Introduction of complementary foods for dysbacteriosis in an infant. Dysbacteriosis in newborns: symptoms and treatment. Constipation while feeding

Hi all! Complementary feeding is perhaps the most discussed issue on children's forums.

When the baby grows up to six months of age, the mother, as if on cue, has questions. And what? But as? Where to begin? Is it possible to give complementary foods if there is dysbacteriosis? That's exactly what we're going to talk about today.

First, dear mothers, let’s define what dysbiosis is. First of all, this is a diagnosis made by the doctor, and certainly not your conclusion. This phenomenon is very unpleasant and undesirable, but not fatal.

Recently, the diagnosis of dysbacteriosis is made to almost every 3rd baby. The cause of the disease can be various factors; it can be an elementary bad environment, from the harmful effects of which no one is protected.

Also from a long illness and taking medications, poor nutrition of the mother, incorrectly selected infant formula, and stress.

But what to do if the time has come for adult food, but dysbiosis has not gone away?

How to enter correctly

Complementary foods can be introduced, but this must be done very carefully and in small portions.

The smaller the portion, the easier it will be, the children's intestines will cope with it. In addition, if we immediately give a healthy baby a little puree and then supplement it with milk, then in this case everything is done the other way around.

First, we feed the baby with formula or milk, and only after feeding do we give the baby some puree. Only after the portion reaches 50 grams, it will be possible to change the order.

Important: Input is carried out in minimal portions, the grams eaten are carefully remembered, and the consistency of complementary foods is more liquid. The introduction of 1 product takes from 10 days or more.

All the time, mom carefully monitors the body’s reaction and changes in stool. If suddenly the baby’s condition worsens, then the introduction of the product should be stopped. Where is it better to start complementary feeding? The answer is clear: porridge.

When should you refuse administration?

If you are undergoing a course of treatment, are cutting teeth, or are scheduled for vaccinations, then this is a reason for refusing to introduce a new product.


Another problem that a mother may encounter when introducing complementary foods is constipation. If, when introducing a new product into the diet, your baby doll has such a problem, then you should refuse to introduce it.

Constipation can be treated with mild laxatives intended for children. You can also do a tummy massage, 3 – 5 times a day for 10 minutes.

How to treat dysbiosis?

Treatment of dysbiosis is, first of all, full compliance with medical recommendations. On her own behalf, the mother of the baby should definitely review her entire menu and remove from it all products that may have a laxative effect.

For a bottle-fed baby, a special formula is purchased. Also, all raw foods are removed from the baby’s diet.

The atmosphere in the home plays an important role in treatment; the child must be completely protected from stressful situations, scandals and screams. Mom's voice should be friendly, carry love and care.

If, due to problems with stool, the baby’s appetite is impaired, then it is necessary to give the baby a lot to drink. For drinking, use sweet tea, or a special solution prescribed by the doctor.

In difficult cases, pediatricians prescribe a course of antibiotics for treatment; I will not write their name in order to exclude self-medication.

At home, the mother can prepare a herbal decoction for the baby. But it should also be done after consultation with a doctor. Herbs such as chamomile, sage, blueberries and others are well suited for decoctions.

And what methods of dealing with the disease do you know? Share your tips with other readers.

What can be done for prevention?

  • Putting your baby to the breast immediately after birth
  • Food Mindfulness
  • Breastfeeding up to 1 year
  • Introducing complementary foods at the right age
  • Carefully monitoring the physical development of the baby doll, whether he is gaining weight well
  • Observation of the stool

If a mother notices problems with stool, she should not be afraid to ask the doctor everything that interests her, because the health of the little one is the most important thing in the life of any mother.

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Almost all parents have faced the question of proper feeding of a child with dysbiosis, since this disease is very common among children. This applies to a greater extent to babies under 1 year of age who are bottle-fed with formula. During this period, doctors do not recommend interfering and allowing the child’s body to cope on its own.

If a child suffers from dysbiosis, complementary foods can be introduced to him, but on condition that this is done gradually, in small quantities. If the portion is small, it will be easier for the baby to absorb and process new food. If there are no problems with the intestines, you should first give the baby some puree, and then supplement him with breast milk.

If the intestines work intermittently, the scheme looks quite the opposite. First, the child should eat the mixture or drink milk, and then you can prepare purees for him. 50 grams is quite enough. At the same time, each portion is remembered, and the puree must be liquid. The same product should be administered for at least 10 days; this is necessary to protect the baby from breakdown of the digestive system, which will manifest itself through diathesis.

