Canals on human legs. The most important points for replenishing energy throughout the body. What are Internal Energy Frequencies

The opening of energy channels is the body's ability to receive energy that comes from a person's own body. When the channels open, then the human body undergoes much less fatigue, immunity increases, and clairvoyance abilities also appear.

A person's well-being depends entirely on his energy, which takes place in the body at the moment. Energy levels can even change from depression or the common cold. And when the energy channels open, it makes it difficult to receive the necessary energy from space, the development of intuitive and extrasensory abilities stops. When the body is able to replenish itself with energy, then this is the key to good health in a person.

We all know that there is energy and information of the cosmos. It is present in us and with us, everywhere and always. But due to our ignorance and closeness, we do not accept this energy-information flow or receive it in very small quantities.

Everyone has had cases when, as they say, intuition worked. This is nothing more than receiving information from space. Energy channels and meridians of a person.

It has long been known in Eastern culture that vital energy (Qi) circulates in the human body. Its movement passes through energy channels, another name is meridians.

There are a lot of them in the human body. However, there are 12 main ones:

1. Metabolism and lungs.
2. Large intestine.
3. Stomach.
4. Spleen and pancreas.
5. Heart and vessels.
6. Small intestine.
7. Bladder.
8. Kidneys.
9. The pericardial meridian is needed to support the heart, blood vessels and sexual energy. Affects the nervous system.
10. Gallbladder.
11. Liver.
12. The 12th meridian cannot be attributed to certain organs. He is responsible for the organs that are above the diaphragm and navel. It also controls the functioning of the kidneys and genitals.

These meridians are included in three main blocks:

  • Sushumna is the central and “thickest” channel responsible for all the unconscious processes of the organs and the person himself.
  • Ida - left channels. They are responsible for a person's past.
  • Pingala - right channels. Responsible for the future. If the energy of life circulates through them without obstacles, the person is healthy. As soon as a “plug” appears in the meridian, the state of a person also weakens.

Practice. Cleaning the energy channels of a person on your own

Here are 2 simple and affordable ways to clean the channels.

First way

First of all, take a disposable plate and pour 1/8 of a pack of salt into it (the mineral perfectly absorbs the negative). Put at the stop. Or put your feet on the ground.

And start the exercise of self-cleansing energy channels person:

  1. Close your eyes, relax (you can turn on music for relaxation).
  2. Imagine that you have roots instead of legs, and they descend to the very center of the Earth, to magma. It rises to your feet in an intense and strong current.
  3. Challenge your soul to find the "negative plug". Let her let you know about the find with tingling, cold sensations or images.
  4. Then, with ethereal hands, raise the energy of fire from the foot further to the fingers and toes. Do it slowly. If you feel that something is interfering, take out the “energy plug” with your ethereal hands and throw it into the salt. If you feel that everything is not pulled out at once, unscrew it like a screw, counterclockwise. Negativity can come to you in many ways. Dirt, knives, nails, needles (piercing objects - this means someone has “done” to you). It is not uncommon that negativity can turn into all sorts of creatures. Therefore, do not panic, but slowly and confidently cleanse your body and throw all the “negative plugs” into the salt.
  5. Do this in turn with the legs, then with the torso, then move on to the shoulders, neck, shoulder joints and fingers. Do everything carefully. CAREFULLY clean the HEART.
  6. After all, you can move on to the head. Nose, ears, mouth, everything EXCEPT THE BRAIN.
  7. Put an impromptu dish on your shoulders and collect the energy of fire in it. Go through the head, collecting and burning the negative.
  8. Now inhale the fire with your whole body, pat yourself. This is necessary in order to heal wounds after "traffic jams" and fill the etheric body with healing energy. If the hands also need to be healed, just connect them.
  9. Throw away the salt when finished. When you get rid of the salt, say: “ I give to the Earth for processing for soil fertility“.

IMPORTANT! Once again, we ask you to do everything slowly and carefully. Remember - you are doing the "operation" to yourself. Don't take this process lightly. When you finish the procedure, take a shower and sleep.

The scheme of such cleaning:

  • First time.
  • Then after 3 days.
  • In 2 weeks.
  • After 2 months. Such work on yourself will allow you to become healthier and more harmonious. And the Cosmos will help you with this.

