Why you can't give rings on your birthday. Why, according to signs, you can’t give a ring to a girl

Many girls want to give their boyfriend a worthwhile gift, one that he will carry with him all the time and that will, as it were, “insure” him against betrayal by the one who loves him. Why is a gift - a ring - bad for these purposes? And beautiful, and long lasting, and reminiscent, and... Don’t rush, dear beauties! First you need to figure out whether the opposite will happen if you give the guy a ring? But there are many ways out of every situation, even a very difficult one - the law of eternal optimists. If you or your loved one are afraid of bad omens, then it is not necessary to give a ring in the literal sense of the word; you can present your beloved person with a certificate for purchase in a jewelry store as a gift. You can also take a symbolic penny fee for the ring or make an exchange by inviting the guy to give you, for example, a notebook in return.

The number of gifts that you can give to someone important to you is great. And sometimes this can even, frankly speaking, confuse us - we simply do not understand whether some of the gifts can be presented to this or that person. And why all?

Because some items are simply not accepted as gifts. Sometimes there are some signs hidden in this, sometimes it is an exclusively practical approach adopted in modern society. And sometimes the reason is a little of everything.

Restrictions are associated with all sorts of unrelated things.

These include the following:

  • Candles;
  • Handkerchiefs;
  • Rings and stuff.

Well, in principle, candles and handkerchiefs are not given very often, but it would seem that what could be wrong with a ring? There are a few different reasons why you shouldn't give a ring to a girl. We strongly recommend that you read the article and listen to the advice given.

Superstitions and signs: why give a ring to a girl?

As you already understand, people have superstitions about almost everything, including gifts. For example, giving handkerchiefs means giving tears.

The rings are also not lucky, because there is a bad rumor about them among the people. It is believed that if a guy gives a girl a ring, then this is an inevitable path to separation.

Moreover, the same situation will repeat itself if the girl gives the guy a ring. Why exactly you can’t give rings is not exactly explained.

There is only one fact that it is not worth doing this, and why specifically cannot be explained.

Practical reasons: why don't they give rings to girls?

However, in addition to superstitions, sometimes you need to listen to common sense. So, there are a number of reasons that show that a ring is not the best option for a gift.

Here are some of them:

  • Size. A ring is not like a handkerchief, and it is very important to know the real size of your finger. And it is precisely in this matter that many are very mistaken, sometimes fatally. The diameter can be adjusted after the presentation of the gift, but the effect will not be the same, but rather hopelessly spoiled.

It’s unlikely that you would want such a nuisance to occur when giving a ring to a girl, so think twice before giving such a gift and try to find out the exact size, for example, by measuring the diameter of her other rings.

But it can ruin your relationship if the girl doesn't want it, or it can make her hopeful when the guy gives her a ring even though you didn't intend to take it to the next level.

Let's say she hates yellow gold, and you give a ring made of yellow gold, she hates stones, and you decide to fork out and give a ring encrusted with many stones. However, you can always encounter such a problem, especially with any jewelry.

Advice: to avoid such incidents, always try to find out in detail what the girl likes. Sometimes even the smallest and seemingly insignificant details will help to create an overall picture of what she likes and choose what she will be indescribably delighted with.

To be or not to be: to give or not to give?

The answer to the question will be quite simple - of course, give it! Don’t ask stupid questions like a superstitious old woman (“Is it possible to give a ring to a girl on her birthday?” and “Is it even possible to give a ring to a girl?”).

Why not? Everything is allowed! Try not to be guided by signs, because how can something that is intended to bring a couple closer together can separate people?

Well, try to figure out the practical side of the issue before presenting the gift: this way there will be more pleasant impressions and no disappointments!

At all times, women and girls loved to decorate themselves in an elegant and sophisticated way. It was believed that the more jewelry made of precious metals a lady wears, the more noble, richer and higher in social status this woman is. In the southern countries of India or Africa, women's jewelry has always had a certain meaning and was an obligatory attribute of everyday significance. A similar tradition has been preserved in modern times. Among other things, great importance was attached to rings. In addition to determining belonging to a certain circle, mystical signs and superstitions have developed among the rings. Popular beliefs determine why people should not give a ring.

