Business books by Robert Kiyosaki - complete list. Business Books by Robert Kiyosaki - A Complete List of Robert Kiyosaki's Most Famous Books

The first and most famous book by Robert Kiyosaki, who helped millions of people change their mind about money. His views are largely non-standard and at odds with generally accepted stereotypes.
Rich Dad Poor Dad is about:
- a high salary is not important in order to become rich
your home is not your asset
school does not teach children the right attitude towards money
What is the main difference between a liability and an asset?

Cash flow quadrant

Few would argue with the fact that money plays a huge role in our lives. It is impossible to buy everything for them, but they allow you to achieve a life that can bring satisfaction in itself. Any person would like to be rich, but not everyone succeeds. Whether you're stuck on your path to wealth or looking for ideas for your own business, this book is a great guide. The author in an accessible form talks about the principles of cash flow and how they can be used ...

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

Thanks to the famous bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, many people have been able to change their minds about finances. Now is the time for Rich Dad to talk about what investing is and how important it is in achieving financial independence and wealth. This book will not give readers ready-made templates, but will help direct their thoughts along the right path so that the decision comes on its own. Robert Kiyosaki will also explain what leverage investors have and how to develop your skills in this field...

Retire young and rich

The legend of David and Goliath was rich dad's main story. Dad imagined himself as David, an ordinary person who was not afraid to fight Goliath - the bigwigs of business. His difference from other ordinary people was the knowledge of how to apply the power of influence. Rich dad always talked about the importance of cash flow and the potential for impact. Power is the reason why some people get rich and others don't. Most people have a regular office job and some money to live on. Rich dad talks about a different path: if you want to succeed, you need to start your own business, then you will have more funds available, and work will be fun ...

If you want to be rich and happy, don't go to school

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki expresses his point of view and criticism of the school system. He also shares his vision of what he thinks education for children should be like.
The author finds many drawbacks in school education, which does not allow students to learn the basics of financial literacy and creates the illusion that money can only be earned at work. In addition, the evaluation system at school instills in children an interest not in knowledge, but only in getting good grades ...

Rich Kid, Smart Kid

"Rich Kid Smart Kid" is a publication that will become an indispensable guide for parents who have realized that the world is different now, and the modern education system does not properly prepare children for it. This book is suitable for those parents who are actively involved in the education of children, and do not shift it to the school.
Thanks to this book, parents will be able to give a financial start in the life of their children, instill a desire to learn and develop their talents, manage money wisely, and much more ...

Rich Dad's Prophecy

Rich Dad's Prophecy will tell you about how the retirement funding system will affect the fate of everyone, regardless of age and country of residence, in the near future. This book will tell you about the causes of future collapse, and will tell you not only about the most appropriate ways to protect your fortune, but also about how to capitalize on upcoming events. You will be able to learn how to create a personal financial ark for yourself to stay afloat during the storm, and what types of investments are most successful.

Rich Dad Poor Dad Teen

This book is an excellent guide for the next generation. Robert Kiyosaki tells in an accessible and understandable language what steps a young person should take in order to gain financial independence and become rich in the future.
Financial literacy is the key to a successful future for your child.
However, this book will be useful not only to readers younger age but also for adults. After all, it contains the principles of a successful person, which it is never too late to start applying in life in order to succeed!

Who took my money?

The new work of the legendary Robert Kiyosaki "Who Took My Money" still in the same simple form tells about the main rules of a competent investment financial resources. As the author himself is convinced, in order to become a successful investor, you need to develop immunity to sellers who often want to “slip” a dubious investment project.
Robert Kiyosaki suggests that readers should be attentive to advisers, and even if you are one hundred percent sure that your financial expert is the best in the business, you should still independently study each project in which you invest.

How to become rich without giving up loans?

Robert Kiyosaki's book How to Get Rich Without Giving Up Your Credit Cards is about the price you have to pay to become rich.
In the current difficult economic conditions, advice is being heard from all sides to “tighten your belts.” For those who do not want to take responsibility for their own financial situation, this advice can be very practical and timely.
But it does not work at all for those who really dream of getting rich and becoming financially independent.
Saving mode is unlikely to make anyone really rich. Wealth can only be provided by financial literacy, which, alas, we do not receive in childhood.
A financially literate person understands that there is good and bad credit (debt), and he knows how to use good debt to become even richer than someone who only saves money and does not have loans.

