Do-it-yourself New Year's costumes: for adults - the best ideas. How to make a Snow Maiden costume for a girl with your own hands: simple, but bright and stylish solutions for a New Year's look What New Year's Snow Maiden costume can be sewn

New Year's costume of the Snow Maiden, which we offer you to sew for the brightest holiday of the year - more than one girl will refuse to wear it. No wonder, because the Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus himself and is always in the spotlight. In addition, our Snow Maiden costume for a girl is quite easy to sew even for a beginner dressmaker - after all, this bright carnival costume is made of fine fur and does not require a lining.

In addition, you can sew a charming hat and muff for the New Year's coat and celebrate the holiday in full glory!

Patterns of children's clothing
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New Year's costume for a girl - measurements

To build a pattern, you need to take measurements:

Back length to waist………………………..28 cm

Coat length……………………………………..65 cm

Shoulder length……………………………………….10 cm

Half neck…………………………………14 cm

Semi bust………………………………32 cm

Sleeve length……………………………………..40 cm

New Year's costume for a girl - pattern

Rice. 1. Pattern of the front and back of the Snow Maiden's New Year's costume

Rice. 2. Pattern of the sleeve of the New Year's costume of the Snow Maiden

Rice. 3. Pattern of the collar of the New Year's costume of the Snow Maiden

Rice. 4. Hat pattern for the New Year's costume of the Snow Maiden

Pattern of a New Year's costume - construction

Draw a rectangle ABCD. The length of the suit is the lines of the rectangle AD=BC=65 cm (the length of the coat is to measure).

The width of the costume - the lines of the rectangle AB and DC are equal to 40 cm (half-girth of the chest according to the measurements plus 8 cm for all sizes): 32 + 8 = 40 cm.

Armhole depth: From point A down, set aside 16.7 cm - point G (1/3 of the half-girth of the chest according to the measurement plus 6 cm for all sizes): 32/3 + 6 = 16.7 cm. From point G to the right, draw a straight line to intersection with the line BC - the point of intersection G1.

Waist line: From point A down, set aside 28 cm (the length of the back to the waist according to the measurements) - point T. From point T to the right, draw a straight line to the intersection with the line BC, the intersection point is T1.

Back width: GG1 divided in half - point G4. Set aside 1/2 of the width of the armhole to the right and left of point G4 - put points G2 and G3. The width of the armhole is calculated by the formula: 1/4 of the half-girth of the chest according to the measurement plus 2 cm for all sizes 32/4 + 2 \u003d 10 cm. From the point G2 and G3, draw straight lines up to the intersection with the line AB - points P and P1.

Lifting the shelf: From points B and P1, extend the lines up by 2 cm, put points P2 and P3. Connect points P2 and P3.

Sideline: Draw a straight line down from G4 until it intersects with the DC line. The point of intersection is the letter H. The intersection with the line TT1 is marked with the letter T2.

Auxiliary lines of the shoulder and armholes: Divide the line PG2 in half, divide P1G3 into 3 equal parts.

Building a back pattern

Neckline: From point A to the right, set aside 5.2 cm (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck according to the measurement plus 0.5 cm for all sizes): 14/3 + 0.5 = 5.2 cm. From point 5.2, set aside upwards 1.5 cm. Connect points A and 1.5 with a concave line.

Shoulder slope: From point P down, set aside 1.5 cm. From point 1.5 (neck) through point 1.5 (shoulder slope), draw a shoulder line 11 cm long (shoulder length according to measurements plus 1 cm for all sizes): 10 +1=11 cm.

Armhole line: From point G2, dividing the angle in half, set aside 2.5 cm. Draw the armhole line from point 11 through the middle point of dividing the line PG2, point 2.5, to point G4.

Side seam: Set aside 2 cm from point T2 to the right. Draw a side seam line from point G4, 2, to the intersection with the DC line, set aside 1 cm upwards - point H1.

Advice! If you want to flare this gorgeous costume even more, set aside 3 cm from the T2 point to the right.

Building a front pattern

Neckline: From the W point to the left and down, set aside 5.7 cm each (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck according to the measurements plus 1 cm for all sizes): 14/3 + 1 = 5.7 cm. Connect points 5.7 with a concave line.

Shoulder slope: Set aside 3 cm from point P2 down.

