Matinee "March 8" in the preparatory group. Matinee "March 8" in the preparatory group. Sketch at the matinee on March 8, preparatory group.

Scenarios of festive events and matinees dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8 in preparatory groups.

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All sections | Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group

Scenario of the matinee on March 8 in the preparatory group To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. Ved. Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers, dear women! We are happy to see holiday you, You have a lot of worries! But you put everything off now, Why, why? Everyone will understand this. After all holiday It's coming for all women now!...

Matinee for March 8th in the preparatory group 8 Martha(senior gr) The child turns to teacher: Today is the brightest and most beautiful day, because today Dear Kind Mother's Day. What should I give her? I can't decide. Leading. There are many mothers in our hall - everyone came to holiday to us. Child. What do they...

Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group - Scenario for the holiday for March 8 “The most wonderful mother” (preparatory group)

Publication “Scenario of the holiday for March 8 “The most beautiful mother” ...” Host: Hello dear women! March 8 is Women's Day. We are accustomed to it as a good and cheerful holiday. We love him for the pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers, and therefore all women. Mom is the closest, dearest and most affectionate person on earth. On this day...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the holiday for March 8th “Ball of Flowers” ​​(preparatory group) Fanfare. The presenters come out. 1Ved: We want to congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts on this holiday, May poems and many songs bring smiles and laughter! 2Ved: We are starting our holiday, And we are welcoming our children! The boys come in to the music, change formations, and line up in a semicircle. 1Mal:...

Scenario of the holiday “May the sun shine brightly for you”, dedicated to International Women’s Day, for the preparatory group Scenario for the holiday “May the sun shine brightly for you,” dedicated to International Women’s Day, for the preparatory group. Against the background of music, 2 boys enter, the rest of the children are outside the door. Presenter. Spring has come again, and it has brought a holiday again. The holiday is joyful, bright and...

Scenario for the March 8 holiday “The Sorceress Care” in the preparatory group Scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the preparatory group “Sorceress Care” Progress of the holiday: 1. Entrance dance 2. Song “Mom’s holiday” 3. Game “Bouquet for a beautiful lady” 4. Song “For my granny” 5. Competition for grandmothers 6. Sketch “Capricious mother” 7. Relay game “Soup, Compote” 8. Aerobics...

Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group - “Travel on a boat.” Scenario of the matinee on March 8 for the preparatory group

The host of the celebration and the boys enter the hall to the music. The boys have flowers in their hands. HOST: The prankster March is knocking on a gentle spring stream. Spring brought a beauty and a good mother's holiday. BOYS: The snowstorms are still blowing, the snow is still lying, the cranes have not yet arrived to us. But they smell...

Scenario of the matinee in the preparatory group dedicated to March 8 Scenario of a matinee in the preparatory group dedicated to March 8 Developed by: Martynova Natalya Ivanovna Goal: to create a holiday atmosphere in children. Tasks. 1. Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in music classes. 2. Instill love and respect for mothers and grandmothers. 3....

Scenario of the matinee for March 8 for children of senior preschool age “For my dear mother”

To the sound of cheerful music, children enter the hall in pairs, walk around the hall and disperse through the middle, forming a semicircle.
Good afternoon, our dear guests! We are glad to see you again in our festive hall. Finally, after a long winter, a wonderful spring has come, kind, ringing and joyful! And with it came the wonderful holiday of March 8th - the holiday of our mothers, grandmothers and girls!

Spring does not begin with flowers; there are many reasons for this.
It begins with warm words, with the sparkle in the eyes and smiles of men.
And then the streams will ring and the snowdrop will bloom in the forest,
And then the rooks scream and the bird cherry trees throw snow.
Our dear women, believe that we are opening spring for you!
Smile and warm with the warmth of your tender eyes!
1st child.
Spring is knocking on the door again,
Spring is everywhere: here and there,
Today we celebrate the holiday,
And this is the holiday of our mothers!
Streams ran from the hillock,
Bird voices began to sound
Where we recently went downhill,
Dew glistens on the grass
2nd child.
Happy March 8th,
Happy spring holiday,
With the first flowers in this bright hour,
Mothers (name of your city), grandmothers, sisters,
Friends, teachers!
All. Congratulations!
3rd child.
Under the spring sun
The snow has melted,
And the first snowdrop flower appeared.
He stretched, raised his head,
“Spring has come,” said the snowdrop!
The song “If the river is blue...” is performed.
4th child.
The sun is shining tenderly,
Spring smiles at us
In our festive hall
Meet grandmothers and mothers!
5th child
The sun, warm, brighter than fairies,
Don't spare your rays
You keep our mothers warm,
Congratulate them on Women's Day!
6th child
More and more sunbeams
Now they're visiting us
Girls and boys catch them
To color the holiday of mothers!
The song “The trees don’t make noise...” is performed.

Today, in a very unusual way, we will congratulate women,
We invite all guests to go for a walk in our yard.
Sit on a bench, breathe fresh air,
And we will congratulate you, sing, laugh, dance!

Today is not an easy day, today is Mother's Day.
And the snowdrop lights a fire here and there!
- Having washed, the sun sparkles above in the morning
Smiles give rays to all mothers and children!
- Mothers, grandmothers, now
We want to congratulate you.

What a gift for mom
Will we give on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.
After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
Very interesting…
We'll knead the dough in the bathtub
Or wash the chair...
Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers,
It would be nice if the ceiling...
It's a pity I'm not tall.

I won't be capricious
I won't upset my mother.
If you have no appetite
I'll finish lunch anyway.
I'll put it in order
I'm on the book shelf
I'll sit you on the sofa
Tiger, bunny, bear.
I'm not too lazy to work -
After all, today is mother's day.

The song “The sun has kicked out...” is performed.
How many guests are there!
How many friends there are here!
I see grandmothers and mothers
And the girls are here and there!
I had a wonderful dream,
That I'm in love with a beauty.
I want to find her here
You, Fairy, announce a competition!

Competition 1.
And now it's time to play a little and have fun.
I invite three mothers to the stage.
Every morning for every mother begins almost the same (with minor exceptions): Wake up first, wake up your child, wash, get dressed and help your child get dressed. And today we will switch roles.
For this competition you need to prepare a basket of things. The children need, while the music is playing, to collect items of clothing from the basket and dress their mother, who is not involved in the process in any way. And we will blindfold the mothers so that they are not afraid in advance.
They say I'm my mother's tail,
I'm nowhere without my mom!
Well, tell me, is it possible?
Can you live without me for half a day?
If suddenly I start playing,
And mommy is not around,
Of course I'll be scared
And I run faster to her!
I'm next to my mom in the kitchen,
We go on errands together,
And together we watch a cartoon,
Divide the pear in half!
I'm my favorite mother's tail,
Mom is also without me,
Can't live for a minute
Without your favorite tail!
Song "___________________________"

Competition No. 2 We invite 3 mothers to the stage.
Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Moms are given inflated balloons and markers. During a certain time, while the music is playing, mothers must draw their beloved sons or daughters on the balloons.
And now,
It's time for everyone to dance.
Stretch your legs, arms,
We'll dance "Boogie Woogie"! And mothers try to repeat our movements, but sitting in their seats.
The general mass dance “Boogie-woogie” is performed.

