Sheared beaver fur coats: models, tips for choosing. How to clean a sheared beaver fur coat. Beaver fur coats Beaver fur

To please lovers of fur products, designers annually release new models of fur coats. Different types of fur are used to make them; they differ in styles and colors. A beaver fur coat is considered a practical option - with careful use, such a thing will last for many years and will attract with its luster and elegance. In terms of quality characteristics, the beaver is in no way inferior to the mink, and sometimes surpasses it.

Regardless of what the fur coat is cut from - whole skins or strips, the product looks expensive and stylish. A beaver coat can have soft and fluffy fur or plucked pile. The latter option looks simpler and looks like a fur coat. Products with long pile are more expensive because they look more attractive and noble.

The large hair of a beaver can be confused with the fur of other animals, as it looks thick and shiny. In addition to their attractive appearance, beaver fur coats have the following advantages:

  • high wear resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good heat retention.

After snow and rain, such fur coats do not lose their appearance, but, on the contrary, come to life. The fur begins to shine and shine even more. At the same time, the pile dries quickly.

Properly tanned skins should not have bald spots, and their weight should be light.

Types of fur

The appearance, performance qualities, and cost of the product directly depend on what kind of beaver fur was used for sewing.


This type of beaver has a thick undercoat, so its fur is more valuable due to its high thermal insulation. Fur coats from the Canadian variety of beaver look voluminous and shiny. Color varies from light brown to dark chocolate.


This type of fur requires complex hand-dressing, which is why it is more expensive than others. Fur coats made from this material look impressive and expensive, but their thermal characteristics are inferior to others.


These coats are cut from whole skins. Unprocessed beaver fur looks stylishly expensive and noble. It is worth considering that products made from young beaver look better.

Natural wild beaver fur is easily dyed, so it can be given any shade.


Swamp beavers are called nutria. The fur of these animals has identical properties. They have a thick undercoat. The fur is quite dense, but not as dense as that of beavers. The same goes for skin. Compared to beaver, it is thinner and therefore not as reliable. Fur coats made from nutria have a shorter service life; they are worn for 5-7 seasons. The disadvantage of lint is its increased fat content, which often causes an unpleasant odor.


By Argentine beaver they mean the same nutria, since these animals are bred there. Such products are more suitable for European winter.


Despite the fact that modern faux fur is of high quality, it is inferior in appearance and performance to natural fur. It does not have a thick undercoat, which negatively affects thermal insulation. The second disadvantage is the lack of water resistance. After rain and snowfall, artificial fur coats do not look as aesthetically pleasing as natural ones.

Despite their weaknesses, faux beaver fur coats are in demand because they are budget-friendly.

Styles and models

Modern fur products differ in cut and design, so every woman can find a suitable option, regardless of age and body shape.


This option is the warmest and most practical. The hood will be a salvation for ladies who do not like scarves and hats, and will save the owner from gusts of strong wind. Despite the convenience, many women refuse to buy fur coats with a hood, as they have a slightly sporty style.

It is worth considering that a hood does not always look appropriate with high heels and chic outfits.

From pieces

Flared fur coats are often sewn this way, since it is difficult to create such a style using whole skins. Products made from pieces often have a non-standard design and are affordable. The pieces are also used to create plucked fabric.

With stand-up collar

The detail looks aesthetically pleasing and laconic, which is why grown-up ladies love fur coats with a stand-up collar. The element serves as decoration and gives the product a feminine touch. This fur coat is universal and goes with all outfits, but looks better with festive and formal wear. Another advantage of the stand is that it reliably protects the throat from the wind.


Models that reach mid-thigh or slightly lower are cheaper than long ones and are suitable for car enthusiasts. To avoid freezing, it is recommended to wear such a short fur coat with high boots or over the knee boots. The model is suitable for girls of short stature, as it visually lengthens the legs.

With zipper

This element is rarely installed on women's fur coats, as it visually simplifies the product. However, the zipper is practical and convenient, since it reliably protects from the wind and fastens faster than buttons. The detail looks better on sheepskin coats and items for children.


Despite the fact that natural beaver fur can be dyed well, in most cases the products are produced in classic colors.


Black beaver fur looks expensive and presentable, suits women of any color type, and harmonizes with clothes of all colors. Charcoal color is considered the most practical.


