The child has colds every month. The child often suffers from colds: what to do? Reviews of doctors. What to do with frequent colds in a child

With the onset of cold weather, the incidence among children increases sharply, but some children get sick infrequently or relatively easily, and some of them practically do not get out of colds, each episode lasts for several weeks, and the diseases, in fact, smoothly flow from one to another. And often those parents who practically do not see their children healthy in the off-season and in the winter are very worried about whether it is possible to interrupt the series of these endless diseases at all. They are looking for doctors and drugs that can help with the elimination of permanent and continuous and their complications. It is these families that become regular visitors to pediatricians and immunologists, ENT doctors and specialists in other industries. A logical question arises - why do children often get sick, why do some babies belong to the category of "CHBD" - "frequently ill children"?

Table of contents:

How often does the child get sick?

In the category of FIC, depending on age, children who have colds and other infections from 6 to 20 or more times a year can be attributed. If we talk about children different ages, the categories of FBI are:

  • Children under 1 year of age with more than four episodes per year
  • At the age of 1-3 years, those babies who get sick more than 6-7 times a year,
  • After 4-5 years of age, children who have colds more than five episodes a year, and schoolchildren more than three times a year.

Moreover, colds in such children usually proceed severely or for a long time, more than 7-10 days, and often require antibiotics, and also have various complications of colds.

This fact creates serious problems for the whole family, affecting both the physical development of babies and their neuropsychic status, but it is important to emphasize that the FIC category is not a disease of children, such a condition is not diagnosed.

This group of children includes those babies who are sick much more often than the average in the population, and they are not associated with certain congenital characteristics, hereditary diseases or acquired somatic pathologies (that is, they are relatively healthy children at birth who simply often catch colds).

Most often, such children suffer from (colds), nasopharyngitis (combination of a runny nose with lesions of the pharynx), and (lesions of the larynx and trachea),. In addition, such children may have frequent or, and also have such ENT complications as, or other problems.

What is the danger of frequent colds?

As such, colds exercise the immune system, but if they are frequent and recurring pathologies, they can lead to disturbances in the functioning and maturation of various tissues and organs. This is not only the bronchopulmonary system, but also the digestive tract and the nervous system (especially its vegetative section). Frequent colds undermine the immune resistance of the child's body, form disruptions in the adaptive and compensatory mechanisms of the body. In other words, in such children, all organs and systems of the body function worse and are less trained. Due to constant colds and being at home on sick leave, such children are less outdoors, they have an organic motor regime, which can also lead to the development of additional metabolic diseases, and dystrophic manifestations.

Therefore, in such babies, lags in physical development are quite noticeable - in terms of height and weight, as well as psychomotor skills. In children with frequent colds, a large number of drugs (, anti-inflammatory,) are often used, which may also have immunosuppressive effects - they can suppress natural immunity to a certain extent.

Causes of colds in children

If we talk about the causal factors that are leading in the genesis of childhood colds, then we can certainly put viral infections in the first place. But often starting as a viral infection, infections are often complicated by microbial lesions, which exacerbates the severity of the disease and dramatically increases the risk of various secondary complications - this is,. According to studies, there are about 60 different causal factors that are responsible for the high incidence. . All these groups of factors can be combined into sections:

Attention!A significant role is played by the presence of a special type of infection in a child - latent viral ones, which may include - a herpes group -, or. Although little has yet been studied about viruses, the eighth, but they can also be of importance.

If we talk about microbial infection, then hemophilic infection, Klebsiella and some other microbes can become important for children. Often, an additional factor can be the presence of intestinal infections.

The role of immunity in frequent morbidity

Often, weakened immunity is blamed for frequent or prolonged illnesses in children, but not all parents can appreciate all the factors that can lead to a weakening of their baby's immune defenses. Thus, the functioning of the immune system begins to form even in the womb, so factors such as the development of intrauterine infection, the sudden prematurity of children or their immaturity as a result of the influence of various factors can threaten that children then, after birth, can often get sick and endure each episode for a long time. infections.

It is important for the full development of the child's immunity breastfeeding. It contains immunoglobulins and other immune factors that help the infant's immature immune system to respond more adequately to external stimuli and stimuli. Some of the ready-made antibodies are also transmitted with mother's milk, which protect it during the first months of life from colds and infectious diseases. With the early transfer of children to mixtures or refusal of breastfeeding, children can get colds with early age which weakens the immune system. In addition, such metabolic pathologies and deficient conditions as malnutrition, various types of anemia or rickets can negatively affect the immune system.

The following have a pronounced negative effect on immunity:

Examinations of frequently ill children: what tests to take?

If the child is often sick, each episode of a cold lasts more than 2 weeks, or complications often develop that require treatment with serious drugs, it is important to conduct a full examination of the child and a targeted analysis of his lifestyle to find out if there are problems with the immune system or the factors that lead to such problems with SARS.

