What payments are due to pregnant women? What does an expectant mother need to know about payments and benefits in Russia. Who funds the benefit

(or, as it is often called, “maternity benefits”) is one of the types of insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance. Let’s figure out who is entitled to maternity pay and in what amount, what the duration is and the specifics of receiving it.

Payment of maternity benefits

It is important to understand that only women can count on maternity benefits (as opposed to child care benefits). All categories of recipients of maternity benefits in 2019 are listed in No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 “On state benefits citizens with children." These include women:


    unemployed (dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations during the 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed)

    full-time students

    undergoing military service under contract

    who have adopted a child and belong to the above categories

If a woman simultaneously becomes entitled to child care benefits and maternity benefits, she can choose only one of these benefits

Note: Maternity benefits in 2019 are paid only for the period of leave of the same name. This means that if a woman does not take advantage of the right to the specified leave and continues to work (and, accordingly, receive wages), then she is not entitled to benefits. In this situation, the employer does not have the right to provide the woman with two types of payments at once: both salary and benefits. Therefore, wages will be paid for days worked. As soon as a woman decides to exercise the right to maternity leave and it is issued, the payment of wages will stop and the employer will accrue benefits.

Maternity benefit paid at the place of work, service or other activity. For women dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization, benefits are paid by social security authorities at their place of residence (place of actual stay or actual residence).

Note: if the employee is a part-time worker and has worked for the same employers for the two previous years, then both employers pay her maternity benefits in 2019.

Maternity benefit is paid .

Documents for receiving maternity benefits

The list of required documents is given in No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.” You will need:

    application for granting benefits (drawn up in free form)

    Maternity benefit is paid to the insured woman in total for the entire vacation period.

    Amount of maternity benefit

    The amount of maternity payments depends on the status of the recipient:

    • Working women receive benefits in the amount of 100% of average earnings

      Those dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization - in the amount of 300 rubles

      Female students - in the amount of the scholarship

      Contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance

    If an insured woman’s work experience is less than six months, she can count on benefits in an amount not higher than the minimum wage (from January 1, 2019 - 11,280 rubles)

    Calculation of maternity benefits

    Since 2013, women have not been given the right to choose the procedure for calculating benefits

    Maternity benefit is calculated based on average earnings and does not depend on the employee’s length of service (unlike temporary disability benefits). For convenience, the calculation of benefits can be presented in the following diagram:

    Maternity benefit in 2019

    income for 2 calendar years
    (preceding the year of maternity leave)
    divide by
    number of days in this period
    multiply by
    number of maternity days

    Now about the nuances.

    Firstly, average earnings for each of two calendar years should not exceed a certain maximum. This maximum is established - the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the corresponding year. In 2017, this amount was 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles. That is, when calculating for each year, you need to use the amount that is smaller.

    Secondly, the amount of average daily earnings (that is, the quotient from dividing income for two years by the number of days) is now legislative. The permissible maximum is determined as follows: we take the maximum bases for calculating contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the two years preceding the decree, add them up and divide the resulting amount by 730.

    Third, from the total number of calendar days in a two-year period should be excluded:

      Periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave

      The period of release of an employee from work with full or partial retention of wages, if insurance premiums were NOT charged on the retained wages for this period

    Fourth, if during the two years preceding the maternity leave the employee took maternity or child care leave, then these periods, as we see, will be excluded from the calculations. However, in this case, the woman is given the right to such periods (one year or both) of the previous year (two years), so that this leads to an increase in the amount of maternity payments.

    Related documents"Maternity benefit in 2019"

    • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 N 182n “On approval of the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remunerations for the two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work (service, other activities) or the year of applying for a certificate of the amount of wages , other payments and remunerations, and the current calendar year for which insurance premiums were calculated, and the number of calendar days falling in the specified period during periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, the period of release of the employee from work with full or partial retention of wages in accordance with the law Russian Federation, if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were not accrued for the retained wages during this period"

Having learned about pregnancy, the woman changes: she takes on a mysterious appearance and begins to mentally prepare for meeting the baby. The expectant mother should be “savvy” in all matters and know what support she can receive from the state while carrying a baby and then giving birth to him.

What is maternity benefit

Payment for pregnant and postpartum women is one of the options for providing citizens with compulsory social insurance. This assistance is intended for young mothers who are registered while pregnant and have already given birth.

Maternity benefit is a type of insurance coverage

Who can apply for maternity benefits

Only a new mother can apply for such a payment, unlike child care benefits.. Apply for benefits if you belong to the following categories of women:

  • working;
  • unemployed;
  • undergoing contract military service;
  • undergoing full-time training;
  • who have adopted a child and fall into the above categories.

All payments to pregnant and postpartum women assigned in 2018

In 2018, every pregnant or postpartum woman can apply for the following benefit options:

  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • at the birth of a child;
  • for registration at the antenatal clinic at early pregnancy up to 12 weeks:
  • for caring for a baby up to one and a half and up to three years;
  • maternal capital.

The expectant mother has the right to benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, for the birth of a child, for registration with an antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy, etc.

