Steaming facial cleansing at home. Warm rejuvenation with a steam bath for the face. Rules for using a steam bath for the face

Steam treatment is one of the popular methods of cleansing facial skin, which differs from other cosmetic procedures in its naturalness. The steam softens the skin of the face, opening pores and removing accumulated dirt and subcutaneous oil. Warm steam has the ability to control the spread of acne and blackheads. Moreover, steam promotes increased blood circulation through the vessels, which gives a soft, warm, healthy glow to the skin.

Indications and frequency of treatment

Steam treatment is suitable for all skin types, but, nevertheless, as with any other cosmetic procedures, you should not abuse this method. If you have the opportunity and time, you can turn to the services of professional beauty salons. The advantage of this method is that the treatment can be done at home.

It is recommended to steam once a week, but for people with oily skin, this procedure is recommended twice a week. For sensitive facial skin, treatment is carried out once every two weeks to avoid irritation and the formation of unwanted reactions.


This method of facial cleansing is contraindicated for people with asthma or known allergic reactions to herbal products, people with hypersensitive facial skin and dermatological problems such as ringworm, sores, weeping wounds and acne.


To carry out this little spa treatment at home, you will only need half an hour and some materials that any girl can find at home. If all steps are followed correctly, the skin will glow with beauty, freshness and well-groomed.

  • Cleanse your skin

You can use a mild cleanser to clean your face, but remember not to rub the skin to avoid damaging the top layer of skin. After using beauty cleansers, rinse your face with warm water to remove any oil or residual makeup.

  • Boil the water

For the procedure you will need at least half a liter of water. Pour hot water into a wide bowl or leave it boiled in a kettle, using the steam coming out of the kettle spout. For greater effectiveness, you can add any suitable herbs and essential oils to the water. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of additional components and especially with essential oils, since their effect on the human body is very great.

  • Select herbs and essential oils

Certain herbs and essential oils enhance the effects of steam depending on your skin type.

Lavender is suitable for oily skin, green tea, eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil, thinly sliced ​​lemon, chamomile, mint.

Lavender, chamomile, rose oil, and green tea are suitable for dry skin.

For sensitive skin, you can use chamomile and lavender.

Green tea, lavender, and tea tree oil are suitable for combination skin types.

If you have chosen certain herbs and essential oils for the procedure, place them in a container of hot water and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.

  • Prepare all components

Wait until the hot water cools down a bit. The steam should not be too hot so as not to burn the skin. Moreover, too hot steam can cause small capillaries to burst. First tie a scarf around your head to prevent your hair from getting into the vessel with water. The bangs also need to be removed from the forehead, if there are any. Have a towel ready.

  • Steam your face

Lean over a vessel with hot water, but not so close as to avoid burning your skin and eyes. Cover your head with a towel so that the steam concentrates only in the area of ​​your face. If you have sensitive skin, 10 minutes of treatment will be enough for you. Oily skin requires steaming for 20 minutes. Your face should be 25 cm from the surface of the hot water. Close your eyes as some of the ingredients you may have previously placed in the water can cause eye irritation. Breathe deeply and relax. If you feel uncomfortable, you can take a break from time to time and lift the towel for a breath of fresh air. Gently dry the steam from your face with a towel without rubbing your skin.

  • Apply the mask

Immediately after treatment, it is recommended to apply a mask to your face. After steam treatment, the pores are open, and the skin of the face will gratefully accept all the nutrients from the mask. There is no need to come up with masks with complex ingredients: for this you can use lemon, a little yogurt or kefir, olive oil, almond oil, and a little protein. That is, the composition of the mask can be anything, depending on the time available, but the components should not be complex.

  • Wash off the mask

Since hot steam opens the pores and the mask releases all its nutrients, it should be washed off with cool water to close the pores.

  • Apply moisturizer

A layer of moisturizer applied after the mask can retain all the nutrients in the facial skin and protect the skin from external pollutants. After this procedure, softness and even skin tone are ensured.

Everyone knows that facial cleansing procedures must be carried out regularly. But if a gel, foam or milk for washing is enough for superficial cleansing, scrub, peeling and the use of special lotions are enough for more thorough cleansing, then for deep cleansing of the skin, preliminary steaming of the face is required. In this publication we will talk about how to steam your face for cleansing at home, what stages the procedure consists of, and we will consider precautions so as not to harm the delicate skin of the face.