The first thing to do is to contact the pediatrician with a request for a referral for a consultation with an immunologist. To visit this specialist, you must first pass the examination:

  • surrenders, which evaluates the functioning of the immune system as a whole by the number of leukocytes and the composition of the formula. A shift in it towards lymphocytosis or leukocytosis (especially to young forms) will show whether it is viral or microbial.
  • a blood test for the presence of latent infections (herpes group), mycoplasma or chlamydial infection, RS infection.
  • sowing discharge from the nose and pharynx on the flora.
  • allergological diagnostics with the study of the level of immunoglobulins E (general and specific fractions).
  • immunogram with the study of the immunoglobulin spectrum and phagocytosis activity.
  • X-ray of the chest, and if ENT pathology is suspected, the skull and paranasal sinuses.


In the presence of certain symptoms, consultations of a neurologist and gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, ENT and other specialists are necessary.

What are the dangers of frequent illnesses in children?

If a child is almost constantly sick, this is a problem not only for the family itself, the attending physician, but also for society as a whole. These children usually fail to get vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule, have problems attending preschool first and then schooling - they miss classes and have reduced academic performance. Parents of such children are forced to miss work or quit, which affects the material well-being of the family. The state spends a lot of money on the rehabilitation and treatment of such children throughout the country. And, in addition, a child classified as a child with a mental disorder develops peculiar vicious circles in relation to health, which make the solution of the problem difficult.

Against the background of weak immunity, the child often gets sick, frequent illnesses weaken the immune system, and against the background of weakened immunity, the child gets sick again. As a result, an increased sensitivity of the child's body to various microbial and viral agents is formed, its protective reserves are reduced and resistance mechanisms are depleted, sluggish or chronic infections are often formed, and an unfavorable background for somatic pathology develops - allergization of the body, the development of digestive disorders, damage to the glands of the internal secretions. In turn, the "bouquet" of infectious and somatic diseases leads to the development of a significant lag in both physical development and neuropsychic.


As they grow older, psychological problems are also formed - an inferiority complex, timidity and indecision due to parental overprotection, self-doubt, physical weakness. Due to the impossibility of maintaining a habitual way of life for children, this leads to the fact that the child closes in on himself, can become a hermit.

This is also an important fact in favor of parents being actively involved in the prevention of frequent illnesses and strengthening the immunity of children.

Rehabilitation methods for frequently ill children

Children who get sick significantly more often and longer require systematic work from the doctor and parents in terms of their treatment, the formation of immunity and hardening. And although parents consider these factors unimportant, relying solely on medicines, it is proper nutrition, a strict daily routine and hardening procedures, active physical activity and frequent exposure to fresh air that are the key factors in the fight against diseases. But medical methods for correcting immunity, treating colds and their complications should be dealt with by specialists - immunologists or pediatricians.

There is no single universal approach to the treatment of children from the category of CSD, their rehabilitation and prevention of frequent morbidity. All this is due to the fact that the body of each child is individual, and in each clinical case and situation, each individual child needs to select their own, individually suitable methods for age and health.

But it is important to dwell on the general methods and principles of rehabilitation of children who often suffer from colds. The main goal of such treatment for sick children is to reduce the incidence to a physiologically acceptable level and to influence the causative factors that lead to colds and illnesses. The principles of therapy are similar to those in healthy children, this will include an impact on the causes (,), as well as drugs aimed at the mechanisms and symptoms of the pathology.

If speak about treatment of viral infections , for the category of PBI, about 10 different groups of agents are used, they are aimed at suppressing the reproduction of viruses. If we are talking about the treatment of influenza, in childhood, drugs that suppress the activity of viruses are used - (today it is considered not very effective), Tamiflu and Relenza. In severe viral infections, the use of serious drugs (ribavirin, ganciclovir, acyclovir) is indicated for etiological therapy. They are used only according to strict indications, only by adjusting the dosage and under the supervision of a doctor.

Also shown is the use drugs - inducers , they are used according to the schemes that are used to strengthen the immune system, maintain the cellular and humoral link, and activate resistance.

If necessary, fight secondary infection apply only according to indications, taking into account the sensitivity of the microbial flora to them. The use of physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, hardening methods and drugs with an immunostimulating effect is also shown.

All drugs are used only by a doctor, and any drugs should be discussed with him, and only non-drug remedies and preventive measures can be used independently.

Prevention of frequent colds in children

It is important to think about the subsequent health of the child during pregnancy, starting from the conception period and even earlier. So, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is important to immediately give up all bad habits - not only drinking alcohol and smoking, but also food excesses, taking harmful foods and much more. It is important to rehabilitate foci of chronic infection, treat all chronic pathologies and correct endocrine disorders, eliminate metabolic disorders.

The role of breastfeeding

Even before childbirth, it is worth preparing for breastfeeding, and after the birth of the crumbs, immediately attach it to the chest so that it receives the very first drops of colostrum, which helps launch immunity. It is important that the baby receives colostrum in the very first minutes of life, it is rich in immunoglobulins that protect the baby from infections and stimulate the immune system. No less important is natural feeding in the future, when the baby grows and develops. Breast milk contains a large amount of immunoglobulins, protective factors and proteins, vitamins and biological substances, which lead to the fact that the immune system is actively formed and stimulated. Average, before the introduction of complementary foods, you need to breastfeed the baby only for about six months. If there is a need for supplementary feeding, you need to carefully select the mixture so that they do not provoke allergies and do not affect the immune system.

