Creative report on ecology in dhow. Report from a preschool teacher on the use of the regional component in the environmental development of children. "Environmental education of preschool children"

Let everything be beautiful in a person.

And thoughts, and actions, and soul!

In harmony with nature and with yourself

So that children can live in the world,

Bring up your children, take care of them,

Protect the ecology of your soul!

Nowadays, the problem of environmental education has come to the fore, and more and more attention is being paid to it. 2013 in Russia and our republic has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature, often illiterate, wasteful, leading to a disruption of the ecological balance.

Each of those who harm nature was once a child. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the environmental education of children is so great and this work must begin with early age.

The formation of an environmental culture is a long process. Preschool childhood can rightfully be considered the beginning of the formation of an individual’s environmental orientation, since it is during this period that the foundation of a conscious attitude to the surrounding reality is laid, interest in nature and the problems of its protection develops, skills of cultural behavior in nature are developed, vivid, emotional impressions are accumulated that will last for a long time. remain in human memory.

Already from preschool age, it is necessary to instill in children the idea that a person needs an environmentally friendly environment. That is why it is so important to teach a child to preserve the beauty of nature, so that during this age period he understands how valuable health is and strives for healthy image life.

The natural world is amazing and beautiful! However, not everyone is able to see this beauty; variety of colors, shapes, variety of colors of the sky, leaves, water... the ability to “look” and “see”, “listen” and “hear” does not develop by itself, is not given from birth in a ready-made form, but is nurtured. Nature is an endless source of emotional states and an unquenchable desire to learn. Therefore, in my work I pay great attention to the environmental education of children. The goal of environmental education is the formation of a new type of person with new ecological thinking, capable of realizing the consequences of his actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature. My experience shows that in older preschool age Children without much effort learn a complex of environmental knowledge if the knowledge is presented in an accessible, exciting form and if the child’s interest in natural phenomena is taken into account. Knowledge is not an end in itself in environmental education, but it is a necessary condition for developing such an attitude towards the world around us, which is emotionally effective in nature and is expressed in the form of cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, the practical opportunity to create around oneself, to handle things with care not only because that this is someone’s work, but also because materials taken from nature were used.

Goals, which I was pursuing:

Give children basic understanding of ecology; to form an ecological culture and the correct attitude towards objects of living and inanimate nature

Awareness of research as a way of understanding the world around us. With the help of games, setting up experiments, conducting experiments, introduce children to the complex world of the relationship between man and nature.

Forms and methods of work:

Environmental education is one of the effective conditions for intellectual, creative, emotional, aesthetic, and physical development. Children, like young scientists, study various plants. My task is to help preschool children discover themselves in the world around them, discover this amazing world for themselves, perceive its values ​​and understand its interconnections, see a unique miracle in everything around them, teach the child a sensitive and caring attitude towards what surrounds him, cultivate love to nature. I try to explain to children that we are part of nature, and not its “kings”, we need to reconcile our needs with environmental requirements, and I also try to instill in them respect for all forms of life. Impressions of the native nature received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime and often influence a person’s relationship with nature and with the Motherland. Every child is a little explorer who discovers the world around him with joy and surprise. Children strive for active activity; it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote its further development. The more complete and varied a child’s activities are, the more successful the child’s development is, and the first creative manifestations are realized.

One of the most important conditions for the implementation of the environmental education system isorganization of subject-development environment . In our group, I tried to create an environment in such a way that it would contribute to the development of the child, shape him as a person, and also create conditions for the child to develop elements of environmental culture and environmentally literate behavior. Therefore, I try to structure the learning process in such a way that children receive basic environmental knowledge through visual and practical methods. For this purpose, she created an environmental laboratory in the group, where children carry out simple experiments and make observations, which are recorded in a special journal “Our Observations.” Material for experimentation is placed here (cups, tubes, microscope, magnifying glasses, scales, hourglasses, cotton wool, etc.), boxes with soil, with natural fossils, plants for which are being cared for and observed. A corner of nature serves not only as a decoration for the group, but also as a method for children’s self-development. Nearby, on a shelf convenient and accessible for children, there are encyclopedias, illustrations of animals and plants, and various collections of bird feathers. Tree barks, stones, conifer cones and much more.