Snow-white fur coats look fabulous and magical and will adorn any lady. The only drawback of the color is that it gets dirty quickly.


Gray fur coats are suitable for everyday wear and look stylish and modern.


The most popular color. Brown is versatile and is often complemented by other colors.


When buying a fur coat, you need to pay attention not only to the style and quality of the fur, but also to the length of the product, since this criterion directly affects comfort and warmth.


This option is suitable for frozen creatures. This fur coat covers the entire body and looks stylish. Maxi products are on trend and add mystery to the look.

Preference should be given to dark colors, as the hem will collect dirt.

Up to the knees

The classic and most practical length. A knee-length fur coat will prevent you from freezing, but will be comfortable to wear. It has less weight and does not hinder movement. The product can be combined with different things of various styles.


This option is not suitable for cold winters. Short fur coats are more often chosen by girls who drive cars, since the product does not interfere with driving up to the thigh. Suitable for late autumn.

How to choose

Often, unscrupulous manufacturers offer lower quality fur products made from nutria or rex rabbit under the guise of unshorn beaver. You can distinguish a sheared or long-haired beaver by the following characteristics:

  • you need to iron the product along the direction of the pile and against it. If the fur is soft on both sides, then it is not a beaver;
  • you need to blow hard on the fur or push it apart. If beaver skins were used for sewing, the undercoat will be visible below.

And, of course, you need to buy fur coats only from trusted manufacturers who monitor their reputation.

What to wear with

What things to complement a beaver fur coat depends only on individual preferences and general style. When creating an image, you need to consider what style the fur coat is and what color it is made of.

Classic models are universal, they can be worn with any wardrobe item: dresses, skirts, trousers and even jeans. For footwear, you can choose boots with medium heels or solid soles. A stylish handbag made of genuine leather and an embroidered scarf will help complement the outfit.

Stylish looks 2019

Options for spectacular images:

  • black straight-cut fur coat + dark blue velvet dress + over-the-knee boots with solid soles + suede bag;
  • short fur coat made of black sheared beaver with a silver fox collar + black jumper and trousers + high suede boots + scarf with a Khokhloma pattern;
  • medium length gray fur coat + skinny jeans + white sweater + black ugg boots + sock hat.

Leather gloves can be an additional accessory to outfits. If the product has short sleeves, preference should be given to high gloves.

In order for the fur coat to please the owner for several seasons, when choosing a product it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • for girls with a sporty figure, it is better to choose products of a simple cut, knee-length;
  • For hourglass type women, fitted models and fur coats are ideal;
  • ladies with a massive bottom should give preference to flared products;
  • On a round figure, straight-cut fur coats, as well as trapezoidal models, will look good.

As for the color, the presence of a belt, hood, collar, voluminous pockets and other decorative elements, then you need to be guided only by your own preferences.

Clothes whose characteristics are not inferior to a sheared mink fur coat...

Why do many women today choose sheared beaver fur coats? Usually, all representatives of the fair sex have the same dreams - everyone wants to purchase a high-quality natural fur coat at an affordable price, but one that looks expensive. Beaver coats meet this requirement. Let's talk about their merits!

Interesting historical facts

Beaver pelt attracted people's interest several centuries ago. Even then, beaver fur was highly valued by merchants. It was with them that merchants paid for valuable goods. Why was beaver fur the unit of payment in merchant times? The animal's fur was highly valued for its beauty and ability to retain heat. In Rus', during the reign of Ivan IV, only boyars were allowed to wear beaver fur coats. Such outfits were prohibited for ordinary people.

What are the features of fur?

Modern stylists love to experiment with sheared beaver fur, since the skins of these animals are still in high demand today. The advantage of this fur is that it never gets wet, therefore, fashionistas can safely wear a beaver fur coat even in the rain.

On a note! Fashion designers give preference to the Canadian animal, since its undercoat is denser than that of its relatives from other countries.

The natural color of the skins is especially valued. The noble dark chocolate color on the back, smoothly turning into light colors, looks extraordinary and attractive.

The durability of beaver coats exceeds mink coats and is second only to. The thick undercoat provides high thermal characteristics to the fur.

Sheared beaver fur coat: the most fashionable models 2018-2019

Today the greatest demand is shortened models beaver coat. The stylish look will be completed with leather boots with high wide heels and a mink hat. But here you should remember that such an image is suitable only for a slender fashionista.

