Dhow Entertainment Topics. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the child's consciousness

In this section you can find scripts for matinees in kindergarten, scripts for entertainment holidays, graduations and other events. Links to a specific scenario are in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Any holidays in kindergarten remain in the memory of children for a long time, so you need to try to approach the organization of these events very responsibly. It is advisable to plan every step and every action well and time it, always keeping in mind that there may be some unplanned situations. It is imperative to have “freedom of maneuver”, a small margin of time and be prepared for the fact that something does not go according to plan. A child may be capricious, someone will forget the words, someone will not want to dance - these things, of course, do not have a very positive effect on the general mood, but there is no point in making a tragedy out of this, these things happen regularly and an experienced teacher will always find an opportunity to calm capricious kids and return them to the common holiday.

Preparing for a kindergarten graduation, an entertainment holiday or a New Year's party has many common points that can simplify this process. Scenarios of events in kindergarten that vary in time and nature should be collected and analyzed for the future. There are many little things that seem simple and obvious, but which can seriously affect the matinee. Take, for example, the process of dressing children in costumes. If you don’t find out in advance whose parents will not be able to attend the matinee and help the children change clothes, then you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when most of the children get confused in their costumes and lose some parts of them, and you (the teacher and nanny) are not able to able to quickly cope with the complication that has arisen.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

“The spiritual life of a child is complete when
When he lives in the world of games, fairy tales, music,
Fantasy, creativity.
Without this, he is a dried flower.”...
V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

From an early age, any person knows what a holiday is and wishes there were as many of them as possible. It is human nature to strive for a joyful and bright feeling of life. Holidays not only allow a person to relax, they make him kinder, more sympathetic, more generous; memories of them warm him in difficult times.

There have always been many holidays in Russia. The very first holidays were associated with the agricultural calendar. They were based on pagan ideas about the structure of the world, about the interaction of people with the cosmos, nature, and deities. The holiday was represented in the image of a wheel of time, which constantly rotates from the winter Solstice - the crown of summer.

During the reign of Peter the Great, civil holidays were introduced in Russia: New Year celebrations, birthdays of members of the royal family, holidays in honor of the victory of Russian weapons, etc. They instilled a sense of patriotism and love for the homeland in children and adults

Adults do not want to live without holidays, and even more so children. A holiday is an important part of a child’s life, it is a joyful event that allows you to relax, shake yourself up, and forget. And sometimes just to take a break from everyday life. And the words have almost become an aphorism: “There is no childhood without holidays!”

Holidays and entertainment are an important factor in the formation of a little person. Through sounds and movements, the child learns about the world he has come to. For children, leisure and holidays stimulate interest in creativity, develop the ability to live in a team, contribute to the accumulation of experience in social behavior, the manifestation of initiative and independence. The mass character, colorfulness, positive emotions, and accessibility of everything that happens are needed like vitamins.

The educational, cognitive, aesthetic impact of holidays and leisure activities on a child is great, and therefore in your work on preparing and holding them it is important to avoid formalism and monotony. The holiday is the calling card of the kindergarten. Here you can see the dynamics of the child’s development, you can see what he has learned, how comfortable he feels in kindergarten.

Cultural and leisure activities are considered as an independent and specific component of the educational process. Through the organization of holidays, conditions are created for the development of the child’s general culture, his creative individuality and the formation of a positive concept of his personal “I”. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a set of pedagogical tasks:

– to form the child’s initial ideas about culture in general and the world of art in particular;
– strive to develop Creative skills emotional sphere of the child;
– introduce children to the basics of artistic and communicative culture through training in various types of activities;
– build confidence in your abilities;
– strengthen the physical and mental health of children;
– teach to respect the opinions of peers and people around you;
– teach rational use;
– cultivate interest in the history of your homeland, your people, your family;
– create a sociocultural space for the development of a child’s aesthetic attitude towards the world around him;
– support parents’ interest in holding joint events.

Cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of the activities of a preschool institution. The types of cultural and leisure activities are varied. They can be classified as follows: recreation, entertainment, holidays, self-education and creativity.

I would like to dwell in more detail on holding holidays and entertainment in kindergarten.

Just the word “holiday” makes every child’s heart beat faster. The greatest hopes and expectations of children are associated with the holiday. It is the childhood holidays spent with parents and friends that adults most often remember. For many, these memories are the brightest and most joyful in life. Therefore, a well-planned holiday prepared according to a special scenario will bring joy not only to children, but also to adults. After all, there is nothing more desirable than seeing a happy smile on a child’s face, knowing that it was you who helped him feel like the owner of a cheerful celebration, a leader among friends, and gave him additional moments of happiness. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten allow the child to discover new abilities and talents and develop existing skills. At these events, children show their achievements, and, in addition, holidays and entertainment are a source of new impressions for the child, a stimulus for his further development.

Types of holidays:

  • folk and folklore: Christmastide, Kolyada, Maslenitsa, Autumn;
  • state-civil: New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Knowledge Day, City Day, etc.;
  • international: Mother's Day, Children's Day, International Women's Day;
  • Orthodox: Christmas, Easter, Trinity, etc.;
  • household and family: birthday, school graduation, Primer holiday, traditional holidays in kindergarten or group;
  • holidays that are specially invented by adults in order to bring joy to children, for example, the holiday of “Soap Bubbles”, “Origami”, etc.

Structure of the holiday: dances (folk, ballroom, modern); singing (choral, solo, duet); artistic word; dramatization of poems, fairy tales; staging plays; jokes, reprises, surprises; games; playing children's musical instruments; decoration of the hall; involving parents.

A children's holiday is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on the younger generation. A holiday in general, and a children's holiday in particular, is usually defined as an aesthetic-social, integrated and complex phenomenon. The mass character, emotional elation, colorfulness, combination of folklore with modern events inherent in the festive situation contribute to a more complete artistic understanding by children of the historical heritage of the past and the formation of patriotic feelings and skills of moral behavior in the present.

The pedagogical goal of a children's holiday is determined in accordance with the general goal of shaping the child's personality and is achieved subject to a clear focus on the psychology and life attitudes of children preschool age.

The pedagogical task of the team is to unite creative forces to create new children's traditions.

Effective celebrations are facilitated by:

– unification of all its components around the main goal; selection of artistic material; choice of emotional and expressive means; selection of performers; collective summing up and evaluation of the work done.

Each holiday has its own customs and traditions, its own scenario.

The script for a children's party is a detailed literary and textual development of the content and course of the theatrical action. It sets out sequentially everything that will happen. The matinee script is drawn up by the music director, together with the teachers, and approved by the director. The script reveals the theme, shows the author's transitions from one part of the action to another, and introduces the works of art used or excerpts from them.

Job over the script includes several stages.

1st stage – determination of the ideological and thematic concept of the holiday– clearly articulating themes and ideas that are closely related but distinct from each other.

The script for a children's party must have a plot, that is, the development of events, the identification of characters in action, the main conflict. The search for bright, interesting material to organize the plot is an integral part of working on the script.

2nd stage – composition construction– implementation of plot and conflict in a developing specific stage action. Composition – organization of action, appropriate arrangement of material – includes:

  • exposition
(short story about the events that preceded the conflict and caused this conflict; introductory word by the presenter, information about a specific event); the beginning(exposition develops into it; the plot should be extremely clear and concise, concentrate the attention of children, prepare them to perceive the action, set them in a certain mood);
  • development of action,
  • or the main action, i.e. the depiction of events in which the conflict is resolved;
  • climax
  • (the highest point of development of the action; at the moment of culmination the idea of ​​the holiday is most concentratedly expressed);
  • denouement or finale
  • - the most convenient moment for maximum manifestation of activity by all participants in the children's party (it is advisable to include mass musical numbers, general round dances and dances in the final scenes).

    Requirements for the script: strict logic in the construction and development of the topic; completeness of each episode; organic connection of episodes; the build-up of action as it moves towards climax.

