How to prepare an artificial flower for Easter. The best decor ideas for Easter or spectacular home decor for Easter. Palm Week - the time to prepare for Easter

Easter crafts, DIY Easter crafts, Easter crafts for kids, how to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands, holiday decor, Easter compositions, Easter door wreaths.

Easter crafts, DIY Easter crafts, Easter crafts for kids, how to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands, holiday decor, Easter compositions, Easter door wreaths.

Every year everyone looks forward to the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection. Such a wonderful event is celebrated in a wonderful and colorful period, when spring comes into legal rights again and all nature wakes up from hibernation, pouring into a wide variety of colors and shades. Symbols such as Easter cakes, as well as Easter eggs, have become traditional even in those families that are quite far from faith and religion. This is not surprising, because such traditions can touch and touch anyone, even the most callous person, because. it is very gentle, beautiful and spring-like warm and joyful. Let's all together try to create this incomparable festive atmosphere in our homes. Of course, you can go to the store and choose any decoration you like. However, there is nothing warmer and better than those decorative ornaments that we create ourselves, filling them with care and love. Moreover, this is a wonderful chance to make your home brighter, prepare it for the celebration and be inspired by bright and bright ideas. Involve your kids in the creation of bright Easter souvenirs and crafts, you will see, they will be delighted with such an idea.

Easter crafts for kids

Anticipating this bright holiday, in fact, all family members take part in the preparatory work. Of course, most of them are assigned to the mother, however, and the kids are happy to participate in the process. They prepare handicrafts and souvenirs for Easter with special enthusiasm, using paper, as well as other improvised materials. Paper Easter Bunny One of the most significant attributes of Easter are painted eggs and, of course, pastries. And the first craft that we will offer you to do with your child is an egg stand in the form of an Easter bunny. It is very simple to perform, and it will take no more than 15 minutes in time.
For work, you will need two A4 sheets. In this case, you can choose absolutely any color that you like. All you need to do is study the diagram below and you will have wonderful egg coasters in the form of bunnies.
Children are happy to make such bunnies, and you yourself can make such a coaster to present to your beloved nephew or godson on a wonderful Easter day. The smallest
Even if you are not an experienced needlewoman, try to sew fairly simple finger toys for small children. The most suitable material for such work will be felt. Who knows, maybe you will become the founder of a good holiday puppet show tradition in your family.

Easter egg decoration

Decorative paints are the most common crafts made on the eve of the holiday. Ordinary eggs cannot be stored for a long time, but we really want the original decorations to amuse us with their appearance for as long as possible. And here Easter eggs come to the rescue, made from all kinds of improvised materials. They can be painted, decorated with various decorative elements in the form of beads, etc. Decorative Easter egg decorated with paper These instructions offer you the decor of an artificial Easter egg using paper “flakes”.
Even a child can make such an original testicle. This will take quite a bit of time, and the materials will always be at hand. The result will impress you, because it is not in vain that they say that everything ingenious is simple. Prepare an egg-shaped foam base, multi-colored paper (it will be better if you find decoupage paper), glue, pins (important: they do not need to be English), and a 1.5 cm hole punch. If you do not have stock such a hole punch, you can make such circles by cutting them out by hand. So, for starters, make a large number of paper circles and start decorating the foam base with them. Take the first circle and pin it with four pins to the top of the egg. The next circle must be overlapped with the first. Don't obscure the first circle too much, the second part should just cover one of the pins fixing the first circle. Secure the second circle with one pin at the very edge of the circle. Now let's get to work on the third circle. It must be fastened so that it slightly covers the first two. Fix the pin at the intersection of the second and third circles. You should end up with something like the diagram below. Continue to fasten the circles around the main part located in the center. All circles should slightly overlap the previous and center details. It turns out that each of the circles is fixed with two pins at the intersections of the parts on the right and left. After you have completed the first row, go down a little, and in the same way begin to make the next rows. Each of them will slightly cover the previous one, only covering the pins that fasten the previous rows. You can see an example of this work in the photo below. The number of circles with each row to the middle will increase, and then it will decrease. As for the last row, it does not need to be pinned. Just glue the circles on top of the penultimate row to cover all the pins. Now the original Easter egg is ready. Unusual coloring of Easter eggs For such an original way of coloring, in addition to eggs, you will need food coloring of different colors, vinegar and plastic bags (one for each color). The first step is to boil all the eggs until fully cooked. After they have cooled, tap them on a hard surface to form small cracks all over the surface. Next, take the dyes and prepare the bags according to the number of colors available. Put the required number of eggs into the bags. For each of them, one tablespoon of dye is enough. Spread the paint evenly over the entire surface of the Easter eggs. You should end up looking like the image.
Leave them in this position for half an hour. After the time has passed, rinse the remains of the dye under running water and sprinkle the eggs with vinegar for a stronger fixation of the color. Peel them off.
In such an easy way, you can get original eggs for the Easter table.