How fun we played
They sang songs, danced,
We are not too lazy to have fun,
Because it's Women's Day!
Everyone performs the song “Vesnyanochka”, music. Yu. Mikhailenko.
Presenter: It would seem - a simple word GRANDMOTHER!
But how special it sounds!
There is a ray of sunshine and a mountain of pancakes in it,
In it, a childhood fairy tale gently murmurs!
It contains sensitive attention and tenderness,
Smiles, light, warmth of beloved hands!
- Oh, my grandmother, you can do everything!
You spare no effort for your grandchildren!
You knitted it for me and my sister
Two beautiful mittens each.
Your scarf caresses my neck,
It is more tender than bird's down.
A song is being performed especially for our grandmothers! "I have a Grandmother"

And again we have entertainment for this competition I need 3 girls
Our girls are future housewives.....

Competition 3. Culinary “Hostess”
Children are blindfolded and offered to taste different vegetables and fruits. For example, a piece of pear, grapes, banana, lemon and so on. And the children must taste what they were given. Children will eat deliciously and be able to practice their taste skills.
Competition "Spring Bouquet"
Especially for our grandmothers and mothers, our children will start a round dance, dance and sing a song.
Round dance "Annushka".

The forests in the distance are more visible,
Blue skies
More noticeable and blacker
There is a stripe on the arable land,
And children's sounds are louder
Voices above the meadow.

Spring is passing by
But where is she herself?
Chu, a clear voice is heard,
Isn't this spring?

Music of Spring Coming out of Spring……Spring congratulates everyone on the upcoming holiday and distributes treats.

"Children's television". Scenario March 8 in the preparatory group

Presenter : (Enter to music)

Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday.

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women!

Please accept our congratulations,

The concert is fun, watch it!

(Only boys enter the hall to the music and take their places)

1 boy

Today is the brightest holiday,

Birds are chirping in the yards!

All the guests are festively dressed,

EighthMarch - Mother's Day!

2 boy

Today the sky is blue

You can hear the cheerful streams!

Today we are even stronger

We are trying to grow faster!

3 boy

We congratulate mothers, sisters,

Your beloved grandmothers,

And, of course, girls -

Our dear girlfriends!

4th boy.

Our guests are already in the hall...

Have you seen the girls?

All the boys : No!

5th boy .

The guests have all already sat down,

Well, where did the girls go?

Already 8 minutes late

Where are you girls?

Girls from behind the door : Boys, we are here!

(Girls enter the hall to the music,

6th boy .

Sometimes we don't notice

How we offend girls -

We drag them by their pigtails,

And we take away the toys.

7th boy .

And for everything that we are guilty of,

Forgive us, girls!

Don't be angry with us...

ALL boys : Anyway, we love you!

The girls are all together :

Surprised! Well, good business! Just a treasure, not boys

Leading : What kind of holiday is March 8th? Now our guys will tell us in their funny poem“I don’t recognize dad today”

8 boy Don't recognize dad today -

He came, and suddenly at the door...

Didn't throw his hat on the table

And he hung it as if he were visiting.

9 boy “Hello, son! Hello, daughter!

And laughing this time,

He kissed his mother on the cheek,

And he shook grandma’s hand!

He didn't hide in the newspaper,

I looked at everyone at the table,

He didn’t hit the cutlet with a fork -

It was as if someone was sitting in it.

10 boy He was better, he was simpler,

Tea poured into cups,

Even grandma"not mother-in-law" ,

A"Mommy" called!

11 boy And I asked my mother directly :

“Mom, what happened to him!”

“Women’s Day,” said my mother, “

Dad should be like this."

12 boy I don’t understand this...

Maybe an adult will understand?

Is it unpleasant for dad?

Be good all year?

13 boy : Let our mothers hear

How we sing a song.

You, our dear mothers,

All . Happy Women's Day!

Song : «

The children take their seats.

Leading . Dear guests! We invited you to a holiday so that you can relax today, take a break from everyday worries and rejoice with us at the arrival of spring.

And where can you have a great rest on holidays, if not beforeTV . Today we invite you to make yourself comfortable in front of ournew generation TV , which transmits not only sound, but also three-dimensional images in super excellent quality"reality vision" . Today according to usTV you will see a lot of interesting things. So I turn onTV .

1 girl announcer . Hello, dear friends! You are lookingkindergarten channel "Smile"

Happy wonderful spring holiday

We congratulate everyone today.

And the main news for everyone

We inform you first :

“Spring has come to us in Russia,

The weather is wonderfully clear"

2 girl What's outside the window? What does the weather forecast promise?

On the most feminine day,

And the most tender of the year?

They will tell us about this without difficulty

Girls and boys

We are always happy to listen to them!

(3 children come out.)

Child . INMarch from the first

Spring begins

Mother's Day EighthMartha

The whole country celebrates.

Child . And although it's freezing

And the snowdrifts outside the window,

But fluffy mimosas

They are already selling all around.

Child . Drops of sunlight

Splashes of sunlight

We are bringing it into the house today.

We give to grandmother and mother

All : Happy Women's Day!

girl . On air, onkindergarten channel , "News" .

Is everything in place?

Children with parents sitting in front of the screen

Tap water flows in the kitchen.

Who washes the dishes there, honey?

Aren't they your dear... grandmothers?

Grandmothers, friends, take care,

Pamper them and give them some tea.

Child. Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Child. Oh, how long are these hands?

They are doing wonderful things!

They patch, knit, knead,

Everyone is making something.

Song "Grandmother" .

Child Now on our channel there is a program “Live Broadcast”.

The talk show “Live Broadcast” is on air and I am its host Andrey Malakhov. In our studio we discuss true stories that simply cannot be kept silent about. Today in the program we will learn about the difficult life of our grandmothers, about their worries and concerns about their children, grandchildren, neighbors... in a word - about everything. So, meet our heroes.

(grandmothers come out and sit on the bench)

HOST: grandmothers sit on a bench in the yard all day until the evening and talk about their grandchildren

1 (grandmother-boy) my grandson is growing faster than anyone else

2. and mine laughs loudest

3. mine loves porridge with milk

4. and mine will say this... .

1 grandmother. What are young people like (thoughtfully...

What about actions, (pause) and words?

2 grandmother. Previously: dancing and quadrilling,

They wore full skirts.

But now it’s not like that.

Pants - (show length) below the knee

and the skirts - wow! (shows mini)

3 grandmother. Well, and dancing, and dancing!

Everyone became like foreigners.

How they start to dance,

Scratch your feet!

They are shaking as if in a fever,

To look at it is such a shame and disgrace (ugh (to the side)

4 grandmother. We didn’t dance like that with you,

We studied the figures

And they went to balls.

Leading . Enough, grandmothers, to grumble,

Young people discuss everything.

You were also like this:

Young, mischievous.

Take off fifty years like that,

Dance for the guys!

“Sketch-dance of an old grandmother”...

Presenter: on our children's channel the program “Let's Get Married”! Let's discuss family and marriage issues!

(3 girls come out.)

