Bride ransom: a detailed description of the custom. Are you going to a wedding? Everything you need for a bride price: a list for the groom and organizers How to buy a bride and see you off to the registry office

Traditionally, a wedding begins with a bride price. It is held before the groom meets the bride on the day of the celebration. This ritual is one of the unchanging traditions that accompany a wedding. The ritual has deep roots. In ancient times, in order to take a girl who was the first assistant in the house, it was necessary to give something in return.

The groom tried to cover the inconvenience that would arise due to the girl leaving home by giving valuables, livestock and other gifts in return. In our times, this ritual takes place symbolically, and its task is not to bargain for money, but to add zest and gaiety to the event. Let's take a closer look at how to buy a bride, what the groom and witnesses should do, so that everyone is satisfied and the procedure does not drag on.

Witnesses are often involved in organizing the bride ransom. But the main part still falls on the bridesmaid.

Some couples turn to the toastmaster for help, who can develop a script for competitions and other nuances. The ransom ceremony consists of a number of competitions and tasks for the groom and witness.

All questions concern the hero of the occasion. If the groom cannot answer any of them, then he must pay a certain amount or present champagne, sweets, etc.

In some cases, the redemption process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Even on the road, the groom may be met by distant relatives and neighbors and demanded to pay for the opportunity to travel and tell the name of the bride.
  2. Close friends of the young woman are waiting for the groom in the courtyard.
  3. Immediately before entering the bride's room, the test is carried out by the witness and bridesmaids.
  4. The task of the groom and the witness is not to deprive anyone and to make some payment.

The main task of all participants in the ransom ceremony is not to delay the process. Otherwise, you may be late for registration.

How to behave as girlfriends

The bridesmaids' task is to turn the traditional bride price by the groom into a fun, well-organized event. It is better not to use poetry at this stage of the celebration; compose a speech in prose with appropriate funny jokes. To do this, follow certain rules:

  1. You should not force the groom and witness to perform not entirely pleasant tasks. For example, eat a peck of salt or drink water with lemon. Competitions must be neutral and realistically feasible. Otherwise, you risk ruining the groom’s mood at the beginning of the wedding.
  2. It should be remembered that the event is designed to last only 15–30 minutes at most.
  3. Try to calculate the time so that a certain period of time remains between the ransom and the trip to the registry office.
  4. The tasks are chosen so that when the groom performs them, the guests can see what is happening, and the photographer can take beautiful photos.
  5. When using pictures in competitions, their angle should be large.
  6. When using rhyming jokes and jokes, they must be read expressively and without hesitation.
  7. In the case where the number of guests at the wedding is impressive, you should not invite everyone to the ransom. There will be enough witnesses, girlfriends, friends, close relatives.
  8. It is necessary to prepare for the ceremony in advance. Place posters and other attributes.
  9. Distribute responsibilities correctly so that no one gets bored.

What to do and say to the mother, sister, brother of the bride

For the bride's parents, there are many challenges on the wedding day. It is in their house that the bride ransom takes place and the house is full of guests. Concerns begin with the bride's outfit. Her mother and friends can help her.

Next, the parents meet the guests after the ransom and escort them to the room where the buffet table is organized. Serving it is the task of the mother of the bride, who is helped by her bridesmaids. Treating guests with champagne is the task of witnesses. Traditionally, parents do not take part in the ransom ceremony.

But if the bride has younger sisters or brothers, then they can actively bargain for her with the groom. The girlfriends provide for this in the script. The main task of parents after completing the ransom before going to the registry office is to bless the newlyweds. Before the ceremony begins, guests are asked to go outside, where they form a kind of living corridor.

After the bride and groom have been blessed, they go outside, and the girl’s mother showers the newlyweds with wheat seeds, coins and candies for their rich, well-fed and sweet future life.

What to say to the matchmaker from the groom's side

In ancient times, matchmaking began with certain words: “You have a product, we have a merchant,” and so on. Young people involved in ransoms should not be included in the scenario.