Our kindergarten is located in a unique natural area; nature itself has created different types of landscapes. There is a forest next to the kindergarten. Two have been createdecological trails . Small trail – around the territory kindergarten, big - to the forest. The kids and I go on playful trips through the forest, into the field, into the garden, etc. Children of preschool age have truly enormous capabilities and abilities to learn. They are naturally endowed with an instinct for knowledge and exploration of the world around them. As a teacher, I must help children develop and realize their potential. An ecological trail helps a child understand the general connection of a living organism with the external environment, since it solves numerous pedagogical, psychological and environmental problems. During excursions and observations on ecological trails and walking areas, children gain a direct understanding of the objects and phenomena that surround them. On the territory of the kindergarten there isgarden. Where the guys and I plant onions, beans, carrots, and beets in the spring. And then we watch the process of seed germination, water, care for, and harvest in the fall. It is important for children to touch an object, to touch it, in order to understand. Chinese folk wisdom says “show me - I’ll forget, tell me - I’ll remember, let me touch - I’ll understand.” I try to organize my work in accordance with this wisdom. On the territory of our kindergarten there is alsoarea of ​​natural meadow . In summer it attracts children with its beauty, tall grass and a “sea” of dandelions. This flower evokes strong emotions in children, their first instinct is to pick it. I teach children to refrain from this desire: after all, picking a flower means destroying it! For us, Leh is a place of “scientific research.” Watching the dandelion, examining it, the children and I found out that it reacts to changes in weather and time of day: it turns its corolla towards the sun, closes at dusk and before rain. The children also observed with their own eyes the formation and spread of dandelion seeds. From educational conversations, children learned about the purpose of individual parts of a dandelion - stem, leaves, roots, flowers. The children were convinced of the truth that the dandelion is a living organism: it grows, reproduces, and reacts to some external influences. But observations were made not only of dandelion, but also of other flowers of the meadow. Armed with magnifying glasses, the guys and I explored every corner of it.

To establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena, I try to use as much as possibleexperiments. Experience should always be built on the basis of existing ideas that children received in the process of observation and work. Experiments are carried out most often in older groups, and in younger and middle groups separate search actions are used. In each experiment, the cause of the observed phenomenon is revealed, children are led to judgments and conclusions. Their knowledge about the properties and qualities of natural objects is clarified (about the properties of snow, water, plants, their changes, etc.) Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation and mental activity. Therefore, I have collected a large file of experiences and experiments with preschool children.

On walks we get acquainted with the changes in nature over the seasons (length of day, weather, changes in the life of plants and animals, human labor). We also organize experimental games with natural materials (sand, water, snow, leaves, fruits). For such games, we have equipment on the site such as a sandbox, a swimming pool, scoops, molds, and gloves. It is on a walk that children become acquainted with the properties of sand, earth, clay, snow, ice, and water. In addition, a variety of game exercises are used: “Find by description”, “What grows where”, “Recognize and name”, “Tops-roots”, “Riddles about animals”, games for recognizing trees, bushes, flowers, animals (by sounds , footprints, etc.). Children love to play games with toys driven by the wind “Sultans”, “Multi-colored ribbons”. Through games, children can determine the strength and direction of the wind, its contrast.

Another interesting form of working with children ispromotion. In my group, I developed and carried out a number of environmental events: “Plant a tree”, “Beautiful kindergarten”, “Give a flower to a kindergarten”. The main goal is to educate children with a humane and value-based attitude towards nature. In the campaign that is currently taking place “My home is a clean planet!” “I want to convey to the consciousness of children the folk wisdom “clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.”

