Advent Santa Claus with a beard. Tasks for an unforgettable New Year's advent calendar. Making an advent calendar

05.01.2016 Viktoria Soldatova

I welcome you, dear reader, on the pages of my blog. Approaching new year holidays and today we will talk about their main attribute, in families where there are children. Tasks for the New Year's Advent calendar should be selected based on the interests and age of your child. My son was 5 years and 2 months old at the time of December. Many tasks can be adjusted for a different age - help the kids, complicate older children. The main thing is that the child does not just get a gift from the New Year's advent calendar, but spends time with his parents in an interesting way.

math garland

Nine days before the New Year. The second task for the New Year's advent calendar

Hello granddaughter, I really liked the gift you made for my grandmother. I saw how hard you tried.

And today I ask you to help me. There are few garlands in your city. So I thought you could make another one. Yes, not simple! My gnomes will leave you everything you need for her.
Do your best, respect the old man.

Santa Claus

After a while, under the Christmas tree, the child found a box. He was so happy, as if he had left a bag of gifts. Alexander loves mathematics, which is why I came up with this lesson.

We laid out the contents of the box on the table and immediately saw what the garland should consist of. Examples were written on the balls, they were accompanied by empty rectangles for fixing and a felt-tip pen. Alexander gladly took up solving the examples and writing the answers.

We didn’t have a single free place for a garland in the apartment, so Alexander and I decided to please our neighbors and hung it on the terrace window. Thus, we could see the mathematical garland, and the neighbors the usual color one. I hope that when they went down the stairs of the building, colored lanterns cheered them up for the New Year.

Christmas cookies for Santa Claus

Eight days before the New Year. The third task for the New Year's advent calendar

As I already wrote, we celebrate Catholic Christmas because Pope Alexander is Catholic. The child receives the main portion of gifts on this festive night.

Ho-ho-ho! Hello granddaughter, today I will be very busy, I need to deliver a lot of gifts. Delicious cookies and milk give me strength. Bake cookies with mom today. Don't forget to leave me!

Santa Claus

The description of some tasks resulted in a separate article. with a description of New Year's cookies.

photo enlarges on click

Seven days before the New Year. The fourth task for the New Year's advent calendar

Hello granddaughter, what delicious cookies I ate from you! Thanks for respecting the old man.

And for you I have prepared a new task. Make me snowmen, but not ordinary ones, but soda ones. When you turn them into gas, they will be transported to me. I really need help to get everything ready for the New Year.

Did you like my gifts?

Santa Claus

We had a great time playing with soda! My son obviously missed the experiments, so this task was to his liking. We got a real experiment: we froze artificial snow from soda, then watched how slowly it turns into gas, and at the end Alexander just played with the salt left after the experiment.

Details on how we made snowmen and our experiment,.

Lacing from geometric shapes

Six days before the New Year. Fifth task for the New Year's advent calendar

Sports and fun

Three days before the New Year

Unfortunately, on this day we were not able to complete the task of Grandfather Frost in full. As I wrote, the trailers with letters were sealed and I could not change the task. And on this day, Grandfather Frost gave Alexander three special toys for diving to the bottom of the pool. We were supposed to spend the day at the club and enjoy the sun, swimming and diving. The health of the child was not disposed to this. Therefore, taking rockets for a snack, presented for Christmas, we headed to the park.

How to grow a crystal at home

Two days before the New Year. Ninth task for the New Year's advent calendar

Hello granddaughter, well, here is the New Year on the way. And you don't have snow in the Dominican Republic. I decided to please you and sent everything you need to grow snowflakes. The truth will have to wait, they grow for a long time.

Santa Claus

For me, this task was the most interesting, since I myself was eager to grow a crystal at home. Alexander yesterday, admiring our snowflakes, told me that he was in love with them. Indeed, it is hard not to fall in love with them, because the crystals on them sparkle so much! A detailed master class on growing crystals at home,.

Rest and mood for the holiday

Hello granddaughter, the New Year is knocking on the door. Watch cartoons about me, play with toys, and don't miss the fireworks. Have fun today!