Easter decorations

Easter baskets There are many options for making Easter baskets, and we will try to make some of them ourselves.
The first option implies the presence of a beautiful fabric and rope. You can choose a plain fabric, or you can choose an intricate pattern, the appearance of the basket will only get better.
To begin, cut your fabric into long pieces, sew them together into long strips, and work the edges to keep them from fraying. Now take a fairly thick rope, wrap a strip of fabric around it, periodically fixing it with stitches.
Now, from the processed rope, you need to build such a structure, which is illustrated in the image.
Wrap the rope of fabric and fix it with threads so that you get a fairly strong base. To give the craft the shape of a basket, start slightly lifting the coils of the rope, continuing to fix it with threads that match the fabric. When the basket is ready, make a handle from the same rope and sew it on. Now your Easter basket is completely ready. The second option is a fairly common technique that is most often used to create decorative balls from threads. Using it, you will get a very beautiful basket in which you can place small Easter souvenirs for little children.
Everything is simple here. You will need a balloon, knitting thread, glue, any fat cream and decorative items for decoration. Inflate the balloon to an egg shape and grease it well with cream so that in the future it will better separate from the threads. Dip the threads into the glue and after they are well saturated, start wrapping them around the ball. Consider the layer of threads should be made thick enough, while the ball should practically not be translucent. When the work is done, leave it for a day until completely dry.
When the design is completely dry, pierce the ball with a needle and cut off the tail, let the ball itself remain inside for now.
Next, using scissors, cut a hole in the center in such a way as shown in the photo, remove the ball. Use a ribbon for decor: you can glue it along the cut, or around the circumference of the basket. Act at your own discretion. Fill the finished basket with sweets, colored eggs, bunnies, etc.
Easter wreath on the door To make Easter wreaths, use a variety of improvised materials. Plant branches, wire, colored paper and more are perfect. Traditionally, for such crafts, the following colors are chosen:

  • red, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ;
  • green is a symbol of new life and hope;
  • blue - traditionally symbolizes faith;
  • white, silver or gold - a sign of spirituality and purity.

Wreaths woven from natural rods will look most organically. The main thing is to pick up thin willow or birch twigs, it will be easiest for you to work with them. First, soak all the branches in boiling water for a short time, so they will become more flexible and soft, and it will be easier for you to collect them in a circle. Weave all the branches together, gradually collecting them into a circle. Fix the finished base with a thread or decorative cord (string), and the wreath is ready.