How to enter correctly

To minimize possible complications in the form of diathesis or allergic rashes, it is worth introducing complementary foods in small portions. New products should have a liquid consistency and be administered using a small spoon or pipette, a few drops at a time. If you do not take this rule into account, a large amount of new food will provoke the following:

  • temperature increase;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • skin rash.

How younger child, the more attention he will have to pay. Before breastfeeding, new food should not be given unless the portion exceeds 50 grams. When the first feeding occurs, the product is given to the baby before milk, mixed with food that the child already loves and does not cause any deviations. The new product is added to the food that will be replaced as a result.

When microflora is disrupted, complementary feeding should be continued for a long time so that the intestines can become accustomed. If a child has dysbiosis, this will take at least 14 days.

Note! Complementary foods should not combine several new products at once. There will be no consequences if the child gradually absorbs one new component of his diet.

Mixtures for dysbacteriosis

Complementary feeding always starts with more than just water and food. To ensure that the intestines work smoothly, it is worth including mixtures in the child’s diet. They contain probiotics and microelements that help the digestive system absorb the new product. It is this food that can affect the restoration of intestinal microflora if the baby suffers from dysbiosis.

It is a very common problem for many parents. Children under 1 year of age encounter this disease, especially for children who are bottle-fed and often when the selected mixtures are not accepted by the body. Many doctors recommend not treating dysbiosis in infancy, but allowing the body to cope with the pathology on its own with the help of complementary foods, in the form of proper nutrition and mixtures. If you select mixtures that contain substances that are necessary to replenish during, then, of course, this will help solve the problem.

The fight against dysbiosis includes the use of various means. It is necessary to properly organize the nutrition of a child who is prescribed antibacterial therapy in the presence of infectious diseases and disorders of the digestive system. Experts recommend giving preference to mixtures with a fermented milk base; they will help improve digestion over time and restore the intestinal microflora. They contain fiber and prebiotics, which are so necessary during the treatment of dysbiosis. The mixtures help create favorable conditions for the formation of a bacterial environment in the digestive system. They are also able to improve bowel movements, get rid of constipation and diarrhea caused by dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

The manifestations of dysbacteriosis consist of a list of symptoms, which at this age are recommended to be corrected with the help of nutrition, not medications. There are several reasons for the development of dysbiosis; one of the most common is antibacterial therapy of the child or mother. In the case of taking antibiotics, breastfeeding should be absent, because. this will lead to a rapid process of violation of the microflora in the baby. During treatment, the doctor prescribes mixtures with probiotics for temporary complementary foods.

During normal functioning of the child’s digestive system, the intestinal microflora is populated by bacteria and microorganisms that help the digestive organs function properly.

If there is an imbalance due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, the child may experience:

  • unstable stool;
  • colic and pain in the abdomen;
  • bad breath;
  • there may be inclusions of food debris and mucus in the stool;
  • changes .

If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor who, after diagnosing and making a diagnosis, will prescribe nutritional formulas, complementary foods and the necessary medications to help restore the number of beneficial bacteria and stop the proliferation of pathogenic ones that cause dysbacteriosis.

Often, dysbacteriosis can develop against the background of artificial feeding, since the baby’s body does not receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins that are so necessary in the process of developing the digestive system. If breastfeeding is not possible, complementary foods and formulas need to be selected more carefully.

Is it possible to introduce complementary foods with dysbacteriosis?

Complementary foods for dysbiosis can be introduced, but this should be done gradually and in small quantities. The smaller the introduced portion of complementary foods, the easier it will be for the intestines to absorb and process new food.

In the absence of intestinal problems, complementary feeding of the baby is carried out as follows: first, a small amount of puree is given, and then breastfeeding occurs. If a child has dysbacteriosis, everything happens the other way around: first you need to feed the baby with milk or formula, only after that give a little puree, no more than 50 g. Each portion administered must be remembered, the puree must be liquid. One product is administered for at least 10 days, this will help avoid disruption of the digestive system, manifested by diathesis, acute symptoms of dysbiosis, as well as.

How to properly introduce complementary foods

As already mentioned, the first complementary foods should be introduced in minimal portions, this reduces the risk of developing rashes. The first product is introduced in a very liquid state using a pipette a few drops at a time or with a small spoon. When a large portion of a new product is received, an imbalance occurs in the intestines, which in most cases leads to constipation, diarrhea, rashes and other allergic manifestations. The younger the child is, the more vigilant you need to be; only after gradually reaching 50 g of complementary foods can you give such food before breastfeeding.

