Ready-made children's portfolio for kindergarten. Children's portfolio - download free templates. Recommendations for compiling a portfolio for kindergarten. Dynamics of general development

Structure of a preschooler's portfolio, portfolio for preschoolers senior group, dow graduate portfolio. Recommendations for compilation, advice.

Portfolio of a preschooler 5-7 years old. Why does a preschooler need a portfolio?- this is a kind of piggy bank of a child’s successes in terms of basic indicators that characterize the essential aspects of physical, social, cognitive, speech, aesthetic development senior preschooler 5-7 years old.
Working with a portfolio for two years before entering school will help adults and children establish close relationships, spend more time together, and create an atmosphere of common interests.
Adults will be able to:
- timely celebrate the child’s successes,
- maintain his interest in various activities (classes, games, observations, physical exercises, etc.),
- to develop the child’s self-control and self-esteem skills.
The portfolio will be useful to teachers, parents, tutors and children who are preparing to become first-graders.
In your portfolio you can include certificates, the best drawings, pages from notebooks or copies of the most successful and accurate works. These can also be photographs of performances at concerts and competitions, produced three-dimensional models or sculpted sculptures, as well as photographs of participation in theatrical productions kindergarten.

What will the portfolio be like?

A preschooler's portfolio must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a child’s favorite “picture book” and a source of pride.
Explain to your child what kind of “magic book” you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child “will not understand” or “will quickly grow cold.”
He will understand! From the age of 3, all children, without exception, love bright books.
It won't cool down! The book about yourself is the most interesting. She will “receive with delight” all creative works, will pay “special attention” to amazing fantasies, and after a while she will “lovingly remind” you of “how little you were just a year ago!”

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name and patronymic, contact information and photo of the child.

Section 1. “My World” (“Portrait”)

Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child.

– My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means), you can give the meaning of character and predispositions according to the horoscope.

– My baptismal name (if a child has been baptized, he is often given a middle name that corresponds to his religion)

– My family (here you can tell the name of your mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents, or place a drawing of your family tree)

– My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies)

– My small homeland (tell about your hometown, its interesting places in photographs and descriptions)

– My favorite books (list the titles and authors of children’s books that the child likes)

Section 2 – “My interests”

Information about employment in circles, sections, clubs

-My hobbies (you can tell about what your child is interested in):
I love...
I can...
I want to learn...
I like the classes...
When I grow up, I will become..... because....

Section 3 – “My achievements”

This section may include headings:

"Dynamics of physical development"
(this section includes indicators of height, weight, physical skills in accordance with age:

"Dynamics of General Development"
(in this section you can post the test results, which include indicators of reading, speaking, counting, logic, and general development skills in accordance with age). In this section you can include successful pages from a notebook with exercises and tests that the child did in preparation for school at home, in the garden, or while attending additional classes in groups to prepare for school. Include in this section the best pages that your child also likes. This will help parents and teachers assess the child’s preferences and inclinations.

General development indicators

5 years

6 years

7 years




Mathematics (counting)

Logic tests

Tests for general development (on the topics “The world around us”, “City”, “Daily routine”, “Seasons”, “Drawing of a person”, etc.)

"Creative Development"
(includes drawings, photographs of creative works, photographs of participation in theatrical productions of the kindergarten or club that the child attends)
-drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.)
-modeling (plasticine, clay, sculptural mass)
-photos of crafts (made of paper, cardboard, natural materials etc., participation in exhibitions)
-theatrical productions (list roles, attach photographs)

"Awards"(certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, etc.)

It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc.

The materials in this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 4 – “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, hike, excursion.

Section 5 – “Feedback and Suggestions”

(in any form)

– Educators

– Parents

– Additional education teachers

Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both from a teacher and a parent, both based on the results of the school year and on participation in any event.

Memo for preschool teachers on maintaining a portfolio

1. Involving parents to help fill out sections of the portfolio.

2. Portfolio sections should not be numbered, but arranged in random order (optional).

3. The result of the work is dated so that dynamics can be tracked; the corresponding assessment always compares the child’s current work with earlier work.

