Parables about love are beautiful and wise. If a friend suddenly turns up, or parables about friendship What is friendship parable

Sufi parable from Jami

Muawiyah and Aqil ibn Abu Talib were bosom friends and inseparable buddies. One day a thorn fell on the path of their partnership and dust settled on their faces. Aqil broke with Muawiyah and no longer attended his feasts. Muawiyah, asking for forgiveness, wrote to him: “Oh...

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    Badger Filka Parable from the Bondarenko brothers

    Two bears lived next door in Gorelovskaya Grove: the bear Spiridon and the bear Lavrenty. On holidays we went to visit each other and treated ourselves to honey. And not far from them the badger Filka lived. And himself - to no one, and to him - no one. He was jealous that...

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    Bedouin and a dying dog Sufi parable from Rumi

    In the dust, the road dog lay exhausted, And the Bedouin sighed and shed tears: “I’m so afraid that life will become difficult for me, When I lose my only friend!” “What are you crying about, passer-by?” - The poor wanderer of God asked the Arab. “I cry, traveler, from my worries - Here...

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    Be a friend Confucian parable

    Tzu Gong asked about what it means to be someone's friend. Confucius replied: “Be honest with him when you give him advice, and encourage him to do good.” But if he doesn’t listen, then don’t insist so as not to be humiliated.

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    Treacherous friend Indian parable

    There lived two merchants in Delhi - Motichand and Ramdas. There was a strong friendship between them. One day Motichand was talking with his wife, when suddenly she interrupted him and began to ask: - Dear husband! We are already getting old, we have money, thank God, but what do we care about...

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    Message for Socrates Parable from Vladimir Shebzukhov

    When you talk too much, you cannot avoid sin, but he who restrains his lips is wise. Book of Proverbs of Solomon, 10:19 Suddenly a man said to Socrates: “Hear (if words in fate will not make you poor or rich), What your friend said about you...” But he interrupted his philosopher: “No...

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    Business card Zen parable

    Zen Master Keichu presided over the main temple in Kyoto. One day a novice brought him a business card and said that this man wanted to see him. The card read: “Kitagaki, Governor of Kyoto.” Keichu looked at the business card and said: - Tell me...

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    Wolf and Hare Fable by Alexander Apartsev

    The Wolf and the Hare decided to make friends. They shook hands to seal the deal, and together they went hunting for otter, partridge or squirrel. They are walking through the forest... Suddenly, among the bushes, a young roe deer gnaws at the leaves. The wolf opened its mouth, saliva flowing from its teeth. From the sight of this the Hare...

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    Wave and cliff Parable from Natalia Burochkina

    Once upon a time there was a Wave. She loved to frolic in the wind. She loved to caress the stones on the shore. One day she wandered into an unfamiliar bay. There was a cliff there. He stood in the middle of the bay. Wave made friends with Cliff. They could talk for hours. They spent all their time together. ...

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    Sparrow machinations Tibetan parable

    Not far from each other lived a dove and a sparrow. They were friends and lived like good neighbors. One day the dove decided to play a trick on the sparrow. She flew up to her nest and playfully pulled out the soft bedding from there. Then, throwing it in front of...

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    Enemy and friend Parable from Ivan Turgenev

    The prisoner, condemned to eternal imprisonment, broke out of prison and began to run headlong. The chase was hot on his heels. He ran as fast as he could. The pursuers began to fall behind. But in front of him is a river with steep banks - a narrow but deep river. And he doesn't...

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    Enemies Aesop's Fable

    Two enemies were sailing on the same ship. To stay away from each other, one settled in the stern, the other in the bow; That's how they sat. A terrible storm arose and the ship capsized. The one sitting at the stern asked the helmsman which end of the ship...

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    Pot and Cauldron Fable by Jean de La Fontaine

    The Pot and the Cauldron formed a great friendship; Although the Cauldron is a more knowledgeable breed, But what does it count in friendship? The cauldron is a mountain for the matchmaker; Pot with a cauldron of familiarity; They cannot exist without each other; From morning to evening they are inseparable from each other; And they are separated by the fire...

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    Grimr Viking Parable from Nicholas Roerich

    Grimr, the Viking, became very old. In previous years he was the best leader, and they knew about him even in distant countries. But now the Viking no longer goes to sea on his fast dragon. For ten years he had not taken out his sword. There is a long shield hanging on the wall...