Shoulder line: Connect points 5,7 and 3. Then, from point 5.7 to the left along the intended line, set aside 10 cm (shoulder length according to the measure).

Armhole line: From point G3, dividing the angle in half, set aside 2 cm. Draw an armhole line from point 10, the lower division point P1G3, point 2 and, touching the line GG1 to point G4.

Side seam: Set aside 2 cm from point T2 to the left. Draw the line of the side seam from point G4 and 2 to the intersection with the DC line. Set aside 1 cm from the point of intersection with the DC line upwards - point H2.

Bottom line: From point C, the line BC is extended down by 2 cm - point H3. Connect points H4 and H2.

The increase in the fastener (board). Set aside 2 cm from the middle line of the front of the pattern to the right and left. Draw a bar for the fastener 4 cm wide. Add an increase to the right for processing the bar 4 cm wide (one-piece).

Yoke front and back. Draw coquettes on the front and back of the pattern as shown in fig. 1. Cut off the coquettes and cut them out of white fur.

Sleeve pattern

Additionally, you need to build a New Year's costume for the girl.

The modeling of the sleeve is to be carried out as shown in Fig.2. Flare the sleeve at the bottom. Cut off a strip at the bottom of the sleeve about 5 cm wide and cut it out of white fur.

collar pattern

Build a collar pattern as shown in the drawing Fig.3.

We build a collar pattern - draw a rectangle ABCD. The length of the collar - the lines of the rectangle AD and DC are equal to 19 cm (half circumference of the neck according to the measurements plus 5 cm for all sizes): 14 + 5 = 19 cm.

The width of the collar - the lines of the rectangle AD and DC are equal to 11 cm. The fold line: Set aside 7 cm from point D up. Lay down the collar line: Set 4 cm from point B to the left. Connect points 4 and 7 with a dotted line, divide the line in half and from the dividing point down set aside 1 cm. Draw the stitching line through points 7, 1, 4.

Departure line: Set aside 6 cm from point B down. Connect points 4 and 6.

Lower collar line: Connect points D and 6 according to the pattern. Round the corner of the collar according to the pattern.

New Year's costume for a girl - a hat pattern

Wrap a measuring tape around the child's head and take a measurement around the circumference of the head - about 54 cm.

Build a hat pattern, as shown in Fig. 4. The hat consists of 4 wedges and is trimmed along the bottom with white fur.

IMPORTANT! Before cutting a hat out of fur, cut out all 4 wedges with allowances from tracing paper, fasten them with threads and try them on for a child. If the height and volume of the hat fit - feel free to cut it! If necessary, make changes.

Clutch pattern

The clutch pattern is a rectangle. In order to measure the length and width of the rectangle, ask the girl to fold the handles so that only the fingers overlap each other. Measure the length of the handles from wrist to wrist (muff length). Wrap the measuring tape around your hands so that it freely wraps around your arms - the width of the sleeve. Cut out 2 identical rectangles - a double clutch, fur inside and out.

Every girl dreams of being the center of attention, and with a bright costume of the Snow Maiden on new year events this attention will be provided to her.

You can help your daughter - and sew a costume with your own hands, choosing the right patterns and materials for decoration. Why is it better to sew a suit at home? Because this way you can be sure that no child will come in a similar costume. Moreover, the outfit will be selected according to the tastes of the girl, so the child will appreciate your efforts.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on creating the Snow Maiden's New Year's outfit. But it can take a lot of time, so we suggest not to hesitate - and now start to figure out how to sew a snow maiden costume for a girl with your own hands.

Snow Maiden costume, photo

What is the costume made of?

Do-it-yourself Snow Maiden costume can be made in different ways. Before starting work, think over its concept: what details the image will consist of, what materials you will have to purchase.

If the child does not have clothes that can be used as a basis for cutting a costume out of fabric (for example, a dress or a coat), find a pattern for a snow maiden costume and adjust it to fit the girl’s parameters.

The traditional Snow Maiden costume for a child consists of the following components:

  • long and slightly puffy dress with large sleeves. It is advisable to decorate it with embroidery or rain;
  • coat of fur or similar material. Instead of a fur coat, a coat without buttons is suitable, expanding at the bottom;
  • white shoes or boots;
  • headdress: You can use a hat, a patterned scarf or a kokoshnik.

