Funny scenes about vegetables at an autumn festival or autumn ball. Cucumber Festival in Suzdal Scenario Cucumber Day in the camp

The Slavs were introduced to a vegetable called cucumber only 700 years ago, and judging by the number of recipes for preparing dishes from cucumber, as well as the numerous varieties of this vegetable, it is safe to say that cucumber acquired the status of a national product.

Cucumber day date

For more than 10 years, the city of Suzdal has been glorifying the cucumber, paying tribute to it during its ripening period. Traditionally the date International Day cucumber is considered July 19 and the next weekend to this date. As a rule, this holiday marks a folk festival, in which not only local residents and invited guests from nearby settlements take part, but also numerous foreign tourists who celebrate Cucumber Day with great pleasure with everyone.

They begin to prepare for the holiday in the spring, carefully choosing cucumber varieties and seeds, and then the size of the fruit and color saturation. At the exhibition, this vegetable is presented in huge quantities, ranging from tiny gherkins and greens to “babaki”, which are shown in the form of figurines of birds and animals. At the stands you can see cucumber jam, fried cucumber slices, as well as lightly salted cucumbers prepared according to numerous home recipes.

How is Cucumber Day celebrated?

As a rule, the day of the cucumber celebration opens at 11 pm, and Cucumber Rassolovich is the main character throughout the weekend. Cucumber is presented not only in the form of fresh fruits and dishes with this vegetable, but also in the form of funny crafts from various natural materials. Local residents happily demonstrate funny scenes involving cucumbers, and also happily dress up in the costume of this vegetable.

Also traditionally, the festival features an extensive program of performances by local groups, which not only glorify the famous vegetable, but also reveal before the eyes of their guests all the richness of Slavic folklore. The variety of entertainment provided can please the taste of any guest, be it a child or a foreigner; there are carousels, funny games, as well as prize draws and an abundance of treats.

The holiday ends on Sunday at the end of the day by raising the hero of the occasion - the cucumber - into the sky on balloons, thus, cucumber admirers say goodbye to him until next year and invite him to visit again.

Harvest Festival "Garden Stories"

Summer flew by quickly, rustling with the breeze.

Autumn is looking out the window and raining with frequent rain.

The doors were opened by the wind,

She unfurled a fan of leaves,

I collected birds for the journey,

She brought us gifts.

(Autumn included)

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

We haven't seen each other for a whole year,

And today we met.

I brought you a treat -

Not candy, not cookies.

Fruits, vegetables, rowan -

They contain a lot of vitamins.

And now I’ll ask you children:

How did you work in the summer?

Maybe they helped the adults

Or were we just relaxing?

Now I'll wave the leaves

And I will return time to the past.

(Autumn scatters leaves and children dressed as vegetables run into the hall to the music)

Vegetables lived in the same garden.

Hello, guests, guys and adults.


I'm round, like a ball.

Everyone respects me for my taste,

Add to vinaigrette:

There are no healthier beets in the world.

Me and the onion. And green

I am both dried and salted.

As a seasoning for dishes

I am useful to people.


I'm the girl from the dungeon

Here is a green braid.

I can always fit in

I give you Vitamin A!


I'm planted in the spring

In the summer I'm covered.

And because I'm useful,

I was awarded the diploma.


We are radishes, we are girlfriends.

We're ready

To be in a salad with onions -

Eat healthy.


And I am a tomato, I’m glad to see you.

I'm full of vitamins

I bring health

No worse than vitamins.


I am a salad cucumber

I'm growing in a garden bed.

Eat people, cucumbers -

Everything will be fine!


Healthier than my juice

there is nothing in the world.

Drink cabbage juice, people,

You will live to be a hundred years old

The owner loved her small garden and watered it every day.


I'll water my garden

He also drinks water.

Every day they grew,

They matured and did not quarrel.

But one day a tomato

Suddenly I decided that he was more important,

All the bosses in the garden

And he began to boast.


I am the tastiest person in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener.

Me adults and children

They love you more than anyone in the world.


Listen, it's just a laugh -

Bragging that you are the best.

He won’t understand, brothers,

It's not nice to wonder!

Ved. But the tomato keeps saying its own thing.


I am the tastiest person in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener.

Me adults and children

They love you more than anyone in the world.

He boasted and boasted and fell from the bush.