Table: how much can a pregnant or postpartum woman receive in 2018

Type of benefit Amounts of maternity payments in 2018
From January 1, 2018From February 1, 2018
1. Maternity benefitMaximum size:
  • during pregnancy without any special features or complications - 282,493.40 rubles. (calculation: (718,000 + 755,000)/730 x 140);
  • for complicated childbirth - 314,778.08 rubles. (calculation: (718,000 + 755,000)/730 x 156); P
  • for multiple pregnancy - 391,454.80 rubles. (calculation: (718,000 + 755,000)/730 x 194).

Minimum size:

  • during pregnancy without any special features or complications - 43,675.39 rubles. (calculation: (9489 x 24)/730 x 140); P
  • for complicated childbirth - 48,667.32 rubles (calculation: (9489 x 24)/730 x 156);
  • for multiple pregnancy - 60,522.18 rubles. (calculation: (9489 x 24)/730 x 194).
2. Allowance for registration in the early stages of pregnancyRUB 613.14RUB 628.46(613.14 x 1.025)
3. One-time benefit for the birth of a childRUB 16,350.33RUR 16,759.09 (16,350.33 × 1.025)
4. Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years oldMinimum size: for the first child - 3065.69 rubles. (taking into account the minimum wage - 3120 (7800 x 40%) for the second and subsequent children - 6131.37 rubles.Minimum size: - for the first child - 3142.33 rubles. (3065.69 x 1.025) for the second and subsequent children - 6284.65 rubles. (6131.37 x 1.025)
5. Monthly allowance for child care up to 3 years oldVaries by region
6. Maternity capitalRUB 453,026

Table: schedule for processing benefits for the expectant mother and child

If the benefit was assigned before February 1 and was paid at a fixed rate, then the amount will be indexed from the beginning of February 2018.

Child benefits are tax-free and you will receive them as promised.

Payments to future and current mothers are accrued only for the time of leave provided during the pregnancy and birth of the baby. That is, if a woman refuses the allotted leave and continues her activities, then she will have to refuse the benefit. An employer does not have the right to offer a woman both a salary and benefits. Therefore, for the days of work, the woman will receive the due salary, and if she suddenly decides to apply for leave, the employer will stop paying the salary and begin to accrue benefits. This is done at the place of work, service or other activity. If the organization was liquidated and the woman was fired from her place of work, then she has the right to apply for a payment from the local social security service.

If a woman combined two positions and worked in the same company for the last two years, then theoretically she can receive benefits in double the amount. The exception is cases when earnings from the main job are 2 times more than earnings from the additional one.

Benefits are issued after the provision of maternity sick leave, which is issued in the antenatal clinic or in the maternity hospital after the birth of the baby. Next, the employer and the Social Insurance Fund (who doesn’t know - the social insurance fund) carry out a mutual settlement, usually against insurance premiums that require payment. Thus, funds for benefits are still paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

The application of a pregnant woman or young mother is registered, and the first money will be credited on the next salary day to a card issued by the organization where the woman worked. If you applied to the Social Insurance Fund to receive benefits, the payment may take a little longer: a ten-day review will be required, and the funds themselves will be credited to the account before the 26th day of the month following the month of application. That is, you can receive the money in a month with a small “tail”. In this case, the payment is credited to a bank card or sent by postal order.

Payment for women who registered early while pregnant

If you contacted a gynecologist and he registered you before twelve weeks of pregnancy, then you can apply for additional social assistance. In 2018, the payment increased and now amounts to 628.46 rubles. This money is paid from the funds of the Social Insurance Fund. In the first case, the woman must bring to the accounting department at work a certificate from a gynecologist about registration. This form of payment is not available to unemployed mothers.

For women registered in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), a benefit in the amount of 628.46 rubles is provided

Leave for pregnant and postpartum women

This assistance measure in Russia is valid during the following periods:

  • during normal childbirth - for 70 calendar days before birth, and for the same period after it (total - 140 days);
  • in case of complicated childbirth - for 70 calendar days before delivery, and for 86 days after it (total - 156 days);
  • in case of multiple pregnancy - 84 days before delivery and 110 days after it (total - 194 days).

Maternity leave begins from the moment the sick leave is issued. When carrying one baby, a certificate is issued at the thirtieth week, and in case of multiple pregnancy, this period is shifted forward by two weeks, that is, it is issued at the twenty-eighth week of gestation.

Premature birth or its delay is not a reason to change the vacation time. In the event of a difficult birth, another certificate of incapacity for work is drawn up and an application for additional rest is submitted.

You can apply for leave in connection with the pregnancy and subsequent birth of a baby by providing the following documents to the employer or directly to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • identification;
  • application addressed to the employer;
  • sick leave issued for the entire period of incapacity;
  • certificate of registration at the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy (if any);
  • certificate of income for the last year;
  • card or account number for transferring benefits.

Maternity leave begins from the moment the sick leave is issued

Read more about maternity leave in our article -.

Calculation of benefit amount

Thanks to this example, you can easily calculate the due amount. Of course, there are exceptions everywhere: if something doesn’t match, check this issue with the HR department, and everything will become clear to you.