Why do you need steaming before cleaning?

To understand the importance of the steaming procedure before deep cleansing the face, let’s consider what processes occur in the skin during steaming:

  • pores open, which allows substances applied to the face after the steaming procedure to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and fulfill their mission of nourishing and restoring the dermis as effectively as possible;
  • blackheads, so-called comedones, are removed much easier and faster;
  • the scrub removes dead skin flakes much more effectively if the skin is pre-steamed;
  • dirt or grease is removed with steam easier and better;
  • when using an antibacterial solution, skin inflammatory processes disappear;
  • steam stimulates the skin's production of collagen, which means it gives elasticity.

Preparing for the facial steaming procedure

Any container with a diameter slightly larger than the face is suitable for the procedure. This could be a glass bowl, an enamel pan, a small basin, etc. You can purchase a special container for this procedure - an inhaler or a home mini-sauna. They are sold in cosmetic departments of stores and pharmacies. There are usually instructions on the packaging on how to properly steam your face before deep cleansing. .png" alt="facial steam sauna" width="450" height="221" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 812w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Preparing a steam bath:

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Preparing the face:

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Skin steaming procedure: 3 stages

The procedure for steaming your face at home is very simple and consists of only three steps. With the classic scheme you need:

  1. Remove hair so that it does not interfere. A scarf, a special hair band or simple hairpins will do. Long curls should be tied into a bun.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and bend over a container of hot liquid (herbal decoction or water). The optimal distance from the face to the water is 20 cm. Do not hold your head too close to the hot liquid to avoid skin burns. When using a “sauna” for your face, you do not need to cover your head with a towel.
  3. Sit over the steam for 5 to 20 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the skin type. Before starting cleansing, the person steaming the face must know their skin type in order to choose the optimal duration of the procedure. The oilier the skin on your face, the longer you can sit over the steam.
  4. Remove the towel, blot your face with a dry cloth (do not rub) and begin cleaning.

After the face is steamed, proceed directly to. The pores are open very well and blackheads and other impurities are removed without much difficulty. It is important to remember that when mechanically cleaning, your hands must be perfectly clean to avoid infection, and it is better to use special tools to safely remove blackheads.

After cleaning, it is necessary to “close” the pores, i.e. return them to their original state. How to do this, see the following video (the video demonstrates the entire procedure for steaming your face at home):

After the pores are narrowed, you can apply the cream, day or night, depending on the time of day. It is advisable to carry out the steaming procedure in the evening so that the face can rest well after deep cleansing.

How to steam your face before cleansing

For more effective steaming and solving some skin problems, it is recommended to use additional ingredients. These can be medicinal herbs and essential oils, as mentioned above, as well as some pharmaceutical products and even food products. Here are several options to solve different problems:

  1. Herbal decoctions will help cope with many problems. If you are concerned about irritation and redness of the skin, chamomile and elderberry will help, they have the ability to soothe the epidermis. For inflammatory processes, you should use calendula (marigold), coltsfoot. If you have blackheads, the herb St. John's wort will help. For dry skin, strawberry leaves and the collection of the following medicinal herbs are suitable: linden flowers, peppermint and tea rose petals. If in addition to cleaning you need to whiten your face, get rid of freckles and other age spots, you can prepare a decoction of parsley and dandelion, and add lemon juice to the mixture before steaming.
  2. With the help of essential oils, you can enhance metabolic processes in the skin. For dry skin, ylang-ylang, jasmine, orange are good, for oily skin - bergamot, lemon, tea tree, and for combination skin it is recommended to use lavender, grapefruit or neroli oil. Essential oils can cause an allergic reaction, so when using any oil for the first time, limit yourself to a maximum of two drops. In subsequent times, you can increase the amount of oil for the procedure to 5 drops.
  3. Pharmacy antiseptics used for steaming are effective for treating problem skin. If there are acne and other rashes on the skin, you can add hydrogen peroxide, chlorophyllipt, miramistin, furatsilin, rotokan (a natural-based antibacterial agent) to the steaming water.
  4. Potatoes boiled in their jackets will help rejuvenate your facial skin. The starch contained in the vegetable will help restore collagen and give elasticity to the skin. Add 1 tbsp to the water left over from cooking the vegetable. l. baking soda and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Thanks to this combination of substances, you can achieve a lifting effect and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Duration and frequency of the procedure

The duration of the steaming procedure is determined based on the type of skin. For oily skin, the procedure time can be 15-20 minutes, but for the first time it is better not to exceed 10 minutes. Dry skin is thinner and more vulnerable; prolonged exposure to steam is contraindicated for it, so we shorten the steaming time to 5-7 minutes.

