E, lemon juice, pharmaceutical drug Dimexide - all 2 teaspoons, mix and under plastic for an hour. Hair grows very quickly, although it does sting a little.

Creams and suppositories for hemorrhoids prevent the appearance of wrinkles

This non-standard use of hemorrhoid cream will help smooth out even deep wrinkles. It's all about shark liver oil and other substances that tighten and regenerate tissue and eliminate swelling.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are softened in a water bath until creamy, then applied under the eyes or even all over the face.

For example, model Kate Moss knows that to hide dark circles under the eyes and refresh your face after a sleepless night, simply apply hemorrhoid cream. The star smears it on the skin around the eyes and all swelling. “This is just a luxurious product,” says Kate, “It works instantly.”

Aspirin scrub

To renew your skin, it’s good to make a cleansing mask of aspirin once a week. Place a drop of water on the aspirin. It is granulated. Add a teaspoon of honey and mix. Apply to face for 10 minutes, then massage like a scrub and rinse off. The mask removes all redness and evens out the skin.

Retinoic ointment for rejuvenation

The action of retinoic ointment is based on the direct stimulating effect of retinoic acid and its derivatives retinoids on the skin. Retinoids are synthetic analogs of vitamin A.

The ointment is positioned as an anti-acne, but it is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, and removes redness. Can be used as a cream.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles

Using zinc ointment you can fight wrinkles. Moreover, if zinc ointment for acne is applied only to the edges of the inflammation, then in the case of wrinkles it can be safely applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of aged skin. However, you should definitely remember that this product dries out the skin quite strongly, so it must be used in combination with moisturizing creams, otherwise the sensitive skin under the eyes and around the mouth (where wrinkles most often accumulate) will very quickly turn into dry and flaky.

Hydrocortisone ointment instead of Botox, against crow's feet

Hydrocortisone ointment helps retain moisture in the skin, which explains the “wrinkle reduction” effect. In fact, wrinkles will not decrease - swelling is created on the skin, which “stretches” them.

First, it is better to test your skin for an allergic reaction. If all is well, feel free to fight wrinkles.

Hydrocortisine eye ointment is a hormonal treatment for treating allergies and relieving inflammation.

Liquid vitamins for rejuvenation

Buy oil capsules of vitamins A and E, puncture them, squeeze out the contents little by little and apply to wrinkles. Lightly beat in with your fingers and leave for half an hour. Then blot off the excess with a napkin. Do this for one week every month, maybe at night, maybe during the day. Add these vitamins to face masks, the effect is excellent.

Even orally, take 1 capsule once a month for 7-10 days - good for complexion, hair and nails.

Vitamin A has a huge number of different properties.

Vitamin A normalizes metabolism in skin tissues. Very effective for early stretch marks, as well as various skin diseases (burns, eczema, etc.). This is the king of vitamins in anti-wrinkle creams!

Vitamin E capsules

Vitamin E can be added to creams or other cosmetics. Vitamin E improves complexion, stimulates cell renewal, and has wound-healing properties. It has an antioxidant effect, protecting collagen and elastin from destruction by free radicals, resulting in smoother and tighter skin.

Vitamin F is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids designed to cleanse and nourish skin, especially dry, irritated and with obvious signs of aging. Vitamin F (at a concentration of 3-7%) helps strengthen the epidermal barrier, restore hydrolipid balance, and therefore moisturize the skin and increase its turgor.

Sulsena paste

An effective remedy for dandruff and its prevention, as well as for nutrition and hair growth.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is used in dermatology to treat acne and infectious skin diseases, as it has antiseptic, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects. It must be applied precisely to pimples or inflammations.

Licorice - licorice - against age-related pigmentation

Liquorice root extract regulates the production of melanin, which helps fight age-related dark spots. Liquorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, and tightens the facial contour.

You can use it by simply brewing licorice root, infusing it, wiping your face or rinsing your mouth.

Boric alcohol

Boric alcohol is a simple and inexpensive acne treatment. You just need to wipe the problem areas on your face with a cotton pad soaked in it. This remedy will not bring immediate results, but with regular use it can relieve you of rashes for a long time.

Castor oil

Castor oil is traditionally used in folk medicine to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. It can be added to hair masks or simply rubbed into the scalp; it is also recommended to lubricate eyelashes so that they grow faster and thicker.

Blefarogel 1

Blefarogel contains hyaluronic acid, which cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also increases its elasticity. The formula also contains aloe extract, which has antiseptic properties and improves metabolism in the skin of the eyelids. This remedy is effective against bags under the eyes.

Capsicum tincture

Hot pepper stimulates blood circulation and enhances the effect of castor oil. Helps with hair loss, especially in winter and spring.

Tincture of capsicum as a means for strengthening hair: 1:1 with castrum oil (you can also use burdock oil) - shake well in a paint bottle with a screw-on spout - it is more convenient to apply, and apply to the roots, rubbing a little, massaging, under the plastic and towel for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with warm water (apply shampoo 2-3 times).

Calcium chloride

Peeling - Hollywood cleansing: apply a solution of calcium chloride to a clean, dry face, wait until it dries, then apply a second layer and wait for it to dry again. Lather your hands with soap and massage the skin, rolling up pellets. The mechanism is as follows: calcium chloride interacts with soap (sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids), potassium or sodium chloride and insoluble calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids are formed, which rolls off, simultaneously capturing part of the upper layer of keratin scales. This results in a gentle superficial peeling.

The use of calcium chloride to cleanse the skin is possible in the absence of inflammatory elements.

Lactic acid

Peeling with lactic acid - superficial. Lactic acid can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy, or you can use drops from the HILAC FORTE pharmacy; some Hilak Forte add 10 drops per 30 ml of cream to creams. Hilak forte contains 90% acid.

Milk peeling can be recommended for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. It evens out the skin, whitens, moisturizes well, the skin becomes fresh, saturated with moisture, smooth skin, suitable for those who are allergic to glycolic peeling.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant and antibacterial properties. We are used to using it to disinfect wounds and abrasions, but it can also be used to combat acne and inflammation on the face. It is also effective as an antiseptic for trimmed manicures and eyebrow correction. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a lotion or tonic, after diluting it with water. Perfect for problem skin.


Bodyaga powder has exfoliating properties, so it can be used in cosmetology as a treatment for aging skin, resurfacing and removing wrinkles, scars, acne, and age spots. In addition, the product deeply cleanses pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. The product is used in the following way: pour boiling water over the powder, heat for 3 minutes, add 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide or boric acid solution, stir to a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to the face with circular massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. After the mask is completely dry, rinse with warm water.


Shilajit is an effective remedy against early stretch marks. The tablet must be dissolved in water (or buy ready-made Mumiyo cream) and lubricate the problem area with the resulting mixture.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon - crush, brush your teeth, rinse well, if done a couple of times a week - whitens well. You can add a drop of lemon oil to toothpaste - it also has a whitening effect.


Hand mash. Mix equal amounts of glycerin, 70% alcohol, and ammonia.

Hand rub: 2 parts glycerin, 1 part each water, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. Apply after washing your hands and then put on cotton gloves.

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