Girls boast about the strength of boys' manicures. “Girls boast about their strength, boys boast about their manicure... A real man. Like a wolf: either alone or with one she-wolf forever. And chasing sheep is the lot of rams

From Masterweb

10.07.2017 17:50

Girls boast of strength

Boys - manicure,

It's fashionable to be mega-stylish,

It's fashionable to be a complete fool.

It’s fashionable for everything to be tight,

More latex and shorter

To make your thighs shine

And they called “do you want it”?

So that with silicone lips,

And tattoos on display,

To be considered arrogant and rude,

Increase spitting and rumors.

To be called... well, let's say, "macho",

“Bitch” (aka carrion).

Searches - richer

And with a Hollywood look.

Searches - slimmer

And with Hollywood gloss,

So that it’s not difficult with her,

Semolina was also catchy.

To hell with love and loyalty

This is now an infection.

It's fashionable not to remember the first ones,

In fashion - with everyone at once.

Look for a better place,

Drink something stronger at the bar.

Inhale tobacco smoke

Stew khabarik in a glass.

Experiments are in fashion

Searching for a mega high.

To be not a friend, but a “friend”,

See each other only on Skype.

With thoughts - “I stand out”,

It's stupid to join the crowd.

Where instead of “Bibles” there is gloss,

Where instead of a heart there is an abyss.

Cries of a hungry soul

Loudly drown out the remake.

How old fashioned I am

In the world of show-offs and fakes.

Kievyan Street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

Boys - manicure,
It's fashionable to be mega-stylish,
It's fashionable to be a complete fool.

It’s fashionable for everything to be tight,
More latex and shorter
To make your thighs shine
And they called “do you want it”?

So that with silicone lips
And tattoos on display,
To be considered arrogant and rude,
Increase spitting and rumors.

Called...well, let's say "macho",
"bitch" /aka carrion/...
Searches - richer
and with a Hollywood look.

Searches - slimmer
and with Hollywood gloss,
So that it’s not difficult with her,
Semolina was also catchy.

To hell with love and loyalty
It's an infection now...
It's fashionable not to remember the first ones,
In fashion - with everyone at once...

Look for a better place,
Drink something stronger at the bar.
Inhale tobacco smoke
Stew khabarik in a glass...

Experiments are in fashion
Searching for a mega high...
To be not a friend, but a “friend”,
See each other only on Skype.

With thoughts - "I stand out"
It's stupid to join the crowd.
Where instead of "Bibles" there is gloss,
Where instead of a heart there is an abyss.

Cries of a hungry soul
Loudly drown out the remake.

How old-fashioned I am...
in the world of show-offs and fakes.*

Anna Tukina

The feeling of being hugged at night

and through sleep they pull you closer to you - indescribably. 

No one will make the first move, because everyone thinks that it is not mutual.

What to wish for on New Year's Eve?

When Santa Claus is in a reindeer sleigh
From Veliky Ustyug he rushes as fast as he can,
With a bag over your shoulders, stuffed to the brim:
Gifts, the sparkle of children's smiles,
With booming, ringing laughter, play,
Meeting the desired close people,
Pure as snow, long-awaited at times
Warm socks knitted by grandma,
Rosy cheeks - from the gray frost,
Carrot noses for snowmen
And tangerines before vitamin deficiency.
What to wish for on New Year's Eve?
Money, career - everything is pretend!
While in the light of winter fairy moons
I meet a familiar outline,
My heart is pounding and my thoughts are all scattered.
It got colder on New Year's night.
Well, apparently the wish came true,
Since you came... I wished for you.

Evgenia Vesennyaya

Don’t be afraid to hug your loved one once again, to tell them how much you love them. Let it be better this time to be one more than one missing.

-you are not only everything I have

but everything that is not there

Valiullin Rinat

There is nothing cooler than your kisses.

There is no point in true love.

You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely anything is possible.
But whatever the reasons, true love still continues to live in the heart.
She separates herself from the mind, lives outside of what is happening.
You can't do anything about this love and just keep it inside yourself. 

A real man. Like a wolf: either alone or with one she-wolf forever. And running after sheep is the lot of rams.