If you were already on maternity leave, the amount will be less

As you can see, the number of sick days is multiplied by a woman’s average daily earnings. It can be determined by the salary of the two previous calendar years. If during this period the woman changed her place of work, then the new boss should receive information about previous employment. To do this, provide a certificate of average earnings, which is issued upon dismissal. The general procedure for calculating payments remains the same, but there are minimum and maximum thresholds. The maximum amount of payments is determined in accordance with the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

Replacing years when calculating benefits for pregnant and postpartum women

When calculating average earnings for calculating benefits for pregnant and postpartum women, it is possible to replace the two previous calendar years with the previous ones. This is possible and is done if the employee has been on maternity or child care leave for one or two previous years. By law, the calculation years are replaced if the benefit amount is greater.

Excluded periods when calculating benefits for pregnant and postpartum women

To calculate maternity and child care benefits, exclusion periods are applied. The amount of salary accrued for the billing period is divided by 730 days by default. But the following periods should not be included in the calculation:

  • time for pregnancy and childbirth, child care;
  • period of temporary incapacity for work;
  • the period of release of an employee from work with retention of earnings, if he was not charged FSS insurance premiums for the time in question.

If there are such periods, calculate their total value in days and subtract it from 730. Then you get another (smaller) number by which the amount of salary accrued for the billing period will be divided when calculating the payment.

When calculating average earnings for calculating benefits for pregnant and postpartum women, it is possible to replace the two previous calendar years with the previous ones

If the entire two-year period consists of excluded time, then the 3 months of work closest to it, where there are days worked, are taken for calculation.

The calculator on the FSS website will help you determine the calculation formula..

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

At the birth of a child in 2018, a family with any number of children receives a one-time payment of 16,759.09 rubles. You can be sure that you will receive it regardless of whether you work or not. For working citizens, benefits are issued at their place of work, but the unemployed will have to apply to the local Social Insurance Fund. Single parents receive payments on simplified terms, because they will not need a certificate from the second parent’s place of work stating that he has not previously received this money. In addition, each city has established additional measures to support parents. For example, in many regions, an additional lump sum benefit is issued by a family upon the birth of a second and subsequent children.

Benefit for a child up to one and a half years old

Any parent of a child can receive this measure of support. For the payment, the average monthly income for the last 2 years is taken into account: 40% of this amount is paid every month. Unemployed parents can also qualify for a payment, but it will be minimal, and it can be applied for at the Social Insurance Fund at their place of residence.

To pay benefits for a child under 1.5 years old, the average monthly earnings for the last 2 years are taken into account: 40% of this amount is paid monthly

I know from myself that officially unemployed mothers in Kaluga will receive a monthly payment of about 6,000–7,000 rubles. If a third or subsequent child was born in your family, then you can also apply for an allowance of 9,300 rubles - it is also called “mother’s salary”. I received such payments for my daughter in 2017, but now they may have increased by 50–100 rubles.

Compensation of 50 rubles for the duration of maternity leave to care for a child under 3 years old

From birth until the child reaches three years of age, such compensation is paid. The following have the right to receive it:

  • parents on parental leave;
  • employed mothers;
  • adoptive parents, guardians;
  • female students;
  • mothers fired due to the liquidation of the organization;
  • individual entrepreneurs.

Payments are made at the expense of the employer and are included in the Social Insurance Fund account. The benefit can also be received through the employer by submitting an application. Female students submit an application addressed to the rector of the university, military personnel need to submit a report to their superiors, and an individual entrepreneur must contact the Social Insurance Fund. Documents required to apply for benefits:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of non-receipt of benefits by the father;
  • ID card of the person applying for the benefit.

Copies are provided for each of these documents. The application must be written within six months from the date the child turns one and a half years old.

Allowance for a child under 3 years of age is paid from the budget and included in the Social Insurance Fund account.

Regional child benefit

In the regions, additional, regional benefits are also paid for a child from one and a half to 3 years old (keep in mind that the start and end dates for payment vary and are set at the regional level, usually this is a period from one and a half to 16 years). However, women whose family’s monthly income is below the minimum subsistence level established in the region have the right to receive them. Regional benefits may vary and are set in accordance with the capabilities of a particular region. In the last few years, such payments have decreased or become smaller, which is due to the crisis situation in the country. To find out what benefits you are entitled to, contact your local social security office: they will advise you and tell you what documents will be required to apply for benefits.

I live in Kaluga, now my daughter is two years old without a ponytail. In our region, cash payments for the first and second child under three years old amount to 4,000–5,000 rubles monthly. If you have a third child (like me), then you will receive 9,300 rubles. However, you will have the opportunity to choose between the first and second payments, since you are entitled to both of them, but you can only apply for one. Yes, I forgot to add: I am a non-working mother, so I can’t say anything about payments for mothers of other categories.

Until the child reaches three years of age, the benefit can be received by the mother or father at the place of work. To the application for payment, the parent must attach a certificate stating that his spouse did not receive this benefit.

Payments in 2018 for the second child

In some regions there is a program of governor's payments, thanks to which the amount increases. With the birth of your second baby, you receive the right to register maternity capital, which will be discussed below (see the section “maternity capital”). The lump sum benefit for the birth of a child remains the same for both the first and subsequent births (see the corresponding section). Payments up to one and a half years for the second child are the same as for the first. Only gubernatorial payments may differ slightly when compared with the first and second pregnancies. But each region has its own, and in recent years some of them have been cancelled.

Maternal capital

At the birth of their second child, parents have the right to register maternity capital. For 2018, its amount is 453,026 rubles. Maternal capital can be issued immediately after the birth of the second child, but in order to realize it, you will have to be patient a little.