Girl 1. Timosha decided, obeying fate,

Marry Olya from your group.

He gave her a bow and a ribbon,

And he persuaded her to get married.

Girl 2. But dad and mom and our dog

Decisive against such a marriage.

Since marriage is not a simple matter,

Then Timosha walks around... while single.

Girl 3. Of course, it’s too early for us to get married,

Our boys still need to grow up!

We ask that they do not offend us,

And more often they treated us to sweets.

(sit on chairs)

Presenter . Our next program is called"Wise Men and Clever Girls" .

The boys stand on 1 side. The girls are opposite.

Leading : And now I will ask you to give answers to riddles about objects that can be called mother’s helpers.

These are balls on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box...(Beads)

Mom's ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow,

Drops and crumbs turn silver

Decorations - …(Earrings)

Its edge is called fields,

It is all decorated with flowers.

The headdress is a mystery

After all, our mother has...(Hat)

Name the dishes

The handle is attached to the circle,

Baking a pancake for her is nonsense.

There is water in his belly.

Seething from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly...(kettle)

The dust will find and instantly swallow,

It brings cleanliness for you.

A long hose, like a trunk-nose,

The rug is being cleaned...(vacuum cleaner)

Irons dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm,

His name is...(iron)

Every day at seven in the morning hescreams : “It’s time to get up!” (alarm)

The dry wind dries my mother's curls(hairdryer)

Poured into jars, into tubes,

It looks like sour cream.

Moms all like him.

This is fragrant...(cream)

To be a beautiful mother

You need to take mascara and blush,

And you need to put on lipstick


The sweet smell of candy

The table and stool smell.

Dropped from my hand

I'm French...(perfume)

He can multiply two numbers faster than a human,

a library could fit in it a hundred times over,

only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute.

It’s not at all difficult to guess what the riddle is about(computer)

The team of boys and girls completed all tasks brilliantly.

Let's check your parents,Do you read fairy tales to children carefully?

Questions :

1. She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar :

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents.


2. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

(seven kids)

3. While eating rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess.

(Emelya from the fairy tale"At the behest of the pike" )

4. This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone until they are full,

That she is herself

Full of delicious food.

(tablecloth - self-assembled)

5. Sweet apple flavor

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s light all around, like during the day.


6. The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where does Koshchei death lurk?

What is this item?

Give me a quick answer my friend.


7. Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one




8. Both the little hare and the she-wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment.


9. I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The Gray Wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

10. Cinderella's legs

Fell by accident.

She was not simple,

And crystal.


Presenters You are currently watching the channel"Culture" .

U"Cultures" what structure?

Think logically

Your attention"A Poetic Minute" .

Child If they ask : "In the whole world

What's the best thing?"

I will answer : “These are my mother’s hands!

If they ask who is the most tender in the world

Is he looking at me?

I will answer : "Well, of course,

My mommy!

Child If they ask : "In the whole world

What’s the cutest thing?”

I'll answer that smile

My mom!

What warms us with light,

How is spring itself?

I will answer : "Well, of course,

My mommy!"

Leading :And now we continue our TV show. The next program is “Travelers Club”.

Girl: I wonder what country the “travelers club” will be dedicated to today?

Boy: The one where all the men are gentlemen.

Girl: It always rains and fogs in England

The rain is pouring and drizzling like a sieve.

Well, the fogs are thicker than sour cream.

You hang your hat in the air.

We meet gentlemen from England.

Dance of the Gentlemen.

Presenter the next program, everyone is familiar with it,

It's called"While everyone is at home" .

For your attention - the situation is comical,

This is an average family.

Leading. You and your sister and brother played

And whoever it doesn’t happen to – well, they’ve scattered everything!

And I don’t want to upset your mother.

So, isn't it time to start cleaning?

A game "Spring-cleaning"

(Arrange 4 hoops - this is« children's rooms » . Pencils, candy wrappers, and a pyramid are scattered inside the hoops. We need to collect everythingplace : pencils in a box, candy wrappers in a basket, assemble a pyramid. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins.)

1 Announcer And now we bring to your attention the show"Dancing with the Stars"

Dance"helper" together with parents

Leading . It's time for us to visit"pens"

Yes, not at all inept

They can do original things -

They're kind of crazy!

Broadcast"Crazy hands"

Useful for both adults and children.

What will the children give to our

For mothers and grandmothers

Everyone is terribly interested.

Child . But the gifts are still with you,

We prepared it ourselves.

We tried, we worked.

They made crafts and weren’t lazy!

And now let's give it to mom

Everything we did ourselves.

Give gifts.

Presenter . Dear viewers!

Our wonderful parents!

We’re done broadcasting holiday programs,

The TV has overheated, we turn it off.

Farewell, children I want yousay :

Look at mom's faces

They never stop shining!

So the holiday was a success"five"

Presenter. Our dear guests!

We wish you joy, happiness and health!

Let adversity and misfortune

You are being passed over

On March 8, the kindergarten holds matinees. Mothers and grandmothers are the guests of honor. To make the matinee interesting for both the audience and the little artists, the script includes songs, dances, games and fun competitions for everyone.

We have collected scenarios for matinees in the junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten.

Children enter the hall one after another - trailers.

Song “Train”, T. Suvorova.

They stand in a semicircle, facing the audience.

Leading: Look at the window
It is filled with light.
Everyone is squinting from the sun,
After all, spring is outside.
Let the snow still lie,
March is in a hurry for all the guys.
A holiday awaits us,
Noisy bright.
Who can tell us faster?
This is a holiday:

All: Our mothers!


1 child: The sun is shining again
Warm the earth.
And spring is beautiful
She came to us again.

2nd child: Congratulations to mom
Friendship kids.
It's very spring
Moms are good!

Song “Mama”, Z. Kachaeva.

Leading: What is the stream singing to us about?

Children: About the rustle of the forest.

Leading: What is the stream singing to us about?

Children: About the blue sky.

Leading: What does the earth always sing about?

Children: O sun on high.

Leading: What will you and I sing about?

Children: About mom, about spring!

Spring comes to the music.

Spring: You are talking about me, and here I am!
Hello spring to you, friends!
Grasses, trees, flowers - wake up.
Birds from distant lands, return.
I bring my warmth to everyone,
So that everything blooms around.
So that the leaves bloom,
The birds began to sing.
Shine brighter sunshine
Keep the kids warm!

Dance "Winter Song"

Leading: Here it is Spring is red,
He wakes up the earth from sleep.
Fills the kidneys with juice,
Flowers grow in the meadows:

Spring: Beautiful spring flowers
We will weave them into wreaths!

"Dance with Flowers"


3rd child: My mother is like spring
The way the sun laughs.
Just like a light breeze.
It will touch my head.

4th child: He'll get a little angry,
It was as if a cloud had rolled in.
It's like a rainbow-arc,
He will look and shine.

5th child: Oh, you are my mommy.
You're so funny.
You are like the sun, dear,
The most beautiful.

Leading: And today our mothers will be dressed up by their beloved children:

Attraction "Beautiful Mother". Children dress up their mothers with beads, hairpins, and scarves.