Second way

The thumb and forefinger of one hand should be drawn along each finger of the other, without touching the body, and then well shaken into the "fire" created by your thought, with the words: "For processing."

According to the Eastern teachings of Ching-Lo, in the human body, the energy of CHI, the energy of life, vitality, spirit, mood, does not spread randomly, but circulates through 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians, or channels that have no anatomical analogue.

Modern biophysics has experimentally proved that the system of meridians really exists.

It represents a kind of connection between the etheric and physical bodies. The vital energy sequentially passes through all the organs of the body, making a complete circuit during the day.

Each channel has periods of maximum and minimum activity.

The time of maximum activity is called the hours of organs, lasts 2 hours and is the best period for the effect of treatment on organs and systems.

Knowing the time of day when the maximum flow of energy passes through a certain organ, you can choose the best moment for treating this organ.

Treatment is most effective at a strictly defined time of day,

Of all the listed meridians, an explanation requires triple heater.

This conditional body is divided into 3 parts:

upper heater - upper torso- generalizes the functions of the heart and lungs according to the distribution of QI and blood to nourish various organs and tissues;

middle - middle part of the body- summarizes the functions of the spleen and stomach - digestion and absorption of nutrients;

lower heater - lower torso- summarizes the functions of the kidneys and bladder, controls water metabolism and the flow of vital energy QI.

Triple heater. The maximum activity time of the third heater can be used as a backup if the time of a certain organ has been missed.

If you treat yourself by the hour, you can heal quickly!

From 07 to 09 hours: best time to take medicines that help to function properly intestines and stomach.

09:00 to 11:00: active spleen and pancreas, and you can support their work with drugs.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Anyone who suffers from poor blood circulation, problems with heart it is recommended to move less and stay in the shade more, especially when the days are hot.

From 13:00 to 15:00: if you have work problems small intestine

From 15:00 to 17:00: The digestion process is in full swing. The most favorable period for taking appropriate medications that will help to get the job done stomach and bladder.

From 17 to 19 hours: the therapy of diseases will be very effective kidney and back.

From 19:00 to 21:00: treatment will be very effective impotence, premature ejaculation and frigidity.

21:00 to 23:00: The pre-sleep period is exceptionally good for fighting skin diseases and hair loss.

23:00 to 01:00 midnight. According to the beliefs of the ancient Manchus, the most mystical part of the day. At midnight, gallstones and sand are excreted. At this time they are fighting cholelithiasis.

From 01 to 03 am: as a rule, sharp pains are associated with the end of the digestive cycle in people with weakened liver. An ideal time to take medications designed to support this important organ.

03:00 to 05:00: Deep sleep causes additional breathing difficulties in people with weak lungs and bronchi. The most suitable time for taking medicines for lung patients and asthmatics.

From 05:00 to 07:00: you can take a break. If you treat yourself by the hour, you can heal quickly! Human energy key, channels + and meridians meridian activity time lung meridian, large intestine meridian, adrenal glands, small intestine meridian, blood circulation meridian, three heaters meridian, gallbladder meridian, central meridian, stomach meridian, spleen meridian, pancreas meridian, heart meridian , kidney meridian, liver meridian

In this section, I will tell you more about the human energy structure.

Energy, according to Eastern teachings, moves along 14 channels - meridians. Qi moves through the system of energy meridians (ki, prana, alive - it is called differently by different peoples) - the primary energy, the very breath of life, present everywhere: in living beings and inanimate objects, in our palms and the depths of space.

If the circulation of qi in the body is correct, the person is healthy both physically and mentally - according to Eastern tradition, the body is inextricably linked with the soul. Stagnation or excess qi, on the contrary, can lead to the development of disease.

Look at fig. 8. This scheme has been around for many millennia. In the East, all these energy channels have been studied since time immemorial. Over time, experiments and observations were collected, processed, classified and formed into a coherent system of knowledge, on the basis of which Oriental medicine exists and successfully functions.

Pay attention, the end of all energy channels is on the toes and on the fingers. Along one meridian, the energy in our body flows from outside to inside (these are the so-called yin meridians, indicated in blue on the diagram).

On other meridians, energy flows from the inside out (these are the yang meridians, marked in red on the diagram). That is, the human energy system is (more precisely, it should be in a healthy state) in constant energy exchange with the environment, more precisely, with nature.