When adding a new product, it must be given after breastfeeding, mixed with food that does not cause a negative reaction and that the baby likes. The new product should be added to the feeding that will subsequently be replaced.

If the microflora is disturbed, the introduction of complementary foods should be as long as possible to allow the intestines to become accustomed. An average of 2 weeks should be allowed for the introduction of a new product if dysbacteriosis is present.

Important! You cannot introduce several foods into complementary foods at once; the baby’s intestines must master one product at a time, and only when the product becomes familiar and does not cause any reaction, can a new one be added.

If there are any abnormalities or diseases in the baby, complementary feeding should be postponed for some time. Nutritional adjustments in the treatment of intestinal disorders are contraindicated during teething, vaccinations and acute infectious diseases.

When introducing new products, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s body’s reaction. You should be wary of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of mucus in the stool;
  • regurgitation;
  • change in stool;
  • the appearance of rashes and other rashes.

In this case, the introduction of the product must be stopped. In case of minor changes and weak manifestation of one of the symptoms, complementary foods should be continued without increasing the portions. After adaptation of the intestine and the absence of a reaction, the portion can be increased. In this case, the time for introducing complementary foods will be slightly longer than usual. The child’s body can return to the rejected food after a month, starting with minimal portions.

Constipation while feeding

During complementary feeding, some problems may arise that are far from related to allergic manifestations and dermatitis. A child may experience a reverse reaction to a new product - constipation, which is no less harmless.

If constipation occurs immediately after introducing complementary foods, this indicates that the digestive system is not able to cope with the product. This reaction occurs with enzyme deficiency, or if too large a portion of food was introduced, overloading digestion.

If parents have previously encountered such a reaction of the baby’s body to a new product, then it is worth changing the mode of introducing complementary foods. It is better to completely exclude complementary foods until the baby is 5-6 months old, even in minimal portions. Many parents are afraid that their baby is not getting important microelements and vitamins - this is not true. Until the time it is possible to introduce foods, the baby will receive all substances from mother’s milk or adapted formulas.

After six months, such children need to be introduced to industrial purees, which are more gentle on the intestines. Homemade products can only be consumed after 8 months.

If constipation occurs, the baby can have a tummy massage, but no more than 4 times a day for up to 10 minutes. Placing the baby on his stomach more often will serve as a natural stimulating mechanism for intestinal motility and will help strengthen the muscles.

The intake of fluid into the child’s body is an integral part of complementary feeding. It is allowed to give the baby still water on an empty stomach. The portion of water at the first dose should be no more than ½ tsp, then its amount can be increased to 50 ml.

Also, introducing water will help avoid constipation, but this still does not exclude their occurrence. It is strictly forbidden to give medications for constipation on your own; you must first undergo tests that will help rule out intestinal pathologies or even neurological diseases. Incorrectly introduced complementary foods if the baby is prone to constipation can cause serious complications, one of which is intestinal obstruction. Therefore, you should not give laxatives on your own; if you have a persistent problem with stool, you should consult a doctor.

Complementary feeding consists not only of food and water; for better functioning of the intestines during dysbiosis, it is important to introduce infant formula into the diet. They include essential microelements and pribiotics that are important for digestive system dysfunction. Mixtures can help restore intestinal microflora during dysbiosis. The child's diet should include oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Now commercial mixtures based on them are available for sale, which contain the required amount of probiotics, lactulose and inulin. All these substances in instant porridges are well absorbed by the child’s body.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis during complementary feeding

For preventive purposes, experts give several tips that will help eliminate the development of dysbacteriosis:

  • immediately after birth, the baby must be put to the breast;
  • breastfeed up to 1 year;
  • is attentive to the baby’s body’s reaction to new food;
  • watch your stool;
  • monitor the baby’s development and weight gain;
  • Complementary foods should only be introduced at the appropriate age.

Of all skin rashes of a non-infectious nature (that is, not chickenpox, measles, etc.), only 15 percent are truly allergic. We will call the remaining 85% of rashes in children diathesis. Diathesis can be caused by various reasons, but in most children, diathesis occurs as follows.

Usually, infants are introduced to complementary foods 1/4 teaspoon at a time, drop by drop, a few grams at a time, between meals or supplementary feeding, after breast milk. And even if it doesn't happen gross mistakes, when a child is given a large amount of new food at once or a product is introduced that is not appropriate for his age (introducing baby kefir per month, when it says on the package - from 6 months), the child becomes covered with diathesis. Not to mention “horror films”, when children under 6 months are given a cutlet, sausage and soup.