But if the task is to conduct a ceremony in the old Russian style, then this role is performed by the matchmaker on the groom’s side. She is the one who begins the redemption process.

The point is to present the purpose of their arrival and extol the virtues of the groom.

How to behave for the groom and his friends

The ransom scenario is worked out in advance, and the bridesmaids must also think through the groom’s behavior in advance. In any case, it must be prepared if the groom needs to say any words during the bidding process.

Basically, various tests are prepared for the groom, and he, in turn, performs them and answers the questions in monosyllables. You can deal with this without much difficulty. The bidding begins with the organizers; a matchmaker on the groom’s side may participate.

When asked by his girlfriends why the groom came to them, the young man can simply answer in monosyllables, “For the bride!” It is difficult for the groom himself to prepare for the ransom, since he often does not know the script in advance. The witness can only partially acquaint him with certain points. Therefore, the young man has to improvise on the go.

And since basically all the questions concern the bride, you need to ask her in advance about some moments from her childhood, shoe size, favorite lipstick color, etc.

Let's present a list of the main areas that the groom may encounter at ransom:

  1. Prove your love. Here you can prepare a romantic story about the love of newlyweds to make your girlfriends feel emotional.
  2. Present your strengths. Usually this is the answer to the question of what the groom is ready to provide for the bride in the future. Here you need to praise yourself, and try not to laugh. To make the task easier, a witness can do this.
  3. How will the groom spend time with the bride during life together. In this regard, the groom proves that the bride will not be bored with him. And you can prove it by performing a song or dance.
  4. Important dates. Here you will have to prepare seriously, since they will ask not only about the day you met, but also about the first day of your first kiss, your first trip to the cinema, and so on. Usually men don’t pay attention to such little things.
  5. The bride is the best and unique. In this direction, you need to collect a list of affectionate and tender words about your beloved.

Since the groom arrives not alone, but with a retinue of friends and close relatives, it is necessary to think in advance what to say to them.

Firstly, they can actively participate in the auction, but not allow themselves too much.

Secondly, assist the groom, suggest the right words, ideas for completing the task. The groom's main assistant at the wedding is the witness. He can actively answer questions and even replace him in performing any competitions.

Usually the groom is lost from excitement, so the witness should always be ready to come to the rescue of his friend. And if the girlfriends get too carried away and demand an exorbitant price for the ransom, then the witness can actively bargain and bring down the price.

The ransom ceremony will go off with a bang if it is performed in any style or dedicated to a specific theme.

How to meet the groom - what to put on the table

As already mentioned, after the ransom is completed, the bride’s parents invite guests to a buffet.

This tradition is mainly connected with the fact that there is still a long process ahead, consisting of a wedding and a photo shoot.

Small sandwiches and canapés are placed on the table so that they fit entirely into the mouth. Since the photographer is working all the time and the set table may be caught in the photo lens, it is necessary to think in advance about the technique of decorating the dishes and removing unnecessary interior items.

A large amount of alcohol at a buffet table is inappropriate. It is enough to organize champagne, which will slightly lift the mood and liberate the guests.

Here is another version of the bride ransom scenario:

The bride price ritual is a traditional procedure at a wedding, but, nevertheless, not all newlyweds consider it appropriate. This is explained by the fact that not all guests behave adequately during competitions and bidding, sometimes forcing the groom to do unrealistic things. They believe that the ransom can be replaced, for example, by a beautiful meeting between the bride and groom. Do you think it’s worth paying tribute to traditions or introducing new ones? creative ideas in the wedding scenario?

The bride price is traditionally organized on the wedding day before going to the registry office and officially registering the relationship. The essence of the ransom is that the groom proves to the bride and relatives that he loves and is worthy of her by participating in bridesmaid and bridesmaid competitions. If you are planning a noisy wedding in accordance with traditions, the two of you determine in advance what is needed for the bride price and prepare everything necessary.