    Since a children's party is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on children, when organizing it, you need to carefully work on the means of emotional influence.

    Thus, music directly affects the feelings of children, it encourages them to empathize. It is important to first create a general uplift of feelings, a festive atmosphere, in which the alternation of various types of activities will take place.

    Song and dance on children's party- These are means of communication and unity of all those gathered. There should be no actors or spectators here. Everyone gets involved in the festive action and fun through games. In musical-rhythmic activities, children with great pleasure invent and combine dance movements, singing and moving to the music. Dance, folk dance, pantomime and musical dramatization encourage them to depict a picture of life in the proposed circumstances.

    The word as a means of information carries additional information at the holiday. Sounding in poems, proverbs, riddles, sayings, carols, etc., it inspires the participants.

    When choosing poems, you must remember that long, difficult poems do not decorate the holiday, but most often drag it out and introduce boredom.

    The use of staged fairy tales, stories, plays, and poems in the festive program introduces an element of theatricality into the action. Children must participate in theatrical performances. Their spontaneity, sincerity and passion for performance brighten up the celebration.

    Playing at a children's party acts, on the one hand, as a method of activating the child, on the other hand, as an important form of mastering folk art. It is important to captivate children and make sure that the end of the game is not drawn out, but is characterized by brightness, emotional richness, and effectiveness. Games that involve competitive moments are very interesting for children.

    A huge role in the celebration belongs to presenter. It is he who must be able to improvise, look for elements of surprise and effectiveness of festive communication in any game. His emotionality, liveliness, ability to directly communicate with children, expressive performance of poetic texts largely determine the general mood and pace of the holiday. The presenter must not only know the program well, but also be able to quickly respond to unexpected random changes.

    Decoration of the kindergarten premises in holidays is also of great importance. Invention and creativity in the design of group rooms, decoration of the hall, lobby, area, preparation of costumes and attributes for individual numbers of the program attract the attention of children, fill their hearts with a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

    The decoration of the hall differs from the decoration of the group in its special pomp and solemnity. The main bright spot is the design of the central wall in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

    When decorating a room for a holiday, we follow basic rules. The design should: meet the content of the holiday, be artistic and understandable for children, develop artistic and aesthetic taste, create a joyful mood, and evoke a sense of interest in upcoming events.

    Along with the holidays, it is important to create a positive microclimate in the group. entertainment.

    Entertainment, as one of the types of cultural and leisure activities, is of a compensatory nature, compensating for the costs of everyday life and monotony of the environment. Entertainment should always be a colorful moment in the lives of children, enriching impressions and developing creative activity. They contribute to his comprehensive development and introduce him to various types of art: musical, visual, literary, theatrical, etc.; awaken joyful feelings, elevate mood and vitality. At such events, the child gets the opportunity to demonstrate independence, and therefore gain self-confidence and faith in his abilities; his positive qualities develop: goodwill, mutual assistance, kindness, sympathy, cheerfulness.

    According to the degree of activity of children's participation, entertainment is divided into three types: children are only listeners or spectators; children are direct participants; participants – adults and children. When organizing entertainment of the first type, we involve children in the decoration of the hall and group; production of attributes or invitation cards. In this type of event, the cultural and leisure activities of preschoolers are somewhat limited: they are mainly spectators, and receive a positive emotional mood in the process of perception.

    The second type of entertainment makes it possible to include children more widely in the process of preparation and performance. They themselves prepare numbers for performances, stage performances, act out roles, and take an active part in various games. This type of entertainment allows the teacher to find something to do for each child, which has a positive effect on the formation of the foundations of an individual’s culture.

    The third type is mixed. It allows children to expand their communication with adults and peers, which is so necessary for general development preschoolers. Involving parents in this section of the teacher’s cultural and leisure activities is an important form of kindergarten work with families.

    Entertainment can also be classified according to its content:

    • theatrical:
    puppet and shadow theaters, toy theater, flannelgraph, plane theater, etc.;
  • cognitive
  • : KVN, quizzes about the life and work of composers, artists, writers, actors, poets; about the customs and traditions of your country and people; environmental;
  • sports
  • : sports games, attractions, outdoor games, competitions, relay races;
  • musical and literary concerts.
  • In order for entertainment to truly contribute to the development and upbringing of children, it is necessary to carefully plan it, think through the preparation in advance, determining the degree of participation of children depending on their individual capabilities and age.

    Entertainment includes jokes, tricks, riddles, surprise moments, attractions.

    Tricks arouse keen interest in children. There is something mysterious and amazing about them. Tricks shown to children are fun and educational experiences that do not require special equipment or special skills.

    Jokes. Children are always happy with them. They can be used during breaks between games, holiday matinees and entertainment. One thing needs to be remembered: under no circumstances should jokes be given one after another. It is useful to practice jokes with older children so that they can tell them to younger ones. This will teach the latter to understand jokes and joke themselves, to better see and understand the diversity of the world around them.

    All children love to make and guess riddles. Having guessed the riddle, they are glad that they were able to show resourcefulness and intelligence. The educational value of riddles is also great. They expand their horizons, introduce them to the world around them, develop inquisitiveness, train attention and memory, and enrich speech.

    Attractions give children the opportunity to compete in dexterity, courage, and ingenuity. They are selected taking into account the age of the children. The teacher needs to remember: when the game ends, the winners should be rewarded morally or financially.

    Surprises are unexpected and fun moments that always cause a storm of emotions in children. When a surprise situation arises, preschoolers perk up and their activity intensifies. In addition, surprise moments create a situation of novelty that a preschool child needs. Surprise moments can be included in activities, walks, holidays and in everyday life in kindergarten.

    After the holidays and entertainment, it is important to consolidate the impressions and knowledge acquired by children. To do this, conversations are held with children. It is advisable to use visual activities in summing up the holiday, because This helps to consolidate the impressions received and develops figurative memory.

    Leisure activities unite all types of human culture: aesthetic, moral, cognitive, gaming, ethical, etc.

    It is activities in free time that educate a child, promote the development of memory, and shape the spiritual world and morality. Children learn the right attitude towards each other and the older generation. They develop an aesthetic sense of beauty, the ability to appreciate material and spiritual values, as well as the ability to use them.


    1. Vetlugina N.A., Keneman A.V., Theory and methodology of musical education M., Education 1983.
    2. Vetlugina N.A. Musical education in kindergarten., M., Education 1981.
    3. Vetlugina N.A. Independent artistic activity of preschoolers. M., Pedagogy, 1980.
    4. Metlov N.A. Music for children - M.: Education, 1985.
    5. Petrushin. IN. Musical psychology. M., "Vlados" 1997.
    6. Bekina S.I. Holiday in kindergarten. M., “Enlightenment” 1990.

    All parents know that they need to develop their children with early age, and they want their child to be better, smarter, stronger than his peers. Whereas moms and dads themselves are not always ready to come up with entertainment and holiday scenarios. That is why children's entertainment (in kindergarten) is considered the most faithful and organic.

    Entertainment in kindergarten

    In kindergarten it is not only a way to amuse the kids, to give them a piece of joy, fun and laughter. Another equally important function of entertainment and holidays is mental development and the formation of certain skills in children. After all, children perceive this world through play and fun, and moral teachings and boring stories do not bring any benefit to the development of children.

    Children's entertainment in kindergarten it is divided into main types:

    • daily program;
    • holiday scenarios.

    At the same time, both forms of work of a kindergarten teacher are an integral part of the life of the group and make a huge contribution to the development of children, provided they are properly organized.

    Types of activities in kindergarten

    Activities in kindergarten can be very diverse:

    1) Everyday children's entertainment in kindergarten.

    3) Themed holidays.

    4) Musical and artistic activities.

