Games for the spring holiday in kindergarten. Spring fun scenario for children

Prepared by music director Sheshukova Z.V., MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 17”, Glazov. Entertainment is provided for children senior group and includes dancing, singing and group games.


Music is playing. Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: - Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see everyone in our elegant hall at our spring festival.

1st child:

- Children know everything in the world,
If the snow and ice melt,
If the sun shines hotter,
This means that Spring is coming to us.

2nd child:

- Birds have flown from the south,
The nightingale sings again.
Bird trills rang out -
Spring is coming to us.

3rd child:

- Everyone is welcoming Spring, they are happy -
Glad to see the sun and warmth.
Gives everyone spring as a reward
I ring my song.

Song “Spring has come”, music and lyrics by Z. Kachaeva (Musical palette No. 3/10).

After the song, the children sit on chairs

4th child:

- And the white birch tree shakes its twig.
The breeze softly sings a song to her.
A spring song about warmth and sun,
And about how a bright ray peered through the window.

Dance “Who combed the birch tree”, music by Yarushin.

Music is playing. Vasily Karamelkin comes in.

Vasya: - Hello guys!

Leading: - Hello, boy!

Vasya: - I’m Vasya Karamelkin, and who are you? (Children's answers.)

Leading: - We are children from kindergarten.

Vasya: -What are you doing here?

Leading: - We are having fun, welcoming Spring!

Vasya: — Are you welcoming spring?! Why are you meeting her here? You need to go to the train station! What time does the train arrive?

Leading: - Oh, Vasily! Spring doesn't come by train, it comes on its own!

Vasya: - You don’t know anything! You can go and meet her yourself. Go!

General dance "Joyful Travellers".

After the dance, the children sit down.

Leading: - Look, guys, we ended up in a forest clearing. And here are the forest dwellers.


- I, bunny, lived in the forest in the winter,
I was afraid to meet Lisa there.
I haven't eaten carrots for a long time
And next to you I became bolder!


- Guys, it's me, Lisa!
With me, my tail is my beauty.
Wandered through the forest in winter
And I was bored alone!


- Who said that wolves are evil?
Well, not all of us are like that.
I don't hate bunnies
And I play with the kids.


- Guys, who recognized me?
I'm a bear, I missed you.
In winter I sucked my paw in the den,
I didn’t wake up my mom or my dad.
And because I didn't eat,
I seem to have lost a little weight.

Vasya: - Guys, we need to help Mishka, he can’t lose weight. We need to feed him urgently!

Leading: - Now! Let's feed him delicious porridge!

Attraction for the older group “Feed the bear with porridge”.

Two “bears” are seated on chairs, and “bibs” are tied to them. Two teams of five people “feed” their bear. They carry “porridge” in a wooden spoon into a bowl, which is held in the hands of a “bear”. The spoon is a relay baton. The team that feeds the “bear” the fastest wins.

Vasya: - I have a question! Can I ask you a question?

Leading: - Ask, Vasily.

Vasya: - How is spring, does it come alone? Or with someone?

Leading: - Let's, guys, tell Vasya about Spring.

Children's answers.

Vasya: - I got it! Spring is when it's warm. And warmth means a lot of large and deep puddles! And they swim in puddles...

Children: - Piglets!

Leading: - Do you want us to sing you a song about them?

Vasya: - Of course I want. Sing and I will listen! Here!

A song about piglets, music by M.A. Fofonova (Bell No. 54/13, p. 18).

Vasya: - Great song! And I know a great game. Shall we play together?

Game “Birds and Cat”, music by T.V. Bokach (Bell No. 54/13, p. 19).

Vasya: - How many sparrows we have! How loudly they chirp! Cats are singing! Spring will definitely come soon!

Music is playing. Spring-Freckles is coming.


- Hello guys!
I have been in the forest for a long time, bringing joy and warmth.
Brighter, sunshine, shine! Grass, grow greener!
Sing a song to us, little stream! Everyone will make friends with Spring!

Vasya: - Are you Spring-Freckles?


