How to have a fun New Year at 4. Scenario for celebrating the New Year at home for children and adults. Family gifts for the New Year ideas with photos

How to spend New Year: 5 components of an ideal party + 7 ideas for an unusual celebration + 7 options for a party outside the home + 7 advantages of a holiday for two.

I don’t know about you, but in December I already begin to dream that next year will be even better than the previous one, and I also begin to think: how to spend New Year so that it is fun, original, interesting.

I also believe that New Year’s Eve is full of miracles, so its power should be used to the maximum: organize a wonderful send-off for the old year, a warm welcome for the new year, make a secret wish and sincerely believe that it will come true.

How to spend the New Year: 5 things you need to take care of

New Year is one of my favorite holidays and I know for sure that I am not alone in my passions.

Already at the beginning of December, the city begins to decorate with garlands, shops offer gift options, restaurants come up with New Year's programs to lure customers.

Already in mid-December, you should decide how to spend the New Year so that this magical holiday will please you.

And while you are thinking about how and where you are going to have a fun New Year's Eve, do not forget to take care of 5 important components of a perfect holiday:

    Home decorations.

    Well, how can you imagine the main celebration of winter if you haven’t taken care of decorations for your home?

    Be sure to decorate your Christmas tree (or fir branches), even if you have long grown out of childhood.

    Hang tinsel, rain showers and other decorations around the house.

    And, in my opinion, you can’t do without shining garlands, the lights of which create the mood.

    Rest on New Year's Day.

    December 31st for many people (especially women) turns into one of the most difficult days of the year.

    Firstly, this is a working (albeit shortened) day.

    Secondly, after running home from work, many begin to clean the house, prepare various dishes, and finish other important tasks.

    As a result, there is no longer any strength left to do so.

    Take better care of your rest so you can have fun all night long.


    It doesn’t matter where and with whom you decide to spend the New Year (even at home in splendid isolation), you should look perfect on a magical night.

    Beauty is what will save any holiday.

    Festive dinner.

    I don’t understand why people cook a million different heavy and hearty dishes that make you drowsy on the night of January 1st.

    Of course, most of this is not eaten and you have to gobble up for the next few days.

    It's better to give preference to quality over quantity.


    Pleasant company for you is an essential component of a happy New Year.

    And who it will be - a loved one, numerous friends or an adored cat - decide for yourself.

How to have a fun New Year's Eve at home?

It’s not at all necessary to drop everything and go somewhere for a New Year’s visit, go to another city or even another country.

You can also have a fun holiday at home if you decorate the house beautifully, cook a couple of delicious dishes, gather a pleasant company, and come up with an original program.

You can have a fun New Year at home if:

  1. Throwing a costume party.
  2. Use an amateur camera to make a film about your holiday.
  3. Write a script with competitions and quizzes.
  4. Prepare small gifts for each of those present.
  5. Bring a lot of music, laughter, dancing, etc. to your holiday.

Do not be upset if, for financial or some other reasons, you have to spend the night of January 1 at home.

It is in your power to do everything to make the holiday memorable, fun and interesting.

How to spend the New Year having fun: leaving your apartment

Don’t want to hang around on such a significant night within the walls of your own home?

Well, no need!

There are enough options for how to spend the New Year fun and interesting, leaving the confines of your home.

You can spend the New Year in:


    Today, almost all catering establishments offer their customers a gala dinner and a show program.

    There are so many options that you can easily find the one that suits you.

    If you decide to spend the New Year having fun in a restaurant, you won’t have to hang around the stove, and then, tired of the celebration, clear the table and wash the dishes.

    An exotic country.

    Yes, such a program requires a lot of money, because on New Year’s holidays many tour operators double prices, but you will definitely remember such a celebration.

    Another city.

    This option is cheaper than flying to another country, but it can be even more interesting and safer.

  1. Why not?

    Let the worries about preparing New Year's dinner and cleaning fall on someone else's shoulders.

  2. This is a fairly popular way to spend the New Year today, just don’t overindulge in heavy food and alcoholic beverages if you choose it.


    Ideal if you have a country house or cottage.

    Then, after having fun in the fresh air, having played enough snowballs, and admiring the fireworks, you can warm up by the fireplace or stove.

    On the main square of the country.

    Just dress warmly so as not to freeze, and behave decently so as not to end up in jail.

    This is also a very interesting place to spend a fun New Year. ☺

How else can you spend the New Year in an original way?