At this time the hostess came to collect vegetables for lunch.

I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.


Didn't want to be friends with us

No one will need you!

Ved. The tomato felt ashamed and blushed with shame.


Forgive me, friends,

Take me with you.

Believe it or not,

But since then the tomatoes have turned red.


Good, guys, vegetables and fruits.

It was difficult to raise them.

We need to weed, water,

Protect from weeds

And from aphids and beetles.

The weed runs out - Wheatgrass.


Who mentioned us here?

Did he call our name?

I am a weed - creeping wheatgrass,

Garden general!

Hey crew, line up

Come out to the parade!

To the music, Sow thistle, Lebeda, and Burdock run out and line up.

I am creeping wheatgrass.

I am thistle thistle.

Quinoa is a disaster for a summer resident.

Where we grow

We kill everyone there

I am Burdock!

(he is repelled by other weeds)

Well, it’s always like this!


Onions and potatoes don’t get into the okroshka,

You will be looking for strawberries in vain.

If we have gathered,

They snuck into the garden

You won't see a harvest for centuries.

Weeds scatter throughout the hall.

The weed will destroy the garden.

Who is not afraid of work,

Choppers in hand and forward.

Song “Battle with the Weeds” to the tune of “Stump’s Song” 74

Today is the most difficult day.

Line up, children, over the rows.

Today is the most difficult day -

Today is a battle with weeds.

We'll give each of our friends a hoe -

After all, there will be good guys among them.

We will free the vegetables

And the weeds will disappear.

When the last enemy has fallen,

The trumpet played the victory.

(says Burdock)

Only at that moment did I realize

How few of us are left?



The tomatoes have grown

And the potatoes blossomed.

We didn’t have time to look back,

A new attack has arrived.

The Colorado potato beetle comes out.

Hello children,

My name is Freddy.

I'm all striped and beautiful here.

My home is Colorado

Be glad to see me

And be proud

That you have found shelter.

On potato tops

I'll swing, little ones,

You can't see, children,

Chips and mashed potatoes.

I love tomatoes

It's a joy for me

Eat for breakfast

Eggplants at dawn.


Well, help yourself and join the new food.

(spray the beetle)

Oh, trouble, guard!


He didn't pull dust.

Returned to Colorado.

Or stretched out his paws.

Ved. And the potatoes are a sight for sore eyes,

If you raise it with skill.

It's time to dig it!

Come out, kids!

Song "Antoshka"

What are those screams there?

Who started the fuss here?

The Cabbage Butterfly and the Slug run in, holding a head of cabbage in their hands.

Baba. Give it to me!

Sl-n. No, give it to me!

Baba. I won’t give it back, don’t pester me!

Sl-n. I'll climb into the cabbage

I'm not afraid of the cold!

Life in cabbage - be healthy!

There is food and shelter here.

Baba. You have one fun -

Eat to your heart's content.

I need it quickly

Move the children here.

Let them hatch, grow,

There is food and comfort here.

Sl-n. Give it to me!

Baba. No, give it to me!

Sl-n. I won’t give it back, don’t pester me!

Ved. Before they were screaming

That their birds heard.

An old blackbird flew to them

And I solved this issue.

Ved. Time goes by quickly,

So the garden has been harvested.

Once the whole thing is over,

Feel free to have fun.

Dance with leaves

Autumn. I'm glad you're having fun.

Work time, play time.

Who is dexterous and skillful here?

We want to look at you.

A game."Tops and Roots"

The presenter names the plants, and the children say that this plant has edible tops or roots.

Autumn. Everyone worked, worked,

Like bees, they were not lazy.

I'm glad for your work

Work and reward:

Autumn is rich in fruits,

Here's some apples for you, guys.

Here are the candies and cookies,

And healthy jam.

(points to the table)

Okay guys, I have to go.

Goodbye, kids!

White boletus mushroom

Hidden and silent!

Just try and find:

Come and have a look.

The birch forest will go

Every knowledgeable mushroom picker.

There will always be some soup there

Delicious boletus.

Printed gingerbread –

How elegant!

We won't eat them right away,

Let's take a look first.

Brown eyes

We stood by the pine tree,

They stood, smiled,

They were waiting for someone.

Let's make a fan out of leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the branches,

Light and playful.