And I will come at night to leave you presents.

Happy New Year! HO-HO-HO

Santa Claus

On this day, the child, as on the previous ones, took out a gift from the trailer. It was the binoculars that Alexander had wanted for a long time. The toy occupied him for a long time! Then we watched a couple together and went to lunch with our friends. After returning, it remains only to sleep well and prepare for the celebration of the most beloved holiday of the year. We also did not miss the fireworks and, as Grandfather Frost punished, we had fun with all our hearts!

That's all our tasks for the New Year's advent calendar. Thank you for visiting and sharing your happy moments with us.

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Galina Shinayeva

the day before New Year to help children brighten up the period expectations wonderful holiday I decided to do in a group waiting calendar .

Our children are small, the younger group preschool age, for them time most difficult realm. Work on the development of temporal representations in children of primary preschool age is propaedeutic. (preparatory) character. The calendar helps"materialize" time.

There are a lot on the Internet different options making such calendars. I liked the idea with the grandfather's beard frost. The New Year will come when Grandfather's beard grows and becomes fluffy frost.

1. First I printed "portrait" grandfather frost.

2. Cut out a beard and mustache from white paper.

3. From the circles with numbers from 1 to 31, I made it on the computer and then cut out my grandfather's beard, adhering to the December calendar 2016.

4. Made a face out of pink paper, eyes, cheeks, nose.

5. "Put on" red cap.

6. Pasted a portrait on the background (two sheets of blue A4 cardboard).

Total size calendar A 3.

Children liked the portrait of Grandfather frost.

They glued cotton mustaches with the children. From cotton wool they made an edge on the hat.

Every day, children stick one cotton swab to their beard,

and when it becomes full and fluffy, the New Year will come. A miracle will happen, Grandpa Freezing become real and bring gifts!

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As soon as I learned about such an interesting tradition as the advent calendar, I immediately wanted to try to introduce this custom in our family. True, last year I was a little worried that my daughter, at the age of 2, might not understand the whole essence of the tradition or would be too “tired of waiting” for the holiday with such advance preparation. But, as it turned out, all the experiences were in vain, the daughter was delighted with such an interesting preparation for the holiday and the surprises that awaited her every day in the advent calendar. Therefore, this year the miracle calendar will again decorate our pre-holiday days.

After all, the sweetest thing about any holiday is the anticipation of the holiday. And together with the New Year's Advent calendar, waiting is much more fun. Thanks to him, a festive atmosphere in the house will reign long before the New Year. In addition, it will help to better acquaint the child with the holiday, to involve in an interesting creative process. The advent calendar tells the child every day what interesting events await him today, what surprises and tasks Santa Claus has prepared for him on this day.

In this article, I want to talk about how you can design a New Year's Advent calendar, what tasks and gifts you can include in it. When my daughter was 2 years old, our advent calendar was calculated only for the last 10 days of the outgoing year. It seems to me that for this age this is the most optimal duration. This year, I plan to start early and stretch the pleasure for 20 days already.

Making an advent calendar

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of different ideas for decorating a calendar with your own hands. Basically, advent calendars make sure that for each day of waiting there is a small container in which you can put a small surprise for the child. The container can be pockets, and drawers, and socks, and jars, and cardboard houses, etc. If the gift does not fit in the box, you can put a note "Look for a gift under the pillow" or attach a photo of the place where the gift is hiding. All containers are affixed with numbers that correspond to the number of days left until the holiday.

Option 1

This year our advent calendar is a small town of cardboard houses. These are mainly small one-story houses, but there are also two-story and even three-story buildings. To make small houses, I used templates found on the Internet, for a change I used different ones, here are the ones that I liked the most: pattern 1, template 2, pattern 3. I deliberately cut the bottoms on all the templates, otherwise how can I get gifts from the houses if they are airtight? (Just in case, here the same patterns with bottoms). Layouts are printed on A3 or A4 color cardboard, cut out, glued with PVA glue and you're done!