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    Two badgers Fable by Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Suddenly I saw a badger from the mountain - A close friend came out of his own hole with luggage (Considered until now). And then, not feeling his feet, he quickly ran with his luggage. And he was also able to see how his unfortunate friend fell into a trap... The thief began to scream loudly. Well, ...

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    Two friends Modern parable

  • You can reread parables an infinite number of times and constantly discover something new in them. Even if they are written in just a few lines.

    parable about friendship

    A wise man was asked: “How many types of friendship are there?” “Four,” he replied. - Friends are like food - you need them every day. Friends are like medicine - you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends like a disease - they themselves look for you. But there are friends like air - you can’t see them, but they are always with you.”

    parable of the soul

    One day, several people deliberately loudly condemned a wise man as he walked through their neighborhood. He heard everything, but answered them with a smile and wished him good health. Someone asked him:

    You smiled and wished these people health, didn’t you really feel anger towards them?

    To which the man replied:

    When I go to the market, I can only spend what I have in my wallet. It’s the same when communicating with people: I can only spend what my soul is filled with.

    parable: always start with yourself

    One married couple moved to a new house. In the morning, as soon as she woke up, the wife looked out the window and saw a neighbor hanging out her washed clothes to dry.

    Look at how dirty her laundry is,” she told her husband.

    But he was reading the newspaper and did not pay any attention to it.

    She probably has bad soap, or she doesn’t know how to do laundry at all. We should teach her.

    And this happened every time: when the neighbor hung out the laundry, the wife was surprised at how dirty it was.

    Creativity has been known since ancient times, and it has always been used as a powerful means of education. The reason is that the stories underlying each parable for children are as close as possible to real life and therefore understandable to everyone. They also help to identify vices without directly condemning a specific person. Let's remember the most interesting of them and see how you can use them for educational purposes when communicating with children.

    About the bad and the good

    Once two friends were walking through the desert. Tired from the long journey, they argued and one rashly slapped the other. The comrade endured the pain and did not say anything in response to the offender. I just wrote in the sand: “Today I received a slap in the face from a friend.”

    A few more days passed, and they found themselves at an oasis. They began to swim, and the one who received the slap almost drowned. The first comrade came to the rescue in time. Then the second carved an inscription on the stone, saying that his best friend saved him from death. Seeing this, his comrade asked him to explain his actions. And the second replied: “I made an inscription in the sand about the offense so that the wind would quickly erase it. And about salvation - he carved it in stone so that he would never forget about what happened.”

    This parable about friendship for children will help them understand that bad things cannot be kept in memory for a long time. But the good deeds of other people should never be forgotten. And one more thing - you need to value your friends, since in difficult times it is they who often find themselves next to a person.

    About love for mother

    Equally important are the relationships between family members. We often explain to children that they should show respect to their parents and take care of them. But parables for children, like the one below, will say everything better than any words.

    An old man and three women were sitting by the well, and three boys were playing next to them. The first one says: “My son has such a voice that everyone will be heard.” The second boasts: “And mine can show such figures - you’ll be amazed.” And only the third is silent. The old man turns to her: “Why don’t you tell about your son?” And she replies: “Yes, there is nothing unusual about him.”

    So the women fetched buckets full of water, and the old man stood up with them. They hear: the first boy sings and sounds like a nightingale. The second one walks around them like a wheel. And only the third approached the mother, took the heavy buckets and carried them home. The first two women ask the old man: “How do you like our sons?” And he answers: “Where are they? I only see one son.”

    It is these short parables for children, close to life and understandable to everyone, that will teach children to truly appreciate their parents and show the true value of family relationships.

    Lie or tell the truth?

    Continuing the topic, we can recall another wonderful story.

    Three boys were playing in the forest and did not notice how evening came. They were afraid that they would be punished at home, and began to think about what to do. Should I tell my parents the truth or lie? And that's how it all turned out. The first one came up with a story about a wolf attacking him. His father would be afraid for him, he decided, and would forgive him. But at that moment the forester came and reported that they did not have any wolves. The second one told his mother that he had come to see his grandfather. Lo and behold, he’s already on the threshold. This revealed the lies of the first and second boys, and as a result they were punished twice. First for being guilty, and then for lying. And only the third came home and told everything how it happened. His mother made a little noise and soon calmed down.