Maternity capital in the amount of 435,026 rubles is issued at the birth of the second child

Who is eligible for payments?

The following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for maternity capital, regardless of their address of residence:

  • women who gave birth or adopted a baby since January 1, 2007;
  • women who gave birth or adopted a third child since January 1, 2007, who have not previously received maternity capital;
  • male adoptive parents of the second, third and subsequent children who have not previously registered maternity capital (the court decision on adoption must enter into force before January 1, 2007).

Taxes on maternal capital

According to the law, taxes should not be levied on maternal capital, but in the Arkhangelsk region local authorities nevertheless decided to introduce it. If in your case a tax deduction is made from maternal capital, then you must contact the tax authority and ask for a refund of the amount. But before that, you still need to study information about taxation in your region.

In my city (Kaluga), taxes on maternal capital are not collected. In addition, for several years in a row, during the crisis years, it was allowed to withdraw funds from maternity capital. At first it was 12,000 rubles for 2 years in a row, and the last time they gave out 20,000 and 25,000 rubles. I processed this money quickly: I simply came to the pension fund with a minimum of documents and received payments within two months (in fact, they arrived earlier).

How can you use maternity capital?

You can spend the funds received on the following needs:

  • improving living conditions (add funds to buy a house or apartment);
  • the child’s education (preschool, school or subsequent);
  • formation funded pension for the mother of the child;
  • receiving a monthly payment upon the birth of a second child.

Maternity capital funds, with the exception of monthly payments, are not issued in person. The amount does not have to be used in one direction: it can be divided into different needs.

I haven’t used the maternity capital yet, but my friends received this money to build a house. First, the state allocated them the first amount (half of the capital), and when the walls and roof were erected, my friends received the rest of the money to continue construction.

Food allowance: special additional allowance (clause 3 of article 52 of law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ)

If your child is under three years old, then you can apply for food in kind (including through food outlets and retail outlets), or in the form of monthly compensation for various categories of citizens:

  • for expectant mothers for the entire period of bearing the baby, starting from the twelfth week of pregnancy (in this case, the woman must be registered at the antenatal clinic);
  • for nursing women for 6 months from the date of birth of the child;
  • for a child up to the age of three.

A young mother can apply for a food allowance for her baby until he reaches the age of three

In Kaluga, 2 years ago, prescriptions for free baby food, provided to children under three years of age, which we received at the dairy kitchen. Then the mothers staged a real strike, after which the administration decided to introduce monetary compensation. Now it is paid monthly, and is issued once a year: we bring receipts, which indicate the purchase of fermented milk products, and we are paid the amount spent (up to 1 thousand rubles monthly). Of course, there are some nuances here: receipts that contain a different list of purchases, as well as crumpled receipts, are not considered. And regarding compensation for food for pregnant and lactating women: we have completely abolished these measures since 2016, and previously money was paid in the amount of 800 rubles (for food for pregnant women) and 300 rubles (for nursing mothers).

Conditions for providing food benefits

In addition to the conditions described above (see the food allowance item), to receive the payment you need:

  • permanently reside in the region in which the payment is made;
  • provide documents that the expectant mother or woman who has given birth does not receive adequate nutrition (to do this, you need to contact the social security authority at your place of residence and find out exactly what papers are required in the region where the woman lives).

The mother does not have to apply to social security on her own to receive food benefits: her relatives can do this for her

Sample application

This is the application you need to fill out and submit to your region of residence. In some regions, social security workers use their own forms, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to rewrite the application.

The application form may differ in different regions: this should be checked with the local social protection authority

Payments upon the birth of the third and subsequent children

For the third and subsequent children, the same benefits are paid as for the first and second child, with the exception of the regional monthly payment until the child is three years old and maternity capital (if it was not received earlier). In addition, a family with three children is considered to have many children. This category of citizens of the Russian Federation must be registered, which will allow them to receive the right to a number of benefits and services as state support:

  1. Targeted social assistance. Documents for its provision and the amount of payments depend on the specific region.
  2. Order of “Parental Glory”: issued to parents whose family has seven or more children (the seventh child must reach the age of three). When it is issued, parents are awarded the amount of 100,000 rubles.
  3. Discounts on payment for municipal and government services.
  4. The right to increase parents' income by eliminating workplace taxes.
  5. The right to use real estate and transport without taxation.
  6. Assistance in housing construction for parents with many children in the form of grants, loans and interest-free subsidies.
  7. Benefits that allow you to increase the size of future pensions.
  8. The right to provide a land plot.
  9. Possibility of free travel on public transport.
  10. Possibility of free visits to children's camps and recreation centers.

There is no specific presidential decree regarding all these measures, so they are individually considered at the regional level.

In Kaluga, at the birth of the fourth child, an additional measure of support is provided: 600 rubles for each child monthly until the eldest reaches 14 years of age. Officially working parents can receive subsidies to reimburse interest after paying utility bills. I don’t know how it is now, but 3 years ago low-income large families could apply for free meals for schoolchildren. In our region, it is easier for children living in a large family to get into kindergarten, since they are accepted out of turn. In addition, my friends say that they pay less for kindergarten than mothers and fathers who do not have many children. It’s a pity, of course, but 2 years ago in our region they canceled new Year gifts for children living in a large family. And one more thing: according to my friend, before the start of the school year, low-income families recognized as having many children can receive backpacks from social security, and 3 years ago stationery was also given out here.

