Teaching the patient a healthy lifestyle. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population. Concepts of a healthy lifestyle and its problems

The process of teaching the basics of a healthy lifestyle takes place in an educational environment. Options for creating a healthy lifestyle may vary. A child should not only learn and learn the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but also want to be healthy.

The content of all ongoing activities to teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle is embodied through such organizational forms as exercises, games, and trainings. The program is largely based on the curriculum of the academic discipline “fundamentals of life safety,” but it places emphasis on extracurricular activities. The result of targeted work on the program should be the skills of careful, reasonable, adequate behavior, which will make it possible to ensure the normal state of the student’s body as much as possible under specific conditions.

The mechanisms for implementing these programs are constructed as pedagogical, psychological, and medical technologies. Their unity lies in the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among younger schoolchildren. At the same time, the originality of these technologies lies in the specificity of forms, methods and techniques.

Pedagogical technologies and models are built on the basis of games, discussions, and research. In innovative activities, you can use socio-psychological training, business games, and psychodiagnostics. All this is elements of psychological technologies. In the formation of norms, rules, beliefs about how to take care of your health, it is important to use herbal medicine, physiotherapy, hardening, massage, etc.

All these technologies have pedagogical basis, because are implemented in the educational process and activities to create a healthy lifestyle culture are educational and educational in nature. The mechanism for implementing the programs is educational work, and the means are the publication of newspapers, leaflets, posters and their further distribution. Programs are also implemented by involving all participants in the educational process in health-saving technologies: teachers, students, parents. To implement health-saving technologies, specialists from various fields of professional activity are involved: doctors, psychologists, sociologists, sports trainers. Informative training in the basics of a healthy lifestyle may contain methodological, research, and diagnostic support for the health-saving educational process.

The so-called "Health Lessons" which are held approximately once a month. Topics are selected that are relevant to students in this class. Children learn poems, take part in quizzes, get to know each other or develop the rules of a healthy lifestyle themselves. As a result, children develop positive motivation to follow these rules.

One of the important methods of developing knowledge about healthy lifestyle ispractical lessons.Such classes can be carried out together with parents. Some tasks may be recommended for homework.

Conversations- a very necessary form of work for children. Their range can be very wide and primarily address the problems that most concern children: these are problems of nature conservation and the prevention of bad habits. Another priority should be the topics of moral, mental health, spirituality, kindness, and mercy. Another direction is the “alphabet of health”: topics of hygiene, healthy behavioral habits, balanced nutrition, prevention of fatigue, etc.

Drawing- A powerful way to overcome communication barriers, this process helps children relax and focus on their thoughts. Drawing combined with writing or dialogue can be an excellent method for exploring children's perceptions of health. This is how children express thoughts that are difficult for them to express in words.

A game- this is the most effective type of activity in the student-teacher chain, allowing the child to maintain productive performance for as long as possible. In games, children enter into various relationships: cooperation, subordination, mutual control, etc. Using the game, the teacher reveals great potential, subordinating the rules of the game to his educational and educational tasks. Firstly, these are outdoor games, reinforcing motor activity skills, as well as ensuring the child’s socialization through collective activities. As a rule, such games do not require any special equipment or inventory. They are easily accessible almost anywhere, be it a clearing in the forest, or just a small area in the yard. Outdoor play creates favorable conditions for mastering spatial orientation and helps improve perception and ideas.

Secondly, mind games, reinforcing the basic concepts, ideas, knowledge on the issue of a healthy image.

Third, games using elements of psychodrama or theatrical reenactment of situations, reinforcing role stereotypes (the ability to say “no!” in a critical situation, developing communication skills, critically understanding bad habits, etc.).

Children's project activities. For children of this age, work on individual and group mini-projects on the topic “Maintaining Health” is available. Work on projects can be structured in this way: first, health problems that arise in school-age children are identified; then proverbs about health are collected from collections, magazines, and children's newspapers; After this, each of the children can choose proverbs that suit their topic. The collection of information is recorded by the students in a draft version on a worksheet compiled by the teacher for the student’s individual work outside of class.

Another project could be a classroom landscaping project. Each student works independently on an individual project, choosing a specific indoor plant that is not only decorative and attractive, but also beneficial to human health.

