Ideas for original autumn acorn crafts. Beautiful do-it-yourself crafts from acorns Compositions from acorns

Golden autumn - a source of inspiration! And acorns are a great idea to implement it. Among other autumn gifts - cones, nuts, leaves, chestnuts - acorns are perhaps the most amazing and glamorous material for creativity! Children's crafts, miniatures, souvenirs, chic designer jewelry - all this is absolutely possible to make from acorns.

Tools and materials

Some free time. When parents find time for such creative activities with their children, the latter are simply delighted!

Imagination. If your own ideas are exhausted, Pinterest will come to the rescue, video tutorials from YouTube, photos of ready-made acorn crafts on the Internet and articles like this one. Plasticine, glue, scissors.

Additional decorative elements - cones, beads, felt, rose hips, chestnuts, dried flowers and more.

"Cup of Plenty"

The acorn is very beautiful in itself. The easiest way to decorate is to simply pour selected specimens into a transparent flowerpot of an interesting shape.

You can complicate the composition by mixing acorns with chestnuts, nuts, rose hips or decorative pumpkins and inserting a bright bouquet of dried flowers into the mixture.

"Branch with acorns"

A very interesting idea - acorns hung on a branch. Put one or two well-branched branches in a vase (preferably clay). Remove the caps from the acorns.

Cover the fruits with clear varnish or multi-colored acrylic paints. Glue the hats with glue or plasticine. Tie ribbons or jute ropes to the ponytails on the hats - hang them up.

Photo frame

From acorn hats you get an original photo frame. On a purchased or home-made frame, use a glue gun to stick the hats with the convex side up, tightly stacking one to the other.

No less original will be the version of the frame, where the hats are stacked randomly (both convex and concave sides, in some places with a whole acorn and short sticks). Coat the entire composition with varnish on top.

"People and Animals"

Children love to make quite realistic little men, gobies, horses, and even a large “deer” beetle from acorns.

The acorn itself without a cap is used for the bodies of men and animals, and as heads for animals. The role of the horns is performed by small branched branches. Matches, toothpicks and thin even branches can become handles, legs and horns.

Important! It is most convenient to pierce holes for sticks with an awl. It would be wiser to have an adult do the work!

Handles, legs and horns will hold better if they are glued. Glue gun, Super Moment glue; for the smallest - plasticine - some glue options.

For greater realism, the head of a little man can be made from a large round bead (preferably wooden). Eyes - dots applied with black acrylic paint. Cap - an acorn cap glued onto a bead. The head is fastened with a short bead stick. You can cover the junction with a colored strip of felt or a knitted scarf.

Little people will need a tiny dish. Acorns will come to the rescue again. Miniature saw cuts will become coasters. Inverted acorn caps - plates. They are the same, but with a handle made of a strip of bark glued to the side - elegant cups. An acorn with a hat, a stick nose, a handle made of bark or birch bark - a small teapot.

"Cone Acorn"

Crafts from cones and acorns - another masterpiece! From two elongated pine cones, one acorn without a hat, four straight and two branched sticks, you can make a wonderful deer.

One round, open cone, one acorn with a hat, four short sticks - a pretty sheep.

For the little ones

Crafts from acorns and plasticine are what you need for beginner "needleworkers". Such people don’t even need the Internet for inspiration - only natural material and their own imagination!

This is just a drop from the sea of ​​ideas of "acorn" creativity. Some fans in all seriousness create entire creative collections based on this material. And a properly processed, well-decorated acorn in the hands of a professional easily turns into an exquisite decoration that can be worn with pride!

Photo crafts from acorns

Crafts from acorns are an activity not only for children, but also for adults. Our selection of master classes should convince you of this. Here you will find step-by-step instructions for working with this natural material, as well as some very interesting ideas. You will be surprised how many unusual things you can make from acorns with your own hands.

To repeat any of the suggested lessons, you do not need to look for any unusual additional materials. We tried to pick up those master classes that everyone can repeat. Some ideas are for kids. If you need to make crafts for school on an autumn theme, then you can safely go for acorns and repeat one of these lessons. And some ideas will appeal even to experienced craftsmen.