Conditions of receipt

A family must receive the status of a large family, for which parents apply to the social security authority at their place of residence. Parents, or one of them, must be citizens of Russia, and also provide approximately the following documents to social protection (their list must be clarified in each region):

  • ID cards of both parents;
  • their marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • work books or income certificates from places of work;
  • account number to which payments will be made.

Photocopies must be attached to all the above documents.

If there are three or more children in a family, then the parents must obtain the status of having many children from the local social protection authority

Table: calculation of payments in 2018 to unemployed young mothers

Category of non-working (unemployed) citizens Maternity benefit For early registration up to 12 weeks One-time benefit for the birth of a child
1. If it is impossible to carry out work activities in connection with the bankruptcy procedure of the employerIn the form of compulsory social insurance in full in the form of “direct payments” from the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund in accordance with the social guarantees established for employed citizens:
100% of average earnings for the previous two full calendar years or according to the minimum wage:
  • RUB 34,521.20 - during normal childbirth (140 days);
  • RUB 38,466.48 - during complicated childbirth (156 days);
  • RUB 47,836.52 - in case of multiple pregnancy (194 days)
40% of the average monthly earnings for the previous two full calendar years for each child, but not less than 3065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent ones (for three children or more - no more than 100% of the average monthly income before dismissal).
2. When a woman is recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of dismissal from her previous place of work due to the liquidation of an organization or termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or self-employed populationIn the form of compulsory social insurance in the social protection authorities (SZN) at the place of residence (stay, actual residence)
In the minimum established amount of 613.14 rubles. per month:
  • RUR 2861.60 on vacation 140 days;
  • 3188.64 rub. on vacation 156 days;
  • 3965.36 rub. on vacation 194 days
In a fixed amount 613.14 rub. in addition to maternity benefitsIn a fixed amount 16350.33 rub. after receiving a certificate or birth certificate of the child
3. Upon dismissal during the period of maternity leave (for mothers also during maternity leave) in connection with the liquidation of the organization or termination of work activity as an individual entrepreneur or self-employed person (as well as when the husband is transferred from military units in the territory foreign countries)In the form of compulsory social insurance in full at the place of work before dismissal or in the form of “direct payments” from the Social Insurance Fund:Before dismissal - also in the form of compulsory social insurance, after dismissal - in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN:In the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN:
4. Unemployed women for whom compulsory social insurance is not provided (including full-time students)Only for pupils and students - in the form of state social security at the place of study:In the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN:
In the amount of the scholarshipIn a fixed amount 613.14 rub. in addition to maternity benefitsIn a fixed amount 16350.33 rub. after receiving a certificate or birth certificate of the childIn the minimum established amount of 3065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent ones

Video: what payments are provided for pregnant and postpartum women in Russia since 2018

Pregnancy and childbirth are wonderful periods in a woman’s life. What’s even better is that it is accompanied by support from the state, which is provided to families with one child and parents with many children, as well as working and non-working citizens of the Russian Federation.

What is the minimum amount of maternity benefit from January 1, 2018? Has this size changed since February 1, 2018 after indexation? From what earnings is the minimum maternity benefit calculated in 2018? We will answer the questions and provide a table with the new values.

From January 1, 2018 – a new procedure for calculating benefits

From January 1, 2018, organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to pay employees wages of at least 9,489 rubles (that is, no less than the new minimum wage). Cm. " "

Maternity benefits, in general, should be calculated from the average earnings for the billing period, that is, for the two years preceding the onset of illness, maternity leave or vacation (from January 1 to December 31). Accordingly, if an employee goes on maternity leave in 2018, then the billing period will be 2016 and 2017 (Part 1, Article 14 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006).

However, earnings for the billing period should not be less than a certain amount. The state guarantees the calculation of benefits based on the minimum allowable earnings. It is defined like this:

In total, the minimum earnings for the billing period in 2018 are 227,736 rubles. (RUR 9,489 x 24)

Another value that will be required to calculate maternity benefits is the minimum average daily earnings. To find out the minimum average daily earnings for calculating benefits, the accountant needs to divide the resulting value by 730. The following formula is used:

Accordingly, from January 1, 2018, the minimum average daily earnings is 311.967123 rubles per day (227,736 rubles / 730 days). From January 1, 2018, the average daily earnings for calculating benefits cannot be less than this value.

Therefore, if maternity leave began in 2017 (from July 1 to December 31), then the minimum average daily earnings for calculating maternity benefits should be taken equal to 256.438356 rubles. (7800 RUR × 24 / 730). If actual earnings are below the minimum, then benefits had to be calculated from this value. Here are the minimum amounts of maternity benefits from July 1, 2017:

  • RUB 35,901.37 (256.438356 × 140 days) – in the general case;
  • RUB 49,749.04 (256.438356 x 194 days) – in case of multiple pregnancy;
  • RUB 40,004.38 (256.438356 x 156 days) – for complicated childbirth.