Spring: Today I flew over the forest,

So that the forest turns green with leaves.
The gentle sun warmed everyone,
So that everyone wakes up and sings.

6th child: The sparrows began to sing:
Chiki-riki, chik-chirik!
Come to our concert.
Bring some bread crumbs.

Dance “Sparrow”, T. Morozova

Spring: Dear grandmothers,
Mom's moms.
We sincerely congratulate you!

7th child: Dear grandmother,
My darling.
More than anything in the world
I love you.

8th child: According to your wrinkles
I'll run my hand.
In the whole world there is no
Grandmothers are like that.

Song “Grandmother”, M. Kartushina.

Leading: We can't sit still,
We love to have fun.
We are not too lazy to dance and sing,
We would dance every day!

Dance “Stomp My Foot”

Spring: You sang and played songs,
We danced heartily.
Your gift is also ready,
I want to ask if he is good?

Leading: And our gift is not simple,
You can't take it with your hand.
We give warmth to our hearts,
Smiles, joy, kindness!

Dance “Gift for Mom”, E. Sokolova.

Spring: Let the sun shine in the sky,
And the stream runs loudly:

Leading: Let them always smile
Mother's dear eyes!!!

For the middle group, scenario “Our Merry Little House”


  • children:
  • mouse;
  • frog;
  • bunny;
  • fox;
  • bear.


  • Parsley.

The hall is decorated like a Russian upper room. Children enter the hall to cheerful music and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Dear guests - mothers, grandmothers! Congratulations on the coming of spring, on the first spring holiday! And what kind of holiday this is, the children will now tell us.

1 child: Happy holiday
And with the end of winter
Dear mother
We congratulate you.

2nd child: We will never
Upsetting mom
Housework for mom
Let's help.

3rd child: So that our mother
Having finished all the work,
Spring evening
I could rest.

4th child: We'll dance for mom,
Let's sing a song
We congratulate our mother
Happy Women's Day.

The song “The Kids Congratulate Mom,” lyrics by L. Mirnova, music by T. Popatenko.

Leading: We have gathered here for a reason.
Look here - beauty!

Addressing guests.

The children cleaned the room themselves for you.

Dear mothers and grandmothers, today be not only our guests, but also hosts together with your children in our room. After all, nothing brings people closer together than a hospitable table and intimate conversation.

To the Russian folk melody “Kalinka,” children approach their mothers and grandmothers and lead them to their prepared places in the upper room. Children each stand opposite their mother and grandmother and sing the song “Mom on March 8th,” poetry by M. Ivensen, music by E. Tilicheeva.

Leading: Dear mothers and grandmothers, very often, starting from the cradle, you tell your babies fairy tales. But today is your holiday, and therefore today your children will tell and show you their favorite fairy tale “Teremok”.

Behind the step there will be a staircase.
Put it word by word and there will be a song.
And ring after ring - there will be knitting,
Sit with me on the porch - it will be a fairy tale.

All children:

Here, across the field, across the field, a mouse runs,
She stopped at the door and beeped.

Mouse: Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?

Leading: Silence. You will live here alone.
But to live here, to live,
A poem for mom needs to be told.

The mouse recites a poem about his mother (chosen by the teacher).

All: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Here is a frog running across the field,

Frog: Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.
And who are you?

Frog: And I am a frog frog.
Let me live with you.

Leading: To enter the mansion,
Read your congratulations to mom.

The frog reads a poem chosen by the teacher and enters the little house.

Mouse: Let's live and live
and we invite the kids
play with us.

Game "Mom's Helpers". At one end of the hall there are 2 hoops at some distance from each other, each containing 5-6 identical objects (mother’s purchases). 2 children are called. Everyone must put the “purchases” from their hoop into a basket, transfer them and lay them out on the table, which stands at the other end of the room, opposite the hoop. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins.

He is not short, not high, not tall.
Here, across the field, across the field, a bunny runs,

Hare: Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse.

Frog: I'm a frog frog.

Mouse and Frog: And who are you?

Bunny. I'm a runaway bunny. Let me live in the little mansion.

Leading: To live in our little house,
Poems about grandmother need to be told.

The hare recites a poem about his grandmother (chosen by the teacher). All the children sing the song “That’s What a Grandmother”, poems by Yu. Ostrovsky, music by E. Tilicheeva.

The hare enters the little house.

All: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Here, across the field, across the field, a little fox is running,
She stopped at the door and knocked.

Fox: Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse.

Frog: I'm a frog frog.

Hare: I'm a runaway bunny.

Mouse, Frog, Hare: And who are you?

Fox: And I am a fox - the beauty of the whole forest. Let me live in the little mansion.

Leading: You are a poem for March 8
Tell us soon
To make everyone happy!
And be friends with animals.

The fox recites a poem about March 8 (at the teacher's choice) and settles in the little house.

Leading: The four of us began to live together
In a small little house.
They dance and sing songs
And guests, of course, are welcome.
May our holiday become more beautiful
Let's dance with our mothers.

Song-dance “Kalinka”, arrangement by T. Lomova, words and movements by V. Petrova.

Performed together with mothers and grandmothers.

All: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Here, across the field, across the field, a bear is running,
He stopped at the door and knocked.

Bear: Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse.

Frog: I'm a frog frog.

Hare: I'm a runaway bunny.

Fox: I am a fox - the whole forest is beautiful.

All: And who are you?

Bear: And I'm a naughty bear. Let me live in the little mansion.

Leading: Don’t rush to the tower,
Congratulate your guests from the bottom of your heart.

The bear reads a holiday poem chosen by the teacher.

Leading: Bear, the guys know you,
But they don’t invite you into the house.
You will break the tower for them,
Don't you understand?
Our tower is very small,
Well, you've already become big.
Don't offend anyone
Better play with us.

The game “Who can put on a skirt and scarf faster” is played. 2-3 children play at the same time.

Leading: All the animals became friends.
This is how it turned out in the fairy tale.
This is where the fairy tale ends,
And whoever listened - well done!

To the Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak,” Petrushka runs in with a tambourine in his hands.

Parsley: Hello children! Hello, guests! How beautiful and cozy your place is! How smart and cheerful everyone is.

It’s immediately obvious that today is a holiday. And I am Parsley - a cheerful toy, I also like to have fun, play, and dance. And he brought you colorful handkerchiefs.

You quickly run to me
And you will receive handkerchiefs.
We'll wave our handkerchiefs,
Let's have fun dancing with them.

The song “Scarf” is performed (Ukrainian folk song arranged by L. Revutsky).

Parsley: I'm a cheerful mischief maker
I am a prankster and a joker.
I want to make everyone laugh
And I’ll teach you how to play.

Nipple play. Those who wish stand at the line and take turns spitting out the pacifier - whoever comes next. Then mothers can compete.

Parsley: Will you support Petrushka?
And dance with me.

Free dance of children and guests to any lively Russian folk melody.

Parsley: Have fun!
Well, goodbye kids.

Says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: What is a holiday without gifts and treats?

Dear guests, your kids tried very hard, worked hard and prepared small souvenirs for you.

Children give mothers and grandmothers souvenirs made with their own hands.