Before starting your business

Do you have a million dollar idea and are afraid you won't be able to make it a reality?
Are you inspired by the stories of other people who have become rich?
Are you tired of following orders from your boss?
Are you tired of working every day and not getting a raise?
Are you ready to open your business?
Robert Kiyosaki will tell in his new work about the successes and, more importantly, the failures in the field of business, as well as the lessons he has learned. These invaluable tips will help you take the first step towards becoming a successful business owner.

Raise your financial IQ

This book does not contain financial advice or magic formulas. This is not a get-rich-quick package. Robert won't tell you exactly what you need to do. Its mission is to give the audience the financial knowledge that will help you find your path to wealth in the future. In other words, increase your financial IQ. The book presents new rules for handling money, which have changed a long time ago. But to understand them, you need to raise your level of financial literacy.

Why we want you to be rich

Most millionaires are slow to share their secrets to getting rich. But Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are not one of them! 2 great businessmen decided to team up to help as many ordinary people as possible not only cope with financial problems, but become really rich. Trump and Kiyosaki do not plan to flaunt ordinary advice from the “save and save” series and so on. They will share with you their thoughts and reflections on the topic of business and investing, explain what exactly they are guided by when making transactions and how they achieve their impressive financial success.

Conspiracy of the rich. 8 new rules for handling money

Have you finally realized that it is time for you to take control of your money and your future? Do you want to know what the gray cardinals of the world of finance are hiding from us? Are you ready to have sometimes complex and confusing information conveyed to you in a simple and understandable language? Then this book is for you!
In his new book, Robert Kioysaki shares his thoughts on the global economy. He shares ready-made solutions to financial problems and practical techniques that can be used during a crisis. You will learn that the current economic situation, which is considered by most as a terrible nightmare, can be an incredible opportunity for you!

A business school for those who enjoy helping others. 8 non-money network marketing values

The practical benefits of Robert Kiyosaki's books are repeated by everyone who has ever read this author. First, they motivate you to start your own business, and then step by step help you on the path to success. "Business School for Those Who Like to Help Others", also known as "Business School" is a book for those who have already realized the virtues of network marketing to create cash flow, but do not yet see a value other than this. In the presented book, Robert Kiyosaki will tell about eight more values, plus 3 hidden ones, that any businessman should know about.

unfair advantage

Another book by a well-known author in the genre of business literature - Robert Kiyosaiki. "Unfair advantage" makes you think about what forces people to live on a small salary, to be dependent on work, etc. After all, each of us is able to achieve more - to find our own business, improve our standard of living, not deny ourselves anything and constantly increase our income.
Robert Kiyosaki will tell readers about how important it is to find an incentive for this, to find something to do and how important it is not to drive yourself into frames and stereotypes.

Business of the 21st century

Life is a very complicated thing, and the main question is how to succeed in it. Complaints, claims and inaction will not help you secure your future. If you want to achieve wealth, then you need determination and an awareness of full responsibility for your life and financial well-being. Difficult economic times will always come, but for true entrepreneurs, any time is a new opportunity and experience ... This is exactly what this book by Robert Kiyosaki teaches ...

Rich brother, rich sister

Thanks to this book, you can learn a lot from the biography of the famous writer Robert Kiyosaki. This book is somewhat of an outsider's perspective, as Robert's sister, Amy Kiyosaki, is the co-author. Each topic covered in this edition is written by both Robert and Amy, allowing readers to look at it from different perspectives. Robert is a successful investor and Amy is a Buddhist nun. Will they be able to agree on their opinions regarding money?

Gift of Midas

Real estate investment

Would you like to learn the secrets of real estate investing from the most experienced and professional experts? Robert Kiyosaki gives you that opportunity in this book. It brings together tips from 22 experienced professionals who will teach you:
- search for promising real estate options
- evaluate it
- seek funding
- deal with risks
- reduce taxes as much as possible

Farewell, rat race!

Robert Kiyosaki decided to create a book specifically for the little ones. This edition is made in the form of a comic book - a colorful cover, interesting stories and bright characters.
The drawn characters of the book will be able to teach your children how to properly treat money, savings and expenses. Children will be able to learn about all this from the main character, a turtle named Timid.
This is an excellent guide for parents who care about the financial well-being of their children.