Compliance with the daily routine

For almost all babies from this group, a disorder in the work of the autonomic nervous system and its central departments is typical, due to which they need strict regimen measures that set up all systems and organs for coordinated work. Besides, these children should sleep about an hour and a half longer than their peers so they can recuperate. For children who are often sick, it is important to stay outdoors for a long time every day, but the duration will vary depending on the weather and the condition of the baby. You can refuse to walk only in case of heavy rain or snowfall, strong storm wind. The rest of the days can be used for walking when hiking from school or from kindergarten. Prolonged exposure to enclosed spaces negatively affects the immune system.

Preventive vaccinations

For frequently ill children, preventive vaccination is even more important than for healthy children; they can be protected from many infectious diseases through vaccinations.. So, they are given all the same vaccinations - against and, all the rest that are put on the calendar and additional,. If we talk specifically about the flu, children are vaccinated in advance, before the start of the season, so that immunity has time to develop. It is forbidden to vaccinate sick children or during an epidemic - they will not help, but only harm.

We recommend reading:

Complete hygiene measures

It is important for frequently ill babies to pay attention to nutrition that is enriched with proteins and vitamins, mineral components, while the amount of fast carbohydrates (these are sweets, sweets, sugar) should be reduced in the diet. Due to the abuse of these products, fluctuations in blood glucose occur, which leads to overexcitation of the nervous system. An equally important point will be the refusal to take allergenic products, especially if there are allergies in the family and it is necessary to prevent allergies. It is especially important to exclude foods with food chemistry from the diet of children. All food for children should be selected as natural as possible so that it is easily digested and suitable for age. This is important for the full functioning of enzymes and stimulation of appetite.

How to make the child less sick?

In addition to taking care of the physical health of the child, it is also important to actively take care of his psychological comfort and actively prevent mental problems and disorders.


Often, parents simply do not notice a serious psychological state, mental problems of the child, and they attribute changes in his behavior to character or overexcitation, being spoiled by relatives. But if neuroses or depressions develop in children, which are possible even at the age of one, this has an extremely negative effect on the psyche.

The reasons for such disorders can be family problems or communication with peers, conflicts between parents, death or illness of loved ones. They can lead to constant depression, isolation and anxiety, leading to problems of the nervous system. Problems in communicating with adults in children's groups, the birth of more children in the family, relationships with friends, and much more can affect the psyche.

Often, such problems lead to the launch of pathological programs - the desire to get sick in order to attract attention, having received portions of care and love. It is important to carefully analyze the environment of the child and his communication, which may be the problems of his communication, behavior. Sometimes only a psychologist or psychotherapist can help.

In strengthening the immune defense and preventing frequent and prolonged illness, physical culture and sports, massages and breathing practices, as well as regular hardening procedures are important. It is necessary to conduct massage courses up to 4 times a year, and breathing exercises are possible daily, which helps to increase ventilation of the lungs, as well as the reactivity of mucous membranes, and activates local immunity.

It is important to pay attention to which is carried out from an early age, observing the main principles- systematic procedures and a gradual increase in intensity. The most optimal for children of any age will be contrast showers, with the start of procedures during periods of full health and increasing the intensity extremely slowly and carefully. During periods of illness, procedures should be suspended, and then they should be started again, with less active influences and higher temperatures than before. Such techniques allow you to train the resistance of tissues and blood vessels to changes in temperature, humidity, and help protect yourself from viral attacks.

You can supplement these methods of strengthening immune defense with phytotherapy under the guidance of a doctor. In most children, it gives pronounced and active results, with the exception of children with allergies, in which it must be used with extreme caution. Applicable infusions and decoctions of herbs, teas and fees in the local form - for inhalation and washing the body cavities, as well as applying inside.

It is worth giving the baby to kindergarten, as colds and flus immediately begin. Parents are naturally worried about the question: “Frequent SARS in a child, what should I do?” To know what to do in such cases, it is necessary to study the nature of diseases and the causes of their occurrence.

Colds are of little concern to adults, they are ready to carry any respiratory infection on their feet, although this is wrong. But as soon as a child gets sick, we immediately begin to worry. This often happens when the baby begins to attend kindergarten, circles, festive events, where a large number of people accumulate. To protect a child from diseases, you need to know how respiratory, viral problems arise.

Some children are very prone to SARS

Acute respiratory diseases are among the most common types of diseases in children. The reason for this is the high level of infection through the air, when coughing, sneezing. Viruses enter the mucous membrane and begin to multiply rapidly. Once in the bloodstream, they cause intoxication in the body. Decay products from parts of pathogens and healthy cells gradually disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

This is where the main symptoms come from:

  • cough;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • fever.