In my work with children I use the following form of work:project . This approach makes it possible to ensure that children consistently master environmental knowledge, systematically, and transfer environmental ideas to the level of beliefs and motives of behavior. I introduced such projects as “Laboratory of Magic”, where the children and I carried out various experiments and experiments; “Opening of the bird canteen!”, the goal of which was to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, to develop interest in research activities through work activity.

Cycledirect educational activities, using experiments about water “Earth - a blue planet” and about air “Invisible Air”

Goal: to develop an understanding of water and air as the source of life for all life on planet Earth based on research activities.

In kindergarten we conduct monthlychildren's drawing competition and crafts “Seasons”, “The world through the eyes of children”, “How I spent the summer”, “Leaf fall”, “Winter-winter”, “The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life.” Or such a competition" Best craft from natural material". Children try to involve their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers at home in making crafts. The drawings showed an example of a positive attitude towards nature. Children draw pictures and create collages in which they reflect their vision of the state and conservation of nature, glorify its beauty.

In the fall we hold a competition on the theme: “Unusual Harvest of the Year,” where children bring the crookedest potatoes or the longest cucumber or the largest sunflower. This makes children very happy and amused.

Work on environmental education is carried out very closelywith a family . Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve the main task - raising a person with a capital “H”, an environmentally literate person. In working with parents on environmental education of children through experimental activities, I use both the traditional form ( parent meetings, consultations, conversations) and non-traditional (business games, direct telephone, round table, discussions). For example, when organizing a parent meeting on the topic “Tasks of Environmental Education,” I conducted a preliminary survey of parents to find out their understanding of the problems associated with environmental education. We started the parent meeting with KVN between a team of children and parents, then, after the children left, we analyzed this event together with the parents and drew conclusions.

This form of work, such as consultations, folders, for example, “Experiments and experiments with children at home,” is very interesting for parents. Parents themselves are very interested in learning and experimenting with their children at home. We showed our parents about our achievements in open classes and quizzes, such as KVN, “Experimenting together,” “What I know, I’ll tell you and show you.” After watching, you can talk with parents, give specific advice, recommend that children make sketches about nature at home, look at paintings and illustrations about nature, watch some television programs, conduct joint experiments at home, etc.

Such forms of work provide an opportunity to demonstrate to parents what knowledge their children have about nature and to show that this knowledge is necessary for forming the foundations of an environmental culture.

To solve the problems of environmental education and development, I rely on the “Young Ecologist” program by S.N. Nikolaeva, “Discover yourself” by E.V. Ryleeva, “Our home is nature” by N.A. Ryzhova, “Seven Flowers” ​​by Ashikov, “We” by N.N. Kondratieva.

I believe that as a result of the work done there are positive results:

The beginnings of ecological culture in children have been formed;

A consciously correct attitude towards natural objects and phenomena and ecological thinking have been formed;

Children learn practical actions to protect nature;

Children’s mental abilities develop, which manifest themselves in the ability to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions;

Children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.

I plan to organize a “Young Ecologist” club this school year, which will allow me to satisfy the individual requests and needs of children. The circle will be integrated, built on the interaction of natural history knowledge and the child’s activities. I will continue to work on environmental education for preschool children.

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature with all your heart:

Be surprised, learn, love!

We want the earth to bloom

And the little ones grew like flowers,

So that for them ecology becomes

Not science, but part of the soul!

2017 announced in Russian Federation Year of ecology.

In kindergarten where IWorking, much attention is paidenvironmental education of preschool children, work is carried out according to program C. N. Nikolaeva “Youngecologist.

At the beginning of the year I set myselftarget : upbringingpreschool children have a humane attitude towards nature.

Tasks :

form a systemenvironmentalknowledge and ideas;

develop aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it);

participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

In our kindergarten throughout the year I conducted a variety ofwork on environmental education of preschoolers.

I chose and carried out work on self-education on the topic: “Environmental education of children of senior preschool age.”