Success Stories of Rich Dad Students

Would you like to listen to those who have already been able to apply the advice of Robert Kiyosaki in life? Find out success stories that can motivate and give hope? Then this book is for you. Cautionary stories, other people's experiences and numerous tips...
This edition contains the stories of those people who were able to decide what they want to get from life and, thanks to their determination, they managed to achieve incredible results.

Save Your Asset #1

Time is an irreplaceable resource that must be used properly.
The author of this book talks about the fact that he had to spend a lot of effort to create a system for proper time planning and identifying his own life goals. According to him, the lessons of his rich dad, a man who knew how to masterfully and effectively manage his time, helped him in this.
The main task of the author is to teach readers how to properly allocate their time so that it does not flow through their fingers without any result ...

Rich Investor - Fast Investor

In order to acquire and constantly increase your wealth, you need to spend as much as possible and avoid accumulation and savings. But why should we increase the velocity of money and not get involved in investments in long-term portfolios of mutual funds? Readers can find explanations for this phenomenon in the new book "Rich Investor - Fast Investor", where Kiyosaki again destroys generally accepted investment patterns and explains why long-term investments and savings turn out to be only a path to ruin ...

School of Business

In his new work, Robert Kiyosaki decides to highlight the 8 hidden values ​​of the network marketing business. Readers will learn why the network marketing business is a great opportunity for wealth, fortune, and success. Kiyosaki believes that this path is suitable for those who have high motivation, literacy, determination and perseverance ...
The book is intended not only for future entrepreneurs, but also for those who would like to improve their financial literacy ...

Why do excellent students work for C students, and good students work for the state

Robert Kiyosaki called the book “Why do excellent students work for C students and good students work for the state?” for a reason, because the title itself reflects the realities faced by many people. It is sometimes surprising when a classmate who barely got C’s at school suddenly becomes successful in life, and the one who relentlessly crammed textbooks and got high marks could not realize himself.
Robert Kiyosaki is sure that everything is laid down in childhood and parents are responsible for this. The author talks about numerous techniques and facts that can make readers think about many things.

Second chance

Finance guru Robert Kiyosaki presents his new creation, Second Chance.
We all live in a period of economic instability and numerous crises, when you absolutely do not know what will happen to the economy in the next year or decade. Kiyosaki considers such rules of the game to be natural, and notes that in Chinese the term "crisis" consists of two words: "danger" and "opportunity". A reasonable and financially savvy person can turn the situation in his favor, even in a crisis. The ideas that Robert Kiyosaki shares are sometimes striking in their originality and at the same time simplicity.

Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lecter

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

Issues of social psychology, an active life position of a person, and the sociology of finance form a general theme that these authors have repeatedly addressed - in the books Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Cash Flow Quadrant, Rich Kid, Smart Kid, which are already familiar to the general public. circle of readers.


Official work on Rich Dad Poor Dad began on April 8, 1997. We printed a thousand copies, thinking that this number of books would last us at least a year. And then - more than a million copies, and not a single dollar went to formal advertising. The success of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the CASHFLOW Quadrant never ceases to amaze us. Books diverged mainly due to information passed from one person to another. This best view marketing.

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing is a thank you to everyone for helping make Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Cashflow Quadrant so successful.

We would like to personally thank our friends, old and new, for their contribution to the writing of this book in the course of this successful work. If you are not on this list, but you have contributed in one way or another to the creation of our book, please forgive us for the oversight and know that we are very grateful to you.