I made two- and three-story buildings according to the logic of template 2, only changed the size of the roof and walls. Also inside the two-story houses there are transverse cardboard partitions so that a gift from the 1st floor does not interfere with a gift from the 2nd floor

Option 2

Last year our advent calendar consisted of 10 cylinder gnomes. Generally speaking, Santa Clauses were originally conceived, but the daughter found them more like gnomes, and I agree with her.

I will briefly talk about the process of making such gnomes (Santa Claus). The cylinder is made of A4 color cardboard, it is fixed at the back with adhesive tape and a stapler. At the bottom, the bottom is also made of cardboard and fixed with a stapler. It is not difficult to make a gnome's face - for this you need only colored paper, cotton wool and PVA glue. Well, on top, instead of a hat - the usual sock of an adult. Preferably bright, multi-colored and not too narrow, because. from sheet A4, cylinders are obtained with a rather large diameter. On the side we sign a number indicating the number of days left until the New Year.

Option 3

Here is our 2017 calendar. This is again a town but with significant changes. You can read more about it.

Tasks for the New Year's advent calendar

I put all the tasks in the advent calendar in the form of short notes. While my daughter couldn’t read and we only made laconic notes with large block letters, we read the assignments together. Now that he is already reading well, the size of the note can not be limited to 2-3 words . In general, you can still try to designate tasks in the form of pictures.

Also, every day, all the necessary props are put into the advent calendar or next to them to complete the task.

So the job options are:

  • Decorate a Christmas tree

  • Decorate your home for the holidays , for example: and other decorations, hang tinsel, decorate windows and mirrors with snowflakes, etc. We love decorating mirrors with these ready-made glass sticker sets.

  • cook together or .

  • Write a letter to Santa Claus. Just because your little one can't write yet doesn't mean you can't do without this fun activity. First, if the baby already knows the letters, you can try to make words together from the letters or syllables you have prepared in advance. If the letters have not yet been met, or there is no desire to play with them, you can compose a letter from pictures.

Hello dear friends of my blog! I haven’t started writing the article yet, but the mood is already festive. Still would! After all, today we will be inspired by magical ideas and create a New Year's advent calendar 2018. Let's consider interesting options so that each of you can make it with your own hands, even if you are not used to needlework! And I will also give you a lot of cool ideas for tasks and advent content. These 2 lists are my little gift to you to make the calendar amazing and fun.

I don’t know about you, but for two or three years I have been trying to make an advent calendar for my son. However, something kept getting in the way. Either imagination was lacking, then mood, then time. But this time I will definitely do it. Just the age of the child is the most suitable (5 years), and you can come up with many interesting tasks, and the youngest will be a year old, she will also get something.

While I was looking for possible options for advent calendars for the upcoming 2019 for myself and you, I came across interesting variations in almost any type of needlework many times. So, if you like to sew, you can sew New Year's bags from multi-colored fabric or sew a figure of Santa Claus with pockets. Pockets made of felt look very nice, or with stripes from it in the form of snowflakes and figures.

If you like to embroider, you can embroider a picture with a New Year's motif on the fabric, and sew pockets under the picture for all days, decorating them symbolically with small elements. By the way, if you take not an ordinary fabric, but a plastic canvas, then the work will keep its shape, it is easier to hang it on the wall and it will look even more unusual.

Those who know how to knit - prepare multi-colored socks or caps, bags. Passionate about scrapbooking - decorate matchboxes, or full-fledged boxes, make a flip calendar. You can also make an advent album, in which interesting tasks will be hidden in the pockets, and next to them a subsequently printed photograph of how the child coped with them. Cool I thought?)

If you love baking, then look towards gingerbread houses, or just dough figures - snowmen, little men, snowflakes, etc. Write the corresponding numbers on them with protein cream, and then just make sure that the child does not gobble up all the creations at once with joy.