How to organize a bride ransom

Exist general rules, following which you can involve all guests in the redemption procedure and not spoil anyone’s mood. The traditional ransom is carried out by the witness and girlfriends. They come up with competitions, put obstacles in the groom’s path and demand money from him. This means that the main block of advice is for them.

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Roles for the witness and girlfriends

To ensure that your future spouse and guests are satisfied after the buyout, follow these simple tips:

  1. Take care of the groom. Don't force him to do unpleasant tasks - drink liters of water or eat lemons with a smile from ear to ear.
  2. Take care of the safety of your costumes. Don't force the groom's friends to climb trees or crawl along the floor of the entrance in search of "that - I don't know what."
  3. Allow 15–30 minutes. Often girlfriends delay the ransom, especially if the bride lives in a high-rise building. Believe me, climbing to the 13th floor with ten-minute stops on each landing is unlikely to add optimism to guests.
  4. Leave a time gap between the ransom and the trip to the registry office and periodically look at the clock. If you have some free time, treat everyone to champagne and light snacks.
  5. Select tasks so that guests can see what the competition participant is doing. If “paper” competitions are expected, make the elements (pictures, numbers and texts) large.
  6. Use rhyming scripts only if you find someone who can read the text expressively and with fire.
  7. If 70 guests are invited to a wedding, you should not invite everyone to the ransom - only your loved ones.

Start preparing the ransom early in the morning, while the bride is getting ready - doing her makeup and hair, making the last adjustments to her image. At this time, arrange the inventory - posters, competition sheets and everything that is needed for the ransom of the bride. Distribute responsibilities so that no one gets bored.

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The bride's responsibility for the event

The task of the young bride before the ransom is to carefully hint to the groom what is to come. Initially, talk with your loved one about what form he imagines the ransom to be and whether he agrees to take part in competitions. If he is sensitive to humorous situations, abandon them and stylize the procedure in a different direction.

Choose a scenario according to the area - a rural plan with songs and dances will look out of place in an urban environment.

With your girlfriends, think through organizational issues. Agree on the amount of money they will demand, the order and duration of the tests.

Hint to your future husband about important points to prepare for the ransom - for example, take a head of cabbage or a bottle of champagne with you, and also exchange money in small coins.

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The nuances of preparing the groom

The girl usually warns her future husband about what awaits him at competitions in order to avoid any incidents. But it’s a good idea to prepare yourself. A short list of what is needed for the bride price for the groom at almost any wedding:

  • a lot of money in small bills;
  • small chocolates;
  • a bottle of champagne;
  • Matchbox;
  • chocolates and lollipops;
  • pen and paper.

To have fun, think of the ransom not as a test of knowledge and skills, but as a fun game. Before the wedding, learn simple dance moves, remember significant dates and tender words for your future wife. Behave naturally - don't be shy and smile more often. Choose a cheerful and witty friend as your witness who will help out in a sticky situation.

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Pre-wedding duties of a witness

The witness's job is to help the groom prepare for the ransom. Scout the situation in advance. It's great if you know the bridesmaids - ask them about possible tasks. If not, then read wedding and ransom scripts on the Internet - perhaps one of them will be used. Determine with the groom what is needed to buy the bride - put the list in writing.

When you arrive at the bride's house, cheer up the groom with a friendly joke or anecdote. Take on the financial issue - pay for the taxi and give your girlfriends a cash payout in installments as they complete tasks. If your friend hesitates, help him pass the test.

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Traditional redemption procedure

The buyout is carried out according to various scenarios, but the traditional principle of the organization remains unchanged. The bride and groom are preparing for the wedding in their parents' apartments. Upon completion of preparations, the groom assembles a wedding cortege of relatives and friends and sets off to pick up his chosen one. At the entrance he is met by the bride's retinue and does not allow him to enter just like that, demanding money, sweets or alcohol, and arranging fun tests.

