Fortune telling for the Trinity and conspiracies for protection, love and money. Folk omens, fortune telling and trinity conspiracies are of great interest to Russians. Plot for money

Conspiracies, rituals, omens, fortune telling for Trinity holidays

Love spell for Trinity

On the first day of Trinity, when the church is decorated with greenery, you need to go to the service. When you first kneel, take the green grass from the floor with your left hand. Keep the grass in your hand until the end of the service. When you leave the church, you need to bow to all four sides. Bring the grass home, weave a wreath from it and hang it on the icon. At night, say a wreath and put it under your pillow. They speak like this:
- I go to bed without praying and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive me, Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head. As these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath, so let God’s servant (name) curl and twine around me, as the wreath withers and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God’s servant (name), not with food. eats, doesn’t drink, doesn’t go on a spree; whether he is at a feast or during a conversation, whether he is in the field or in the house - I would not lose his mind. May my words be strong and sculpted, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words is a confirmation, and a strong fortress, and a strong force in the heights of heaven, and a castle in the depths of the sea. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Dry the wreath and store it all year round.

Amulet for family happiness

Since ancient times, it has been customary to cook special scrambled eggs on Trinity Day. It consists of two eggs, since both of its “eyes” should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a frying pan, the hostess reads a prayer: “Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

These scrambled eggs are salted with Thursday salt. Scrambled eggs are seasoned with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed in twigs or long green feathers along with the growing head of the onion. It was believed that thanks to this the integrity of the family was preserved. A round scrambled egg, shaped like a frying pan, along with green seasoning, was sealed into an identical round loaf of rye bread, which was necessarily consecrated in the church, cut in half. The loaf is the only thing that is allowed to be divided, but not into small parts, but only in two. The “sandwich” should be wrapped in a towel, taking some boiled potatoes in their jackets, go to the grove to a pre-decorated birch tree, under which this amulet for family happiness is eaten.

Love spell for a girl on the eve of Trinity

The conspiracy is made on the eve of Trinity. You need to weave a wreath from wild flowers, cross yourself three times, speak and throw it into running water. And then, without looking back, return home.

Girls walk through the green field, pick flowers, weave wreaths and throw them into the water. Betrothed-mummer, you catch the wreath and give it to me, the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

On Trinity Sunday you need to take 3 bouquets:

1) wormwood,
2) St. John's wort
3) yarrow.

We take all this to church, where you can confess and receive communion if you wish.

Buy candles and light 7 candles for your health and read the Prayer to the Holy Trinity. Buy a Silver Ring with the Inscription Save and Preserve from the church. When you put it on, say: “Shield and protection for me for the Glory of the Trinity!”

After the service at home, light a sprig of St. John’s wort in an old bowl and fumigate the home with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, come out, evil spirits, perish!”

Divide the wormwood in half: place one part under the bed, and the second above the front door. We brew yarrow and take baths with the addition of yarrow. St. John's wort can be brewed as tea. Take baths and tea for 3 days in a row. In the morning and evening, be sure to read prayers to the Trinity!
Usually after this many ailments and problems go away.

all family conspiracies, and a conspiracy for love, and a conspiracy for good luck, must be done in June, on the eve of Trinity.

a spell for good luck in an important matter, when traveling on business, for getting a job.

“I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around on all four sides. How on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse is grazing, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, stirrups "That horse did not know the reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen."

In some areas in villages where the Kupala fires are not lit, on the evening before Trinity they try to steal an old beehive from some owner. And on the evening before Trinity, it is burned in the pasture or near the rye. Round dances are held around such a fire and festivities similar to those at Kupala are held. Local peasants explain the purpose of this ritual as follows: “As good as the fire is, so will the bees swarm.”

The main role in Trinity rituals is given to the birch tree, without which this holiday is like Christmas without a tree. Birch is the very first tree to bloom, its sap is very useful, and birch buds have a healing effect, birch firewood provides a lot of heat, various household items and even shoes were made from birch bark (birch bark). All these qualities endowed birch with a special magical meaning. That is why it was customary to sweep graves with birch brooms.

On Trinity Sunday, girls “curled” (tied branches) a birch tree and walked under it with songs and kisses. This custom was called “celebration” - i.e. kissing under birch branches. The holiday was considered a maiden holiday: it was customary to collect money and buy food and sweets together. The ritual of “curling wreaths” is an echo of ancient women’s collective rituals in sacred groves, when the birch tree was considered a woman’s totem. Later, this same ritual turned into a beautiful game, fun, and round dance. At the same time, nepotism still retains all the elements of maiden initiations - the admission of girls into the clan, which indicates their maturity and makes them full members of the clan.
Trinity has always and everywhere been a green holiday. These days, courtyards, houses and churches were decorated outside and inside with greenery and flowers. They even went to church with flowers and fragrant herbs. In some areas, when the herbs were folded into a sheaf, a trinity candle was placed in the middle. And after they dried, they were kept as a remedy for all sorts of ills, used as medicine, and a candle was kept for the dying. According to one of the existing signs, Trinity greenery reliably protects the house during a thunderstorm.
Trinity was celebrated outdoors. People went to forests and groves, townspeople went for country walks. These were fun and noisy celebrations. In the villages, they started baking loaves early in the morning and called together friends, for whom wreaths of flowers and birch had already been woven.

Fortune telling for Trinity Green Christmastide. Fortune telling for Spiritual Day

In Semik, girls go into the forest to “curl” a birch tree, that is, they twist the branches on a growing birch tree in the form of a wreath, tying them with ribbons, or they “twist” a tree, that is, they bend the branches to the ground, intertwining them with grass; they break the top of the birch tree, and on Trinity, or Spiritual Day, they certainly develop wreaths on the tree, because otherwise the birch tree will be “offended.” When “curling” and “developing” the trees are guessed by the wreaths. If the birch tree withers, then the girl will face illness or loss, or maybe she will simply have to remain unmarried for a year. In addition, the girls from the grove take birch branches and place them under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, come and curl the birch tree.”