You can decorate a wreath with anything you like: attach decorative painted eggs, flowers to it, make a beautiful bow of bright ribbons. On the lower part of the door wreath, you can plant a bunny, a nest with chicks, etc. like this in a simple way we managed to create original decoration for our home, which will give good mood and the feeling of a bright Easter. DIY Easter tree The Easter tree is a kind of alternative to the Christmas tree, the decoration of which is taken quite seriously in many countries. And at the moment, trees decorated with all kinds of Easter elements are gaining more and more popularity. Colorfully decorated trees are an excellent interior decoration on this bright holiday. If you don't have a lot of time or a special desire to create intricate decorative items, decorate your Easter tree. It doesn't have to be as big and pompous as Christmas tree, it is enough to perform a small composition of twigs. Put in a little effort, and your masterpiece will fill the whole house with the appropriate atmosphere. In addition, your baby will also be very happy, especially if you invite him to participate in the process. To make such a tree, you will need a vase or a small bucket, a large branch with many branches or a composition of small branches, earth (bricks, stones with mortar). The entire set of materials will depend solely on the desired size of the composition. Let's take a fairly large Easter tree as an example. By the same principle, replacing items with more suitable ones, you can make a smaller tree. Place stones in the bottom of the bucket, place a tree on top and fill everything with mortar. When it dries, decorate the inside of the bucket with greenery, soil, moss, or other elements (can be artificial). Next, paint the tree white and decorate it with decorative flowers. Choose your own technique. Additionally, hang artificial Easter eggs on the branches and your tree is ready. It is very important not to overdo it with tree decorations, because it should please your eye. If you want to make a small arrangement, use a small vase in which you need to place a small arrangement of twigs. Use satin ribbons, feathers, flowers and dyes as decorations. A tree like this would look good on a windowsill, dining table, or coffee table in the living room.
Easter composition Flowers and greenery must be present in the festive interior on the eve of a bright Easter. So let's try to decorate your home by making bright and beautiful flower arrangements with your own hands. To create such a masterpiece, prepare a beautiful dish (bowl), a floral sponge, as well as wire, glue, adhesive tape, scissors and all kinds of floral decor elements. In this master class, there is a small plant with small leaves (it can be hedera, piperomia, etc.), decorative twigs, flowers, lettuce, marble chips, gerbera, as well as eggs, without which any Easter can not do table (in this case, quail).
First you need to cut the sponge, giving it the shape of the bottom of the bowl. Soak it in water, but do it evenly. Do not drown the sponge, let it absorb the required amount of moisture on its own. Next, you need to install the plant in a small pot in a bowl closer to the edge and strengthen it with a sponge, filling in the empty space as shown in Figure 3.
Make some kind of lettuce leaves and attach them to long pieces of wire. Reinforce the base of the "bags" with duct tape and extend it to one end of the wire. To make the ribbon invisible, decorate it by wrapping it with greenery or other similar materials. There should be about 10 such branches. Now you need to glue a quail egg into each branch, using glue for this work. Decorate the composition by sprinkling a sponge with marble chips. Form a general view, gradually inserting all kinds of plants, flowers. Finish the composition by inserting bags with testicles between the branches. If the wire is too long, you can cut off the excess. Using all kinds of plants and flowers, you can get absolutely any composition that will harmoniously fit into your interior. Experiment by creating beautiful decorations for a bright Easter holiday.

Spring is coming and it's time to meet Holy Sunday of Christ is the most important Christian holiday . People simply call him Easter. It so happened that this holiday personifies the triumph of life, its indispensable continuation. Believers 40 days before this holiday observe Great Lent, the most difficult of the year, which is associated with many restrictions and not only in nutrition. But even those of us who do not attend church on this day are sure to prepare for the holiday at home. After all Easter- such a family, home celebration, familiar to us from childhood grandmothers Easter cakes and painted multi-colored eggs.
How should you prepare your home for Easter? After a long winter, nature wakes up, the sun shines brightly through the windows. And light. It is necessary to sort out things in the closets, wash the curtains and clean the carpets. By the bright day of Easter, on a clean Thursday, they not only clean the house, but also wash themselves. Water cleanses the body and frees from spiritual hardships. When the house is clean and all things are in their places, they begin to decorate the house.

What to use? Everything that corresponds to this spring holiday:

  • blossoming willow branches and branches of other trees and shrubs with young leaves
  • nests with eggs
  • colored eggs
  • decorative for eggs
  • Easter compositions
  • Easter "trees"
  • flower arrangements
  • easter candles
  • festive table

willow branches identify palm branches, meaning a sign of the victory of life over death. Willow branches are consecrated in the church with holy water on Palm Sunday (one week before Easter). Then these branches decorate the house and it is believed that they have magical powers: they protect the house and the people living in it from various misfortunes.

From the same branches can be made to decorate windows, doors and walls. The blooming willow itself is very decorative and does not require additional decorations.

Easter wreath can be made from both natural and artificial materials. If you use natural eggs to decorate a wreath, then you must first remove the protein and yolk from them. To do this, carefully make holes in the egg on both sides with a sharp knife and blow the contents of the egg into a plate. The eggshells are then dyed by dipping them in a food coloring solution.