When energy interaction exists, then in the human body there is a potential difference necessary for the flow of energy, bioenergetic + and -.

Such interaction requires the contact of the initial points of the meridians with the environment. That is, our hands and feet, in theory, should constantly be in contact with objects of nature that remove excessive electrostatic charge, ground our energy system, and, accordingly, ensure the flow of energy. Since childhood, we have all heard about how useful it is to walk barefoot on earth, water or a wooden floor.

If the channel is blocked somewhere, for example, in the region of the eyes or limbs, then the flow of energy is hindered in the entire channel (remember: the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases ...). As a result, the organs do not receive enough energy and cannot work normally to cope with all their duties. And no matter how you pile on them "raw materials" - they will not be able to process it.

Therefore, for example, DMTs do not work effectively in MS.

Why does a person need channels-meridians? There are five main functions:

1. Communication with the environment.

2. Manage vital energy and blood flow supply to energy to organs.

3. Harmonize Yin and Yang.

4. Revitalize muscles and bones, facilitate the work of joints.

5. Transfer energy from the internal organ to the integument of the body so that internal signals about the disease reach the surface of the body.

In total, there are 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridian channels in a person.

Paired channels - the channel of the lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidneys, liver, etc.

Two unpaired channels regulate the energy of Yang and Yin, respectively, from the posterior and anterior medial meridians. Energy is balanced by the action of Yin and Yang.

The energy cycle starts from the meridian of the lungs and sequentially passes through 12 main paired meridians per day and stays in each of them for 2 hours. Two unpaired channels operate around the clock.

I told this to understand why it is so important to follow the daily routine in multiple sclerosis (MS) and understand at what time of the day the corresponding channel meridian conducts maximum or vice versa minimum energy.

Qi energy will not be able to reach the organs of our body in the right amount if the energy meridians are clogged. If the energy does not flow through the body as it should, it will stagnate and dry out, or, on the contrary, create excessive tension. Therefore, the necessary healing action will not occur.

In MS, blockages occur in the meridians in the intestines, eyes, limbs, and spine. For healing, it is necessary to clear these energy meridians.

In order for energy food to really become useful, it is necessary to cleanse the energy meridians, through which the energy from food will reach all organs. All illnesses occur because energy circulates incorrectly throughout the body - either balanced energy does not come from outside, or its flow is already disturbed inside the body due to improper function of the meridians.

Since ancient times, the East has understood that on each meridian there are special points for establishing the flow of energy in the meridian. It is enough to know the main point corresponding to each of the twelve main meridians in order to be able to daily establish the normal movement of qi in the body and ensure its harmony for each vital organ of the human body.

Here is how the points corresponding to each meridian are located, according to Futsukuji Nishi (see Fig. 9):

1. point of the lung channel;

2. point of the channel of the large intestine;

3. point of the channel of the stomach;

4. point of the channel of the spleen and pancreas;

5. point of the channel of the heart;

6. point of the channel of the small intestine;

7. bladder canal point;

8. kidney channel point;

9. point of the pericardial canal;

10. channel point of three heaters;

11. point of the gallbladder channel;

12. point of the liver channel.

In bold and underlined, I have highlighted those points that are useful to influence in MS.

But the most effective is the so-called point "from a hundred diseases", which is also called the "longevity point". This point belongs to the stomach meridian. The point is located on the outside of the kneecap. From this point, it is recommended to start work on establishing your energy. The point “from a hundred diseases” is shown in Figure 10. And it is easy to determine it like this:

To determine the point "from a hundred diseases":

1. Sit on a chair with both feet flat on the floor and standing parallel.

2. Place your right hand on your right knee so that the center of your hand is at the highest point of your knee.

3. Use your fingers to “hug” your knee.

4. The place where the ring finger will be is the point of longevity. In this place, a deepening is clearly felt.

5. The paired point of longevity is located on the left leg - determine it in the same way.

When massaging the point “from a hundred diseases”, cellular stimulation occurs without loss of energy, i.e. natural mobility is restored without energy loss, which is simply necessary for MS. The easiest and most affordable method is pressure

Longevity point massage is of two types - stimulating and healing. From practice, it is useful to use both methods in MS.

Stimulating massage is done in the morning while still in bed, I apply it no later than 6 am.

The technique is very simple:

Sit on a chair.

First, with the index finger of the right hand, massage the point on the right foot: pressing hard enough, make 9 rotational movements clockwise.

