Gift for the 6th wedding anniversary. A gift for my husband for a cast iron wedding. Gift options for a cast iron wedding for a wife

If the spouses remember important date 6 years and what a wedding this is, other anniversaries will be celebrated with even more trepidation. The sixth wedding anniversary implies the need to strengthen your home, because the first turning points arise in marriage. This anniversary is called the “cast iron wedding.”

This holiday will diversify and decorate ordinary life. In reality, cast iron is not one of the most reliable materials, but on the contrary, it is quite fragile and can create a crack at the wrong time. Another version suggests that cast iron, although fragile, is a rather difficult metal. This means that by this anniversary of their marriage, the couple has already confirmed their love and their relationship is quite strong and significant.

The name of a cast iron wedding is quite strange, but everything can be explained by the physical properties of the metal, because cast iron is quite durable in appearance. In fact, if you use it carelessly, it turns into a pile of fragments. It is an amazing fact that cast iron becomes durable at maximum temperatures and careful constant use. Likewise, in family relationships, you need to protect love in a passionate state.


At the age of six, a wedding is called cast iron, and on such a day the wife, of course, had to clean all the utensils made of this metal. Women proudly brought out their dishes, polished to a shine, for everyone to see. On this day, wives prepared dishes and served them only in cast iron dishes.

There is also a belief that if spouses put notes with their wishes in a cast iron dish on the night of their 6th wedding anniversary, then in the near future they will certainly come true.

The relationship between the spouses in this anniversary year has already strengthened and is truly significant, but the likelihood that it could collapse is quite high. Over the years, relations have become more equal, the intensity of passions has subsided, but it is also important to continue to give in to the dispute, take steps towards each other, show attention and care. By this time, most couples are raising children, which bring the spouses closer together. It is important to remember that a split in cast iron can ruin not only the marriage of spouses, but also the lives of children. This wedding anniversary reminds couples to cherish their love.

Bunches of rowan trees were a symbol of the family hearth, the keeper of the fire of love, and therefore the wedding, called rowan, cast iron, is celebrated 6 years later. Which wedding is known for its traditions of showing the neatness of the custodian of home comfort, which have been preserved in our time? This is the date of the cast iron (rowan) wedding, when all the kitchen utensils sparkle like on the day of the first wedding.

There is a custom to invite the mother-in-law into your home, where she explored the most secluded corners with snow-white gloves. If there were no specks of dust, it means the daughter-in-law is a housewife. In the Baltic countries, there is a custom of giving rowan bunches on the sixth anniversary, thanks to which she will have a son. The French consider this day to be a candy day and it is customary for them to give houses made of candy canes.

It is customary, as a rule, to celebrate anniversaries, so this celebration is celebrated among the closest friends. It is good to serve a round meat pie, the so-called “Cast iron”, with aromatic tea.

6th Anniversary Gifts

Wedding 6 years, what kind of wedding, what gifts should you give each other for the holiday? This question arises for both spouses. The gift for your husband depends on his hobby. Depending on the type of activity, you can choose souvenirs made of cast iron. For example, you can present your husband with rowan tincture, athletes with weights, gardeners with cast iron items that will be useful in the garden, a businessman with a writing set or a figurine, and a smoker with an ashtray.

6 years of marriage is not an unimportant anniversary, and the spouse should choose a gift for his wife in advance. For example, a variety of kitchen utensils - a casserole dish, a frying pan, baking dishes; a cast iron box or ring, coins with romantic engraving.

What do guests give for their 6th wedding anniversary? For this anniversary, guests give any product made of cast iron:

  • Engraved coins
  • Themed souvenirs and figurines
  • Interesting boxes
  • Vases and candlesticks
  • Various dishes
  • Cast iron locks

How to spend your 6th anniversary

After six years of marriage, the wedding is celebrated with the closest and dearest people to share the joy of being together. To decorate the holiday, you can use purple, white and turquoise shades. Calla lilies are a good choice for home decor with flowers. In order to strengthen family ties, it is worthwhile to decorate the home together with rowan branches, drawings, and decorate with candlesticks. You can add rowan branches to clothes.

You can celebrate your sixth anniversary together by having a romantic dinner in a restaurant, watching an interesting movie, walking in the park, or having a picnic in nature.