No one is to blame - the parents followed the advice from decent books, the pediatricians followed the instructions and textbooks, and the child was in diathesis. This ? Most likely no. Books, textbooks and instructions were written a long time ago, since then, due to ecology, human lifestyle, newborn children have become a little different.


More careful will not harm your child at all, no lack of food, vitamins, etc. he (she) will not experience. But if you carefully introduce new food, you will minimize the risk of developing diathesis in your child, and subsequently it is possible to avoid allergies, eczema, and other diseases, up to bronchial asthma.

It occurs when the child's body, its enzymatic systems are not ready to digest a new product. "Not knowing" how to digest an apple, porridge, Malyutka or yogurt, the pancreas "strains", trying to produce the necessary enzymes in the right amount. "Overvoltage" of the pancreas leads to a slight "inflammation" (on ultrasound, it is usually increased in such children). The child's immune system must respond to any inflammation and heal it, but in a child, all systems are still immature, unformed, and an inadequate reaction of the immune system "crawls out" on the skin in the form of diathesis.

How to protect yourself from diathesis?

Child's needs

(weight gain, height, teething, etc.) for a child under 6 months old, only mother's milk is enough (if the mother's diet is complete). From 6 months to 1 year, for normal development, it is enough to feed the child only with breast milk and adapted (Frisolak, Hipp, Humana, etc.), it contains all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins. The rest of the food (juices, fruit and vegetable purees, meat, cottage cheese, kefir, baby, cereals) is needed only for training the enzymatic systems of the intestine (pancreas, liver, etc.) and gastro-motility - intestinal tract. Such training is needed in order to gradually, after a year, transfer the child to the "adult" table. Therefore, there is no need to rush into introducing juices, baby foods, purees, cereals, etc. Genetically, a child, having been born, is able to digest and utilize only other products for him are almost "poisonous". Therefore, it is necessary to introduce "this poison" with extreme caution, leaving the child's body time to adapt, get used to the new food.

The mixture is closest in composition to milk, but not milk, so it must be introduced before juices, etc. for training the gastrointestinal tract. After 6 months, milk changes its composition, becomes poorer and less nutritious, so you need to supplement it. Previously, this was solved with complementary foods. Now, in order to avoid diathesis, etc., there is no need to rush with complementary foods, or rather, start with the most gentle complementary foods - mixture.
The value of mother's milk lies not only in its maximum digestibility, but also in its protective properties - in children breastfeeding and there are fewer colds and fewer worries.

There are three basic rules for the careful introduction of complementary foods.


If a child reacts negatively to a new product, you will know exactly which one; in addition, the load on the body with “one product” is less than several, and it is easier for the child to adapt. A negative reaction to the introduction of a new food can be expressed in diathesis, constipation, diarrhea, other changes in stool (odor, mucus, greens), etc. In these cases, it is necessary to discontinue the introduced product, give the child a week to rest and begin introducing another product. Complementary foods that caused a negative reaction in the child can be tried again in two months, when the body has already learned something from other complementary foods. It should be remembered that a negative reaction may not be to new complementary foods, but to other “life factors”, but it is better for the child to cope with them without additional load in the form of new food. If the child “spits” a new product, then it should be discontinued because the child does not like it. As he grows up, his tastes will change and he will eat everything or almost everything. Try not to judge the taste of baby food - what is tasty for a newborn may seem very disgusting to you. This is normal, since the taste of children under one year old is very different from the taste of adults.


It should be given to the child at the end of feeding, if possible mixed with “old” (familiar to the child) food. By analogy with physical training: first the muscles are “warmed up” and then they are given a load. Enzymatic systems and the intestines also need to “warm up” and begin to work actively, digesting “familiar food”. By introducing complementary foods at the end of feeding, you will not “take the child by surprise” and will not harm him. A positive side effect of such introduction of new food will be that the child will more easily get used to new taste sensations, which means that the child will not spit new food at you.