Fur coats look exclusive with transverse stripes, straight cut and patch pockets. Jeans and any style of boots are ideal for these models.

It is worth paying special attention to the sheared beaver fur coat in white. Such products, regardless of the tailoring features, always give the girl elegance and charm. They will be ideally combined with both a dress (skirt) and.

Finishing and combination

This season, the trend is fur coats made of sheared fur with a fur collar or hood made from a different type of fur, which differs not only in the length of the pile, but also in color. For example, a beaver coat with a lynx collar, as in the photo:

How to distinguish a fake?

There are several criteria that will allow the buyer to verify the authenticity of beaver fur:

  1. There will always be a beaver coat severe.
  2. To avoid confusing a beaver with a rabbit, you should run your hand over the fur. Rabbit fur, unlike beaver fur, is delicate and soft.
  3. The length of the beaver fur strips in the product will not be less than 30 cm. Therefore, there will be few seams in the beaver fur coat.

How to evaluate the quality of fur?

Every customer who is interested in a sheared beaver fur coat should know the rules by which the quality of the fur is determined and the tailoring is assessed.

Let's consider the criteria that indicate high quality winter fur clothing:

  • After compression, the fur immediately straightens out and takes on its original appearance.
  • The fibers of beaver fur should always be directed in one direction, the texture should be even.
  • There should be no visible glue on the seams.
  • The presence of a foreign odor indicates improper painting.
  • The flesh in a fur coat should be thick and at the same time elastic - this is a sign of high quality.

Experts say that It’s better to buy a sheared beaver fur coat in specialized salons. Such establishments, worried about their reputation, prefer to sell quality products, providing truthful information about their product. In addition, the warranty card issued by specialized stores requires the delivery of goods in case of detection of defects.

What is the price?

When buying a beaver fur coat, you should pay attention to its cost. It is worth understanding that the price of a sheared fur coat cannot be low, otherwise this should alert the buyer, because a low price tag may indicate a low-quality product.

It should be remembered that the cost is based on:

  • fur quality;
  • product length;
  • a collar made of other, more expensive fur;
  • quality of tailoring;
  • brand popularity.

In Moscow, beaver fur coats are offered by brands such as MARINA FURS, NAFA, SAGA, KOPENGAGEN FUR. The average cost of such fur coats ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles.

How to remove dirt from fur?

At the end of the season of active wear, every owner begins to think about how to clean a sheared beaver fur coat at home. Experts usually recommend using dry cleaning services. Self-cleaning will give a positive result only with light stains.
Let's look at the most effective cleaning methods:

  1. Mix in equal parts in a glass container alcohol, vinegar and water. Using a swab dipped in the resulting solution, wipe the fur against the grain. At the end of the procedure, wipe with a clean damp cloth.
  2. To remove greasy stains solution prepare like this:
    – add salt (3 teaspoons) to water (500 ml);
    – the solution is stirred;
    – ammonia (1 teaspoon) is added to the liquid.
    Using a swab dipped in the solution, wipe the fur against the grain. After the procedure, the pile is wiped with a damp, clean cloth.
  3. Cleaning dirt hot sand. The fur coat is laid out on a flat surface, the dirty area is evenly covered with hot sand and rubbed into the fur with the palm of your hand. When finished, the sand is shaken out of the product.

After cleaning the fur with a solution, hang the fur coat on a hanger and dry at room temperature. Drying with heating devices is prohibited. After drying, the fur is combed with a special brush.

How to store?

In order for a fur product to last a long time, it needs to be properly cared for. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Fur should not be stored in a plastic bag. Experts recommend sewing a fabric cover.
  2. To combat insects, repellent tablets are placed in pockets and tags are hung on hangers.
  3. Every 3 months the fur coat is taken out of the cover for ventilation.
  4. The fur product should be placed in the closet so that it has free access to air.

If you comply with these requirements and wear the fur product carefully, then a sheared beaver fur coat will delight the owner with its beauty for at least 10 years.

Photo: A fur coat is not a luxury, but a means of escape from the frost, photo

Of course, if you want to be economical, you need to buy a sleigh, that is, a fur coat, in the summer. And if you want to choose a better model, now is the time. But when setting out for women’s winter happiness, it’s worth keeping some points in mind. So…

What is the most wearable fur coat?