4. Do not use the portfolio to compare children with each other!!!

6. Viewing of the portfolio by teachers, parents and other students is permitted only with the knowledge and consent of the child to whom the portfolio belongs.

7. The pages of the portfolio must be beautifully designed; the child must understand the importance of the appearance of the document.

8. It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the success of the preschooler is recorded, because success is the best incentive for further development.

Preschool portfolio templates, kindergarten portfolio templates, kindergarten graduate portfolio templates.

Portfolio template for kindergarten with Dasha the Traveler: 12 blank pages in jpg format

Preschooler's portfolio template "Aristocrats": 15 blank pages in jpg format

Portfolio template for kindergarten, portfolio template for a child 3-5 years old "Thomas and his friends": 15 blank pages in jpg format

Preschooler's portfolio template "Cars": 14 blank pages in jpg format

You will need

  • - hardcover folder (archival is best);
  • - folders with perforation;
  • - children's photographs;
  • - drawings, applications and other baby crafts;
  • - diplomas, certificates of merit and certificates.


Decide for what purpose you are creating a portfolio. Do you want to reflect a specific period in (for example, from to 2 years)? Or would you like to make a thematic portfolio dedicated to travel, the New Year or walks? In addition, the treasured folder may contain information reflecting success in any area, for example, swimming or drawing.

The first (title) page should contain information about the baby. Place the child’s last name, first name, patronymic, and date of birth on the cover.

On the second sheet, prepare the contents of your folder. There is no specific portfolio structure, because each baby is individual, and only parents know what information about him they would like to save. Start by designing 5-6 sections, and as you work you may decide to expand your portfolio.

Design pages dedicated to the baby. The child’s zodiac sign, his name day, character, habits, preferences, what he likes or doesn’t like. Be sure to supplement the section with bright photographs taken at different periods of the baby’s life.

Be sure to make a section dedicated to your child’s creativity. His first inept scribbles and more confident drawings, paper snowflakes, appliques, in a word, everything that a child can be proud of. Volumetric crafts(for example, from natural materials or plasticine) can be photographed and also placed in a folder.

The following sections depend only on parental imagination. You can design pages dedicated to travel, pets, your child’s hobbies, his friends, and favorite characters from books and cartoons. Or you can collect a collection of interesting sayings and words from little ones. Human memory is imperfect, but with this DIY portfolio, your little one's precious childhood moments will stay with you forever.

Video on the topic

If you are seriously thinking about making your child a “star” of modeling or show business, you need to make a portfolio. A portfolio is photographs that will present the child in the most favorable light to the producer or director.


Without a portfolio, yours will not be entered into the database of any modeling or acting agency. It is based on these photographs that he will be selected and invited to. Therefore, photographs should provide a realistic representation of the child’s age and other data. The portfolio is needed in two forms: on electronic media (flash drive) and in a special folder.

For a modeling agency, it is better to take a lot of photos in different outfits. Photos must be staged, of excellent quality and resolution.

Acting agencies welcome close-up and full-length photos. You can attach game pictures with some actions. If the child has already acted in filming, attach photos from the filming.

The main question for parents remains where to take high-quality photographs. You can contact private photographers who do studio shooting. Find out in advance whether such a photographer works with children, and be sure to look at his work. The studio should have all the necessary props and many different costumes to create the image. But keep in mind that such work can cost you a lot.

A lower-budget option could be to work as a photographer on location. In other words, on the street. In this case, studio rent is not taken into account, and the price of such photographs will be lower. Look for a beautiful place in the park, near a river, in the forest on a nice bright day. If you want to change several outfits for your child, you will have to take them with you and find a place to change clothes.

You can take pictures of your child yourself at home or on the street. Of course, in this case you must have a more or less decent camera with a resolution of at least 8 megapixels. After shooting, process all photo defects (red eyes, glare) in Photoshop. If this is not possible, before filming, apply a foundation to the child’s face that will hide the circles under the eyes and uneven skin. After all, in show business, more than anywhere else, “you meet people by their clothes.”