We thank for technical and moral support: Diana Kennedy, accountant; Rolfe Partou, accountant; Dr. Anna Nevin, educational psychologist; Kim Butler, financier; Frank Crery, investment banker; Rudy Miller, venture capitalist; Michael Lecter, intellectual property attorney; Chris Johnson, securities lawyer; Dr. Van Tharp, investment psychologist; Craig Coppola, Commercial Real Estate Specialist; Dr. Dolph Derus, Bill and Cindy Schopoff, investment property professionals; Keith Cunningham, corporate restructuring specialist; Wayne and Lynn Morgan, real estate educators; Hayden Holland, Trust Specialist; Larry Clark, real estate entrepreneur; Marty Weber, social entrepreneur; Tom Weisborn, stockbroker; Mike Wolf, entrepreneur; John Barley, real estate investor; Dr. Paul Johnson, Professor of Business at Thunderbird University; American Graduate School of International Management; Carolita Oliveros, professor at Arizona State University and Thunderbird University; Larry Gutscha, investment consultant; Liz Berkenkamp, ​​investment advisor; John Milton Vogt, publisher; Dexter Yager and the "Internet Services family"; John Addison and Trish Adams, Mortgage Specialists; Bruce Whiting, accountant (Australia); Dr. Michael Talarico, real estate investor (Australia); Harry Rosenberg, accountant (Australia); Dr. Ed Koken, financial consultant (Australia); John Hallas, businessman (Australia); Dan Osborne, consultant on international stock markets (Australia); Nigel Brunel, securities trading specialist (Australia); David Reid, securities attorney (Canada); Thomas Allen, securities lawyer (Australia); Kelvin Dushinski, consultant (Canada); Alan Jacques, Raymond Aaron, Dan Sullivan, Business Specialists (Canada); Brian Cameron, Securities Specialist (Canada); Jenny Tay, business investor (Singapore); Patrick Lim and Denis Ui, real estate investment specialists (Singapore); Richard and Veronica Tan, Bellum and Dorina Tan, C.K. Theo, Business Specialists (Singapore); Nazim Kan, lawyer (Singapore); K. S. See and Sue Ka Wei, Business Specialists (Malaysia); Kevin Stock, Sarah Woolard, Joe Spozi, Ron Barry, Loral Langemeyer, Mary Paynter and Kim Arris.

With great gratitude and love, we remember Cynthia Auty and express our gratitude to her. Cynthia has been a financial commentator for radio station KSFO in San Francisco, California, a stockbroker, fellow educator, and most importantly, friend. We miss her very much.

Our list would not be complete without a deep gratitude to the members of our close-knit team at CASHFLOW Technologies.

With thanks,

Robert and Kim Kiyosaki

Sharon Lecter

Father's Investing Advice

Years ago, I asked my rich dad, "What advice would you give to the average investor?"

And he answered: "Don't be average."

The 90/10 money rule

Many of us have heard of the 80/20 rule. In other words, 80% of our success comes from 20% of our efforts. This rule, first formulated by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in 1897, is also known as the principle of least effort.

Rich dad recognized the validity of the 80/20 rule in all areas except money. In this case, he only believed in the 90/10 rule. Rich dad observed that 10% of people own 90% of all money. He noted that in the world of cinema, 10% of the actors receive 90% of all money. And 10% of all athletes make 90% of all money. The same goes for musicians. The 90/10 rule applies to the world of investing as well. That is why my rich dad's advice was, "Don't be average." A recent article in The Wall Street Journal confirmed his point. It states that 90% of all corporate stocks in America are owned by only 10% of the population.

This book explains how some of the investors in that 10% got 90% of all the wealth and how you could do the same.


What will you learn by reading this book

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) considers an accredited investor to be a person who:

1) the annual income is 200 thousand dollars or more; or

2) the annual income for one married couple is 300 thousand dollars or more; or

3) the value of assets less liabilities is $1 million or more.

The SEC introduced these requirements to protect the average investor from some of the world's worst and riskiest investments. The problem, however, is that these investor requirements also shield the average investor from some of the best investments in the world. This is one of the reasons why rich dad advised the average investor to "don't be average."

Starting from scratch

This book begins with my return from the Vietnam War in 1973. I had less than a year left before my retirement from the Marine Corps. This meant that soon I would be left without a job, without money, without property. So this book starts from a point that many of you will be familiar with - from the point where you have to start from scratch.

Robert Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur, investor, author, and educator. Born April 8, 1947 in the USA.

Robert Kiyosaki comes from a family of educators. His father was the Minister of Education in the state of Hawaii (USA). Kiyosaki is a member of the fourth generation of Japanese who migrated to America. After high school, Robert was educated in New York. Upon graduation, he joined the US Marine Corps and went to serve in the US Navy in Vietnam as an officer and attack helicopter pilot.

After returning from the war, Kiyosaki went to work as a salesman for the Xerox Corporation, and in 1977 he began his business career and launched a company that was the first to trade in nylon and "surfer" wallets, which turned into a world product, dispersed around the world and brought multi-million dollar income.

In 1985, Kiyosaki left the business world and founded the international educational company Rich Dad's Organization, which taught tens of thousands of students around the world about business and investing.

