Morion - properties of the stone and who it is suitable for according to their zodiac sign. Morion stone. Properties of Morion. Application of Morion. Morion price

The mineral, a black variety of quartz, usually found in pegmatites, is called morion. It has found wide application in jewelry as an ornamental material and in radio engineering as a piezoelectric material.

Traditions and legends about Morion

“Gypsy”, “smolyak”, “black crystal” - all this is the name of one of the rare stones - morion. The stone has been known since ancient times.

Pharaoh Tutankhamun wore sunglasses, the lenses of which were replaced by thin plates of morion. And the alchemists of the Middle Ages used it to search for the philosopher's stone, which would turn any base metal into gold.

In Rus' it was believed that it belonged to Morena, a heavenly maiden who became the first evil witch; flattered by the gold, she went into the dark kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal. On her hand she wore a ring with a morion, a gift from Koshchei. It was the ring that gave her immortality while it was on her hand.

The name of the stone is of Greek origin from “morysso” - to blacken.

Morion is a dark brown or black quartz with a glassy sheen. The stone has such a rare color due to the radioactive radiation that affects it. It is easily recognized by the color and hexagonal shape of the crystal. When heated, it changes color to brown and yellow. When heated strongly, it becomes completely colorless, but the color is restored if the stone is exposed to x-rays.

Varieties of mineral

Magical properties of morion

Talismans and amulets

Marcasite - radiant pyrite Marble: properties and types of stone
Magnetite - an “attractive” stone Agate - properties of the stone
Chalcopyrite (copper pyrite) and its properties

The magic stone Morion evokes conflicting feelings: the desire to possess it and the fear of its power. The deep, luxurious black color is alarming, prejudicial against crystal. After all, he brings sadness and sadness. When you stop in front of the mysterious power of beauty, admire it from the outside; do not rush to buy jewelry without knowing the history of the gem. Not everyone can own it.

Origin story

The precious stone has long enjoyed a bad reputation. Crystal is one of the varieties of black. It is classified as a semi-precious stone and is called a black diamond. The name comes from the Latin “mormorion” (meaning “dark crystal”).

In Rus', Morion was called “gypsy” and “smolyak” for her black color. The crystal appeared in ancient times. Household items were made from it:

  1. It is known that during excavations of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Thebes, glasses made of thin plates were found. The pharaohs were the first to discover the possibility of using the gem as a protective agent for the eyes.
  2. Ancient finds of items from Morion include the Buddha Bowl.

In Russia they learned about the mineral when Ekaterina Dashkova, director of the Russian Academy, brought it from Yekaterinburg in 1787.

Morion's popularity falls during the era of decadent sentiments in 19th-century Europe, reflected in the views of Victorian England.

The mineral is widely distributed:

  • In Europe;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Africa;
  • Asia;
  • America.

Jewelry production uses the mineral after annealing. The processed crystal becomes .

Physical properties

Morion is a heterogeneous smoky mineral. There are options for different arrangement of layers:

  1. The core is milky quartz.
  2. The shell is transparent rock crystal.
  3. Next comes smoky quartz.
  4. Behind him is Citrine.
  5. The final layer is Morion.

The stone has the following properties:

Mineral parametersTheir contents
Chemical formulaSiO2
CrystalsLarge, well-formed aggregates.
ColorDark brown, brown, gray.
TransparencyOpaque, translucent.
Mohs hardness scale7
Density2.651–2.68 g/cm³
ImpuritiesTitanium and iron atoms in small quantities.
Refractive index1,54–1,56

Heating to +250 – +300 °C discolors Morion. It has a crystalline structure represented by hexagonal prisms or triangular pyramids. The mineral is dissolved by hydrofluoric acid.

Place of Birth

Morion, a rare beauty of black quartz, began crystallizing millions of years ago. Magma splashed out from the depths of the Earth a harmonious, fantastically beautiful gem. It is mined in large deposits:

  • Ukraine;
  • Russia;
  • Brazil;
  • Canada;
  • Switzerland;
  • South Africa;
  • Scotland;
  • Madagascar;
  • Egypt.