    Most often, as practice shows, the music director, physical education instructor and teachers are busy only with preparing for the holidays. They prepare the script, hand out the roles and practice them with the children. In September the group prepares for the autumn or harvest festival. Immediately after it is carried out, all entertainment scenarios in kindergarten come down to preparation for New Year's party, then to the Eighth of March and so on.

    Of course, holidays, matinees and preparation for them are an important component of the life of the children's team, but far from the only one. Therefore, the work of a teacher should be varied, and holiday scenarios should be thought out so that children do not have long and painful preparations.

    Types of recreation

    Recreation in kindergarten can also be active and passive. Passive rest includes:

    • general muscle relaxation (sleep, casual conversation);
    • contemplation of paintings, nature, beautiful objects;
    • casual conversations.

    Rest can also be active:

    • gymnastic exercises;
    • work in the kindergarten yard;
    • outdoor games.

    The main essence of recreation is that the child must independently choose the type of activity, realize his desires and needs in accordance with his own interests.

    Scenarios for holidays and entertainment in kindergarten

    Topics of entertainment in kindergarten can be:

    1) Household: New Year's Eve, letting children go to school.

    3) Seasonal: farewell to winter, bird day, summer holiday.

    One of the most common holidays in kindergarten is the “Autumn Festival”. For example, “The autumn noisy ball invited guests to its place”, its preparation includes:

    • selection of text material and musical accompaniment;
    • script development;
    • learning texts and songs for the holiday;
    • prepare children in advance: tell all about the signs of autumn and how animals prepare for winter in the fall;
    • decorating the room with airy decorations, posters;
    • preparation of costumes and other attributes for children.

    Characters: presenter, fungus, bunny, fox, bear, tit, birds, as well as vegetables: garlic, tomato, carrots, cabbage, cucumber and others.

    To the sound of music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. The presenter begins her speech, then each vegetable recites poems about its vegetable. Afterwards you can perform the song “Autumn has come”, “Sad Crane” and other compositions dedicated to autumn themes.

    Autumn holidays and entertainment in kindergarten

    Autumn is a dreary and rainy time, but not for kindergarten children, because teachers always try to choose the most fun and interesting scenarios entertainment (in kindergarten).

    So, the musical theatrical entertainment “A Fun Journey into Autumn.” The main characters of this entertainment: autumn, vegetables, squirrels, hares, bear, cat, birds. The role of autumn and the leader is played by adults, everyone else is played by children of older groups.

    In poetry, kids ask autumn, why did it come with frequent rains and cold nights? Why did autumn take away the fun and hot summer? "Winter would be better!" Autumn, in turn, replies that she will try to fulfill the children’s request and give them snowstorms, and she herself will go to those countries where she will be very welcome.

    Then all the children come out to the music playing the roles of trees, squirrels, hares, birds and vegetables. They say that they will not understand what is happening, because the trees did not have time to shed their leaves, and the hares did not have time to change their fur coats, and they barely escaped from the wolf, because they cannot hide in gray fur coats on the white snow. The squirrels answer that they have not shed and that they did not have time to stock up on mushrooms for the winter. And then the Bear comes out into the clearing, he roars, because he did not have time to find a den to sleep, and not wander through the forest, scaring the animals. But the birds did not have time to fly south to warmer climes and are now completely frozen. And the vegetables tried so hard in the summer, they ripened, but people didn’t collect them. And all together - animals, birds, vegetables ask for autumn to return to the children, and the children look for it and bring it.

    Now autumn has returned again, but not on its own, but with gifts. She carries a basket of vegetables and fruits and gives the children sweets.

    New Year's entertainment scenarios

    New Year, as you know, is the most favorite holiday not only for children, but also for their parents. Therefore, organizing this holiday is so important for everyone, and preparation takes a lot of time. There are a large number of New Year’s entertainment scenarios, for example:

    - “A journey around the world of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and everyone else.” The heroes of this fairy tale are Baba Yaga, Father Frost, and Snow Maiden. Their roles are played by adults. Harlequin, Malvina, Cinderella and other heroes of children's fairy tales are children.

    First, the children come in to the New Year's composition. Children recite poems about a fun holiday called “New Year”. The presenter invites all children to dance around the Christmas tree and make their most cherished wishes as they approach the green New Year's beauty. Then the children recite poems about the Christmas tree or sing a song together.

    The Snow Maiden comes out and sings a song. Then Baba Yaga appears, who talks about how she bewitched Santa Claus. Children and adults, not believing her, all call him together. Finally, Santa Claus enters and distributes gifts to everyone. This is the most important thing for children, especially on such a magical New Year holiday.

    Spring fun in kindergarten

    Spring is the time when everything comes to life. We must not forget about events. For example, you can organize such children's entertainment in kindergarten as “Bird Day”. In such an event, you need to use riddles and sayings about different birds, imitating with your voice the various sounds that winged friends make. The teacher asks riddles about a sparrow, a raven, a woodpecker, and says: “tick-tweet, caw-crow, knock-knock.”

    You can also invite children to play this entertainment called “Birds”. Its essence is that you need to draw a large circle - this is the sky where birds fly. At the beginning of the game, each child chooses one favorite bird, and one of the children portrays a fox. The bird children walk in a circle, and the fox is between the children. When she says a poem about one of the birds, for example, about a cuckoo, then the one who chose to be her at the beginning of the game must quickly fly into the circle so that the fox does not have time to catch it. At the end of the game, the birds who escaped in the circle and those who fell into the clutches of the fox play tug of war with a rope or a stick, competing to see whose team will win.

    Most importantly, scenarios for holidays and entertainment in kindergarten should be bright and varied.

    The folder contains scenarios for physical education events and entertainment for different age groups. Material used in the development from various sources, including from the Internet, thanks to everyone for the idea!



    Physical education holiday

    “Everyone should know the rules of the road!”

    Target. Organization of active leisure for older preschoolers.


    Consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic;

    Improve the basic types of movements of children;

    Foster mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

    Equipment: Gymnastic benches, tape recorder, traffic light signs (red, yellow, green), picture posters depicting modes of transport, 2 hoops, pictures of road signs, 2 crawling tunnels, 2 fitballs, 2 images of a bus.

    Preliminary work:

    Studying traffic rules and rules of behavior on the street and in public transport;

    Reading books about types of transport, about road users;

    Conversation about ethical standards of behavior on the street and in public transport;

    Decoration of the sports ground with balls, flags, road-themed posters;

    Memorization of poems used in the script;

    Making traffic light souvenirs.

    Progress of the holiday.

    Children go out onto the playground to the sound of cheerful music.

    Educator: Hello dear guys, dear guests and members of the jury. Summer has come. You spend a lot of time outdoors. In summer, the number of vehicles on the roads increases. Therefore, it is very important to know the rules of behavior on the street - these are the rules of the road.

    1st child:

    Everywhere and everywhere there are rules,

    You should always know them.

    They won't go sailing without them.

    From the ship's harbor.

    2nd child:

    Go out to flight according to rules

    Polar explorer and pilot.

    They have their own rules

    Driver and pedestrian.

    3rd child:

    Around the city, down the street

    They don’t just walk like that:

    When you don't know the rules

    It's easy to get into trouble.

    4th child:

    Be careful all the time

    And remember in advance:

    They have their own rules

    Driver and pedestrian!

    (Ya. Pishumov).

    Educator: Let's remember what traffic rules we know.

    Children's answers.

    Educator: Today we will go to the country of Traffic Lights! We’ll take all our friends with us, as well as our skill and good mood. Let's get out of the way to warm up with friends before the road.

    Musical and rhythmic composition “Friends”. All competition participants perform a composition based on a song by the group “Barbariki”.

    1st task: Game “Line up in a column”.

    Educator: To transition time

    Could you find out correctly?

    At a big traffic light

    We need to look for a small one.

    Look at him

    There are two eyes in total:

    If the red eye is on fire,

    The man is standing there.