Conducted a short-term environmental project “The Wonderful World of Cats”, the goal of which was:Create conditions for the formation of the foundations of a commonenvironmentalculture of a preschool child.

To develop children's interest in pet cats through educational and creative activities.

Expand the generalecological culture, through stories about cat breeds and their diversity.

The group has created a corner of nature with indoor plants and an aquarium with fish. In a corner of nature, children get acquainted with the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants and living organisms, observe and work. The children also watched our pet parrot, helped feed him and clean his cage. During these actions, children were instilled with love and interest in living beings and the desire to care for them.

Forenvironmental education of childrenwalks were widely used,

during which she introduced children to the changes in nature by season (length of day, weather, changes in the life of plants and animals, human labor).

On walks I organized games with natural materials(sand, water, snow, leaves, fruits) .

On walks with the guys, our route often passed alongenvironmentalpath.EcologicalThe trail performs an educational, developmental, aesthetic and health-improving function. While organizing an excursion along the trail, my children and I observed trees, shrubs of different species, of different ages(elm, pine, cherry, apple tree, etc.).

Ecologicalthe trail allows moreproductiveuse regular walks with children forenvironmentalactivities and at the same time for children's health in the fresh air. The same objects can be visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year.

With the arrival of spring, plants were planted in flower beds, and the children tried to help care for the plants: watering and weeding. All this helped develop in the children a love and caring attitude towards plants, a desire to take care of them.

I often used environmental fiction in classes and during regime processes. Fiction about nature has a deep impact on children's feelings. After reading, a conversation was held with the children, questions were asked; it is very important to convey to the children the meaning of the work.

Exhibitions are held annually in the kindergarten"Autumn fantasy made from natural material" , in which children participate with their parents.

INworking with parents on environmental educationchildren, various forms of work were used (consultations, conversations, questionnaires) .

As a resultwork donethere are positive onesresults :

the beginning is formedecological culture in children;

a consciously correct attitude towards objects and natural phenomena has been formed,ecological thinking;

children learn practical actions to protect nature;

Children’s mental abilities develop, which manifest themselves in the ability to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions;

children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.

In the early age group, I continue to work on developing the foundations of environmental education in children younger age through observations in a corner of nature, walks, reading fiction, working with parents.




“Report on the work done on environmental education of preschoolers for 2017”

Prepared by:

Early childhood teacher

Saygusheva Olga Vladimirovna


“Formation of the beginnings of ecological culture among preschool children through familiarization with the flora and fauna of the Baikal region”

Relevance The problem we are raising is that environmental education and upbringing of children is an extremely pressing problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, not only the federal, but also the national and regional components are included.
Each territory (region) is characterized by:
features of its origin (the result of an earthquake, glacial movement, etc.)
spatial location (mainland, peninsula, island; area, population density, etc.)
climate; Flora and fauna;
natural resources: subsoil, water, forest, etc.
variety of natural phenomena.
When considering the problem of regionalization of education, it seems important to us to proceed from the fact that:
a region is a historically established way of life common to some territories, a community of people living in the territory and possessing the consciousness of a subject of historical action;
regionalization is the process of increasing the institutional status of a territory.
In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature and the changes that occur in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things are formed. Love for nature, skills of caring for it, for all living things. Annual diagnostics reveal that children are practically unfamiliar with the flora of our region. Among the trees and shrubs they call spruce, birch, and pine. Units indicates birds, animals, insects that live in forests, living near us. In this regard, there is a need to show the child the features of the relationship between man and nature using examples from the region in which he lives.
At the beginning of my work I set myself the following goal:
introduce preschool children to the flora and fauna of the local region;
introduce to ecological culture;
teach to perceive nature holistically;
understand the available significant connections between living organisms;
treats all living things humanely.
study of methodological literature on this issue;
determining the possibility of positive use of work on environmental education of children;
systematization of methods, techniques and didactic material on the use of the regional component in the work of a teacher;
determining the effectiveness of the proposed developments.
To do this, I studied and analyzed literary and methodological sources: Sudarchikova S.F. “General issues of regionalization of preschool education”, Irkutsk, 2003; V.A. Gorbunova, L.A. Misharin “Tentative regional program of knowledge about plants”, “Familiarization of preschool children with the fauna of the Baikal region” - Irkutsk, 2002, 2003.
In accordance with this, I have built a system of pedagogical interaction with children, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard:
Organizational learning
Joint activity of an adult and a child
Independent environmental activities of children
Joint activities of the teacher and children