Very small crumbs cannot yet complain of malaise, so it is important for parents to pay attention to his appetite. With a respiratory infection, the larynx is affected, it is difficult for the child to swallow, he refuses the breast, the bottle with the mixture.

Symptoms often include nausea and vomiting. If a rash occurs on the baby’s body, the condition is accompanied by convulsions, you can’t waste a minute. Symptoms may indicate the presence of infection of the lining of the brain - encephalitis, meningitis, and in such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Although, in fairness, it must be said that it is necessary to contact doctors at the first sign, since the child's body has a weak immune system and the risk of serious complications is very high.

The child is often more than SARS: what is the reason

If a child often gets sick with SARS, that is, more than 8-9 times a year, it makes sense to take care of his immunity. Frequent morbidity indicates that the baby has practically no protective forces, the body does not resist the attack of viruses. But these figures often accompany babies during the first year of visiting a public institution. In the second year, after the body acquires antibodies, the child should not get sick more than 3-4 times, then 2-3, etc. If the figure does not decrease, it is required to identify the reasons why the child often has ARVI, a complete examination of the body and work on the body's defense mechanism are required.

If a child has SARS more than 4 times a year, this is often

The penetration of any kind of pathogen "mobilizes" the forces of the human body, which, in turn, fully studies all the components of the virus and produces an antigen. Thus, the attack on the pathogenic virus and the fight against it begins. It is for this reason that the body temperature rises, aching joints, muscles. But as for the little sick, they still do not have the range of antibodies, thanks to which it is easy to overcome the infection. To do this, you need to get sick at least a few times with SARS, so that the immune system is strengthened.

Important points in the treatment of respiratory disease

The main thing in the treatment of SARS in a baby is to prevent complications. The disease is manifested primarily by a high temperature, which should not be brought down to the level of 38.5. Higher rates can affect the brain, lead to seizures.

In addition, the baby is necessarily shown a plentiful, warm drink. Together with the liquid, toxins are removed, and the temperature balance is also regulated. At high temperatures, the body is dehydrated, and with the influx of fluid, sweating increases, with which poisonous products from intoxication are excreted from the body. With a cold, the dryness of the mucosa increases, and water allows you to thin the mucus, which contributes to the rapid removal of sputum.

A sick child needs plenty of fluids

For the treatment of SARS, the doctor prescribes antiviral therapy.

Important: taking antibiotics for respiratory infectious diseases is strictly unacceptable. Only antiviral drugs that directly affect pathogens are shown.

For greater efficiency, doctors prescribe the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.

The child is often sick with ARVI: what to do - prevention

From the first days of a baby's life, it is necessary to take care of his immunity. Up to six months, the child receives protective enzymes with mother's milk. But if he is bottle-fed, the risk of infection increases. Therefore, it is necessary to take elementary measures:

  1. Limit visits to the house in which the baby lives by strangers. And adult residents should take precautions and avoid contact during epidemics.
  2. More often walk with the baby in the fresh air, ventilate his room, put humidifiers.

Good sleep is important for your baby's health

Important: sleep is one of the main medicines for children. During rest, the body of children gains strength, restores lost energy. If an older child has frequent acute respiratory viral infections, it makes sense to harden him, starting with a contrast shower. Even the smallest crumbs must undergo a hardening course, but you need to start in the summer. Lower the baby's legs into a basin and pour a little cool water on top of the feet. The next day, grab the area up to the knees and rise higher each time. Over time, you can pour over the entire body. It is also useful to eat from natural products: vegetables, fruits, drinks. The child should drink more water, go swimming.

Parents need to get out into nature more often, it is useful for the baby to walk barefoot on the grass, to inhale clean and healthy air.

To keep your baby healthy, you need to be in nature more often.

Well, and, of course, do not ignore visiting children's institutions. Thanks to communication with infected children, the baby's body, coping with viruses, receives a dose of antigens, that is, it earns strong immunity.

Most often, young children get sick (6 times or more). Over the age of 3 years, children who have a cold more often than five are often considered ill, and over 5 years - more than 4 times a year. In some of these children, the intervals between diseases do not exceed 1-2 weeks. These children get sick throughout the year regardless of the season. Usually these are children with reduced resistance, the reasons for which are different for each child.
Genetic predisposition matters. Remember, didn’t you, parents, have equally frequent diseases in childhood? If they were, then this explains a lot, but should not discourage you. If this has passed with age, it does not mean that your child will end just as well. Predisposition can be expressed in the form of diathesis: allergic, lymphatic. Chronic eating disorders, chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, obesity), diseases of the nervous system matter.
Hereditary predisposition is realized in frequent diseases under the influence of adverse environmental influences. The cause of frequent morbidity may be a decrease in resistance against the background of a deficiency in the body of vitamins, against the background of anemia. Long-term exposure to adverse environmental factors, long-term intake of products containing xenobiotics and dyes matter. A decrease in resistance to infections can be induced by long-term use of certain drugs: antibiotics, hormonal, anticoagulants. Decreased immunity to infections is often due to psycho-emotional and physical overload, as well as stress. Unfavorable social and living conditions, passive smoking, premature start of the child's visit to a preschool institution can be the reason for frequent illnesses in a child.
As you can see, in all cases, the child's frequent illnesses are associated with his low anti-infective resistance, but the reasons for this may be different. Therefore, the success of treatment depends not so much on how deeply it will be possible to study the immunity of your child (this, of course, is also necessary), but on identifying and eliminating these causes.