    So we have to wait it out

    Stand by the road.

    The traffic light changes color

    The green eye lights up.

    The man walks in it -

    That's it, the transition is free!

    Guys, in order to hit the road now, you and I will divide into two teams. You have red and green emblems hanging around your neck, like a traffic light for pedestrians. At the signal, you scatter in all directions. As soon as the music ends, those with red emblems need to line up in a column under the red emblem, and those with green ones need to stand under the green emblem.

    Educator: The road ahead, guys, is long. And our friend will help us. It helps regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians on the streets. And what is his name, you will now find out!

    At the transition strip,

    On the side of the road

    The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,

    A breed unknown to us.

    With different colored eyes

    Talking to us.

    The red eye is looking at us.

    Stop! - His Order says.

    The yellow eye looks at us: - Be careful!

    And the green eye -

    For us:


    This is how he conducts his conversation

    Silent... (traffic light).

    Educator: That's right, well done! And here he is!

    Traffic light enters.

    Traffic light: I am a traffic light - a reliable friend,

    I help everyone around me.

    I'm a commander on the road,

    Known to everyone all over the world!

    Traffic light: But there are very, very many roads, and I, alone, could never cope with the large flow of cars and pedestrians. The same traffic lights as I do help me. Come on, you build the same traffic lights. We need to split into pairs and run hand in hand to the finish line and build a traffic light.

    2nd task. Relay "Red, Yellow, Green".

    Teams stand in columns in pairs behind the starting lines. Opposite each of the teams, next to the finish lines, at a distance of 6-8 m from the start line, 12 soft modules are scattered in random order: 4 modules are cylinders - a stand for traffic lights, 2 red cubes, 2 yellow cubes and 2 green cubes colors - traffic light, 2 triangular prisms - traffic light roof. At the leader’s signal, the first pair of each team runs up to the modules, takes one of them, places it on the finish line, returns to the team and passes the baton, touching the palm of the second pair with their palm. The next pairs perform the same actions. The winner is the team whose players complete the task without mistakes and faster than their opponents: first, 2 cylinders are placed on top of each other on the finish line, then green, yellow, red cubes, and a prism on top.

    Traffic light: Everyone in the world knows:

    Driving rules

    Need to do

    With due respect.

    I suggest you play a game with which we will find out how well you know the rules of movement.

    3rd task: Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

    Traffic light: Which one of you is going forward?

    Only where the transition is?


    Traffic light: Who flies forward so quickly

    What does the traffic light not see?

    Children: BE SILENT!

    Traffic light: Who drives without looking back

    In the yard and on the playground?

    Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Traffic light: Which one of you, on your way home,

    Is it on the pavement?

    Children: BE SILENT!

    Traffic light: Which one of you is on a cramped bus?

    Gives place to elders?

    Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Traffic light: Who knows that red light -

    This means: “No move!”

    Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    (Ya. Pishumov)

    Leading : Here he stands on the pavement,

    Like a wizard, a guard.

    He quickly extended his hand,

    He deftly waved his wand.

    All cars to one

    Submit to him.

    Very important and not easy

    Road inspector post.

    Who makes sure that everything is on its way

    Did you know how to behave?

    (based on the poem by Y. Pishumov “This is my street”)

    Children: Traffic controller!

    Traffic light: That's right, guys, it's a traffic controller! And now I invite you to the next competition and ask you to show how a traffic controller should be dressed and what should be in his hands.

    4th task: Relay race “Young traffic controllers”.

    Teams line up one at a time behind the starting lines. Opposite each of the teams, next to the finish lines, at a distance of 6-8 m from the start line, there is whistle . In front of each team, on a chair there is a traffic police inspector’s cape, cap and baton. At the leader’s signal, the first player of each team puts on a cape and cap and takes a baton, runs up to the cubes, takes a whistle, whistles on it and puts it back, returns to the team and passes the baton, taking off everything and helping to dress the second player. The next players perform the same actions. The winner is the team whose players complete the task without mistakes and faster than their opponents.

    Leading: Pedestrian, pedestrian!
    Remember about the transition!
    Underground, above ground,
    Looks like a zebra
    Know that only a transition
    It will save you from cars.

    5th task: Relay race “Fast walkers competition”

    Teams line up one at a time behind the starting lines. In front of each team, equipment is laid out in the direction of the finish line: at a distance of 1 meter - a bench (overpass) (designated with a sign), after 1 meter - a tunnel (underground passage), after another 1 meter - a black and white stripe (zebra crossing, overpass) . The presenter commands “To the start!” Attention! March!”, the first player of each team walks along the bench (viaduct), crawls into the tunnel (underground passage) and walks along the zebra crossing. Returns, with a QUICK STEP, to the teams and passes the baton by touching palm to palm. The team that completes the task faster and makes fewer mistakes wins: players should not switch from fast walking to running and jumping.

    Traffic light: Let's check, guys, how carefully you look at the traffic lights, and let's play, not on the roadway, but on our site.

    6th task: Game for attention.

    The traffic light holds 3 flags in its hands: red, yellow, green. When one of the flags is raised, the children (arranged in teams) perform pre-agreed movements.

    Red - stand and remain silent.

    Yellow - jumping in place.

    Green - running.

    Traffic light: Well, now we see which guys are attentive and which are not. Do you know, my friends, what types of transport exist?

    Children's answers.

    Traffic light: Well done boys. So, if you go by bus, then there are three stops left to the country of Traffic Lights. You need to enter the bus through the back doors and exit through the front doors, and try not to push other passengers. You always buy a ticket on the bus. And if you don’t buy it, you will be “hares” - stowaways, and “hares” are always thrown out or asked to pay a fine. Our bus is unusual. In it, in order to get to the next stop, you need to complete some task. There are three stops to the country of Traffic Lights. If you complete three tasks, then you will get there.

    7th task: “Three stops.”

    1 stop

    Traffic light: Task one - road signs.

    Educator: That's a sign! I can't believe my eyes.
    What is the battery for?
    Does it help with movement?
    Steam heating?
    Maybe in a blizzard winter
    Do drivers need to warm up here?

    Traffic light: Know, children, this sign
    He says to the driver:
    “There is a crossing barrier here.
    Wait - the express will pass."

    Educator: Wonderful sign -
    Exclamation mark.
    So you can shout here,
    Sing, walk, play mischief.
    If you run barefoot,
    If you go - with the breeze!

    Traffic light: No, I'll tell you strictly:

    “This is a dangerous road.

    A road sign is asking for help

    Drive quietly and carefully."

    The traffic light shows several more road signs, the children say what these signs are.

    2nd stop

    Traffic light: Well, we've reached the second stop.

    Traffic light: Guys, what rules of behavior in transport do you know?

    Children's answers.

    Traffic light: Is it possible to touch the doors with your hands while driving? Can I talk to the driver? Why? Is it okay to shout or talk loudly to each other?

    Traffic light: Guys, let's remember what is prohibited and what is allowed to do on the road.

    Traffic light: Now I will read poetry, and you listen carefully. If this is incorrect and prohibited, then the red team raises its hands up, and the green team stands with its hands down. If everything is correct and resolved, then the green team raises its hands.

    Game “Prohibited - Allowed”

    And avenues and boulevards -

    The streets are noisy everywhere

    Walk along the sidewalk

    Only on the right side!

    Here to play pranks, disturb people


    Be a good pedestrian


    If you are traveling on a tram

    And there are people around you,

    Without pushing, without yawning,

    Come forward quickly.

    Riding like a hare, as is known,


    Give the old lady a seat


    If you're just walking,

    Still look ahead

    Through a noisy intersection

    Pass carefully.

    Crossing at red light


    When it's green, even for children


    (V. Semernin)

    3 stop

    Traffic light: Children, look, a funny, beautiful ball has rolled towards us. He rolled onto our site from the roadway. Can you play with a ball where cars drive? And why?