For the older group, script “Warmth of hearts for dear mothers”

Leading: What is happiness? With such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher has asked this question.
But in fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of height.
These are vests. Booties and bib,
A brand new described mother's sundress.
Torn tights... Broken knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor...
Happiness is soft warm palms,
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...
This is a whole heap of broken toys,
This is the constant noise of rattles...
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor...
A thermometer under the arm, tears and injections...
Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead...
This is a constant “What” and “Why?” "...
Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
A small candle on a huge cake...
This endless "Read me a story"
These are daily Piggy and Stepashka...
This is a warm nose from under the blanket...
A hare on the pillow, blue pajamas...
Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...
Puppet theater, matinee in the garden...
What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Anyone who has children has it!

Music is playing. Children-angels “fly” into the hall and sit on clouds.

Leading: It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
Who was sitting on a cloud?
Who looked at the world from above.
Angels in the faces of children
They chose mothers.

1 Angel: I'll be born soon!
I need to decide.
Mom will be with me
Like a clear dawn.

2 Angel: Mom will be with me
Like the sun is red.
It will warm me with warmth,
And a clear smile.

3 Angel: Mom will be with me
Like the water of a spring is clear,
How soft fluffy snow is,
Warm like rain in spring,
The sweetest and dearest.

4 Angel: I want the same one
I'll fly with you too!
I will find my mother.
I will hug you tightly, tightly.

The little angels descend from the “cloud” and go to their mothers. Everyone reads a poem and brings their mother to the center of the hall.

1 Angel: I want this mom!
In the whole world, I know, no
More cheerful, more gentle, kinder,
More beautiful than my mom.

2 Angel: Better than my mom
Not in this world.
I love my mother very much
I always give her happiness.

3 Angel: Mom, mom, mommy,
My sun!
How joyful it is to be with you,
How warm it is with you!
Without you in my soul
Flowers don't bloom.
I'll be happy then
If you're nearby.

4 Angel: When I see my mother
I want to kiss.
I want to hug you so tightly
To adopt tenderness.

Children hug their mothers. Mothers sit down, the rest of the children enter (first 1, reads a verse, 2nd, reads a verse, 3rd, reads a verse, then the rest enter).

How beautiful mothers are
On this sunny day!
Let them be proud of us:
Mom, here I am, your son!
Here I am, your daughter,
Look how much you've grown up
And just recently
She was a little baby.
Here I am, dear grandmother,
Admire me!
You love me, I know
My precious one!
Happy Spring Day today
We hasten to congratulate you!
Oh yes! Forgot your kiss
“Air” to send you!
("air kiss)
We are for you relatives, loved ones
Let's sing a song together.
Let's wish you happy days,

Together: Happy Women's Day!

I will dance and sing for mommy.
Let everyone know how much I love her.
For my mother I will shine the sun,
And every day is like a cartoon to have fun.
I'm all the candy in the world
I'll buy it for my mom.
And white marshmallows
I'll save some for mom.
I'm a rainbow for mom
I ordered it today.
Let mom be happy
And the audience rejoices.
I asked for a bird
Lend your voice
To sing very beautifully,
And to please mom.

A song of the teacher's choice is performed.

Children sit on chairs.

Leading: How tenderly, with love, your children speak and sing about you, mothers.

Now we’ll find out what your parents think about you guys!

A funny roll call game with parents:

Leading: When he gets out of bed in the morning:
“Where did you put your shirt?
Where are the shoes? Where's the sock? »

I made the bed myself,
And I watered the flowers myself,
I helped my mother set the table...
Do you have such a son? (Parents answer...)

I scattered all the toys
And shouts: “Oh, I’m tired!
I can’t clean up, I’ll help you tomorrow!
I don’t want to, period!
Do you have such a daughter? (Parents answer...)

And other daughters are a miracle! Wash all the dishes
They fed Murka the cat, although they themselves were still crumbs,
They work, they try... Do you like them? (Parents answer...)

Leading: That means what kind of kids you have! Then listen to the words of recognition from your children who “never play pranks!”

Dramatization - joke “We never play pranks”

I help my mother:
I'll make soup in the sandbox,
I'll wash the cat in a puddle...
How, Mom, I love you!
And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway
I'm drawing a portrait of Mommy,
My brother will help me too...
Mommy, is it similar or not?
I'll wear my mother's dress
As soon as I cut the length,
It will suddenly become clear to everyone:
I love only my mother!
And I'm preparing a gift for her
- On my dad's new car
I scratch: “To mom - with love!”
No one can replace you!”
I'll wash my mother's shoes
I'm leaving ships in the bathroom.
And mom will come and see
That I love her very much!
We will not argue in vain,
We will tell our mothers,
That their children are simply beautiful...

Together: After all, we never play pranks!

Leading: Grandmothers are sitting in our hall. Dear grandmothers, I am glad to congratulate you, people of different ages, but close in spirit, on the holiday! It is you who, with your warmth and affection, teach us to always be kind and sensitive.

The most friendly, trusting relationships are usually established between grandmothers and grandchildren. Grandmothers try to share our joys and sorrows with us, act as advisers, and warn against rash actions.

My grandmother and I are old friends.
How good my grandmother is!
He knows so many fairy tales that he can’t count them.
And there are always new ones in stock.
But grandma’s hands are just a treasure!

No, you probably won’t find others like them!
My granny has the kindest look
if everyone is asleep, her eyes are not sleeping.

He will tell me a fairy tale, he will sing me a song.
He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,
He will silently smile and hug you!

A song of the teacher's choice is performed.

Our dear grandmothers and mothers,
Admire how we have matured:
They pulled themselves up, grew up,
The muscles are weak.
We may be a little short,
But brave as soldiers!

Dance of the border guards.

Leading: Oh, our boys are strong! You have already shown your strength, but can you guys guess my riddles? Show off your intelligence and ingenuity in front of mothers and grandmothers?

Funny riddles.

Dad tells us in a deep voice:
“I love sweets with...

(not with meat, but with nuts or jam)

Grandmother asks Arkasha
To eat radishes...

(not porridge, but salad)

Mom asked Yulia
Pour some tea for her...

(not a pan, but a cup)

Repairing roofs, furniture, frames,
They go fishing...

(not moms, but dads)

And capricious and stubborn,
Doesn’t want to go to kindergarten...

(not mother, but daughter)

Old ladies go to the market
Buy for yourself...

(not toys, but products)

Leading: Well done! Have fun...! Well, have fun, have fun! Come out guys, show our guests how much fun you can have while dancing!

General cheerful dance.

The children sit down.

Leading: Today your children presented you with a festive bouquet of touching words, magical notes, fun and enthusiasm. And we, the teachers, also could not stand aside and prepared our bouquet. A bouquet of sweet dreams and wishes. Each flower contains a prediction of your destiny.

A basket is brought in - a bouquet of sweets - wishes. Each guest pulls out his own “sweet” flower and reads out the prediction.


  • Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!
  • I wish you to save the style! You will have a car!
  • Luck will not leave you! There will be a new dacha for you!
  • The meaning of the predictions is simple! There will be career growth for you!
  • I wish you good luck! A new addition to your family is waiting for you!
  • Surround you with comfort! And your income will increase!
  • Let success follow! You are the best to study!
  • There are many different impressions! On wonderful journeys!
  • Don't let worry bother you! A new job is waiting for you!
  • I wish you not to be bored in vain! There will be new friends!
  • Wait for real friends! Especially among the higher-ups!
  • Expect increased family income and vacations at your favorite time of year!
  • You will find happiness again - by meeting new love!
  • Know that every day and every hour someone is thinking about you!
  • A treat for your heart awaits you - a big salary increase!
  • A trip to Europe and good luck according to your horoscope awaits you!
  • Success is already coming to you - an inheritance awaits you!

Children go to the center of the hall, holding gifts for mothers and grandmothers, made in advance.

To bring you joy
We tried very hard.
Oh, if you only knew
How worried we were!
All poems
What was said here
For you we are with great
Read with love.
We wanted it to
Perky songs
Your holiday was made
Even more interesting.
Health and happiness
We wish you all the best.
Our beloved ones,
We congratulate you!

A song of the teacher's choice is performed.

So that the March day becomes
Cheerful and bright,
Accept, dear ones,
You are gifts from us.
We filled them
Light and affection,
So that your life lasts,
Like a good fairy tale.

Presentation of gifts.

Preparatory script, “Holiday Mom is knocking on our door”

The presenter enters the hall to the music.

Leading: Everything around me became very clear,
We won't count flowers today.
We congratulate you on a wonderful
Happy International Women's Day!
Throw away problems, worries,
Leave work early
Lightly applying makeup.
Go for a Thai massage.
Take a walk in the park for an hour,
Take a taxi home.
And at home there is a deaf person outside the door.
A surprise awaits you... Here it is!

(The boys enter the hall to the soundtrack of the song “Women’s Day”).

1 child: Spring has come to our house again!
We are all waiting for the holiday again!
How we will sing and dance!
But where are our girls?

2nd child: They bring beauty!
They said they'll be here soon!
For now we will perform without them.
Let's read poems for mom!

3rd child: Mom, mom, mommy
My sun
How joyful it is to be with you, how warm it is to be with you.
Without you in my soul,
Flowers don't bloom.
I'll be happy then
When you're nearby!

4th child: Mom, mom, mommy
Always be like this
You're so kind to me, I'm the only one
I'll sail the oceans, go around the whole world
Better than my mom
Not in the whole world.

5th child: Why can't you see the girls?
How much longer do we have to wait?
I refuse further
Continue this holiday.

Leading: Hush, hush, don't swear!
Smile more cheerfully
Here the girls are coming,
And the boys wait silently.

All: The best, the cutest, the kindest and the most beautiful
We invite girls!
We welcome them solemnly!

The girls walk in to Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers. Several waltz movements, approaching the chairs.

Girl: Happy holiday, spring
The doors opened to the sun.
Invited fun here
I blew up so many balloons.

Boy: We blew up the balloons
To congratulate you today.
We barely fell asleep in the evening,
We were so afraid to oversleep.

Girl: We spied, we know
You boys, well done,
Nowadays women are congratulated
Children, grandfathers, fathers!

Boy: We want to congratulate everyone here,
Glad to amuse you with a song
Our cheerful children's choir.

The song “We are noisy, but cool” is performed.

Child: The eighth of March is the holiday of mothers,
Everyone's eyes light up.
Words of cheerful telegrams.
They run, hurry along the wires,
To knock on doors.
And the postman carries it in his bag
A million smiles!

Child: The sun is shining joyfully
Marvelous, wonderful beauty!
On Women's Day - March 8,
Flowers are blooming.
From smiles, congratulations.
Everything around is getting better!
May luck smile on you.
And the circle of happiness will close!

Child: Nature wakes up in spring,
And Mother's Day is coming to us.
Our mothers are like the sun,
We are very, very glad to see you!

Child: More expensive, better than our mothers,
We know for sure that in the world there is no
We give you this holiday
And we continue our concert.

Child: Let the song flow like a stream
And it warms my mother’s heart.
We sing about mommy in it,
It couldn't be more tender.
The song “MOM” is performed

Leading: And now it’s time for us to talk about grandmothers,
After all, they love to hug and pamper you!

Child: My grandmother and I are old friends.
How good my grandmother is!
He knows so many fairy tales that he can’t count them,
And there is always a new one in stock!

Child: But grandma’s hands are just a treasure!
Grandma's hands are not allowed to be idle.
Golden, dexterous, how I love them!
I probably won’t find anyone else like him!

Child: We love grandma very much
We are very friends with her.
With a good, kind grandmother
The guys have more fun!

Child: My granny has the kindest look
If everyone is asleep, her eyes are awake.
She sews and knits, bakes pies,
He will tell me a story, he will sing me a song.
He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,
Silently, he will smile and hug me close!

Leading: And now we'll dance,
Let's amuse our grandmothers.
May their smiles make you bright.
It will make us happier!

The dance "Quadrille" is performed.

Leading: Now we'll play
Let's amuse our grandmothers and mothers.
May their smiles make you bright.
It will make us happier!

The game is played - “I am the most beautiful” (boys).

For the game you will need 2 chairs, on which lie 2 long skirts and 2 scarves. 2 teams are formed. Children and their mothers participate. You need to run to the chair, put on a scarf, a skirt, sit on the chair, say: “I am the most beautiful!” Then undress and return to the team. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Game: “Make soup and compote.”

Children are divided into two teams. Two children and two mothers. One team will “cook” the soup (choose vegetables from the basket), and the other team will “cook” the soup (choose fruits from the basket). At the end of the game, you need to check the soup and compote “cooked” by the children.

Child: There is such a day in March.
With a number it’s like a pretzel.
Which of you guys knows
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus -
“This is the holiday of our mothers!” (children say in chorus)

Child: Mother's holiday is coming,
Women's Day is coming.
I know: my mother loves me very much
Roses, poppies and lilacs.
Only in March there are no lilacs,
You can't get roses and poppies...

Child: But you can do it on a piece of paper.
Draw all the flowers!
I'll pin this picture
I'm above my mother's table
In the morning, dear mother.
I'll hug you.
And I'll kiss you
And congratulations on Women's Day!

Child: The drops are ringing cheerfully, calling for spring,
They sing a song about my mother.
And the sparrows chirp, poems about grandma,
And on this joyful holiday, we congratulate you too.
The song “March through the window knock-knock-knock” is performed

Child: Why is there a rush in stores on March 8th?
Everyone is buying gifts, what am I going to do?
I still don’t know how to do everything, I’m still so young.
But I don’t regret at all that there are no coins in my pocket!

Child: Since neither my grandmother nor my mother can buy me a gift,
I can make anything with my hands, cut it out, mold it!
Let the lovely ladies be congratulated with sweets and flowers -
I will give all my love to my grandmother and mother!

Child: We prepared gifts for mom ourselves.
We made them ourselves!
Look, dear ones, we give you our hearts,
May your heart remain red forever!

Children give gifts.

Child: We make this dance fun.
We composed it ourselves
We will give this dance.
On a holiday to our mothers!