Watch a video on how to make a wreath with your own hands from eggs, feathers and lace.

Easter wreaths from natural rods can be decorated with artificial flowers, plastic eggs and a burlap bow.

And in this video, a wreath of hay is presented: they say it's a great idea and it's not difficult to make.

Instead of an Easter wreath, the door can be decorated flower arrangement in a basket.

You can make a more creative solution: make an Easter composition in an old umbrella.

"Nests" made from twigs or use ordinary wicker baskets.

By the way, for interior decoration, you can use an imitation of real eggs. They can be decorated and

If you want, baskets with testicles can even be hung on a strong dry branch.

Of course, colored eggs are a symbol . For many centuries they were perceived by Christians as a sign of the tomb and resurrection. Nowadays, colored eggs in many homes are considered just an Easter decoration. In Western European countries, they generally switched to chocolate eggs for Easter. When you see beautifully decorated natural eggs, it is immediately clear that they were waiting for Easter here and preparing for it. There are many techniques for coloring eggs. Among them, even: decorating eggs with carved fragments from napkins.

As in past centuries, so now many people color eggs with onion peel. Then they came up with various dyes, thanks to which the eggs can be dyed in any color.

Coloring eggs for Easter more characteristic of Eastern European peoples: Ukrainians, Poles and Russians. More and more new ways of decorating eggs are being invented, in addition to the previously known pysanka, krashenok and speck.

If you have children in your house, take note of these options for decorating Easter eggs for them.

In this video you will see how to dye eggs using garden herbs.

You can put beautifully colored eggs on a regular plate, or even better tie a beautiful stand - a soft "plate" in the shape of a chicken.

Craftswomen who know how to crochet, let them try to knit elegant openwork egg cases . They are sure to brighten up any Easter table.

Such a “chicken family” will decorate the Easter table for more than one year. In this version, as in the previous one, the egg is under the chicken-cover.

Here is another option Easter egg holder . A small cup is knitted here, in which you can put an egg, and the “chicken head” will serve as both a decoration and a lid.

Another option- openwork bunny cases. They say the Easter Bunny came from old German fairy tales. For the first time, the Easter bunny (hare) was mentioned back in the 16th century. It was believed that on the eve of Easter, this particular animal appears in the house or in the garden and brings treats to children. Settlers from Germany brought this tradition to America. Now the Easter Bunny is widespread in Western Europe, Canada and America.

Such knitted hens serve not only stand for colored eggs , but also decorate the interior.

Don't like chickens and hares, you might like it angels. They are much easier to tie than previous models.

If you do not want to knit, buy the ones you like in stores egg cups .

Look in lacquer stores Easter boxes.

Easter compositions can be very diverse: for example, in an old wooden sieve, you can arrange a nest of sisal, knitted (or other) chickens and eggshells. All these little things create a special holiday atmosphere in the house and have a positive effect on the mood of people.

Two weeks before Easter, take a shallow ceramic flower pot or basin. Pour small pebbles into it, and some flower soil into eggshells. Throw seeds of fast-growing grasses into the eggs: for pets, lawn or wheat grains. Water frequently. By Easter, you will have a completely green “lawn”. Add a small bouquet of primroses - and easter decor ready.

Buy or pull from your closet Easter souvenirs . Place on a small bedside table or window sill next to willow branches.

What decor you can still do with your own hands, see this video.

Easter trees , like Easter hares (or rabbits) came to us from Western cultures.

An alternative to eggshells to decorate the Easter tree can become oval cakes from salt dough. To do this, knead the dough from one glass of flour, one glass of fine salt, five tablespoons of vegetable oil and water (there may be other recipes). The dough should be thick and elastic. Roll out a layer of dough, cut out round cakes, make holes in them with a pencil. With your hands, lightly stretch the dough out to the sides to form an oval out of the mug. Lay out the resulting blanks for drying. When the dough dries, paint the ovals with acrylic paints or gouache, tie the twine and you can decorate the Easter tree.

The dough can be replaced with soft "eggs" made of felt.

Watch the master class, perhaps you will make just such an Easter tree for your home.

Nature wakes up in spring first spring flowers The perfect addition to your home decor for the Easter holidays.