But even if you do not know how, do not rush to get upset! After all, an advent calendar can be made using any means at hand - multi-colored, and even ordinary white paper, cut out or ready-made snowflakes, plastic cups, jars from under baby food, wooden boards, beads, lace, stickers, tin buckets, boxes, colorful socks, caps and much more. What is enough for your imagination.

advent calendar what is it

I was so carried away by the ideas that I almost forgot to tell you, advent calendar, what it is all about. Surely, my inquisitive readers will be interested to know how it arose. In general, the word advent came from religion, which means the period of the beginning of the Advent fast (adventus - arrival). During the period of waiting for the Nativity of Christ, people carefully prepared for it.

Of course, adults knew exactly how much time was left before the Holiday. But how to convey this to children, adults decided for themselves. For example, the ingenious Lutheran theologian Wiehern solved this problem in the following way. At the same time, he raised several ripples, whom he took into his house from the poorest families. And each of them bombarded our hero with questions about when Christmas will come.

He soon got tired of it. Still would. Tired of endless questions, he simply left home before the holidays. Joke. He made a wreath from a large wooden wheel. So what, you might think. So, this wheel was carefully decorated with candles, small ones of which were lit in turn every day. And big ones on Sundays. After that, the children themselves clearly saw and calculated when the long-awaited day would come.

But this is not an isolated example. Thanks to similar questions from another child, his mother once baked 24 meringues, attaching them one at a time to paper. Her little Gerhard Lang tore them off and ate one a day. Growing up, inspired by this idea, he offered to print the waiting calendar in the printing house where he worked.

So, back in 1903, the first printed Advent came out in Germany. It consisted of pictures of toys and Christmas poems. In addition, the kids could stick special stickers over the windows with verses. This made a splash, and soon other companies began to develop their own calendars.

The popularity of Advent went through ups and downs, and even depended on the situation in the world. So, in times of war and famine, instead of Christian symbols and cute pictures, soldiers and cannons appeared. During food shortages, chocolate and sweets were no longer used.

Now these calendars are again popular all over the world. Have you seen chocolate sets with opening doors for sale? In addition to these, they are also sold in the form of books, toys and posters. But more interesting for the child, probably, still remain those that are made with their own hands.

And by the way, it is not necessary to make such a calendar in secret from the child! If you start making it together, then in addition to joy and entertainment, you will bring many more benefits and become emotionally closer while creating together! And what could be more precious than childhood memories?

The beauty of advent calendars is that children are immersed in the magical anticipation of the New Year. And so that they don’t get bored, you can help them cope with lingering anticipation, teach them how to count days and time, and at the same time spend time usefully.

How to do it? Every day the child receives a small task that accompanies a new number on the calendar. Try to make them really interesting, not just informative, and carry a winter theme. You know better what is best for your child.

Tasks for the advent calendar for children

And I will offer only a small list of ideas for tasks in the advent calendar. Some of them are educational, some are entertaining. I think out of 50 points you will choose something interesting for yourself!

  1. Learn the dance of little ducklings and dance with the whole family
  2. Make a Christmas toy
  3. cut snowflakes
  4. Learn a New Year's Poem
  5. Do any good deed
  6. Learn and sing a New Year's song
  7. Make a bird feeder and feed them
  8. Bake cookies or decorate prepared by mom
  9. Make a gingerbread house with mom
  10. Go skiing/sledging/skating
  11. Watch New Year's movie
  12. Decorate the house for the holiday, decorate the Christmas tree
  13. Make a gift
  14. Make your own postcards
  15. Make snowmen on the street
  16. play snowballs
  17. Make experiments with water, ice
  18. Make plans for next year
  19. Write a list of achievements and interesting events for the current year
  20. Go to the theater
  21. Come up with your own idea of ​​the house
  22. Any creative work that is interesting to the child (burn, craft, build, sculpt, draw, embroider ...)
  23. Complete a quest on a specific topic
  24. Arrange a family photo shoot
  25. Visit or invite
  26. Host a masquerade party
  27. Go to the cinema
  28. Fire crackers, fireworks on the street
  29. Take a family trip to the winter forest
  30. Read a book about winter or upcoming holidays
  31. Learn how to celebrate New Year in different countries
  32. Write a letter to Santa Claus
  33. Take a walk around the city decorated for the holidays
  34. Take the whole family to a cozy cafe
  35. Compose your own fairy tale
  36. Choose or make a costume for the new year
  37. Make carnival masks
  38. Make homemade ice cream
  39. Play board games with family or friends
  40. Make a photo album
  41. Girls get a new haircut, boys get a new haircut
  42. Pass the quiz, solve the crossword
  43. Make a garland (from paper, beads, cardboard or other materials)
  44. Make homemade play dough
  45. Prepare salt dough, make figures and color them
  46. Come up with a New Year's wall newspaper for the whole family
  47. Prepare candied tangerine peels
  48. Arrange a warm family evening with candles, soulful conversations and goodies on the table
  49. Make funny notes-predictions for New Year's Eve
  50. Collect puzzles