Leading: Today we tried for grandmothers and mothers.
We sang, danced, joked, laughed,
And spring has come to us in the hall.
From the light of the radiance of mother's eyes!
So let spring bring forever
Health and youth to your homes.
May spring bring peace to the entire planet,
May your children always be happy!
Happy Women's Day again everyone
Congratulations to the women!
And all the best
We wish them all the best in life!
Our dear dads,
We are turning to you,
Respect, take care
And love our mothers!
This concludes our concert.
Thank you for your attention!

The teacher can adapt each scenario for the matinee on March 8 for the kindergarten to suit the group, selecting musical accompaniment and dancing, adding new games and competitions.

Useful video with a game idea for a morning party on March 8 in kindergarten

I like!

Boys enter the hall to the music.
SEMYON: Holiday is coming! All is ready?
Hey, is anyone late?
PASHA: There are girls there, everything is new,
Decorate the hall quickly!
KIRILL: Told you guys
We may not make it on time!
VLAD: It's all the girls' fault
They should just sing songs!
ARTEM: Hush, hush, don't swear!
Here they are, right here!
Have fun, smile
Our girls are coming!
Girls enter, boys applaud .

Presenter – Our boys are real gentlemen. And they want to congratulate the girls today.What can you give to the girls that will immediately impress them on the spot?The boys spent a long, long time solving this problem.But time passed, and they did not yet know what to do.

KIRILL : Maybe we can give them some candy?PASHA: C'mon, I'm giving you candy!ARTEM : No, they don't need caries.

We'll eat the candy ourselvesROMA: The best gift of all candies

This is a good pistolFor example, “Colt” or “Nagant”.SERGEY : Understand, a girl is not a boy!How should she play with a gun?

shoot at teddy bears?DANILA : Let's pick them some flowers.ARTEM : But where will we find them in March?KIRILL: So what should we do then?PASHA: There's a problem with girls! (everyone sits drooping, suddenly the third person perks up)SEMYON : I know what we should do!

Let's try to surprise them:Let's decide that on this women's holiday

no one teases them all day long.Pleasant moments in the morning

Compliments from us for everyone...ROMA (Not understanding) : In the morning... come on, repeat.PASHA: Well, lie to them about beauty.VLAD (admiringly ): Wow!

How cunning you are!What next?ARTEM: Girly games.KIRILL (disdainfully, with indignation) :

Should we play with dolls with them?DANILA: You will have to suffer for a day.But we are men! Do you agree?Who agrees"?(everyone raises their right hand)

Well, well, “unanimously.”


SERGEY: Our dear mothers,
Our grandmothers, friends!
On this most wonderful day,
The earth is waking up.
ANGELINA: Joyful spring holiday
Opened the doors to the sun!
Invited fun here
How many balloons did you inflate?
VLAD: We inflated the balloons to congratulate you today!
SEMYON: We barely fell asleep in the evening, we were so afraid to oversleep.
DASHA A: We spied, we know:
You boys are great,
Nowadays women are congratulated
Children, grandfathers, fathers.
CHRISTINA: Whole country, other countries
Congratulations to dear ladies,
Because our ladies
Dearest and closest to us all!



We welcome you to this hall, illuminated by your love and warmth.
The word “mother” is one of the most ancient on earth and it sounds almost the same in all languages.
This suggests that all people honor and love their mothers, consider their mother the best in the world. And we want our evening to create a festive mood for you.

The boys come out to the center of the hall. (KIRILL, ROMA, VLAD, DANILA, SERGEY) KIRILL - Today we were entrusted with conducting a concert for you,I twirled in front of the mirror for an hour this morning.I smoothed my hair either with a hair dryer or a comb,And I made the exact conclusion - being a woman is not easy!

ROMA - Well, we look great,

Cooler than all the children in the capital,Surprises await you today!

We continue to praise you!

VLAD - We thought for a long time and decided:

What should we give our mothers?It's a gift, we said

must be the best!

DANILA - We will not be able to give you a “jacuzzi”,And we can’t buy a ticket to Cyprus,It’s also difficult to give us a Mercedes,What should we give our mothers?

SEREZHA - And the answer came by itself:

We'll give mothers a concert!We will perform all the roles here ourselves.

We are giving a concert as a gift to mom!Sorry if something is wrong,All - After all, being an artist is not a trifle!



KSUSHA M Who came to me in the morning?


SEMYON Who said: “It’s time to get up”?


ANGELINA Who managed to cook the porridge?


VADIM Should I pour some tea into a bowl?


DASHA B Who braided my hair?


PASHA Swept the whole house by yourself?


CHRISTINA Who picked flowers in the garden?


VLAD Who kissed me?


DASHA A Who loves laughter as a child?


PASHA Who is the best in the world?


The children sit down and the music plays.



Don't be surprised and don't be afraid! After all, I am the most beautiful and charming woman from a fairy tale, that’s why today is my holiday.(looks in the mirror and asks) My light, mirror, tell meTell me the whole truth:Am I the sweetest in the world,All blush and whiter?Voice (background)What can I say in response?You are beautiful, no doubtBut in the world there is a mother -It's impossible to take your eyes off!Everyone is cute and everyone is beautifulAnd they are also hardworking,Everyone is sitting in front of you.They pet their children!Kikimora:Oh you stupid glassIt can not be! You're lying out of spite!_____________________ (They sit down next to their mothers. Looking in the mirror, compares themselves with them) Kikimora : Oh, really, everyone is beautiful!And everyone is kind! And loved!But now I’ll reduce their kindness!

I’ll call Zmey Gorynych, he’ll help me!________________(picks up the phone and calls) Kikimora: Hello! Dragon? Hello dear! This is Kikimora.The problem came out. It turns out that there will be ladies - mommies, who will paint me.Well, yes! It's just a shame! So I tell them to reduce their kindness...What?(slowly hangs up the phone)

Kikimora: He doesn’t want to help, he says that today he is a gallant gentleman and in honor of the holiday he gives all the women a musical gift. But where is this gift?Presenter: Yes, here he is - look!


Kikimora: Well, that’s okay, I’ll call Koshchei now, he’ll definitely help!_____________ (picks up the phone and calls) Kikimora: Hello! Koscheyushka? Hello dear! This is Kikimora. Just imagine, it turns out there will be ladies - mommies, who will paint me. So I tell them to reduce their kindness...What?________________(slowly hangs up the phone) Kikimora: Doesn't want to help. I, he says, today is je..zhen.. Gentleman, here! He admires the beauty and kindness of mothers. And he tells me to listen to poems about beloved mothers.

Presenter: Now our children will tell you how much they love their mothers.


Dear mom,

My darling,

Birds are chirping for you

The earth sings to you.

There's a knock on your roof

Naughty drops.

Let everyone in the world hear:



Every day and every hour

I think about my mother.

Moms love us too

And they are proud of us.

Every day I want to hold

I'm in the palms of my hands

Her kind hands

Well, at least a little.

I can do it every day

Wait until the night

Because our mothers

Very busy...

Every day I want to give

Bouquets for mom,

Speak words of love

How wonderful it is!

Every day, not only

Day of the Eighth of March,

Make it a holiday for mom

It would be nice.

I wish I could dance every day

Surprise with poetry...