- Well, of course it’s me!
I'm in the forest and in the meadow.
I am both in the field and in the garden.

Vasya: -Are you both in the field and in the forest? Miracles, and that’s all! What are you doing in the forest?

Spring: - And in the forest, with my arrival, snowdrops bloom and streams run!

Vasya: “I would like to look at this beauty.”

Leading: — Vasily, you don’t have to go far. Spring, the guys have prepared poems for you. Listen here!


- The streams rang,
Flowers are blooming.
Bird voices are everywhere.
Rejoice, spring has come!

1st child:

— We got up early today,
We don't have time to sleep today.
They say the starlings are back!
They say spring has come!

2nd child:

- We've been waiting for spring for a long time,
And you are wandering somewhere.
It won't come without you
Sunny summer.

3rd child:

- No winter, spring has come!
So it's time to sing songs!
Now the forest and meadow have awakened,
And everyone around them started singing!

Song “Funny Cannabis”, words and music by Y. Zhabko.

Spring: - Thank you for the funny song! (Claps his hands.)

Vasya: - Dear Spring-Freckles, allow me to invite you to dance!

Leading: - Let's all dance together!

Dance "Friends".

Vasya: - We had a great time dancing!

Spring: — I love fun - singing, dancing, and especially playing!

Vasya: - Playing is a great idea!

Spring: - Do you want me to teach you how to play my favorite game?

Vasya: - What is it called?

Spring: — Cheerful freckles.

Game "Funny Freckles".

Children move freely to the music. When the music stops, they freeze in a certain position, for example, “Bunny”, “Butterfly”, “Tree”, and close their eyes. At this time, the characters come up to them and draw a few freckles for the children. By the end of the game, all children should have freckles.

Spring: - Now look at each other! I gave you cheerful freckles, like mine and like Vasya’s! Now you and I are the most beautiful, contented and happy children! Hooray!

Vasya: - And I, guys, for helping me meet Spring-Freckles, I give you Caramel Sun!

Vasya gives Sunny a surprise with sweets. The characters treat the children and say goodbye. The holiday ends.

Scenarios of holidays that take place in the spring in kindergarten:

Scenario of the holiday “Spring has come” for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Scenario of an educational and entertaining event on the theme "Spring"

Scenario of thematic entertainment "Meeting of Spring" for children of the second junior group of a preschool educational institution

Scenario of the spring holiday "Pie-Ruddy Side" for children younger and middle group preschool educational institution

Matinee “We must remember and honor everything...”

Scenario for kindergarten “We will live in peace and friendship.” Senior and preparatory group.

Scenario “There are many of us, we are together” for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

The song “The morning is painted with gentle light” sounds, the children enter the hall, walk in pairs, then disperse in different directions.

1st child.

May is coming! Fun party -

Holiday of Friendship and Labor,

Everything blooms and turns green -

After all, spring has come to our region!

2nd child.

The earth is so beautiful:

Smiles everywhere, here and there,

The guys are very happy about Maya,

Sun, songs and flowers!

3rd child.

The sky is blue today,

The sonorous songs are heard,

We celebrate May Day -

Holiday of sun and spring!

Children perform the song “The Sun Asks”, music. A. Abramova.

Presenter. New grass whispers.

All. Spring has come to us!

Presenter. A bee circles on flowers.

All. Spring has come to us!

Presenter. All nature has come to life, the children are having fun.

All. Spring has come to us!

The children take their seats.


In all corners of our Earth

Happy songs are heard today!

1st child.

Ah, Russia, you, Russia,

How your soul sings

My dear side,

How good are you!


Mother Volga spills,

The birches and fields rustle here,

The scarlet dawn rises.

Russia, you are dear to us!

2nd child.

Golden fields and birch trees all around,

You, my Russia, you are our beloved home!


Rus' is rich in talents,

Both girls and boys sing here.

We love our free songs,

We love white birch trees!

Children dance in a round dance “Ah yes birch tree”, music. T. Popatenko.