Note that for crafts it is best to choose formed acorns. If they are still green, wait a bit - soon the shell will harden and you can work with them. Collect a lot at once - they will never be superfluous. Dry them well at home, but do it naturally: in the oven or in a pan, you will damage the shell.

It is best to separate the caps from the acorns either with your hands or with a thin knife. When doing this, always try not to damage the hats, as most often we will glue them back. By the way, chestnuts can also be used instead of acorns, but working with them is still not so convenient.


Women's acorn jewelry (earrings, pendants, pendants) looks original and very beautiful. Try to make something similar with your own hands - you will definitely receive a lot of compliments in your address.

First you need to remove the cap from the acorn and free it from the insides. Dry everything well. To attach it back, and at the same time make holes in the cap for the ring for accessories, you need to make two holes. It is best to use an awl. You can insert a regular thread or wire, as well as carnations (then you need one hole) or a loop.

It is best to paint acorns with acrylic paints. Put it on a pencil or whatever and get started. If you have thin brushes, you can make a real masterpiece out of an acorn with your own hands.

No acrylic? Use nail polish. And if you need to paint a large amount of material at once, then it is best to take an aerosol can.

When everything is dry, apply a dab of glue to the inside of the acorn lid and stick it back together.

By the way, in the absence of any paints, you can completely replace the shell with a beautiful bead. This will also look spectacular.

You just have to collect all the acorns on a chain, hooks or thread - your unique decoration is ready!

And if you don’t feel like messing around at all, then just free the acorns from the hats, and then pierce each one through. Collect them on a thread, alternating with beads, or just press them tightly against each other. So you get a great homemade bracelet that you don’t even need to paint.

Dinnerware set

If you have children, be sure to repeat this master class on making crafts from acorns with them. Any little girl who loves to play with dolls will love this set of dishes. Yes, and the boys school age it will be interesting to “give tea” to your toys.

Let's make a teapot, a vase and two cups. For this we need only four acorns. Of course, you can collect a whole service. We also need to take superglue and a small piece of a branch.

We remove the hat from the first acorn and attach a twig to it, pointed at both ends - this is how we will make the spout. We bend the second part of the branch with the letter “C” and glue it on superglue to the body of the acorn on the other side. We will not glue the lid back - we need to “pour water” into our toy teapot.

To make cups from acorns, we need to take only their tops. We cut out the coasters from the branch, sawing off a thin flat “washer” from them. We glue the birch bark handles - as well as to the teapot.

For a stand for a toy vase, in this case, a part of a straightened dry cone is used. The vase itself is made from the lid of an acorn. We connect them with glue.

That's all - it remains only to collect everything in one place and arrange a puppet tea ceremony!


With the help of acorn caps, you can create unique frames with your own hands. It's very simple, but keep in mind that you will need quite a lot of material.

You can make a photo frame, a picture, a mirror or something else. The most important thing is to have a base (plastic, wood, fabric or any other).

Separate the hats and try them on the base. If you want to lay out a pattern, you need to paint them in advance. If, according to your idea, your craft should be monophonic, then paint after placing the hats on the base. However, you can leave them in their original state, as they look beautiful.

It will be more convenient to pour glue on a flat surface, and take each acorn by the tail with your hands or tweezers, dip, and then press it firmly to the surface. If you do not plan to paint the entire product, then immediately clean the excess glue with a cloth.

The most beautiful look frames that are completely filled with acorn hats, without gaps. If you do not have much material, then lay them out in a snake, in the shape of a flower, in a checkerboard pattern, or something else. The main thing is that the pattern can be traced clearly.

Toys for children

Together with your children, you can make a funny mini-zoo or other toys out of acorns. All the materials here are very simple, and you will spend only 10-15 minutes on it. Take a look at the suggested craft ideas. Perhaps you can immediately repeat them or come up with something of your own.

Some of the acorns need to be disassembled and cut. To make the head of a small person or animal, as well as small parts of the body, we cut them across. To make "boots", a false belly, a body for an insect - we cut acorns along.