Minimum benefit after January 1, 2018

If maternity leave began in 2018, then the minimum average daily earnings for calculating maternity benefits should be taken equal to 311.97 rubles. If actual earnings are below the minimum, then benefits had to be calculated from this value. We present the minimum amounts of maternity benefits from January 1, 2018.

All pregnant women are entitled to benefits and compensation, regardless of whether she is working or not. Financial assistance is guaranteed by the state, but the amount of this assistance depends specifically on whether the woman has formal employment. What payments are due to pregnant women and what is necessary to receive them will be discussed below.

general information

According to current legislation, every woman in a position can receive various types of benefits if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In this case, all programs are conditionally divided into three categories:

  • for workers;
  • for unemployed people;
  • as part of medical care.

The latter apply to both working and non-working women. As part of health care, pregnant women are provided with a number of privileges and benefits that they can use.
Important! The main document giving the right to benefits and allowances is a certificate from a medical consultation. If a woman does not register, then she does not have rights to benefits.

Medical benefits

First of all, according to Article 41 of the Constitution, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to free medical care. Including pregnant women.

Moreover, according to the law guaranteeing the provision of certain medications to pregnant women, these drugs are provided in state pharmacies either free of charge or with a 50% discount.

For example, folic acid and ascorbic acid, necessary for the normal development of the fetus, are prescribed free of charge during all months of registration.
In addition, the following types of medical services are provided free of charge:

  • Visiting specialized doctors:
    • gynecologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • dentist;
    • therapist;
    • otolaryngologist (ENT doctor).
Attention! In order for services to be provided free of charge, a referral from the doctor managing the pregnancy is required.
  • Carrying out planned manipulations:
    • fluorography for the whole family;
    • Ultrasound (planned - three, additional - on the recommendation of a doctor);
    • passing all necessary tests;
    • physiotherapeutic procedures.
Attention! For all manipulations, a referral is issued by the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Early registration benefit

Regardless of whether a woman works, she is entitled to payment of benefits for early registration with a medical organization. The benefit is paid if a woman consults in the first trimester, before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Funds are paid from the regional fund. The size depends on the regions, on average 500-1000 rubles. around the country.

Required documents

In order to receive benefits, you need to collect a minimum package of documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate from the antenatal clinic;
  • statement;
  • an extract from the employment center stating that benefits were not paid there;
  • extract from the house register;
  • a copy of the personal bank account where the benefit will be transferred (account number, not card number);
  • a copy of the work book or a certificate from the employment center about the status of unemployed.

You can apply to write an application at “My Documents” (multifunctional centers) in the region of residence or at the place of registration (registration) at the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

Important! The benefit for registration in the early stages of pregnancy is paid only at the place of permanent registration. If a woman registers at her place of temporary registration, her right to receive benefits is lost. This change came into force in 2016.

If a woman is employed, then such benefits are paid to her by the employer. You must submit an application, passport and a certificate from the antenatal clinic about early registration.

Maternity benefit

So-called maternity payments are accrued to women 70 days before giving birth and 70 days after. For multiple pregnancies or births with complications, the leave period is longer. For example, benefits for the birth of twins must be paid not for 140 days, as usual, but for 194 days: 84 days before the birth, and 110 after.

  • Female students, if a woman is studying full-time, the payment amount is equal to the amount of the monthly stipend.
  • Dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations during the 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed, having ceased their activities as an individual entrepreneur, notary, or lawyer. - 300 rubles per month are taken into account. For an appointment, contact the FSS.
  • Working women.

The benefit is accrued after the pregnant woman provides sick leave to the employer. The mechanism for calculating benefits is as follows: the average daily wage is multiplied by 140 days of vacation. In 2019, the maximum amount of maternity benefits is 301,095.89 rubles, the minimum is 51,918.90 rubles

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

This is a one-time payment provided to one of the parents. When two or more children are born, this benefit is paid for each child. If the child was stillborn, no benefits are provided.

Methods of obtaining:

  • paid by the employer if the woman is employed;
  • paid to the employed father of the child if the woman is not employed;
  • is paid by the USZN if the parents are not officially employed.

The benefit amount in 2019 is 17,479 rubles 73 kopecks.

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old

Regardless of whether a woman works or not, she has the right to receive benefits for up to 1.5 years per child.

If a woman is not employed, it is paid from the regional fund. You can obtain it by contacting the USZN or the Multifunctional Center.

The amount of the benefit for the first child in 2019 is 3,277 rubles 45 kopecks, for the second and subsequent children 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks. Payments are made from the moment the child is born until the age of 1.5 years. You can apply for an appointment at any time during the specified period.

Working women are paid this benefit by their employer. Its size is determined based on the average salary for the last 2 years and is equal to 40% of its size. The algorithm for calculating the benefit is as follows: divide the average earnings for the two previous calendar years by 730 (the number of days in a calendar period), multiply by 30.4 (the average number of days per month) and multiply by 40%.

The maximum amount of such benefits for working women is 26,152 rubles 27 kopecks. The minimum is 3277 rubles 45 kopecks for the first child and 6554 rubles 89 kopecks for the second and subsequent children.

Child care allowance up to 3 years old

A benefit for up to three years, in the amount of 50 rubles, is paid to all employed women, students and graduate students, non-working wives of ordinary and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who care for a child. To receive benefits, a woman must be on maternity leave.