And obediently following the wind

The leaves are flying away.

So, there is no more summer -

Autumn is coming.

Someone is pulling cobwebs,

And the foliage flies easily.

Who doesn’t look anywhere now -

Gold glitters everywhere.

The maple and linden trees warmed up,

Who is it without words?

Scattered so many suns

On the path near the houses?

Between the green branches deftly

The plum seems to have a black eye,

Red-cheeked carrot

It climbs out of the garden for show.

There is a blue haze in the sky,

Formation of flying cranes...

This is a young autumn

Celebrates his holiday.

Autumn walks and wanders along forest paths,

How many fresh branches the green pines have!

How many scarlet berries does the forest mountain ash have!

Waves grew right next to the path.

In lingonberries on a green hummock

A mushroom mushroom grew up in a red scarf.

The wind blew up in the forest clearing -

Spun an aspen in a red sundress.

Sleepily pouring out of the cloud

A light rain of mushrooms.

Warm, like a ray of sunshine,

So gentle and affectionate.

Something whispers to put you to sleep,

It doesn't ring at all in puddles.

Resting in the trees,

There is a quiet rustling in the leaves.

Moisture slowly, calmly

They drink from the earth and forest moss -

Every other day under the blue pine

A regiment of mushrooms is growing.

It contains chanterelles and boletus,

Russula, moss mushroom,

Milk mushrooms, mushrooms, honey mushrooms

And a handsome boletus.

Golden leaves are falling and flying,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will put together a good bouquet from them.

We will place the bouquet in the middle of the table.

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

Pickled cucumber! ...
Have you read it?.. Isn’t it true - your mouth immediately began to water?...
Meanwhile, for many, in recent years, the taste of “pickled cucumber” has been spoiled by pickled crap from glass jars from supermarket shelves. All sorts of brands, with big names like “Village”, “Russian Ambassador”, and even the completely pretentious ones - “Gherkins”, one way or another, almost all of them were created by the hardworking inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. And they have about the same relation to the phrase “pickled cucumber” as a spectacled snake has to glasses! It seems - but not so! Pickled cucumbers (namely salty, not pickled) are real only barrel salted.
And the real Vyatka pickles are Istoben! For the fifteenth time, the Cucumber Festival is taking place in Istobensk.
Type these two words into a search engine and what will pop up?!
What a Suzdal! ;o) Far-fetched, without traditions, popular print festival...
Well, nothing, nothing!... Let's blow our nose at this Suzdal event! The Vyatkas are clever people! Moreover, today our governor has called the buddies of bloggers from all over Rus' to Istobenskoye!... So they will now promote the event with the whole united team...
And I was like, “I went out for a walk...”, I ended up there by accident, but I decided to take part in covering this event, especially since it turned out to be a worthy holiday...

This photo was taken from the Internet, the rest are from the author

Istobensk. This village has stood on the banks of the Vyatka for more than 600 years. The exact time of the appearance of the cucumber industry in this ancient village is unknown. But it is certainly known that the Istoyans are hardworking and enterprising people. A comfortable climate by local northern standards, the availability of good clean water, and the hard work of local gardeners contributed to the development of the traditions of barrel pickling of cucumbers in Istobensk. By the way, it was the location on the shore of the once navigable Vyatka that brought Istobensk the glory of the cucumber capital of Vyatka. In those days, barrels of cucumbers were loaded onto ships right on the shore. At spring fairs throughout the Vyatka land, and even in the Urals, they sold Istobensky ones!...

I arrived in Istobenskoye early. But the guests were already greeted at the entrance to the village. They greeted us, congratulated us on the holiday and presented us with a card with a program. Everything is as it should be!..

The first blogger with a camera was hiding in the bushes near the stage!

On the shore, the men slowly hungover.

Merchants laid out their goods

And the OPON officers took positions

Everything is “in business”, I’m the only one hanging out idly with a camera, and asking the local people...

Barrels for cucumbers, as they say, inspire respect! Traditionally made from spruce planks sawn from young, knotless trees. They say that if there is at least one pine plank in the barrel, the cucumbers may turn sour. The barrels, carefully riveted by local craftsmen, are soaked in cold water and scalded with boiling water. Just before pickling, some borage plants fumigate them with juniper smoke for disinfection.