    Children's answers.

    Traffic light: That's right, children, there are special areas for playing outside, like ours, for example. Let's jump on our balls!

    Children, one from each team, jump on fitballs to a landmark and run back with the ball in their hands, passing the ball to the next player.

    Traffic light: So, guys, we have reached the country of Traffic Lights and remembered the rules of the road and behavior on the street and in public transport. Will you follow these rules now?

    Children: Yes!!!

    Traffic light: We have become friends, and in memory of our meeting I give you small souvenirs.

    The traffic light gives small traffic lights cut out of paper and says goodbye to the children.


    “There are no shortage of heroes on Russian land...”

    Scenario of a sports festival with parents for children of senior preschool age.


    1. involve parents in the sports life of the kindergarten;
    2. develop children's motor skills;
    3. to cultivate pride in one’s country, one’s people, friendliness, and the desire for mutual assistance;
    4. create a positive emotional mood, a cheerful, cheerful mood.

    The progress of the holiday

    The “Radetzky March” by J. Strauss is playing. The teams solemnly walk around the hall and line up in a semicircle.

    Leading: Once upon a time there was hail on a high hill. It was surrounded by an earthen rampart and surrounded by ditches. You could see far from the green hills. The suburbs, the wide Mother River, rich arable land, and pine forests were visible. And behind the forests stretched the steppes - endlessly and without edge. The heroes rode tirelessly on powerful horses, vigilantly peering into the distance: could they see enemy fires, could they hear the tramp of other people's horses. There are many heroic feats to his name! There is a lot to learn and be envied. Good afternoon, dear children and parents. I invite you to take a short journey into history and turn into epic heroes!

    As in the glorious city, in Divnogorsk,

    In kindergarten No. 9

    Yes, in the preparatory group "..."

    We lived, we were, we didn’t grieve

    ... nice fellows,

    All beauties there are no words!

    And the scientists ruled the affairs there

    Princess…. with the noblewomen.

    So I decided one day

    Princess to issue such a decree...

    Princess: Decree

    Good fellows!

    Gather together into glorious squads!

    Show off your heroic strength and brave prowess!

    Amuse us with a steady hand and a keen eye!

    And before the test begins, I command you to take an oath!

    Children take an oath, repeating the words after the princess.

    Ilya Muromets (physical education instructor) enters to the soundtrack of the song “Heroic Strength” by Stas Namin.

    Ilya Muromets: You are a goy, good fellows, heroes of our land! Hello and low bow from me, Ilya Muromets, and my comrades - Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. And bow to you, our beauty, glorious princess ( to the manager ). I heard about strong, mighty heroes and about your glorious competitions and decided to take a look at your heroic strength. Let's stand, heroes, opposite each other and warm up before a serious competition.

    To the soundtrack of the song “Heroic Strength” by Stas Namin, all participants perform physical exercises shown by Ila Muromets.

    Ilya Muromets: Now we need to come up with names for the teams. Let there be “Bogatyrs” on the left, and “Good fellows” on the right. I propose that our competition be judged by the wisest Princesses and Vasilisa the Wise.

    (Members of the jury - head, methodologist)

    Well, heroes, attention,

    Let's start the competition!

    Fun 1: “Heroic Horse”

    Ilya Muromets: What is a hero without a horse? Now we will see how our fellows can stay in the saddle. Bring me my war horse! (They serve him cotton.) You need to ride around that mound on horseback and come back.

    The boys ride on the hops, then the dads carry the boys on their backs.

    Fun 2: "Sharpshooters":

    The child runs to the landmark and throws a small ball into the hoop, dad tries to catch the ball with the hoop; The team with the most hits wins.

    Leading: The Russian heroes were not only distinguished by their heroic strength, but also shone with their intelligence. I suggest that our fellows exercise their minds a little.

    Fun 3: “Competition of wits”:

    1. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber (whistle)

    2. Container for miracles (sieve)

    3. Royal head decoration (crown)

    4. Bogatyr figure (three)

    5. A headdress designed for a fool (cap)

    6. Robber's number (forty)

    7. Unclean Dozen (thirteen)

    8. Witchplane (broom)

    9. Serpent according to the priest (Gorynych)

    Ilya Muromets: For a long time, heroes fought with evil spirits. Well, tell me who they are? ( Children call ) Our next competition is called “Baba Yaga”.

    Fun 4: “Baba Yaga”:

    The boys take part in the sack race, then the dads.

    Ilya Muromets: And now the competition “Snake Gorynych”.

    Fun 5: “Snake Gorynych”:

    Competition is being held -running in a bunch, a hoop, three people each. Running like a snake between cones.

    Ilya Muromets: Well, I’m convinced: you have plenty of strength and dexterity. So, it’s time to go for a serious test. Koschey the Immortal imprisoned all the Beautiful Helens in his prison. We need to help them out! But before you hit the road, you need to refresh yourself with rejuvenating apples.

    Dads take turns running up to a basin of water, taking out an apple without hands and returning to their team. The team that eats all the apples the fastest wins.

    Ilya Muromets : To defeat Koshchei, the sure thing is to find his death. Where is she? That's right, in an egg.

    Fun 6: “Youth apples”:

    Children take part in a relay race: they need to carry a tennis ball in a spoon across the entire hall.

    Ilya Muromets : And now the most difficult test. We must penetrate the kingdom of Koshcheevo and free Elen the Beautiful.

    Fun 7: “Obstacle course.”

    Ilya Muromets: Well, well done, heroes. They showed their heroic strength and valiant prowess. For a long time in Rus', it was customary to celebrate military affairs with heroic fun. And the main fun was tug of war.

    Fun 8: “Tug of war.”

    Ilya Muromets: Yes, there are no shortage of heroes and good fellows in Rus', they showed their brave prowess, their mighty strength! They have not tarnished the heroic honor! A worthy replacement is growing for grandfathers and fathers. And now the floor is given to our judges.

    The judges sum up the results of the previous relay races and the overall result of the meeting. Competition participants are awarded. Competitors take a lap of honor.


    Someone who lives in the little house!

    Scenario of sports entertainment for children of middle preschool age.

    The tower is located on the short side of the playground. Children play leading roles in games senior group, costumed in accordance with the plot of the game.

    Leading: There is a tower in the field,

    He is neither short nor tall.

    Let him play with us

    Who lives in the mansion...

    Guys, let's ask together:

    Who lives in the little house?

    Does anyone live in a low place?

    Mouse: (runs out of the mansion).

    I'm a little mouse

    I'm not a coward at all!

    Join the round dance:

    You are all mice

    Vasya (Kolya) is a cat!

    Puts a mask-cap on one of the boys and places him in the middle of the circle.

    Presenter and mouse: (moving in a circle).

    The mice dance in circles

    The cat is dozing on the bed.

    Hush, mice, don't make noise

    And don't wake the cat


    Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

    We are not afraid of the cat!

    The outdoor game “Cat and Mice” is repeated 2-3 times.

    Leader and children:

    Who lives in the little house?

    Does anyone live in a low place?

    In a little groove

    At the edge of the forest

    Loud day and night

    They croak...

    Frog: Kwa-a-a-a!

    Let's play the most frog game.

    Let's make a swamp.

    He jumps out of the tower and, together with the children, lays them out in a circle.


    Here are the frogs along the path

    They jump with their legs stretched out.


    They jump with their legs stretched out.

    They jump on two legs, spreading their fingers.

    From a puddle to a mound

    Yes, jump for the midge!


    They climb onto different objects.

    Yes, jump after the mouse!

    They no longer feel like eating.

    Jump again into your swamp.

    They jump down.

    The outdoor game “Frogs” is repeated 2-3 times.

    Leader and children: Who lives in the little house?

    Does anyone live in a low place?

    Bunny: (jumps out of the tower.)

    One two three four five!