Do-it-yourself Snow Maiden costume for a girl, photo

In most cases, the Snow Maiden's outfit is created from blue, light gray or white fabrics. But you can complement the image with other shades, especially since the costume of the modern Snow Maiden can be changed at your discretion.

For example, you can do without a fur coat if you sew a dress from warm material. And if it is planned that the child will jump, run and dance, we advise you to do without warming elements at all, as he will quickly sweat. It is better to take a warm jacket with you.

The dress also may not play the main role in the Snow Maiden costume for a child. Increasingly, it is being replaced with a set of fluffy skirts and blouses. Moreover, the length of the skirt can be short so as not to interfere with the child's movement.

Snow Maiden costume for girls, photo

Instead of a kokoshnik, the creation of which often takes a lot of time, you can sew a snow maiden hat. For the base, take a dense blue fabric, and make a frill with fur, cotton wool, lush rain or other material.

Advice: the hat can be replaced with an ordinary crown: then the Snow Maiden will become a princess at the winter holiday.

Modern costume of the Snow Maiden, photo

As for shoes, any shapes and shades are allowed here. The main thing is that the child is comfortable, and shoes or boots are in harmony with the main outfit.

As you can see, the Snow Maiden's New Year's costumes are distinguished by their diversity, despite the fact that many have an identical idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis character.

Children's costumes of the Snow Maiden, photo

There are no special restrictions in the choice of material. Even the old curtains that you keep at home are suitable for creating decorative elements.

For decor, you can use embroidery, beads, beads, sequins, sequins, ribbons and many other accessories. Moreover, the outfit of the Snow Maiden can even be crocheted, and now we will tell you about what you can think of for a child. preschool age and teenager.

Outfit of the Snow Maiden for the New Year, photo

The image of the Snow Maiden for a holiday in kindergarten

Patterns for the Snow Maiden costume will differ depending on the age of the child. For small children, less fabric will be needed, but it should be of better quality, warm and cozy so as not to cause discomfort to the baby.

If you have enough time to prepare, try crocheting a New Year's costume for a girl. Prepare white and blue yarn, as well as fur elements for decorating the Snow Maiden's children's outfit.

Knitting a snow maiden costume with knitting needles for a girl is necessary using common techniques, so if you do not have experience in such work, first familiarize yourself with the knitting methods.
Similarly, you can make a snow maiden hat so that the costume looks like a whole.

Complete the look with homemade boots. Look for a pattern of boots for the Snow Maiden with your own hands, or also make them from yarn, making the sole blue and the rest white.

As for the dress itself, here you can alternate the selected shades. An outfit decorated with wide stripes or geometric patterns will look spectacular. With the help of more complex techniques, you can create puffy and double sleeves, flounces and other decorative accents.

The Snow Maiden costume for 2 years and more will look even more interesting if you knit a print in the form of snowflakes or stars.

Advice: in order not to waste time on knitted patterns, sew beads and beads to the finished dress to create a themed winter ornament.

It remains to add details: sew the fur to the dress in the area of ​​the sleeves, lower frill and collar. Regular rain will help to complement the outfit with bright accents. It can also be used when creating a snow maiden hat according to a pattern with your own hands.

The second way is how to sew a snow maiden costume for small child, involves the use of tulle, satin, foil, ribbons, rain and beads.

We present you a short master class on the carnival costume of the Snow Maiden with your own hands:

  • according to the pattern of the Snow Maiden, make a blank for a sundress or a sleeveless dress. You can take a plain fabric, since it is supposed to create at least two layers, and the dress will be decorated later;
  • sew the dress, then start sewing on the top layer of tulle (most often they decorate the area of ​​​​the skirt and sleeves);
  • decorate tulle with foil snowflakes and other decorative elements;
  • complement the suit with white golf, which is worn under a sundress;
  • braid, satin ribbons, rain and fur are used to decorate seams and folds;
  • sew a round snow maiden hat according to the pattern. For decor, use the same materials as on the dress;
  • don't forget the white tights and heels that can be transformed into fabulous boots with the leftover fabric.

We sew an outfit of the Snow Maiden to school

Now let's figure out how to make a snow maiden costume for an older girl. In this case, it is important to pay attention to details, as your daughter or granddaughter will probably want to look her best at the holiday.

We will talk about how to sew a Snow Maiden with your own hands according to patterns and how to knit a Snow Maiden costume from yarn.