Then, with the index finger of the left hand, massage the point on the left leg: also 9 rotational movements clockwise.

And so 9 times: you should get 81 rotational movements clockwise on each leg.

A healing massage is done in the afternoon (I recommend before the howl). The technique of execution is the same as that of the stimulating massage, only rotational movements are done counterclockwise.

The next point is Feng Fu, which has been successfully shown in the treatment of MS, appeared in ancient China and is also considered a point of brain rejuvenation.

I must say that for purely marketing reasons, we often call rejuvenation the correct functioning of the body. And the Feng Fu point is no exception.

This point returns our brain to a healthy state, reanimates the lost functions of a person.

The Feng Fu point is located under the occiput, between the head and neck. It is called in anatomy a large occipital foramen, there is nothing between the skin and the brain in this place, it is easy to feel for it yourself.

In Eastern medicine, acupuncture or cauterization is recommended at this point, but to restore the nutrition of the brain, it is enough to apply ice in this place, affecting the blood flow. Everyone knows that if ice is applied to the bruised area of ​​the skin in time, then there will be no bruising.

In fact, the cold does indeed cause a strong outflow of blood at the point of hypothermia, but this is a temporary phenomenon, and then there is a powerful influx of blood. That is, the current through the energy system is restored (increased) and the brain begins to receive what it did not receive before.

The technique itself is to apply an ice cube from the freezer at the Feng Fu point. I make ice in a mold about 2.5x2.5 cm and put an ice cube under the sports bandage at the Feng Fu point. About half a minute - very cold. Then there is a feeling of joy and cheerfulness, I hold the cube until it melts, then I rub my head with a towel. It is done in the morning, on an empty stomach with breaks of 3 days.

This is another example, once used by a person as a deadly weapon (a blow to the point of Feng Fu, at best, disables, at worst, kills the enemy) serves the health of a person.

In general, at home, for several millennia, massage with the help of two nuts has proven itself to be excellent for cleaning energy channels. Just pick up two walnuts and start rolling them between your palms, pressing with force, in one direction and the other, for at least 3 minutes. Then, take two nuts in each hand and, clenching them in a fist, begin to rotate and roll to the sides. Mental stress will be removed, energy will begin its active movement in the body. Now roll the nuts on the floor with bare feet and feel a surge of strength in your body.

And, finally, here are three of my favorite exercises for clearing and activating energy channels, which are very useful for MS.

Exercise "Energy massage"

It is desirable that you have a minimum of clothing or none at all - at least those parts of the body that will be subjected to energy massage should be naked.

Starting position: stand or sit in any comfortable position.

Rub your palms together properly until you feel heat in them. In this way, you create an intense energy field between the palms.

With warm palms, make a few light smoothing movements from the chin to the forehead, as if washing your face. This enhances the movement of blood in the skin, improves the course of all processes in it, the process of restoring skin respiration begins.

Now make several movements from the center of the forehead to the temples, as if smoothing the forehead, then with some pressure, run your palms from the temples to the chin several times. If you want not only to improve skin respiration, but also to rejuvenate your skin, doing all these movements, imagine that your palms smooth wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, that the skin of the face is rejuvenated, becomes fresh and healthy.

Gently pat your palms on your head, starting from the back of your head to your forehead. This improves the saturation of the brain with energy, cures headaches.

Now, as if combing the hair with the pads of your fingers from the forehead to the back of the head, so that the fingers press quite noticeably on the scalp. This saturates the scalp with energy so much that there are cases when even completely bald people begin to grow hair again - however, for this you need to do 300-500 such movements 2-3 times a day for a month.

Use the pads of your fingers to rub the auricles from the bottom up so that the ears begin to “burn”. The auricle is connected with absolutely all organs, so the massage of the auricles, in terms of the amount of energy that saturates the entire body, is equivalent to a massage not only of the whole body, but even of the internal organs!

Gently pat the entire left arm with the palm of your right hand, from the shoulder to the hand, first on the outside, then on the inside; then the same with the left palm - the right hand. Then, with both hands, simultaneously pat the body from the front from top to bottom, from the neck to the lower abdomen, and on the sides at the level of the waist.

Now, slap the legs from all sides, and then the back - from the bottom up along the spine, as far as you can reach. This opens skin breathing throughout the body and improves the movement of energy throughout the body.