And may you bury my soul under the cold sky,

I will be faithful to you when the city is covered with snow,
When it’s not winter yet, but it’s already freezing,
And in your heart there is ice, in mine roses bloom. 


Turns out.

I don't need a damn thing.
Except for his calm breathing nearby. 

I can not live without you!

I feel dry even in the rain without you,
I feel cold even in the heat without you.
Without you, Moscow is a wilderness to me.

I feel like every hour without you is like a year,
If only time could be reduced, crushed;
Even the blue sky is blue for me
It seems like stone without you.

I don't want to know anything -
The weakness of friends, the strength of enemies;
I don't want to wait for anything
Except for your precious steps.

Ask me where I've been...

In what wanderings did I spend the years?
Don't make me lie to you!
Let the weather forecasters lie to us about the weather.
Ask me if I still love you
Ask if it was possible to forgive,
Don't be afraid, of course you are forgiven by me,
I still learned to forgive offenders...
Ask me how I live
Give us a reason to talk about all our successes!
Let me not in a dream, but in reality,
Pierce your ears with my careless laughter...
Ask me what doesn't hurt
More precisely, what has already been ill,
Ask whatever you want! Just pretend
What do you care about me now...

Yulia Olefir

If YOU get married and then run away

"to the left", YOU are either a loser or
jerk. (With)
Ivan Okhlobystin 

I taught myself to look forward, not back,

And don’t rush at the first call to someone who doesn’t love.
I began to wait for the best, because there will be a turn for the best,
It is also sacred to believe in the existence of lines and destinies.

Time will change us, put us in the right places.
We go through life like soldiers, wanting success,
And the battles take place on different emotional fronts:
So that at each of them you don’t lose yourself as a person.

And it happens that you don’t feel your inner strength,
Every step and movement seems to be heartbreaking.
What can you do here, did someone teach us about life?
So we pull the ticket and display the answer instinctively.

Everything passes: sadness and light spiritual sadness,
You just need to be confident and a little stronger.
Someone there will read poetry...maybe by heart,
And it will make someone else feel warmer.

Streams of silver will sparkle before our eyes
In gratitude to the one who helps the glass not to break.
Give more simple human kindness,
After all, it will certainly return to you someday.


Girls boast of strength
Boys - manicure,
It's fashionable to be mega-stylish,
It's fashionable to be a complete fool.

It’s fashionable for everything to be tight,
More latex and shorter
To make your thighs shine
And they called “do you want it”?

So that with silicone lips
And tattoos on display,
To be considered arrogant and rude,
Increase spitting and rumors.

Called...well, let's say "macho",
"bitch" /aka carrion/...
Searches - richer
and with a Hollywood look.

Searches - slimmer
and with Hollywood gloss,
So that it’s not difficult with her,
Semolina was also catchy.

To hell with love and loyalty
It's an infection now...
It's fashionable not to remember the first ones,
In fashion - with everyone at once...

Look for a better place,
Drink something stronger at the bar.
Inhale tobacco smoke
Stew khabarik in a glass...

Experiments are in fashion
Searching for a mega high...
To be not a friend, but a “friend”,
See each other only on Skype.

With thoughts - "I stand out"
It's stupid to join the crowd.
Where instead of "Bibles" there is gloss,
Where instead of a heart there is an abyss.

Cries of a hungry soul
Loudly drown out the remake.

How old-fashioned I am...
in the world of show-offs and fakes.*

*fake - fake, counterfeit

2012 Anna Tukina

I am real

You reproach me, they say, “wild”,
You just come to visit more and more often.
You are drawn to me "with quirks"
Because I am real.

With "cockroaches", "wounds", "scars",
But without cliches, antics and vulgarity.
I am like that! Horribly strange.
Impossible to the point of impossibility.

You tell me in your hearts that I am “wild”
"How inviting the warmth of a summer night"...
You are drawn to me "with shifts"
Because I AM REAL!

2012 Anna Tukina

I don't fight for men

Sorry, I don't fight for men.
Although sometimes it may be important...
Rush into battle following a paper dream...
Fight until first blood... Until wrinkles...