Well, if you want this New Year to be remembered for the rest of your life, you will have to come up with something truly original, something you have never done before.

Let this New Year's Eve become a kind of experiment.

For example, you can have a fun New Year's Eve:

  • doing charity work;
  • calmly falling asleep at 23.00;
  • in the church;
  • all alone with a jar of caviar and a bottle of champagne;
  • in the forest in a tent;
  • on a train or plane.

Think about what incredible idea you've been wanting to implement for a long time, but still haven't gotten around to doing it.

How to celebrate the New Year so that everyone remains happy,

and the holiday left only positive emotions, the psychologist will tell you in the video:

How to spend the New Year together: 5 advantages of such a step

You don't have to have a huge crowd to celebrate New Year's Eve.

You may well limit yourself to a minimalist company: you and your loved one.

You will definitely remember such a holiday for a long time.

In addition, New Year's Eve, spent under the sign of love and romance, guarantees the absence of problems in your personal life for the entire next year.

There are many advantages to seeing off the New Year in such a modest way, full of love and romance:

  1. You don’t need to spend all day at the stove to feed a crowd of people; one hot dish, a couple of snacks and a plate of fruit are enough.
  2. You can look the way you see fit, for example, spend the New Year in a sexy robe or an original fancy dress.
  3. You can spend the outgoing year in a way that you could not do in a company, for example, by engaging in intimate games))).
  4. This is a great opportunity to save money, because you can get by with minimal expenses.
  5. You can exchange gifts immediately after the chiming clock.
  6. Any New Year rituals that you would be embarrassed to perform in company are available to you.
  7. On New Year's Eve you will be with a loved one. What could be better than this?

By the way, you can completely combine celebrating the New Year together and in company.

My friend and her husband have been theirs for 5 years now life together They adhere to one ritual: they listen to the New Year's chimes together with their husband, and then after 24.00 they take a bottle of champagne, tangerines and go on a visit to have fun with friends until the morning.

It's up to you to decide how to spend New Year: romantic together, fun in a noisy company, original.

The main thing is that you enjoy and remember this holiday, because New Year's Eve marks a new stage in life.

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New Year is a family holiday from which you want to look forward to magical moments and a festive mood. But sometimes there is not enough imagination on how to decorate the house, how to decorate the festive table. And what interesting things can you come up with to make the New Year’s mood magical? We have come up with 20 ideas to create a magical mood for the New Year.

1. Prepare your handmade cards. Perhaps it will be an ordinary photograph, decorated with colored paper, or covered with stickers. Or it will be created in electronic form as a presentation or sent by e-mail. Or a video - congratulations.

8. Hide surprises throughout the apartment so that family and friends have an interesting opportunity to look for them. This idea will intrigue everyone.

9. Come up with a shared gift for the whole family. One great gift that will be useful for the whole family. For example, it will be a boat on which you can go on a shared voyage, or a tourist tent, or bicycles for each family member.

10. Choose movies for family viewing. Find several different ones suitable for viewing with the whole family. It is necessary to take into account the tastes of each family member so that everyone has something to see. Also prepare crackers, sparkling water and tasty snacks while watching.

11. Buy fireworks and salutes. Without them, any New Year's holiday will seem “lenten.”

12. Have a conversation on the topic: “The most good moments of the passing year." You can do this either in writing or simply tell each other.

13. New toy. Worth buying for the Christmas tree every year new toy. Such a toy should be purchased based on some event that occurred in a given year. For example, a toy in the shape of a medal will remind you of children’s small victories in sports competitions.

14. Start decorating your apartment on the first day of December! This will make waiting for the New Year more interesting. And the mood will be pre-New Year's. After the holiday, you shouldn’t immediately remove all the decorations; let it stay in your apartment or house a little longer.

15. New Year's chants and buzzers. With the advent of the New Year, with the chiming of the chimes, it is worth using them.

16. Complete the garland with photographs of the outgoing year. Hang it on the wall or any other prominent place, guests or you yourself will write wishes on them.

In our country, we celebrate the New Year in home environment you won't surprise anyone. For the most part, such gatherings end in overeating. We have prepared several ideas on how to celebrate the coming year at home in an interesting way.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

How to spend New Year's Eve fun at home?

How to celebrate the New Year, in what company, and in such a way that guests don’t get bored? This question haunts many, because everyone knows the proverb “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” That is why everyone prepares for this holiday very carefully, planning in advance what to wear and what to put on the table. But on holiday script there is no time left. But in vain, after all interesting competitions and funny jokes can replace 1001 salads and other delicacies that hospitable housewives prepare in such quantities that it is impossible to try everything.