    Such parables for children prepare them for the fact that lying only complicates the situation. Therefore, in any case, it is better not to come up with excuses and not to hide your guilt in the hope that everything will work out, but to immediately admit the wrongdoing. This is the only way to maintain the trust of your parents and not feel remorse.

    About two wolves

    It is equally important to teach a child to see the boundary between good and evil. These are two moral categories that will always accompany a person, and, perhaps, fight in his soul. Among the large number of instructive stories on this topic, the parable of two wolves seems to be the most understandable and interesting for children.

    One day, an inquisitive grandson asked his grandfather, the leader of the tribe:

    Why do bad people appear?

    To this the elder gave a wise answer. Here's what he said:

    There are no bad people in the world. But every person has two sides: dark and light. The first is the desire for love, kindness, compassion, mutual understanding. The second symbolizes evil, selfishness, hatred, destruction. Like two wolves, they constantly fight each other.

    “I see,” the boy answered. - Which one of them wins?

    “It all depends on the person,” the grandfather concluded. - The wolf that is fed the most always wins.

    This parable about good and evil for children will make it clear: the person himself is responsible for much that happens in life. Therefore, it is necessary to think about all your actions. And wish for others only what you wish for yourself.

    Oh hedgehog

    Another question that adults often ask: “How to explain to a child that you can’t blindly trust everyone around you?” How to teach him to analyze the situation and only then make a decision? In this case, parables for young children similar to this one will come to the rescue.

    Once a fox and a hedgehog met. And the red-haired woman, licking her lips, advised her interlocutor to go to the hairdresser and get a fashionable “tortoiseshell” hairstyle. “Thorns are not in fashion these days,” she added. The hedgehog was delighted with such care and set off. It’s good that he met an owl on the way. Having learned where, why and on whose advice he was going, the bird said: “Don’t forget to ask to be smeared with cucumber lotion and refreshed with carrot water.” “Why is this?” - the hedgehog didn’t understand. “And so that the fox can eat you better.” So, thanks to the owl, the hero realized that not every piece of advice can be trusted. And yet, not every “kind” word is sincere.

    Who is stronger?

    Parables often remind folk tales, especially if the heroes are forces of nature endowed with human qualities. Here is one such example.

    The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger. Suddenly they see a passerby walking. The wind says: “Now I’ll tear off his cloak.” He blew with all his might, but the passer-by only wrapped himself tighter in his clothes and continued on his way. Then the sun began to warm up. And the man first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, and finally took off his cloak and threw it over his arm. This is how it happens in our lives: with affection and warmth you can achieve more than with shouts and force.

    About the Prodigal Son

    Now we quite often turn to the Bible and find in it answers to many moral questions. In this regard, it is necessary to especially note the parables given in it and told by Jesus Christ. They will tell children more about goodness and the need for forgiveness than long instructions from their parents.

    Everyone knows the story of the prodigal son, who took his share of the inheritance from his father and left home. At first he led a cheerful, idle life. But the money soon ran out, and the young man was ready to eat even with the pigs. But he was driven out from everywhere, as a terrible famine struck the country. And the sinful son remembered his father. He decided to go home, repent and ask to become a mercenary. But the father, seeing his son returned, was happy. He raised him from his knees and ordered a feast. This offended the older brother, who told his father: “I’ve been next to you all my life, and you even spared a kid for me. He squandered all his wealth, and you ordered a fattened bull to be slaughtered for him.” To which the wise old man replied: “You are always with me, and everything I have will go to you. You need to rejoice in the fact that your brother seemed to have died, but now he has come to life, was lost and has been found.”

    Problems? Everything is solvable

    Orthodox parables are very instructive for older children. For example, the story of the miraculous rescue of a donkey is popular. Here are its contents.

    One peasant's donkey fell into a well. The owner pushed. Then I thought: “The donkey is already old, and the well is dry. I’ll cover them with earth and solve two problems at once.” I called my neighbors and they got to work. After a while, the peasant looked into the well and saw an interesting picture. The donkey threw the earth falling from above off its back and crushed it with its feet. Soon the well was filled, and the animal was at the top.

    This is how it happens in life. The Lord often sends us seemingly insurmountable trials. At such a moment, it is important not to despair and not give up. Then it will be possible to find a way out of any situation.