The sign with the gift of rings in no way applies to wedding rings!

Origins of signs

Many countries adhere to the concept that rings can still be given to both men and women without fear of mystical consequences. Gifts can be given for birthdays and New Years, as well as for any professional holidays. However, in Russian latitudes, giving a ring has a certain superstitious background.

Despite the fact that giving a ring among our ancestors is considered a positive tradition and a good omen. Some superstitions are attributed to it. For example, donation must be carried out exclusively by a person who wishes only the best for the recipient. The new owner of the ring may not always know how the giver should treat it. Therefore, you should whisper to yourself

Bless and save

Thus, you can be sure that the negative energy of the ring and bad omen will not overtake the target.

Our ancestors believed that jewelry could only be given as a gift on certain holidays. For example, you can donate jewelry for an engagement. But if the gift is given at Christmas or on a name day, then the positive energy will not reach its goal. Whispering “Save and preserve” you should thank the person who gave the gift of the ring for such holidays. There is a possibility that the giver is not aware of this sign and the mystical abilities of the ring.

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Superstitions associated with rings

The sign says that if a man or guy gives such a gift to a young girl who is not his bride, then she should whisper “Save and preserve.” In this way, she will protect herself from adverse consequences associated with the energy of the ring. It is important that the finger jewelry is given by someone who is kind to the person giving the gift. The circular shape of the ring contains powerful streams of energy impulses. If treated unkindly, they can bring failure in life.

Holidays for which you can give a gift with a jewel on your finger:

  1. An engagement cannot be complete without the gift of an attribute such as a ring. A young guy gives his girlfriend and now fiancee a ring with a precious stone. Decorating with a stone has a symbolic meaning and a special sign, since the harder the mineral, the stronger the relationship and future marriage of the young couple will be. The stone shows that the man is firm in his intentions. In modern society, such an attribute is present only during the painting procedure in the registry office and during the wedding. However, in the times of our ancestors, the ring acted as proof that a man or woman was related by marriage.
  2. The birth of a child in a family. When a woman gives birth to her first child, her husband must give her a significant gift. In this case, various jewelry made of precious metals will always be relevant. Including rings.
  3. Superstitious and religious people will gladly accept a simple silver ring as a gift, given with love and good intentions. At the same time, it is worth saying the phrase “Lord, save and preserve.” It is best to have part of the phrase “save and preserve” engraved on the inside of the ring.

Refusal to accept decoration

If the gift falls on a birthday or New Year, then it is best to refuse to accept such a gift. Of course, not everyone can understand the meaning of superstition, but if you receive a ring for your birthday or New Year, you can bring tears. Therefore, refusal would be the best option. A young girl is not recommended to accept gold and bulky finger jewelry as a gift from a guy. And it’s best if the guy gives her earrings or bracelets rather than rings. Otherwise, the young couple may risk a deterioration in their relationship and an imminent quarrel.

A young wife is also not recommended to give gifts to her husband on his name day. Despite the fact that men are always favorably influenced by rings made of precious metals, on a birthday or New Year’s day, men’s energy is greatly weakened. On a birthday or New Year's day, a person's aura is excessively weak and susceptible to negative surroundings.

Having received the ring, a man is subjected to a powerful energy and circular surge, which can also attract bad waves. In this case, you can expect failures in work and love. Therefore, a man who receives a ring as a birthday or New Year’s gift should better refuse it for a while and accept it on another day.

If you are given a ring and you are afraid of dire consequences, but really want to accept it, just pay off with a coin or banknote

Bad energy and its prevention

There is a superstition associated with the ring that you should not try on other people's jewelry. In fact, it is possible, but a cleansing ritual must be performed after this. The ring that was tried on should be brought to a burning candle for a couple of seconds, then it will be possible to return it to its rightful owner. In this way, the jewelry can be freed from the intertwining of the human aura.