Thus, in work aimed at developing knowledge about healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren, any methods of working with children, entertaining conversation, storytelling, reading and discussing children's books on the topic of the lesson, staging situations, viewing slides, filmstrips, films, etc., are important for mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Forms of organizing the educational process can also be varied: classes in the classroom and in nature, excursions, travel lessons, KVN lessons, holidays, games, quizzes, etc. The effectiveness of forming knowledge about healthy lifestyle will largely depend on the variety of methods that the teacher uses in his work, as well as taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren when choosing these methods and the personal example of the teacher and parents.

A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the successful implementation of educational, gaming, labor activity, public and domestic functions, performed under optimal conditions that contribute to the preservation, strengthening of health and increased performance.

State educational institution of the Voronezh region “Voronezh School No. 31”

for students with disabilities"

Health saving technologies.

Presentation at the conference

Balakireva Elena Anatolyevna

Voronezh, 2017

    The importance of using health-saving technologies in education.

    Teaching a healthy lifestyle in the classroom:

Readings and writings.

3. Physical education minutes as a natural element of a lesson in correctional

    Inclusion of mood correction exercises into the learning process.

    Work with parents aimed at teaching students a healthy lifestyle.

    The need to use health-saving technologies in the educational process.

Health saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development.

According to statistics, the incidence rate among children and adolescents has been steadily increasing in recent years.

Today, special measures are needed to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren and to create health-saving learning conditions.
These provisions have recently been included in the most important government documents defining the development strategy education.
The “Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2020” provides for the creation of conditions for improving the quality of general education, and for these purposes, along with other measures, it is planned to optimize the educational, psychological and physical load of students and create conditions in educational institutions for preserving and promoting health students, educational technologies (ET), which include programs to teach competent care of their health and the formation of a culture of health among students, motivating them to lead a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits, which also provide for organizational and educational work with schoolchildren after school.

At school, it is necessary to create learning conditions for the child that will not traumatize his body and psyche, as well as give the younger generation knowledge about the value of health and ways to preserve it.

Health-saving technologies used in the educational process can be divided into four main groups:

1. Technologies that provide hygienically optimal conditions for the educational process.

2. Technologies for optimal organization of the educational process and physical activity of schoolchildren.

3. A variety of psychological and pedagogical technologies used in lessons and in extracurricular activities by teachers and educators.

4. Educational technologies with a health-saving orientation.

We will take a closer look at the fourth group.

Healthy lifestyle training.

Protecting the child’s health involves not only creating the necessary hygienic and psychological conditions for organizing educational activities, but also preventing various diseases, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Research shows that the most dangerous factor for a person’s health is their lifestyle. Consequently, if you teach a person from school years to be responsible about his health, then in the future he has a greater chance of living without getting sick. Today it is very important to introduce health issues into educational subjects. This will not only deepen the knowledge gained and make interdisciplinary connections, but also show the student how the material being studied is connected to everyday life, and teach him to constantly take care of his health.

In various lessons, almost any topic studied can be used to highlight certain facts that contribute to the formation of the correct attitude of students towards their health. This also includes the prevention of childhood injuries and accidents associated with the child’s incorrect behavior in various everyday situations.

The theme of a healthy lifestyle runs through all SBO lessons. The program includes lessons directly devoted to daily routine, hardening, morning exercises, personal hygiene, home hygiene, giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, and following traffic rules. Lessons on cooking, caring for clothes, grocery shopping, etc. also include healthy lifestyle rules.

In reading and writing lessons, teaching a healthy lifestyle is carried out by analyzing the content of the works being studied and intensifying attention to positive and negative examples on this topic. For example: personal hygiene, morning exercises, observance of traffic rules by the heroes of these books. Analysis of negative examples on this topic. Writing thematic dictations, for example: “How to properly wash the floor”, “Preparing a salad”, “Why do we wash our hands”, “Washing clothes”, etc. In reading and writing lessons, a lot of attention is paid to the prevention of postural disorders. Correct posture when writing, timely exercises to strengthen and relax the muscle corset. Children must understand that correct posture when reading and writing must be maintained not only in the classroom, but also at home. This also applies to timely dynamic pauses and breaks in work. In reading and writing lessons, it is necessary to work on the prevention and correction of visual impairments. Maintaining a visual regime and performing eye exercises is an integral part of every lesson related to visual stress. Children learn to position a book correctly while reading and independently perform eye gymnastics exercises. In lessons related to writing, it is necessary to relieve tension in the hands and fingers and develop fine motor skills. Schoolchildren need to be taught self-massage of hands and fingers, finger gymnastics with elements of an entertaining game. Exercises aimed at working the hands and fingers develop the child’s speech and thinking, while at the same time promoting the development of the hand and fingers themselves. These exercises help improve the health of the whole body. They can be carried out using different objects, such as wooden sticks, pencil, pen. They reduce mental stress and relieve fatigue.