The weight of single crystals can be calculated in tons. The Kazakh mineral weighed 70 tons. Ukrainian crystals weighed over 10 tons.

The healing properties of Morion

The crystal, which has a powerful magical effect, contains useful meaning for humans. Anyone who wants to get rid of an illness must believe in healing, because a healing stone can protect. Modern healers believe that it is endowed with medicinal properties:

  1. Analgesic effect.
  2. Relieving insomnia.
  3. Improves blood circulation.
  4. Providing assistance after stroke and heart attack.
  5. Cleansing effect.
  6. Eliminating cravings for drugs, gambling, and alcohol.

The stone can influence the human soul. When worn regularly, the mood improves, so the crystal is needed by people whose soul needs healing:

  • from negative energy;
  • to relieve tension;
  • restoration of strength after the loss of loved ones;
  • transforming negativity into a positive state (attacks of anger, jealousy, fear).

Note! The crystal has the ability to absorb negative manifestations. Negative energy can have a detrimental effect on a person. To prevent this from happening, wash it regularly in holy or running water.

Magic properties

The crystal is especially popular among magicians who believe:

  1. That it opens communication channels that allow you to find out about the deceased.
  2. Morion is credited with magical powers that can influence the owner.
  3. The stone is capable of taking revenge on its owner with madness.
  4. The black crystal is a bridge through which, during spiritualistic seances, communication takes place between the world of the living and the souls of the summoned dead.

Belonging to Satanists for rituals, today the stone looks as noble as its main owners: wizards, soothsayers, magicians, lovers of meditation.

Amulets, talismans, and amulets are made from stone, with the help of which protection is provided against the evil eye and damage. The modern world sees a magic crystal as a symbol of protection:

  1. Comforts in grief associated with the loss of loved ones.
  2. Removes stress and depression.
  3. Supports creativity and organizational skills.
  4. Helps in moving towards goals, wealth, success and prosperity.

By accumulating bad energy, the magic crystal imparts purified energy. Morion does not protect everyone. He “feels” negativity (selfishness, anger, bad intentions). The stone will return these negative energy flows to its owners. The stone has an ambiguous effect on ordinary people: it “erases” the negative energy of the past from memory.

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelry with morion appeared in the 19th century. Mourning jewelry was made from it:

  • rings;
  • brooches

Today, Morion crystals have joined valuable collections. Scotland has a special attitude, where it is presented in the form of brooches and pins as attributes of the traditional Highland costume. Switzerland (Bern) has the most beautiful collection of smoky quartz.

In jewelry, the stone is used after annealing, turning it into Citrine. But it cannot outshine the bright magical glow that natural stone exudes. Souvenirs and inlays are made from it:

  • paintings;
  • watch;
  • chess;
  • figurines.

Black crystal is combined with silver and platinum. Its compatibility with any other stones is not acceptable. It's inexpensive. The price of jewelry will depend on the framing. The following are made from stone:

  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • beads

Men's rings will become a symbol of leadership and superiority. In a woman, jewelry emphasizes mystery and sophistication.

There is no need to wear jewelry with stones every day: they tend to accumulate negative energy.


Quartz comes in several colors. Types of stone include:

  • Citrine.

Changes in crystal shades depend on the composition:

  • silica;
  • iron;
  • titanium.

The presence of impurities changes the color. The crystal acquired its color as a result of radioactive exposure, but when exposed to temperature, the color disappears. Black and brown shades of the mineral are given by admixtures of iron and titanium. Jewelry production made the stone popular by subjecting it to heat treatment. The fashion trends of the 19th century also influenced the occult. The crystal has become a symbol of mourning.