“I won’t give it up” shout...Don’t give it up.
Tolerate. Stick blades and humiliate yourself...
Fight like I couldn't fight
In all ages, a countless army

girls in love I need you alone...
And needed like no one needs...
I am a warrior... In my heart and outside..
But I don’t fight... for men.

Everyone - according to fate...

God - God's
the wolf's lair,
homeless dog -
a bun...

The cat has a ham,
churches of the damned,
weak - strong,
gadam - with wings.

Everyone - according to fate...
Me - to you.

I am without you..

Without you... I will get sick... one day... fatally...
I’ll pour you some tea.. the way you always poured it for me..
Your naked body will be covered by your old vest...
Quiet inconspicuous signal to no one..

I'm without you... Yes, perhaps... I'm not there either...
Or it won’t...Yes, it seems there is no difference..
I wish I could get off..O-s-t-a-n-o-v-i-t-e planet!..
And please put out the sunlight...

I’m without you!..medicine throws up its hands..
There are no means to replace you, even for a day...
There are no such words, and it is hardly possible in words
At least for a minute (second) to bring you back...

I can't live without you, even if... I have to...
I can't handle my life without you...
I will be lost without you, like a planet without the sun...
So, you be! I ask.. Be sure to be!

About the dog

I'm big, but I cried today
Pressing Tuzik to his shoulder.
How I want a dog!
I want a wet-nosed friend.

Tuzik is Aunt Sveta’s dog,
I'm just playing that he's mine.
I bring him my cutlets,
Sandwiches with thick sausage.

He eats them. So fast! And a palm
I'm slobbering with a warm tongue.
I asked my mother for a cat for a long time,
When I didn’t know Tuzik.

And now I’m dreaming, even too much,
About the puppy. And it’s a little light for Tuzik...
Well, how will the boy grow up?
What if he doesn't have a dog?

Tuzik understands me very much
And he plays with me all day long.
Maybe he doesn’t even know at all
That he is Aunt Svetin’s, and not mine.

Aunt Sveta is kind, and yet,
The game is just beginning
She says: “To you, Seryozha,
It's time to go home for dinner."

I'm offended, but I'm not crying,
I kiss Tuzik on his wet mouth.
How I want my dog!
Mom, it will be soon New Year?

The Legend of the White Wolf and the Black Wolf

Where are the rocks, lakes and forest.
And the strength of loving hearts.

There blue spruce trees look into the sky,
Crowded by sleepy lakes,
And clean rivers, like God's dew,
Flowing down from the snowy mountains...
Behind the beech grove, pressed against the rock,
As if emerging from a dream,
Not a mighty castle, a simple chalet -
Oak door, two windows.
But they don’t sleep in the house and ward off trouble
Not an old man, but not a young man either...
He is a beautiful maiden burning in delirium
Not a husband, not a groom, not a father.

Drooping candles with a breath of fire
Intertwined over the maiden in prayer
And the crow is looking forward to the day,
When will the life in her fade away?
But he casts a spell, barely touching the shoulder
And drives away treacherous death.
With my love like a blow of a sword,
Sweeping away the whirlwind of fate.
And like a spell in the ringing silence,
A tear burns an eyelash,
He whispers: “Darling, just breathe...”
Suddenly...the maiden opened her eyes.

And she sees, but not her own home,
Melancholy crept into my heart.
The young man bent over her,
Only a gray curl at the temple.
"Where I am?" - asks a question in surprise,
Hiding your fear with a smile.
“I found you in the forest and brought you to my house.
Now you are my guest.”
“I remember only the night and how a pack of wolves
She was going to have dinner with me,
And my lot would be cruel and harsh,
But someone still saved me..."

Hearing the question, for some reason I dropped my head,
I looked away for a second,
Not a guy anymore, but not yet an old man...
The one who performed the ceremony on her...
He looks into the eyes of unearthly beauty
And he says: “It’s not worth it...
And if you dare to stay -
We will become stronger together.
You are still weak to go home,
I'm afraid something bad will happen...
This is my humble home. Would you like it? He is yours".
She said quietly: “Yes.”