  • Made from otter and river beaver fur (not plucked!) it will last 18-20 seasons;
  • From seal fur 17 seasons;
  • From mink - 10 seasons;
  • From marten and white fox 7 seasons.
  • From astrakhan fur, sheepskin (aka mouton) and seal 6 seasons;
  • Muskrat, fox, plucked nutria 5 seasons;
  • From squirrel and marmot 4 seasons;
  • From rabbit and hare - one to two years.
  • Chinchilla and rabbit (hare) – 1-2 seasons.

But experts should keep in mind the intensity of use of the products. If 15-20 years ago a fur coat was still a relative luxury, now it has become an everyday item. and if you wear the same mink, as they say, both at the feast and in the world, according to the Russian Fur Union, the estimated duration of wearing such a product will be about 6 seasons (instead of 10). And this is if the thing is of high quality, and not sewn, I don’t understand where.

Also keep in mind that dyed furs wear out 10-20% faster.

At the same time, the durability of sheared fur (it warms worse) is 20-40% higher, and fur coats made from whole skins are about 20% more durable than even a well-sewn fur coat made from scraps.

Which fur coat is the warmest?

We, of course, are not in the Arctic, but even -20 in the same Epiphany frosts can last for a week or two. So if you’re going to choose a fur coat, it’s not to show off your eyes, but to warm your soul and body. The warmest fur is considered to be the skins of reindeer (they are also sold), arctic fox, raccoon dog, fox, beaver, marten and sable. A less warm fur coat is obtained from mink, kolinsky, astrakhan fur, ermine, and chinchilla. Products made from rabbit, goat, and marmot fur have reduced heat resistance. And the fur of a hamster and gopher warms up very poorly.

Which fur coat is the lightest?

But the same naughty and cold hamster, gopher and hare will feel like feathers on your shoulders. Medium-weight products are made from mink, rabbit, nutria, muskrat, squirrel, and ferret. And the heaviest fur coat is made from the skin of a wolf, raccoon dog, otter, beaver, arctic fox, sable, astrakhan fur.

Much also depends on the thickness of the fur, when it was slaughtered (winter fur is the most beautiful and fluffy), and whether it went through a thinning (pinch) or shearing procedure.

In plucked fur, the guard hair is removed entirely (plucked); when shearing, it is shortened. The essence of plucking is that the coarser hair is removed from the fur, after which only the velvety underfur remains on the skin. The result is a texture reminiscent of natural velvet, very pleasant to the touch. Pinching is a more expensive operation than shearing (especially since after pinching the skin is in most cases trimmed to even out the height of the fluff). But plucking, alas, although it makes the fur nice and light, is only suitable for very light frosts.

After cutting, if you run your hand against the pile, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. New processing technologies, for example, laser cutting, make it possible to apply different three-dimensional patterns to the fur.

How to determine the quality of fur?

Run your hand against the fur: the down is thick, long hairs do not break, the fur quickly falls into place, and the skin is soft to the touch? The fur is quite high quality. And yet, test it again: tug. If there are hairs left in your hand that have separated from the skin of your fur coat, it will shed constantly. Shake your fur coat. If the villi do not fall off too intensely, everything is fine. If the fur coat “rattles” like oilcloth, the fur is overdried and is unlikely to be worn for a long time, and it will quickly lose its shape. Pay attention to the seams - they should be stitched thinly, neatly and almost not palpable.

From lysops to an unprecedented animal

If you buy a dyed fur coat, rub the fur with a handkerchief: no traces of paint should remain. Keep in mind that fur coloring is not always a consequence of the designer’s imagination or a necessity (for example, for wild nutria, fur coloring is mandatory, because the natural color is not very attractive). Paint can be used to cover up the imperfections of fur in order to pass off cheap as expensive, or used as new.

There are glued fur coats on the market; glue is used instead of seams; such a fur coat is not worth our attention; if you find a glued fur coat, do not buy it under any circumstances!

Remember, the lining is tightly sewn to the hem only when there is something to hide.

Having chosen a silver fox fur coat, take a closer look at the fur - it should be three shades (gray, white, black). If there are only two of them, you have a fur coat made from a fox dog (a hybrid of a fox and an arctic fox).