Among the flowers that are customary to give for this anniversary, and so that they are in perfect harmony with rowan bunches, one can name sunflowers, hypericum, and alstroemeria.

Which wedding after 6 years of marriage will consolidate the past stage of a stable relationship and open the door to the next anniversary? This is a copper wedding.

What to give for a cast iron wedding - gifts from the spouses on this day should fully correspond to the given theme of the holiday. A cast iron wedding is six years of marriage, a period when all the difficulties of fate have been overcome together, and the most treacherous year still lies ahead - 7 years.

They say that the first, third and seventh year are periods of collapse, but before the last crisis it is important to beautifully and correctly celebrate the cast iron day. This way you will gain support for each other, become closer and be prepared for all the tricks of fate in the next seventh circle.

What to give your husband for a cast-iron wedding so that he doesn’t get scared by the frying pan lying next to him early in the morning? Surely, you thought about saucepans and other kitchen utensils.

But we hasten to “disappoint” you, because the gifts may be as follows:

  • Metal weights or dumbbells will in a good way surprise your husband on a joint holiday. If he plays sports, then there will be a home mini-kit, and if not, it’s time to think about exercises.

  • Varietal rowan at 6 years anniversary- a good sign if you can get it. Traditionally, a man must plant a tree, and it doesn’t matter whether you have a daughter or a son. The symbol of passion, love and reliability will always serve as a talisman for your family.

  • If you decide to give cast iron scissors in addition to the previous gift for gardening, it is better to choose a modern version of valves with such knives. There is an electric drive, and there is a variety in the purpose and use of the gift.

  • And in the form of old scissors you can make a hanger from cast iron, or buy one at a souvenir shop. Many professionals are able to make a hanger out of metal with their own hands, and you will have to pay less.

The spouse will not be able to do this for her husband on her own, but there are ready-made compositions for this matter that are installed after the order is delivered to the room. Arrange in advance for a delivery time from the store, and the assemblers will do all the dusty work for you. Your husband will definitely like this gift for a cast iron wedding.

If you think the gift is cheap, you are wrong. Compared to other alcoholic drinks, no expensive champagne is close in price. Aged for 6 years, so it would be appropriate to express a gift for a cast-iron wedding to your husband in this drink format.

Here's what to give your husband on his 6th wedding anniversary, if you want to time the gift to coincide with the occasion.

It will be difficult to make such “heavy” gifts on your own, but even a fragile girl can bring something to life - this is preparation for the celebration:

  • For the sixth anniversary, you need to clean the house before 6 am. This is difficult for some, but you can try to fulfill the condition.
  • You can invite only relatives of the first generation, that is, parents and sister and brothers (siblings).
  • Find cast iron cookware in the house and clean it. This is what ritual and custom dictate. And the video in this article will help you learn more about traditions for wedding anniversaries.
  • In the end, we need to somehow show the symbolism of the sixth anniversary - by this day the wife should show how she has learned to cope with difficulties. Let it be a difficult choice of dress to wear to the table.

Gifts for the wife

I wonder if it is possible to choose a gift for your wife for a cast iron wedding that she will use? We assure you that wives will be delighted to have the kitchen utensils they have been dreaming of for so long. But remember that the cost of such gifts is far from small.

It is unlikely that this will be an unusual, non-trivial gift, but this is what my wife needs. Now she can cook your food too, without worrying that half of it remains at the bottom, burnt. Now you can experiment with baked dishes in the oven, and nothing will burn. There will be many options for use, as well as joy.

What to give your wife for a cast iron wedding if not a useful gift. In it she can bake chicken, turkey and other poultry for a sumptuous side dish. By the way, it is better to give the gift early, then the spouse will have time to use it.

Has she dreamed of a storage container for jewelry? Then it was decided what to give my wife for her 6th wedding anniversary - the most practical and unbreakable box. You can store gold and other jewelry with stones and expensive memorable gifts from family and friends in it.

There are stylish teapots that can be heated over a fire. The water in them heats up quickly, and it is convenient to use it outdoors.

It is several times better than an electric one, there is no sediment, and the convenience is at the highest level. When you want to relax in nature, a cast iron pot with a spout will definitely help out.