Share in the comments more tasks that you can add to this list!

advent calendar filling ideas

These were assignments. But after all, these calendars can be filled with all sorts of surprises that cause surprise and delight in children. And even if they do not fit in the allotted compartments, this is not a reason to refuse them. Prepare, for example, a holiday package, and the child will know that every day a present will be waiting for him there. Below is a huge list of ideas that you can put:

  1. Sweets - both purchased and homemade (kinders, cookies, chocolates, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, lollipops ...)
  2. Nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits in beautiful packages
  3. Small figurines (soldiers, animals, etc.)
  4. Hair clips, hair bands
  5. Children's cosmetics
  6. Pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, stamps, paints, brushes, plasticine, etc.
  7. Stickers, including New Year's stickers on windows
  8. Blanks for creativity
  9. child's collectibles
  10. Air balloons
  11. small toys
  12. coloring pages
  13. Bubble
  14. baby books
  15. Kaleidoscope
  16. Rubik's cube and other puzzles
  17. Puzzles.
  18. face painting
  19. Compass, city map
  20. Flashlight
  21. Funny mittens or socks
  22. Fancy mug
  23. Stencils for drawing
  24. bath toys
  25. Constructors
  26. Stand for felt-tip pens and pens
  27. Movie tickets and other events
  28. Magazines
  29. Lizun.
  30. Antistress toys.
  31. Children's tie or bow tie.
  32. Engraving set
  33. Children's thermos
  34. Sequins, glitter
  35. Glow in the dark markers
  36. Rubber Jumpers
  37. crackers
  38. sparklers
  39. Serpentine
  40. Molds for kinetic sand or plaster figurines
  41. small mirror
  42. Beautiful hairbrush or comb
  43. sky paper lantern
  44. doll furniture
  45. Children's sword for games
  46. Handbag, cosmetic bag or backpack
  47. A beautiful pencil case.
  48. notepad
  49. Multicolored block for notes
  50. Snowflake
  51. bath bombs
  52. aroma candle
  53. ring toss
  54. Road checkers or backgammon
  55. magnets
  56. Crystal Grow Kit
  57. Reflectors for clothes
  58. Bell or other bicycle accessories
  59. Sports water bottle
  60. Carnival accessories
  61. Decoration
  62. Badges for clothes
  63. flashlight lamp
  64. Musical instruments (tambourines, harmonicas, pipes ...)
  65. Mosaic
  66. Hand toys
  67. Finger theater
  68. Matryoshka
  69. Checkbox
  70. Fun toothbrush
  71. Ice cream molds
  72. Ice Freezer Molds
  73. Multi-colored straws for juice
  74. Money box
  75. Children's wallet
  76. Spirograph for drawing
  77. water polo toy
  78. Towel growing in water
  79. tattoo stickers
  80. Keychain
  81. Calendar

Well, do you like lists? I am 100% sure that you yourself would not refuse such wealth if you were a child. What can I say, some items will be nice to receive and adults!

And this means that if you have the time and opportunity, you can try and provide suitable presents and tasks for your husband and close relatives.

I hope you are filled with inspiration and are already thinking about how to make an advent calendar 2019 for your children. And that means the most interesting is ahead. Do it, keep it up! Wishing you a Happy New Year and precious moments!

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets

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