If songs swirl in the sky,

The leaves are ringing more cheerfully,

If people all become friends -

The kids will be happy!

1st child.

It will become more interesting for everyone,

If we live together!

2nd child.

Everyone will have more fun

When there are many friends in the world!


And what, dear friends,

I invite you on a journey!

We'll see how it is in other parts of the world

People are celebrating these May days!

A girl wearing a flight attendant uniform comes out.


On the road, it's time to hit the road!

Our flight to Ukraine, friends.

Comrade passengers, our plane

Taking flight!


The route is known to children:

We are flying to Kyiv on the Dnieper.

The phonogram of the song “Airplane” by Yu. Antonov plays.

Presenter. We've arrived!

The teacher comes out, wearing a wreath on her head, dressed in a Ukrainian costume; dances "Hopak".


Healthy bulls,

Dear Volgarians!

It's spring in Ukraine,

She also came to our region!

Girl(in Ukrainian costume).

Ukraine, Ukraine -

The sun is shining, the sky is blue.

In the meadows here and there

Red poppies are blooming!

Children perform an exercise with poppies to the waltz “Native Kyiv.”

1st child.

The chestnuts are blooming

Poppies are blooming

Ukrainian song

The children will sing for you.

They sing the song “Blossomed in the Valley”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Shevchenko.

2nd child.

Ukraine dear,

You blossomed more beautifully in May!

A child cook comes out and brings out two buckets of potatoes.

1st child.

We guys are great,

We love potatoes very much

We'll roast her at the stake

And quickly cook it in a saucepan.


In Russia - potatoes,

In Ukraine - potatoes,

Come on, friends,

Let's play a little!

To boil potatoes,

She needs to be imprisoned.

Here are the potatoes, and here is the vegetable garden,

Who's ready to plant potatoes?

The game “Who can plant potatoes the fastest” is played.

The scenario for spring entertainment for children was compiled by Lyudmila Ivanovna Safronova and Svetlana Vladimirovna Smirnova, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 33 “Bunny””, Mezhdurechensk. The holiday is held for children of the 2nd junior group.

Spring fun scenario for children

The hall is festively decorated with balloons, flowers, and drawings. Children enter the hall to “Spring Drops” by T. Morozova.

Leading: - Look, kids, how beautiful it has become in our hall. Why do you think?

Why is the leaf green?
Does it tend to go up here and there?
Why are there birds on the branches?
Do they sing songs loudly?
Why are there animals in the forest?
Can't sleep now?
Because to us, guys,
Came to visit again...

Children: - Spring!

Children perform “Spring Dance” by M. Kartushina.

Spring has come again
And we want to dance.
Foot - top! Foot - top!
More fun with your feet - top!


The sun looks out the window.
We clapped our hands.
Handles - clap! Handles - clap!
Everyone clap and clap your hands!


Drops are ringing outside the window,
We laugh all day long.
We are very happy about spring,
The kids all circled around.


During the last verse of the song, Spring enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. The song “Hello, Freckle-Spring” by E. Gomonova is performed.


- Children's laughter here and there,
I am so glad to see all the guests!
I see that you are happy to see me too!
I came to you with flowers.
I give you my flowers,
I'm calling you to the round dance!
You will spin around with flowers,
Have fun with me!

"Dance with Flowers"

Spring:- Oh, what a beautiful bouquet we got!

Children sit down on chairs

Spring: - And I also have this flower. It is not simple, but magical!

Tear off a petal
Perform songs and dances!
I tear off a petal
I'll find out what's there now.

Petal says: - Someone is in a hurry to visit you!

Mishka enters the hall to the music.


- I sleep in a den in winter,
I'm snoring little by little
And I’ll wake up and cry,
What's my name? -...

Children: - Bear

Bear: - Hello, kids!

Spring: - Hello, Mishka!


- I would like to stretch my bones,
Let's play with you kids.


- They are waiting for your baby to play,
Come play with us, Mishka!

A game is being played with Mishka “Hey, you, Mishka the couch potato” by S. Bodrachenko.