On Trinity Day, girls also: 1) spin around, and whoever falls in which direction, wait for the groom from there; 2) they scatter the fragments of the old plow: in which direction the fragment fell, from there the narrowed one will come.

Fortune telling on a chain.
If you constantly wear a chain, but have never counted the links on it, then once in your life you can tell fortunes on Trinity for the fulfillment of your cherished desire. On this day, you need to go to church, having this chain with you, and there light a candle for the health of all your ill-wishers, rivals, competitors, enemies, and when you leave, bring a feasible donation for the needs of the temple.

When you get home, count the number of links; you need to count three times to avoid mistakes. An even number will indicate that your wish will come true. Odd - alas, it is better to refuse what you want. After fortune telling, the chain is removed and not worn for at least three days.

Signs for Trinity
Folk tradition combines the pagan summer festivals of Rusalia with the Christian holiday - Trinity Day.
Trinity Day can rightfully be called green Christmastide. On this day, parishioners held masses in churches with bouquets of meadow flowers or tree branches, and houses were decorated with birch trees. Wildflowers that had been in the church were dried and stored behind the icons for various needs: they were placed under fresh hay and in the granary to prevent mice, in holes in the ridges from shrews and in the attic to eliminate fire.
Trees were transported to village streets in whole cartloads and decorated with them not only doors, but also window jambs, and especially the church, the floor of which was strewn with fresh grass (everyone, leaving the church, tried to grab it from under his feet in order to mix it with the hay, boil it with water and drink as healing). Some people made wreaths from the leaves of the trees that stood in the church and placed them in pots when growing cabbage seedlings. Tea was made from dried herbs consecrated in the church against the evil eye and diseases.
Sunday was spent in the forest, around a birch tree.
The main ritual for the Trinity for Russians was curling (breaking) a birch tree and weaving wreaths from birch branches and flowers. Trinity wreaths are woven in order to attract the mercy of higher powers or to ask for mercy for your loved ones. Girls went to weave wreaths in small groups, in which men were not allowed. It is believed that a man who accidentally sees a wreath can put the evil eye on both the wreath and the girl who wove it. Therefore, wreaths are woven in secluded places where no one can see them. Weave them different ways, curling birch branches like flowers for a wreath, decorated them with ribbons, and braided them. Many methods are still known to every girl and woman.
Wreaths are woven on Semik - the Thursday before Trinity, and on Trinity the girls go into the forest to see what happened to the wreath - whether it has been preserved or developed. There was a belief that if the wreath withers, then troubles and death await the girl who wove this wreath, or her loved one for whom this wreath was woven. However, in many areas, a wilted wreath, on the contrary, meant the greatest joy in a woman’s life—a happy marriage and many healthy, beautiful children. If the wreath did not dry out, then the wish she made while weaving the wreath was sure to come true.
The girls put wreaths on their heads and begin to dance in circles, singing ritual songs. Then, with the help of wreaths, the girls wondered what fate awaited them. To do this, they threw wreaths into the river. It is quite rare to throw a wreath into the water with your hands, but usually the girl comes close to the water, bends low over it so that the wreath itself falls from her head. Sometimes, to make the fortune-telling more accurate, the girls stood with their backs to the river and bent backwards.
It is also known that in some areas wreaths are first placed in water, the face is washed with the water scooped from them, and only then they are thrown into the middle of the river.
By the way the wreaths floated, in which direction, at what speed, whether they were spinning in place or not, the girls wondered what awaited them. Sometimes, to help them understand what this or that behavior of the wreath means, an elderly woman, wise over the years, went with them to the river. Many interpretations exist among peasants living in different regions. However, there are some common features. For example, a sunken wreath promised a girl death or betrayal of her loved one; the direction in which the wreath floated depended on where she would marry.
The ceremony of curling wreaths was associated with the ritual of commemoration - the girls sang ritual songs, promising to be each other’s relatives and friends forever.

Fortune telling on the Trinity Wreath

Floats smoothly - life will be calm and good.
Swimming underwater means illness.
Drowning means trouble.
Swinging on the wave - to a stormy life.
Broken up - to separation from your loved one.
He quickly left - marriage away from home.
If you linger near the shore, don’t expect any changes until the next Trinity.

Fortune telling for Trinity

Fortune telling should be done on an empty stomach and alone. Go to the birch tree, make a wish and break the twig. Before you break her, say:

Bless, Trinity, Holy Mother of God.
Branch, break off,
And for the servant of God (name), fate will appear.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Count all the buds on the branch. If their number is even, then your wish will come true.

Fortune telling on mermaid days

According to legends, from June 20 to July 7, the so-called mermaid days begin - one of the best periods for fortune telling, which is always true at this time. In ancient times, our ancestors revered the earth as a living being, and the herbs that grew on it were attributed special magical properties, including the ability to predict fate. Remember, no matter where you live, you can always find the right herbs and trees that will tell you about the future in these magical days.

Perhaps one of the oldest and most widespread summer fortune telling is fortune telling on chamomile petals. Who hasn’t asked the question at least once in their life: “Does he love you or doesn’t he love you?” With these words, the petals of a chamomile are torn off and the last one becomes the answer to the question asked. This method is used to tell fortunes not only for love. It is perfectly acceptable to ask any question that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

In the old days in Rus', daisies were called navels; it was believed that their yellow protruding core looked like a navel. The very name “chamomile” appeared in Rus' relatively recently and is associated with the spread of medieval medical treatises, in which this white flower was called “Roman herb” or “Roman flower”. According to folk tales, a daisy is nothing more than a star that fell from the sky.

They also told fortunes about love using St. John's wort, which has been endowed with unique magical powers since ancient times.