The frequency of the procedure also depends on the skin type. Oily skin can be steamed once a week, while dry skin can be steamed once or twice a month. Combination skin needs pre-steaming before cleansing approximately once every 10 days.

Contraindications: who should not steam their face?

Although at first glance the steaming procedure seems harmless, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation:

  1. You should not heat a face with noticeable inflammation over steam. As a result, inflammatory processes will only intensify.
  2. In case of rosacea, the procedure is strictly prohibited. Damaged blood vessels can burst when exposed to hot steam.
  3. High temperature is a contraindication to the steaming procedure.
  4. Bronchial asthma and steaming are not compatible. The procedure easily provokes an attack.
  5. Some eye diseases, especially those associated with increased intraocular pressure, exclude the possibility of a heating procedure.
  6. It is not advisable to steam the face for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hot steam can increase blood pressure and cause an exacerbation of heart disease.
  7. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the steaming procedure should be carried out very carefully. The skin during these periods is especially vulnerable to various influences. It's better not to experiment.
  8. It is worth considering that hot steam deprives the skin of moisture, as a result it may become overdried and begin to peel. People with extremely dry skin should not steam. Mature skin, dehydrated due to age, will also not benefit from the procedure.

Alternative steaming methods

If you don’t really want to steam your skin over a bowl or pan, you can make applications: dip a clean napkin into the prepared hot infusion, then place it on your cleansed face and lie there for about 5 minutes. Then repeat the procedure three to five times (depending on skin type). The effect will be significantly less than with the classical method.

You can purchase ready-made steaming masks for facial cleansing. The substances included in their composition, when interacting with water, begin to release heat, as a result of which the pores expand and cleaning becomes easier. The effect will be small, but these masks will help people who are contraindicated for intense thermal procedures.

Due to the large number of contraindications and the fairly high aggressiveness of the effects of steam on the skin, it is gaining increasing popularity. The cosmetic product allows you to expand pores, soften sebaceous plugs and dead skin particles. When using the product, there is no heating of tissues, so almost everyone can use it. The cold hydrogenation procedure is best done by a cosmetologist, but if you strictly follow the instructions, you can do it yourself at home.


Clean skin is guaranteed only if the steaming procedure before cleansing becomes a regular rather than a one-time procedure. But remember that in general, the classic steaming procedure is aggressive for the skin and has many contraindications. Treat the procedure thoughtfully, weigh all the pros and cons, and the result will not disappoint.

Every girl's dream is perfect facial skin. Even in past times, many different recipes for this were created, and modern cosmetologists have qualitatively improved them. At home the most effective way is facial cleansing. This procedure prevents cell aging and increases their tone. Cleansing allows you to open clogged pores and get rid of dead cells. The easiest way to do it at home is steaming.

The benefits of steaming

The sebaceous glands of the skin secrete a fatty secretion that protects the skin from external irritants and atmospheric influences. Everyone wants to have soft and healthy skin. But poor nutrition, poor environment and genetics have a bad effect on it, which leads to contamination of the skin pores.

On the face as a result of this blackheads may appear. Poor diet causes your pores to become clogged and inflamed, resulting in nasty pimples. To allow your skin to breathe normally, you need to perform cosmetic facial cleansing from time to time. This procedure will prevent the appearance of acne and other unpleasant conditions on the skin.

Some people believe that steaming is just a preparation before cleansing the skin at home. But that's not true. The influence of hot vapors is already cosmetic procedure that has a beneficial effect on facial skin:

  1. Allows you to deeply cleanse pores. Steam removes excess sebaceous secretions, cosmetic residues and city dust.
  2. The procedure softens the keratinized layers of the skin. It is believed that before peeling you need to steam the skin well.
  3. Hot steam stimulates cell generation processes and also promotes collagen production.
  4. Among other things, the procedure saturates the skin with oxygen, so it receives many nutrients.