Hey you, lazy teddy bear,
You slept long and deeply
To wake up the bear
We will clap our hands.


- We won’t let the bear sleep,
Let's knock our feet.
Nothing works out -
Our bear doesn't wake up!
Let's stomp
And clap your hands together.


- Who is stopping the bear from sleeping here?
Who is dancing here, who is playing? Rrrrr...


- Bear, bear, don’t be angry,
Better have fun with us.

Spring: “You and I were playing too much and forgot about our flower.” Bear, tear off a petal.

The bear tears off a petal, there is a riddle there.

Lies under the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
Lies, lies,
Let him run.

The children call Hedgehog, and he enters the hall to the music.


- Did you guys call me?
How beautiful it is in your hall,


- Hello, hedgehog.
We have fun with you
We'll sing you a song,
Sing with us!

The song “Hedgehog” by M. Kartushina is performed.

Little hedgehog,
Four legs
Walking through the forest
Sings a song.

Chorus. Fufta, fufta, fufta, phew! I bring you a sweet apple.

Fufta, fufta, fufta, phew!
I'll treat the kids!
Little hedgehog,
Four legs
I came running to the kids
And he danced with them.


Spring: -Since you came to visit us, please tear off a petal. What will the flower tell us?


- We can’t stand still,
We love to have fun.
We love to sing and dance
And play with a handkerchief.

A game is played with a scarf: they take the edges of the scarf together with the Leader, lift the scarf up and say:
“The scarf is rising, the children are getting ready...” (The children run up.)

Come on, let's get "Russian"
Have fun! (They dance.)
The scarf comes down
The kids are running away.

The game is played 3 times in different corners of the hall. Children stand freely.

A clown runs in with a beautiful box to the sound of cheerful music, and the children stand still.

Clown (runs around the hall, sends greetings to everyone): - Hello! Hello! I'm a cheerful clown, my name is Borya.

- I ran past the garden,
I heard music.
Let me go, I think I'll come in -
I'll see who's having fun!

Presenter: - We are very glad to see you.

Borya: - What are you doing here?


- We are welcoming spring,
We dance and play.

Borya: - I don’t know how to dance, I know how to jump (jumps) and gallop.

Spring: - This can be fixed. Tear off a petal and see what's there.

Borya tears off the last petal and gives it to the Leader.


- To dance beautifully,
We need to stand up in pairs.
Soon, soon our meadow
Everything will turn green!
Go out for a walk, my friend,
Come out quickly!

The dance “Here we are walking with a friend” by A. Chugaikin is performed.

- And you, Borya, get up with us, the guys will teach you to dance!

The children stand in pairs, and Borya invites Vesna to dance.

Borya: - I liked it, I still want to tear off a petal. Give me please!

Spring: — Unfortunately, there are no more petals. There is only one middle left. Take it, Borya!

Gives away the middle of the flower. Borya accepts it and reads “Treat”.

Borya: - Of course, a treat, I completely forgot! I am the cheerful clown Borya... (Opens the box from the side where the candy wrappers are.) Ah-ah!

Presenter: - What happened to you?

Borya: - Woe! I hurried to you, bringing sweets...

Presenter: -Where are they now?

Borya: - They don’t exist!

- Slowly, little by little
Ate some candy on the way...
Only the candy wrappers remained... (Scatters the candy wrappers on the floor.)

Presenter: - That's it! What should we do now?


- I don’t know what to do...
Where can I get candy?
I suggest, guys
You need to do a little magic!


- Before you do magic like that -
We need to clean everything around.
Bring the candy wrappers quickly
And put it in a box!

Children collect candy wrappers.


- One two three four five!
Let's start doing magic!
We'll clap our hands together,
Let's stomp our feet,
Let's knock on the box... (Knock).
What is in the box? Let's see!

Open the box from the other side where the candies are.

- Oh! Hurry, look, kids,
Instead of candy wrappers - sweets!


- Well, Borya, don’t yawn,
Treat the kids!