Make holes if necessary with an awl. You can fasten the parts together with matches or toothpicks. It is also convenient to take small twigs if you can sharpen them at both ends.

There are two mounting options in such crafts. If you are making them with a school-age child (especially if this is a craft for school), it is best to hold the acorns together with glue. You make such animals and men in kindergarten? Then fasten the materials with plasticine.

Don't forget to use acorn caps - you can make a lot of interesting details with them!

If you need to make faces, use plasticine, ready-made plastic eyes, beads or matches. All this can also be put on glue or plasticine.

By the way, cones can be safely added to children's crafts from acorns. Earlier we told you how many interesting things you can make from cones with your own hands - we advise you to look for inspiration.

Feel free to combine ideas and create something unusual. Add leaves, berries or any other to crafts natural materials- it will turn out very nice.

For the smallest, applications with leaves and acorns are suitable.

Take a thick cardboard, glue one or two acorns on it. Then pick bright leaves to make wings and seeds for the butterfly's eyes.

In the same way, you can collect other animals, and then arrange them in a postcard or a picture.

Compositions for home

Acorns are a unique natural material, crafts from which do not require special costs, including time. You just need to go to the park and collect several dozen of these “squirrel nuts” under a tree in order to decorate the house with something unusual later.

Earlier we talked about how to make beautiful autumn wreaths with your own hands. There was also an option using acorns. However, this is not all where you can use them. The acorns themselves are very cute, so you can even just place them in a large glass vase - it will already be beautiful.

A good option is to make a simple autumn composition with your own hands using acorns, nuts and a candle.

Take a wide dish. Put nuts and chestnuts on it in random order. On chestnuts, cones or hazelnuts, stick acorn caps and a few pieces of felt. Add toy eyes - you get funny owlets. Just remember that for such a composition you can use only those candles that are in a glass. Otherwise, it's unsafe.

Another popular acorn craft is the topiary. We have already shown how to make a topiary from natural materials. Add acorn caps to any of them or use them whole.

If you use a special soft blank or a foam ball for the base, then first make holes in the acorns and insert wire or matches. Also, the material can simply be glued with superglue or even gently planted on plasticine.

By the way, blanks for topiary in combination with acorn caps can be used to make very beautiful toys for the New Year.

Cover the finished craft with sparkles from a balloon, tie on top satin ribbon. Also, the caps can be pre-coated with beautiful metallic acrylic paints or regular glitter nail polish. They can be attached with wire or glue.

If you have a lot of acorns, you can even make a large basket out of them with your own hands.

As a basis, you can take an old plastic basket or even an ordinary plastic five-liter bottle. Glue the acorns on with superglue. Fill the inside of the basket with padding polyester or dry grass. Place cones, berries or artificial fruits on top.

We hope these ideas inspire you and get you creative. If you have already gone for acorns, then remember that you may need "nuts" of different sizes. If you have children, be sure to take them to the collection of suitable natural materials with you. Along the way, collect cones, beautiful leaves and twigs - they can also come in handy for autumn crafts and create interesting compositions.

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Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Autumn is a wonderful period when there are plenty of materials that can be used for creativity and needlework. All elements are absolutely free and available to everyone, and due to their naturalness, they can be used by children without fear. Do-it-yourself acorn crafts for children are especially popular, since oak fruits are very easy to find and easy to work with. Below are master classes on making compositions using such material.

What craft can be made from acorns on the theme of autumn

Using simple natural materials, a variety of creative works on the autumn theme can be created. Often found and popular with children are such crafts:

  • Animal figurines (hare, squirrel, caterpillar, giraffe, snake, etc.).
  • Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.
  • Panels, paintings.
  • Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, gnomes, little men, fishermen, kids.
  • Ekibans, topiaries.
  • Frames for photos, paintings.
  • Christmas decorations, decorative elements of the interior (candlesticks, baskets, flower arrangements).

Step-by-step instructions for crafts for children from acorns

There are no strict rules in making crafts, especially if you use natural materials. Turning on the fantasy, it is easy to come up with new images and forms, but sometimes it is easier and more logical to use ready-made master classes, where everything necessary for this kind of creativity is shown and told step by step. Below you will find some tutorials on how to make DIY crafts using oak acorns and branches.