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Methods for creating a scenario

There are three options for preparing the script:

  • find a ready-made version;
  • compose yourself;
  • order original work from a holiday agency.

The events take place according to individual scenarios, compiled independently - it is felt that the bride and bridesmaids prepared with passion and took care of all the little things.

Do not hesitate to involve the groom and witness in preparation - they should be aware of competitions that require special preparation. Take care of the props for the newlyweds - collect the items and carefully pack them in a suitcase. Agree on whether the money will be used and in what amount. Sometimes ransoms cost paper copies, sweets, fruits or champagne. Coins are usually not served - the exception is if you paint them gold and demand a ransom in “gold”.

Keep it in moderation and do not overcrowd the special day with complex competitions. Set the groom up for the fact that he will need dexterity, endurance, as well as maximum imagination and wit.

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Examples of tests for a future spouse

Unusual competitions that can be held before the wedding in a limited space without damaging the groom’s reputation:

  • Thirty-three compliments. Write the alphabet on whatman paper and invite the groom to say one compliment to his future wife for each letter. Ceremoniously cross out the letters used. You can cross out the soft and hard signs, the letters “y” and “y” in advance, or you can have fun by inviting the groom to come up with unique compliments.
  • The ideal groom is a competition for a witness. Give him an apple with matches stuck into it. Taking out each match, the witness must name one positive quality of the groom, convincing the bride’s family and friends that he is worthy of her.
  • Family wealth. Fill the glass halfway with water and invite the groom to put enough coins inside so that the water overflows.

Don't refuse the price, even if you want to have a wedding in a non-traditional style. Show your imagination and arrange stylized tasks for the groom and his friends.

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An original alternative to ransom

There are ways to disrupt the usual flow of things at a wedding when the bridesmaids block the path of the groom and his friends. List of alternative buyout options:

  • Create a quest within the city to find the stolen bride. Agree with friends who will give tips to the groom during the search, and come up with a plan.
  • Stage the ceremony in a Western style. Prepare a gazebo where the groom will go to wait for his beloved. Arrange with the bride's father to solemnly walk her down the aisle along a path strewn with rose petals. Choose ceremonial music. Prepare with the parents of the bride and groom parting words which they will read to the children. Set up a buffet table for a light snack before going to the registry office.
  • Arrange an equal struggle for leadership in the family, in which the bride and groom will take part.

When composing the script yourself, proceed from the personal preferences of the bride and groom. For couples who love dancing, organize a dance battle, and for those who like to draw, organize art competitions. Don't forget about the guests of the event - they shouldn't be bored.

The bride's ransom is one of the most important and fun moments at a wedding. The bride ransom ceremony usually happens like this: the witness and the witness (or even better, the groom) come to the bride’s house. They demand a ransom for it, they have to bargain and perform various fun and funny tasks. They buy the girl mostly with money, sweets, flowers and various alcoholic drinks.

The organization of the bride price directly depends on the imagination of the bridesmaids and the witness. The groom needs to be prepared for his own trials and surprises: grandparents, neighbors, aunts and uncles, godmothers and all the girls he knows come to carry out the ransom, so the groom and his witness need to stock up well on alcohol and sweets.

Bride ransom is a very old tradition. Although there are other similar ceremonies, for example, bride price. The history of the appearance of such a ceremony came to us from the distant past. In hospitable Rus' there lived lovers of various holidays; bride price was a real event back then.

What kind of bride price competitions were there in ancient times?

Previously, it was like this: various obstacles were placed on the groom’s path along the road, a tree was placed, and until he cut it down, he would not be able to travel further. Previously, it was always the friend who paid (and now the witness). There were also a lot of jokes and various competitions that the girl’s brothers had to do with their friends. Going through all the tasks and competitions, the groom showed his courage and perseverance, strength and courage.