Matryoshka and Borya treat the children with sweets, all the adults help.


- I'll treat you! I'm treating you!
And happy spring to everyone!


- And now the time has come
We have to say goodbye, kids.
Stay, don't be bored,
And remember us often!


- Goodbye, good morning!
We are waiting for you again for the holiday.

Children leave the hall freely.


  1. Kartushina M.Yu. Entertainment for the little ones. Leisure scenarios for children of the first junior group. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 96 p.
  2. Molodova S.V. Festive flower. Magazine Musical Palette No. 8 2009 – Publisher: Editorial Board of the Magazine “Musical Palette” LLC.

In this section, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the useful experience of organizing spring holidays. Here you will find a great variety of event scenarios in honor of any of the celebrations of this time of year: from the joyful meeting of spring at Maslenitsa to Easter. You will be amazed at how bright, unconventionally, and fun you can celebrate Bird Day and Cat Day; Palm and Trinity; Nauryz (Novruz); how to organize a bright and memorable spring Health Day in kindergarten. And of course here is a huge number of ready-made solutions for celebrating March 8th!

We spend the spring holidays with invention and imagination - together with MAAM!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Migratory birds. Scenarios of events, entertainment, leisure
  • Maslenitsa. Scenarios for holidays, entertainment, farewell to winter
  • History of writing, Day of Slavic writing and culture, Cyril and Methodius Day, May 24
  • Autism, autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Early childhood autism (ECA)
  • Cosmonautics Day. Scenarios of events, classes. 12th of April

Showing publications 1-10 of 3868.
All sections | Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios

Scenario of the spring sports festival “Bear, wake up!” for senior and preparatory groups Spring scenario sports festival “Bear, wake up!” For senior and preparatory groups. Target: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports. Increase the emotional background in children. Tasks: Teach to act as a team Increase children’s physical activity...

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Mathematical entertainment “Spring has come to visit us” for children 4–5 years old Topic: “Spring has come to visit us” Integration of educational areas: Speech development, Social and communicative development, Physical development, Artistic and aesthetic development. Program content: 1. Develop the ability to compare objects by size, designate...

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Spring Festival for older children. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: scenario extracurricular activity intended for educators and teachers primary classes for organizing leisure time, broadens children's horizons about the time of year - spring.
Target: organization of leisure activities for primary schoolchildren and preschoolers.
- expand children’s horizons about spring;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and the signs of spring;
- develop logical thinking and cognitive abilities.

Music is playing. A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green,
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the wind gets warmer,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the sun shines brighter,
This means spring has come to us.

Girl: Spring has a cheerful start -
March is on the threshold.
The drops are ringing merrily -
April is already rushing towards us.
May is quickly catching up with them,
He greets everyone with flowers.
Full of light and joy,
All three months of spring.
Music sounds, the rest of the children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle and sing a song.


Look how blue the sky is

Why do the birds sing so happily?

The queen is coming to us - a red maiden,

Everyone affectionately calls her in the spring.


And in the song there is a pipe,

Cheerful drops.

The red spring is coming and singing a song,

And in the song there is a pipe,

Cheerful drops.

The sun is shining, the rays are playing,

They dance and sing in the transparent puddles.

The queen is coming to us - a red maiden,

Everyone affectionately calls her in the spring.


Spring is coming.

Spring: How beautiful it is in your hall,

And in your song you invited me to visit.

We will sing and dance,

And play games.

Educator: Oh Spring, so good

She brought a lot of sun and light with her.

And then we'll play.

Child: The sun looks out the window,
Spring has come to visit us.
We will clap our hands
We were really looking forward to the warmth.

Child: Spring is coming to us
With quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches,
Visible in the fields.
You can see very warm feet in spring.

Child: Ice drifting on the river,

The gardener is busy in the garden,

It's funny how the lapwings scream

The crow feeds the crows.

A warm breeze is frolicking,

The first moth woke up

And the song of the finch is heard -

Spring came! Spring came!