There was a way when a wreath was woven from St. John's wort and thrown onto the roof. If it rolls down, it means that the girl will get married this year. If she stayed on the roof, then she wouldn’t see her matchmakers for another whole year.

Here is another ancient fortune-telling on St. John's wort: a freshly picked flower is twisted with such force that juice comes out of it, the color of which is used to judge the feelings of a loved one (if the juice is clear, they don’t like you, but if it is red, then you are definitely , loved). In general, St. John's wort has been associated with love magic since ancient times. The following legend is also associated with it: a yellow flower grew next to the Cross of Christ, which, saturated with His blood, received extraordinary power. Therefore, one of the ancient names of St. John's wort is “God's blood”.

It is believed that medicinal herbs collected during Mermaid Week not only have healing powers, but can also predict the future and answer questions of interest to a person. For example, they collected a bouquet of such herbs, and each family member wished for their own flower. This bouquet was left overnight (stuck between logs), and in the morning they looked at the flowers. Those who keep them fresh will maintain health and good spirits for a whole year. Drooping flowers indicated minor ailments, but a wilted flower warned of serious illness and even death.

At this time, the girls were telling fortunes about love using ordinary grass. To do this, two blades of grass were plucked near the house, one of which was supposed to be shorter than the other: the short one symbolized the girl, and the long one symbolized her loved one. Such blades of grass were inserted into the crack of the ceiling beam, securing them as securely as possible so as not to fall. When the blades of grass began to dry out, they gradually curled, moving closer or further from each other. The symbolism of such fortune telling is extremely simple. If the blade of grass of a loved one deviated from the blade of grass of the girl, then he did not experience any feelings for her. If the blade of grass deviated a little, it promised a short-term disagreement, but intertwined together, they promised love and harmony. By the way, this method of fortune telling is good not only for love fortune-telling, this way you can find out about the attitude of any person with whom you have a friendly or business relationship.

When talking about summer fortune-telling, one can’t help but remember the famous Kupala wreaths. They were woven from birch branches or from four herbs, symbolizing the four cardinal directions: it included ivan-da-marya, burdock, Bogorodskaya grass, or, as it is also called, thyme, and bear’s ear, or common mullein. (By the way, try to choose the most beautiful branches and herbs.) Such wreaths were left in the yard overnight, and in the morning they looked: if the wreath withered, then its owner was in danger of great trouble, if the herbs and flowers wilted - minor troubles, and if the wreath remained fresh, then the girl will be healthy and happy for a whole year.

They inserted a burning candle into the Kupala wreath and floated it across the water, while loudly asking whether the fortuneteller was destined to get married this year. If the wreath sank, then love would soon fade away. If the wreath calmly floated along the river, then love promised to be strong, and if it stuck to the shore, then the girl was destined to get married that year. A broken wreath was considered a bad omen. A burning candle was used to judge health and life expectancy. If the candle immediately went out, then its owner would face a serious illness or even death. The one whose candle burned longer than the others was supposed to maintain good health for a long time and live to a ripe old age.

It is no coincidence that people used to guess about health using a candle, which since ancient times has been perceived as a symbol of human life. A candle that has flared up or a burning candle is a symbol of the birth of life, its peaceful flow, and a candle that has gone out means the end of life’s journey.

Instead of candles, you can take pieces of paper and write your wishes on them. Then weave several wreaths, put a piece of paper on each of them and float them through the water. If the wreath sticks to the shore, then your wish will come true; if the wreath floats far away, then your plan, of course, will come true, but you will have to make a lot of effort. If the wreath has drowned, then you better give up on this matter, you won’t succeed anyway, and if you insist, you will only harm yourself.

There is another similar ancient fortune telling, when instead of wreaths, small boats were cut out of pine logs, candles were placed in them, and they were floated along the river at night. A boat spinning in a whirlpool promised trouble; one that sailed to the shore promised a boring, monotonous life (nothing new would happen for a whole year); a sunken boat was an omen of serious illness or even death. But the boat, which sailed to the middle of the river, promised good luck to its owner. Naturally, the happiest among the fortune-telling girls was considered to be the one whose boat sailed farthest.


Dry the flowers with which you celebrated mass and vespers for Trinity. Place one flower on a dish and pour in holy water (1 glass).
With a lit candle, say the prayers “Our Father”, “Creed”, “Living in Help” (2 times each).
Drink three sips of water, wash the rest.
Immediately put aside the coin (for alms).
Continue treatment like this for 40 days.
Then order 3 prayers in the church: the healer Panteleimon, the martyr Tryphon and the silverless Kuzma and Demyan, distribute 40 coins in the church to the poor for health.

The ritual of removing severe damage, which cannot be gotten rid of by other means, is carried out on Trinity(a holiday celebrated fifty days after Easter) and only to the sick themselves.

Collect a large bouquet containing at least forty different flowers. For example, chamomile, cornflower and other wildflowers. You can also pick garden ones. Go to church with this bouquet for Trinity; you must attend the morning and evening services with it. Then you should begin the ritual, which will last exactly forty days. To do this, take one flower from the bouquet every day (don’t worry when they dry out), put it in a glass and pour holy water on top. When the water flows into the glass, dip your finger in it and wet the top of your head with it three times. Drink the rest of the water. Each time after the end of the ceremony (for all forty days), place a coin in a specially prepared box. You should have forty coins in total.

After forty days, go to church again, order yourself a service for health and listen to the entire prayer service. (They also order and listen to a prayer service on the second and third days.) Then light candles in the church for St. Panteleimon, St. Tryphon, the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, and distribute forty coins to the poor.

After removing the damage, drink tea from mint, tricolor violet and fireweed (of course, if you have no contraindications to taking decoctions from these plants). You can add sage, valerian, motherwort, and St. John's wort to tea.

Seven days after the damage is removed, the ritual of returning the Guardian Angel is performed.