Diagnostics of environmental education
Observations on excursions and walks
Teacher's stories, reading children's fiction
Conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics
Examination of didactic pictures and illustrations about nature
According to the diagnostic results, the result showed that the section of the regional component is falling.

To work on the use of the regional component in the preschool educational institution, the development environment was enriched. Conditions for environmental education have been created in the group: a developing environment, a fund of methodological, visual and illustrative materials. To create and improve a developmental environment in the family and ensure adequate interaction between adults and children, I worked with parents. Parents took an active part in creating and enriching the developmental environment. A survey was conducted and parent meetings on this topic. Participated in the action “let’s keep Lake Baikal clean.” Great importance was given to the selection of local history material for working with children. With the help of teachers and parents, illustrations were selected that introduce children to the flora and fauna of the Irkutsk region. The illustrations were compiled into the albums “Birds of our region”, “Animals of the Irkutsk region”, “Trees and shrubs”, “Mushrooms and berries”, etc.
The preschool educational institution has compiled a “Red Book”, which introduces children to protected plants and animals of the Irkutsk region. Acquaintance with the nature of the native land is carried out through excursions, on walks, and during observations.
- Observation is the leading method of environmental education. Knowledge in the process of observations of the morphofunctional characteristics of living beings, their relationship with the environment, the diversity of species, the processes of growth and development of plants and animals. Observations in everyday life are the leading form of introducing children to the surrounding nature. Requirements for conducting observations. Cycles of observations of natural objects: determining the content of individual observations, constructing their sequence, planning. Development of cycles of observations of the inhabitants of a corner of nature, seasonal phenomena, growth and development of plants and animals in the green zone of the kindergarten.
- Organizing and conducting experimental work with natural objects of the Native Land, modernizing activities with them. Observing changes in natural objects, tracing and discussing their relationships with the environment. - Nature calendars and their role in environmental education. A week-long method of introducing preschoolers to seasonal natural phenomena; working with the calendar. Recording the growth and development of plants in the calendar. Winter feeding of birds, its environmental significance. Calendar of observations of wintering birds and work with them. A “Tourist Day” is held, in which kindergarten specialists and parents take an active part. Children not only observe natural phenomena and objects in a natural setting, but also participate in fun games and competitions. Together with their children, parents take part in environmental holidays and competitions that are held in kindergarten (“Miracles from autumn beds”, “Vegetable garden on the window”, “Floristry”, etc.). - Walks, excursions, nature trips with children, their role in environmental education. Introducing children to the forest, river, pond, lake, meadow, clearing, as ecosystems. Organization of observations of plants and animals in their natural habitat; tracing relationships and food chains in communities of living organisms. In a corner of nature, a collection of fruits and seeds, cuttings of trees and shrubs of local species has been collected, and a herbarium has been prepared. Natural zones have been identified that introduce children not only to animals from different continents, but also to the inhabitants of their native forest. Children consolidate all acquired knowledge through specially made didactic games “On a visit to the forest”, “Who is the spruce friends with”, “Who lives in the forest”, “Rules of behavior in the forest”, etc. preparatory group, where our practical work was carried out, in the corner of nature there is a large number of different plants in pots. In addition, on the wall hangs a panel decorated by the teachers with a herbarium, where plants growing in the Baikal region are selected. So, a corner of nature provides an opportunity for continuous systematic work to familiarize children with nature, including the nature of the Baikal region. We consider the panel with a herbarium created by the teachers to be a valuable find, in which some of the plants of the Baikal region were dried, in particular twigs of wild rosemary, willow, pine, inflorescences of poppy, saranca, snowdrop and other plants. Individual work with children is carried out in free time from classes and walks. Children study with great interest in the “Magic Chest” studio, help children study the rituals of the peoples of Siberia, fairy tales, games, songs; make up stories, introduce the inhabitants of our forests. We read the following poems to the children by N. Bromley, “Our native home, our common home,” S. Byvaltseva “I love my land”, N. Nikitina “Siberia”: “Why is leaf fall in autumn?” , “What does the wind smell like?” , “Spring chores”, excerpts from the work “Four-story Taiga”, reading M. Sergeev’s fairy tales “A long time ago” and “The Glorious Sea Baikal”, etc. Getting to know the magazine “Sibiryachek”
After reading each work, we had a conversation with the children, where we asked the children questions about the content of the poem or story, about the features of the description of the nature of the Native Land. Drawing up a model of the Irkutsk region, guessing riddles about the Baikal region. Watching videos “The Well” of the planet”, looking at the globe, maps of the Irkutsk region. , looking at albums about Lake Baikal, listening to audio recordings of “the sound of waves”, “the sound of wind”, “birds singing”, etc., creating a photo exhibition, drawing up food chains, playing various didactic games. games, KVN, quizzes, drawing.
Much work is being done to familiarize children with the fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia. Ecological fairy tales develop children's interest and ideas about nature, the animal world, the wealth of their native land, its attractions, and people's activities. Their use in the educational process allows for unobtrusive environmental education of preschool children. Together with the children, we prepared an exhibition of drawings on the theme “Baikal Tales” and a theatrical performance “The Hard Nut”.