After retiring at the age of 47, Kiyosaki has not abandoned his love of investing. During this period, he wrote the bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad. The CASHFLOW Quadrant and Rich Dad's Guide to Investing followed, all 3 of which were top 10 bestsellers by The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and The New York Times.

Now Kiyosaki is engaged in real estate transactions and the development of small companies, but his real love and passion is still given to teaching. Here is what famous writer Anthony Robbins says about Kiyosaki's work: “Robert Kiyosaki's educational work carries the power, wisdom and the ability to change people's lives. I applaud his efforts and support him with both hands."

Books (11)

Rich dad's prophecy

Rich Dad's Prophecy will show you how the retirement funding system will affect the fate of each of us in the near future, regardless of age and place of residence.

This book will reveal the causes of the coming collapse, and will tell not only about the most better ways protecting your fortune, but also about how to benefit from upcoming events.

8 Leadership Lessons

What the military can teach business leaders.

According to statistics, nine out of ten entrepreneurs go bankrupt in the first five years of their business.

Of every ten survivors, nine go bankrupt in the next five years. Q: What is the difference between the one who succeeds and the nine who fail? The answer is that success in business requires the same key skills, values, and leadership qualities that are developed in the military.

In this book, Robert examines the difference between success in the civilian world and in the military. Readers will learn how to apply military training to improve their chances of winning in business.

If you want to be rich and happy don't go to school

The focus of this book, as you will see, is money. And this center is fundamental. In our society, knowing what money is is absolutely necessary. Without this basic knowledge, everything we learn in school cannot be applied in life.

Retire young and rich

This book is about how the author started life from scratch and retired financially independent in less than 10 years. Discover how you can achieve the same. If you are not going to work hard all your life this book is for you. Why not retire young and rich?

rich dad's guide to investing

You can choose to live in a world of scarcity and you can choose to live in a world of abundance. One of the main themes discussed in this book is the assertion that you yourself have the power to create around you a world of scarcity or abundance of money.

Raise your financial IQ

Robert won't tell you exactly what you should do. Its goal is to provide every reader with the financial knowledge that will enable you to find your own path to material wealth.

In other words, increase your financial IQ. Here are the new rules for dealing with money, which have changed many years ago. But in order to master them, you need to raise your level of financial preparation.

The book reveals five basic types of financial intelligence that are necessary to become richer, regardless of the state of the stock and real estate markets.

Before you start your business

"This book can serve as a starting point for anyone striving for financial independence." USA Today

“The wisdom that rich dad teaches his students is the kind of financial literacy that is not taught in schools.” booklist

"J.P. Morgan has declared Rich Dad Poor Dad required reading for millionaires." Wall Street Journal

“Financial freedom is the main and final goal that we all strive for and fight for. Robert Kiyosaki achieved it and retired by the age of forty-seven. woman's day

School of Business

In this book, Robert T. Kiyosaki highlights the eight hidden values ​​of the network marketing business (and they're not just for making money!). There are also three additional hidden values ​​that the authors of the book and Diana Kennedy talk about. Robert explains that the network marketing business is a revolutionary way to get rich, allowing anyone who has drive, determination and perseverance to achieve great fortune.

Reader Comments

Yefim/ 05/30/2019 Both philosophers, having earned money only by selling books and games. They don't understand business, because did not lead. It is necessary to read people who are really millionaires. Dan Pena, for example.
Whatever you think - I have all the books and Kiyosaki and Bodo. I just started thinking about the case - Robert wrote, MLM is the very thing. I started going to MLM meetings. These are ugly pyramids!
I began to wonder why Kiyosaki was promoting them then ... Then I realized that this was his audience, which had to be spudded. With the help of this literature.
I'm not saying don't read. Just be wary of saying "school is bullshit", "losing is big" and so on. from people who are NOT businessmen.
On the other hand, there are Buffet, Gates, Pena - who are real businessmen and not self-invented.

Alexander/ 07/04/2018 Books in which we can find what a person is looking for all his life. Read and study to find yours.

Alex/ 06/6/2018 At the age of 20, I first read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. At 28, I own 5 properties worth $1 million and am truly financially independent.

Tatiana/ 03/20/2018 yes, Beka - helped.
Since 2004, when I read this and later books by Kiyosaki, thanks to investing and compound interest, I have achieved my financial goals.