    There is no place for the bunny to jump.

    There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,

    He clicks his teeth, clicks!

    Leading: And we will hide in the bushes.

    Hide, little bunny, and you too!

    Children hide behind different objects.

    Wolf: (walks with lunges, speaks in recitative).

    I'm a shaggy gray wolf

    I know a lot about bunnies!

    They all jump and jump,

    They'll get in my teeth!..

    Uh, there’s no one... I’ll hide behind a bush and wait...

    Children appear.

    On the green, on the meadow,

    They pinch the grass, listen,

    Isn't there a wolf coming...


    The wolf chases the children, but only plays, not catches them. The outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf” is repeated 2-3 times.

    Leader and children: Who lives in the little house?

    Does anyone live in a low place?

    Leading: Nobody responds... Guys! You know the fairy tale. Tell me, who should emerge from the tower now?..(children answer). Why doesn't the fox come out? Here's what I came up with: let's lure her out, start clucking, cackling, crowing... She'll think that the chickens have come. Just don’t forget that you have to run away from her into the chicken coop very quickly.

    The outdoor game “Fox in the Chicken Coop” is a simplified version of the “Run to the House” type, repeated 2-3 times.

    Leader and children: Who lives in the little house?

    Does anyone live in a low place?

    Bear (appears behind the children).I want to live in a little house, but they don’t let me in, they say I don’t know how to do anything. It's not true, I can sing: Ooooh!

    And for a long time I

    Wonderful dancer!

    Leading: Come on, Mishenka, dance.

    Let the kids watch!

    The bear dances awkwardly.

    Wow Mishka - well done!

    Dance with him, guys!

    A general cheerful dance to the accompaniment of a tambourine, rattles, barrel organs or the melody “Russian tune”.

    What a fun dance

    It's going on in our yard!

    No one stands still

    Everyone is dancing with us,

    Everyone is stomping their feet

    Everyone clap their hands!

    Here's some fun stuff -

    The whole street started dancing!

    The entertainment ends, the host and characters say goodbye to the children and escort them out of the hall.


    Health Day

    Sports and entertainment event for children 3-4 years old


    1. Formation of motor activity of children.
    2. Strengthening the physical development of preschool children.
    3. Develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Children enter the hall, forming in one line.

    Running in a circle, various types of walking.

    Game "Turnip"

    Children stand in a circle, a child - a “turnip” - is squatting in the center. The children walk around to the song.

    Finger game "Salad"

    We peel and peel the carrots,

    Vigorously move the fist of the right hand across the palm of the left.

    We three or three carrots

    Press your fists to your chest and make sharp movements with them back and forth.

    Sprinkle it with sugar

    “Sprinkle with sugar”, finely fingering.

    And pour some sour cream on it.

    Make a movement with your fist from top to bottom, as if pouring.

    This is our salad

    Stretch your palms forward

    Rich in vitamins!

    They stroke the stomach with their palm.

    Health Day

    Sports and entertainment event for children middle group

    Progress of the lesson.

    Children enter the hall to the music.

    Leading: Attention, attention, we are starting our sports festival dedicated to Health Day.

    Healthy lifestyle

    We run a kindergarten!

    Getting slimmer

    And more beautiful every day!

    We are full of optimism

    Reveal the whole truth:

    Healthy lifestyle

    Helps us live!


    The cold scares them so much

    They fly to warm countries,

    They can't sing and have fun

    Who gathered in flocks? ...(ycitp)

    Rain and slush, dirt and wind,

    Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

    The man is freezing, he is freezing,

    The first white one fell out...(gens)

    Lay down in his pocket and keep watch

    Roaring, crying and dirty,

    They will wipe away streams of tears,

    He won't forget about his nose.(Handkerchief)

    What is useful -

    Everybody knows?

    And I can easily find the answer.

    According to my favorite cup

    Daisies are drawn,

    Well, in the cup - ... (Milk)

    Estonian folk round dance game “Have fun, kids!”

    Sports tower

    Sports entertainment scenario for children of the 1st and 2nd junior groups

    Target: maintaining and strengthening the physical health of pupils.

    Program content:

    1. Encourage children to imitate expressive movements that convey the external actions of the characters, the ability to move “the whole body,” as well as voluntarily relax the muscles.
    2. Contribute to the formation of a conscious need for health.
    3. Improve motor skills and abilities;
    4. Form optimal motor activity in the process of motor activity;
    5. Create a joyful mood in children from movement.

    Participating: Butterfly, Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Fox, Wolf, Bear.

    Preliminary preparation:To stage a fairy tale, you will need costume elements - wings for a butterfly, hats for a mouse, a frog, mittens and ears for a bunny, fox, wolf and bear. The mansion itself can be indicated by a correspondingly decorated chair. An older child can play the role of a giant bear.

    Progress of the event

    Children (to the music) enter the hall and sit down on the prepared benches. There is a Teremok in the middle of the hall. A butterfly runs in to the music, flaps its wings, then stops and examines the tower.

    Butterfly: There is a tower in the field,

    He's not low, he's not high

    Nobody answers me.

    So it's an empty mansion.

    I will live in it.

    How wonderful it is to live in the world!

    Do you agree with me, children?

    Children (in chorus). "Yes!"

    Butterfly . Then dance with me!

    Children dance with the Butterfly, perform dance movements with their hands (to the melody of the musical game “Two Sisters - Two Hands”), standing next to the benches. Then the Butterfly runs up to the tower and sits down behind it. The Frog appears.

    Frog: Oh! There is a tower in the field!

    He is neither short nor tall.

    I'll knock on the door.

    Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

    Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?


    And who are you?

    Frog :

    Can I live in a little house with you?

    Butterfly: Okay, come in. It's more fun together.

    What can you do?

    Frog: Like what? I am a famous jumper.

    Right now we will do several

    Different jumps with you.

    The frog shows different types of jumps (accompanied by the musical game “Here are the frogs along the path”) - on two legs, on one leg, jumping while moving around the hall. The children and the Butterfly repeat, after which the Frog and the Butterfly sit down behind the tower, the Mouse appears.

    Mouse: Oh! There is a tower in the field!

    He is neither short nor tall.

    I'll knock on the door.

    Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

    Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?

    Butterfly : I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

    Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

    And who are you?


    Butterfly: Okay, come in.

    Frog: Three are more fun.

    Butterfly: What can you do, Little Mouse?

    Mouse: Run in small steps.

    It's funny to twirl your tail.

    The mouse shows movements - running around the hall on tiptoes, waving its “tail”. Children, Butterfly and Frog repeat her actions. After which the Butterfly, Frog and Mouse hide behind the tower. Bunny appears.

    Bunny: There is a tower in the field!

    He is neither short nor tall.

    I'll knock on the door.

    Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

    Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?

    Butterfly: I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

    Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

    Mouse: I am Little Mouse, two silk ears. And who are you?

    Bunny: I am the Runner Bunny.

    Can I live in the little house with you?

    Butterfly: Yes.

    Frog: Come in.

    Mouse: Four are more fun.

    Butterfly: What can you do?

    Bunny: Wash your face with your paw,

    Wipe clean

    Scratch with a comb.

    The bunny (to the musical game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting”) shows movements according to the text. Children and other animals repeat his actions, then everyone hides behind the tower. Lisa appears.

    Fox: What a beauty! The tower is fabulous!

    There is a tower in the field!

    He is neither short nor tall.

    I'll knock on the door.

    Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

    Knock-knock, who lives in a low place?

    Butterfly: I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

    Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

    Mouse: I am Little Mouse, two silk ears.

    Bunny: I am the Runner Bunny. And who are you?

    Fox: I am Fox-sister.

    Can I live in the little house with you?

    Butterfly: Yes.

    Frog: Come in.

    Mouse: Five are more fun.

    Bunny: And even with such a beautiful little fox!

    Butterfly: What can you do?