Analysis of experimental results
Preschool natural history aims to form an elementary system of knowledge about living and inanimate nature (the ability to distinguish between “living” and “nonliving”), some essential features of plants and animals as living organisms, the influence of environmental factors on their lives, the interaction of plants and animals in the conditions of the ecosystem (forest, meadow, field, etc.), the relationship between man and nature; leading children to understand and establish various connections and dependencies that exist in nature that are accessible to this age.
An important component of testing knowledge, skills and abilities is diagnostics, which determines the individual psychological characteristics of a person in order to assess their condition and predict further development. The diagnostic procedure consists of collecting pedagogical diagnostic information and making a diagnosis for subsequent recommendations. You can obtain the necessary information in an educational institution, as well as through a brief examination using a number of techniques, for example, a conversation, a series of game tasks, a test, etc.
In accordance with the criteria for assessing responses, I find out the level of preschoolers’ knowledge about the natural environment, the development of skills to establish various connections, the dependencies between objects and natural phenomena, and the interaction between man and nature. In carrying out the final diagnostics, the guys showed a high level of knowledge of the regional component.
In 2011, at the regional seminar “Introducing preschoolers to nature,” she gave an open event “Birds of our region.”
2012 presented work experience at the cluster RMO

Environmental education of preschool children"
Analytical report of preparatory “B” group for the 2016-2017 academic year
Proshunina Vera Semenovna, teacher of the first qualification category
Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution
Pavlovsk kindergarten No. 7