Having completed all the tests along the way, the groom continued on to his beloved’s house, where new tests awaited him. Having arrived at his beloved’s house, the groom saw that the house and gates had long been locked by neighbors, friends and relatives of the bride. In the yard, the future husband meets many children who needed to be given sweets. The girl's brother stood in the way. He asked the groom riddles and various tasks that had to be completed and guessed.

Previously, they tested the groom more on his strength and generosity, but today on his mental abilities. Often there weren't many riddles. A friend helped the young man guess, and if they couldn’t guess, there were always people willing to help. After the task was completed and the riddles were solved, the groom triumphantly climbed onto the porch and entered the house.

Next, it was necessary to present gifts to all the friends. But not everything is so simple, because the bride still had to be found. The girls sat on the bench in front of the groom, covered with identical scarves, and the groom had to guess which of them was his favorite bride. It was necessary to guess right the first time, although not everyone succeeded, so the groom walked along the row for a long time and examined the shape of the shoulders, the shoes on his feet, the height and some special features of his beloved.

Having found his bride, the groom could sit down at the table, under the image in the princely place. Having received a couple of coins, the man gave up his seat next to the bride. Then the hosts invited the guests to the table.

A modern version of bride price

Bride price has always been in fashion. Today it is happening quite quickly, brightly and interestingly. Naturally, over the years the ceremony has undergone many changes, now it is much simplified and has become more modern.

The bride price can still be carried out in verse, but this process is much more complicated, although it is quite beautiful. But there is one thing: the groom and the witness feel somehow awkward when they are spoken to in verse, and do not know what and how to answer. And if they learn poetic answers in advance, it will not be interesting at all, and somehow makes no sense at all.

The most important thing is to make the program varied. Variety of the program is the key to a successful and fun buyout. You should not overuse anything, for example, questions, assignments, poems, etc. Since this can tire the groom and guests.

Not much has changed from the past to today. The bride price is still considered one of the most entertaining moments of a wedding. The groom comes to the bride and takes her from her father's house, for which he is obliged to give a ransom to her girlfriends, sisters and brothers, and other relatives. Usually this always happens in a playful way with a lot of jokes and competitions. Presented to your attention are five best scenarios to conduct a game for the groom and witness.

Features of a fun scenario for bride ransom

If you are planning to organize a bride ransom, then 10-20 minutes are enough to carry it out. You should not delay the procedure for too long. When coming up with competitions, first think about whether the groom can complete them. There is no need to mock him too much, he is already worried, and you still risk ruining his mood. Let the tasks be simple so that he feels like a winner and worthy of his beloved.

Below are funny and simple tasks that will appeal to both the groom and his witness, and the bride and groomsmen. You don't need much to run these types of competitions. How to organize a bride ransom? On the Internet, in special wedding magazines, there are many scenarios and videos about how to conduct a bride ransom. After all, not a single wedding takes place without a ransom. Here are some competition options you can do.

The “bride price” scenario can be found everywhere, watch videos, look through magazines and newspapers, ask mothers and grandmothers. Watch videos of friends and acquaintances, because crowded competitions can also be interesting and funny for today’s youth. The bride price is always a sea of ​​laughter, jokes, smiles, positivity and good mood. In memory of this fun and solemn day you will have not only memories, but also photos and videos.

Parental blessing

It has long been believed that parental blessing for family life is the most important stage in the wedding ceremony, which is a guarantee happy marriage. Indeed, along with the sincere approval of the parents, the young family received intercession before the Heavenly Father.

The parents' first speech at a wedding usually comes after the bride's ransom, immediately before going to registration. This is what is considered a blessing. The bride's parents wish the newlyweds a long, happy life and accompany their words with wishes for family happiness.

Parting words from parents

This speech is heard on the threshold of the apartment, because according to tradition, beyond the threshold is the beginning of a new path in life. And for the road to family life to be successful, the newlyweds need to be accompanied kind words and wishes. At the same time, the blessing is not just a parting word, but also a sign of approval of the choice of a spouse.