How to increase resistance to infections in a frequently ill child?

Treatment of frequently ill children should be strictly differentiated and, as has just been noted, primarily aimed at eliminating external causes of reduced resistance to infections. Numerous studies have shown that stimulating therapy, which we will talk about now, can reduce the incidence of diseases by 6-12 months. But if the child continues to live in an ecologically unfavorable area, if he constantly breathes polluted air, if he is overloaded at school, or if he does not develop relationships with classmates (etc.), he will begin to get sick often again.
Of great importance are the rational regime of the day and a varied diet. With frequent diseases in the child's body, the consumption of vitamins and minerals increases, which is not compensated by their content in food. Therefore, a mandatory component of the recovery of frequently ill children is vitamin therapy, during which it is advisable to use multivitamin complexes enriched with microelements (revit, undevit, glutamevit, centrum, vitacitrol, multi-sanostol, bevigsheks, betotal, biovital, etc.).
The nonspecific resistance of a child can be increased by repeated courses of biostimulating agents: ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese or Far Eastern magnolia vine, leuzea, echinacea, immunal, apilactose (royal jelly of bees), apidiquirite (royal jelly with licorice), propolis (bee glue), linetol (preparation from linseed oil), pantocrine (deer antler extract).
With a general strengthening and vitaminizing purpose, herbal preparations can be used. For example, viburnum fruits - 10 g, mint leaves - 10 g, sage grass - 10 g, lemon balm grass - 5 g or nettle leaves - 10 g, rose hips - 5 g, elecampane root - 3 g. To prepare a decoction, 10 g of this collection pour 200 ml of cold water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, insist on a water bath for 1 hour and take 100 ml 1 time per day after meals. Treatment with decoctions is carried out 2 times a year for 2-3 weeks.
Vaccination is a specific method for preventing recurrent respiratory diseases. Currently, polyvalent vaccine preparations are being produced that provide the formation of a child's protection against a large number of pathogens of respiratory infections. These drugs include bronchomunal, IRS-19 (nasal drops), as well as combining the properties of vaccines and immunocorrector ribomunil (tablets or sachets with granules). These drugs are used for long (up to 6 months) intermittent courses. To achieve the desired effect, you need patience and diligence.
Specific vaccines have been developed to prevent some of the more severe colds. These diseases primarily include influenza, the virus of which is very variable. The emergence and spread of a new variant of the virus every few years causes severe epidemics. Modern medicine quickly responds to the epidemiological situation by creating anti-influenza vaccines. In anticipation of the outbreak of the epidemic, mass vaccination of the population against influenza is carried out, which is not included in the mandatory vaccination schedule and which parents often refuse. However, it should be understood that the risk of complications after modern influenza vaccines is very small, and the likelihood of a severe course of influenza that can cause dangerous complications is very high.
The next direction in the treatment of frequently ill children may be the use of immunomodulators - agents that directly affect individual parts of the immune system. These agents include levamisole (decaris), prodigiosan, sodium nucleic acid, polyoxidonium, licopid, immunorix. For the same purpose, drugs derived from the thymus gland, one of the central organs of the immune system (taktavin, thymalin, thymogen) are used. Homeopathic remedies are also used to prevent colds. For example, recently the drug oscillococcinum has been popular.
In some cases, prolonged circulation of the virus in the child's body is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe your child a course of antiviral interferon drugs (alfaferon, lokferon, viferon, roferon, reaferon) or agents that stimulate their formation in the body (cycloferon, amixin, ridostin, poludon).

Interference with the immune system requires caution. The choice of the drug that is optimal for your child, stimulating a specific weakened link in the immune system, the choice of treatment regimen, doses and duration of therapy courses should be made by the doctor. Your task is to be sympathetic to the need for strict implementation of his recommendations.
Given the mechanism for the development of colds, conducting stimulating therapy, one should not forget about the need to harden the child.

Is your child very sick and you don't know what to do? Many parents are familiar with such a situation when for almost half a year they do not see their child healthy, because one “cold” replaces another. And if the doctor asks them: "What are you complaining about?", they answer: "The child often gets sick."

Who is considered a frequently ill child

In domestic medicine, the following are often considered ill: children under 1 year old, if cases of acute respiratory diseases (ARI) - 4 or more per year; children from 1 to 3 years old - 6 or more acute respiratory infections per year; children from 3 to 5 years old - 5 or more acute respiratory infections per year; children over 5 years old - 4 or more acute respiratory infections per year.

Often a child gets sick not only often, but also for a long time (more than 10-14 days, one acute respiratory disease). Long-term ill children can also be classified as frequently ill.