What is the “trick” of Istobensky salting? Yes, it seems like there is no secret! The cucumbers are selected to be medium-sized, 10-15 cm. Cleanly washed dill, currant leaves, garlic, and horseradish are placed at the bottom of the barrel. For strength and special “crispness” of the cucumbers, oak leaves are added. For the same purpose, some add a sprig of juniper, which is called “heather” in the Vyatka dialect. Every 2-3 layers of cucumbers - another portion of seasonings. Seasoned cucumbers are poured with cold salted water. How much salt? None of the borage growers interviewed gave exact figures. The majority answers - “by eye”!... Next, the cucumbers are kept under pressure for a day or two, after which the resulting free space is filled with fresh cucumbers, on top - a layer of the already mentioned spices, and the barrel is topped up with brine.

But then...Probably this is the very trick!
Closed barrels with cucumbers are immersed in cold running (ideally spring) water in special pits, called here “rivers.” These holes are dug in coastal streams and springs. It is spring water that gives Istoben cucumbers their unique properties. The point is not only, and not so much, the purity of spring water, but the constancy of its temperature - about +4 in winter and summer. Some people store barrels in wells. It is important that the barrels do not float, so they are prudently pressed down with weights. Under these conditions, the pickling process with fermentation elements occurs, similar to sauerkraut.
How long does it take for cucumbers to finally “pickle”? But they will be in time for winter just in time! The ice above the barrels will be opened, the barrel will be taken out, uncorked and…. Imagine how the frosty fresh air will smell like pickles!

In the meantime... For now, only lightly salted cucumbers.
With hot potatoes!...

People are arriving, and trade has become more brisk!

On stage, amateur artists and Valenchuk begin to entertain the people...
Everyone is waiting for the late Tsar and the delayed Governor. Crumbling and reshaping the holiday script as we go.
Beresnev, Bykov and the wedding general present, twice Hero of the USSR, pilot-cosmonaut Savinykh, saved the situation as best they could with their speeches.

Finally, N.Yu. Belykh, accompanied by a flock of tame famous bloggers, arrives and immediately runs onto the stage to ritually pickle a barrel of cucumbers.
Bloggers are wasting no time tweeting about it!

The Whites throw a barrel of cucumbers at them and quickly take them somewhere into the bushes...

The people continue to celebrate in awe and satisfaction...

In the evening there is a big rock-folk concert, fireworks and fighting! ... ;O)

And in the morning everyone is here;

In addition, a short photo report about the performance of the club of historical reenactors

Very often used at various events funny scenes. Miniatures about vegetables are extremely appropriate for the Autumn Ball or Usually they resemble short theatrical fairy tales.

Problems for skits about vegetables

Such interludes, performed at children's events, broaden their horizons, because kids learn something new from the world of plants. about vegetables can also relate to relationships between people. This happens because Potatoes and Cabbage, Carrots and Onions, Beetroot and Pumpkin seem to come to life and acquire human character traits.

Thus, funny scenes about vegetables also cultivate a variety of positive qualities in children. Although sometimes they can make fun of negative character traits.

Autumn ball is a fun holiday!

Not only kids, but even high school students can act out funny scenes about vegetables. At the Autumn Ball, it is quite possible to organize a sideshow competition on this topic, presented by different classes.

An interesting quiz will be held in which the audience must name the characters who participate in the skits. Let the actors not use costumes to create a certain difficulty in guessing. The riddles can be based on the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari.

Impromptu fairy tale

You can put on a funny performance without any preparation. Impromptu staging looks very fun. Anyone from the audience becomes an artist. They are given roles and words. You should go on stage immediately after the presenter names the character and give your speech.

Pumpkin: “Well, leave me alone... Let me sleep!”

Tomato: “Is it really my fault that I’m so attractive and charming!”

Cucumber: “And at the other end of the village the vegetables will be more beautiful...”

Cabbage: “I would like another fur coat for the holiday. Who would give it, eh?”

Turnip: “Well, my grandfather imprisoned me... If I free myself, I will take revenge!”

"A difficult situation arose in citizen Grandfather's garden. He wanted to harvest the harvest. He approached Pumpkin. Pumpkin: “Well, leave me alone... Let me sleep!” Well, just like how he himself screams in the morning when his old woman sends him to work in the garden. It turns out that he raises his hand.