For parting words, take the oldest icon in the house, or the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. According to an ancient custom, the bride and groom kneel as a sign of respect and gratitude on a common rug or towel prepared especially for this occasion. After kind, touching words, the parents, holding the icon in their hands, hold it in the air three times in front of the young people, making the sign of the cross from top to bottom and from left to right. Then the children kiss their parents and go to registration.

In former times, a bride leaving her father's house was supposed to cry, but even now, sometimes the newlywed is unable to hold back her tears during this touching ceremony. Godparents can also take part in the ritual.

The icons that were used during the blessing remain in the home of the newlyweds to protect them from illness and adversity, and are subsequently given to children and grandchildren to preserve the family hearth of the new generation.

This ritual is currently not a dogma, and the implementation of its elements depends on the desire and attitude of the newlyweds and their parents to the ritual.

When meeting with bread and salt

At the threshold of the entrance to the banquet hall there is a “carpet of well-being”, which is an ordinary carpet. According to tradition, whoever steps on it first will lead the family. Sometimes a fur coat is used as a carpet as a symbol of future wealth. It is believed that none of those present should step on this path before the newlyweds.

The next speech of the parents at the wedding is when the newlyweds meet after registering the marriage and before the start of the wedding banquet. Here parents meet their children, who have become husband and wife, with bread and salt on a beautiful embroidered towel, with an icon and champagne.

In the old days, the groom's mother held the bread and salt, and the father held the icon. But that was when weddings were celebrated in the house of the groom’s parents. Now, most often, a separate room is rented for weddings, so it doesn’t matter who takes on the role of holding the loaf, who – the icon, and who – the glasses of champagne.

If the parents of the newlyweds are not teachers, they are unlikely to memorize the words of congratulations in verse, which can be found in large quantities on the endless networks of the Internet. And memorized words will never replace sincere wishes, even those expressed ineptly.

Therefore, ordinary words coming from the heart sound much more heartfelt. The main emphasis in the congratulations is on “Congratulations, blessings, advice and love!” This is the basis of speech - the rest is added for decoration.

But if parents limit themselves to only these words, there will be nothing wrong with that. After all, everyone understands that on such a day, mothers and fathers worry no less than the newlyweds themselves. And if there is a presenter, the situation is completely simplified, since he will always promptly suggest the right word and complete what was left unsaid.

When giving a gift

It is advisable that the speech of parents at the wedding when presenting a gift is extremely brief. If the gift is a certain amount of money, then you can list the family needs that will be needed, while expressing the desire for mutual understanding, respect and tolerance for each other.

It’s not a sin to cry - no one will condemn a parent’s tears of happiness. And don’t forget to tell the children how “bitter” it is for you to let them out of their father’s house to live an independent family life.

Congratulations from parents at the table

During the feast, the host gives the floor to the parents. According to European tradition, the father of the bride makes a speech at this moment. But we live in Russia, where men are not used to talking a lot, so there will be nothing wrong if the mother of the bride expresses congratulations. In this case, the meaning of the speech remains the same.

The father can say how many years he and his wife lived in harmony and harmony, raising a wonderful daughter. At the same time, you can remember some bright funny moment from the bride’s childhood, and then tell a short episode from your daughter’s life that will highlight her advantages.

Further, it is permissible to be sad about the transition of your daughter to another family and express the hope that with such a reliable and loving husband your beloved daughter will definitely be happy. And, of course, in conclusion, add your wishes regarding the birth of grandchildren.

If parents have any family heirlooms, now is the time to pass them on to their children.

The answer to the question of what a bride price is must be sought in our traditions. It symbolizes the groom’s gratitude to his beloved’s parents for his future wife. The portal site will tell you how the bride ransom from home and more.

Features of the ransom scenario

We offer some time-tested tips on this matter.