Outwardly, acute respiratory infections can be manifested by a runny nose, cough, reddening of the throat, general weakness, and a rise in temperature. Frequently ill children may have one but long-term symptom, such as a persistent cough or cough, persistent nasal discharge, and the temperature may be normal. If the child has a constantly elevated temperature, but there are no symptoms of acute respiratory infections, this is often a sign of chronic infections and requires a detailed medical examination.

Why does the child often get sick

If a child is sick often or for a long time, this means that his immunity is weakened.

Reasons for weakening the immune system:

1. The functions of the immune system begin to form in utero, so intrauterine infection, prematurity or morpho-functional immaturity of the baby can lead to the fact that the child will often get sick later on.

2. The next important factor for the formation of immunity is mother's milk, so children who are breastfed rarely get acute respiratory infections, and vice versa, an early transition to artificial mixtures can lead to the fact that already in the first year of life the child may often begin to get sick with colds.

3. In the first year of life or at an older age, as a result of various adverse factors, the baby may develop background conditions that weaken the immune system. These are intestinal dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis, rickets.

4. A pronounced weakening of the immune system often occurs after serious illnesses or surgical interventions. If a child has been ill with dysentery, salmonellosis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, his immunity is weakened.

5. Viruses greatly weaken the functions of the immune system. After suffering the flu, measles, and other viral diseases, the child has an increased sensitivity to infections and can often become ill.

6. Long-term use of certain drugs weakens the immune system. Such drugs are immunosuppressants used in autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), some anticancer drugs, oral steroid hormones, most antibiotics. In the event that the use of these drugs is necessary, it is advisable to take preventive measures to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

7. The presence of chronic diseases in a child also contributes to the weakening of protective mechanisms and can cause the child to often get sick. Such diseases can be chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, sluggish and atypical infections caused by such pathogens as mycoplasma, pneumocystis, chlamydia, yersinia. Often the cause of a weakened immune system is worms, which are quite difficult to diagnose by feces.

8. There are congenital immunodeficiency states, including isolated immunodeficiencies, when a child has a disorder in one part of the immune system. Children with such immunodeficiencies may often suffer from some kind of recurrent, i.e. recurring illnesses. If a child is constantly ill with the same type of diseases, for example, recurrent thrush, chronic infection of the ENT organs, he should be examined in terms of the existence of congenital immunopathy.

9. Finally, a proper balanced diet and regimen are of great importance for the normal functioning of the immune system. A child can often and for a long time get sick if his diet lacks vitamins or nutrition is unbalanced, for example, there are no animal products or food contains a large amount of carbohydrates, but little protein and fat. If a child is rarely outdoors, leads a sedentary lifestyle, inhales tobacco smoke from smoking adults, this can lead to a weakening of his immunity.

How dangerous is it to get sick often for children

Frequently ill children are not only a medical but also a social problem. Such children, as a rule, have a disrupted preventive vaccination calendar, they cannot attend preschool institutions, and in school age forced to miss school. Parents often have to take time off from work and stay at home with a sick child.

In a frequently ill child, a “vicious circle” is formed: against the background of a weakened immune system, the child falls ill with acute respiratory infections, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. As a result of the increased sensitivity of the body to various infectious agents and a decrease in protective mechanisms, there is a high probability of developing chronic, sluggish infectious and non-infectious diseases (gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.). The presence of chronic infections can lead to a lag in physical development, allergization.

Frequently ill children may develop various psychological problems, “complexes”. First of all, it is an “inferiority complex”, a feeling of self-doubt. The impossibility due to frequent illnesses to live a full life for his age can lead to social disadaptation (the child may avoid peers, be withdrawn, rude, irritable).

Given such possible consequences, parents should be interested in preventing the weakening of the child's immunity.

Prevention: what can be done so that the child does not often get sick

Even during pregnancy expectant mother you need to take care of the health of the unborn child. A woman preparing to become a mother needs to exclude smoking and drinking alcohol. It is very important to attach the baby to the breast immediately after birth, when colostrum rich in immunoglobulins is released from the mammary glands. It is of great importance breast-feeding. Breast milk is the most important component for the formation of the child's immunity, therefore, even if there is not enough milk, it is desirable that the child receives it. If you have to supplement the baby, stability is important, i.e. there is no need to change formulas unless the child has an intolerance to the formula he is receiving.

As mentioned above, the weakening of the child's immunity can occur against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis or hypovitaminosis. It is important to identify these conditions in the first year of life and correct them under medical supervision. Children under 3 years old in the autumn-winter-spring periods of the year are shown to prevent rickets with vitamin D preparations (vigantol, vitamin D2 and D3).

In summer, you can not carry out drug prevention of rickets, provided that the child spends a lot of time in the air (not necessarily in direct sunlight). In addition, often ill children are very useful sea air. Therefore, if possible, if a child often suffers from colds, he should be sent to the sea.

As a prophylaxis for weakening the immune system, you can use multivitamin preparations, but before giving them to a child, you need to consult a doctor.