Bulbs (tulips, daffodils and crocuses) can be made to bloom for Easter by forcing. To do this, bulbs are placed in a small pot with soil, placing them next to each other. You need to put the container on the windowsill and water it. This must be done in advance. And for Easter, you can decorate your house with primroses.

Flowers go well with willow branches.

For Easter decor, you can take a separate table, bedside table or chest of drawers and place on it everything that corresponds to this day. Should work beautiful holiday composition .

You do not want to occupy the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe table or cabinet, just arrange the cooked food in different places at home. easter decor .

It is important to remember: all holiday compositions should be:

  • lungs
  • alive
  • sunny
  • radiant
  • shining
  • cheerful

Candles can be either regular (white or colored) or egg-shaped. Properly selected by color: flowers, dishes, painted eggs, candles will create special festive atmosphere of the bright Easter day .

Festive Easter table - these are various dishes, but cottage cheese Easter, Easter cakes and colored eggs remain unchanged.

If there are children in the house, it is worth preparing Easter table for them. Of course, you need to bake (or buy) small Easter cakes, paint quail eggs and cook delicious cakes. Decorate them with "bunny ears" - kids will love it and will match the holiday.

Or such "chickens" should definitely please your kids.

In addition to sweet dishes, children can prepare salads and also decorate with rabbit muzzles.

On the Easter table there should be an abundance of delicious dishes and pastries.

Set the table beautifully, prepare beautiful napkins and cutlery for each participant of the Easter dinner.

The table must be covered with a light tablecloth and decorated with beautiful dishes.

If there is room on the table, place one of the prepared Easter compositions .

By Easter, it is important to get rid of anxieties, resentments and various little things that prevent us from living a happy life. Nature itself will contribute to this: waking up, she herself gains strength and gives vitality to all people.

Easter is Great holiday for the entire Christian world. It is associated with the rebirth of life and the arrival of spring, filled with bright feelings of people. This holiday shines with bright colors and creates a special mood. On Saturday, before the Resurrection of Christ, millions of parishioners rush to the temple to bless the Easter cakes and Easter gifts that they have been preparing for a whole week. Each basket attracts the eye, which you will not see there - flowers, decorative figurines, toys, ribbons and braid.

But the most important thing is that all the decoration is dedicated to the holiday. And such attributes as Easter cake, cottage cheese Easter, eggs and Easter bouquets convey the main Easter idea.

Compositions of flowers for Easter can be seen not only in gifts or baskets, but also in every church, every house and on the streets. Therefore, Easter floristry is a great topic for creating a unique work of a florist.

Floristics for Easter allows you to create both Easter compositions from fresh flowers, and their decorative options, which in their beauty will not be inferior to natural brothers.

Small bouquets for Easter cake, decoration of Easter baskets with flowers, small flower arrangements in pots and watering cans, wicker nests and other equally interesting options - all this is done by florists to decorate houses, churches, gifts and create a festive Easter atmosphere.

But there are Easter compositions that are most often chosen for decoration - and these are:

  1. Bouquet in an Easter basket;
  2. Easter composition of flowers in the form of Easter cake;
  3. Easter Egg;
  4. Compositions in glass containers;
  5. Floral arrangements for temples.

Each of these compositions looks special and conveys the incredible beauty and spirit of the holiday. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at them.

Easter flower arrangements with photo examples:

Bouquets in an Easter basket

The Easter basket is a traditional symbol of Easter, which people fill with such important products as Easter cake, Easter, eggs, wine. Therefore, many Christians are concerned about decorating both the basket itself and the consecrated objects inside it.

But an interesting and unusual option would be not only the design of the basket, but also the creation of a gift in the form of an Easter composition.

When choosing a basis for a bouquet, preference is given to wicker baskets, but florists can use options from decorated wood, ceramics, felt and even glass. An oasis sponge is placed at the bottom of the basket and they begin to create a flower extravaganza.

Hyacinths, irises, mimosa, daffodils, tulips - this is a great choice for a spring composition. Dahlias, carnations, hydrangeas, orchids, roses and chrysanthemums also look good in bouquets.