Alexander/ 03/12/2018 Kiyosaki and economics are the same close concepts as Dontsova and literature. Boulevard crap and brainwashing naive natives.

Dim/ 02/28/2018 I read 1 book: BpBp. in 2009. Went to buy gardens. Made good money in 5 years (about $200,000) Stopped reading. All $ lost three times until 2016. Read constantly! Invest in the unknown no more than 10%. Do not listen to those who offer magic enrichment pills.

Aslan/ 12/26/2017 Books helped me. At first I worked a lot, but after reading Robert's books I managed to build a business and become an investor, because my uncle was appointed akim)))

Beck/ 12.12.2017 Did this book help anyone?
if there is someone who has read become rich please write

Aigul/ 09/13/2017 I opened my own business after reading Kiyosaki's books. Those. changed her thoughts. I began to think not as an employee, but as a businessman. And thanks to this, I now have my own small business.

Nikita/ 09/12/2017 A Telegram channel about Robert Kiyosaki has appeared. The channel is dedicated to fans of Robert Kiyosaki - businessman, investor, author of a number of books on financial literacy. Follow @RobertToruKiyosaki

Max/ 07/23/2017 "Rich dad is as real as Harry Potter is" Robert Kiyosaki

Egor/ 16.03.2017 Dear guests. I went all the way from worker to investor, I became rich, . But I went this way myself, before the appearance of Robert's books. In fact, I am an expert on the amount of knowledge that Robert gives to the world. I will briefly say. All books are helpful. But not all are applicable to our CIS country. Start with the first book. re-read the rest from time to time. Everyone will become rich, I guarantee that. But your current poverty is like a disease, so you have to perceive it. So no one will get well after drinking one pill. Here ntszhnv complex therapy. We need other books. Need practice. And most importantly, without which no one will recover, you need a mentor who will teach, show and bring your business to the highest possible level. A mentor is the key to success. And Robert Kiyosaki is a theory of where to spend your free time and efforts. And the last. Everyone is delusional when they think that bankruptcy is bad. Robert's bankruptcy is artificial! Understand, he kept the money for himself, and the court allowed him not to pay his bills. He got the money, but only lost the firm. What is a legal entity? This is a folder with documents that lies in the closet. Would you like to receive money after losing a folder with documents? These firms can be opened 500 thousand. and if you have only one dollar left when they go bankrupt, you will get $500,000! Robert showed the whole world how to become a rich man, only he will not write a book about this. Believe in yourself and good luck!

Nicholas/ 03/07/2017 Some people here say that you should not read these books because Kiyosaki's company went bankrupt. That all Robert made money from was selling his books. Do not trust these statements.
Read, reread, apply in life. One company went bankrupt. Robert didn't go broke. Indirectly, the value of his books is evidenced by the co-authorship of Donald Trump, not the worst businessman and current US president.
Read and you will be happy.

Sergey/ 02/27/2017 The Flow Quadrant is a must for anyone who dreams of a business. I'll add on my own:
E do it all the time. S to do only when necessary (often even more than in E).
To think constantly.
I think only when necessary.

And further.
E don't trust anyone.
S trust only themselves.
B trust people, with mandatory control.
I absolute trust and minimal control.

Robert Kiyosaki is one of the most successful investors and entrepreneur in the United States of America. In addition, he is engaged in writing and teaching.

Business Books by Robert Kiyosaki - excellent textbooks for all beginner businessmen, as well as for more experienced entrepreneurs. In them, the author not only shares his experience, but also gives a lot of advice that can be easily used in practice.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

This is one of the best known books by this author. It tells the story of her own life. When Kiyosaki was a child, he had two authorities - his father, and the father of his friend. The first worked in the civil service and earned good money, but did not want to develop further. And the second was a businessman, and managed to earn a fortune. Robert took a cue from the father of his friend, rich dad.

“Cashflow Quadrant”

This work can be called the second part of the previous book. It describes the different types of people you can meet in business. You will be able to understand who these people are and how to distinguish them by some character traits. And also how it can be used to grow your business.

"Rich Dad's Guide to Investing"

This book deals with topics such as the socionics of finance. social psychology and active life position of a person. Of course, all this is described with reference to business.

“Retire young and rich”

This book will tell you how, starting from scratch, in less than 10 years you will be able to build a good business and earn your living.

“Rich kid, smart kid”

This book is a must read for all parents who want to raise a successful child who knows how to make money and how to become independent from a young age.