Taking into account all the advantages of steaming, we can confidently say that steam cleaning can be either an independent procedure or a preparation for peeling.

Order of conduct

To ensure that cleansing your facial skin at home is beneficial and not harmful, you need to do it correctly:

The steam cleaning session should be carried out regularly, but at the same time consider skin type:

  1. Normal - no more than once every 2 weeks.
  2. Fat - every seven days.
  3. Dry - only once a month.

After completing the session to expand and cleanse the pores, you need to carry out procedures to narrow and close them. Cosmetologists recommend using only natural tonic without alcohol or preservatives. After it dries, you need to apply a layer of moisturizer. It will protect the skin and give it the opportunity to recover.

Experts advise washing your face only with mineral water for the first few days and never using soap.

Folk way

Girls often wonder how to steam their face for cleansing. Of course, you can go to the salon for an appointment with a cosmetologist, or you can do it yourself.

There are many recipes for cleansing your face at home. Usually they use decoctions of various herbs: chamomile, mint, lavender and others. To do this, the head should be above the open container with heated liquid at a distance of 30 cm.

Decoctions are prepared only in enamel containers, observing proportions, depending on skin types: for oily 1 tbsp. l. dry matter per glass of water; for dry - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Dry herbs are poured with cold water and boiled for 20 minutes. The decoction is prepared in advance, filtered after cooling, and heated before the start of the session. Before choosing a herb for steaming, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and intolerance to certain plants.

Cosmetologists advise those with dry skin to carry out the steaming procedure for no more than 5 minutes. For people with normal skin tone - eight minutes, and for people with oily skin - ten. The head is held above the steam of the heated broth at a distance of 20–30 cm. To achieve a better effect, you can cover yourself with a towel.

If you don’t want to boil and strain herbs, you can use essential oils in a ratio of 10 drops per liter of water.

You can also use special wipes that are sold in pharmacies. They are made of pleasant natural material that absorbs moisture well. Soak a napkin in a hot solution or water and cover your face for 15 minutes. If it has cooled down, dip it into the broth again. Typically, during one procedure, the napkin is rinsed 3-4 times.

Upon completion of all manipulations, you should cover your face with a towel and rest a little. Then rinse your skin with cool water and do not go outside for another 2 hours.

Mask recipes

Masks with a peeling effect will help tidy up your skin. They can be made quite easily at home.

First of all, you need to properly steam your face before the mask, and only then begin the procedures.

There are many recipes for preparing homemade peelings, but it is better to use proven ones. But, one way or another, when choosing a composition, you need to take into account your skin type and possible allergic reactions to its components.

An oatmeal mask is ideal for delicate skin. Thanks to a large number of vitamins and microelements, it nourishes and cleanses pores.

It’s quite easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. Steam oatmeal with boiling water to obtain a thick paste. Apply it on the face with light massage movements, avoiding areas around the mouth and eyes, and leave for 20 minutes. After completing the session, rinse everything off with warm water.

Another effective option for oatmeal peeling: 1 tbsp. l. Grind the flakes into flour, beat the white of one egg into foam, add one tablespoon of warm milk and essential oil (suitable for your skin type). Mix everything thoroughly and apply evenly to the face.

The mixture will dry in 20 minutes and become a dense film. The disadvantage of this method is that washing the mask is troublesome, but you will get an amazing effect.

A lot of positive feedback received peeling with steaming effect based on bee honey. The procedure is suitable for people with dry skin types. To do this, mix honey, raw yolk and oil (olive or corn) in a 1:1 ratio. In a water bath, bring the mixture to a hot state, but not to a boil. Apply to previously prepared skin and leave for 15 minutes.

For a greater steam effect, avoiding the area of ​​the eyes, nose and mouth, cover your face with cling film. After a while, wet your fingers in water and roll up the mask with light movements. Wash with warm water and apply cream.

They will help to cleanse the skin of blackheads very well. masks from cosmetic clay. It has absorbent properties and perfectly opens and cleanses pores. You can use any clay: white, black, red, green and blue.

Dilute the powder in warm water or a decoction of herbs until it becomes thick sour cream. After 20 minutes, rinse everything off or wait until it starts to dry, and then massage your face with wet fingers for two minutes. During this procedure, the clay will gradually be washed away, cleansing the pores.