Exercises can:

– performed with the right, left hand or both hands simultaneously;

– be static: keep your fingers tense for a count of five to ten, then shake your hands;

– be dynamic: perform exercises with your fingers that imitate the movements of a shown living or inanimate object.

It is important to teach children proper breathing and elements of breathing exercises. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, exhale for a long time. Using game moments: “The butterfly flies”, etc.

Lessons in all subjects must include physical education minutes. They are carried out, taking into account the specifics of the subject, with musical or speech accompaniment, with elements of self-massage and other means that help restore children's performance. Exercises for physical education include:

    exercises to form correct posture;

    exercises to strengthen vision;

    exercises to strengthen the muscles of the hands;

    exercises to strengthen the “muscle corset”;

    prevention of flat feet;

exercises aimed at developing rational breathing. Conducting physical education minutes allows you to use the remaining time of the lesson much more intensively and with greater effectiveness in the educational output of students. Physical education minutes are a natural element of a correctional school lesson, which is determined by the physiological needs for children’s motor activity. They help relieve static fatigue of various muscles, ease mental stress, and relieve visual fatigue. By doing exercises, children remember them and learn to understand the importance of such dynamic pauses at home.

Children need to be taught exercises aimed at correcting their mood and relieving tension. Here we mean tasks for analyzing one’s mood, expressing it using colored cards, schematic images of the face, conducting psychological studies, teaching exercises for tension and relaxation. It is necessary to teach children to rest, change the type of activity, and bring this principle of work to automaticity.

Information work with parents on this issue includes all of the above material, hygienic requirements for doing homework, and the student’s daily routine.

Observations show that the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows students to more successfully adapt to the educational and social space, to reveal their creative abilities, and for teachers to effectively prevent antisocial behavior.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, I would like to say: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

“I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:
taking care of your health is the most important
the work of a teacher. From cheerfulness,
The vigor of children determines their spiritual life,
worldview, mental development,

strength of knowledge, faith in one’s strength.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The age of a preschooler is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. During this period, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, character and attitude towards oneself and others are formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development.

- this is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development .

Health-saving technologies aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • Creating adequate conditions for the development, education, and health of children
  • Preserving children's health and increasing physical activity and mental performance
  • Creating a positive emotional mood and relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Basic principles of health conservation:

  • The principle “Do no harm! ";
  • Continuity of the health-saving process;
  • Systematicity and consistency;
  • The principle of accessibility and individuality;

Comprehensive harmonious development of personality;

  • Systematic alternation of loads and rest;
  • Gradual increase in health effects

Classification of health-saving technologies in preschool education

ü medical and preventive;

ü physical education and recreation;

ü technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

ü health preservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

ü valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Medical and preventive technologies in preschool education – technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children’s health under the guidance of medical personnel of preschool educational institutions in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies.

These include the following technologies: organizing monitoring of the health of preschool children and developing recommendations for optimization children's health; organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age, physical development of preschool children, hardening; organization of preventive measures in kindergarten; organization of control and assistance in meeting SanPiN requirements; organization of a health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Physical education and health technologies in preschool education – technologies aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the health of preschoolers: the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers, hardening, breathing exercises, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, nurturing the habit of everyday physical activity and health care and etc.

The implementation of these technologies is usually carried out by specialists in physical education and preschool teachers in the conditions of specially organized forms of health-improving work.

Health saving educational technologies in kindergarten – technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health in preschool children.

The goal is to develop a child’s conscious attitude to health and human life, accumulate knowledge about health and develop skills to protect, support and preserve it, acquire valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior. This is a technology for personality-oriented education and training of preschoolers. The leading principle of such technologies is taking into account the personal characteristics of the child, the individual logic of his development, taking into account children's interests and preferences in the content and types of activities during upbringing and training.

Technologies for ensuring socio-psychological well-being child – technologies that ensure the mental and social health of a preschool child. The main task of these technologies is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family. These include: technologies for psychological or psychological-pedagogical support of child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions

Health saving technologies and health enrichment for teachers – technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Technologies for valeological education of parents – the task of these technologies is to ensure the valeological education of parents of preschool children.