Holy Angel, standing before my accursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, nor depart from me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon to possess me through the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, forgive me everything, I have offended you so greatly all the days of my life, and if I sinned this past night, cover me on this day and save me from every opposite temptation, Let me not anger God in any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthy as a servant of His goodness. Amen.

After that, go to the church, where you buy two candles. The first candle is placed at the icon of the Mother of God, the second at the icon of Jesus Christ (but not on the eve - be careful!). Candles for the repose are placed on the eve (rectangular candlestick), but you need an oval-shaped candlestick.


“After the Liturgy on the day of the Holy Trinity (also called Pentecost, or the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles), Vespers is celebrated according to the usual plan. At this Vespers, three prayers are read with kneeling. These prayers were compiled by St. Basil the Great (329-379).
In the first prayer, we confess our sins to the Heavenly Father and ask Him to have mercy on us for the sake of the great sacrifice of His son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the 2nd prayer we ask the Lord to grant us the Divine Spirit.
In the 3rd prayer, we ask the Lord, who descended into hell and crushed the power of the devil, to rest our departed fathers and brothers in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a calmer place.” (N. R. Antonov: Temple of God and Church Services, 1912, S. Pb., p. 208).

1.1 -First prayer
Most pure, undefiled, beginningless, invisible, incomprehensible,
unsearchable, unfailing, invincible, innumerable, gentle Lord,
You alone have immortality, in the living, unapproachable light:
who created the earth and the sea and everything created on them,
Ask first, give petitions to everyone,

We pray to You, and we ask You, Lord, most loving of mankind,
Father of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ,
us for the sake of men, and ours for the sake of salvation that came down from heaven,
and incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and Mary Ever-Virgin, and the Most Glorious Mother of God:

Even if you teach words first, follow and show them deeds,
when you endured a saving passion, give us a signature
Your humble, sinful, and unworthy servant,
bring prayers to You, on our knees and knees,
about your sins, and about human ignorance,

You yourself are merciful and loving, hear us,
Once again we will call on You,
pretty much on this fiftieth day,
after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven,
and sitting at Your right hand, God the Father,

He sent down the Holy Spirit upon his holy disciples and apostles,
like and gray on the same one of them,
and being filled with all His inexhaustible grace,
and with other tongues spoke Your greatness,
and prophesied.

Now hear us who pray to You,
and remember us, humble and condemned,
and restore the captivity of our souls,
Your mercy has been praying for us.

Receive us who fall before You and cry out: we have sinned,
We are committed to You from the womb, from the womb of our mother,
You are our God.

But as if our days had disappeared in vanity,
let us be naked of Your help,
we are deprived of any answer,
By boldness in Your bounty, we call:

Do not remember the sins of our youth and ignorance,
and cleanse us from our secrets,
and do not reject us during old age,
our fortress will never fail:

Don't leave us
before even we can return to the land.
vouchsafe to return to You,
and bring us favor and grace.

Compromise our iniquities with Your bounties,
set in opposition the abyss of Your bounties
the multitude of our sins.

Look down from Thy holy height, O Lord,
for the coming people are Yours.
And those who expect rich mercies from You.
Visit us with Your goodness,
deliver us from the violence of the devil:
confirm our life with Your holy and sacred laws.

Angel, give a faithful guardian to Your people,
gather everyone into Your Kingdom.
Grant forgiveness to those who trust in You: forgive them and our sins.
Cleanse us by the action of Your holy Spirit:
Destroy the machinations of the enemy against us.

The first prayer is also joined by this
Blessed are you, Lord, Master Almighty,
enlightening day with sunlight,
and cleared the night with fiery dawns,
the length of the day is granted to us,
and draw near with the firstfruits of night:
hear our prayers, and all your people,

And forgive us all our voluntary and involuntary sins.
Accept our evening prayers,
and send down the abundance of Thy mercy,
and Thy bounties upon Thy wealth.

Shade us with your saints, Thy angels,
Arm us with the weapons of Your righteousness,
protect us with Your truth,
keep us by Your power,
deliver us from every situation,
any slander that is contrary.

Give us a real evening, with the coming night,
perfect, holy, peaceful, sinless, without temptation, dreamless,
and all the days of our life:
prayers of the saint, the Mother of God,
and all the saints from the ages who have pleased You.

2.1 - Second prayer
Lord Jesus Christ our God,
Your peace given by man,
and the gift of the Holy Spirit,
still in life and with us,
always give as an inalienable inheritance to the faithful:

This grace was most manifested by Your disciple
and today sent down as an apostle,
and these tongues confirmed with fiery lips:

Imagining the entire human race
knowledge of God with its tongue in the hearing of the ear,
Let us be enlightened by the light of the spirit,
and the charms like darkness have changed,
and sensual and fiery tongues of distribution,
and supernatural action,
let us learn faith in You,
and bless you with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
in one Godhead, and power, and authority, let us be established.

You are God's radiance,
beings and natures are his unchanging and immovable outline,
source of wisdom and grace:
open my sinner's mouth and teach me,
what is worthy, and for what needs to be prayed for:
For you know many, many of my sins,
but Your compassion will overcome these immeasurable ones.

I stand before You with fear,
I plunged my soul into the abyss of Your mercy:
feed my belly with words
rule all creation with ineffable wisdom,
a quiet refuge for the overwhelmed,
and tell me the way, I’ll go the other way.

Grant the Spirit of Thy wisdom to my thoughts,
grant the spirit of reason to my madness,
in the spirit of Thy fear my autumn deeds,
and renew the right spirit in my womb,
and with the spirit of the ruler of my thoughts confirm the inclination:

May we be guided every day by Your good Spirit to do useful things,
I have been deemed worthy to do Your commandments,
and Your glorious coming will always be remembered,
and the tormenting things we have done.

And let me not be despised by the corruptibles of this world, who are seduced by the reds,
but desire to strengthen future perceptions with treasures.