Recently, a mask made of gelatin and activated carbon has become very popular. It effectively cleanses and gets rid of blackheads. The algorithm for its preparation is very simple:

  • grind one tablet of black coal into powder;
  • add 0.5 tsp. dry gelatin;
  • dilute the mixture with one teaspoon of water and heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

When the mask has cooled, apply it to the face with a brush or bandage roller using “tapping” movements. Problem areas need to be treated especially carefully. As soon as the mask dries, it must be carefully removed from the bottom up.

Contraindications for the use of peeling include the following diseases:

To avoid causing overheating or tissue burns, steaming should not be combined with other thermal procedures.

When conducting a steam cleansing session, in order to avoid consequences, you need to carefully listen to your own feelings. Despite the established timing of the procedures, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the tolerance of the components.

Healthy skin is one of the most common criteria for a woman’s attractiveness. For your face to look flawless, it needs constant care.

In this article we will tell you how to steam your face at home before cleansing and what methods are approved by professional cosmetologists.

Pimples, blackheads and simply dead skin cells need to be periodically cleansed to keep the skin even, smooth, and radiant. Sometimes this is the only way to get rid of painful, unsightly rashes. But to carry out a quality procedure, it is always important to prepare the epithelium.

Why do you need to prepare your skin in advance?

Steaming is an important and necessary step for facial cleansing in the salon or at home. Not a single cosmetologist will undertake the procedure of “cleaning” the face without this procedure. Firstly, it is dangerous due to injury to the skin (especially if it is important to remove purulent rashes, squeeze out pimples, remove blackheads). Secondly, a steamed face quickly releases all impurities, and cleaning can achieve remarkable results. Sometimes you can prepare your face quickly. It happens that you have to steam your face a little longer. But soft, glowing skin and a smooth, velvety texture will be the reward for your efforts.

Why preparation is useful:

  • hot steam and other means wash away dirt, excess sebum, remnants of dirt and dust from the dermis that have blown onto the face with the winds;
  • The stratum corneum of the skin softens, and this helps to remove it. Do not think that softening is important only for mechanical cleaning - it is also mandatory before peeling.
  • pores expand. They should also be open to any manipulations by cosmetologists (and self-cleansing). This way, the pores will release all the accumulated dirt and facilitate the penetration of masks and medicinal compositions, enhancing their healing effect.
  • sometimes hot steam clears blackheads without external influence. Steam itself has a slight disinfecting effect, especially if not ordinary water, but an antiseptic is used to make it.
  • prepared skin becomes much softer; Just apply a little pressure to make the pimple pop out.

Steaming is especially useful for mature skin: in the process, it is saturated with oxygen, blood circulation is stimulated, and collagen is also produced. It is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, stopping aging.

How much cleaning should be done? Cosmetologists do not give a direct answer to this question. It all depends on the degree of skin contamination and the structural features of the epithelium.

There are many options for steaming your face at home. You can steam your face over a bowl of warm water the old fashioned way, or buy a good vaporizer - a modern device for steaming the skin. It is possible to take advantage of the achievements of the cosmetic industry - apply a special gel or mask. We will tell you about the most proven methods and explain the rules for their use. Before learning what and how you can steam your face for cleaning, we advise you to remember a few general rules. Then the procedure will go perfectly.

Take note:

  1. Only clean skin without visible marks can be treated with steam. decorative cosmetics. Otherwise, they can penetrate through the pores into the pores and cause irritation.
  2. Hair should be collected: hairs can stick to the forehead, causing discomfort.
  3. It is better to lubricate your lips and eyelids with baby cream or oily Nivea - the areas are delicate and can be easily damaged by hot steam.
  4. As a container, it is preferable to choose glass pans with a thick bottom. It is hygienic and glass holds heat better without burning your hands.
  5. For those with rosacea, it is better to choose gentle methods: use pharmaceutical masks, gels, or simply apply a hot, damp towel to your face, leaving it on your face for 5-7 minutes.

This small instruction will serve as a safety precaution for you, and at the same time will significantly improve the result. Now let's move on to the main thing - we will teach you a step-by-step procedure for preparing for “cleaning” your skin at home.