Let's start with a fabric dress for the Snow Maiden. We will make the outfit separate, that is, it will include a skirt and a blouse.

When creating such a Snow Maiden costume for a girl, you can use several colors at once: for example, make the top blue and the bottom blue or dilute the image with snow-white inserts.

Advice: You can also start with separate elements when creating a pattern for the Snow Maiden's dress: after completing all the work, you will have to sew a jacket and a skirt.

The blouse should be loose enough, as sometimes a warmer jacket is worn under it. Often, to create a pattern for a children's costume, the Snow Maiden takes a shirt, leaving even the collar, but making it more rounded. If the top of the outfit is supposed to look like a coat, take a warmer and denser fabric.

It is better to make a skirt in the New Year's costume of the Snow Maiden with your own hands fluffy. To do this, take organza or a similar fabric, as well as an elastic band to assemble the skirt. Cut the organza into 10-12 cm strips - and start tying them to the elastic so that you get two layers of the same length.

Ribbons should fit snugly together: this way the skirt will be more fluffy. Use a wide ribbon or belt to mask the knots.

Also make your own boots for the Snow Maiden. Take a warm and dense fabric - and make a blank according to the pattern of wide socks. Seal the base of the boots with a cardboard insole.

If you decide to crochet the Snow Maiden costume, also make the top and bottom separately. The lace image will turn out even more spectacular with a combination of shades. You can take several colors of yarn and create an image with a smooth gradient transition from light to dark.

Advice: use thick fabric to add splendor to the lower part of the suit.

Some knitting techniques involve creating a “translucent” suit, so it would be better if you put on a light satin dress under such an outfit. It is desirable to make it shorter than outerwear (about 3-5 cm).

It is better not to make a neckline on a dress, as well as sleeves, as these details will look superfluous, peeking out from under the knitted components of the outfit.

And, of course, do not forget about additional jewelry: a "winter" necklace, earrings or bracelets that will make the Snow Maiden's costume on New Year even brighter.

Cape on the dress of the Snow Maiden

Now you know how to sew the Snow Maiden costume yourself, but sometimes such an outfit involves creating a cape on the dress, so let's dwell on the features of this process. What do we need? Just a long piece of fabric, rain for frills, embellishments, and an elastic band or ribbon to secure the cape to the shoulders.

Here's how to make a cape in just a few steps:

  1. Prepare the pattern. From the fabric, cut a large circle with a radius equal to the planned length of the cape. Make a hole in the inside for the head.
  2. On one side, cut the circle to the middle. If you want to create a wrinkle-free cape, cut off some of the fabric.
  3. Sew hooks or buttons on the free edges of the cape. Sheathe the borders of the fabric with bright threads, rain or tinsel.
  4. Do not forget to decorate the collar of the cape: for this, use cotton wool or faux fur.
    The cape is ready. Now you can not worry about the fact that the child will be cold in elegant dress. And with additional decoration, this element will only emphasize the solemnity of the created image.

Kokoshnik for the Snow Maiden

How to make a kokoshnik for the Snow Maiden with your own hands? To do this, you will need a dense base, as well as fabric and additional materials for decoration.

You should not give it an overly complex shape: cut out a figure elongated upwards with a semicircular base from cardboard so that the headdress does not fall off.

The cardboard base is sheathed with a fabric that matches the outfit. Beads, beads, foil elements are sewn on top. Decorate the edges of the kokoshnik with rain or ribbons. Sew ties or elastic to the bottom corners.

Advice: some decorative elements can be sewn on only one side, so that the beads hang freely on the headdress.

Think over the theme of the patterns in advance: on the front of such an ornament you can depict snowflakes, waves, zigzags and other ornaments. For convenience, you can immediately choose a fabric with a winter pattern: then the kokoshnik will look elegant without additional processing.

That's all the details on how to make a snow maiden's kokoshnik with your own hands.

We called you best options how to sew a Snow Maiden costume with your own hands according to a pattern for a girl, how to decorate such an outfit, and also with what techniques to emphasize the individuality of the image.

You will see even more options in the photo and video of the Snow Maiden costumes.