Benefits for citizens with children

Families with an income below the subsistence level established in the region have the right to apply for benefits, which are assigned from birth until adulthood for each child separately. In some cases, the child's age can be up to 23 years. The benefit is paid monthly, and the amount of the benefit is set in each region separately, taking into account the regional coefficient. For mothers (fathers) raising children without a second parent, the benefit amount has been increased. To apply for benefits, you need to contact the UMSZ or a multifunctional center. The amount of the benefit is determined by each region independently.


The family collectively receives 24,000 rubles.

There are three people in the family.

The cost of living is 9,470 rubles.

The family is considered low-income: 24,000/3 = 8,000 rubles.

In this case, benefits for up to three years are assigned and paid monthly.

In addition to payments, women can count on labor benefits. For example, if working conditions for a pregnant woman are too difficult or have a negative impact on health, then she has the right to write an application to the employer for a transfer to another position or a reduction in output. The employer is obliged to maintain the wages that the woman previously received. No changes are made to the work book.

Important! The employer does not have the right to fire a pregnant woman, and is also obliged to provide annual paid leave upon request, even if it does not fit into the approved vacation schedule.

Privileges for non-working women

In addition to medical benefits, maternity payments and benefits for unemployed women also include unemployment benefits.

But only if she registers with the employment center and registers as unemployed. In this case, unemployment compensation is guaranteed during pregnancy and until the end of maternity leave.

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You found out that you will become a mother. Rejoice with all your heart, because perhaps there is nothing in the world more beautiful than this news. But at the same time, try not to forget about many important issues, including financial ones, that are associated with the onset of this period. If you find yourself in an “interesting situation,” you are entitled to several benefits in 2018. Next, each of them will be described in sufficient detail to remove most of the questions that inevitably arise in many ladies.

Benefit for those registered in early pregnancy

It is worthwhile to promptly, without delay, contact a medical institution - a consultation or a medical center that has a license and the right to conduct pregnancy, in order to register, which will give you the right to receive the very first benefit.

Help from the state can be received already at the earliest stage of pregnancy. By registering with an antenatal clinic during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you are entitled to receive lump sum benefit. Its size in 2018 is 628 rubles. 47 kopecks

More information about this type of payment can be found on the Early Benefits page.

In order to receive benefits, the following conditions must be met:

For those who work, study full-time on a free or paid basis, or are on military service, benefits are paid at the place of work, service and training.

Those who were forced to resign due to:

  • The onset of an illness that makes it difficult to carry out work or makes it impossible to stay in a certain area (due to unsuitable climatic and other conditions, about which there is a document drawn up in full form at a medical institution);
  • Illness of a family member who requires care, or the presence of a disability of the 1st group (in both cases, a document issued by a medical institution is required);
  • The need to move outside one’s locality to the spouse’s place of residence or new job.

Benefit payment is made at last place of work, if the onset of maternity leave refers to the period within a month after dismissal.

Those who were fired for the following reasons:

  • The company or enterprise where the woman worked was liquidated;
  • Suspension of work as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Suspension of the work of lawyers, private notaries and those who, due to their occupation, are required to undergo the state registration procedure.

Payment of benefits is carried out by regional employment services at the place of residence, if the woman received official unemployed status no later than one year after the occurrence of the above circumstances.

Documents for obtaining benefits

It is necessary to collect the following documents to receive benefits for those registered in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Passport or other identification document;
  • A certificate from the medical institution where the woman registered in the first 12 weeks;
  • Statement on the need to assign benefits in the prescribed form;
  • A certificate from the employment service confirming receipt of unemployed status;
  • A certified extract from the work record book;
  • A certificate from the district social protection office at the place of residence of the pregnant woman with information that they did not pay for benefits.


  • For payments made through the Social Insurance Fund, copies must be presented along with the originals. All Required documents can be sent to the regional FSS office by mail.
  • To receive benefits at the place of work, you must provide a certificate from a medical institution confirming registration, as well as an application.
  • When leaving for the spouse’s place of work or residence, a certificate from his work and a marriage certificate are required.
  • When leaving your place of residence for medical reasons, you must provide a certificate from a medical institution.
  • When caring for a sick relative or a disabled person of group 1, you must provide a medical certificate about the patient’s condition and documents proving your relationship.

The procedure for applying for a one-time benefit, or where to bring documents?

It is possible to submit documents to receive benefits after the 12th week from the date of pregnancy. Having prepared everything you need, you must bring a package of documents to work, your place of study or the territorial department of the Social Insurance Fund.

You won't have to wait long for a decision. Payment is made within 10 days from the date of submission of the necessary documents.

Accrual and payment of maternity benefits

The procedure for calculating benefits before January 1, 2013 was different. Before this period, calculations were made depending on the average salary that a woman received during one year. Now the estimated period has become 2 years preceding pregnancy. Now let’s take a step-by-step look at how maternity benefits are calculated using the example of 2017. More information about the calculation and amount of payments on the page Amount of maternity benefits.

Example of calculating maternity leave

Employee of Gastronom LLC Petrova P.P. I brought a “sick leave” to the accounting department confirming maternity leave. The sick leave period is 140 calendar days (from January 9 to May 25, 2017 inclusive). Insurance experience of employee Petrova P.P. more than six months. Petrova had not previously been on “children’s” vacations.