This rule can also be illustrated with a “physical education” example. In order not to “tear the muscles”, but to effectively “pump up”, you need to gradually increase the load. With regard to the introduction of complementary foods, this will happen as follows. If there is enough mother's milk and the baby is not hungry, after breastfeeding, you need to introduce complementary foods, as written below, but if there is no breast milk or little, or unexpectedly ends, then the introduction of complementary foods as written below should begin earlier, as soon as problems begin, Be sure to constantly consult with your doctor. So, if everything is enough, then until 4 months it is advisable to feed the baby only breast milk. From four to six months it is necessary to introduce an adapted milk formula (Frisolak, Hipp, Nan, Humana, etc., but not Malyutka from the dairy kitchen, it is not adapted and will not replace milk). It is necessary to introduce breast milk substitutes so that the child does not experience a lack of vitamins, microelements and other components of mother’s milk, the amount of which in breast milk quickly decreases after 6 months, although in other respects mother’s milk remains useful and you should not stop feeding the child with it. The mixtures are introduced carefully, gradually, “without rushing anywhere.” After the baby has let go of the breast, having eaten his mother’s milk, he needs to drop literally one drop of the mixture from a pipette into his mouth. Day by day, slowly, you need to increase the dosage drop by drop - today one drop, tomorrow two, the day after tomorrow three, etc. The remaining products should be introduced just as gradually, starting with the minimum possible dosages and slowly, slowly increasing them.

These rules look overly strict, but if you start feeding your child according to these rules, then after introducing a dozen foods, you will begin to introduce the “next” dozen faster, starting with 1/8 teaspoon, increasing the dose daily, perhaps exponentially.

It is advisable, when starting to introduce juices, purees, cereals, etc., to use ready-made products from Baby Food stores, since they are better processed and sterilized, adjusted for age, than you can make at home yourself. Purchased baby food Does not contain any preservatives harmful to children. Remembering the desire of any company to sell more, introduce the next jar not from the age indicated on it, but “being late”, introduce it a couple of months later. Do not buy food from companies whose names you see for the first time, do not buy food from other stores, try to buy food made in developed countries, and not in the former socialist camp.

There is a certain vector of your actions from which deviations are allowed. For example, from 4 to 6 months, the task is to introduce approximately 200 ml of the mixture per day. And from 6 to 7 months, introduce a little juice, and then puree. One or two items each. But there is nothing to worry about if you drink only one juice per month.
Then introduce the vegetable. And not vegetables, such as potatoes or carrots. Then some porridge, such as oatmeal.
It's already 8-9 months. By introducing several products you will begin to experiment more boldly.

Mom's milk

Mother's milk or, in its absence, donor milk is desirable once every 3 - 4 months (microbiological purity with determination of the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics and bacteriophages) so as not to feed the child microbes and not expose him to additional risk. If any microbes “grow” in mother’s milk, there is no need to rush to discontinue mother’s milk; it contains absolutely irreplaceable immunoglobulins - antibodies that protect the baby from all kinds of viruses and other microbes, preventing in many cases the development of dysbiosis or acute respiratory infections in the baby. In order to ensure that the antibiotic that will be used to treat the mother does not harm the baby, whom she will continue to feed, you should firstly select from a special “approved” list (ampicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, etc.), and secondly, prescribe preventive treatment for the child from dysbacteriosis, which can appear from the use of antibiotics and is unlikely to appear if, in parallel with the mother’s antibiotic, the child receives drugs such as bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, primadophilus, when these drugs are given to the baby, then he is almost not in danger from antibiotics. And abolishing mother's milk is the very last thing.

Another consequence of improper introduction of complementary foods can be. An “overstrained” pancreas and mechanically rough food change intestinal motility, improving conditions for the proliferation of “bad” microbes and worsening conditions for “good” bacteria that are beneficial to the body. , or rather, a large number of bad microbes can also lead to diathesis.

Sokolov A.L. and Kopanev Yu.A.


Imbalance in the qualitative and/or quantitative composition of the intestinal flora. “Good” bacteria live in the intestines, helping the body digest food, produce vitamins, etc. But if the body’s immune system is not in order or there are not enough good bacteria, then “bad” microorganisms (staphylococcus, candida, etc.) can penetrate and multiply in the intestines.

Children are especially sensitive to such unfavorable background as. In the last 10 years, the frequency of such forms of dysbiosis, which are accompanied by food and digestive system disorders, has increased.

This is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the frequent pathology of pregnancy, the early transition to artificial feeding and improper nutrition of children under 1 year of age, as well as the irrational use of various medications (including antibiotics) during pregnancy by the mother and from the first days of the child’s life.

Occurring in the first year of life, it can lead to the formation at an older age of such diseases as intestinal, chronic, colitis, proctosigmoiditis, neurodermatitis,. Due to a weakened immune system, a child with intestinal dysbiosis can often get sick for a long time.