In order to cooperate with parents in promoting a healthy lifestyle in children, we have developed a system of activities, which include:

ü parent meetings, consultations, conferences, conversations,

ü competitions, sports holidays, health holidays,

ü family club

ü folders,

ü personal example of a teacher, non-traditional forms of working with parents.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education

1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health: Stretching, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, aesthetic technologies, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics.

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: Physical education class, problem-based games (game training and game therapy), communicative games, classes from the “Health” series, self-massage, acupressure self-massage,

3. Corrective technologies: Art therapy, musical influence technologies, fairy tale therapy, color influence technologies, behavior correction technologies, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythms

Technologies for preserving and promoting health:

  1. 1) Stretching This is a set of exercises aimed at developing flexibility and stretching. Held no earlier than 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age. They are held in physical education, music halls, or in a group room. In a well-ventilated room, special exercises are performed to music. Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet.
  2. 2) Rhythmoplasty - is musical-rhythmic psychotraining
  3. 3) Dynamic pauses - these are active, round dance games, physical education minutes. Conducted during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. It is recommended for children of any age to prevent fatigue. May include elements of eye exercises, breathing exercises, etc. depending on the type of activity.
  4. 4) Relaxation This decreased skeletal muscle tone. It is carried out in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. Some kindergartens have created a special relaxation room.
  5. 5) Finger gymnastics This gymnastics for the development of hands, accompanied by short poems. Held With younger children individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time).
  6. 6) Gymnastics for the eyes This a set of exercises to prevent good vision. It is carried out daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. Recommended to use visual material, teacher demonstration.
  7. 7) Breathing gymnastics this O a set of exercises based on the development of the body's respiratory function. Held V various forms of physical education and health work. Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure.
  8. 8) Invigorating gymnastics This is gymnastics after sleep. Performed daily after nap, 5-10 minutes.
  9. 9) Corrective gymnastics is a system of special physical exercises of a gymnastic nature, used to eliminate defects in posture and correct curvatures of the spine. Held in various forms of physical education and health work. The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children.
  10. 10) Orthopedic gymnastics This is a health-saving technology for preserving and promoting health. It is carried out in various forms of physical education and health work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.

Hardening , provides training of the body's defenses, increases its resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions. When hardening, the following must be taken into account: principles :

ü hardening activities fit harmoniously into all routine moments;

ü are carried out systematically against the background of the optimal thermal state of children, against the background of their positive emotional mood;

ü are carried out taking into account the individual, age characteristics of children, health status, level of hardening;

ü the strength of influence and duration of hardening procedures increases gradually.

From all the rich selection of existing hardening forms The most accessible ones can be identified:

v keeping children in a group room in lightweight clothing during the day;

v conducting morning exercises in the fresh air throughout the year;

v walks in the fresh air. In the summer, when the air temperature reaches 18-20 degrees in the shade, the whole life of the children is transferred to the site. In the cold season, the duration of children's stay in the air is 3.5-4 hours in any weather, in clothes that do not restrict the child's active activity;

v Salt hardening from a young age (after dynamic gymnastics, wet blankets are laid out on the paths, and children walk, stamping along the path 3-4 laps, in the average 4-5 laps.

v In middle age, the use of air showering This effective method developing resistance to drafts. During the process of showering, the performance of all systems providing thermoregulation increases. Thanks to air procedures, the child becomes more balanced and calm, increased excitability disappears imperceptibly, and sleep improves.

v In older age, use hot rubbing, carried out at a room temperature of at least 23 degrees with a soft mitten moistened with water of a certain temperature.

v During the quarantine regime, use of gargling: with water at room temperature 3 times a day, the water temperature is gradually reduced from 36 degrees to 27.

v V preparatory group introduction "Riga method" - trampling on pebbles in a saline solution.

v Phytobar, where do pupils receive oxygen cocktail. An oxygen cocktail is a juice, herbal solution or any other drink saturated with oxygen to the point of soft, airy foam. Oxygen cocktail is a very useful product. It helps to concentrate and improves memory, improves vision. This is a natural way to get rid of headaches, increases endurance, is a non-drug way to lose weight, calms and stabilizes the nervous system, and guarantees a good mood.

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

Physical education lesson 2-3 times a week in the gym or music hall.

Early age - in a group room, 10 min.

Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It is carried out for 3-5 minutes at any time of the day, according to a certain method with game elements. Recommended for children with speech disorders and frequently ill children.