Spring: I liked your poems. But I brought you the sun and it’s time to play. What games can you play in the spring?

Children answer.

Spring: Let's play:GAME "COLLECT RAYS". Children are divided into two teams of 4-5 people. Before the game, two hoops are placed on the floor (for the sun). Next to each hoop are placed two eyes, lips (mouth) and seven or eight rays made of colored cardboard. One team has rays yellow color, the other has orange. To the music, each team collects its own sun: eyes and lips in the center of the hoop, and rays around. The game is not a relay race, the children participate as a whole team.

Spring: I suggest you play. Divide into two teams, you need to throw the ball to each other. The ball must be caught and not dropped.

Spring: Grasses, trees, flowers wake up,

Birds from distant lands come back,

Butterflies, bees, bugs fly out,

Celebrate spring together.

What kind of spring is this without songs?

Come on, everyone get up together,

You start singing the song.

Song "Spring has come"

Spring: Look at the windowsills there are bright, beautiful balls. Take a balloon and go out to dance.

Educator: They danced and bowed,

Take your seats, friends, sit down.

We'll take a little rest

And we will read poetry to the guests.

Child: Every day, every minute,

The day is longer, the night is shorter,

Slowly, little by little

Let's drive winter away.

Child: The grass is turning green

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring,

It flies towards us in the canopy.

Child: The sun is melting, the snow is shining,

Drops are falling

Two starlings in our birdhouse

They arrived in the morning.

Spring: Guys, in the spring, it’s beautiful outside, everything blooms and smells. Flowers in the meadows shimmer with multi-colored colors.

Child: The cold winter will pass,

The days of spring will come,

The sun will melt with warmth,

The snow is fluffy like wax.

With emerald leaves,

The forests will turn green,

And together with the velvet grass,

Fragrant flowers will spring up.

Spring: Let me tell you some riddles, these will be riddles about flowers.

White peas,
On a green leg.
In May every year
They make people happy. (Lily of the valley)
- Yellow, fluffy,
The balls are fragrant.
I'll give it to my mother
See for yourself. (Mimosa)
- Appeared from under the snow,
Reaches for a piece of the sky.
The very first, the most tender, -

So small... (Snowdrop)

On a green fragile leg,
The ball grew near the path.
The wind suddenly rustled,
The ball instantly dissipated. (Dandelion)
- You will find them in Holland,
They are always held in high esteem there.
Like bright glasses
Everyone's eyes are pleasing... (Tulips)
- A curl flower blossomed in the garden,
She is wearing a white shirt.
And the middle is golden,
What kind of beauty is this? (Chamomile)
- He is the flower prince-poet,
He is wearing a yellow hat.
An encore sonnet about spring,
Read to us... (Narcissus)
- Long thin stalk,
Crowned with a scarlet light.
And it stands like a beacon,
Important, bright red... (Poppy)

Spring: Well done, you solved all the riddles.

Child: Another week will fly by

And March will ring in drops.

April will come with flowers for him,

And the sun will flood the earth.

Through the groves and parks nightingales

Concerts will begin again.

Educator: We continue the holiday, we dedicate the next concert number to Spring.

Conversation with spring

Well, Spring, how are you?

I have cleaning to do.

What do you need a broom for?

Revenge snow from the hill.

What do you need streams for?

Wash the trash off the paths!

What do you need rays for?

For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything and dry it -

I will invite you to the holiday!

Spring: So the clearing was removed, Come out and play Show off your prowess. We are funny guys...

Progress of the game . Children stand on one side of the playground or against the wall of the room. A line is drawn in front of them, or we stretch the cord. A line or cord is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately halfway between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

The children recite the text in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us:

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch!” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. The one who is touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap.

After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected.

Directions for the game . A new trap is chosen even if the previous one does not catch anyone.

Spring: You guys are great

We ran with all our hearts.

It's immediately obvious that you love playing sports.

I want to end our holiday by giving you small medals (I’ll tell you a secret) they are edible.

I say goodbye to you, I invite you to listen to songs about spring.

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