The fur of a real silver fox is richer in color

Yes, yes, not only brands are counterfeited, but also the raw materials used to sew fur coats. Often, marmot and rabbit are used as “substitutes” for mink, a cross between a fox and an arctic fox is passed off as a silver fox, and nutria fur is passed off as a beaver. Recently, fur coats made from the so-called beaver have proliferated. Dear ladies, there is no such animal in nature (there is only a beaver). And under its guise they sell the fur of a special breed of rabbit, bred in France in 1919. The breed was called “Castor Rex” or king of beavers. By mistake, many people call it “chinchilla” because of the peculiar color of the skin and the unusual structure of the fur. The skins of Rex rabbits have shorter hair, almost twice as long, than that of ordinary rabbits.

This is what a coat made from Rex rabbit fur looks like, also known as beaver fur.

How to distinguish a fur coat made from a real beaver from a rabbit?

The main difference is the wearability of the fur. The durability of a beaver product is 85%, while that of a rabbit is only 12%. But, it is clear that this difference does not work when purchasing. But there are others.

A beaver fur coat is sewn from several plates (rectangles) measuring 30 by 50 cm or 40 by 60 cm, while the size of a rabbit skin is about 20-35 cm. If you turn the fur coat inside out, you can see how the plates are sewn and the quality of the workmanship.

If you run your hand through the rabbit's fur in any direction, you won't feel the difference. The fur will remain silky, like a chinchilla's. In a beaver, if you run your palm along the fur, the skin will seem very soft. And if it’s against the grain, you’ll feel some resistance from the fibers.

There is also a difference in the flesh (the bottom layer of the skin). If you rub the skin of a rabbit in your hands, it “crunches”, but the beaver’s core remains soft.

The skin tissue of a rabbit is very soft, while that of a beaver is noticeably tougher (this is why the fur is valuable).

But Rex rabbit fur coats can withstand the vagaries of the weather, including severe frost or wet snow. And with proper care and storage, the appearance and quality are preserved for five years, or even longer.

How to track where a fur coat was made and by whom?

With a special chip. Currently, products made from mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of natural fur are labeled. If the products have only a lining made of natural fur, or the fur is attached to the outside, they also need to be marked. The exception is those items of clothing where fur serves as a trim (collar, lapels, cuffs, pocket trims, etc.). Even if the fur coat was purchased by the store before August 12, 2016, it must still be marked. Without labeling, the sale of hats, bags, mittens and shoes is permissible.

Special marking of a fur coat (KiZ) confirms its authenticity and legality of origin. Using an individual code with KiZ, anyone can check any fur coat from the store on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Using the same link, you can download free mobile applications for iOS or Android to your smartphone. With their help, you can read the QR code from a fur coat with your phone right in the store and find out all the information about it: name, type of fur, country of manufacture, manufacturer, brand, seller, declaration of conformity number. That is, you can see the entire history of the fur coat and you will know exactly where and what it was made from.

The chip (aka KiZ) can be sewn into the seam of the product from the wrong side, glued to a sewn-in marking label, or hung in a buttonhole hole, hanger or loop fastener on the front of the product with a disposable seal. A red KIZ indicates that the fur coat was imported into the Russian Federation from other countries. The green KiZ is attached to fur products produced in Russia.

What determines the price of the product?

Firstly, from the fur from which the product is made. The most expensive ones are sable. Their cost starts from 300 thousand and reaches several million rubles.

Sable fur is considered royal fur

Secondly, on the style of the fur coat and its length.

Thirdly, the quality of fur dressing is of great importance. A well-made fur product seems dense and “plump.” The fur of the fur coat is of good quality without any “creases”, the seams are neat. When you buy an excellent quality fur coat, you can do whatever you want: squeeze, crumple, pull the pile, unfold, shake, etc. A good product will “survive” all these manipulations with dignity.

Fourthly, the cost of the product is affected by the softness and shine of the pile.

Another important point. In many products, small pieces of fur are “adjusted” using a special computer set. It is precisely due to the use of such expensive technology that the cost of this fur coat is almost the same as a similar product made from solid plates. However, in terms of quality, durability and appearance, fur coats made from pieces selected by a computer program are inferior to a one-piece product.