Video on the topic


  • make a portfolio for a child

The class teacher draws up a portfolio of his class in order to reflect the results of educational activities. In this folder he collects documents confirming the high results of students in any competitions, competitions, festivals, as well as the development of “open” events or classes.


Design the title page beautifully, paste the first general photo of the class, and indicate on it the date from which you begin collecting information. If the class has a motto or name, display it on the title page.

Divide all the material into several sections. For example, you can separately highlight information about the sports life of the class or about working with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, about hiking and visiting exhibitions and theaters.

Glue individual photographs of the students and sign not only the child’s first and last name, but also indicate his talents, hobbies or character traits.

If you and the guys went on an excursion to some other city, then place photos from this trip in your portfolio in a separate file. Ask the children to write an essay about their impressions of this trip and also post them in this section. Glue photos of interesting and memorable places you have visited.

Be sure to include certificates, diplomas, and letters of gratitude from various competitions, Olympiads, conferences, and festivals in your portfolio. Also place the most interesting and successful children’s works (abstracts, essays, collections of original poems, drawings, appliqués, embroidery, etc.) in separate files.

If you spent "open" sessions with your children cool watch, KVN, quizzes, then it’s worth putting photos and development of events.

Display your work with parents in your portfolio: photographs and scenarios of joint class evenings, family vacation days, sports competitions for all family members, etc. If your families participated in any competitions, for example, drawing up a family tree, then be sure to put such work (a completed family tree of the family) in a folder.

Also include a list of the class, indicating in it the permanent assignments of the children in the team and information about the extracurricular activities of children in circles, sections, and clubs.

If your students have high achievements in sports, then place medals, diplomas, certificates and photographs from sports matches at various levels in the file.

Leave the last sheet of the portfolio for the guys’ feedback and wishes.

Video on the topic

A portfolio is beautifully and competently designed work completed by one specialist. For example, a photographer’s portfolio consists of his photographic works, a model’s portfolio consists of her photographs, a web designer’s portfolio consists of images of sites he has created, a freelancer’s portfolio consists of examples of texts. How to make a good portfolio that is guaranteed to attract an employer?


Select 15-20 works in the area in which you want to make a portfolio. There should not be too little work, otherwise the employer will think that you are a beginner or not enough. If there are too many works, then you can get confused in them or the customer simply will not finish the portfolio.

Select the best and average ones. It is important to format them and save them electronically. If these are texts, it can be one text file or several different ones. If the works are different in topic, it is optimal to divide them into several folders. This portfolio can be posted online and carried with you, so that in any case you have something to show a potential customer.

Don't try to show off your best side. The customer understands that you are not a robot and will not always be able to produce perfect results. It is more important to show average work, by which he will judge your stable level. The optimal option for placing works in a portfolio is as follows: the first good work, then several average ones, in the middle of the portfolio one or two more outstanding works, again several average ones and the final excellent work.

If you post your portfolio online, you should take care of links. Place them on your business cards, remote job exchanges, personal website or forums. A remote work exchange is a very good option, because customers turn there first, but you should remember that this is a paid service.

Helpful advice

What kind of work can be posted in a portfolio? If you are a beginner freelancer, photographer or web designer, then almost anything is possible. The amount of materials should show that you are efficient and have, albeit small, experience. If you are no longer a beginner, then you should choose only interesting and original works.

Portfolio website intended for presentation of the best works. To create it, it is not at all necessary to have any experience in website building; it is enough to use one of the simple options.


First of all, you need to prepare the content intended to be posted on your site. These can be photos or screenshots, supplemented with details of deadlines and completion dates, as well as links to customers. If you are a webmaster, you can place links to websites under their screenshots for better reference.

The simplest solution for creating a portfolio is to use one of the services designed to facilitate the process of developing and publishing a website. One of the most popular ways is to use the service. With its help, you can quickly create your own website and place it on free hosting. A significant advantage of using this service is the large number of ready-made templates that you can use. You can also transfer your site to paid hosting at any time by paying the appropriate amount.

Third level, you can use a service such as With its help, you can easily disguise the true address of your website. To do this, register on the server, then select your site name on the .tk domain and insert a link to the site that you need to hide.