A symbol of celebration, and in any case, the wife will be pleased to receive a memorable decoration. She may not wear it every day, but she will be very happy, because men rarely think about symbolism, customs and signs.

Trite, simple and tasteful. Perhaps the spouse is interested in collecting or loves all sorts of crafts in the form of animals.

In this case, what should I give my wife for her 6th wedding anniversary? Of course, interior items. They alone look beautiful in a fragile ornate line, despite the fact that it is made of one of the most durable metals.

Also, finally, the husband should enlist the rules on how to behave on the anniversary day:

  • There is a belief that the husband should prick the courtyard for winter or light the stove with it if it is approaching cold weather. Then the house will be warm and cozy. Alternatively, you can light an electric fireplace and chop spruce branches. There are plenty of them all year round.
  • Thoroughly clean the hallway outside the home - the rug in front of the door should be clean, and this is the merit of the man, as the owner of the family.
  • After the celebration is over, be sure to put your wife to bed first. This is not the first wedding night, so sleep comes first. The first morning of the seventh year must be greeted well-rested, with a clear head and thoughts.

We ended up with a photo list that looks like this. Well, if you have chosen what to give your wife for her 6th wedding anniversary, try to present it beautifully.

Joint gift ideas for spouses

If you are invited to a celebration, but don’t know what you can give for a cast iron wedding, we recommend taking a closer look at the following selection. Below there are instructions on how and for whom to choose gifts.

A prefabricated cast-iron grill will be easy to take with you to nature, for two or three days. Now in many courtyards of multi-storey residential buildings there are places for barbecue, so it definitely won’t stand idle.

Even if there is no courtyard or terrace, you can add a bench to the hallway to make it convenient to change shoes. Or place it in front of the bed, as is customary in European countries - interior according to Feng Shui.

Few people know, but in some countries a cast-iron wedding is called a candy wedding, so it is appropriate to give candies on sticks, various kinds of sucking candies with and without filling.

In different cities, a cast iron wedding is also called an iron wedding, and it is customary to give souvenir figurines made of wrought iron. It doesn't have to be cast iron. Any base metal will do as a gift.

A cast iron lock can be a simple symbolic gift, as well as for use on doors - for a pantry, for a mailbox. If friends have a country house, the lock will definitely come in handy.

A set of rowan-colored dishes symbolizes the strength and longevity of a married couple’s relationship. You can choose other gifts to match the color of rowan, the main thing is the benefits in everyday life.

Here's what to give your friends for their 6th wedding anniversary. Be courteous and don't force gifts they won't use. Even a simple thing will serve as a piece of furniture, but you shouldn’t spend money on horseshoes for ceiling decoration.

Couple gifts for spouses

If the gift is separate, then it is better to choose a pair gift. For example, the husband needs a frying pan for barbecue (there is such a thing), and the wife – a cauldron for cooking poultry or vegetables. By the way, regarding kitchen utensils, there are many types of cast iron cookware.

But we will consider other, wider range of surprises:

A grate for a barbecue or fireplace is a direct purpose for fencing.

Grate for an artificial fireplace. It can also be installed on electric stoves for the home.

The grate is universal – suitable for fencing yard and coals. You can also store the remaining supplies for the firebox there.

Imitation under a fireplace is an innovation in the production of forged products. True, such a gift is only suitable for those who really want to have a fireplace, even a painted one.

A mirrored fireplace, or rather a fence, will look good in a small room to visually expand the space.

For ventilation, for enclosing fireplaces and other burning objects - an ideal gift. There are varieties in shapes, shapes and sizes.

An ideal device for the garden and home.

It can be used to store all sorts of small items, to cover the grill, and also for a stand.

It is not forbidden to use it as shoe storage, however, you will have to lay a rug underneath.

Tip: Try to find a universal item that will be useful in all life situations. It can be part of something, and also serve as a complement to another thing.

Farewell wishes

It is impossible to do without tips regarding decorating a table, a room or a restaurant. What to give for a 6-year wedding anniversary has already been decided, but how to decorate the table and how to please or surprise the guests?

Rowan color on the table is considered obligatory - it can be clusters of wood, the color of napkins or tableware.

No matter how difficult it may be, you still have to cook.