A celebration at home is a great way to celebrate the New Year with your family or organize a get-together with old friends. And believe me, it doesn’t have to be reduced to Olivier and a concert on TV. Instead of traditional salads and appetizers, you can prepare light exotic dishes. Also organize several fun competitions, play “Crocodile”, “Twister” or another interesting game in which you can involve all members of your family and guests.

Another way to celebrate the New Year in an interesting and unusual way is to make it themed. There are an incredible number of options for organizing a fun celebration, because the theme can be completely different. If you love to cook, take your family and friends on a culinary trip to Italy or France. If your family has a common favorite movie, bring it to life on New Year's holiday. However, when choosing a party theme, it is worth remembering that all family members should support this idea. It will also be good if you divide the preparation responsibilities between them - everyone without exception should be involved (entrust the kids with artistic design with thematic drawings).

If you don’t know how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year at home with your family, give them a dream holiday. This is especially important if you are celebrating with children. Try to find out what your loved ones dream of and make it come true. A little creativity and all your loved ones will certainly not forget this New Year.

How to celebrate the New Year at home together?

People in love usually don’t notice anyone around them, so they hardly need company for the New Year. If you are going to spend a festive night with your loved one (or loved one), take care of the romantic atmosphere. The muted flickering of candles, which is reflected in the New Year's tinsel, light background music, an interestingly decorated table, delicious dishes and just the two of you - this will certainly not be erased from memory. Forget about electric lights and TV this evening - they can dispel the New Year's magic. But light romantic comedies on an old projector are quite appropriate (you can rent one).

As for snacks, they should be as light and interesting as possible. A couple of salads, a hot dish and dessert - this will be enough, because the point of celebrating together is not at all in a table laden with food.

It's also worth remembering to have fun. This can be both innocent entertainment like “Twister” and “adult” cubes or cards. No matter which option you choose, you definitely won’t be bored.

How to celebrate the New Year alone at home?

Is it possible to celebrate the New Year alone, leaving all the noisy festivities outside the door of your apartment? Of course, in our country it is not customary to celebrate the beginning of the calendar year alone - it just so happens that noisy companies are in fashion. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible. Such a holiday is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and devote time to your loved one. A huge advantage of such a celebration is that you can cook several of your favorite dishes, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and watch all your favorite movies. Or you can celebrate the New Year in a warm bath with foam, fruit and champagne (or cocktails) - it depends only on your personal preferences and desires. And most importantly - no overeating and no pain in the morning.

How to celebrate New Year with friends?

Whether there are three of you or in a big noisy company, it doesn’t matter at all. The main condition is that it should be fun, exciting and interesting. Preparing for the New Year is not a matter of one day, so it makes sense two or three weeks before the holiday to get together with the same company and discuss the main organizational issues. This includes the theme of the party, the distribution of dishes (for example, the hostess prepares only hot dishes, and the guests bring everything else with them) and music with competitions. A joint celebration implies a division of responsibilities between all guests. Decorating the house, preparing holiday dishes, writing a holiday script. The correct distribution of roles will not only make the celebration perfect, but will also bring you closer (this is especially true in companies where unfamiliar people meet).

Home scenes for the New Year

If you celebrate the New Year at home, this does not mean at all that you do not need any competitions. On the contrary, to make the celebration not boring, special attention should be paid to entertainment. At both children's and adult parties, it is equally appropriate to invite guests to perform small mini-performances. They are in the majority New Year's programs offered by event agencies, as well as thematic forums on the Internet. This entertainment will surely please everyone, because it involves working together on a production or concert.

To act out this or that scene you will need funny texts, masks and a little acting art.

A lottery will also help to diversify the festive feast, where mandatory tasks will be played. Even the most ridiculous actions that guests can pull out will arouse keen interest on New Year’s Eve and will definitely not let you get bored (for example, on a piece of paper there may be a proposal to depict a symbol of the coming year or its habits).

If you want to celebrate the New Year with your family, you can organize an entire home performance with many quizzes and competitions with your own hands. Of particular interest to your loved ones may be a holiday auction, at which you will “sell” their previously hidden things for a rhyme or song.

Home quests for the New Year are also incredibly popular. These are a wide variety of riddles, by solving which guests receive not only a lot of positive emotions, but also small souvenirs. You can develop a quest script for a home party yourself or find it on the Internet.