He didn’t speak words about his love,
But is it so difficult to understand
That his flame burns in his yellow eyes
Love that is stronger than passion.
And she was burned by this flame,
In just a couple of weeks,
She fell in love with him and it didn't last long
I made the bed separately.
But sometimes the only question that tormented her was:
"My darling, tell me why
You go into the night following the full moon,
Leaving me alone?

He lowered his gaze and fell to his knees,
And whispers: “Dear, believe me...
I have to go. There's a wolf ball in the forest.
Lock the door securely."
In those days they whispered in the corners of the villages,
That stained the hills with blood
A huge wolf that inspires fear in everyone,
And black, like Satan's laughter.
She hugs him again and again:
"I'm scared, stay! Wait!"
"Don't be afraid, Love protects you,
And remember - I am next to you."

The dawn dew lay on the grass,
But the maiden was not asleep yet.
Suddenly he hears the sound of a horn in the distance,
And screams and mad barking.
A band of hunters surrounded the house,
They shout: “Come out, Black Beast!”
Spears, swords and knives glisten greedily
And the maiden opened the door for them:
“You people are wrong! The trail was wrong.
If necessary, please come into the house."
The leader rejoices: “If there is no monster,
Are we going to kill his girlfriend!?"

They grabbed it, twisted it and then fucked it up
The executioner is preparing the rope.
And they drag her joyfully to hang her,
Without listening to the girl's cry.
But suddenly from the thicket a terrible creature
Like a tornado appeared, growling.
And the leader was killed with the first blow,
And the corpse of the executioner lay nearby.
Huge claws, saliva from the mouth,
Blacker than a flock of crows.
And it seems like she should be scared,
But the heart repeats: “This is him...”

The warriors did not flinch, raising their blades,
Although there are fewer of them by a third,
And in a deadly whirlwind swords and fangs
They mingled, welcoming death.
She froze, the yellow light of the wolf's eyes
Finally got her memory back
And she remembered who saved her from trouble,
Not an old man, but not a young man either...
Unequal fight "one to four"
No one was looking for mercy
But the Beast prevailed even with the last enemy,
The wounded man fell nearby.

Blood-swollen, coarse fur
She gently strokes with her hand
And he whispers, chasing insatiable death:
“Just breathe, dear...”
She didn't know how to do magic
She had no magical powers.
She treated with her Love and so
Her darling opened his eyes.
Barely the first ray that woke up the dawn
Played in the bloody grass,
How the monster disappeared, it was - and not,
He became her betrothed again.

But the yellow eyes are filled with melancholy,
He looks away sadly.
She rejoices: “We are alive with you,
So why aren’t you happy, my love?
You will defeat everyone who encroaches on us
And a whole life ahead..."
He took her hand, cold as ice,
And he quietly whispered to her: “I’m sorry...
The time limit for our happiness is not long,
There's no way we can be together.
The Maiden and the Wolf cannot be happy,
Beauty and the Ghoul..."

She froze, as if he had accidentally
With words I hurt her,
But she firmly tore the shirt off her shoulder
With an unwavering white hand:
“Both in sorrow and in joy I bear the burden
I’m ready with you, believe me.”
With a smile, baring his shoulder: “Bite,
Be brave, my beloved animal."
Tighten up guys, lock the lock
After all, at night, under the full moon,
King Black Wolf is going hunting
With White Wolf - his wife.

There is a legend about hoary antiquity
And the strength of loving hearts,
In one country forgotten by the Gods,
Where are the rocks, lakes and forest...


And if you go out, slam the doors,
And don't grab your keys in vain...
It’s clear, we are all animals to each other..
And everyone is each other's teachers...

And every chosen and great...
And everyone is wounded, and everyone is right...
And everyone cherishes native changes,
Strangers tugging at the sleeve..

And everyone is sick beyond measure,
Misunderstood, blown up, broken, shot down...
And from now on there is no faith in anyone...
Although, everyone will feel pain...

And those who seek blindly will be found...
And he who is ready will be happy..
But when leaving, still... clap quietly,
So that he himself
in future
I'm not deaf...

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