"Rich Dad's Prophecy"

After reading this book, you will learn how our future lives will be affected by the pension funding system. Everyone will feel the consequences, regardless of age or place of residence.

“Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens”

A copy of the author's most famous book, written for children. After reading it, you will learn the language of money, and understand how to work with them correctly and how to manage your finances in order to achieve success and financial independence from a very young age.

“Who took my money?”

If sometimes you find yourself not knowing where your money is going and you feel financially insecure, then this book is for you! Also, the work will be useful for medium-sized investors who are ready to develop in their business.

“Before you start your business”

This book is a must read for those who are just planning to open their own business. Here you will find 10 very useful tips about how best to start a business and make sure that it quickly starts to bring you a good profit.

“Raise your financial IQ”

This book will help readers improve their . The author claims that you need to study around the clock, you just need to properly allocate your time.

“How to become rich without giving up loans?”

This book will provide readers with a quality and useful ground for financial education. After reading, you will understand that it is not necessary to work for money all your life, and it is better to make sure that, over time, your money works for you.

“If you want to become rich and happy, don’t go to school”

In this book, you will find useful information about what we are taught in school is wrong, and how this unnecessary knowledge can complicate your path to financial independence.

“Why we want you to be rich”

Here you will not find exact instructions on how to build and manage your business. The author will simply tell you about his own experience, and will try to convey to you the knowledge that helped him achieve success.

“Conspiracy of the rich. 8 rules for dealing with money”

This work deals with the theme of the global economy. The author gives advice on how to withstand the crisis and solve financial problems.

“Unfair advantage. The Power of Financial Education”

In this book, the author tries to convey to his readers the idea that people are not obliged to “survive” all their lives and barely make ends meet. Before you change your financial condition, you need to change something else - yourself and your attitude to money.

“Business of the 21st century”

Robert Kiyosaki's book "Business of the 21st century" talks about a new business model, which, according to the author, can bring more profit and help its owners achieve great success in their business.

“Rich brother, rich sister”

This book was co-authored by Robert with his sister Amy. Unlike her brother, the woman chose a completely different life path - Buddhist monasticism. In the author's work, they talk about how important it is not to lose yourself in the pursuit of material independence.

"Gift of Midas"

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki believe that successful people have the ability of the so-called Midas gift. For the first time, two successful businessmen in the world will share the secrets that will allow you to learn how to attract wealth. With practical advice and real stories their lives, their successes, failures, perseverance and determination, you will learn how they managed to achieve prosperity and how you yourself can apply their unique experience.

"Investment in real estate"

A lot has been said about real estate and how to make money with it. And what new can tell another book?

Robert Kiyosaki talks about the reasons behind writing this book. First, about investments in the modern world. Secondly, about the competent investment of funds. Third, about the control of the process. Fourth, about the answer to those financial advisers who give out advice that people and they themselves suffer from.

The author shares his experience, tells what and how to invest money. He focuses on the fact that such a business requires appropriate education and the ability to analyze. Knowledge is shared by experts who have experienced victories and defeats, from which they have drawn their conclusions. This manual is for those who want to learn how to earn money using the experience of professionals.

“Business School”

Business School by Robert Kiyosaki talks about 8 hidden values ​​of network marketing.

“Rich Dad Disciples Success Story”

In this work, stories are collected from people who took the advice from Robert Kiyosaki's book and achieved success thanks to them.

"Save Your Asset #1"

This book is about the time you have as a gift from God, which can be distributed in such a way that the Asset column increases. Setting priorities, learning how to spend or use time in such a way that you have enough time every day to complete the most important thing for you in order to complete it on time, will give you the power over life that you can only dream of.

“Rich Investor – Fast Investor”

“Why do excellent students work for C grade students, and good students work for the state”

After reading this work, you will understand why children who do well in school rarely achieve success in life.

"Second chance"

This book is for all those who realize that it is time to act differently, who understand how crazy it is to accumulate money at a time when bankers are printing trillions of dollars, how crazy to invest for the long term, at a time when the exchanges are unstable and in crisis, how crazy it is to walk in educational institutions, because they do not provide financial education. After reading it, you will learn about the dangers of the global financial crisis and the ability to survive in these conditions.

Books for children

"Goodbye rat race!"

In this book, children learn how to handle money with the help of pictures.

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