Complement the entire floral ensemble with spiky and broad-leaved greenery, willow twigs, flowering herbs, berries and details from objects. Small Easter cakes, figurines of rabbits and chickens, nests with chicks and other beautiful accessories are used as objects.

In addition to live plants, the gift is also made from various artificial materials and dried flowers. In such compositions very often there are not only decorative flowers, but also Easter eggs, and a baked Easter cake is often made the center of the composition.

Compositions of fresh and artificial flowers for Easter are presented with photos:

Composition in the form of Easter cake

An interesting solution for decorating the Easter holiday will be an Easter cake made from flowers. Flower cake is made from small and large inflorescences. The base form is created from jute, wide green leaves, a woven basket, flowers and felt, complemented with a ribbon or braid.

Florists, performing such compositions, prefer to use spray roses, ranunculus, freesias, chrysanthemums and flowering greens in the bouquet. In the center of the composition, the masters place larger blooms, smaller ones along the edges.

Uniform flowers also look good in Easter cake, but in different shades, complemented by beads, berries and decorative figures.

A figured composition in the form of Easter cake is presented as a gift, decorates the interior and not only. Such compositions are popular for photo shoots. In many photo studios, this decor is used because it conveys the Spring Festival and retains its fresh look for a long time.

In addition to live compositions, Easter cake is also made from artificial materials. corrugated paper while it occupies the main part in such ensembles. Easter cake made of corrugated flowers with sweets or the addition of Easter flowers look very original.

Easter compositions in the form of Easter cake in the photos:

A wreath is a symbol of eternal life, so its use is appropriate not only for the Christmas holiday, but also for the Easter holiday.

You can decorate doors, windows and walls with a wreath - hanging compositions are perfect for this. In the decoration of furniture, interior, festive table, you can find table compositions.

Floral wreath is made from the following materials:

  • Twigs of trees, for example, birch or willow;
  • Floral sponge;
  • Cardboard;
  • Styrofoam.

The decor for arranging a living Easter wreath is not only flowers - hydrangeas, tulips, roses, daisies, ranunculus, chrysanthemums, but also figures of animals and birds, eggshells or empty eggs, various greens.

Decorating crafts can be made entirely of artificial materials. In this case, flowers are created from paper, foamiran or felt. And they complement the wreath with unnatural fruits and vegetables, interesting accessories, including small bird nests created by hand.

Easter Egg

Unusual floral Easter compositions are festive bouquets, souvenirs or egg-shaped sculptures.

Bouquets of natural flowers florists perform using an oval-shaped sponge using a stand. The flowers are stacked tightly one after another, creating the necessary picture. For such styling, carnations and chrysanthemums are the most suitable plants.

The compositions are complemented by various greenery, spring decorations in the form of butterflies, ladybugs and birds. But the most important thing is that on many bouquets they write the Easter abbreviation "ХВ".

The abbreviated XB means "Christ is Risen"- the main festive words, to which, according to tradition, they answer "Truly Risen." These letters are written on Easter eggs as a symbol of the holiday, and then they are presented to close people and friends.

The letters in the bouquet are made both with the help of flowers and berries. The choice is stopped on solid fruits, the most suitable of which are hypericum, blackberry, viburnum and mountain ash.

For artificial compositions, a papier-mâché or foam base is used. Decorate with foamiran flowers and complement with interesting figures. Also, the egg can be created entirely from floristic clay. Very often, such ceramic products can be bought as a gift in a store or at an exhibition.

But the easiest way is to make a sweet confectionery souvenir decorated with flowers with your own hands. The most popular sweets are chocolate eggs with icing compositions. Even a small child can help decorate such a product.

But only a true professional can create and decorate flower sculptures. Large compositions are created either to decorate temples or to decorate streets. It takes from several hours to several days to assemble them, but they delight others with their appearance.

Compositions in glass containers

Some of the unusual in beauty and idea are compositions in glass containers. Glass itself is transparent and its use is sometimes difficult, because the volume behind it must be filled in such a rational way with objects in order to create an attractive picture.

But glass containers are very suitable for decorating Easter compositions, because they allow you to create from simple compositions to complex ones.