The price of a mink coat depends on its color. The cheapest is walnut (light brown), then comes dark brown, then various red shades. Even more expensive are black mink, beige, gray and blue, in the next price category are “tourmaline” (beige undercoat and long brown hair) and white fur. And at the top of it all is the “black diamond” (black with a blue or purple tint).

The warmest and most expensive fur coats are made from skins that have the top tags Platinum or SagaRoyal, NAFA or American Legend. Such skins are distinguished by a thick down and a large amount of guard hair. Cheaper and less thick-haired skins are used to produce not so warm, but very light fur coats.

TV center? fur tricks, beware, scammers! (youtube video).

We bring to your attention beaver fur coats in Moscow from the manufacturer, but first we’ll tell you a little about them. Beaver fur has always been so valued that once in Russia beaver pelts were used instead of money. Today, it has acquired another practical meaning: products made from beaver are particularly practical, which guarantees warmth, strength, wear resistance and ease of care. You can check this if you buy a beaver fur coat in the online store of our fur salon.

Despite the fact that beaver was previously used only for the manufacture of men's clothing, today it is at the peak of popularity among the fair sex. But before sewing a fur coat from it, it is necessary to process the skins, since without it they are heavy and tough. Thanks to modern technologies, fur acquires a soft appearance as a result of plucking and cutting off sharp hairs using a special machine. For the manufacture of fur coats, coats, coats and hats, sheared beaver is used to a greater extent. If you are interested in a beaver fur coat price, then look through the assortment of our online store and make sure of its availability.

Benefits of a beaver fur coat

This fur coat has advantages that make it worth buying for every woman. We include:

  • excellent wearability: in no way inferior to the well-known practicality of otter skins;
  • long service life of a fur product up to 20 years;
  • incredible resistance to external natural influences (snow, rain, frost), which ensures thick fur and its unique structure with a thick undercoat;
  • Dries quickly after getting wet while maintaining shape and fluffiness;
  • rich and stylish appearance, which is in no way inferior to the appearance of fox and arctic fox fur coats;
  • a large selection of colors for every taste and color (light brown, chocolate, sand, black and others);
  • affordable price for excellent quality.

Our store assortment

You can buy beaver fur coats from us inexpensively in different models, styles and colors. Real women's fur joy is in our hands, because all girls dream of becoming the owner of a chic beaver fur coat with or without a hood. The assortment includes all kinds of models that deserve attention. If you need a short fur coat, a long one, or a product with a hood, then the catalog of our store is what you need. Welcome this winter in style by purchasing a practical beaver fur coat at an affordable price and enjoying your walks in it.

What woman doesn’t like to wear fur products, and buying them is a genuine delight. Various stores, exhibitions and markets offer soft gold for sale. And here comes an interesting moment. How to avoid falling for the tricks of scammers and purchasing a fake? The most affordable in cost and quality are fur coats made from


Beaver fur coats have been in demand for several centuries. Once upon a time, merchants used them to pay for goods, and entire states paid tribute with them. Such fur products were very popular among all representatives of a noble family. They were worn by men and women.

During the time of Ivan the Terrible, common people were strictly forbidden to wear a beaver fur coat. From those times to the present day, fur products have been in demand, but many can only afford to buy them.


Currently, outerwear made from beaver is considered the most wearable and warmest. It adapts well to the temperature regime in any region of our country. Simply put, if you want to save money and get a quality product, a fur coat from Reviews show that a large number of female representatives prefer this particular outerwear. And why? There are a number of advantages to this:

  1. Beaver fur is considered soft, fluffy and warm. This fur coat is even suitable for wearing in the northern regions of the country.
  2. The material tolerates moisture well. This makes the product more attractive and practical. For example, such a fur coat can be worn in the southern part of the country.
  3. A fur coat is valuable, which is made from This animal has a thick and dense undercoat.
  4. The fur coat is durable. Only the mink and the otter stand in front of her. Outerwear takes a long time to wear and will eventually get boring for you.
  5. The beaver product is lightweight, as it does not require additional insulation or lining.
  6. The appearance of such products is presentable and luxurious. At first glance, it will seem that you are wearing a mink coat.
  7. When choosing, give preference to a natural shade. This includes dark chocolate, light brown and, less commonly, silver.
  8. Inexpensive cost. This makes fur products available to all representatives of the fair sex.