The stone is naturally opaque. The color scheme appears:

  1. Haze is created by the color brown.
  2. The color saturation comes from an admixture of structural aluminum.
  3. Color is affected by interaction with gamma radiation.
  4. Quartz may contain inclusions of rutile (titanium oxide), similar to golden-yellow needles, creating an unusual optical effect.
  5. The mineral will fade to gray when exposed to light.
  6. At temperatures from +300 to +400 °C it will turn yellow.
  7. If the stone is slowly heated to +300 – +320 °C, the color becomes warm, like tea topaz.

The simplest way to transform quartz was discovered by Ural jewelers: they began to bake it into bread. Polychrome crystals (consisting of several layers) are valued on the jewelry market. Treated stones from different viewing angles can change color from green to purple (pleochroism).

How to distinguish a fake?

There is a lot of natural stone. The price of crystal is low: 5 mm cabochons cost around $1 per piece, faceted stones can be bought for no more than $2 per 1 carat. To be 100% sure that it is Morion, contact a specialist. The buyer can distinguish from a fake made of glass or plastic by the following methods:

  1. A scratch mark will remain on the glass fake. There will be no scratches on natural stone.
  2. Find out by temperature. Touch it with your tongue: the mineral is cooler and harder to the touch than glass.
  3. A plastic fake is easy to expose:
  • scratching with a hot needle (shavings will remain);
  • there will be a burning smell from the fake.

Once you see a stone, it is impossible to confuse it.

Caring for products with Morion

You need to care for it as follows:

  1. Rinse with running or holy water, treat with moonlight. Morion transforms negative energy.
  2. It is not stored with other jewelry.
  3. Do not expose it to temperature changes, sunlight or shock.

It has the property of increasing the positive energies of decency and kindness. At proper care you can move mountains and become a winner. It is best worn by open and strong people. Affiliation with the zodiac sign matters.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Since ancient times, talismans, amulets, and amulets have been made from Morion. Men were recommended to wear the stone on their fingers, women - in earrings. Each zodiac sign relates to the stone differently:

CapricornsThe good thing about this stone is that it combines with the energy of this sign. He is able to help achieve practical goals.
SagittariusYou cannot wear the stone in pendants or rings. It can awaken the negative sides of character.
Aries and LeoWearing a crystal is not recommended. With these signs the crystal has rejection.
Cancer and LibraThe crystal provides these signs with the opportunity to make decisions, but not always the right ones.
Pisces and ScorpiosIt will get rid of mistakes and ill-wishers.
GeminiThey will save you from deception, bad habits and evil.
AquariusIt will help you unlock your potential and get rid of unpleasant thoughts.
They will become successful and rich.

Those who are suited to the gem will be able to comprehend the kindness and generosity of its influence. To the rest, the crystal is located neutrally, it will be able to protect them.

Prolonged communication with a crystal causes its awakening, it reveals its astrological properties, causing experiences in people.

You cannot purchase a gem set in:

  • red copper;
  • bronze;
  • in any gold;
  • other metals of warm shades.

Under the influence of metals, dark power awakens. When you decide to buy yourself a piece of black quartz jewelry, get ready for changes in your life.

Morion - a mysterious black crystal

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Morion or black crystal is a stone that belongs to quartz rocks. The stone contains titanium and iron. Thanks to these minerals, the gem has brown and black tones.

People have known about the existence of Morion for a long time. The gem was used to produce seals, glasses and containers. The most famous Buddha Bowl is made from morion. Historians have established that Tutankhamun had sunglasses made from morion. This is not the only reason why the gem is famous. It was used by magicians to perform rituals and by alchemists to create the philosopher's stone and produce gold. Just recently, it never occurred to people to use it in jewelry. The situation changed in one day. The stone was exposed to high temperatures and began to resemble in appearance. After that, it began to be used to make jewelry - earrings, beads, bracelets, rings and other jewelry.

In Rus' they were sure that Morena used the stone. She was a heavenly maiden, but she could not resist the temptation and set her sights on gold. Morena went to the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal and became the first evil witch in Rus'. He gave the former heavenly maiden a ring with a morion. From the time she wore the jewelry on her finger, death did not threaten her.