Grandfather sighed and went to the Tomato. Tomato: “Is it really my fault that I’m so attractive and charming!” Grandfather is ashamed to raise his hand against him - really, what is his fault? He himself was once a handsome man. Or wasn't it? Or not quite handsome? It doesn't matter now!

I decided to pull out the turnip. Turnip: “Well, my grandfather imprisoned me... If I free myself, I will take revenge!” Grandpa was completely freaked out. Yes, there was such a thing in my youth, together with a classmate we bullied, and the young Grandfather then blamed all the blame on his friend. Jumped aside as if stung!

Rushed to Cabbage. Cabbage: “I would like another fur coat for the holiday. Who would give it, eh?” Immediately, the old man’s neighbor, to whom he was knocking wedges, came to mind - she also kept demanding his fur coat.

Then he decided to indulge in salads. I went to the garden bed where I was planting cucumbers. Cucumber: “And at the other end of the village the vegetables will be more beautiful...” That’s all I heard from afar. Apparently, the well done Cucumber galloped off to the other end of the village. Just like Dedok himself in his youth.

So Grandfather remained hungry. And the moral of the story is: treat others the way you want others to treat you."

“Lazy cucumber bush” - a skit about vegetables

A funny interlude reveals the meaning of the presence of tendrils in some plants, with which they cling to support. At the same time, the fairy tale ironizes laziness, one of the most common human shortcomings. Many funny skits about vegetables aim to instill in children hard work and a desire to learn new things.

Artists portraying fairy tale heroes first sit with their hands clasped around their knees and their faces downcast. Then they raise their heads and look around. Hands slowly spread to the sides. Then they rise to their full height. Only one boy remains sitting on the floor.

The gardener comes, rejoices at the seedlings, waters them from a watering can. Then she places a support near them. Gym racks are suitable for this. The owner admires her work and says: “It will be very convenient for my cucumbers to cling to the support with their antennae! They will crawl along it up towards the sun, and the fruits will not lie on the bare ground.”

The largest Cucumber:

Well, well done guys!

Bequeathed by the fathers:

For support, cucumbers,

Well, cling to your mustache!

All Cucumbers grab the supports with their hands. And one - Lazy Cucumber - continues to sit.

The largest Cucumber:

Well, you, funny little guy,

Why don't you obey?

Or are you not a cucumber?

Are you lying on the ground?

Lazy Cucumber:

I'll do what I want!

I don't need your advice!

The largest Cucumber:

Well, okay, I’ll keep quiet...

Then, my friend, don't howl!

The sun was shining, the rain was watering the cucumbers. The bushes grew, fruits appeared on them - beautiful green cucumbers.

Gardener: “Oh, what wonderful cucumbers I have grown!” She pretends to collect fruits from the bushes in a basket. And then he comes across a Lazy Cucumber lying on the ground.

Vegetable gardener:

Oh, what is this?

There are fruits on the ground...

And they are completely rotten

From heat and water...

I'll pull it out soon

So that everyone doesn't get sick!

She “pulls out” the bush and pushes it off the stage. He resists and shouts: “I don’t want to! Leave me alone! I want to lie on the ground some more!”

Presenter: “So because of his laziness, the Lazy Cucumber died, he was unable to produce good tasty fruits, he was unable to make friends with his neighbors. After all, only those who love work live together and have fun!”

\ Scenarios for school holidays

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Materials from the site were used

The holiday is held in April. But preparation for it begins at the end of February, when during labor lessons the children plant radish and dill seeds in prepared boxes, and a little later they plant onions. Throughout March, students take care of plants and prepare for the holiday of the first salad: they collect riddles and learn poems about the plant world. On the day of the holiday, children come dressed up and bring sweets for tea (dishes for holidays are constantly stored in the office).

We solemnly collect our harvest during the labor lesson, and after the lessons the parents come and together make a salad for everyone. Hot potatoes wouldn't go amiss here either. Everything is beautifully arranged on three large tables. Parents and children sit down and try the first salad. This is how our holiday begins.

- Today our holiday is dedicated to the first salad. And the most important, most expensive thing is that we grew all the vegetables ourselves. Do you know that translated from Italian “salad” is “a dish made from green leaves”.

And since most often we make salads from vegetables, that’s what we’ll talk about today. Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for all three tables - teams. Everyone will receive tokens for active participation.