In order to understand ring as a gift - for engagement before the wedding, you need to soberly evaluate the situation, words and behavior of the young man.

So, what does such a gesture mean? Firstly, let's figure out what exactly is the reason for a man giving a ring? Perhaps he just knows that any ring is the best gift for you and wants to make it pleasant, but completely without the connotation that you dream of. Remember that a guy treats such gifts much more simply. If he knows that you love such trinkets, then this gift is with the same thoughts with which he would present earrings or a bracelet as a gift. If a guy gave you a ring for your birthday and didn’t say a word about how he wants to be with you for the rest of his life, most likely he just gave him a nice birthday gift and nothing more. Of course, a loving girl really wants this to be an engagement. But don't rush. If a man gave you such an expensive and beautiful gift, it means that he is already not indifferent to you. Men give women things made of precious metals only if they take them very seriously. Perhaps this is not an engagement yet, but, nevertheless, you clearly occupy a special place in his life. Therefore, the main thing is not to scare the young man. Under no circumstances should you try to hint to him that the ring means that he is “threatening” the wedding. Believe me, with such behavior you will confuse him and scare him away. When a man has a desire to marry someone, he thinks about it for quite a long time and only then makes a decision. In this case, you should never put pressure on the guy. Pressure for men is worse than screams and hysterics. It seems to them that in this way the woman is trying to take away their freedom. But marriage, in essence, is also a restriction of freedom. At least that's what many men think. And if they don’t think so, then there will always be some friend nearby who will tell him how bad it is to be married and how much it limits freedom. Unfortunately, guys are very afraid to make this important decision and marry the person they love. And the more fear a person has, the more it seems to him that everyone is trying to force him to do something and take something away from him. Therefore, if a guy gave a ring as a gift, thank him with all your heart and tell him that you are very pleased, but don’t even think about hinting at marriage to him. Over time, he will reach this decision. For now, let him just know that you love and appreciate him very much. If you want to thank the young man for such a pleasant surprise, then on his birthday or on the occasion of some significant date, you can also give him an expensive gift. Of course, it doesn't have to be a ring, since many men don't wear such jewelry at all. But, it could be a chain, bracelet, watch, expensive perfume, or just something that he has long wanted, but for some reason could not afford. By giving such gifts, you emphasize a special attitude towards the guy and he, consciously and subconsciously, notes to himself that this particular girl knows what he wants and what he loves, tries to please him and thinks not only about her desires, but also about his preferences .

But it may also be that the young man did not just give you a ring, but gave it away, saying that you are his dearest and most beloved and he is very glad that you are together. Can such words be regarded as a sentence? Most likely, gifts accompanied by such speeches can be regarded as a warning that the guy will soon ask for your hand in marriage. By saying such words, he is subconsciously ready to always be with you, but consciously he is still tormented by some fears and, therefore, the guy is not yet saying the most important thing. But, if he himself puts the ring on your finger and at the same time talks about his endless love, then you can quietly rejoice that you will soon get married. Although, again, you shouldn’t hint at anything and push him towards the goal. He will figure everything out himself. If a young man admits that you are the meaning of his life, it means that he is almost ready to go through the whole path of life with you.

By the way, pay attention to what celebration such a gift was given. If it is Valentine's Day or some personal date of yours, it means that his action is a kind of rehearsal for a marriage proposal. Even if he doesn’t realize it, the subconscious chooses just such dates because it wants to show not just love, but also serious intentions associated with it.

Well, in what cases can a girl be one hundred percent sure that the ring means engagement before the wedding? Well, it probably happens when she gets on a romantic date, the guy gets down on one knee, gives flowers, gives her a ring as an engagement gift, and asks if she wants to be his wife. In this case, there is no need to doubt anything. Everything here is clear and understandable as daylight. So rings are given only in order to soon take the beloved woman to the registry office and therefore, soon, the joyful bustle before the wedding will begin.