Needs correction. Disturbances of the microflora are easier to correct in infancy and by eliminating the unfavorable background, not only the treatment of existing dysfunctional disorders is carried out, but also the prevention of the development of those diseases mentioned above.

The diagnosis of dysbiosis is made according to the analysis of dysbacteriosis and complaints. For treatment, CIP (complex immunoglobulin preparation), bacteriophages, bifidumbacterin, acylact, bificol, lactobacterin, primadophilus, linex, etc. are used. If a child has skin manifestations (atopic dermatitis, pyoderma), then, along with general treatment (enzymes, membrane stabilizers mast cells) and correction of intestinal dysbiosis, local treatment is used.

With proper feeding and care, the risk of developing and relapses of intestinal dysbiosis is significantly reduced (the risk of developing chronic diseases that occur against the background of dysbiosis is correspondingly reduced).

We recommend that you continue breastfeeding for as long as possible. If for some reason this is not possible, then the transition to artificial adapted mixtures should be carried out gradually. Complementary foods are also gradually introduced.

Another important factor in child nutrition infancy is stability. Considering the imperfect digestive function of children under 1 year old, each new dish in their diet is a stressful factor that requires adaptation. Therefore, frequent unjustified changes in nutrition can cause the development of dysbiosis.

It is advisable to take a stool test for dysbacteriosis when unfavorable stress factors appear: any disease that weakens the immune system (intestinal infections, etc.); change in diet; moving to another climate zone; ; use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormonal drugs; planned surgical interventions; strong psycho-emotional effects. It is also advisable to do an analysis if constipation, diarrhea, poor appetite or sleep, abdominal pain, or “allergic” skin rashes occur.

Sokolov A.L. and Kopanev Yu.A.

Video on the topic of allergies and the introduction of complementary foods. Conversation with a doctor. 40 min.

Video on the topic of introducing complementary foods. Conversation with a doctor. 63 min.

Video on the topic of colic in children and child nutrition. Conversation with a doctor. 44 min.

The disease dysbacteriosis has taken on enormous proportions these days. A lot of children suffer from this disease. There are very few beneficial bacteria in the intestines, so diarrhea or, conversely, constipation begins, food is poorly digested. Dysbacteriosis can begin for many reasons, such as poor environment and nutrition, as well as stress or long-term illness. If you are, then you need to reconsider your diet, maybe you are eating food that causes discomfort in your little one’s body. But what if it’s time to give complementary foods? How to properly introduce complementary foods for dysbacteriosis? With caution and approximately. You should not introduce complementary foods to your baby if he is 3 or 3 years old, otherwise problems may begin, including a chronic disease. We begin introducing complementary foods for dysbiosis in small portions and always only after breastfeeding or formula.

Healthy children are given complementary foods before their usual meals, and only a teaspoon of new food. The child can taste the food and understand whether he likes it or not. At best, he immediately asks for more.

For adults, nutrition must be administered specifically. Complementary feeding for dysbacteriosis takes a long time; one “dish” should be offered not as for healthy children (one week), but much longer.

Dilute your chosen product to a liquid paste. You don't need much, just a pipette is enough. Introduce complementary foods immediately after breastfeeding or formula. You need to be patient, as the fed grams must be counted. When they reach 50 grams, you can start complementary feeding before natural feeding.

The specificity of complementary feeding also lies in the fact that you need to give food to the baby only at that feeding, which you will then replace with adult dishes. Choose morning or, and begin difficult work, while being sure to monitor the condition of the baby and him. If dysbiosis worsens, you need to stop administering the product.

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Reaction to the introduction of complementary foods with dysbacteriosis

Reactions can be both strong and weak. If, after the first introduction of complementary foods, you notice that the child’s stool has become even more liquid and with mucus, then you need to stop complementary feeding and wait until the body is more or less normalized. Do not give the product that you introduced into the first complementary food for dysbiosis. If minor rashes appear on the face, and complementary feeding has no effect on the stool, then you can continue feeding: this means that the body will try to cope with the new food.

With such a disease, you definitely need to take note of everything: how much complementary food you gave, what kind of product you introduced... Study the baby’s stool more carefully after each bowel movement.

If you notice that your little one has become restless after trying the food, then don’t risk it. Avoid complementary feeding until your intestines are completely healed, because these days there are so many drugs that can cure this problem quite quickly.

website 2017-06-19

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