Thou art the Master:
For as great as anyone asks for Your name,
accepts without restraint from Your ever-present God and Father,
Likewise, I am a sinner at the coming of Your holy Spirit,
I pray for your goodness, O great beggar, reward me with salvation.

By all means, Lord, rich to the giver of every good deed, and to the good giver,
For you are the one who gives abundantly to what we ask:
You are compassionate and merciful,
who was a sinless companion of our flesh,
and those who bow their knees to You,
bow down to the most gracious,
the cleansing of our sins.

Grant therefore, Lord, to Thy people Thy bounty:
Hear us from Thy holy heaven:
illuminate us with the power of Your saving right hand:
Cover us with the shelter of Your wing,
Let us not despise the works of Your hand.

We sin against You alone, but we serve You alone.
We cannot bow down to a foreign God,
Our Lord extend our hands below, to another God.

Forgive us our sins, and accept our kneeling prayers,
extend a helping hand to all of us,
accept everyone’s prayer like a pleasant censer,
acceptable before Your most good kingdom.

The second prayer is also joined by this
Lord, Lord,
deliver us from every arrow that flies in the days of:
Deliver us from all things that pass away in darkness:
Accept the evening sacrifice from our hands.

Vouchsafe us also the night race
to pass away without fault from the wicked:
And deliver us from all confusion and fear,
even those who come to us from the devil.

Grant our souls tenderness,
and care with our thoughts,
Hedgehog on Your terrible righteous judgment trial.

Nail our fear to Your flesh,
and kill our uds that are upon the earth:
And let us be enlightened by sleepy silence,
sight of Your destinies.

Take away from us every inappropriate dream and harmful lust.
Rise us up during prayer, confirmed in the faith
and those who continue in Your commandments.

3.1 - Third prayer
Ever-flowing, animal, and educational source,
co-essential with the Father, the creative power,
having fulfilled all the responsibilities for human salvation beautifully,
Christ our God,
the bonds of death unbreakable, and the rivets of hell broken,
but trample down many evil spirits.

Having given himself an immaculate slaughter for us,
and giving the most pure body as a sacrifice,
all sin is inviolable and impassable,
and terrible sim,
and by an inscrutable sacred rite granted us eternal life:
descended into hell and crushed the eternal faiths,
and in the darkness showing the sunrise to those who sit:

The beginning of the evil and deep serpent
Caught by divinely wise flattery
and tied with chains of darkness in Tartarus and unquenchable fires,
and in pitch darkness
strengthened by Thy innumerable strength,
the great wisdom of the Father,
the great helper has appeared to those who are being fed,
and the enlightener who sits in darkness and the shadow of death.

You are the everlasting glory, Lord,
and the Father on high, beloved Son,
ever-present light from the ever-present light, sun of truth,
hear us praying to you,
and give rest to the souls of Your servants,
our father and brothers before the dead,
and others related in the flesh,
and all yours in faith,
We create memories of them now,
for in You is the power of all,
and in Your hand hold all the ends of the earth.

Master Almighty, Father God and Lord of mercy,
of the mortal and immortal kind,
and the creator of all human nature,
composable, and again resolvable, life and end,
where we stay and where we go:
measure the years to the living, and leave the times to death:
bring down to hell and raise up:
bind in weakness, release in strength:
Build present needs, and manage future needs usefully:
the wounded by the sting of death, the resurrection is cheerful with hopes.

Himself the Lord of all, God our Savior,
the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off in the sea,
like this last one
and the great saving day of Pentecost,
the mystery of the holy and consubstantial, and co-essential, and inseparable,
and showing us the unmerged Trinity,
and the influx and coming of Your holy and life-giving Spirit,
in the form of tongues of fire poured out upon Thy holy apostles
and who set up those evangelists,
our pious faith,
and confessors of true theology showing:

And on this all-perfect and saving holiday,
purification for prayer,
O those who are kept in hell, you are deemed worthy to receive,
great one, give us hope
weakening by the contents from the defilements I contain,
and receive consolation from You.

Hear us humble ones, and Your servants praying to You,
and give rest to the souls of Your Servants who have fallen before the dead,
in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a cooler place:
From him all sickness, sorrow and sighing have escaped
and destroy their spirits in the villages of the righteous,
and grant them peace and relaxation:

For the dead will not praise You, Lord,
Those lower than those in hell will dare to bring You a confession:
but we bless You alive and pray,
and we offer purifying prayers and sacrifices to You for their souls.

3.2 - This prayer is also added to the third prayer
Great and eternal God, holy, loving of mankind,
making us worthy at this hour to stand before Your unapproachable glory,
to the singing and praise of Your wonders,
cleanse us, Thy unworthy servants,
and grant grace to the brokenhearted,
it is dishonorable to bring You the thrice-holy praise,
and thanksgiving for Your great gifts,
what you have done for us, and always do in us.

Lord remember our weakness,
and let us not be destroyed by our iniquities:
but do great mercy with our humility,
Yes, having escaped the darkness of sin,
in the days of righteousness we will walk,
and dressed in weapons of light,
let us abide freely from all the wiles of the evil one,
and with boldness we will glorify everyone,
To you the only true lover of mankind, God.

Yours is truly a great sacrament,
Lord of all, and Creator,
temporary solution of Your creatures,
and to this day copulation,
and rest forever:

We confess grace to you for everyone,
about our entrances into this world and our exits,
our hope of resurrection and incorruptible life,
With your false promise they pre-engage,
which we will receive at your future second coming.

For you are also the leader of our resurrection,
and the unwashed, humane-loving judge of those who have lived,
and rewards, Lord and Lord,
who also shared with us in sincere flesh and blood,
condescension for the sake of extremes:

And our passions are irresistible,
sometimes put you into temptation by will,
accept generosity as mercy,
and in it you yourself suffered, having been tempted,
a self-promised helper to us who were tempted:
In the same way, Thou hast elevated us into Thy dispassion.