This exercise is best done in the morning - it tones, saturates the body with energy, prepares you for a fruitful day.

Exercise "Energy Skin Breathing"

Now, we need to accustom our skin to full energy breathing. We have already learned energy breathing with the lungs. If we add energy breathing through the skin to this breathing, then we will gradually achieve complete identification with natural processes, with the natural healthy state of the world around us.

Modern man differs from nature in that in nature energy moves, and at the same time peace reigns. In a person, energy stagnates and anxiety reigns. That is why nature is healthy and man is sick.

If we want to be healthy, we must reclaim the state of nature. We must regain the ability to move energy within our body, to exchange energy with the outside world - and at the same time settle deep natural peace within ourselves. With the right breath alone, we can do it!

By adjusting our respiratory system to the correct rhythm of breathing, by adjusting normal skin breathing, we ensure that energy ceases to stagnate in the body, that harmful energies leave, and healthy energy begins to move freely and actively. At the same time, peace and tranquility reigns within us.

We become like nature, we become healthy! From a stagnant swamp, where putrefactive and destructive processes are taking place, we turn into a clean mountain river, into a light gust of breeze, into an ever-playing sea ... Only then do we become truly alive, one with the world, able to enjoy life, happy and healthy.

You have learned to breathe properly with your lungs, you have prepared your capillaries for normal oxygen exchange, you have cleansed your skin and opened its pores for normal breathing. This means that right now you can feel yourself not as a miserable sick creature, but as a powerful natural force, a clot of living, powerful, moving energy, energy that can work miracles of health!

And finally, with MS it is especially important to stop engaging in self-destruction, to achieve unity with nature.

Exercise "Great Breath"

Starting position: lie down on a hard surface, relax, strive to ensure that the posture is comfortable. Breathe fully. Imagine that a whirlwind of prana is spinning around your body like a cocoon. You let this vortex through the skin into the body. If the skin is prepared and cleansed well, this will not cause you any difficulties. If there is a feeling that the whirlwind of prana does not want to penetrate the skin, then it is necessary to apply more intensively the methods of treatment with cold and heat and energy massage of the skin.

If you have managed to achieve the sensation of the penetration of a whirlwind of prana through the skin into the body, feel how this whirlwind is spinning inside you, spirally wrapping around all the muscles and bones, rushing from legs to head, then back. If you have achieved a real, and not an imaginary sensation of the movement of energy in a spiral throughout the body - you can be congratulated on your great success!

Energy channels or energy meridians of the human body is a concept that came to us from oriental medicine. The detailed map is used to diagnose various diseases caused by energy drain. Let's consider the topic in more detail.


Oriental medicine treatment methods are based on restoring the correct flow of energy in the human subtle body. It is believed that all diseases and problems arise due to improper circulation of the life-giving energy Qi, which is responsible for most processes in the human body.

There are also two other types of energies:
Jan- represents the masculine
yin- a symbol of feminine energy

Energy cannot enter the human body on its own - it penetrates through the energy meridians. Every Eastern healer knows the layout of these meridians - after all, it is along the energy channels that biologically active points are located, which are affected during the treatment process.


In oriental medicine, it is believed that the cause of all diseases is the imbalance of energies, male and female.

The disease originates in the subtle body of a person (in his energy essence), and then passes into the physical body. Energies can be controlled using the power of thought. For this, special spiritual practices, meditation, yoga are used. That is why almost any person is able to restore their energy potential, to achieve a balance of energies. Which, in the end, contributes to recovery.

There are also special exercises that allow you to influence biologically active points. To do them correctly and effectively, it is important to know how the human energy channels are located. The scheme is shown in the figure:

It is worth talking in more detail about the energy structure of the human subtle body.

The most important meridians:
1) The main energy channel is called yin- meridian and is located in the center of the front of the human body
2) A “male” runs along the spinal column yang-meridian

As a result, the main meridians unite, intertwine with each other. If the female Yin energy is responsible for service, then the male Yang is the energy of the owner, responsibility. And on both sides of the body there are twelve more energy channels, which are also the main ones. The remaining meridians are located in different parts of the body and have their own names, consonant with the parts of the body for which they are responsible:

The yin meridian, passing through the thumb, is responsible for the lungs
The yin meridian running through the middle and little fingers is responsible for heart health.
Yang meridian: passes through the little finger, is responsible for the large intestine
The yang meridian passes through the ring finger, is responsible for the temperature of the human body
Yin meridians through the big toes: correspond to the kidneys, liver, spleen
The yang meridians of the legs pass: the stomach - the second finger, gallbladder- fourth, bladder - heel or little finger

This training video clearly shows the location and meaning of all energy meridians:


Most often, the diagnosis of energy channels and their cleaning are available only to specialists, not everyone is able to do everything correctly on their own. But you might as well try.