    Five important rules

    And in general, you don’t need much to become happy. Sometimes it is enough to follow a few simple rules that are understandable to a child. Here they are:

    • drive out hatred from your heart and learn to forgive;
    • avoid unnecessary worries - more often than not they do not come true;
    • live simply and appreciate what you have;
    • give more to others;
    • For yourself, expect less.

    These wise sayings, on which many parables for children and adults are based, will teach you to be more tolerant of others and enjoy everyday life.

    a wise man

    In conclusion, I would like to turn to the text of another parable for children. It is about a traveler who settled in an unfamiliar village. The man loved children very much and constantly made unusual toys for them. So beautiful that you won’t find them at any fair. But they were all painfully fragile. The kid is playing around, and lo and behold, the toy is already broken. The child is crying, and the master is already giving him a new one, but even more fragile. The villagers asked the man why he was doing this. And the master replied: “Life is fleeting. Soon some person will give your child his heart. And it is very fragile. And I hope that my toys will teach your children to take care of this priceless gift.”

    So, any parable prepares a child to face our difficult life. It unobtrusively teaches you to think about each of your actions, to correlate them with the moral norms accepted in society. Makes it clear that spiritual purity, perseverance, and readiness to overcome any adversity will help you navigate the path of life with dignity.

    Don't miss witty, wise and instructive parables about friendship. Each of them is a priceless pearl of original or folk art. And each one will make you smile and think about the value of true friendship.

    Read short parables about friendship and devotion to end. I promise you won’t regret a single minute spent!


    An instructive parable about friendship for children. A short story about an angry boy and his father will tell you how important it is to control your anger and not offend your friends.

    Once upon a time there was a boy with a terrible character. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail into the garden fence every time he lost his temper and quarreled with someone. On the first day the boy hammered 37 nails. Over the next weeks he tried to hold back, and the number of nails hammered decreased day by day. It turned out that holding back is easier than hammering nails...

    Finally the day came when the boy did not hammer a single nail into the fence. Then he went to his father and told about it. And his father told him to pull out one nail from the fence for every day that he did not lose patience.

    Days passed after days, and finally the boy was able to tell his father that he had pulled out all the nails from the fence. The father brought his son to the fence and said:

    My son, you behaved well, but look at these holes in the fence. She will never be the same again. When you argue with someone and say things that can hurt, you inflict a wound like this on the other person. You can stick a knife into a person and then pull him out, but the wound will still remain.

    No matter how many times you ask for forgiveness, the wound will remain. Mental wound brings as much pain as bodily pain. Friends are rare jewels, they bring you a smile and joy. They are ready to listen to you when you need it, they support you and open their hearts to you. Try not to hurt them...

    Caesar and the doctor

    The amazing parable about Caesar and his devoted doctor will once again remind you: never doubt your friends if your friendship has been tested over the years.

    Caesar had the only person and friend whom he trusted: his doctor. Moreover, if he was sick, he took medicine only when the doctor gave it to him with his own hand.

    One day, Caesar was not feeling very well, he received an anonymous note: “Fear your closest friend, your doctor. He wants to poison you!” And after a while the doctor came and gave Caesar some medicine. Caesar gave the note he had received to his friend and, while he was reading, drank every drop of the medicinal mixture.

    The doctor froze in horror:

    Lord, how could you drink what I gave you after you read this?

    To which Caesar answered him:

    It's better to die than to doubt your friend!

    How many friends does a person need?

    How many friends do you think you need to have to feel happy? One, two, or maybe several dozen? An interesting parable about friendship from Boris Krumer will aptly answer this rhetorical question and help dot the i’s.

    The student came to the Teacher and asked him:

    Master, how many friends should a person have - one or many?

    “It’s very simple,” the Teacher answered, “pluck me that red apple from the very top branch.”

    The student raised his head and answered:

    But it hangs very high, Teacher! I can't get it.

    Call a friend, let him help you,” answered the Master.

    The student called another student and stood on his shoulders.

    “I still can’t get it, Teacher,” said the distressed student.

    Don't you have any friends anymore? - the Teacher grinned.

    The student called more friends, who, groaning, began to climb on each other’s shoulders and backs, trying to build a living pyramid. But the apple hung too high, the pyramid crumbled, and the student was never able to pick the coveted apple.