I have two assistants - vegetable specialists. I ask you to listen to their messages very carefully, because at the end we will have a vegetable crossword puzzle.

1. Competition "RHYME". Find a rhyme for each word (possible answers are given in brackets).

POTATOES (cloudberries)
BASKET (raspberries)
CUCUMBER (well done)
RADISH (narcissus)

BEET (Fekla)
TOMATO (marinade)
ONION (bug)
BOW (friend)

2. Competition "POETIC". Each team must come up with a poem based on the given rhyme in 3 minutes.

  1. Onion - Bug
  2. Beet - Fekla
  3. Cucumber - Well done
The assistants talk about cucumbers and onions (Appendix No. 1).

3. Competition for parents "THE FASTEST". Who can peel and cut potatoes into strips faster?

4. Competition "INSIDE OUT". Read a set of letters backwards and you get a word. ANSEV (spring)
JOD (rain)
KUL (bow)
TALAS (salad)

CIDER (radish)
ISCHOVO (vegetables)
RODIMOP (tomato)
AROUND (carrots) The helpers talk about radishes and radishes.

5. Competition "ARTISTS". a) The task for parents is to draw on the board blindfolded and without lifting your hands: a cucumber, a carrot, a tomato.
b) The task for children is to draw half a tomato, cucumber, and onion on a piece of paper. The assistants talk about potatoes and tomatoes.

6. Competition "WHAT IS THIS VEGETABLE?" With your eyes closed, choose a vegetable and name it.

7. Competition "THEATRICAL". With the whole team, use facial expressions and gestures so that others can guess what is growing in your garden bed. The first bed is with cabbage.
The second bed is with onions.
The third bed is with carrots. Assistants provide information about carrots and cabbage.

8. Competition "YOUNG CHEFS". Take from the products those that you will need for cooking:
vinaigrette, Olivier salad, okroshka.

9. Competition "RIDDLES FROM THE GRADED", (Appendix No. "2).

10. Competition "HOMEWORK". Students recite poems that mention the names of vegetables.

11. Competition "CROSSWORD"(Appendix No. 3).
At the end of the holiday, the number of tokens is counted and the winning team, the friendliest team, the most fun team is revealed.

Like all holidays held in the classroom, this holiday is educational, broadens children's horizons, and develops students' curiosity.

Educational goals are also pursued: instilling neatness, friendly attention to each other, respect for parents and older comrades.

Appendix No. 1


India is considered the homeland of the cucumber, where wild species are still found. In India, the cucumber came into use at least 3000 BC. The name "cucumber" in India is associated with the name of an Indian prince who allegedly had 60 thousand children, which, in all likelihood, is due to the large number of grains in the cucumber. IN ancient Egypt images of cucumbers are found in temples. There was even a “Cucumber City” in Greece. The ancient Romans grew cucumbers in greenhouses and salted them in tubs. One of the most common dishes in Russia in the 16th century was “black ukha” - a soup in which meat was boiled in cucumber brine mixed with various spices and roots.

Onions have been cultivated by the Egyptians since time immemorial. In Ancient Greece, onions were considered a sacred plant, where the bulb was perceived as a symbol of the structure of the Universe. Famous townspeople in Ancient Greece considered it indecent to eat onions because of their persistent pungent odor. The Romans consumed it annually, and to avoid a pungent smell, they ate the onions with parsley leaves and walnuts. From the Romans, onions moved to Germany, where heroes who distinguished themselves in battles were decorated with onion flowers.

In Ancient Rus', onions were considered a universal remedy that protected and healed all diseases.

  1. Which vegetable was a symbol of sobriety among the Greeks? (cabbage)
  2. A dish made from green leaves? (salad)
  3. In honor of which vegetable did an entire city exist in Greece? (in honor of the cucumber)
  4. What vegetable was first grown for its rare, inconspicuous flowers in greenhouses in England and Russia? (tomato)
  5. Name in one word: radish, beets, potatoes, (vegetables)
  6. Name the antonym, (fruit)
  7. Relatives of which vegetable crop were cast in gold? (radish)
  8. The structure of which vegetable was compared with the structure of the Universe? (onion)
  9. An essential component of German "soldier's" coffee? (carrot)

Scenario for the celebration of the first salad.

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