Morion's popularity peaked in the 19th century. In that era, it was possible to wear jewelry with this stone during mourning. A little later, the gem lost this meaning and began to be worn as an amulet.

Lithotherapists claim that morion has many characteristics that make it possible to use the gem for medicinal purposes. The positive effect of the stone on the psycho-emotional state of a person has been noted. It relieves depression, eliminates unreasonable fears, worries and jealousy. The stone takes away any negative emotions and transforms them into positive energy. Morion relieves tension and tones.

Lithotherapists do not take into account the magical properties of the gem and its possible connection with the world of spirits. They are only interested in its medicinal properties. Based on this, they concluded that morion has a positive effect on the circulatory system. The gem relieves thrombosis, cholesterol plaques and other formations that can lead to deterioration in human health.

Morion is recommended to be worn in the post-infarction and post-stroke period. The gem promotes recovery from these diseases and relieves their possible consequences.

The stone alleviates a person’s condition with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It helps with rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis and other similar diseases. The peculiarities of the gem are that it not only relieves pain, but also acts on the source of inflammation, relieving it. To do this, the stone must be kept near the sore spot every day.

Morion has the properties of removing harmful substances from the body, so it can be worn during poisoning and the stone will help cope with it.

There have been recorded cases where the gem saved a person from cancer. Cancer cells not only stopped growing, but the disease completely disappeared. After such cases, lithotherapists advise people suffering from cancer to wear morion.

The gem helps to cope with harmful addictions - alcohol abuse, drug use, smoking and gambling. Morion not only gets rid of them, but also prevents them from returning to them again.

Magical properties of Morion

Morion is a stone that has magical properties, and even from its photo you can feel the power that comes from it. Magicians and sorcerers feel it, so they use it in their work. Most often, the stone is used by necromancer magicians. For them, it is of the greatest importance, because the gem has a close connection with the spirit world and gives them the opportunity to communicate with the souls of deceased people. There is a version that the stones contain demons. They do not strive to break out, but simply live in the gem and through it influence the human soul. If the Morion demon settles in a person, then even the most powerful magician will not be able to expel him. For this reason, firstly, morion should not be worn for too long, and secondly, it should not be worn by weak people. If a person is strong not physically, but mentally, then the demon will not be able to harm him, and the stone will become an excellent amulet.

Morion stone manifests itself as a reliable protector. The gem protects against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye. Morion rids a person of negative energy and transforms it into positive energy.

The gem helps a person achieve his goals. This could be career growth, financial well-being and other goals. Morion embodies human desires, but only real ones, and not those that belong to the realm of fantasy.

Morion brings prosperity to the home and helps improve a person’s professional skills. The gem summons a muse for talented people and reveals hidden talents.

Morion will help a person only if his intentions are aimed at benefiting him and other people. Using a stone for evil purposes will only bring trouble. The demon will sense evil and harass the person. For this reason, the gem is not usually used in black magic.

Who is Morion suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

When choosing an amulet stone, it is best to listen to your own feelings and intuition. If warmth emanates from it, then it is suitable for a person, but in the case of Morion, you still need to pay attention to the advice of astrologers.

Compatibility of Morion with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Capricorn can wear morion without fear. The gem will maintain peace in his home and attract prosperity into it. For these purposes, you need to place a morion product in the interior of the house. If people born under this sign wear a stone, it will protect them from evil spirits, damage, the evil eye and energy vampires, and will also fulfill their desires.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius is less influenced by Morion than Capricorn, but it will feel the power of the stone. For people born under this sign, the gem will lead them to their desired goal.

Cancers and Libra wearing morion will always know what to do right.

Morion is contraindicated for Aries, Leo and Scorpio. You should not take risks and flirt with fate using this gem. The stone can send such misfortunes to these zodiac signs that they are unlikely to be able to recover from them.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, Morion will for the most part be neutral, but esotericists warn them against constantly wearing the gem.