The simplest craft: a family of gnomes or men

You can have fun and useful time with your child, creating various creative works using natural materials. The simplest do-it-yourself acorn craft for children is a family of little funny men. This is an easy creative process that even a three-year-old can do, and a preschooler will get a lot of pleasure not only from work, but also from the end result.

To create little men you will need:

  • large and small acorns (preferably with caps);
  • pencil;
  • matches or thin branches;
  • glue;
  • tree leaves.

Step-by-step creation of a family using acorns:

  • Glue hats to the acorns so that they do not fall off.
  • Draw eyes, nose, mouth on them with a pen or pencil. When experimenting with facial expressions, make funny or sad little people (according to the idea or mood).
  • To create an unusual composition, add thin branches, matches or toothpicks, which will become an imitation of arms, legs and help create unusual gnomes. Additionally, other natural elements for decoration can be used. Your imagination guarantees the uniqueness of the creative crafts from acorns with your own hands for children.
  • Ready-made gnomes can decorate a herbarium, panels, complement work on an autumn theme.

Original craft Little Owls

With the help of acorns, an original family of birds can be made with your own hands. The process of creating owls will appeal to both children and adults, and the resulting crafts can participate in an exhibition or serve as an excellent safe toy for a child. The creative process will require a minimum of elements and tools:

  • felt of several shades;
  • acorns;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • beads.

How to make owls step by step using oak fruits:

  • Remove hats from acorns - they will not be needed in work.
  • Cut out small wings, noses, eyes (beads can be used) from felt for owlets.
  • Glue all the elements on the fruit, creating the most realistic figurines of birds.
  • Attach ready-made owls with glue or plasticine to a tree branch to make the composition logically complete. Additionally, the work is easy to decorate with dry leaves or flowers.

Flowers from acorns and their caps

Using natural materials, it is easy to create unique flowers that will decorate any room. They will retain their original appearance for a long time, while not requiring additional care. It will be possible to make an easy craft with the help of oak fruits, their hats, at the same time connecting imagination and creative thinking. An original bouquet or composition will easily serve as a decor for the room.

To create a craft you will need:

  • oak fruits;
  • wire;
  • dried oak or other tree leaves;
  • glue;
  • tassel;
  • paint, glitter or nail polish.

Step by step creation of flowers:

  • Using an awl or a thick needle, make a hole in the stomach and pull the wire through it, securing it on one side and leaving a large tail on the other.
  • Glue caps around the oak fruit, forming a flower.
  • Wrap the wire with corrugated paper or brown or green teip tape can be used for this purpose.
  • Decorate the finished flowers with the selected colors, decorate with sparkles or in another way.
  • Place the finished items in a vase, add dry leaves of oak or other trees. The original long-lasting composition is ready.

Bunch of grapes or olive branch

With the help of oak fruits, not only animal figures (hedgehog, bear, frog, sheep, deer, spider) can be created, but also decorative elements that can complement the interior and create a special atmosphere in the house. You should definitely involve a child in the creative process, this will help to have an interesting, informative time, and the result of the work will become a real pride. Using acorns, you can easily make a decorative branch of grapes or olives that will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen and become a reminder of fascinating needlework.

To create a composition you will need:

  • acorns without caps;
  • gouache paints (blue for grapes, green for olives);
  • glue;
  • wire, awl;
  • decorative artificial leaves or dried natural elements;
  • glue or silicone gun.

Master class for step-by-step DIY crafts:

  • In each acorn, make a hole with an awl and fasten the wire, leaving a tail on one side, and securing it with a small knot on the other.
  • Wrap the wire with teip tape or corrugated paper.
  • Paint acorns with green paint or blue, it all depends on the desire of the master and the composition being created.
  • Grape leaves should be used natural, dried, artificial or self-created from paper.
  • Connect all the elements in one composition to give the shape of a bunch of grapes or olive branches using glue.