It’s not light, not dawn, you have to get up and, after cleaning, start baking.

A must for a meal is a dish in a pot, preferably in cast iron.

First, you need to bring the dishes to the table, which will be on a metal tray.

Candles can be lit in cast iron candlesticks.

This way the table decor will be completely completed.

Walls and ceilings are usually not decorated with anything, so rowan-colored balls will be enough.

Advice: You already know what to cook, how to serve and set the table not only with decorations. Next, seat the guests one by one so that everyone can slowly taste the spirit of the holiday.

The question of what to give for a cast iron wedding has already been completely exhausted. Next, the choice is up to the guests and spouses - try to make a pleasant surprise on this significant day to your other half.

The six-year anniversary of a couple's married life is usually called a cast-iron wedding. Cast iron is a heavy and durable material, and this is exactly what the spouses’ relationship has become over the years they have passed together. It is worth congratulating your husband on this pleasant date in an original way, and choosing gifts for a cast iron wedding with taste and knowledge of the matter. What will please him on this day?

This is important: a gift for a spouse for a cast-iron wedding should traditionally be made of this particular metal, but remember that this is not a strict obligation. On your sixth wedding anniversary, you can give necessary and practical things for the home, appliances, and any metal products. Decorations and simple souvenirs are also good - anything that symbolizes family and hearth is perfect for the holiday. Choose something soulful and original for your loved one!

Traditional and original

When thinking about what to give your husband for a cast iron wedding, first of all turn your attention to traditional gifts - everything related to cast iron and cast iron products. Other metals are also suitable, the main thing is that the gift is truly masculine!


If you move away from cast iron and traditions, you can find a lot of great things that will come in handy this holiday. Memorable gifts are ideal for a wedding anniversary!


When choosing what to give to your dear spouse for a cast-iron wedding, don’t forget about souvenirs! Well, even if they have no practical use, they lift your spirits and can say a lot. How nice it is to receive a creative souvenir from a loved one on a holiday!

It’s simple and pleasant to please your dear spouse, express your tenderness and gratitude for six years of marriage! Show your care and attention, choose only original gifts, and listen to his wishes. And may there be many more joyful anniversaries and anniversaries in your life together!

No one will argue that a wedding is a special event in life, much more important than buying a car or even a housewarming in a luxurious penthouse. Well, true, if you don’t have the so-called habit of getting married. After all, a real wedding is always for love, a unique, one-time, inimitable event.

There is also a wonderful tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries - such family holidays loving couples bond even more. Each year lived together has its own name. Let's say the first anniversary is a chintz wedding, the second is a paper one... And 6 years of marriage - what kind of wedding?

Cast iron wedding

This is what is called the six-year anniversary of the marriage of the spouses. By the way, this is the first wedding with a metal symbol. It marks a special milestone in the life of the family: serious trials have been passed, many joyful and sad moments. The main thing is that loving friend friend, people stayed together and managed to save the family.

Previously, in villages, before a cast-iron wedding, women always cleaned the huts, mainly paying attention to cast-iron dishes. Polished to a shine, it was displayed on the wedding day, and this signified peace and harmony in the family.

The best proof of love and harmony between spouses is hand in hand and eyes glowing with happiness.

Perhaps the name “cast iron wedding” is not the most aesthetic, but its choice is quite justified. Cast iron is a very strong and at the same time fragile material: if you melt it, you can give the alloy any configuration. But whether this configuration will bring joy or tears depends only on the spouses.

Not yet copper, but no longer wood

So, 6 years are behind us, we celebrated a year earlier wooden wedding, all the most unstable stages of living together are in the past. However, cast iron is not steel yet, and copper and silver still have a long way to go. A lot of effort needs to be put in so that a cast iron wedding acquires the name more noble metal. It will also be necessary to go through fire, water and copper pipes - after all, this is how steel is hardened. Nevertheless, a strong, solid foundation has already been laid - and isn’t this the most important thing in married life?

What happened during these 6 years?