  • When choosing a script, it is best to discuss its theme with the groom. So that he does not become confused from surprise or excitement, he better be prepared and know how to ransom the bride. You can turn to both the traditional scenario and think about an original move, for example, an air-style bride price.
  • Don’t come up with overly complicated competitions and tasks. Of course, the newlywed must show everyone how he passes the test with dignity for the sake of the bride, but the ransom is still a fun and joyful holiday.
  • Don't overuse poetry. It often happens that the desire to make an event beautiful with the help of poems turns into a poetic battle at ransom, and this tires both the bride and the wedding guests.

Not only the overall atmosphere of the holiday, but also how the venue will be decorated depends on the scenario.

  • Optimal duration - about 20 minutes. It is precisely this time period, from entry to completion of the ransom, that the bride and groom should count on.
  • Take into account unforeseen circumstances and do not plan a purchase and a trip to the registry office right next to each other. There is always not enough time at a wedding, so it’s better to have a short relaxing pause than a nervous rush.
  • Get creative. There's a good chance things won't go according to plan on such an important day, so be prepared to improvise and have fun.

These simple rules will help you save not only time, but also your own energy.

Who should ransom the bride?

The heroes of the day, of course, should be the bride and groom, because this is their day. Although recently there have been more and more cases when a witness and a witness take the rap for the newlyweds, which we consider not entirely correct.

To organize the process smoothly, appoint a coordinator - the manager of the event. Let it be a close person who knows how to conduct the bride ransom, will plan all the time and distribute responsibilities.

Think in advance who will act as a support group for the young people. If the bride ransom ceremony takes place in a limited space, for example, in the entrance of a residential building, then inconvenience may occur if there is a large crowd of spectators. It is best if no more than twelve people participate - six on each side. Others who wish will always be able to evaluate these funny moments on a wedding video.

How and what should you treat your guests?

It is best to place the buffet in the bride's room. Suitable here:

  1. canapes,
  2. tartlets,
  3. cold cuts,
  4. sandwiches.

You can serve them with champagne, wine or juices. Thus, you will provide due attention to your guests.

How to decorate a house for a foreclosure?

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to show a little ingenuity and imagination. For decoration, you can use posters and funny wall newspapers with quatrains, especially if the bride price is planned in verse. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the apartment of the future spouse, as well as the entrance and entrance to it. The ideal option for this is regular balloons. You can also pay attention to the flowers and colorful ribbons that decorate the railings, stairs and walls.

Decorating the bride's apartment requires a careful approach. In this case, flower petals, candles, wedding-themed plush toys, and photographs are used.

Handmade decorations will give the event a feeling of coziness and warmth. So, you can make it yourself and hang it around the house:

  • Volume pom-poms. These are colorful paper balloons made from tissue paper and are very popular among party planners.
  • Fans and flags. They are also made of paper and are suitable for wall decoration.
  • Balls of fresh flowers. This is a fresh trend in the wedding business, which never ceases to amaze and delight the eye.

If for some reason it is impossible to carry out the ransom at home, then we advise you to pay attention to other location options. It all depends on the imagination and financial conditions of the organizers: you can ransom the bride from a hotel, from a shopping center, or even from a park.

How to finish the bride price?

The final may take place different ways, depending on the expected effect.

Romantic style

After the groom has passed all the tests with success and dignity and entered the room of his beloved, he is met there by the bride to the sounds of a song that is meaningful to both of them. It is important that good memories are associated with this music, then the ending will be truly touching.

Comic style

If you want to end the ransom with humor, then you should use your imagination from the moment the groom enters the room. For example, instead of a bride, you can sit someone’s grandmother in a veil and watch the young man’s reaction. You can also use a woman whose build is opposite to the real one as a fake bride (if the real bride is thin, then a fat one will do, and vice versa). The main thing is that the actress has temperament and a healthy sense of humor, so as not to scare the groom. After the first shock of the young man, his real bride should appear to go to the registry office together.

An interesting and fun ransom will be remembered for a long time by all wedding guests. Organizers must know not only how to buy a bride from home, but also how to do it from other places. The portal wishes you inspiration and creativity in creating this wonderful event.

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