Woodpecker in a tree or nest

The figurine of a bird created using acorns looks interesting and unusual, which will complement the interior of the room and even enliven it. Making such a masterpiece with a woodpecker in a nest or on a tree is not so difficult with your own hands, because it will give the work originality, warmth and originality. The creative process will take a minimum of time, effort and materials, and the finished result will delight the hosts and guests for a long time.

For work you will need:

  • acorns;
  • cardboard;
  • tree branches;
  • straw;
  • beads;
  • glue or plasticine.

Step-by-step creation of crafts from acorns with your own hands for children:

  • Connect two small branches and attach to the base (this can be a tree bark or a cardboard blank).
  • Twist a small amount of straw into a nest; a drop of glue or a piece of plasticine can be used to fix it. Place the finished product between the established branches.
  • To create a woodpecker figure, you need to glue two acorns, glue eyes to the head (cut out circles of paper or two black beads).
  • To create a complete composition, you should plant a bird in a nest or glue it to a tree - it depends on the desire of the master, his creative vision.


A beautiful and interesting horse can be made using acorns. Such an original figurine can become an element of a large composition, but it will be good on its own. The creative process provides an opportunity to fully use the imagination of a child or an adult and use a variety of natural materials for work. To create a horse, you need to prepare:

  • two acorns oblong;
  • awl;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpicks or matches;
  • glue;
  • grass or other natural materials.

How to make a horse step by step

  • To create the body, you need to use two oak fruits (one large, the other smaller with a cap and a twig). Using an awl, make a hole in a large acorn (not very deep), insert a branch. For additional fixation, it is permissible to use glue or plasticine.
  • The next step is to make the legs of the horse: for this, four holes are pierced in the body with an awl, where halves of toothpicks or small branches are inserted.
  • With the help of plasticine, beads make the eyes of the animal.
  • Collect the grass in a bundle and, using plasticine, attach it to the body of the horse to make a tail, and the second such detail to the head will turn out to be a mane.

Picture frame

The design of the photo frame with acorn caps looks original. Despite the simplicity of the process and the materials used, the finished result will amaze everyone, and such creative work can be a wonderful gift or decorate the interior of your home. To decorate the frame, you will need the following materials, tools:

  • acorn caps;
  • glue;
  • golden or silver paint;
  • the basis for the frame (wooden or cardboard).

Step-by-step creation of crafts with your own hands:

  • Preparatory stage: carefully separate the hats.
  • Glue them around the perimeter of the frame using silicone glue.
  • If you want to decorate an accessory, you need to cover it with gold paint or sparkles, but even without additional decoration, the frame looks beautiful and original.

Christmas tree decorations from acorns for the New Year

Adults and children look forward to new year holidays filled with miracles, and the most striking and long-awaited ritual is the decoration of the Christmas tree, decorating the room. Making spruce toys is easy and simple with your own hands, involving the child in the creative process and creating a special atmosphere long before the celebration. Natural materials can be used for work, for example, chestnuts, dried flowers, and decorative elements created using acorns look especially amazing.

For work you will need the following tools, materials:

  • gouache paints of various bright colors;
  • acorns;
  • threads;
  • paint brushes;
  • sequins, sequins, beads.

Step-by-step creation of a New Year's decoration:

  • If you want to create original Christmas decorations, you need to take care of the availability of natural materials - acorns. They should be prepared in the fall.
  • To work, you need to tie or glue a thread to the acorn cap, with which the element will be hung on the Christmas tree.
  • Decorate acorns with paints with brushes, choosing bright shades for this and experimenting with combining colors.
  • To make jewelry more interesting, try additional decoration with sequins, beads, beads, sequins.

Master class on making panels from acorns and leaves

With the help of acorns, a beautiful panel can be created that will decorate any room. For work you will need:

  • oak fruits;
  • base under the panel;
  • glue;
  • frame;
  • other natural materials (nuts, their shells, vines).

Step-by-step production of a panel:

  • Decide on the composition by laying out all the details on the basis.
  • Glue all the elements with glue or a silicone gun.
  • Frame the panel, which can also be decorated, for example, with oak fruit caps.