Elena Kozlova

Dear Colleagues, I would like to bring to your attention master class on making a costume of the Snow Maiden. There are many beautiful New Year's dresses in stores, but unfortunately they do not always fit the figure well. Before starting work, we looked with colleagues at what the local industry offers. We liked costume"Gzhel" firms "Batik". I took measurements from the educators who will play this role and got to work.

Costume consists of a shower jacket with a peplum and a long skirt. For top suit I took as a basis a pattern of a jacket of size 48 from a magazine "Burda".

For costume will be needed: three meters of blue, turquoise or white brocade, one meter of faux fur with a short pile, ten meters of decorative silver braid, sixty centimeters long zipper, elastic band, threads in the color of the fabric.

We translate patterns from the magazine and proceed to cutting out the details brocade suit. We pin the patterns, circle them, cut them out, taking into account the allowances for the seams.

Then we cut out the piping of the peplum, the cuffs of the sleeves and the front bar from the fur.

We pin the fur strap to the middle part of the shower jacket, sew it on and process the open edges of the fur with decorative braid.

We sweep away all the details of the shower jacket, make a fitting, eliminate the flaws in the pattern, sew and process the seams.

Let's move on to bass. We put the parts face to face with each other.

We sweep, stitch, turn out and iron the details. We close the open edge of the fur with braid. We lay a line at a distance of one centimeter from the edge and tighten the peplum.

We sew the finished parts to the bodice and make a fixing stitch.

We sew the details of the rack and sew to the bodice.

Now you can sew a lock - a zipper.

Let's move on to the sleeves. We put the parts face to face with each other.

We sew, process the seams and lay a line at a distance of one centimeter from the edge and tighten to form the sleeves.

We sew them to the product. The shower warmer is ready!

Let's move on to the skirt. From the remaining material we cut out the details of the skirt. Size of each details: height - 1 meter and width - 1.5 meters. We trim the bottom of the skirt with fur 20 centimeters wide and braid.

We bend the top by 3 centimeters, sew and insert an elastic tape. The skirt is ready.

Can be tried on costume!

Thank you for your attention.

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How to make a Snow Maiden costume as a carnival costume for the New Year. A detailed master class with photos and videos will help even novice craftswomen sew a Snow Maiden costume.

How to sew a costume of the Snow Maiden with your own hands new year holidays The Snow Maiden costume is popular and in demand among the fair sex of any age. The Snow Maiden costume is worn to congratulate children or as a carnival costume on New Year's Eve. There are many varieties of this costume, the proposed classic version of the outfit can be left unchanged or slightly diversified by changing the shape of the sleeves and hem. This master class describes the process of creating a classic version of the Snow Maiden costume, where a long coat of a wide style is cut. The kit includes mittens and a headdress for the image of the Snow Maiden.
How to sew a Snow Maiden costume Creating a New Year's costume is a creative process, so you need to approach the selection of materials and accessories with imagination. But in any case, for the outfit you will need:

  • A beautiful fabric of a blue tint with a snowy pattern or one-color (in the classic version - blue, but possibly white, silver, beige, lilac, pink). It is better to find a bike-quality fabric with a ready-made embossed pattern, but if your choice fell on a plain fabric, then it will have to be decorated with high quality. The quality of the fabric is better to choose gentle, soft, but at the same time practical. For example, a bike is suitable. In total, about 3 meters of a wide canvas (1.8-2 meters wide) will be needed, if the fabric is 1-1.5 meters, then it will take about 506 meters, but a wide canvas is easier to cut.
  • Faux fur or any material with pile, for example, velvet, white velveteen for trimming the hem, sleeves, that is, cuffs, and shelves.
  • Lining is a smooth fabric, such as satin or a special thin lining material, that will slide over your clothes when putting on a suit and not gather in folds at the waist.
  • Elements for decoration - braid, beads, sequins, etc., which will give elegance, idleness to the appearance of the costume.
  • The zipper is about 1.5 meters long, we will sew it on the front shelves.
  • Sewing supplies such as thread, needles, scissors, measuring tape, chalk and a sewing machine.
  • Paper for creating patterns. If you have little experience in sewing, then it is better to first make a pattern on a transparent carbon paper, but if you are an experienced craftswoman. Then you can cut the fabric immediately, marking the desired parameters with a centimeter tape.
  • The creation of a costume begins with taking measurements and creating a pattern. You will need parameters such as product length, chest circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, sleeve length and width. Please note that the outfit should be a little loose, so you need to add extra centimeters to all the parameters, with the exception of the length, here start from the height of the girl who will act as the Snow Maiden. Young ladies need a shorter fur coat, ladies of elegant age need a longer one. If you want to make the outfit more interesting, you can cut the sleeves and hem widening down and curly.
    The diagram shows that the main part of the cape has the form of a trapezoid, which slightly expands downwards. The dimensions of the front and back of the pattern are identical, but the template for the front of the suit is cut in the center to create a right and left shelf in the cut, which will connect. The sleeve is cut flared down, with a rounded ledge at the top. Such a cut will provide an even joint with the armhole and a free flare of the finished product. To come to the final result, you need to complement the cut with a stand-up collar, but it is better to make it from fur. Spread the fabric folded in half and mark half sizes from the fold line. This is how the trapezoidal cut is formed, when you connect all the marked points with lines and cut out the part, it will turn out to be evenly expanding to the right and left of the center where the fold was. Tailor and cut out each element, do not forget to make an overlap of 1 cm in the armhole area to form seams, otherwise this place will have to be taken from the base of the part and you will automatically narrow the suit. The product is assembled from the details of the back, shelves and set-in sleeves. First, the side and shoulder seams of the front and back shelves are sewn, then only the sleeves are sewn along the bottom line. After the sleeves are sewn to the main part of the outfit, and all seams, hem and shelves are processed with an overlock. It is necessary to form the seams as evenly as possible, without gathers and tightening in any places. Do not forget to first match the shelves by throwing, try on the coat, "fit" the details and seams if necessary, and only then fix all the components with the final seams. When trying on a suit, do not get carried away by narrowing it, this is a type of cape on clothes, not a tight dress.
    Now we take up the connection of the front shelves with a zipper. The lock is sewn in evenly and neatly, first it is better to sweep the zipper, and then walk sewing seam.
    Do not pull on the edge of the shelf when working on sewing machine, otherwise, assemblies will be created along the edge of the castle.
    The next step in creating the Snow Maiden New Year's costume is fur trim. Strips of fur can be cut wide or narrow as desired. In this case, the direction of the pile must be taken into account. The fur trim is sewn along the hem, collar, sleeves and shelves. Also make a stand on the collar out of white fabric so that in the costume of the Snow Maiden you do not have to wear a scarf during street festive walks.
    The most creative stage of work on a costume is decoration. The outfit can be decorated with appliqués, lace, beads, beads or sequins. If your fabric did not have decorative snowflakes and patterns, then start creating these elements separately and sewing them all over the costume.
    How to sew a hat and mittens for the “Snow Maiden” costume To complete the image of the Granddaughter of Santa Claus, the outfit should be supplemented with a hat and mittens. These details are sewn from the same fabric as the fur coat. For the Snow Maiden's mittens, an additional lining is required. It is easiest to draw a pattern by circling the palm and wrist. In total, you need to cut out 4 elements from the main fabric and 4 from the lining. To make the mittens look neat, first the lining along the bottom of the mittens is sewn to the main parts (the parts are located face to face), then, after turning inside out, 4 parts of one mitten are sewn together. In the area of ​​​​the wrist of the mittens, it is advisable to sew in an elastic band - then they will not fall off. You can decorate mittens with fur, appliqués and other decor.
    The hat is best sewn from four wedges or from a continuous strip of fabric. In the second case, 4 tucks should be sewn so that the cap tapers up.
    A fur trim is sewn along the bottom of the headdress, and the cap is decorated with a pompom on top. Alternative options for the Snow Maiden's headdress are a kokoshnik or ribbon, decorated with the same decorative elements as the fur coat.
    The simplest kokoshnik can be made from cardboard and decorated with foil, sparkles, tinsel, etc. But a product made of a wire frame, covered with a thin fabric - chiffon, nylon, lace, will turn out to be much more beautiful. You can embroider such a kokoshnik with silver threads, beads, beads. The final detail of the Snow Maiden's New Year's outfit is shoes. Suitable boots, preferably light, can be picked up from your everyday wardrobe and decorated with suitable decorative elements. If there were no light boots, then take any and decorate them with snowflakes, first tighten the shoes with a synthetic winterizer.
    A wonderful costume of the Snow Maiden is sewn with your own hands. More than one evening was spent on its creation, but the costume can be used from year to year, because the fashion for the carnival image of the Snow Maiden practically does not change.