  1. The spouses understood what is good and what is bad within family relationships.
  2. They no longer quarrel over trifles.
  3. The couple already has a clear understanding that family life is not only and not so much a holiday, but everyday life and everyday life, in which it is important not to get bogged down, not to harden your soul.
  4. Now the husband and wife are in a special phase of the relationship - smoother, calmer, softer. Perhaps there are no those stormy emotions that excite the consciousness, but there is a reliable feeling of stability.
  5. There has probably already been a new addition to a loving family, and maybe even more than one – this is happiness!

The last stage is especially important, because if cast iron, God forbid, breaks, its fragments will hurt not only the hearts of the spouses, but also the children. Therefore, the intermediate stage between 6 and 7 years of marriage is especially important - cast iron and copper wedding. It is necessary to be especially sensitive and attentive to each other at this time, to show kindness, delicacy, and the ability to compromise. And then no 7-year crisis will capsize the marital boat of love.

Gift tips for guests

The question quite reasonably arises - 6 years of marriage, what kind of wedding, what to give? Like any other anniversary, a cast iron wedding should be celebrated with fun and gifts should be given! We have prepared some interesting ideas for you.

  • Kitchenware. Of course! These can be various frying pans, cast iron pots for preparing aromatic roasts, saucepans, kettles, baking dishes. A hot stand is also useful in the household.
  • Landscape design items. A wonderful gift! Do the newlyweds have a dacha or do they live in a country house? Then give them embossed grilles and fences with beautiful pattern, garden furniture.
  • Outdoor fireplace or cast iron grill. Not only is the gift practical, it reflects the symbol of the wedding, but it also personifies the warmth of the hearth.
  • Home improvement items. These can be watch stands, shelves, paperweights, busts, antique candelabra, etc.
  • Battery or decorative grille for the fireplace. The spouses will certainly appreciate this gift! A firewood stand, a cast iron scoop and a poker are also useful for the fireplace.

However, it is not at all necessary to focus on metal products. Cast iron wedding has other names. So, for example, in Latvia this anniversary is called rowan, and in European countries - caramel. Based on this, you can please the spouses with a juicy bouquet of rowan branches, original ikebana, as well as multi-colored caramels, candies and other sweets.

What can spouses give each other?

6 years of marriage: what kind of wedding, what to give to my husband - a loving wife asks. Don't panic, we will be happy to help you!

What can a husband give to his beloved wife?

  • Women love beautiful things, so a decorative candlestick, vase or sculpture would be an excellent gift for your wife.
  • A particularly valuable gift is an antique plastic piece made of cast iron. Choose paired figurines: these can be intertwined hearts, kissing doves, male and female figures.
  • Order commemorative medals and coins with congratulatory inscriptions - this is a long, beautiful tradition.
  • You can start a great tradition of gifting each other rings on every anniversary with a metallic symbol. The ladies are probably clutching their heads now: is it really possible to wait another 54 years for a diamond ring?! Men, hurry to reassure your charming companions. After all, it is not necessary to give your wife a cast iron ring.

For some, 6 years of marriage is a real test of strength, but for others it is the best period spent with a loved one. A symbol of strong family ties for people who have been married for 6 years is cast iron - this metal is durable and reliable at proper care. But if handled incorrectly, cast iron turns into a pile of useless fragments.

So is the marriage of two people - with constant work on the relationship, family life will be pleasant and strong. And if you are inattentive to the feelings and desires of your other half, it will fall apart when it hits the rocks of family life.

The main element is cast iron. On anniversaries it is customary to give gifts made from this metal. What gift to choose and how to choose the right one – we’ll try to figure it out below. But in addition to the gift, you must not forget about the traditions of the wedding - a proper celebration will charge a good atmosphere in family life for the next year.

Gifts for husband

When you have 6 years of marriage behind you, what to give your spouse becomes a fairly pressing issue - by this point, people already know well the hobbies of their other halves and have given most of the famous gifts. What you can come up with for your 6th birthday is discussed in the list below.

  1. The best gift for a husband made of cast iron is, perhaps, a barbecue. A trip to nature, a dacha, fishing - now your beloved spouse can not only enjoy the beauty of nature, but also cook delicious barbecue, pilaf, fish soup.
  2. If your husband is an athlete, then you can give your loved one a cast iron weights for training at home. And if previously these were only round products, now you can order decorative equipment of an original shape. Such a gift will allow a man not only to improve his fitness, but will also remind him of his wife all the time.