Let's proceed to step-by-step facial cleansing (you can see the whole process in detail in the photo).

At home, the process should look like this:

  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Pour a little dry chamomile into the bottom of a thick saucepan (buy the flowers at the pharmacy, save the filter bags for other purposes).
  3. Let the water cool to 60 degrees (to avoid burns, the steam temperature for cleansing your face at home should not exceed 50-60 degrees).
  4. Pour water over chamomile.
  5. As soon as it is brewed, we lean over the pan and cover it with a towel.
  6. You cannot expose your face to the stream of steam - otherwise you can easily get burned.
  7. The cloth or towel must cover you completely: the steam will not escape. If you inhale your face deeply while steaming, your lungs will open, phlegm will come out, and your breathing will be freed.
  8. The optimal procedure time is 10-15 minutes. This is enough for the pores to open and the dermis to become softer.
  9. After the steaming session, pat your face clean paper napkin(or a very soft cloth) and proceed directly to cleansing the face.

Supplementing steam with decoctions

What else can you use to steam your face to achieve an even better effect? Cosmetologists recommend supplementing the steaming procedure with mild cleansing solutions based on medicinal herbs and some medications. For example, instead of chamomile, take calendula, St. John's wort, mint, linden flowers, and rose petals.

It is great to complement the steaming procedure with a decoction of potatoes, to which a little baking soda and starch are added - the substances disinfect the epithelium, loosen dead cells, and at the same time tighten (especially if you drop a few drops of tea tree ether into the solution).

Before steaming your facial skin at home, prepare an infusion of hot water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, chlorophyllipt (it comes in the form of an oil or alcohol solution). This will help pimples heal faster and prevent inflammation, which sometimes occurs after mechanical squeezing of pimples.

Dandelion, lemon, and parsley leaves are also suitable as additional means for steaming the face: they even out the tone and lightly whiten. There are other modern methods. Let's list the most popular ones.

The steaming time depends only on the structure of the epithelium and the state of its health. Any open wounds or neoplasms should be a reason to consult a doctor. But usually 15 minutes is enough for high-quality preparation for cleaning from blackheads, pimples, and subcutaneous fat.

It is advisable to repeat the procedure once every 21 days for owners of dry, sensitive facial skin. For oily dermis, the interval can easily be reduced to 10-14 days.

Alternative methods

It happens that the skin needs to be prepared, but there is no desire to fuss and run around with pots. In this case, modern alternative cleansing manipulations will be needed. Some are extremely pleasant to use. Which ones do cosmetologists recommend choosing?

Known alternatives:

  1. Special pharmaceutical masks. They are made from natural materials soaked in medicinal plant extracts. Just put the mask in water, squeeze it out lightly, and apply it to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask.
  2. Ready-made masks are sold. They are applied to previously cleansed skin and kept for the time specified in the instructions. They contain substances that come into contact with water and generate heat. They are ideal for anyone for whom thermal procedures are contraindicated. Warming gels, emulsions and other ready-made formulations have a similar effect.
  3. For lovers of fashionable novelties, we suggest using a vaporizer instead of a saucepan. This is a smart device that produces thin streams of steam. There are models that allow you to saturate the steam with herbal esters, extracts, and aromatic oils. Vaporizers often have an ozonation function. It disinfects the skin and enriches cells with oxygen. The big advantage of the devices is that they have a timer and automatically heat the water to a temperature that is safe for humans.

Video about the cold steaming method:

Finally, there is the cold hydrogenation procedure. This technique is used exclusively in beauty salons; it is not advisable to use it at home. And how long to steam your face with cold (sounds, of course, paradoxical) only a cosmetologist should know.

Precautionary measures

Steaming, like any other heat treatment of the dermis, is considered quite aggressive for the face. In some cases, cosmetologists strongly recommend using gentle techniques, and even better, under the supervision of a doctor.

The following are considered contraindications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • rosacea (spider veins, spider veins);
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases at the acute stage;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammation and cysts of teeth;
  • migraine of unknown nature;
  • dermatitis.

You cannot use masks, gels, or even warm your face over steam if you are undergoing some physical procedures - they can conflict with hot steam and cause complications. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt to do an allergy test: some decoctions can cause asthma attacks and lead to Quincke’s edema.