Accept, Master, our prayers and supplications,
and give rest to all fathers, and mothers, and children, and brothers, and sisters
only-begotten, and born-in-common, and all previously deceased souls:
in the hope of the resurrection of eternal life train their spirits,
and the names in the bottom of the living creatures, in the bosom of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,
in the land of the living,
in the kingdom of heaven, in the sweet paradise, your bright angels,
leading everyone into Your holy abode,
raise up our bodies also in the day,
Thou hast ordained it according to Thy holy and unfaithful promises.

No God,
death by Your servant,
coming to us from the body,
and those who come to You our God,
but the transition from the saddest to the most useful and sweetest,
and for peace and joy.

Even if I have sinned against You,
be merciful to us and those
not a single one is clean before You from defilements,
below if only one day his belly is there,
Are you really the only one?
Our sinless Lord Jesus Christ appeared on earth:
We all hope to receive mercy,
and remission of sins.

For this reason we are speechless,
for God is good and a lover of mankind,
weaken, leave, forgive our fall,
voluntary and involuntary,
already in possession, presented and forgotten:
even in action, even in thought,
even in words, even in all our lives and movements.

And grant to those who have departed freedom and weakness,
bless us who are here,
granting a good and peaceful end to us and to all Your people,
and open the womb of mercy and love for us,
at Your terrible and terrible coming,
and make us worthy of Your kingdom.

3.3 Another prayer is added to the third prayer
Great and Most High God,
alone have immortality,
in the living, unapproachable light,
having created all creation with wisdom,
dividing in the midst of light, and in the midst of darkness:
And having placed the sun in the region of the day,
the moon and stars in the region of the night.

Making us sinners worthy
and this day I will precede Your face in confession,
and bring You the evening service.

Lord, most loving of mankind,
correct our prayer,
like incense before You,
and receive the aroma into the stench.

Give us a real evening and a peaceful night that passes:
cover us with weapons of light,
deliver us from nightly fear,
and from all things that pass away in darkness.

And give us sleep
which you have given for the repose of our weakness,
changed from every devilish dream.

To her, the Lord of all good things, the giver,
as if on our beds we will touchingly remember
and in the night is Your holy name.

And we are illuminated by the teaching of Your commandments,
in joy of soul let us rise to the praise of Your goodness,
offering prayers and supplications to Your mercy for my sins,
and about all Your people:
and through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos,
in mercy visit.


1 Ever-flowing (Inexhaustible), Animal (Life-Giving), Enlightening Source, co-essential with the Father, creative (creative) Power, all the care for human salvation (Providence, Providence for human salvation) perfectly fulfilled, Christ our God, death bonds (chains) insoluble and rivets (constipation) dissolved the hellish spirits, and trampled down many evil spirits. He brought to Himself an immaculate slaughter for us and gave the Most Pure Body as a Sacrifice, (for) every sin, inviolable and impenetrable (inaccessible and impregnable), and by this terrible (this) and inscrutable (ineffable) sacred act He gave us Eternal life (Eternal life), in hell descended and destroyed the eternal castles, and showed the sunrise (steps to the exit) to those who sit in the darkness, the beginning of the evil (having the beginning of evil in itself) and the deep (hidden in the depths) serpent with the divinely wisdom caught (overpowered by Divine wisdom) and chains (with chains) of darkness bound in tartarus (the abyss of hell) and unquenchable fires, and in the outer darkness of innumerable strength (inexplicable in power) solidified by Your fortress (closed, locked by Your power), the Great-famous Wisdom of the Father, to those who are guided by the Great Helper who appeared and enlightened those who sit in tme and the shadow of death (in ignorance of the True God [which brings eternal death]), Thou, ever-present glory (always existing) Lord and Father on High, Beloved Son, Ever-present Light from the Ever-existing Light, Sun of righteousness! Hear us praying to You, and give rest to the souls of Your servants, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and other relatives in the flesh, and all of ours in the faith, of whom we create memory now, for in You is the power (power, authority) of all and in Your hand contains all the ends (all ends) of the earth. Master Almighty, Father God and Lord of mercy, the Creator of the mortal and immortal race and of all human nature, which is composed and resolvable, life and end (end, death), every here stay and every there transformation (change), summer (years) ) measure the living and set (determine) the times of death, bring down to hell and raise up, bind in weakness and release in strength, build the present need (necessary) and usefully manage the future, cheer up the mortal sting of the wounded (stricken) of the Resurrection! For Himself, Lord of all, God our Savior, Hope of all the ends of the earth and those who are in the seas far away, Who on this (on this) last and great saving Day of Pentecost feast showed us the mystery of the Holy and Consubstantial, and Co-essential, and Indivisible, and Unmerged Trinity , and the influx and coming of Thy Holy and Life-giving Spirit, in the form of tongues of fire, poured out on Thy holy apostles and showed them as evangelists (and heralds) of the pious of our faith and as confessors and preachers of true theology. Even on this all-perfect and saving holiday of purification, you are worthy to receive prayer for those who are held in hell (for those who are held in hell), and give us great hope of weakening (liberation) from the impurities that contain (from those who own them) and consolation by You descend. Hear us, the humble and Your servants, praying to You, and rest the souls of Your servants, those who have fallen before the dead, in a place of light, in a place of greenery (pleasant), in a place of coolness, from where all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled, and cause ( determine, place) their spirits in the villages of the righteous, and grant them peace and weakening, as if they are not dead, they will praise You, Lord, below (even) those in hell will not dare to bring confession to You, but we, the living, bless You and pray and We offer cleansing prayers and sacrifices to You for their souls.

On May 27, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the greatest holidays - Holy Trinity Day. For a long time, on this day, believers performed a number of rituals and read conspiracies in order to protect their family and friends from various misfortunes.

Conspiracy to protect the home

On this day, everyone carried whole armfuls of green, young twigs into their homes; they mainly used willow and linden for this. The branches were placed directly above the window frames, above the doors, always at the entrance to the house.