Morion always feels negative emotions, absorbs them and transforms them into positive ones, but some of the negative energy still remains in stone. To free the gem from it, you need to hold it under running cool water. This procedure for cleansing Morion is recommended to be done daily. Only this guarantees the safe operation of the stone.

For ordinary people, the Morion stone evokes a desire to own it and a simultaneous fear of the power of the crystal. These feelings are justified, because not every person can acquire such a gem. Mineralogists call this rare crystal tar and black crystal. It is a type of quartz.

Smolyak has been known to human society for many centuries. IN ancient Egypt The crystal was used to make sunglasses for the pharaohs. And the priests used vessels made from morion to store medicines. In ancient Rome, emperors used seals made from morion. And medieval alchemists used the gem to obtain the philosopher's stone. In Europe, black quartz became popular only in the middle of the 19th century. Jewelry was made from it, which the nobility wore during mourning for deceased relatives. The crystal was also used by mediums during occult sessions to communicate with spirits.

At the moment, the mineral morion is rarely found in nature. The conditions for the formation of gems are as follows:

  • Crystals form in pegmatites.
  • The black color of the gem is due to natural radiation. Despite this, smolyak itself is not radioactive.

Physico-chemical properties and cost

Mineralogists highlight the following physical and chemical properties of morion:

  • Color black, dark grey, dark green or dark brown.
  • Glass shine.
  • Uneven fracture when chipped.
  • Hardness up to 7 units on the Mohs scale.
  • The crystals are always large and opaque.
  • Trigonal system.
  • Lack of cleavage.

Morion stone has the property of pleochroism, that is, it can change color from different angles of view. This happens because the crystal has several layers:

  • The outer shell is transparent rock crystal.
  • The next layer is smoky quartz.
  • The core consists of milky quartz.

As a result of slow heating, black quartz becomes golden in color. And with further heating it becomes discolored. Irradiation with X-rays restores the color of the tar.

The price per gram of natural gem is low. Uncut morion costs about $5, while cut morion costs up to $10.

Application of the mineral

The mineral morion is used to create jewelry and accessories, for decorating premises and for creating objects of art. Sometimes they are used to decorate the knobs of men's canes.

In jewelry and magic

Smolyak will become a talisman for persistent and strong-willed people. But he will not help cunning, selfish people who think only about themselves. It is worth remembering that you cannot wear a talisman with black quartz every day: it can cause depression in a person.

Mages and sorcerers have long been familiar with the magical properties of morion, which all decorations with it have:

  • Silver earrings will complement both everyday and evening wear of any lady. They will also sharpen the insight of their owner.
  • A gold ring will emphasize the status of a business man and make its owner attractive to the fair half of humanity. The amulet is able to protect the owner from transactions that will not bring material benefit.
  • Cufflinks are suitable only for purposeful representatives of the stronger half of humanity. If a man does not have this trait, then he should not wear an accessory with black morion.
  • The ring can decorate the finger of a lady of any age. It will bring long-awaited peace to its owner.
  • A pendant made from the Morion mineral is ideal for an office suit. It can protect against hostile colleagues.
  • The brooch has the property of accumulating negative energy that comes from surrounding people. A woman should periodically wear it to work. The item is ideal for casual and business wear.

It's worth remembering that The talisman must be used correctly:

  • It cannot be given or transferred to another person.
  • You should not tell others about the powerful properties of the gem.
  • If a person feels that his mood is worsening, then jewelry with morion should be removed immediately and not put on until his emotional state improves.

At home

Smolyak is used:

  • For inlaying paintings and icons.
  • For making chess and figurines.

The magical properties of morion are also strongly manifested in these things. They remove negative energy from the room. To clean, you need to periodically sprinkle holy water on objects with a gem.

Black crystal is also suitable as a substrate for an aquarium. After all, it is resistant to various chemicals and does not interact with them. This means that ingredients that could harm the fish will not enter the water.