Drawing conclusions

You can soften your skin and properly prepare it for cleansing from acne and blackheads at home. An important condition for the safety of manipulation is careful attention to health and compliance with all precautions. Be sure to apply an anti-inflammatory cream after steaming procedures, directly after cleaning. Then you are guaranteed clean, healthy skin.

I very often come across the question: “How to steam your face correctly so that the effect of the procedure is maximum?” In this article we will look at how literacy will allow us to refuse salon procedures. We will also learn the correct technology for performing steam treatments at home, which are beneficial for any skin type.

During steam baths, the plugs clogging the ducts of the sebaceous glands soften, scales peel off from the walls of the ducts, the sebaceous plugs are rejected, and skin secretions dissolve. These are the main results of the steam procedure. That is why such deep facial cleansing is recommended mainly for oily skin with large pores, blackheads, blackheads and white spots. Although such a procedure will not be superfluous for combination (mixed) skin, normal or dry.

Steam also ensures the gradual resorption of inflammatory seals on the skin, affects the nerve endings on the surface of the skin, thereby stimulating the central nervous system.

Frequency of use of steam baths:

— for oily skin – 1 time per week;

- for normal and combination skin - every 10 days;

- for dry skin - 1-2 times a month.

Carry out the procedure better evening when you no longer need to leave the house.

Contraindications for steam cleansing:

Purulent acne in an incomplete stage;

Cuperosis (dilated blood vessels on the skin) and rosacea;

High blood pressure;

Bronchial asthma;

Mental disorders.

steam bath:

1. Tie your hair with a cotton scarf or towel.

2. Thoroughly cleanse your face using a cleansing cream or oil (for dry skin), then wipe your face with toner.

3. Apply a rich cream to the skin of your eyelids. If you have dry or normal skin, it is better to cover your entire face with cream.

The temperature of the water in the dish should not exceed 50 0C, since too hot steam can cause rupture of small vessels. For the same reason, it is not recommended to tilt your face too close to the steam.

4. Bend over the pan, covering your head and the dishes with a large towel.

Steam bath duration:

— for oily skin – 15-20 minutes;

— for normal and combination skin – 10-15 minutes;

– for dry skin – 5-10 minutes.

5. Immediately after steaming, normal and dry skin should be wiped with a tonic (preferably a decoction of chamomile or calendula) and apply a nourishing cream. Oily skin continues to be cleaned. To do this, it is good to use salt and soda. The effect is very good. To do this, soak a cotton swab in boiled water and dip it in fine salt, then in baking soda. Using a tampon, along massage lines in a circular motion, from bottom to top, continue deep cleansing of large pores and removal of blackheads. The steam steams out plugs, pores open easily, and salt and soda cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous glands and remove blackheads. As a result, the pores become narrower. Leave the salt and baking soda on your face for a few minutes.

6. Then rinse with neutral temperature water, blot the moisture with a towel and wipe with tonic. Complete the deep cleansing procedure with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Additional recommendations:

If you have dry or normal skin, then after steaming your skin, you can make a moisturizing mask, i.e. Apply a clay or mud mask on a thick layer of nourishing or moisturizing cream for 5-10 minutes.

If you have oily skin, then instead of a tonic, treating your facial skin with a cube of frozen chamomile or chamomile decoction or melt water acidified with lemon has an excellent effect. And then make a mask from kaolin clay, which will draw out the remaining sebum from the open pores.

It would be good to add medicinal herbs (lavender, linden flowers, chamomile, peppermint, wormwood, rosemary, yarrow, hops) or rose petals, elderberry or rosehip flowers to the water for a steam bath.

For steam procedures (instead of medicinal herbs), it is useful to add the following essential oils to the water:

- for oily and combination skin: bergamot, ylang-ylang, lavender, verbena, camphor, lemongrass, rosemary, petitgrain, thyme;

- for dry and normal skin: vetiver, ylang-ylang, neroli, benzoin, lavender, patchouli, geranium, palmarosa, petitgrain, chamomile and rosewood.

3-5 drops per 3 liters of water is enough.

So deep facial cleansing at home the steaming method and subsequent masks and peeling are the most popular procedures in beauty salons. Why waste your precious time and personal funds on something you can do at home?

Always remember that being a well-groomed woman is easy!

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