    Dumbbell set

  3. For men who have collecting as a hobby, you can order a model made of cast iron. It could be a cast stamp, a steam locomotive or a model of an airplane - anything that interests the spouse. And it’s even better if he loves hunting and fishing, then order a mug stand like this.

    Stand for a glass or mug

  4. The table lamp is perfect for men who like to read at night. This lamp will fit perfectly on your bedside table and will always remind you of your beloved.

Cool ashtrays will be a good gift for men who smoke and will let him know that his wife loves him with all his bad habits.

Gifts for wife

For a long time, before their wedding anniversary, women polished their cast-iron dishes and put them on display for their neighbors to see. Clean dishes symbolized that the woman was a good housewife - after all, cast iron cannot be cleaned at once. This metal requires constant care.

In the modern world, no one polishes dishes for the purpose of showing them off to their neighbors. But as a gift to his beloved, a man can buy:

  1. Cast iron frying pan.

  2. Cast iron baking pots.
  3. Utensils for preparing fondue.
  4. Teapot made of cast iron.

    Cast iron teapot

  5. A box for storing jewelry and personal items. With such a gift, a man not only shows the importance of the holiday, but also demonstrates respect for his wife’s interests.

    Cast iron box

  6. Cast iron mortar for spices, nuts in general kitchen utensils.

    Cast iron mortar

Cast iron ring

A ring is a rather intimate gift. This is exactly what a caring husband can present to his wife as proof of love that does not fade over the years. It is possible to purchase one ring for your wife, or paired rings for yourself and your beloved.

If a woman likes to draw, her husband can buy her a beautiful cast-iron frame. Then the paintings will delight the eyes of the couple and all guests, and their design will remind you that the best inspiration is always associated with your loved one.

General gifts for family

What to give spouses for their 6th wedding anniversary? After all, the gift should symbolize marriage and be made of cast iron. Below are ideas for the most useful gifts.

  1. The best gift for a cast iron wedding for spouses is a pilaf cauldron. Traditionally, this dish is prepared together. Such a gift will not only be a sign of respect for the anniversary, but will also help them find new joint hobbies in cooking.
  2. If a couple lives in a private house, a door knocker for the front door would be a very good choice, a very interesting gift.

    Door knocker

  3. If a couple doesn’t like to cook, it doesn’t matter. In this case, you can purchase unusual cups or a tea set made of cast iron. It is perfect for spending leisure time and will become a decoration for the home.
  4. When both spouses smoke, the best gift will become an ashtray for the home. Such a simple thing will remind the spouses that even bad habits they have in common.


  5. If there is a fireplace in the house, a dustpan or cast iron broom would be a good gift.

    Fireplace accessories

When choosing a gift, you need to focus on the couple's common hobbies. In this case, the donor will not only hear gratitude, but will also know for sure that his gift is being used.

Gifts for friends

Friends who live in a private house or have a dacha can always purchase cast iron products for their home area.

Gift for 6th wedding anniversary - which ideas will appeal to the newlyweds the most?

  1. Figures of animals or gnomes to decorate the road.
  2. Cast iron lamps.
  3. Cool wrought iron chair.
  4. Cool cast iron cookware.

    Frying pan for emoticon fritters and pancakes

  5. Beautiful forged lattice for the front garden.
  6. Swings for children and adults.
  7. An excellent symbol of the 6th anniversary will be a lock with a cast iron key. When presenting a gift, you can offer it to the newlyweds in one of the places where they want to place this lock.

    Lock with key

  8. Cast iron figurines are suitable for decorating any home or apartment - this inexpensive gift, which will please any married couple.

    Newlyweds figurine

  9. A practical gift is a shoe stand. It is quite massive, but is ideal for installation in a large hallway and will demonstrate the attention of the donor.
  10. The umbrella stand can also be installed in any apartment. A beautiful interior element cannot go unnoticed and will always remind you of the donor and happy years of marriage.

    Souvenirs made of cast iron

When one of the couple is a foreigner, you can ask what the sixth anniversary is called in his country and give a gift that matches the name.

In addition to the main gift, you should also definitely give your friend flowers!

Gifts for children

Adults rarely give children gifts on their wedding anniversary. But it is always important for a child to feel loved and appreciated.