How to create a portfolio

It is important to offer the employer your best professional qualities, skills and abilities. For example, if you want to work as a photographer, you should select your best pictures. The same goes for models. If you want to become a journalist, show the customer your best texts or videos.

The optimal amount of demonstration material is 10-20 pieces, depending on your professional specialization. This will be enough for the employer to form an idea of ​​your professionalism. You can determine the order of the works yourself - it can be chronological, thematic or genre.

Work on designing your portfolio as well. Even by saving your materials in a doc file, you can present them in an original way. Consider color or font accents. If you plan to work with the customer in several areas, try playing with dividing the presentation material into blocks. For example, first photographs, then texts, then commercial offers. The presentation should not be too colorful.

If you are presenting your portfolio remotely, separate it into different documents so you don't mix your materials (if you are talking about different areas of potential activity) within the same file. Combine everything into one archive or folder, most importantly, check that the format of your materials is universal (doc, jpeg, pdf).

How to create a portfolio online

With the opportunities that the network space provides, it would be a sin to ignore virtual self-presentation. There are specialized sites where you can post not only your resume, but also attach a portfolio. There are numerous job search resources available to you almost anywhere in the world. They often ask you to fill out a pre-prepared form. Some systems allow you to create your own portfolio online in this way.

When working on this type of presentation, remember the following: attach to each direction at least one and no more than six projects, which should be not only the best, but also fresh, attach screenshots (if we are talking about working with texts), and also correctly describe your projects and proposals. Don't forget to choose your best avatar photo.

Elena Krivonosova

In our kindergarten we decided to start working on creating a child's portfolio from the group early age, involving parents in the work. At the beginning of the year, teacher Yanina I. I. conducted parent meetings. The teacher showed the finished sample child's portfolio graduate and, in order to interest parents, explained the essence of the work step by step.

Very important in designing a portfolio is that after graduating from kindergarten, child receives a book-story about himself. And if in the older preschool age more information comes from the teacher, then at an early age an invaluable service to yourself and your to kid parents themselves provide information, preparing it, helping the teacher with photographs from his personal archive, stories about child.

At a meeting of the early childhood group, it was decided to carry out such work throughout the year. This work has made teachers and parents very friendly. A common interest united them into one team. By the end of the year this was the result portfolio, where you can trace the dynamics of mental and physical development baby in the first junior group. It was decided to continue the work in subsequent groups.

We present to your attention a sample of one of portfolio. Watch, join, comment, send your ideas if you have experience in similar work.


It is no secret that today teachers strongly recommend that parents begin maintaining their child’s portfolio as early as possible. And although, at times, creating a kind of chronicle of the baby’s development seems unnecessary and far-fetched, the benefits of this document are much greater than the hassle. That is why a portfolio has become almost mandatory when a child enters a preschool institution, and it is requested from the age of three.

If you approach it creatively, then the mandatory document will become a piggy bank of the baby’s successes, a chronicle of his achievements and victories in all areas of the little person’s personality development.

Portfolio assignment for kindergarten

Parents interested in closer communication with their child use the process of collecting a portfolio to do this. Indeed, this gives rise to common interests, adults around the baby begin to notice his achievements more often and focus on them, which means the family spends more time together, doing one important thing.

The portfolio reflects different facets of a child’s development:

  • social and personal;
  • cognitive-speech;
  • physical;
  • artistic and aesthetic.

Joint creation of a portfolio will help the child master such an important tool of self-knowledge as “What am I?”, which will allow the little person to more easily understand himself and determine his place in the world. What could be more important in the future life?

The benefits of a portfolio for teachers who have to communicate with a child are undeniable. But most of all, the baby himself needs this document.

The portfolio is replenished with the best children's drawings and photographs of other crafts, observations of how the child grows up, what words and concepts he masters, and how his skills and abilities grow.

What will the portfolio be like?

Since the conversation is about the child’s portfolio, there is no question of a boring formal approach to the document. The chronicle of a child's growth should be fascinating and bright, because it is not created for show or for teachers; an extraordinary book will become the pride of its hero - the child himself. And it will be right if the parents begin collecting this chronicle together with the child, explaining to the child why this book is being created and what will be included in it.