    Then the teacher called him over:

    Well, do you understand how many friends a person needs?

    Got it, teacher,” said the student, rubbing his bruised side, “a lot - so that together we can solve any problem.”

    Yes,” answered the Master, shaking his head sadly, “really, you need a lot of friends.” So that among all this gathering of gymnasts there is at least one clever man who would have thought to bring a ladder!

    Most valuable

    Have you ever wondered, dear friend, what is most valuable in life? You will find the answer in the following parable about friendship. I'm sure he won't disappoint you.

    One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.

    But time passed, college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. The young man was busy every minute, and he had no time to remember the past, or even to be with his loved ones.

    One day he found out that his neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy’s dead father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.

    In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the empty house of the deceased. Everything was the same as many years ago...

    But the small golden box, in which, according to the old man, the most valuable thing for him was kept, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of her few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.

    However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing his neighbor's name on it, the man shuddered and opened the box.

    Inside was the same golden box. It contained a gold pocket watch with an engraving: “Thank you for the time you spent with me.”

    And he realized that the most valuable thing for the old man was the time spent with his little friend.

    Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath.

    Time is running away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.

    Parables about friendship

    Friendship is, first of all, a selfless personal relationship between people that is based on trust. sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are mutual respect for the friend's opinion, trust and patience. Parables about friendship will help you better understand the concept of “friendship”, what true friendship is and what kind of friends should be.

    Resentments and Joys

    Once, two friends walked in the desert for many days.

    One day they argued, and one of them rashly slapped the other. His friend felt the pain, but said nothing.

    Silently, he wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”

    The friends continued to walk, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap almost drowned and his friend saved him.

    When he came to his senses, he carved on the stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.”

    The first one asked him:

    When I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on the stone. Why?

    And the friend replied:

    When someone wrongs us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

    Learn to write grievances in the sand and carve joys in stone. Leave some time for life! And may it be easy and bright for you... (Parables about friendship).

    The wounds we leave
    Once upon a time there lived a young man with a bad character. His father gave him a bag full of nails and said, “Drive one nail into the garden gate every time you lose your temper or have a fight with someone.”
    On the first day he hammered 37 nails into the garden gate.
    In the following weeks, I learned to control the number of hammered nails, reducing it day by day:
    I realized that it is easier to control yourself than to hammer nails.
    Finally, the day came when the young man did not hammer a single nail into the garden gate.
    Then he came to his father and told him this news.
    Then the father said to the young man: “Take out one nail from the gate every time you don’t lose patience.”
    Finally, the day came when the young man was able to tell his father that he had pulled out all the nails.
    The father led his son to the garden gate:
    “Son, you behaved great, but look how many holes are left on the gate!”
    They will never be the same again.
    When you argue with someone and say unpleasant things to them,
    you leave him wounds like those on the gate.
    You can stick a knife into a man and then pull him out,
    But there will always be a wound.
    And it won’t matter how many times you ask for forgiveness. The wound will remain.
    A wound brought by words causes the same pain as a physical one.
    Friends are a rare wealth!
    They make you smile and encourage you.
    They are always ready to listen to you.
    They support you and open their hearts to you.
    Show your friends how much you care about them.

    Holy Lake (about love and friendship)

    There lived two brothers - the banks and a sister - the river.
    One bank was high and covered with dense forest, which is why it was considered rich.
    And the other one, low and sandy, is poor. Once the poor shore asked the rich brother for some firewood to make a fire and warm up.
    Yes where there!
    The rich shore was indignant:
    - If I give you even a little each time, then, you see, you won’t have anything left. And I will become, like you, poor!
    The sky heard it and frowned.
    Lightning flashed and struck a large oak tree on a high bank.
    The forest caught fire. And such a fire began that the high bank prayed:

    - Sister river! Brother take care! Help out! Save! Without water and sand, I’ll be lost!

    Without hesitation, the river and the poor bank rushed to help their brother.
    And they tried so hard that she, pouring water on the fire, gave herself up to the last drop, and he, covering it with sand, gave up every last grain of sand.
    That's how they put out the fire.
    But this did not bring relief to the rich brother.
    After all, there was now only a large empty depression left in front of him. And he had neither a sister nor a brother...
    Time has passed.
    Rains and hardworking springs gradually filled the lowland with water. And it became a lake, which people, having learned its history, called “holy”. What else can you call the fruit of sacrificial love?
    And when someone stayed here overnight, the high bank, sighing guiltily, generously presented him with the best firewood, which was invariably enough until dawn, despite the fact that the nights in these places were always long and cold...