Video tutorials on creating crafts from acorns with your own hands

Thanks to natural materials, children and adults can create a variety of accessories, figurines and other decorative elements or compositions for an exhibition at a school or kindergarten. DIY acorn crafts for children can be completely different, it all depends on the materials available, creativity child and his parents, fantasy. For inspiration, for more information about creating compositions, watch a selection of videos from YouTube, which presents master classes, schemes for making works using natural materials.

Toys for children from acorns and plasticine

Photo of children's crafts from acorns made by hand

Thanks to natural materials, a wide variety of creative works can be created. Except finished result, which will certainly please the child, the process itself will bring a lot of pleasure, help develop imagination, perseverance, and learn something new. Look at the photos of children's do-it-yourself crafts that are made using oak fruits and other natural elements. Check out what you can do with your own hands.

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Acorn crafts are an interesting and simple form of creativity. These fruits can be fastened together with toothpicks, painted in any color or patterned on them. It is appropriate to use plasticine in crafts on the theme of autumn.

Children's crafts from acorns that you can make with your own hands are incredibly popular not only in schools, but also in kindergartens.

Family of acorn men

A family of funny people is the easiest craft that even children can make.


  • acorns of different sizes with caps;
  • toothpicks or thin twigs;
  • leaves from trees;
  • pencil;
  • glue.
  1. If the caps on the fruits do not hold well, then they must be glued with glue.
  2. On acorns, with a pencil or felt-tip pen, you need to draw a mouth, eyes and nose. If you turn on fantasy, then the facial expressions of the little men will be different. They can be made funny, sad, angry.
  3. To make the composition more unusual with the help of branches or toothpicks, little men need to make pens and nights. You should not be limited to this master class, you should connect your imagination and then crafts on the theme of autumn will become unique.

The family of little men is ready, it will be the same as in the photo or a little different if you use other decor elements.

Craft "Owlets"

Creating such crafts will be interesting not only for kids, but also for adults.


  • different acorns;
  • multi-colored felt;
  • beads;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Acorn horse

Crafts from acorns using plasticine are able to make the most of children's imagination and use natural materials in the process.


  • a couple of acorns that have an oblong shape;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • dry grass.
  1. One oak fruit should be large, and the other smaller and with a branch on the cap. In a large fruit, you need to make a hole and insert a branch. To keep the head, you can further strengthen it with plasticine or glue.
  2. Now the horse's legs are being made. With the help of an awl, four holes are made in the body, into which toothpicks are inserted.
  3. Eyes are made from plasticine and beads.
  4. Dry grass is collected in a bundle and attached to the body as a tail, and the second bundle will serve as a mane and be attached to the head.

You get such a horse as in the photo, but you can not stop at this result and decorate it additionally.

Grapes from acorns

The craft "Grapes" from acorns turns out to be very beautiful and realistic, a simple master class will help with this.


  • acorns in the amount of twenty pieces;
  • thin wire;
  • green corrugation;
  • purple gouache;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  1. Using a large pin, make a hole in each fruit. This stage is dangerous and difficult, so if the grapes are made with children, an adult needs to do this.
  2. A thin wire is inserted into the holes obtained. To prevent the oak fruit from slipping, the wire must be twisted at the end.
  3. With the help of green corrugations, the wire must be carefully wrapped so that the future grapes look realistic.
  4. Next, the acorns need to be painted with gouache. If acrylic paint is used, then one layer is enough, and if gouache, then several.
  5. After the paint has completely dried, the grapes can be harvested in bunches. So that the fruits do not fall apart during the assembly process, you need to collect four berries and rewind with wire and so on until the very end.
  6. After assembling the bunch, the leg is cut off and wrapped with the help of corrugations.
  7. When the grapes are ready, you need to varnish the painted berries with gouache paint so that the look is natural. If acrylic paint was used, then this step can be skipped.
  8. While the grapes will dry out, you need to make leaves and antennae. Leaves of the desired size are drawn on white paper and cut out. Then they are applied to the green corrugation, circled and also cut out.
  9. To make the grapes look realistic, veins are made on the leaves. To make them, you need to wrap small pieces of wire with corrugated paper and glue them to the leaves from the inside. Ready leaves are glued to the grapes.
  10. Next, the antennae are made: the wire of the desired size is wrapped with corrugation and wound onto a pencil. After that, the wire will look like a spiral, and it can be attached to grapes.