Each meridian has special points. Influencing them, you can adjust the flow of energy in the energy channel. You just need to look at the picture, find on your own body and memorize 12 main points corresponding to each of the main meridians.

Here, for example, is how the energy points are located on the hands and feet of a person:

It is best to start the actions necessary to balance your energy and balance the energy structure by influencing the point, which is called "from a hundred diseases." It is located in the area of ​​​​the patella, on its outer side.

You should regularly massage this point and the area around it. Such actions will help stimulate the desired energy center, restore the mobility of the channels, and heal from many signs of illness.

Massage is recommended to do in the morning, lying in bed. A small nuance - if the morning comes at 12 am for you, you will have to sacrifice daytime sleep. You should get up before dawn, preferably no later than six in the morning.


This topic will be of particular interest to women who want to keep their beauty and youth as long as possible. You should learn how to stimulate the Feng Fu point. It is located in the center of the back of the head, just above the neck. Oriental doctors perform acupuncture at this point or do cauterization. Of course, at home, doing such actions is quite risky.

You can apply ice to this point: the cold provokes an outflow of blood, after which a powerful influx occurs. Thus, the energy balance is adjusted. In the morning, on an empty stomach, apply an ice cube to the Feng Fu point and hold for a minute. Then take a three-day break and repeat. You can do it endlessly.

Of course, do not forget about traditional medicine. If you have any diseases, you do not need to rely only on the power of the vital energy of Yin and Yang. Be sure to visit doctors and follow their recommendations. And work with energy meridians will allow you to achieve the desired result much faster.

Let's define what we know about energy meridians and acupressure points.

Why do we tap certain places on the body during an EFT session?

These are points of influence on a specific energy meridian.

The human energy system.

Life energy is constantly circulating in our body. Official science has not found convincing confirmation of the existence of energy channels in the human body. But Ancient Chinese medicine, more than 500 years ago, described the paths along which the vital energy Qi moves. Using this knowledge, the Chinese have been treating people for many hundreds of years using the acupuncture method - acupuncture, activating the movement of energy.

Estimated trajectory Qi energy- these are energy channels or meridians, as they were called in the West. Meridians are like riverbeds in the human body. Energy always moves along certain routes, regardless of a person's race (Chinese, Negro, white), or age (adult or baby). Each meridian supplies energy to the corresponding internal organ. Therefore, the name of this organ gives the name to the meridian as a whole.

So, there are 12 main energy channels:

1 lung channel
2 channel of the large intestine
3 channel of the stomach
4 channel of the spleen and pancreas
5th channel of the heart
6 channel of the small intestine
7 channel of the bladder
8 kidney channel
9 channel of the pericardium
10 channel triple heater
11 channel of the gallbladder
12 channel of the liver

Acupuncture meridian system much closer to the subtle level than to the physical, which is why it mentions two organs that are not considered organs in classical Western medicine - the pericardium and the triple heater.

Pericardium- this is the outer shell of connective tissue, which includes the heart, aorta, pulmonary trunk, orifices of the hollow and pulmonary veins.

triple heater- a conditional organ that takes part in all the main functions of the body. These are three heaters supplying energy. Some kind of hidden but powerful boiler that provides energy for all the main functions of the body - maintaining homeostasis, nutrition, reproduction ...
The triple warmer is sometimes identified with the immune, endocrine, or parasympathetic systems.

There are many more branches of channels, but we will not dwell on them.

How Violations Occur

The vital energy Qi, like water in a river, flows through energy meridians. Violation of this flow creates problems in the body - lack of energy or its excess. This leads to illness. In order for a person to know in advance about a violation of the movement of energy, about a threat to his health or life, nature has come up with such a method of communication as emotions. A harmonious flow of energy - a person is calm and joyful. Violation of the movement of vital forces - a change in emotion. Anger, fear, guilt, resentment - all these are signals of a violation in the energy system.