A loving lady always wants exactly what was mentioned last in the article to happen. But for this to happen, you never need to drive the horses. Let me remind you that rings are not given to strangers and to girls with whom the man does not have a serious relationship. Still, subconsciously, the guy understands that the ring is a symbol. And even if he doesn’t put into the gift the meaning that you want to see, he still understands that it’s not just a trinket, but something more. Therefore, having received a ring as a gift, you can rejoice in the fact that you are a very dear, beloved and valuable woman in his life for your young man.

When it comes to gifts, doubt immediately arises: is it worth giving this or that item? The topic of gifts is always shrouded in various beliefs and prejudices. For many years, people have been trying to figure out why they shouldn’t give a ring to a girl. This article will help you sort out this situation and tell you when such gifts are appropriate.

Folk signs

There are many folk superstitions about many gifts: candles, watches, handkerchiefs, mirrors. For example, giving candles is a bad omen associated with a funeral, or handing out scarves will definitely bring tears. Prohibited gifts also include rings.

Many beliefs are associated with the ring presented to a girl in honor of the holiday. Unfortunately, the gift of a ring is a bad omen, which threatens separation from her young man who presented such a gift. Therefore, it is worth presenting a necklace, bracelet or earrings. At the same time, it does not matter at all for whom the gift is prepared - a woman or a man, because superstitions are not divided by gender.

There is another belief that is connected with the custom of giving family heirlooms to one’s beloved. For some, this gift is a sign that the future husband’s family is ready to accept the girl, while for others it is alarming, because it is unknown what information the ring carries, so as not to repeat the fate of the former owner.

If a girl is nevertheless given a ring as a gift, then she just needs to get rid of all prejudices. Perhaps the guy who gave such a gift had no idea that such beliefs existed. All that remains is to enjoy the decoration and drive away bad thoughts.

Practical reasons

Some young people often don’t understand why a guy shouldn’t give a ring to a girl, because these are just prejudices. However, we should not forget that in addition to various superstitions, there are practical reasons that can easily make the ring not the best option for a gift. These should be taken into account:

  • A guy doesn't always know what size his girlfriend's finger is. Often men made a mistake with the required diameter, and then they had to adjust it to the required size, but such a gift is doomed to failure. Therefore, you should find out about such things before delivery.
  • If a young man gives a ring, it becomes clear that this gift was made for a reason. Although it is not an engagement note, it already gives a hint that the guy wants a more serious relationship. It’s good if the girl’s desire is mutual, but there are times when she is not yet ready to rise to a new level in the development of the relationship. In her opinion, everything should happen smoothly and gradually.
  • A representative of the fairer sex may think that her beloved is proposing to her. Then an awkward situation will arise. This will undoubtedly make the girl very upset. This case should be considered before presenting the accessory.
  • A man giving a ring may easily not guess the style that his other half likes. For example, if a woman does not like gold or precious stones, and a loved one gives her exactly such a product, of course, the gift may upset her.

When is a ring an appropriate gift?

It is obvious that a gift made with all the heart will give its owner success, prosperity and happiness in his personal life. A number of holidays are not complete without this attribute, because then it is impossible to carry out the ritual. These are the following celebrations:

When a man finally decides to present such an accessory, he should focus on the following important points:

  • The jewelry must match the style of the woman you love. You need to choose an accessory made of metal that the recipient prefers.
  • It is necessary to find out the exact size of the future acquisition.
  • When choosing an engagement ring, you should give preference to a product that is smooth and without unnecessary details.
  • Massive gold jewelry is more suitable for mature ladies.
  • Your gold purchase must be packaged in a beautiful box.
  • You should not give the accessory before the holiday event. The giver should be well aware of why gifts should not be given in advance. After all, presenting a present ahead of time can significantly spoil the mood.

If a person does not believe in superstitions and has firmly decided to give his significant other a ring, then he should not give up his idea. Any gift that is presented with all your heart will never bring misfortune!

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