Morion: photo gallery

In order for the talisman to serve for a long time, you should follow the recommendations for its care and storage.

  • Morion absorbs negative energy from the space around it, so once a month it should be kept under running cool water for several minutes. After this, the stone is thoroughly wiped with a soft cloth.
  • The amulets are kept in a separate box, since the gem does not tolerate the presence of other stones around it.

Magical properties of the stone

Modern sorcerers widely use the mineral morion in their practices and rituals. After all, the gem has very powerful energy. He helps:

  • Perform magical rituals. In the hands of black magicians, smolyak becomes a force capable of zombification. However, if the mineral is not used for the benefit of people, then subsequently it will certainly punish black sorcerers.
  • Communicate with spirits. Crystal has been a “conductor” to the other world for many centuries. If certain rituals are followed, it helps to establish contact with the souls of dead people. But such rituals can only be performed by experienced sorcerers. After all, a crystal can produce a huge amount of information during a session. For an unprepared person, working with it is very dangerous. In addition, in imperfect hands, morion may not reveal its properties.
  • Strengthen magical power. The gem has the ability to penetrate the soul of a psychic and cleanse his aura. With such actions, the mineral greatly increases the magical abilities of its owner.

Some magicians call the gem the black sun. After all, enormous light energy is concentrated inside it. It can be extracted by experienced sorcerers for healing.

The ritual of energy extraction can only be performed if safety precautions are observed. Then the magical properties of the Morion stone can be used by the sorcerer in full force.

Black crystal comes into contact only with one more magical mineral - schorl. In tandem, these two stones can greatly increase the power of a magician during rituals. Their compatibility is simply perfect! But it is worth saying that only a sophisticated sorcerer can cope with the double power of smolyak and sherl. Crystals will never show their abilities to beginners.

Similarities with other stones

Morion stone after heat treatment can be confused with topaz. Gems can be distinguished by this feature: if topaz is rubbed on woolen fabric, it can attract hair or tissue paper. Smolyak does not have such an ability.

Natural black crystal is very often replaced with fake one. To distinguish an original from a fake, you should look at the stone: objects will be slightly visible through a natural crystal. If the mineral is completely black, then it is a fake.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers say that the smolyak Not suitable for all zodiac signs:

  • For Capricorns, the gem will give them the opportunity to always make the right decisions in difficult situations.
  • Libra - will give tolerance to the actions of others.
  • For Cancer women, the stone will bring sexual attractiveness. And it will help Cancer men cope with outbursts of anger.
  • For Sagittarius, the mineral will be able to remove excessive irritability.

And for other people who do not have extrasensory abilities, the properties of black quartz will not be expressed at all.

Morion is one of those stones that does not bestow its favor on all representatives of the human race. But this gem will never harm its owner. Therefore, if a person really wants to have a talisman with tar, then he can buy it without any fears.

The mysterious morion stone has long had a bad reputation. This is a representative of minerals related to. This attitude towards it is due to its gloomy, black color and the fact that since ancient times it was prescribed to be worn only by strong magicians who could subjugate dark energy. Currently, morion is widely used as an ornamental and jewelry stone, and products made from it can be purchased at specialized retail outlets.

Morion: role in history

In ancient times, this mineral was known to the Egyptian pharaohs. By attaching thin plates of polished morion to bronze arches, the Egyptians used it as protection from bright sunlight. Similar items dating back to the 12th century were discovered on the other side of the world, namely in China. For their potions, for which sunlight was contraindicated, Chinese doctors ordered opaque bottles of morion from the masters. There is an opinion that the Buddha Cup, given to him by the guardians of the world, was made from this mineral.

Medieval alchemists sometimes considered dark morion or smoky quartz to be the legendary philosopher's stone, which helps turn any metal into pure gold. In the 18th century, the Ural morion was first brought to St. Petersburg and since then began to be considered a stone of mourning and mysticism. Another hundred years later, in times of decadence, yearning for spiritual ideals and praising the departure from this world into oblivion, the mourning mineral experienced extraordinary popularity. All kinds of jewelry were made from it, depicting symbols of death and destruction, used as handles for ebony canes, and inserted into men's rings. Esotericists of that time claimed that morion helps communicate with otherworldly entities and souls of the dead.