It was believed that these branches would prevent evil spirits from entering the house. The branches should remain in place for a week, then it is better to remove them.

Conspiracy for family happiness

Housewives prepare special scrambled eggs on this day. It consists of two eggs, since both of its “eyes” should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a frying pan, the hostess reads a prayer:

"Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Salt scrambled eggs with Thursday salt. Season with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed in twigs or long green feathers along with the growing head of the onion.

It was believed that thanks to this the integrity of the family was preserved. A round scrambled egg along with green seasoning was sealed into an identical round loaf of rye, cut in half, which was always consecrated in the church.

Love spell

It is done on the eve of Trinity. You need to weave a wreath from wild flowers, cross yourself three times, speak and throw it into running water. And then, without looking back, return home.

“Girls walk through the green field, pick flowers, weave wreaths and throw them into the water. Betrothed, you catch the wreath, give it to me, the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Amen.”

Plot for good luck

They read in a benevolent mood in the morning, having previously “warmed” their hands in the morning sun. You need to “warm your hands” outside (you can on the balcony), but not through glass.

“I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around on all four sides. How on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse is grazing, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, stirrups "That horse did not know the reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen."

As the portal "Znayu" reported, the year falls on a non-working day, so the day off will be moved to Monday - May 28.

Trinity is considered an ideal time to perform various magical rituals, as the Holy Spirit descends to earth. There are many rituals to improve financial situation, health, marriage, etc. Prayers, conspiracies and for the Trinity must be implemented from a pure heart, with good thoughts and unshakable faith in the result.

Conspiracy-prayer and ritual for debtors on Trinity

If you lent money to someone and the person does not want to return it, then you can enlist the support of a Higher Power that will force the debtor to pay off. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare three knives and holy water. Pour the prepared liquid into the pan and place the knives in it. Place the container on the stove and bring the water to a boil, and then read the plot:

“Boil, soul, boil your brain

Servant of God (name).

Heart, aching and pain, liver melting,

Until that hour, until that time,

Until the servant of God (name) gives

I owe all the debts, all the money I took.

Boil, soul, burn your brain,

Until my hand takes the money

From the servant of God (name).

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer for marriage on the Holy Trinity

Many single girls dream of meeting a worthy life partner who will lead them down the aisle. On the eve of Trinity, you should collect wildflowers and weave them into a wreath, which should then be crossed three times. The following spell should be read on the wreath:

“Girls walk through the green field, pick flowers, weave wreaths and throw them into the water. Betrothed-mummer, you catch the wreath and give it to me, the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

After that, go to the nearest body of water and throw a wreath into it. Then, go home, don’t look back and don’t talk to anyone along the way.

Trinity spell for health

You should go to the morning service, taking with you a bouquet of wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow. Be sure to place seven candles in front of the Trinity icon and read to the Most Holy Trinity. When you return home, take an old bowl and light a twig of St. John's wort in it, with which you need to fumigate the house, saying the following words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, go away sickness and infirmity, go away evil spirits, go away!”

After this, you should divide the wormwood bouquet into two equal parts and place one half under the bed, and the second part should be placed above the front door. Yarrow is used to prepare a decoction, which should then be added to the bath before bathing. As for St. John's wort, it needs to be dried and tea made from it.

Every person dreams of a happy life, but something different is important for everyone. This could be material well-being, finding love, creative fulfillment, or getting rid of existing problems.

It is not possible to find harmony in life for various reasons, and many people are concerned with the question - how can we still turn the situation around and step into a positive reality for ourselves?

Various conspiracies and rituals to attract happiness can help with this.

To perform magical rituals, you can always contact a specialist, but this is not always mandatory.

If we are not talking about removing damage or a family curse, it is quite possible to cope with attracting happiness and good luck on your own by performing a ritual at home.

To achieve a positive result, it is enough to have a positive attitude, sincerely believe and know some important rules:

  1. It is best to read conspiracies to attract happiness on the days of the full moon or waxing moon; various significant days are also suitable: folk and church holidays ( New Year, Trinity, Midsummer Night), birthdays and dates of personal significance.
  2. You need to know the words of spells or prayers by heart; if you read them from a piece of paper, you will not be able to fully concentrate on the ritual being performed.
  3. You need to read conspiracies alone; the presence of animals in most cases is also undesirable.
  4. The words of the conspiracy or prayer must be sincere and come from the heart, they should not be poisoned by doubts or negative emotions.

Important! When conducting any rituals, it is necessary to remember that the laws of the Universe are fair. When calling on your happiness, you need to be focused on it and under no circumstances desire someone else’s or seek to harm someone. Happiness cannot be stolen or bought, it can only be found.

A powerful ritual for good luck in your personal life

Sometimes it seems that happiness is far away and unrealizable, that there will be no end to the series of minor troubles and serious problems, and the swamp of everyday routine will never let go. When your strength is already running out, you need an effective method that will help you finally enter the white lane.

This way can be to conduct an ancient ritual with three enchanted keys:

  • To carry it out, you will need three keys, better than old ones, but newly purchased ones will also work. They must be completely different, suitable for three different locks.
  • You will also need a red thread made of natural wool, a thin candle and a saucer.
  • The best time to perform this ritual is the full moon, but any night of the waxing moon is also suitable.

At night, if you are left alone, you need to place your keys on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them. There is no need to light the candle yet; for several minutes the keys should be illuminated only by the Moon.

At this time, it is necessary to focus on the ritual being performed and imagine the picture of a bright future in as much detail as possible.

“I lock everything that is needed for my grace with three keys, I tie it with a red thread, so that it will remain with me forever. Day by day my strength increases, my wishes come true. As I say, so be it. Amen".

The knots should be sealed with wax from a burning candle, and after it has cooled, the keys should be placed next to the head of the bed and stored for three days. Very soon, favorable changes will begin to occur in life.