For simple bouquets, florists use round and rectangular vases, glasses and glasses, candy bowls, bowls, jars of interesting shapes. They are filled with painted eggs, sweets, birds, and spring flowers are distributed on top or between the decor.

For more complex compositions, glass objects of unusual shapes, florariums and closable containers are taken. Of these, an Easter bouquet in a glass flask is the most original gift.

All compositions can be made both with natural flowers and with artificial ones. The first option, although it will not stand for a long time, will please with freshness and aroma. The second option will be kept for years and can give a tradition to get this decoration every Easter.

The creative idea of ​​creating an ideally shaped miniature tree arose not so long ago. The name "topiary" itself comes from the word "topiary" - curly cutting trees in landscape gardening art.

The concept of creating a decorative tree in a pot originated in Europe, was picked up by craftsmen, and eventually appeared in floristry.

This new direction of the flower gift has smoothly passed to the Easter holiday. Such an amazing congratulation will not only surprise, but also delight anyone who becomes the owner of a topiary.

The work of making a topiary is not difficult, any novice florist can do it. The Internet is full of master classes on creating topiary, but your imagination and fantasy will help you decorate them for Easter.

The main thing is to decide whether the topiary will be made of natural or artificial flowers and elements.

In planted topiaries, it is preferable to choose flowers with medium-sized buds, such as alstroemerias, orchids, roses, chrysanthemums, and complement them with flowering greens, small fruit fruits, such as kumquats or mini apples.

Artificial compositions are made from various materials - paper, thread, fabric, sisal, felt, wool and many others. Moreover, topiaries can be made not only in the traditional form, like a tree, but also in the form of nests in trees and Easter eggs.

However, people's hearts are more excited about topiaries, Easter souvenirs, wreaths and decorated baskets than temple decorations.

Floral arrangements for temples

Temple compositions differ from the rest of the Easter floristry in a special color. It consists in choosing certain shades, creating bouquets with a special meaning and location in the church.

The traditional Easter colors are white, yellow (gold), green and red. Each of them has its own symbolism. In accordance with colors flowers of certain shades are also selected.

The decoration of temples involves only certain types of compositions, which are strictly located in the temple, for example, at the iconostasis or at the icon dedicated to the holiday.

Church Easter floristry, photos and descriptions of the compositions are more fully presented in the article " ". But some photo examples are given here.

All Easter compositions, even temple ones, can be created independently; for this, you can pick up detailed master classes in photo blogs or video instructions.

Master classes on creating Easter compositions

There are a huge number of floristic compositions dedicated to both the Catholic and Orthodox celebrations of Easter. Many of them can be assembled by hand.

Which composition to choose depends on personal preferences, home interior, the availability of the necessary materials and the complexity of execution.

Master classes on creating Easter bouquets and decors are presented on various photo and video portals, so it will not be difficult to find something to your liking. Here are some interesting ones that will help in Easter decoration:

Also, many ideas for floral Easter decor can be gleaned from the following video:

  • Balloon
  • PVA glue
  • Newspaper
  • Scissors
  • Stationery knife
  • Secateurs
  • Oasis (floral sponge)
  • Mica (transparent film)
  • Pistachio, eucalyptus, moss (tillandsia), limonium, spray daffodils, ranunculus, chamomile
  • Egg shell, decorative feathers, decorative chick

DIY Easter composition: master class

1. We propose to make a vase for the composition with your own hands. To make it, you will need a balloon, PVA glue, newspaper. Blow up a small balloon. Glue its base to the middle with pieces of newspaper, dipping them in glue. In order for the ball to easily detach from our future vase, pre-lubricate it with a fat cream. Having glued the ball in several layers (so that the vase is strong and resistant), leave it to dry for several hours.

2. After the workpiece dries, paint it in the color you like with acrylic or gouache paints. Carefully deflate the balloon and pull it out.

3. You will get such a vase.

4. The next step is the basis for the flower arrangement itself. Place mica in a vase - a transparent film. Wet the oasis, cut to size and place inside. Cut off the remaining sticking around the edges.

5. Now let's start filling. Insert a pistachio around the edges of the vase, making a kind of “cushion” for flowers.

6. We begin to insert flowers into the composition - spray daffodils and ranunculus. Brunia (green cones) will add originality to the composition, and eucalyptus sprigs will give a pleasant aroma. Limonium and chamomile will add grace to her. Fill in the gaps with the remaining greenery or moss - tillandsia, so that the oasis is not visible.