The same applies to New Year competitions that you want to hold at home. For a home company, both old, familiar competitions and more exotic ones are quite suitable. For fun, guests will gladly agree to participate in any experiments and the craziest competitions.

Home photo zone for the New Year

To organize a photo zone, beautifully decorate the Christmas tree, place figurines of the Snow Maiden, Snowman and other heroes near it, elegant boxes with gifts, and also prepare New Year's hats in which your guests can do a festive photo shoot.

Scenario for New Year 2018 in the comfort of your own home

Scenarios for home celebrations can be found in large quantities on the World Wide Web. Their theme and scope depend mainly on whether you are celebrating in a noisy company of bosom friends or with your family. Holiday scenarios always come with ready-made competitions, tasks and interesting games. If you yourself want to write the script for the celebration, then you must take into account that all the entertainment is for both children and adults, so that not a single guest gets bored. They should not contain low or vulgar humor - all this is inappropriate at such an event. And here cool competitions for a large company they are welcome, but they are not at all suitable for children’s pastime. In general, be guided by the situation and try to take into account all the wishes of small and large guests, and then your home holiday It will definitely be fun.

New Year's Eve at home is not only a familiar feast, but also an opportunity to have fun with family and friends.

Very soon the chimes will strike, and the whole world will begin to celebrate everyone's favorite holiday. In childhood, New Year is the most magical and wonderful holiday. With age, his perception changes dramatically. Each of us is familiar with the rather banal scheme of the holiday: preparing dishes for the festive table - feasting - listening to the president's congratulations - watching "The Irony of Fate" and "Blue Light". Agree, not the most festive and fun pastime. It’s especially sad when a similar scenario is repeated year after year. What to do in this case? How to change the course of the celebration? How to spend the New Year so that it is remembered until next December? In fact, it's not difficult at all. You just have to use your imagination, and you will be guaranteed a fun and unforgettable holiday.

Stop sitting at home on New Year's Eve! On such a magical holiday, everyone wants a miracle. If you can’t expect miracles from Grandfather Frost, then you can try to become wizards yourself and go on New Year’s Eve, for example, to a fairytale forest! Impossible? Nothing is impossible!

On New Year's Eve - to the forest

Probably, each of us from the very beginning of December has been asking the question: where to spend the New Year? Go to the winter forest. Feel like the hero of a real winter fairy tale.

We recommend preparing for the celebration in advance. A week before the holiday, go outdoors and choose a suitable place. Modern conveniences of the 21st century allow us not to think about possible difficulties. So, as a forest edge, you can choose the territory of a city recreation area, where, in addition to the forest thicket, there will be a heated house, a bathhouse, and a place for entertainment (slides, skating rink, towns).

If you want to choose a more economical holiday option, go to the countryside. You can decorate a Christmas tree in the yard and celebrate in the house. Take care in advance about how you will heat the house and think about where in the vicinity of the cottage you can go for a walk.

Turning a home holiday into a fairy tale

What to do if you celebrate New Year's Eve at home? How to spend the New Year so that it will be remembered for a long time? Under no circumstances use the standard “Soviet” version of the celebration. Dinner in front of the TV is a thing of the past.

Even while at home, you can spend time in an unusual and original way.

Main ideas of the holiday:

The soul asks for a banquet

Want to have fun this New Year? Go to a restaurant. If you don’t want to spend the whole evening at the stove, but your soul cries for fun, you can book a table in a restaurant. In addition to delicious dishes and drinks, the restaurant will have a festive show program.

You can not only eat delicious food, but also take part in fun competitions and drawings, sing your favorite songs, dance.

At the same time, you don’t have to think about what kind of competition to hold and how to amuse your friends. And most importantly, there is no need to prepare holiday dishes and buy drinks. Significant savings in free time.

Going to a restaurant on New Year's Eve is a real fairy tale, great way have a good rest and relaxation.

Holiday for children

What should young parents do? What to do on New Year's Eve with children? Here the celebration option depends on the age of the child.