Young children should not be given cast iron products - they can injure themselves or harm others. It is best to remember that this wedding anniversary in some countries is associated with a tree. And it is best to give wooden gifts to children.

  1. The keychain will become a great gift for a daughter or son.
  2. Stand for pencils and other accessories.
  3. A photo frame with a photo of the whole family.
  4. A small toy for my son - a train, a soldier.
  5. Tube for drawings and engraved drawings.

Older children can order railway made of cast iron. The whole family can play it. Such a gift will last for many years and will delight not only children, but also adult children.

Sometimes it is better to ask the child himself about what you can give to a child. This will not only allow you to choose a practical item, but will also bring the family together.

Cool gifts

Original gifts will not only demonstrate attention to the spouses, but will also fill their lives with fun.

Original gift will always please its owner. Therefore, his choice must be taken responsibly.

When choosing an original gift, you must take into account that cast iron is a symbol of strong relationships. Therefore, when choosing any thing, you need to think about how it can strengthen the couple’s union and whether it will be practical and useful for them.

Gifts for parents

Adult children can also give gifts to their parents, who have more than one marriage behind them.

Cast iron cake

So, first of all, you can prepare treats for parents and their guests and set the festive table. Of course, all kinds of cast iron utensils should be used - frying pans, cauldrons, jugs. The table should be set with the cast iron in the center, as a symbol of a strong family life.

Adult children can buy various things made of cast iron and paint them together with small children. Such a homemade gift will become not only a symbol of the anniversary, but also strong family ties.

A small cast iron coat hanger will become a practical home decoration. Such a small detail will fill the house with comfort and make it clear that even adult children are happy to come visit their parents.

Firewood stand

DIY gifts

Making gifts from cast iron with your own hands is quite problematic. However, you can make a gift using this metal.

  1. The easiest way is to prepare breakfast for your loved one and present it in bed. Delicious scrambled eggs and fluffy cheesecakes are great in a cast iron frying pan.
  2. Casting a cup from cast iron yourself is quite problematic. But you can learn how to do engraving yourself. Then the spouse will receive a unique handmade gift.
  3. You can find massive stands for writing instruments and fill them with the little things your other half needs - strong papers, small pieces of paper, pens, colored pencils. The main thing is to take into account the interests of the person to whom the gift will be presented.

The main thing when decorating a gift is to put love in it - then even a small cup will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Symbolic and inexpensive gifts

It is not always possible to come to an agreement with production and receive an order of custom-made cast iron. However, you can always buy a small gift that will contain all the love and care.

When choosing a gift, you need to pay attention to the interests of the spouses, then the purchase will be not only pleasant, but also useful.

What flowers to give for a cast iron anniversary

Only in Russia should a gift for a 6th wedding anniversary be made of cast iron. Residents of Latvia associate the 6th anniversary with rowan. But residents of Western Europe prefer to call the date the Candy Cane Wedding and believe that celebrating the anniversary brings sweetness to family life.

What flowers should you give your significant other on your wedding day? It is recommended to choose bright bouquets that will bring a touch of fresh air to the relationship.

  1. Asters.
  2. Lilies.
  3. Dahlias.
  4. Tulips.
  5. Roses.

It is best to choose flowers of different colors so that the bouquet looks like a collection of multi-colored candies. You can add a sprig of rowan to the flowers - this will emphasize the shades of color and will be in keeping with the traditions of the wedding.

True connoisseurs of beauty can give their spouse one rose. But not a simple one, but forged from cast iron. You will have to look for such a gift and order it in advance, but what can you do for the sake of happiness in the eyes of the woman you love.

The main thing to remember when choosing a bouquet is that your other half should like the flowers!


The choice of what to give for your 6th wedding anniversary should be based on the tastes and preferences of the spouses. For the anniversary, it is recommended to choose practical and durable gifts that will decorate the home and help improve the couple’s life.

In addition to choosing a gift, you need to remember about its presentation: you need to choose and, of course, present the woman with her favorite flowers. Then the anniversary will become a truly festive event.

What gifts did you give your significant other for the 6th wedding anniversary? Write your gift ideas in the comments, and also tell us how the person who received such a gift reacted.

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