In the pragmatic twentieth century, the mineral, due to the properties inherent in all varieties of quartz, began to be used in radio engineering and in the manufacture of electronic devices, in ultrasound generators as a resonator for frequency stabilization and a piezoelectric. Nowadays, stone is used as a material for crafts. After heat treatment, it is used in jewelry. One of the most unusual properties of the mineral is the ability to change color from black or dark brown to golden, turning into citrine. Products made from dark stone, which sometimes includes veins of light shades, are beautiful and inexpensive. But the surviving memory of the use of morion in esoteric and occult practices still makes people treat it with caution.

Properties of Morion

The crystals of the mysterious dark mineral are silicon dioxide, and their characteristic color is due to inclusions of iron and titanium atoms. The color saturation (from brown to completely black) depends on the amount of impurities. Accompanying topaz in the Ural deposits, it was known for a long time, but its unpresentable appearance did not allow it to be considered a valuable stone until a piece of morion that accidentally fell into a loaf surprised the master by magically transforming it into a topaz-like crystal. The valuable property was noticed, and “baked topazes” began to be in demand among merchants who were engaged in buying and selling gems and precious stones.

Sometimes, underneath the opaque dark outer part of the crystal, there is a core of quartz of a different variety and color. Sometimes the crystal has a layered structure (Fig. 1). A ring with a morion made from such a crystal has an unusual appearance, but such products are rarely found on the jewelry market due to the fact that nowadays the use of annealed morion is widespread. And when exposed to high temperatures, the color and quality of the crystal are evened out throughout its entire thickness. The effect of uneven coloring disappears.

Morion in lithotherapy and magic

Despite claims that the black stone “inspires” the person wearing it with gloomy thoughts and forebodings, ancient Russian medical books recommended wearing it around the neck for patients with epilepsy (“falling sickness”). Its connection with the other world has determined modern ideas about the effectiveness of wearing morion by those who want to get rid of drug addiction and alcoholism, gambling addiction and other pathologies of a “demonic” nature.

The main recommendations for resorting to interaction with a black stone are as follows:

  • the presence of acute and chronic joint pain;
  • diseases caused by blood pollution, cholesterol deposits in blood vessels;
  • inflammation of the myelin sheath of nerves;
  • diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.

Applications of Morion plates to sore spots make a sick person's sleep deep and calm, relieving pain and calming the nervous system. But if you interact with the mineral for too long, the sleeper does not feel rested after waking up, which indicates a loss of vital energy.

By interacting with the muladhara chakra, morion removes its blocks, awakening in a person the will to survive, strengthening the instincts of self-preservation, the need for work to satisfy one’s desires. By eliminating the imbalance of muladhara, morion gives its owner courage and independence from other people’s opinions, while protecting against unjustified risks and going to extremes. Thanks to these properties, the dark stone of magicians helps its owner acquire useful connections and achieve business goals, fulfill the most complex plans and realize desires related to business and achieving success. Prosperity and luck will accompany a person only if he does not follow his own egoism.

The connection of Morion with the crown chakra (sahasrara) eliminates imbalance in its work, helping to reveal the best qualities in a person: inspiration and understanding, selflessness and striving for the ideal. This is the reason for the recommendations of lithotherapists and esotericists to wear products made from morion to people who need to strengthen their will and console themselves after suffering tragic events. To relieve stress, you can sit for a while holding a crystal or ball of dark stone in your hand.

You should not use jewelry with morion set in warm-colored metals (gold, copper, bronze, etc.). It is believed that interaction with metals of this type can awaken destructive energy in the stone, which only an experienced esotericist can cope with. For the average person, exposure to these types of forces can result in loss of vitality, decreased immunity, and mood swings.

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