Acupressure self-massage is refers to reflexology, the place of its influence is reflexogenic zones, irritation of which causes a targeted reflex reaction to a specific organ or system. Mainly carried out in the morning. It is also carried out on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time of the day. It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Recommended for children with frequent colds and respiratory diseases and children with speech disorders. Visual material (special modules) is used.

Communication games this is a joint activity of children, a way of self-expression, mutual cooperation. The most intensive communicative development of a child occurs in the preschool period of childhood and depends, first of all, on the experience of communicating with peers. It is this experience that is the basis for his further personal and social development. We divide games for developing communication skills into pairs and groups. Paired game exercises contribute to the “expansion” of openness towards a partner - the ability to feel and accept him. Group classes – provide skills for interaction in a team for children who are uncommunicative, withdrawn, dependent, those who have low self-esteem, disrupted behavior, and who suffer from fears.

Conducted 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Problem-based games (game training and game therapy) are a method of psychotherapeutic influence on children using games. Conducted in your free time, maybe in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child, by including the teacher in the process of play activity.

Play therapy. The therapeutic task is to identify the “true” source of symbolic play and bring it to the child’s consciousness, giving the child the opportunity to independently choose a line of behavior. During the game, the child chooses his own path, and the teacher can lead the game only at the request of the child himself. In addition to the tactics of the teacher in play therapy, the play material that is offered to the child and the entire environment around him become important. In kindergarten, play therapy classes are held in the psychological relief room with the direct participation of a preschool psychologist. The most commonly used materials in play therapy are water, sand, clay, and paint. Psychotherapeutic work is based on the study of already established forms of gaming activity and its disorders. And on this basis, adequate techniques are found to form a full-fledged game.

Games on the sand - one of the forms of natural activity of a child. That is why we, adults, can use the sandbox in developmental and educational activities. Our facility has sand and water baths. The basic principle of sand play is to create a stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable and protected and can be creative. For activities with children, tasks and games are selected in a fairy-tale form. At the same time, negative assessment of the child’s actions and results is completely excluded and imagination and creativity are encouraged. The implementation of these principles makes it possible to strengthen the child’s positive motivation for classes and the child’s personal interest in what is happening. Another principle is real “living”, playing out all kinds of situations together with the heroes of fairy tales. For example, finding himself in the role of the Princess’s savior, the child not only offers one way or another way out of a difficult situation, but also actually plays it out on the sand with the help of miniature figures

Corrective technologies

Fairy tale therapy is a movement in psychotherapy in which invented stories are used to achieve a therapeutic effect. There are 2-4 classes per month for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the storytellers.

Psychogymnastics are special exercises aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child’s psyche. Classes are held 2 times a week and are an element of classes aimed at the development and correction of the child’s psyche. Can be used individually or with a group of children.

Articulation gymnastics are exercises for the development of articulation organs. Conducted daily for 5-7 minutes, so that motor skills are consolidated, become stronger, the basic movements of the articulation organs are clarified and improved. Each exercise is carried out in an entertaining game form and is repeated 6-8 times. Used for children with speech impairments and young preschoolers to prevent incorrect sound pronunciation.

Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction based on art and creativity. Conducted with children with developmental disabilities and children

Color influence technologies – as a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the assigned tasks. Correctly selected interior colors in our group relieve tension and increase the child’s emotional state.

Music influence technologies in various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Problem-game situations. It is carried out in free time, possibly in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the children, by including the teacher in the process of play activities.
The possibility of purposefully forming the foundations of mental self-regulation in children 5 years of age is achieved through active, role-playing games, and physical education sessions.

Thus, It is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and health-saving activities used in combination would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle and full development.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, form value orientations among teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every educational institution for preschool children.

Maria Klochko

The topic of healthcare management (HM), or health management, is supported with varying levels of activity in different companies, but in general, in recent years there has been a positive trend of attention to this topic.

The concept of HM itself is quite broad, and in this article we will focus on the details of using the idea of ​​health management within a company as an effective tool for managing the organization’s personnel.

Let's think: can an employer change an employee's attitude towards a healthy lifestyle?

In my opinion, changing an employee’s attitude towards any issue as a whole is an extremely ambitious task for an employer and, in general, difficult to achieve.

And why? The company has other goals - it needs an efficient and motivated employee who achieves the set goals within the set time frame.