This conspiracy is capable of attracting love, material well-being, and luck at the same time, depending on what exactly is missing in life for happiness.

Attention! Any rituals and conspiracies for happiness and good luck should be carried out exclusively in a positive mood. All problems and negative thoughts must be left at the door at this moment, otherwise the magic may not only not work, but also cause harm. Remember, thoughts are material, only positive emotions and sincere faith can change life for the better.

Other rituals

There are a huge number of conspiracies and rituals for happiness, because this is one of those topics that has concerned all people, without exception, from time immemorial. Here are some effective spells that will help attract good luck and happiness in specific aspects of life.

For women's happiness

Marriage and a happy family life are so rare these days that sometimes it begins to seem that one can only dream about it.

In order to meet your one and only, there is a ritual using two mirrors. In addition, to perform the ritual you will need a candle and a tablecloth or a large piece of red cloth.

Attention! This ritual is also best performed during the waxing moon, and the curtains should be tightly closed so that the room is as dark as possible.

You need to place mirrors on a table covered with a red cloth so that you get a mirror corridor, and place a burning candle between them.

Looking at the reflection of the candle in the mirror, you need to read the following words:

“I’m going out onto the road, my betrothed fortune teller. I want to be loved and happy. Our house will be a full cup, and children, one more beautiful than the other. I illuminate my path with flame, I call upon it joy and love. Amen".

The spell must be repeated three times, and then wait until the candle burns out. The remaining wax must be collected and stored in a safe place.

Mother's slander

The bond between mother and child begins at the moment of conception and remains strong throughout life.

These spiritual bonds are almost impossible to break and, if desired, they can be used correctly. Every mother wants to see her child happy, and if at the same time she also manages to look after her grandchildren, then there is nothing more to dream of.

In order for your daughter to get happily married and start her own family, there is this conspiracy:

“The full moon is a guest for us and the matchmakers. As the month grows, so does my daughter’s happiness. So that she would shine with beauty and exude joy. Moonlight, protect from all troubles. Amen".

You need to speak in this way with a silver ring at night when the moon is waxing, and in the morning put it on your daughter’s finger. With such a talisman, you won’t have to wait long for your betrothed, very soon he will appear, and not just any one, but the same one.

Attention! Because of the strong bond that exists between a mother and her children, one must be extremely careful in one's words and even thoughts. What is said in the heat of the moment in the heat of a family quarrel can seriously affect the life of a child. And vice versa, if you perform a ritual with a sincere desire for good, it will definitely work.

The video describes a mother’s strong conspiracy for her daughter’s happiness:

On a flower

For magical rituals, in most cases, living plants are used that continue to bloom and grow; cut ones are used in rare cases. House flowers are charmed to become amulets for the home, bringing love, money and health.

Here is one such ritual:

  • You need to buy a new flowering plant in a pot; it must be healthy, beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
  • Flowers should be chosen in light, light shades - white, blue, pink.
  • You should not buy red, yellow or purple flowers; they are not suitable for this ritual.

The plant brought home should be placed on a bright windowsill, watered and loosened, while reciting the following spell:

“The flower is blooming, bringing good things to my house. It grows with leaves and saves money for the family. Health and beauty radiates, for the benefit of me and my family. Amen".

A flower charmed in this way will protect the home and family from all negative events, the main thing is not to forget to take care of it, water it on time, spray it and wipe off the dust from the leaves so that it grows big, beautiful and healthy. The more strength a flower has, the more reliable its protection will be.

On Trinity Sunday for family well-being

Trinity Day is one of the great Christian holidays. It is believed that on this day you can cleanse yourself of everything bad and embark on a new path leading to a happy, bright life.

That is why there are so many rituals, rituals, fortune-telling and traditions: to fulfill desires, attract good luck in business, love, marriage, health and general well-being.

For one of these conspiracies, you need to consecrate a bouquet of wildflowers and a thin birch twig in the church on Trinity Day, and then weave them into a wreath, saying the words:

"Jesus Christ! I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head. Just as these herbs merged and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (husband’s name) curl and intertwine around me, around our house. And let my words be strong, sharp and sculpting. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

At night, the enchanted wreath should be placed under the pillow.

The video describes another effective Trinity conspiracy for family well-being:

On the picture

Literally half a century ago, it would never have occurred to anyone that conspiracies and rituals could be carried out using photographs. But this does not mean at all that such magical manipulations are in any way inferior to more ancient and time-tested ones.

Many people associate magical actions with photographs with love spells, lapels, damage and other types of black magic. But they are no less successfully used for carrying out light rituals, for example, to improve the life of one’s family.

For this plot you will need:

  • a photograph showing the whole family in the house,
  • church candle,
  • wine bottle stopper (wooden),
  • regular postal envelope.

The photograph should be placed vertically, and a lit candle, a wine cork and an envelope should be placed in front of it.

The words of the conspiracy will be:

“With quick feet, sharp eyes, I will go to the dawn and meet the sun. I bow to the Mother of God, I pray to the Mother of God: O Most Precious Lady! Show us Your wonderful mercies. We pray to You with tenderness, deliver us from all sorrow, guide us on the path of all virtue and goodness, save us from temptations, troubles and illnesses: give us Your merciful help on the way, in the sea and on land, so that we do not perish in cruelty. Everything in God’s world is arguing, everything is going well in God’s world, just as everything is arguing and going well, so for me, God’s servant, things would go uphill, they would argue and get along, and by God’s grace they would work out. Goodness to the house, and God's mercy over the house. Amen".

After reading the prayer, the photograph must be placed in an envelope, sealed with candle wax using a bottle cap and hidden in a safe place.

In the video, a practicing magician tells how to correctly read a love spell from a photo:

Everyone deserves to be happy, but it doesn't always come easy.

Sometimes you need a little help so that life turns in the right direction, and a bright streak begins. This is why light magic exists with its conspiracies and rituals designed to bring happiness and goodness.

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