And don’t think that a three-year-old child won’t understand the idea. Already at this age, children are partial to bright pictures, and if these are his pictures, then the interest will not wane for a long time. And after a while, a slightly older person can be amazed at how he was just recently, and compare today’s and yesterday’s skills.

Title page

The very first title page of a child’s book can be compared to the clothes by which, according to the saying, one is greeted. This is the face of a comprehensive work, allowing you to create the first impression of the child and his family, who took an active part in the creation of the book about the little hero.

However, no matter how important the title page is, you should not overload it with information. There are many more pages inside the book for everything you want to talk about. The title determines the most important thing - who is the owner of this portfolio, what is his age and where the hero studies and lives. A photograph of the child himself will not be superfluous. And if many parents prefer to make the text part of the title page using computer technology, then the artistic design can be done together with the child, who will be pleased to contribute to the creation of the first page of his own book.

Section No. 1. "My big world"

This section is sometimes also called “Portrait”, and all the most important information for the child is placed here. For example, you could suggest the following list:

Section No. 2. "My games and activities"

Section No. 3. "My holidays"

This section is entirely devoted to holidays that have taken place over the past period of time. These could be themed parties in kindergarten or home celebrations directly related to the child’s life. For example, New Year, Women's Day, Christmas or birthdays, autumn holiday or Unity Day.

Section No. 4. "I'm growing"

This section may include sections that give an idea of ​​the different facets of the baby’s development.

Dynamics of physical development

Anthropometric data is entered here, making it possible to track changes in height, weight and other indicators. Design may vary. For clarity, you can use graphs or diagrams; attaching pictures and comparative tables is not prohibited. Children like it when one of the indicators of growth is the contour of the palm and foot at different ages.

Photos of the baby at different ages are also attached here.

  1. Anthropometric indicators;
  2. My little palm. The outline is drawn every year. It is more convenient to do this on the baby’s birthday so that the dynamics of growth are visible.

Dynamics of general development

Creative development of the child

  • Drawings in different techniques and genres;
  • Small sculpture made of plastic, dough, plasticine or clay;
  • Applique and mosaic;
  • Design results;
  • Photos of crafts made from various materials;
  • Participation in productions, attaching photographs and indicating the role.

My records

This section gives space to all the child’s achievements, expressed in certificates of honor, diplomas and certificates of commendation that the child receives in children's institution, at exhibitions, in a club or after participating in competitions or competitions. This will serve as a good incentive to achieve high results, no matter what the child does, will teach him to make efforts and will give him a reason to be proud of the results achieved.

The materials are arranged in sequential chronological order, which allows those who pick up the book to clearly track the dynamics of the baby’s development and note the child’s aspirations as he grows.

Section No. 5. “My notes and impressions”

Here is a place for all the impressions the child received after visiting theatrical performances, exhibitions, hikes and film shows.

  • My travels and hikes.
  • My unforgettable discoveries.
  • My amazing excursions.
  • My impressions of performances and exhibitions.

Section No. 6. “Feedback and suggestions”

Here the wishes and reviews of adults communicating with the child are written down in free form:

  • Teachers in a child care facility;
  • Parents;
  • Teachers from additional education institutions attended by the child.

These records should increase the child’s self-esteem, because the praise expressed by adults and high appreciation of achievements will allow not only to be proud of the results already obtained, but also to strive for new heights. And the reason for the review could be the baby’s birthday, graduation from the next group, or any event being held.

Reminder for maintaining a children's portfolio

The memo is intended for teachers and educators of children's institutions.

  • Not only teachers, but also the child’s parents can and should fill out sections of the portfolio.
  • The sections of the children's chronicle are not numbered, and they can be arranged in any order.
  • The child’s works and achievements are necessarily dated, which will help track the dynamics and compare what the child created earlier with what is created today.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use portfolio data to compare one child with another!
  • The document must be designed carefully and creatively so that the child can appreciate its importance and value.
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