And correcting attitudes towards life issues is rather the task of the family, parents, children and other persons responsible for this part.

To achieve goals, it is often quite sufficient for an employer not to completely change the attitude or view of a problem, or to adjust settings, but simply to encourage the desired forms of employee behavior, or to show which forms of behavior within the framework of corporate policy are not desirable.

And here huge horizons open up for working with the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. The idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle is one of the most effective ideas in the field of personnel management; only the angle of its refraction in the light of the activities of a particular company is important. Of course, there are no universal recipes for using the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

However, there is a certain logic, experience of use that may be useful.

So, each of our employees thinks about their health in one way or another. What is health?

  • no problems or restrictions
  • Quality life
  • Guarantee of stability
  • The opportunity to see the prospects of yourself, your family, your company...

It's a beautiful picture, isn't it?

Now let’s honestly admit to ourselves, what is a healthy lifestyle for the average Russian person?

This is some absolutely correct thing, which, of course, is very necessary, because we all want to live long and get sick as little as possible, we want to be beautiful and young as long as possible... Should I continue? I think most readers will agree with me.

“If I quit smoking, I will be very nervous, I will start to gain weight...”

“Today I’ll sit on the project for hours until three in the morning, tomorrow I’ll get some sleep...”

“Not today, but next year I will start leading a healthy lifestyle...”

And even if everyone at home says: “You’re ruining yourself with such hard work, you’re not taking care of yourself, etc.”, a person internally will still put off making a decision and changing his life until the thunder comes... or the rooster crows...

In this aspect, the role of the employer in shaping the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle and in managing the health of employees plays a very important and sometimes decisive role.

Because a person, concluding an employment contract, is ready to play by certain rules, doing work for money.

A person is often inert, and in order to do something that doesn’t seem to burn very well, but is still necessary, he goes a long way until what doesn’t burn very well becomes priority number one...

And then an employer appears with mandatory annual medical examinations or health days or workplace certification, or... The list can be continued for a long time, because only when you are inside the company do you really understand whether, for example, employees need fitness or whether early breakfasts with milk porridge are more relevant to them...

And the employee has nowhere to go, because he will not go looking for another job due to the fact that he is obliged to be examined by doctors one day a year and receive a report on his state of health!

Is the picture a little exaggerated?

I agree, but you will also agree that the hardest thing for a person to just start leading a healthy lifestyle is to just get up one morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say: “I’m starting a new, healthy life!”...

Of course, an employer cannot do everything for a person, change his life. But he will be able to practically charge him with duties (or conditionally voluntarily) with a number of activities that will be useful to him, and in the future will improve his well-being, and therefore his labor productivity. Which is what should have been proven.

From a business benefit point of view, the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle and the creation of a health management system in a company plays several very important roles:

  1. The powerful motivational stimulus that a health management system can provide is formed from two main components:

    The creation of a health management system, as studies show, significantly affects both performance indicators and, in the long term, the level of health of company employees.

    • Taking care of an employee’s health, one way or another, including events and promotions within the company, is part of the employee’s social package, which everyone has heard about as a mandatory component of a prestigious job.
    • Taking care of an employee's health increases the family's loyalty to the company where the family member works. It is very important to note that the loyalty of family members to the place of work is one of the strategically important issues of employee motivation and long-term work in the company.
    And this is understandable: the place where a person spends on average 50% of his waking time (and up to 80% when on the road) must be safe, profitable, and therefore “approved” by opinion leaders at home.
  2. An element of corporate culture that distinguishes a company from others.

    Ideas for a healthy lifestyle adopted by employees become part of the internal corporate information environment; often events like “Health Day” have a much greater team-building effect than specialized programs on this topic...

  3. Strengthening the image of an Attractive Employer.

    A company that cares about the health of its employees will be a more profitable place to work among companies that are equal in other conditions. As mentioned above, some of the activities related to health management can be included in the social package. By the way, the ECOMIR group of companies received the title “Attractive Employer 2008” according to the SuperJob portal.

  4. By promoting the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, the company bears social responsibility both to its employees and to the state. Of course, if we talk about a long-term effect, such as reducing the number of days on sick leave, then such an indicator is difficult to measure in a sales company. This is due to the fact that the turnover of the sales staff itself, which takes up the lion’s share of the entire staff, is high, and on average the “lifespan” of such an employee does not exceed 1.5 years. And we must admit that during this period it is unlikely that it will be possible to significantly change the employee’s health indicators. But at the same time, it is still necessary to make efforts, since during the period of work in a company a person somehow develops certain habits, some of which are related to corporate culture, foundations, traditions - and it is possible that your efforts to promote the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle will not go to waste, they will germinate later, after the person leaves the company.