As for the shortcomings, they will not exist only if you purchase a quality product and not a cheap fake. In this regard, let's move on to the next important question: how to choose the right sheared beaver fur coat.

Every day the popularity of beaver outerwear is only increasing. And as soon as you hear people’s opinions that fur is bad and not wearable at all, you should think about it. They could come across counterfeit items, the fur of which did not correspond to reality. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals:

  1. Tactile contact. In the store, stroke the fur coat with your hand. You should hear a characteristic rustling sound and feel a tingling sensation on your palms. Additionally, this indicates that the beaver was shorn during the fur dressing process.
  2. Visual inspection. Inspect the product carefully. You should see coarse, thick hairs in the thick undergrowth.
  3. The next important step is to estimate the size of the skins from which the fur coat was made. The standard length of a beaver is approximately 65-80 cm. If you have your eye on a flared model, then the skins may be cut in this case, and you will not be able to see the real size.
  4. You need to inspect the fur coat under the lining. Manufacturers sew products with a peel-off or sewn-on appearance. Some large stores accommodate their customers and allow them to trim a piece of the lining. Underneath it you should evaluate the quality of the leather. The beaver's is strong, thick and elastic.
  5. Color spectrum. A beaver fur coat has a small palette of shades. The range of colors begins with ash brown and ends with the color of lightened pearl.

This is how a sheared beaver fur coat should be selected from a professional point of view. The price can't be too low. Did you see the cost of 60-70 thousand rubles? It's better to think about quality.

Ideal place

In order to make such an expensive purchase, it is better to choose a store that specializes in fur coats. A fur salon should prove itself only on the positive side. Ask why you need to buy outerwear in stores? Everything is simple here. There are several basic rules:

  1. The fur salon values ​​each of its customers, and especially their personal reputation. Accordingly, it is not profitable for them to give you a fake.
  2. Only experienced consultants work in specialized fur salons. They, in turn, are obliged to tell you about all the disadvantages and advantages of a sheared beaver fur coat. Warn about all care and storage rules. And, of course, recommend a model that suits you personally.
  3. After completing the purchase, the store is obliged to provide you with a receipt and a guarantee for the fur product.


Let's move on to the most important and exciting issue. It concerns the cost of the product. The number that appears on the price tag is influenced by two factors:

  • finished product size;
  • quality.

For the warmth that beaver gives, high wear resistance and luxurious appearance, you will have to pay a tidy sum. And if you take into account additional decor, which can be made of mink or lynx, the figure will become even higher. But the original shorn beaver will show off on your shoulders. A fur coat, the price of which is about 50,000 rubles, will be short. If you want to get a product that reaches the floor or just below the knees, then get ready to part with 100,000 rubles.

The cheap price tag says the following:

  • fake fur;
  • violation of beaver dressing technology.

Advice to buyers! Real sheared beaver fur coats will never be on sale at special prices or promotions. Big discounts should alert you.

Wear it correctly

Now you know how to choose a sheared beaver fur coat. Now we will give fashionistas some tips on how to wear such outerwear correctly. First, let's look at fashionable styles. They are divided into the following types:

  • classic with a stand-up collar;
  • fur jackets;
  • fur coats resembling the silhouette of the letter “A”;
  • oval.

Sheared beaver fur coats can additionally have the following finishes:

  • leather inserts;
  • belt or belt;
  • cuffs;
  • inserts from other fur;
  • hood.

  1. For fashionistas who lead an active lifestyle and constantly travel by car, we suggest looking at the option of a short sheepskin coat. The fur on it will not wear out, and such products look stylish. Decoration can be large and slanted pockets or a belt.
  2. If you want to purchase an elongated model, it is better to wear it with high-heeled boots. This will make the silhouette soft and feminine. Platform shoes are also suitable.
  3. Recently, fur coats with ¾ sleeves have become popular. Not only beautiful boots, but also long leather gloves will help complement the look.
  4. Don't overload the image. The only thing that can be added is a handbag and a brooch that decorates the collar.


Today we learned how to choose the right quality fur coat from Now there should be no doubts when purchasing. Recommendations will help you correctly combine outerwear with other accessories. Among the many representatives of valuable furs, the “shorn beaver” fur coat is considered inexpensive and warm. Moscow and the region offer various exhibitions and salons where they sell only original and high-quality goods.

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