  • If there is a child under 1 year of age in the house. At this age, children do not yet understand all the charm of the country's main holiday. The celebration should take place in a free home environment. You should not put on your child an overly complex carnival costume with many details. There is a high probability that an uncomfortable outfit will completely ruin the child’s mood, and the celebration will be completely ruined. It is better to sit at the table in the evening. During the celebration, you can play with your child and show him the lights on the Christmas tree. By nightfall, most likely, the child will want to sleep. It is better to put the child to bed by 11 o'clock in the evening. And then you can calmly wait for the “cherished hour” and spend a calm, family New Year’s Eve watching popular TV programs.
  • Children aged 1 to 3 years do not yet fully understand the meaning of the celebration. Their misunderstanding is expressed in whims. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to put them to bed and enjoy the celebration yourself. Give them gifts, tell them about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, feed them well, and spend the night in a cozy family atmosphere.
  • Children aged 3 to 6 years are already more independent. They are looking forward to a miracle. They love the main characters: Father Frost and Snow Maiden. At this age, you don't have to put them to bed early. Let them play until they get tired. Give them gifts. Having opened them, the children will be busy playing with them until the morning and will not disturb you.
  • Children aged 6 years and older. The children are already completely independent. They can sit at the festive table like adults and actively participate in sweepstakes and competitions. A home celebration with children is the best way to spend time.

How to entertain guests

So, you have come up with and developed the main scenario for a “magical night” and are waiting for friends and relatives to visit. We came up with an interesting menu. How to entertain loved ones? It has been very popular lately to organize New Year's games.

Let's look at the most interesting of them:

  1. present. We hide prepared gifts in secret places throughout the house. With the help of clues, guests look for them;
  2. crocodile. Perhaps not a single gathering in the company is complete without this game. Its essence is quite simple: 1 participant must depict some animal or object, and the rest wish for what exactly he wished for;
  3. make-up artist Participants apply makeup blindfolded;
  4. piñata. This item is very popular in European countries. It is a figurine made of paper. Various sweets are placed inside. Each participant uses a stick with his eyes closed and tries to break it;
  5. fashion designer Find old clothing and accessories around the house. Organize an impromptu fashion show.

Who is taller, stronger, braver - we compete

What's a celebration without competition? We arrange New Year's competitions for friends and family. You can take any idea for competitions that your imagination is capable of.

All competitions can be divided into several topics:

  • sports;
  • brain teaser;
  • humorous;
  • team

What competitions can you come up with? Let's look at the main examples for each topic:

  1. sports. The basis of the competition is to determine who will better demonstrate their physical abilities (running, strength, endurance, etc.). You can use additional accessories: balls, balloons, jump ropes, bicycles, scooters - whatever comes to mind;
  2. brain teaser. The main task is to determine which of the participants has the most developed intelligence, logic and level of education. This requires preparation. Find interesting questions in advance in the spirit of “Own Game” and “What? Where? When?";
  3. humorous. Designed to lift the spirits of those around you. Remember humorous programs in the spirit of “KVN” and “Comedy Club”, and based on them, create a competition program;
  4. team The point is to understand which team is better based on the selected parameters. You can compete in any area: singing, dancing, joking, or organizing sports competitions.

As you can see, in order to have a fun and unforgettable celebration of the most magical night of the year, no special effort or financial investment is required. You just need to use your imagination.

1. Set up a puppet show or shadow theater

You can build a screen using an ordinary blanket or sheet. Small soft toys are suitable for a puppet theater, and for a shadow theater you need to cut out silhouettes from paper. A lamp placed behind the screen will complete the simple design. Kids will be delighted, and adults will be able to plunge back into childhood.

2. Organize a home masquerade

Carnival costumes are useful not only for children's parties. Paint your faces, put on masks, create your own look from scrap materials... and try to guess who is dressed up as who.

3. Prepare a New Year's message

Who said that only the president can give a New Year's address? Your loved ones probably also have something to say. Have each person next to you prepare a five-minute speech and present it to the crowd.

4. Tell fortunes for next year

There are a lot of ways: bake Chinese fortune cookies, tell fortunes on cards, on coffee grounds, on wax. You can take the signs of fate both seriously and frivolously. The main thing is to interpret them in a positive way and hope for the best.

5. Start a New Year's tradition

The hero of the film “The Irony of Fate” went to the bathhouse with friends every December 31st. And do you have new year tradition? If not, it's time to come up with one. It would be good if it was related to charity. For example, with gifts for children in orphanages.

6. Be Santa Claus or Snow Maiden

Professional artists are, of course, good, but working as a New Year's wizard yourself is much more fun. Props can be bought at a carnival costume store or rented, and loyal spectators can be found among the children of neighbors or friends.