We are implementing a health management system: expenses and income.

As practice shows, in nature there are no events or promotions that do not require expenses. If you are told that this activity does not require costs, do not believe it. To create something, you need to invest something. And it doesn’t matter whether these are costs from a budget item or your time, both working and extracurricular. Of course, in a crisis and recovery from it, it would be more preferable for the owner to invest the time of employees rather than pay bills to external providers. But we should not forget that if we want to get a truly good and high-quality product, then it is not always worth taking it on ourselves, so as not to spoil the attitude towards the very idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

If we talk about investing the personal time of HR and owners, then, of course, the best, most effective method is personal example.

When the owner brings berries from his garden to the office, or talks about how he goes in for sports every weekend, while developing and producing drugs that improve the quality of life, this is probably the very personal contribution that can ignite others and make them think , maybe you should think about your health too...

When planning activities in the field of health management in a company, it is important to clearly understand what goals we are pursuing by creating a system, holding a campaign, etc.

The project approach works here: planned - determined the result - estimated costs - implemented - looked at profitability - drew conclusions.

Only with this approach is it possible to convert costs into investments and measure the final expected result. Otherwise, there will be costs, and income from events will be unexpected and random.

HR needs, among other things, to prevent the manager’s tyranny and not turn health management activities into an end in itself, or even worse, into entertainment for top officials. This also applies to mandatory attendance at group sports on weekends, and much more. It is important to remember and be able to explain to the manager the purpose of the events, the conditions for the voluntary and involved participation of employees in such events.

Listed below are several options for applying the ideas of a healthy lifestyle and occupational safety in the context of optimizing personnel costs:

  1. Conduct an audit of workplaces - create safe working conditions, or conditions under which the impact on workers of harmful and/or hazardous production factors is excluded, or the levels of their impact do not exceed established standards (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    It is likely that the crisis has increased the amount of free space in offices, and this should be used to improve the working conditions of other employees. The measures will require symbolic costs, but the effect will be significant for all the positions mentioned above.

  2. Introduce insurance against accidents and injuries - the costs per employee are low (any insurance company will confirm this). This is a serious motivation for employees who have a traveling nature of work, especially for representatives and other sales employees. It is logical that in times of crisis we pay special attention to the sales service.
  3. A “health day” may include more than just a trip to nature with all the associated costs for transfers, work with on-site staff and meals. You can organize vitamin days in the office, when several baskets of fruits and vegetables are regularly purchased for the entire office and set out for employees to consume.
  4. The list of companies that are able to pay voluntary health insurance policies for their employees has decreased significantly this year, as has the number of companies that have paid for fitness for their staff. This is a significant contribution to the health of employees, however, we should not forget that the purchase of subscriptions or voluntary health insurance policies is preceded by a thorough study of the needs of the staff and their capabilities to use the services offered. There are often cases when a company pays for such a fairly significant option, and it seems that the employees have a great benefits package, now the motivation will go uphill... But nothing happens. Why? People were not asked, but they are in a hurry to get home from work and are not ready to travel 5 metro stops to the pool or gym... The result was not an investment, but a waste.
  5. For those companies that are not ready to pay for annual medical care for their employees, there are options for conducting an annual medical examination of employees as a mandatory event. Everything new is a well-forgotten old... In the recent past, the system of medical examination of the population made it possible to identify many diseases at an early stage, which significantly reduced the level of severe and advanced diseases.

    The concept of NM and ideas for its application are discussed in more detail within the framework of the motivation training conducted by AMT Consulting Group (link to the training program).

  6. Ideological support for the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle in a company is primarily the task of HR and company owners. And here the laws of promoting ideas begin to work, which can be used in other cases.

    It is necessary, first of all, to identify the target audiences in the company with whom you will work and the key persons, opinion leaders with whom you will need to carry out separate work.

    Then it is necessary to understand in what ways information will flow to various target audiences, which sources of information are used by each of the target groups, and at what speed information flows through each of the information routes.

    And then... Let's start working!

Olga Novoselova
Healthy lifestyle training

Healthy lifestyle training

There is a very widespread opinion that the task Kindergarten and schools - to provide knowledge, develop skills and organize activities based on what the child knows and can do. However, no one can deny that teaching children a healthy lifestyle has a significant impact on their future life.