In ancient China, it was believed that the meridian system determines the quality of our life: if energy circulates freely, the body works optimally. If the flow of energy is disturbed, negative changes occur both in the body and in the emotional state.

With the adverse effects of stress, bad ecology, negative information, electromagnetic waves or overwork, the balance of the body is disturbed. The balance of all human structures and systems gets out of control, the harmonious distribution of energy in the energy system is especially disturbed.

This can be compared to the interference that a cell phone creates on a TV picture. If a mobile phone rings next to the TV, the TV responds with distortion. The short-term effect of "interference" on a person allows you to quickly restore balance and does not cause serious damage. The constant or frequent presence of a person in the zone of adverse effects makes these violations stable.

As a result, deterioration in health, a drop in mood, difficulties in managing emotions, chronic fatigue and a host of other unpleasant problems.

acupuncture points

Acupuncture points are the places where energy channels are closest to the surface of the body. The points can be stimulated with needles or with physical pressure to release or redistribute energy.

Both acupuncture (needling) and acupressure (finger touch) use the same points.

For example, tapping or massaging points located on the kidney canal:
helps to fill up with energy if you feel sleepy;
focus your attention if it is difficult to concentrate.

Impact on the spleen meridian points will allow:
raise the energy level;
balance the chemical composition of the blood;
strengthen the immune system.

Since we are not the wise ancient Chinese and do not know which energy channel is broken, in the EFT session we will activate all 12 main channels in order to equalize the energy balance of the whole organism.

12 points are responsible for the balance of energy in the body:

1 point, the beginning of the eyebrow - bladder canal
2 point, outer corner of the eye - gallbladder channel
3 point, under the eye - the channel of the stomach
4 point, between the upper lip and nose - the control meridian (regulates the work of other meridians and is associated with the physiology of the brain, spine and genital organs.)
5 point, below the lower lip, above the chin - the central meridian
6 point, deepening at the collarbone - kidney channel
7 point, on the lateral surface of the body, at hand - the channel of the heart
8 point, under the breast - channel of the liver and spleen
9 point, base of the thumbnail - lung channel
10 point, also index finger - colon canal
11 point, middle finger - blood circulation
12 point, ring finger on the side of the little finger - triple heater
13 point, little finger - channel of the heart
14 point - karate point - small intestine channel
15 area at the crown - the channels of the heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder and the central channel converge.
16 tie point for 9 actions - triple warmer

Impact on acupuncture points improves the condition of internal organs by balancing Qi energy, while restoring the balance of the entire energy system and aligning emotions.

Energy flow restoration

During an EFT session, we focus our attention on an emotional event, such as a fight. At the same time, the indicators of the body are also violated - breathing, heart rate change. Vascular tone, body temperature, mood correspond to the moment of the quarrel. We cause an artificially stressful situation, which led to a violation of the energy flow.

By tapping on acupuncture points, we align the flow of energy in each of the 12 channels. The blocks dissolve, the lack of energy is replenished. The energy system comes into balance. The nourishment of the internal organs is enhanced, they become healthy. Emotion, as a signal of trouble, is no longer needed. The person stops responding to the problem emotionally. What seemed to us a problem in real life (quarrel, conflict, phobia) ceases to provoke us, since the body with a harmonious flow of energy itself copes with external influences.

If the emotion has not gone away, it means that the balance of the energy system has not been fully restored. You need to repeat the TES session, or do several cycles.

Our world is filled with all sorts of harmful factors - computers, telephones, televisions, harmful ecology, artificial products, information and speed overloads, urbanization, unbalanced surroundings. This affects the imbalance of all body systems through a violation of the harmonious flow of vital energy. The stronger the energy system, the more effectively the body resists external adverse influences. The more we accumulate disruptions in the movement of energy, the weaker our energy becomes, the more we are exposed to harmful factors again. That is why the number of diseases, both physical and mental, is growing.

I think that in order to have emotional and physical health, it is worth putting a conscious effort into it.
Regularly performing the Emotional Freedom Technique will help you not only take control of your emotions, but also turn on the healing forces that will allow you to restore the functioning of your internal organs and more confidently withstand adverse stress factors.

Be healthy and harmonious!

Your Coach of Mental Balance.

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