Orthodox Easter in 2019 is celebrated on April 28. Positive emotions associated with the arrival of spring have been familiar to us since childhood: someone, together with adults, prepared and decorated a house or apartment for Easter and participated in Easter chores, someone has vivid memories of grandmother's pies, Easter cakes and brightly colored eggs against the background white tablecloth. Many people look forward to the holiday of kindness and warmth and begin to thoroughly prepare for it ahead of time, trying to decorate the living space as best as possible in order to please friends, relatives and loved ones with inspiring Easter decor ideas.

Home preparation for Easter. P askha is a bright and pure holiday with special traditions and centuries-old history, which must be met in a clean apartment and with a pure soul. The holiday itself follows the so-called Holy Week, during which the main preparations take place.
Pure Thursday. On this day, it is necessary to do a general cleaning in the house, get rid of all the dirt that has accumulated over the winter. Clean carpets, wash windows, wash curtains, bedspreads, dirty things, carry out wet cleaning, do not forget about the entrance and the surrounding area. It is necessary to clean up in every corner of the house and personal plot - this will save you from "evil spirits" and bring health benefits.

Decorating a house/apartment for Easter

After cleaning is finished, you can start decorating the house. Wonderful Easter sets for interior design will facilitate the preparation for the Easter holiday. With their help or with the participation of your own crafts, you can find many beautiful and original solutions for decorating your home.

General color scheme

Easter symbolizes the Resurrection of the Lord, the beginning of a new life. Therefore, the decor of this holiday is usually performed in light, bright and cheerful colors.

Home front door decoration

The holiday should start from the very doorstep and therefore the arrangement of tulips with Easter eggs is ideal for this occasion. Such an installation will create an atmosphere of joy, warmth and kindness - not only in the house, but also around it.

Baskets with eggs and chickens

A magnificent decoration of the interior are small wicker baskets of different sizes placed around the house with painted Easter eggs and small fluffy toy chickens.

rabbit and bird

Other symbols of Easter will be appropriate - a rabbit and a bird. They can decorate not only any place in the house / apartment, but also a festive Easter table, and make a nest for the birds (you need to take any wicker basket or plate, put dried or artificial grass on top, and plant figurines of birds on top).

Flowers decoration

Flowers in vases (willow, daffodils, hyacinths, various greens) can become elements of Easter decoration - all this against the backdrop of beautiful tablecloths and napkins.

Easter tree

The classic way to decorate your home for Easter is with an Easter tree. It is necessary to take an empty flower pot (bucket, flowerpot, jar), put a floral oasis on the bottom (if it is not there, then sand, small pebbles will do), pour water, insert willow branches there and decorate the tree to your liking with bird figurines, colored ribbons, testicles made of plastic (fabric, paper, yarn, thread, beads, papier-mâché).

Easter window decor

You can decorate the window with a horizontal or round wreath, made in a cheerful spring style and decorated with bright Easter symbols. It is easy to make it with the help of wire, colored paper, multi-colored fabric, green twigs, willow branches, fresh and artificial flowers. Another design option is a garland of colored eggs. Balloons are inflated, then they are wrapped with colored threads dipped in glue, the threads are allowed to dry, the balloons are pierced - and air frames for decorating the house are ready!

Decorating mantels and window sills for Easter

Window sills and mantelpieces can be decorated with structures woven from twigs and other improvised materials. You can use large glasses and any glass containers by placing Easter assortment in them.

The next step in preparing the house for the holiday is drawing up a festive menu. It traditionally includes colored chicken eggs, Easter cake, Easter. It is advisable to consecrate all these products in the church. Of course, you should not limit yourself to these Easter treats, you can also serve other dishes to the table.According to tradition, invited guests should be greeted with the words "Christ is risen" and handed over an Easter egg.

Awakening pleasant emotions on the main holiday of the entire Christian world will be helped not only by cute and eye-pleasing elements of Easter decoration, but also by the refreshing aromas of dried herbs, flowers and burning candles.

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