Word « health» , like words "Love", "beauty" "joy", belongs to those few concepts whose meaning everyone knows, but understands differently.

Every person wants to be healthy. But what is health? How can you measure it? And is the condition "when nothing hurts", health? Most often we begin to think about the state of our health then when we feel some kind of malaise, that is, when our body ceases to ideally perform its functions. Until this point, most people don't pay attention to this priceless gift.

It is obvious that improving the normal physical condition of children should go in parallel with their training and education, through instilling an appropriate culture health and healthy lifestyle, creation of motivational behavior aimed at "construction" own physical and spiritual well-being. An important indicator is the maturity of their skills "comfortable" feel both in the process of acquiring knowledge and in social and everyday life conditions: be physically, socially and psychologically protected when interacting with peers and adults.

The most destructive to the body are psychological and emotional stresses that arise due to overload and resentment. One of the main tasks of a teacher is to form a base of knowledge and practical skills in children. healthy lifestyle, a realized need for systematic physical education and sports already in preschool age.

The task of early culture formation health is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? What way contribute to the formation of a child’s physical culture? How to instill skills healthy lifestyle? When should it start?

According to the World Health Organization definition, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Currently the concept health includes moral and spiritual well-being.

Health– this is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

Hence, health-saving technologies – ways and means of maintaining a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Purpose health-saving technologies applied to a child are to ensure a high level of real health child and the formation of motivational attitudes towards a conscious attitude towards their health; in relation to adults – promoting the formation of culture health, including professional culture health.

Therefore it is important:

1. To form children’s ideas about health as one of the main values life, formation healthy lifestyle.

2. Teach your child to make the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial for him health and giving up everything harmful.

3. Instill in a child from an early age the correct attitude towards his health, a sense of responsibility for it.

These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

There are basic techniques health saving:

1. Creating an emotional tone of communication. Good mood in itself creates successful motivation.

2. Attention: What your attention is directed to is what you create. And you create what you directed the attention of someone else to.

3. A successful day, an event held from the point of view health saving: lack of fatigue, positive emotional attitude, satisfaction from the work done, desire to continue working.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components healthy lifestyle:

Physical education, walks, proper balanced nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene rules, creating conditions for proper sleep, hardening, psychological hardening.

Physical education classes, walks:

At the preschool site, it is advisable to equip zones for mobile and sports games, treadmills, "obstacle courses"

Correct rational nutrition:

Proper nutrition is of great importance for the development of the child’s body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene:

Personal hygiene rules are nothing more than a kind of set of requirements, compliance with which promotes and ensures healthy lifestyle, no problems with health.

Creating conditions for full sleep:

Sleep is very important for a child's normal growth and brain development, and regular lack of sleep can lead to serious illnesses.

- Hardening:

“Sun, air and water are our best friends”. The use of natural forces of nature, reasonable and rational use, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened and successfully resists unfavorable environmental factors - hypothermia and overheating.

Hardening is an effective means of strengthening human health.

- Mental hardening:

Stimulates physiological protective mechanisms: immunity, function of the endocrine glands.

Speaking about positive emotions, it should also be remembered that in pedagogy, encouragement is considered a more effective lever of influence on a child than punishment. By encouraging a child, we preserve and strengthen him health, friendly attitude towards each other, development of the ability to listen and speak, the ability to distinguish lies from truth, respect for the environment, for nature.

Need in health and healthy lifestyle the child is also formed on the basis of ideas about himself, his physical and personal capabilities, that for harmful to health, and what is useful. For example, it is harmful not to brush your teeth, not to cut your nails, not to do gymnastics.

Tasks of the work on the formation healthy lifestyle for preschoolers:

Form an idea of ​​what to be healthy - good, but being sick is bad; about some signs health;

Nurture skills healthy behavior: love to move, eat more vegetables, fruits; wash your hands after every contamination; don't get angry, don't worry; be friendly; spend more time in the fresh air; follow the regime;

Help to master sustainable behavioral skills;

Develop the ability to talk about your health, health of loved ones;

Develop skills of correct posture;

Enrich children's knowledge about physical education movement in general;

Develop artistic interest

So way, health-saving technology can be considered as one of the most promising systems of the 21st century and as a set of methods and techniques of organization teaching preschoolers, without damage to health.

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