Autumn generously gives natural materials for creativity. Acorn crafts can decorate your home and make a great gift.

cute faces

To make this craft you will need:

  • acorns with and without hats;
  • thin markers;
  • acrylic paints;
  • thin twine or strong thread.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. The collected oak fruits must be cleaned of dirt, thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Carefully remove the hat.
  3. Make 2 holes in it, pull the thread through them, carefully tie and hide the knot under the hat.
  4. On each acorn, apply acrylic paint of the desired color in 3 layers and let it dry.
  5. Draw the eyes and mouth with a thin marker, and cheeks with pink acrylic paint.
  6. Attach the hat carefully.
  7. The craft can not be painted, but covered with a colorless varnish.

There are many options for using funny faces. You can dye all acorns in yellow and make funny emoticons, put them together and attach them to your backpack. If a long braid is woven from twine or thread, then an autumn acorn decoration can be worn around the neck.

Beautiful dolls

To make baby dolls, you need to cook:

  • acorns with caps and short twigs on which they grew (fruits should be selected as small, round and light as possible);
  • acorns are larger and elongated;
  • black thin marker;
  • matches;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scraps of colored material.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Rinse the acorns carefully and pat dry.
  2. Sort into small ones with twigs on hats, which will become the head of a baby doll and elongated ones without hats - the future torso.
  3. Color each long fruit using 2 shades of the same color: the bottom is light green, the rest of the body is bright green, or vice versa. Color everything in one color or make the baby dolls multi-colored.
  4. After the paint has dried, carefully connect the body of the pupa and the head closely with the help of matches.
  5. Draw eyes with a marker.
  6. Cut out scarves from soft fabric and tie around the neck of the toys.

If the fruits are too dark, then in some pupae the face is lightened using pastel colors. By varying the shades, you can make an international set of baby dolls from autumn acorns, from which the kids will be delighted.

For the head, you can use wooden beads, on which a hat with a twig is glued.


You can make an adorable bird. To do this, you need to fashion eyes, beak, wings from plasticine, paint the craft with acrylic paints. Several birds with multi-colored wings can be glued to a tree branch. You will get a wonderful composition that will decorate the room.

Table composition

Such a small Japanese-style acorn craft will decorate any holiday table. It is made as follows:

  1. The collected acorns are washed and dried.
  2. Hats are carefully removed.
  3. The fruits are painted in different colors with acrylic paints or colored varnish.
  4. 2 holes are made in the hats and a thick thread is pulled through them, forming a loop of the desired length, the knot is tied under the hat.
  5. Hats are glued on top.
  6. A ceramic vase and a napkin holder (salt shaker, sugar bowl, etc.) are placed on a wicker or simple shallow tray. The rest of the space is covered with a layer of acorns.
  7. A tree branch is inserted into the vase, and painted acorns are hung on it.

wall panel

To create an original panel with your own hands, you will need to cut a tree 1-1.5 cm thick, which can be shaped in the form of a square, oval, or another shape. The size is chosen at your discretion. The manufacturing technique is simple:

  1. Sprigs of different lengths and thicknesses are glued onto a wooden blank, hats from acorns are attached to them with glue.
  2. At the ends or along the branches, cones of different heights are glued.
  3. Acorns without hats are attached to the branches at the bottom of the composition, forming a semi-flower from them.
  4. After the glue dries, a hole for a nail is drilled behind the wooden base and the finished panel of acorns and cones is hung on the wall.

If you paint acorns or cones before gluing, then the panel will turn out to be colorful and will look good in a children's room. For a living room, kitchen, hallway or bedroom, the composition is best left in natural tones.