    Fox: I know how to walk carefully, placing my paws on the grass quietly.

    Listen to this song about me.

    Only I want all the children to help me - they depicted her with their paws.

    Children imitate the paws of a fox - arms at chest level, hands down, make alternating movements with their hands, imitating the gait of a fox.

    The little fox reads the text of the Russian folk nursery rhyme “How the fox walked,” showing the actions that need to be performed. Children imitate her movements.

    All (sing in chorus).Terem-terem-teremok, lock it.

    A giant bear appears.

    Bear (bass): ABOUT! There is a tower in the field!

    He is neither short nor tall.

    I'll knock on the door.

    Knock-knock, who lives in the little house?

    Knock-knock, who lives in a tiny one?

    Butterfly: I am a Butterfly, I am wearing two slippers.

    Frog: I am a frog frog, green belly.

    Mouse: I am Little Mouse, two silk ears.

    Bunny: I am the Runner Bunny.

    Fox: I am Fox-sister. And who are you?

    Bear: I am a clubfooted bear with a heavy paw.

    Can I live in the little house with you?

    Butterfly: What are you, what are you! The tower is small.

    Frog: And you are so huge.

    Mouse: And heavy.

    Bunny: You will break the tower.

    Fox: And the tower will fall apart.

    You, Bear, are not allowed in our little mansion!

    Everyone (in unison): We will not take a giant bear as our neighbor!

    Forgive us, Bear.

    Bear (climbs into the mansion):Somehow, I’ll settle down somewhere,

    I'll curl up into a ball.

    Everyone (scared): He doesn't want to listen to us,

    Climbing into the tower! ( The tower is collapsing)

    Everyone (in unison): Run away, animals, the tower is collapsing!

    Bear : It's my fault, sorry! Don't drive yourself away!

    We'll all line up in a row

    Let's build a new tower!

    Butterfly: And let the children help us - it’s so good to be able to move in

    the desired sports rhythm.

    There is an imitation of movements to “build” a new tower. Children imitate the movements of animals without leaving their seats. First, the animals stand in a chain and pretend to pass bricks to each other. Then they put them down, building walls. Then, as if tapping hammers, they knock on each other with their fists. And finally, the child artists raise the tower chair and decorate it again.

    Everyone (in unison): One-two, one-two!

    The new tower is ready.

    Bear: Sturdy, won't fall apart.

    We can fit everything in it.

    And you come live with us!


    for educators

    "Entertainment in kindergarten"

    The meaning and content of entertainment

    Entertainment using music (concerts, children's operas, musical dramatization games, puppet shows, fun competitions, quizzes, etc.) are an important means of deepening children's musical understanding and improving musical perception.
    Thoughtful use of entertainment expands the sphere of pedagogical influence on the comprehensive development of preschool children and contributes to the manifestation of positive personality traits
    Many entertainments are associated with various types of art: fine art, music, literature, theater, cinema. Their content is reflected in specific themes taken from life (attitude towards nature - “Autumn Signs”, love for the native land - “Oh, birch tree!”, caring attitude towards toys - “Who is to blame?”, etc.), revealing a direct connection with the educational tasks of the kindergarten.
    The saturation of entertainment with emotional and entertaining moments increases the interest and, consequently, the activity of children in everything that is offered to them during entertainment. The collective empathy of children forms in them the rudiments of social feelings and relationships.
    The entertainment content consists of specially selected artistic material of various types, depending on the goals set. This material determines the semantic orientation of entertainment, its thematic unity and genre features.
    The content of entertainment affects the form (concert composition or game action) and the organization of its implementation. The development of the plot requires theatricalization. To convey the image, it is desirable to develop a composition. Riddles and attractions are best presented in the form of a concert, competition, etc.

    The Place of Music in Entertainment

    Music is used in entertainment in different ways: in one case it constitutes the main content (musical games, concerts, children's operas,
    choreographic miniatures, round dances), in others it is partially used (performances, dramatization games, musical and literary compositions). But in all cases, it is necessary that expediency be observed in the use of music: either as a leading element that determines the basis of entertainment, or as a means that enriches and complements the content. Correctly finding the place of music in entertainment will help to accurately select musical works and thereby create the necessary mood, atmosphere and, therefore, more purposefully carry out a pedagogical impact on children.
    New pieces of music should not be used frequently. Children's recognition of familiar melodies in situations that are somewhat unexpected for them or in an unusual environment causes an emotional upsurge and helps expand their musical understanding. The inclusion of familiar songs, dances, and games learned earlier in classes will give them genuine pleasure and joy.
    As a rule, in entertainment, music is either performed by adults (songs, instrumental pieces) or performed by children (songs, dances, games, etc.). In this case, it is important to take into account the principle of accessibility: in the first case - for its perception by children, in the second - for its execution by children. However, it should always be bright, imaginative music, with a simple, memorable melody, and a fairly expressive arrangement.
    You can also use a recording. The solo, choral and orchestral sound of music performed by musicians and famous choirs contributes to the development of aesthetic perception of music. It can also be a separate musical fragment, representing a complete musical form.
    It is advisable to include music on any sound-reproducing devices (tape recorders, electrophones) for the purpose of decorating theatrical performances, when creating a general musical or rhythmic background characteristic of certain types of entertainment.

    Types and forms of entertainment

    The kindergarten provides a variety of entertainment. Their types depend on the nature of children’s participation in them. On the one hand, this is entertainment, where children act as listeners or spectators; such entertainment is usually prepared and performed by adults. The script, as a rule, includes a more complex repertoire (this refers to performance, not the perception of it by children). The content is most often educational in nature (acquaintance with the work of a composer, writer, poet, with genre features of art, with various aspects of public and social life).
    On the other hand, this is entertainment where children themselves are active participants and performers (of course, an adult supervises their activities). The repertoire should be accessible to the age capabilities of children, taking into account the level of their knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal of such entertainment is to activate and unite the creative expressions of children, reveal their initiative, cause an emotional upsurge and simply bring joy.
    At the same time, there are also entertainment in which both adults and children actively participate. The content of these entertainments should be designed so that the activities of children and adults are logically combined.
    Forms of entertainment can be extremely diverse and variable, since they depend not only on the goals and objectives set, but also on the genre characteristics of the repertoire used, on its thematic focus and semantic richness. Compositions, concerts, performances, games, competitions, quizzes, carnival theatrical processions, etc. - all these are forms of entertainment created by the imagination of their organizers, a manifestation of their creative and pedagogical skills. At the same time, there are some common points inherent in these entertainments. Let's look at some of them.
    Concerts usually include various types (numbers) of activities: solo, ensemble, choral performance of songs, dances, artistic reading, playing musical instruments, performance of small skits. But you can organize a concert using one of the activities, for example, a performance by a choir of a children's instrument orchestra, etc. Concerts can be thematic and theatrical (that is, colorfully decorated, costumed, using slides, recordings). Participation in concerts is available to older preschoolers. They perform, showing their skills to their comrades, children of other groups. At the same time, performing skills, initiative, and creative invention are manifested. Adults play a leading role in holding children's concerts. Educators draw up a program for the concert, taking into account children’s requests for participation in it, making sure that the sequence of alternating activities in the rooms and the load on its participants are observed.
    Musical and literary compositionsare created on the basis of an assembly connection of artistic literary works of different genre, style, rhythm and content, intended for collective performance by children or adults (their joint participation is also possible).
    Music in a composition, on the one hand, helps to combine various literary texts into one whole independent work, on the other hand, it can act in it as an equal component with a predetermined emotional impact.
    The dramaturgy of the composition requires rapidly developing action, which is achieved through a sharp, sometimes unexpected change of rhythms, the use of technical means of expression (light, noise, transparencies), laconic design details, and the conventions of their solution.
    The composition is good for its mass appeal, allowing it to occupy almost everyone. But you should not make it overly drawn out and cumbersome; brevity always makes it easier for children to perceive and participate in it.
    Musical and fun gamesare a fun form of entertainment and can be enjoyed with children of all ages. The plot and imagery of these entertainments are organically combined with music.
    Fun games with a touch of humor and entertainment, they are most often carried out with the youngest children. These are “Ladushki”, “The Horned Goat is Coming”, “The White-sided Magpie”, various versions of hide and seek, when the teacher is looking for children, or hiding himself, etc. Combining music with playful playful actions, the teacher creates a relaxed atmosphere for children.