7. Play board games

With fun tabletops, New Year's Eve at home will fly by unnoticed. The stores have a huge selection of similar entertainment for every taste and even special games for the New Year.

How to celebrate the New Year noisily

8. Congratulate your neighbors

Let you not know who all these people living with you on the same landing are. New Year is a good reason to find out. Prepare small gifts like fruits and chocolates and go spread joy without leaving your front door. This way you will please others, and you yourself may receive a pleasant surprise in return.

9. Go to the skating rink

On New Year's Eve the skating rink turns into a noisy and cheerful holiday. Christmas tree, music, lights and decorations - such splendor is unlikely to be created at home. You definitely won’t get bored at the skating rink, and there will be a lot of people around from whom you can recharge your New Year’s spirit.

10. Set off fireworks

Stop watching other people's pyrotechnic fun; lighting firecrackers and setting off fireworks yourself is much more interesting. In addition, this is a good reason to break away from the New Year's table and go outside to unwind.

11. Throw snowballs

And when the supply of pyrotechnics runs out, you can remember your childhood and have a snow battle. Divide into two teams, come up with a name for them, load up on ammunition and don’t sit out in the trenches. A little physical activity will also help you avoid gaining weight after a heavy meal.

12. Go to a bar or club

If you are tired of quiet family celebrations, then the best solution is to buy a ticket to a New Year's show at a club or simply celebrate the holiday in a bar. Noisy company, exotic drinks and a fun evening are guaranteed.

13. Organize a competition for the funniest photo

Show your imagination yourself and force your friends to show it. During the evening, take pictures in the craziest poses and post them on social networks with a special hashtag. At the end of the holiday, reward the most creative participant.

14. Play forfeits

Come up with and write fun tasks for the guests of the celebration on pieces of paper, put them in a hat and pull them out one by one. You can refuse to perform a forfeit only once during the entire game.

How to celebrate the New Year romantically

15. Look dazzling

Now it's time to change your robe and sweatpants with slippers to an evening dress, suit and shoes. Even if you decided to spend this New Year at home, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of showing off and appearing in front of your partner in the best possible way.

16. Turn off the electricity

Finish all your work before sunset, and then imagine that you have traveled back to the 19th century. No gadgets, TV, radio, light bulbs. Just candles, silence, a couple of games of preference and long conversations while fanning.

17. Dance

Learn a waltz or a couple of other simple dances. Spin around the room or simply sway slowly to the beat of the music. Let this evening be a little like a New Year's ball.

18. Prepare a romantic dinner

Of course, it’s hard to imagine the New Year without Olivier and tangerines, but they don’t add any romance to the holiday. Why not limit yourself to wine, light snacks and one delicious meat dish? It’s better not to stand at the stove on this special evening and order food from a restaurant. You just need to do this in advance, otherwise you risk waiting until next year.

19. Get an erotic massage

We ate, danced, talked - it's time to move on to the final stage of the evening. On New Year's Day you can give not only gifts, but also pleasant feelings. For example, a long and sensual massage. Prepare massage oil or cream and essential oils in advance to enhance the sensation.

20. Organize role-playing games

It’s not far from the New Year’s masquerade to the masquerade in bed. If all this time you couldn’t decide to role-playing games with a partner, then perhaps you need to do this precisely during the chimes.

How to celebrate the New Year without stressing

21. Review photos from the past year

Surely a lot of good things came into your photos in the past year, but you forgot. The last hours before the New Year can be spent on pleasant memories and reliving the joy of these moments.

22. Lay a time capsule

Write a short letter about what you have achieved in the past year and what plans you are making for the future. Put this in a box along with a couple of small things, throw it away and don't open it until next New Year. It will be interesting to compare your expectations and reality later.

23. Make strangers happy

If you happen to spend a holiday alone, this does not mean that you will have no one to congratulate and no one to receive warm words in response. Just find strangers on social networks (you can even from other countries) and wish them all the best from the bottom of your heart. Receiving congratulations from a random person is sometimes even more pleasant than from an acquaintance.

24. Sing karaoke or watch movies

Celebrating the New Year alone has another advantage: you can sing, dance and not be afraid that someone will see and criticize. Turn on the music, find words on the Internet and sing to your heart's content.

If you don't want to sing, have a movie marathon in your pajamas and with popcorn. Finally get some rest.

25. Shopping

On New Year's Eve, online stores often try to get rid of gifts that no one will need after the holiday. And this is a chance to get a big discount and please yourself if you no longer believe in surprises from Santa Claus.

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