How I love my mother

You will understand for yourself.


It's already getting dark outside the window,

And the evening yawned as we walked.

I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,

I'm going to my beloved mother!

Mommy will smile

And brighter around

Because mommy -

The best friend!

It was a happy and sad day,

So much happens during the day

And mommy really, really needs me

Tell me everything quickly.

My mother understands everything

With her, even trouble is not a problem.

And if it happens that he scolds me,

So this is always the case.

It's completely dark outside the window,

But we don't turn on the fire

Here mommy quietly sat down next to me

And he only listens to me!


I love you so much!

I need you

And at any hour and on any day

She was always with me.

I love you so much,

What can’t be said!

But I don't like it when

Your eyes are in tears.

I love you so much!

At least go around the whole world,

There is no one more beautiful than you

There is no one more tender than you.

There is no one kinder than you,

There is no one more beloved than you

No one


My mother,

My mother,

My mother!


Mommy, dear one,

You are my beauty,

I hasten to congratulate you

Happy spring holiday.

You are tender and nice

You are the main one in our house,

For your kindness and patience

Thank you.

How can I please you?

I don't need to guess

You only value attention

It doesn't matter what I give.


Oh guys, what great guys you are. I can’t keep up with your mothers. I don't have such wonderful and loving children.

But I wonder, is it easy to be a mother?


Our girls will show you a skit and you will understand how hard it is to be a mother!

1 girl : Doll, Masha is a daughter,
Mom Dasha is me.
at me from under a handkerchief,
My Mashenka is looking.
I have a lot of troubles -
I need to cook compote
Mashenka needs to be washed
And drink some compote!
I need to be on time everywhere,
Do the laundry, wash the dishes,
You need to iron, you need to sew,
We need to put Masha to bed.
How stubborn she is!
He doesn't want to sleep for anything!
It's hard to be a mother in the world,
If you don't help her!
2nd girl: Doll, Roma is a son!
He is the only one in our family.
He's as handsome as Apollo
He will be the president!
Romka needs to be bathed,
Swaddle in a warm blanket,
Tell a bedtime story
And rock in the crib.
Tomorrow we'll take the alphabet
Let's teach letters.
Romka needs to be educated,
To study better.
All day I'm spinning like a spinning top,
Wait, Chamomile!!!
(waves his hand at him)
I need to call Dasha,
Chat a little.

(They talk on the phone, imagine in front of each other)
Hello Friend,
How are you?
I'm busy and tired!
1 girl: (answers the phone)
And I didn't sleep all night,
Rocked Mashenka!
2nd girl: Let's put the kids to bed
And let's go for a walk in the yard?!
1 girl: We won't waste time
Let Masha wait! (throws the doll)
2nd girl: I'll hide the romka in the closet,
Let him live there now
(throws the doll)
1 girl:
Why so much trouble?
Wash and sew and swaddle!
2 girl : Cook compote in the morning?!
1 girl: Teach, educate, heal!
2nd girl: Check the lessons!
1 girl: After all, you can just in the yard
Walking with friends!!!

Presenter: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother,
How difficult it is to manage everything!
Let's help mothers
And always take care of them!

KIKIMORA: Yes, I agree, It is very difficult to be a mother.

I also know that children have grandmothers. Will you congratulate them?

Presenter: Of course, the children did not forget about their grandmothers.


I congratulate grandma
Happy Women's Spring Day!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

He will tell a good story,
Sing a lullaby
A warm winter scarf will tie
And he will go for a walk with me!

Will not punish the naughty girl
And he will give you some candy.
Both the girl and the boy,
Anyone loves grandma!

Closer to the wonderful grandmother
I don't have a girlfriend!
I'm interested in grandma
We can't live another day apart!


Tatiana Bokova.
My grandma and I are very friends.

We help each other.

She... cooks dinner for me,

For her, I... eat everything.

I lead her by the hand.
A passerby will not always understand,

Is my grandmother my granddaughter?

Either I'm a child after all.

Who is taking whom to Molochny?
Who is dragging whom to “Toys”?

We live as a strong family,

Let's be true friends!

Mom and Dad tell us:
- You are nearby from morning to night.

Just go to bed early

Grandma doesn't want something.

Doesn't want to measure puddles
And he considers sand dirty!

Otherwise, we are very friends,

Despite the different ages.

On grandma's shelf
Threads and needles
Steel scissors,
Lace ribbons.
Grandma sews all day long
I want to help her as soon as possible.
I take a piece
Needle and skein of thread.
Fast and deft

I sew new clothes for friends.
Wear, Murka, a sundress,
And for you, Barbos, a caftan!
Let's sing a song,
Let's help grandma!


Mom and dad are at work
We're at grandma's all day.
Surrounds us with care
And bakes pancakes.

He cleans everything in the apartment,
Cooks, irons and washes.
When everything in the house sparkles,
Looks after his health.


Our grandmother recently
I went on a diet
And he doesn't eat cutlets.
Grandma tells me:
“Nothing hurts!
I started running in the morning -
I lost five kilograms!”

Our dear grandmothers,
Stay young
Happy Women's Day!

And now impromptu for you!


A set of tools with which you can turn Baba Yaga into Vasilisa the Beautiful.(COSMETICS)
A flower that is responsible with its own head for the relationship between mom and dad in their youth.(CHAMOMILE)
Mom's and grandma's fragrant friend.(PERFUME)
The body part that dad offered to mom, complete with a heart.(HAND)
A household item that escaped from a certain woman named Fedora.(DISHES)
A dish that mom often prepares for dad for breakfast with egg and milk.(OMELETTE)
A fairground gadget that can turn your mother's head(CAROUSEL)
The place where the curious Varvara lost her nose, and where mom and dad often go together.(BAZAR)
A decorative activity for mothers or grandmothers, scientific nail art.(MANICURE)
Boys come out dressed as grandmothers.




On a bench in the yard
Grandmothers are sitting.
All day until evening
They talk about grandchildren.


What are young people like?
What about actions and words?
Look at their fashions.
Get dressed, you idiots!
Previously: dancing and quadrilling,
They wore full skirts.
But now it’s not like that.
Pants - in, (shows length)
And the skirts - ok.


Well, and dancing, and dancing!
Everyone became like foreigners.
How they start to dance,
Scratch your feet!
They are shaking as if in a fever,
To look at it is such a shame and disgrace!

We didn’t dance like that with you,
We studied the figures
And went to balls!

Enough, grandmothers, to grumble,
Young people discuss everything.
We were also like this:
Young, mischievous.
Let's lose fifty years,
Let's dance for the guys!

Dance "Buranovskie grandmothers" ( kikimora dances with the children).

Grandmothers competition. “Feed a banana” is conducted by Kikimora.


Kikimora: Well, I’ve been staying here too long, it’s time to go home, maybe Leshy is for me too have you prepared a surprise?

Presenter: We would like to show you a skit that the children prepared for the Father's Day, but it is also relevant for this holiday.



Our dear mothers and grandmothers, this is where our festive concert has come to an end. I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, wish you health, women's happiness, joy and good luck. Your children have prepared gifts for you, accept them with all your heart.

Music plays, children give gifts to their mothers.

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