    Fun games help to collect, redirect children's attention, provide some relaxation, relieve fatigue and create an uplifting mood. For this purpose, they are conducted with middle and older preschoolers.
    Various rhythmic chants and sentences with simultaneous clapping, stamping, and tapping are interesting for children and can be performed together with a teacher or independently. For example, the folk joke “Lambs” is performed using one sound. It is important to maintain the rhythm that accompanies the children’s actions:

    lines 1-4 - stomp, depicting lambs;
    lines 5-6 - imitate violin playing.
    Music gamesmore developed in content than fun games. In entertainment, they are most often theatricalized, supplemented with new moments compared to activities where they are usually learned with children. It is the elements of novelty that increase children’s interest in them, activate children’s performance and create an upbeat, joyful mood. These entertainments are not spectacular, since the children themselves are participants. Therefore, before starting, the teacher or music director must create a joyful, upbeat atmosphere and prepare for a possible surprise.

    New toy. One form of entertainment can be joining a group new toy. The novelty and its external attractiveness pleases the child. The teacher acts with the toy, explains how to play with it, and characterizes the artistic image. In the hands of a passionate adult, a toy comes to life and becomes loved and desired by a child. A dance or song performed at the same time brings children closer to the toy and helps them use it in further independent games.

    Dramatizations, dramatization games, puppet shows -the most common forms of entertainment in kindergartens. Children like to act out songs themselves, act out the actions of fairy tales, and familiar literary plots. The puppet theater turns into a real holiday for them. Puppet performances are most often prepared by adults or schoolchildren. Small scenes with dolls can be shown for children in the pre-school group.
    Children of junior and senior groups can participate in dramatization games. The age composition of the performers determines the degree of complexity of the repertoire. Teachers and the music director help the children master a particular role and coordinate their actions with the actions of other participants. For example, with children of the younger group it is good to stage A. Filippenko’s song “Chickens”, with children of the middle group it is good to stage the song “In a forest clearing” by B. Kravchenko. Older children can act out a simple fairy tale or dramatize a poem.
    Music in dramatization games and plays sounds during the plot, when the characters sing, dance or simply listen to the violin, harmonica, flute, piano, harp, etc. Music is introduced to create a certain mood, as a musical setting.
    It should be remembered that music in performances should not sound constantly and be just decoration. This disrupts the perception of the content of the play, distracts the audience’s attention from the main action, and deprives the music of its functional significance.
    For accompaniment, you can include in the performance works performed by piano, accordion, domra, as well as in recordings. Music that matches the content of entertainment and correctly characterizes the characters enriches the child’s ideas and helps develop his aesthetic senses.

    Performance with bibabo dollssongs “In a forest clearing”, music by B. Kravchenko, lyrics by P. Kaganova (Music in kindergarten. M., 1973.- Issue 3).
    Some of the children in the older group stage the song: two to four perform the verses of the song, others control the puppets and sing according to the text of the chorus. The performance involves children imitating the sounds of rain on metallophones (they begin at the end of the second verse of the song after the chorus).
    Before the start of the performance, the teacher reads the poem “Morning” by G. Boyko (translation from Ukrainian by O. Vysotskaya).

    Not a long-legged grasshopper
    Galloped -
    Cheerful ray on the road
    Started playing.
    Forget-me-not reveals
    Blue eye
    And the dewdrop sparkles in it,
    Like a diamond.
    Everything woke up - and the clearings,
    And the forests
    The early birds rang

    Dance and opera miniaturescan also be used as entertainment. These are small solo-choral or choreographic theatrical scenes: the dance of the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio and Malvina, the opera “The Golden Egg” by I. Sats, the play sketch “Who is to Blame?” Yu. Chichkova and others.
    In other entertainments, such as amusement rides and competitions, the music is episodic.

    Principles of Entertainment Scripting

    A script is a detailed literary development of a particular type of spectacle. The script consistently sets out all the elements of the action that reveal the topic, gives a specific description of the performances, and provides methods that increase the activity of all participants. A scenario plan can also be attached to the scenario, which lists only the main points that make up the scenario and indicates those responsible. A list of necessary equipment and attributes is prepared separately.
    So, when developing a script, first of all, the theme and idea of ​​entertainment are determined, the educational tasks and goals of its implementation are noted.
    The theme is usually set from the very beginning, and the audience must be led to the idea, as the general main conclusion, throughout the course of the action, developing the storyline so that it develops from event to event.
    Before the start of any performance, a short story or short narration is given about what event or phenomenon will now be shown.
    Next, the main action of the scenario unfolds, which is subject to the following requirements:
    1. Each episode must be connected with the previous and subsequent ones.
    2. The action develops in an ascending line from weaker to emotionally strong episodes.
    3. Each episode must have an internal logic of construction and end before another begins.
    The idea of ​​the entire scenario is most concentrated in the climax. The finale (conclusion) should be a manifestation of the activity of all participants in the entertainment.

    Planning entertainment

    Various types of entertainment require advance planning in order to better organize work with children when conducting and preparing entertainment, as well as taking into account all the educational work of the kindergarten.
    The music director, together with the group teacher, first draws up a thematic plan for the quarter, then writes scenario plans for the month and, if necessary, develops more detailed scenarios for individual types of entertainment. If you use a ready-made script, you should indicate the source where the script was taken from. The general plan for the quarter is approved by the head or senior teacher of the kindergarten.
    It should be remembered that entertainment is scheduled 1-2 times every 2 weeks in the afternoon. It is advisable to set a specific day for each age group. To show puppet theater, mass compositions, and amateur concerts, you can combine 2-3 groups. This point should be reflected in the plan. It is also necessary to designate the location of the entertainment, indicating the basic principle of its design (if required by design).
    Quarterly entertainment planning should be drawn up taking into account the season of the year and significant events and dates of this period, taking into account educational tasks and the passage of the program repertoire. For example, planning entertainment for the first quarter of the school year (September, October, November) in a pre-school group may include the following types of entertainment:
    1) thematic concert “Autumn Signs” (instrumental and vocal music about nature performed by adults, children perform poems and songs about autumn);
    2) screening of a filmstrip with musical accompaniment (organized by adults);
    3) a music quiz (conducted by the music director together with teachers, works familiar to the children are used);
    4) “Grandma Arina is visiting the children” (an evening of jokes and riddles; organized by adults);
    5) a puppet show (organizers and performers are adults);
    6) “Our fun concert” (the concert program is made up of children’s musical and literary works upon the preliminary application of children; the organizers are educators; the presenters of the concert can be 2-3 children);
    7) cartoon screening (organized by adults);
    8) fun competitions, games, attractions (done by adults with children, children can be assistants);
    9) musical dramatization game (performers - children); 10) an evening of humor (organized by adults).
    Each type of entertainment has its own content, its own repertoire and corresponding educational tasks.
    For example, planning for entertainment a musical dramatization game “Who is to blame?” (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by V. Viktorov), according to the content, the task is to instill in children a caring attitude towards their toys. The work is not programmatic, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of children and carry out individual preparatory work with them in advance.

    Entertainment in kindergarten is an important form of organizing children outside of class, helps create a joyful atmosphere, contributes to the formation of positive emotions in children, expands the scope of their feelings, introduces them to collective experiences, and develops initiative and creativity. Organizing entertainment in kindergarten is an important pedagogical task

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