Nest with eggs

Very interesting craft, which will come in handy for Easter - a nest. To make it, you need to prepare:

  • several acorns;
  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • an old toothbrush;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine and twine.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. A hole is made in each acorn with an awl or a thick needle, a toothpick is inserted into it to make it easier to paint, and bright paint is applied in 3 layers.
  2. Stick toothpicks into a piece of plasticine and leave until the paint dries completely.
  3. After the paint has dried, the fruits are sprayed with a black color scheme, slightly diluted with water, with a toothbrush.
  4. A nest is made from yarn, twine or rope, wound around the palm of your hand and laid in several layers on the bottom. You can add a thin straw.
  5. After drying, the blanks are placed in a nest.

Autumn acorn craft is ready.

bunches of grapes

TO autumn holiday harvest or for a kitchen panel, you can make bunches of grapes using:

  • acorns
  • wires;
  • awl;
  • corrugated colored paper;
  • varnish, paints and brushes.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Remove caps, wash and dry acorns.
  2. Prick the awl into the hardest surface that was under the hat, carefully make a through hole. It is not necessary to sharply pierce the fruit, otherwise it will crack.
  3. Insert the wire, bend the hook at one end, carefully pulling the long end of the wire, drive the hook into the workpiece.
  4. Corrugated light green paper is glued onto the wire, the acorns are covered with dark purple and green paint, after drying, a colorless varnish is applied on top. You can make bunches of grapes from green unripe acorns.
  5. Ready "berries" are collected in a bunch using the technique of weaving a wreath of flowers.
  6. Leaves can be used dry from a herbarium or printed on a printer. Corrugated paper is glued on them, veins are pressed through. The leaves are varnished and fixed at the top of the bunch of grapes.

In a similar way, you can make an olive branch, which will also become a kind of decor for the kitchen.

Autumn is the most generous season for collecting leaves, chestnuts, fir and pine cones, twigs and acorns, which can be used to make simple and charming crafts all year round.


Autumn crafts made from acorns and chestnuts are interesting.

Here is one of them - the fabulous Serpent Gorynych. It is quite easy to make it, for this it will be useful:

  • acorns;
  • chestnut kernels;
  • corrugated paper;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine and soft fabric.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. In the chestnut kernel, located horizontally, stick 3 toothpicks from above and 2 from below.
  2. Acorns without hats, also located transversely, are pierced on each upper toothpick.
  3. Halves of acorns are pierced on the lower toothpicks with the whole side up - these are Gorynych's shoes.
  4. Eyes, a tail, a nose with a button, a crest and a tongue are made from colored plasticine (the tongue can be made from corrugated paper and then glue).
  5. So that Gorynych does not freeze, a scarf made of soft fabric is tied around his neck.

Instead of a tuft, you can glue an acorn hat on your head, which will give the Snake a stylish look. If desired, you can combine the tuft and hat.

Crafts for the game "Memory"

Oak fruits are an excellent material for making elements of the rather famous Memory game,

Which perfectly develops memory, trains perseverance and attention. In addition to the acorns, you will need plasticine or paints.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Wash and dry the acorns.
  2. Remove hats carefully.
  3. Paint the inside of the hat in different colors so that there are a pair of each color.
  4. Instead of paints, you can use colored plasticine by sticking it inside the hats.
  5. When the hats are dry, they are turned upside down and, according to the rules of Memory, they look for the same ones.

"Memory" with hats is designed for the youngest children, who still find it difficult to understand the pictures.

Needlewomen often wonder when they need to collect oak fruits for making crafts.

The very first ones begin to ripen and fall to the ground in the second half of August. But you should not collect them, because they are weakened and susceptible to various diseases, so they will not be stored for a long time. The best time to collect is the end of September and the beginning of October. But weather conditions should also be taken into account.

To identify good fruits, you need to break a few pieces and see what's inside. If there is a larva or brown flour, then it is better not to collect acorns from this tree, but to look for something else. Healthy fruits have a uniform color, they are without cracks, mold and rot.

From time immemorial, oak and everything connected with it have been endowed with mystical powers, therefore, crafts made from acorns also have certain properties. It is believed that they contribute to harmony and well-being in the house, and amulets cure infertility, increase attractiveness and prolong youth. How much you can believe in this, everyone decides for himself, but just in case, try to collect these fruits on Thursday, since this particular day is dedicated to Thor, the patron of the oak.

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