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    According to tradition, the Snow Maiden costume is a dress (fur coat) made of white, silver or blue material, elegant boots, and a hat or kokoshnik.

    Snow Maidens, who are out of childhood, usually choose their outfits for New Year's Eve in stores. For little Snow Maidens, as a rule, caring mothers sew costumes.

    Before you start making the Snow Maiden costume ...

    To begin with, it is worth looking into the closet and on the mezzanine. For the children's costume of the Snow Maiden, any dress made of elegant, preferably dense and shiny material is quite suitable.

    It remains only to decorate it with a fur trim (or tinsel), create an elegant collar and decorate the hem with rhinestones, snowflakes or beads - in general, who has enough imagination for what.

    Snow Maiden costume for kindergarten

    White tights and a white turtleneck (badlon, long sleeve blouse) are worn under this outfit.

    The basic materials for a costume are in almost every home, every woman. So finding them shouldn't be a problem.

    Costume Materials:

    We sew a sundress for the Snow Maiden:

    1. To create a pattern, you should take a sheet of wallpaper. Trace your daughter's T-shirt on the sheet and draw it in such a way that you get a dress.
    2. Circle the pattern on the material of the old shirt. When tracing the back side of the sundress, make the cutout of the neck itself less deep than on the front side.
    3. Make a seam allowance (at least one centimeter) and, cutting out patterns from the fabric, sew both sides, leaving cutouts for the sleeves.
    4. Along the neck of the sundress, along its hem and cutouts for the sleeves, make an edging from the straps and the hem of the shirt.
    5. Sheathe the bottom of the hem of the sundress with shiny tinsel (fur).
    6. On the front side of the sundress, sew (from the throat to the bottom of the hem) with two even vertical stripes large snowflake sequins or fur.
    7. Instead of buttons, sew large tinsel snowflakes between the stripes.

    Cape for the Snow Maiden:

    • To create a pattern, again, take a sheet of wallpaper. Draw a large circle, and in its center a small circle, which will be the neck. Three-quarters of the resulting circle is the cape pattern. Cut out.
    • Circle the pattern on the fabric (on a shirt, or other existing fabric to match the main one), taking into account the allowances for the seams and cut out again.
    • Finish the edges of the cape with the existing edging and sheathe it with shiny tinsel (fur).
    • Sew tinsel snowflakes on the front of each side of the cape.
    • At the neckline, sew a pair of straps - cape ties.
    • The cape, if desired and possible, can be painted with paint for fabrics. For example, create a light frosty pattern in silver. Or embroider large snowflakes on the fabric with sequins.

    Crown of the Snow Maiden:

    Suit to school

    As you know, nothing is impossible. And sewing a Snow Maiden costume with your own hands is not at all as difficult as it seems. This outfit will consist of a cape, an upper and lower dress - and, of course, a headdress.

    It is preferable to choose a fabric - white or blue brocade, but in its absence, you can stop at other options available in the cabinets and on the mezzanines.

    The trim of the sleeves and hem in this case is white light fur.

    Costume Materials:

    • Tulle (or other lightweight fabric);
    • Tracing paper for patterns (wallpaper);
    • Brocade (or other elegant and dense fabric);
    • White light fur (artificial). In its absence, the fur is replaced by shiny tinsel;
    • Bake (a strip of fabric for finishing);
    • Beads, sequins, beads, foil;
    • Tools (scissors, thread, needle, glue).

    The bottom dress of the Snow Maiden:

    Top dress of the Snow Maiden:

    Drape of the Snow Maiden:

    Hat of the Snow Maiden:

    1. Transfer the details of the pattern to the tracing paper, according to the size of the child's head.
    2. Cut out details from thick fabric. You can use the fabric for the top dress.
    3. Fold the cut wedges of the hat wrong side out, sew one side. Then sew the second pair of wedges. Fold the resulting two parts right side inward and sew the sides.
    4. Turn the hat inside out and iron it.
    5. A pompom for a hat can be made from fur by cutting out a circle (D = 12 cm), sweeping and pulling it along the edge and securing it with threads. You can also sew pom-poms on ribbons.
    6. Sew a strip of white fur along the edge of the cap.
    7. The costume is ready.
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