It is important to have a balanced diet. For the normal functioning of the immune system, it is necessary that the child's diet contains proteins and fats of animal origin (dairy and sour-milk products, meat, fish), vitamins, the main source of which are vegetables and fruits.

In summer, children older than 4-5 months are very useful for fresh, not thermally processed fruits, berries, juices. They contain a significantly larger amount of vitamins than in the same products after heat treatment or canning. The body of a child can accumulate vitamins over the summer, which will strengthen his immune system.

Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body. There are different hardening methods. Some suggest pouring cold water on the entire body, others only on some specific areas (legs to the knees, shoulders and neck). There are types of hardening without water procedures (air baths). But for all types of hardening there are general principles.

Any hardening should begin gradually, gradually increasing the time of the procedure and gradually lowering the temperature of the water (or air). Hardening should be carried out regularly, and if for some reason the procedures were interrupted, they must be resumed from the very beginning. Only by following these rules can a positive effect be achieved.

Since worms are one of the factors that weaken the immune system, parents need to remember about hygiene measures: teach the child to wash their hands, avoid games in the hallway and restroom, make sure that the child does not pick up objects on the street and does not stroke street animals, periodically spend at home wet cleaning and washing toys with soap. Given the complexity of diagnosing worms by feces, it is possible to conduct prophylactic antihelminthic courses several times a year, especially in autumn.

What to do if the child is often sick

If a child is often sick, it is important to cure chronic diseases, especially the pathology of the ENT organs: chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), adenoids.

Parents of frequently ill children should consult a doctor (pediatrician, gastroenterologist, immunologist). Doctors will prescribe tests that will help determine the cause of weakened immunity. After that, depending on the cause, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and give appropriate recommendations.

If you are reading this article, then you are really worried that the child is often sick. This means that you have already begun to take steps to study and competently influence this problem. We wish you success and good health to your child!

Children of all ages are susceptible to illness. In principle, it is normal to catch a cold sometimes. And if the child often suffers from colds, what should I do?

Some parents are very worried, because kids, for example, 5 years old, "do not get out of illness."

What then to say about children 3 years old who have just started going to kindergarten? If the mother went to work, with frequent colds of the child, she has to take a sick leave or ask for leave.

Sometimes this is perceived negatively by the authorities.

In medicine, the term CBD appeared. This is an abbreviation for the phrase "often ill children." But not every patient can be called often ill.

And so that parents do not sound the alarm ahead of time, a table was created according to which it is possible to find out whether the child is often sick, and whether it can be attributed to FIC.

To draw a conclusion, you need to remember how many times the baby caught a cold in a year, or easier - look at the medical card and count the doctor's visits for the previous year with complaints of acute respiratory infections. Compare the results with the table and get the answer.

In addition, only those children who have colds that occur without connection with existing chronic diseases are included in the PIC group.

Why do children often get sick

Due to weak immunity, children may experience frequent colds. At any year of life, the doctor prescribes medication that helps get rid of the disease.

But medications can negatively affect the immune system, especially antibiotics, which kill both bad and good bacteria in the body.

Immediately after recovery, the child is still weak, and colds can reappear very soon.

Therefore, you should not immediately send the child to the children's team (playground, nursery, kindergarten) or a large crowded place (transport, shops).

After defeating the disease, strengthening of immunity should follow by saturating the body with vitamins. Otherwise, a vicious circle may turn out: “the child is weak because he just got sick - the child got sick because he is weak.”

You can get out of it only by strengthening the children's body with healthy food, exercise and hardening. But these measures should not be started during the illness and not immediately after it.

What are the dangers of frequent colds in a child

In addition to the fact that a sick child has to endure medication, he also misses school. Then catching up is very difficult and unpleasant. In terms of health, frequent colds are very dangerous.

If a child often has colds, complications may develop. They will also have to be treated, and this is an additional drug burden on the body.

Most often, as a result of colds, the following complications can occur:

  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • allergic reactions.

Each diagnosis is terrible in its own way. So, if the child constantly catches a cold, hurry up to strengthen his immunity in order to avoid complications.

What factors reduce immunity in children

The task of parents is to strengthen the immunity of the child, increase its tension. But very often, because of irresponsible and ignorant parents, the immune system of the child is weakened.

The result is frequent illness. Every couple who is planning a pregnancy or already has children should know what factors reduce the body's defenses:

  • intrauterine problems. A pregnant woman must clearly know and follow the regimen. She needs normal sleep, proper nutrition, cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Passive smoking. It has long been known that the one who inhales the smoke receives a dose of nicotine more than the one who smokes. Therefore, you can not smoke near the child, and even more so in the house where the baby lives for 2 years.
  • Inferior sleep. The children's body requires rest for 8 hours at night, and another 1-3 hours during the day (for children under 6-7 years old). During sleep, all systems rest and restore energy. A well-rested child will be much healthier than one who has a lack of sleep. Parents should supervise the time children go to bed.
  • Stress, tense psychological situation at home or at school, kindergarten. A nervous, mentally "exhausted" child does not have proper protection from the external environment.
  • Fast food, unbalanced diet. The body must receive all the nutrients, minerals, trace elements, vitamins. And there is nothing useful in fast food, snacks. In other words, immunity is built from building blocks, half of which comes from food (natural plant and dairy products, cereals, berries and fruits).
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The one who always sits at the computer or in front of the TV does not develop his muscles.
  • Hyperprotection. The habit of wrapping children up too much, protecting them from any breeze and the slightest load, is observed more often in the female half of the population. Frequent colds in a child can occur due to this reason. You can’t behave like that with children, they should be at least a little hardened and ready for the surprises of the weather in the form of unexpected rain, wind, snow and other things.
  • : many sections, duties, except for school. It happens that parents try to embody all their dreams and desires in their children and load them with additional activities, completely taking away childhood. The result is constant nervous tension, lack of time to restore vitality. Often, against the will of the baby himself, from an early age he is given to classes in languages, wrestling, dancing and needlework at the same time. And then they wonder why the child often gets colds. And he just has no time to relax and unwind.
  • Lack of personal hygiene. Dirty hands and all other parts of the body are a step towards diseases.
  • Vagrancy. The absence of a permanent place of residence negatively affects health.
  • Excess flour, sweet, semi-finished products in the child's diet.
  • Forced eating when there is no feeling of hunger. This is a common problem in children and adults. Man eats to live. When you feel hungry, you need to eat something. Snacking, eating through force - this is an unhealthy attitude to eating. If children from the age of 4 get used to eating without need, but only because it is necessary, by the age of 10-12 they will become obese.
  • Starvation. Not eating at all is also bad. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Lack of fiber in the diet. Vegetables are rich in fiber. It is useful for the body, as it cleanses of decay products, toxins, and increases defenses.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins. It is best to saturate the body with natural vitamins contained in berries and fruits. In cold seasons, pharmacy vitamin complexes are used for this.

How to strengthen children's immunity

Strengthening the immune system is a system of measures aimed at improving the body and restoring its defenses.

How to strengthen the child's immunity? It's not too difficult. But, perhaps, the whole family will have to change their usual lifestyle a little. You can achieve what you want by doing the following:

  • regular and nutritious meals,
  • enough sleep,
  • hiking,
  • strenuous physical activity,
  • fortification,
  • hardening.

Remember that everything is good in moderation. Do not overdo any of the above. Regularity and common sense- this is the way to health.

How to prevent illness

You should not be constantly afraid and worried, and even more so worry the baby. It is important to find out the causes of frequent colds. Sometimes they lie not so much in a weakened immune system, but in the irresponsibility of parents and defects in education.

It happens that a child leaves school at recess without a jacket; bites dirty nails; forgets to wash hands before eating; kisses homeless animals; pretending to be asleep, plays on the phone under the covers for half the night.

To exclude the possibility of getting sick, follow the children, make sure that they correctly understand safety precautions and basic hygiene rules.

Conduct unobtrusive educational conversations, select books of appropriate content, go to a lecture by a famous doctor.

Convince your son or daughter that everyone is responsible for their own health and can protect themselves from many problems by following simple rules.

How to prevent frequent colds in a child

On the Internet you can find information about how to treat colds. But you can’t do without a pediatrician, especially in difficult cases.

Self-medication can end in failure, so you should not resort to it. For the treatment of acute respiratory infections, the doctor usually prescribes symptomatic drugs: antipyretics, antihistamines, expectorants, etc.

But for the prevention of colds in children, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Herbal immunostimulants. They are the most kind. A course of taking echinacea, immunal or ginseng is recommended for 2 months. However, only a doctor should prescribe these funds to a child.
  2. Vitamin complexes - a chance to avoid colds. The composition and duration of administration are usually agreed with the pediatrician. At home, parents prefer to prepare the so-called "vitamin bomb" for their children. To do this, mix in equal proportions (1 glass each) chopped dried apricots, walnuts and raisins. Pour the juice of one lemon and half a glass of honey into the mixture. The resulting medicine is stored in the refrigerator and given to the child in the morning and evening every day, 1 teaspoon.
  3. Interferon. It is effective only in the early stages of the disease. If the child has begun to sneeze, this is the time to use interferon to stop a cold at the beginning of its development. But as a prophylaxis, such drugs are not used. They will not affect a healthy child in any way.
  4. Bacterial immunomodulators. This separate category. They contain very small doses of pathogens. And when the body copes with a negligible amount of bacteria, immunity is produced. Subsequently, he will already be able to cope even with a large colony of harmful microorganisms of the same type. The amount of the administered drug can only be calculated by a pediatrician. It takes into account the weight, age, condition of the child, the strength of his immunity, the frequency of previous diseases. Even a minimal deviation from the dose recommended by the doctor is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, without the appointment of a doctor, it is forbidden to take such a medicine. And "the same dose as last time" may be absolutely inappropriate in the next case of acute respiratory infections.


The health of children is in the hands of parents as long as the children are small. It's hard to follow their every move.

Therefore, it is so important to strengthen immunity from childhood and instill the right habits by your own example.

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