  • The billing period will be the time from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 (731 calendar days)
  • During this period, Petrova P.P. salary accrued in the amount 710,000 rub., including: for 2015 - 380,000 rubles; for 2016 - 330,000 rubles.

Earnings of Petrova P.P. for 2015 and 2016 did not exceed the limit values ​​( 670,000 rub. and 718,000 rub.. respectively). Therefore, when calculating benefits, all these payments will be taken into account in their entirety.

In 2016, from November 15 to December 5 (21 calendar days) Petrova P.P. received temporary disability benefits. This means that the duration of the billing period will be (731 - 21) = 710 calendar days.

Average daily earnings are:

710,000 rub. / 710 days = 1000 rub./day.

What documents are required to receive maternity benefits?

  • Sick leave, issued by the medical institution in which the woman is registered, it is provided at the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (28th - in case of multiple pregnancy);
  • If there were several places of work during the last period, maternity pay is paid to the place of the last one; a certificate is required stating that the payment was not made elsewhere;
  • Upon dismissal as a result of the liquidation of a company, maternity payments are made by the social security department, subject to registration with the employment service and a certificate to this effect (the benefit in this case will be 628.47 rubles per month);
  • If it is impossible for the employer to pay the benefit, it is paid by the insurance company, the name of which you can see on the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Calculation of maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs

Benefits for individual entrepreneurs are calculated in case of payment of insurance premiums for the last year before the onset of maternity leave (B&L). The benefit amount is tied to the minimum wage.

To pay maternity benefits to individual entrepreneurs, you must provide:

  • Application of an individual entrepreneur to the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation with a request to assign a benefit for accounting;
  • Sick leave.

If work activity The individual entrepreneur is carried out simultaneously and under an employment contract, while contributions to the Social Insurance Fund have been paid for two years, pregnancy benefits will be received both at the Social Insurance Fund branch and from the employer who entered into this agreement.

What benefits can the unemployed count on?

Maternity payments are not made to the unemployed, except in cases where the dismissal is the result of the liquidation of a company (enterprise), or if the woman is a full-time student at an educational institution of higher, secondary or primary level (the benefit in this case will be equal to a scholarship and will be paid by the educational institution itself) .

Unemployed people do not receive payments in connection with registration in the early stages of pregnancy. Although different regions may have their own payments. For example, in Moscow, when registering (for a period of up to 20 weeks), a woman registered in Moscow receives a one-time payment, which is also valid for those who are not working.

Benefits after the birth of a child

What a blessing. Everything has happened, and you are a happy mother. Once again a huge reason for joy. And during this period you can also count on receiving various benefits.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child from February 1, 2018 - 16,759.09 rubles. When several children are born, the benefit is received for each one separately. Unfortunately, it is possible that the child will still be born, and in this case no payments will be made. This benefit can be received not only by mom, but also by dad or any person replacing parents.

If you are eligible to receive benefits, you must collect the following documents:

  • A certificate from the place of employment stating that the lump sum benefit was not paid to the other parent, as well as a certificate from the employment center about the status of unemployed from the unemployed parent;
  • Certificate from the registry office;
  • Child's birth certificate.

If both parents are unemployed, payment of a lump sum benefit at the birth of a child is carried out at the district social protection office after presenting the following documents:

  • Certificates from the registry office;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Work books containing records of dismissal, for those who have not worked before, presentation of a diploma or certificate.

Monthly benefits for child care up to 1.5 years

The amount of monthly benefits for child care up to 1.5 years is 40% of the average salary over the previous two years. The person who directly cares for the child is entitled to receive benefits, and this can be any family member.

The minimum amount of monthly payments for caring for the first child from 02/01/2018 is 3142.33 rubles. - non-working and 3788.33 rubles. - working, for the second and subsequent children - 6284.65 rubles. The maximum amount of benefit for a child under 1.5 years old in 2018 is RUB 24,536.55.

Documents required to receive benefits

  • Application for benefits;
  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate (if there is another child, a copy of his birth certificate is also required);
  • Certificate from the employer confirming the second parent’s non-use of maternity leave and their monthly child care allowance;
  • A copy of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

These documents are provided to the employer.

When receiving benefits through social security authorities, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Application for granting benefits;
  • Birth certificate of the child, if there are other children - birth certificates of them too;
  • A certificate from the employment center about non-receipt of unemployment benefits by an unemployed parent;
  • A certificate from the place of work of the second working parent stating that he did not receive benefits;
  • A work book containing a record of dismissal;
  • A copy of the order granting parental leave for up to 1.5 years (for those dismissed from liquidated enterprises during the period of leave).

Just as in the case of maternity payments, regions may have their own payments in addition to the amount determined by federal law.

An example of calculating parental leave for a child up to 3 years old

Since May 25, 2017 Petrova P.P. takes parental leave for up to 3 years, for the period of which a monthly allowance will be paid until reaching 1.5 years.

The billing period will be the same as in the example discussed above - from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, 710 calendar days(the period of temporary disability at the end of 2016 is not taken into account).

Earnings for 2 calendar years - 710,000 rub.

Thus, the monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years will be:

710,000 rub. / 710 days x 30.4 days x 40% = 12,160 rubles.

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