    Greed, give me a big pot!

    - Greed, greed, give me a big saucepan!
    - I won’t give it, it’s not enough!
    - Greed, greed, give me a smaller pan!
    - And I won’t give you less!
    - Greed, greed, then give me the smallest one!
    - She said I won’t give it, so I won’t give it!
    - Well, you don’t want it, as you want! Then you're wearing a pie!
    - Let's! Why only one? You are generosity!
    - So I wanted to give you more. But you didn’t give it!
    So greed punished itself!
    Author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Evgeniy Sanin). From the book: Little parables for children and adults.


    Once upon a time, two angels traveled across the earth: an old one and a young one. One evening, tired and exhausted, they asked to spend the night at the house of a rich man. He allowed the wanderers in, but, being a stingy and inhospitable man, he provided them with overnight accommodation in a barn.

    It was cold, dark, damp there. Despite his fatigue, the young angel could not sleep for a long time. And when he finally managed to fall asleep, he was suddenly awakened by some noise.

    When he woke up, he saw that the old angel was carefully repairing the hole in the wall. The young angel was surprised; he several times suggested that the old one give up this matter and try to rest before the upcoming journey, but received a stubborn refusal.

    In the morning, the young angel, without hiding his curiosity, asked the old one:

    Why did you help this man when he treated us so badly?

    “Not everything is what it seems,” replied his companion.

    The next evening, looking for lodging for the night, the travelers stopped at the poor man's house. The owner warmly welcomed them, shared his dinner and even provided them with the only bed in the house, while he and his wife went into the barn.

    In the morning, the angels were awakened by the cry of the owner and the crying of his wife. It turned out that their cow, the only breadwinner and hope of the family, died that night.

    The young angel, experiencing extreme surprise, turned to the old one:

    Why don't you help the poor man? - he said. - Last time you helped the one who treated us so badly, and this time you are inactive when you have the power to save this family?

    To which the old angel replied:

    Not everything is what it seems!

    Continuing the journey, the young angel did not calm down, he reproached the old angel, accused him and could not come to terms with what had happened.

    “Not everything is what it seems,” the old angel answered for the third time. “Last night, when we were in a rich man’s house, I saw a treasure in the wall of the barn - and walled it up so that the owner of the house would not get it. And that night death came for the poor man’s wife, and I bought her off by giving her a cow.

    I hope this parable will help you rethink what is happening between you and your children. It must be remembered thatthere is no good or bad in the world. It all depends on how you look at it.

    Parable of the Well

    One day a donkey fell into a well and began to scream loudly, calling for help. The donkey's owner came running to his screams and threw up his hands - after all, it was impossible to get the donkey out of the well.
    Then the owner reasoned as follows: “My donkey is already old, and he doesn’t have much time left, but I still wanted to buy a new young donkey. This well has already completely dried up, and I have long wanted to fill it up and dig a new one. So why not kill two at once? hares - I’ll fill up the old well, and I’ll bury the donkey at the same time.”
    Without thinking twice, he invited his neighbors - everyone took up shovels and began throwing earth into the well. The donkey immediately understood what was happening and began to scream loudly, but the people did not pay attention to his screams and silently continued to throw earth into the well.
    However, very soon the donkey fell silent. When the owner looked into the well, he saw the following picture - he shook off every piece of earth that fell on the donkey’s back and crushed it with his feet. After some time, to everyone's surprise, the donkey was at the top and jumped out of the well! So...
    Perhaps there have been a lot of troubles in your life, and in the future life will send you more and more new ones. And every time another lump falls on you, remember that you can shake it off and, thanks to this lump, rise a little higher. In this way, you will gradually be able to get out of the deepest well.
    Every problem is a stone that life throws at you, but by walking on these stones you can cross a stormy stream.
    Remember five simple rules:
    1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive everyone you were offended by.
    2. Free your heart from worries - most of them are useless.
    3. Live a simple life and appreciate what you have.
    4. Give more.
    5. Expect less.

    Three sieves

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