Everything good in people comes from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of goodness?
Touch nature with all your heart:
Be surprised, learn, love!
We want the earth to bloom
And the little ones grew like flowers,
So that for them ecology becomes
Not science, but part of the soul!
2016-2017 was declared the year of ecology.
Nowadays, when the world is on the verge of environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the pressing problems of our time. To preserve nature on the planet, we need educated people. Her fate will depend on them. Everyone was a child once. This is why the role of preschool educational institutions is so important. After all, the first foundations of ecological culture are laid in preschool childhood.
The natural world is amazing and beautiful. However, not everyone is able to see this beauty; variety of colors, shapes, variety of colors of the sky, leaves, water... the ability to “look” and “see”, “listen” and “hear” does not develop by itself, is not given from birth in a ready-made form, but is nurtured. Nature is an endless source of emotional states and an unquenchable desire to learn. Therefore, in my work I pay great attention to the environmental education of children.
The goal of environmental education in our work with preschoolers is to develop a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists, to provide environmental knowledge, to teach children to be merciful, to love and take care of nature (land, water, air, flora, fauna), in a businesslike manner, and therefore , carefully manage its wealth.
Development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with norms of behavior in nature and in society.
Education of ethical and aesthetic feelings, development of emotions through the means of nature.
Formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills of an environmental nature in preschool children.
Ways of implementation:
Creation of conditions, greening of the development environment, software.
Increasing the environmental literacy of teachers and their professionalism in the field of environmental education.
Updating the content, forms and methods of working with children in accordance with the programs used. Introducing a regional component.
Providing direct communication between children and living nature, involvement in active environmental activities.
Environmental education of parents, promotion of environmental knowledge.

Expected result:
- improving the environmental culture of students and their parents;
- reassessment of pedagogical values, one’s professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process;
- education of environmentalists;
- creative activity of students;
- introduction of new technologies of education, training, development.
As a result of the work done:
children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;
a consciously correct attitude towards objects and natural phenomena has been formed;
the beginnings of children's ecological culture have been formed;
children receive practical knowledge on nature conservation;
children's speech skills develop;
children learn to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions.
The main directions of my work are the formation of a subject-development environment, interaction and co-creation with children and parents.
A developing subject-spatial environment should ensure maximum realization of the educational potential of space and materials. Working on the development of the subject environment, we strive to make it as rich, multifunctional, accessible and safe as possible. According to these requirements, the group has created a nature corner, which introduces children to indoor plants, wild and domestic animals, weather observations are carried out, and much more. Practical and research activities play a major role in the environmental education of preschoolers. For this purpose, an experimentation corner has been created with a set of materials for experiments, a card index didactic games and walks.
When interacting with children, we use various forms of work. But experimentation occupies a special place - in each experiment the cause of the observed phenomenon is revealed, children are led to certain judgments and conclusions. During the experiments, knowledge about the properties and qualities of natural objects (the properties of snow, water, plants, their changes, etc.) is clarified. Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation and mental activity.
Books helped us a lot in our work on ecology. These are Suteev’s tales about plants and animals, stories by V. Bianki and M. Prishvin, “Alyonushka’s tales” by Mamin - Sibiryak D.N., stories by N. Charushin and V. Permyak, as well as Georgy Skrebitsky. .Poems by Russian poets about autumn (A.S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Pleshcheev.)
V. Chaplin “Pets of the Zoo”, poets about spring (poems about spring)

Demonstration material helps in the work. To improve the quality of our work, we incorporate health-saving technologies. Their goal is to provide the child with the opportunity to improve his health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle.
Brief description of the activities carried out with children. (2016 – 2017)
During the year, the senior group held events with children according to the annual thematic plan:
Evenings of riddles (puzzles) on the topics: “Animals”, “Man”, “What kind of birds are these?”, “Winter’s Tale”.
Quiz “Animals”, “Bird Experts”, “Winter Has Come”.
Thematic days were successfully held: “Earth Day”, “Bird Day”
Regional competition “Vegetable garden on the window”

Promotions: “Let’s help feathered friends”, District campaign for Victory Day
“Let’s decorate the earth with flowers” ​​“Let’s save all life on earth”
.Holidays. Traditions. “Autumn” with an environmental focus, “Health Day” with an environmental theme.
Photo exhibition “Nature and animals of the Voronezh region”

Teachers and children took part in competitions to design a group for the beginning of the school year, design a group for the new year, in a competition autumn crafts"Autumn Round Dance". Regional competition “Vegetable garden on the window”
During the activities carried out, positive results were obtained:
1. Positive dynamics in the success of students with whom individual work was carried out in educational areas.
2. Parents actively participate in the life of the group and kindergarten; attend classes and other events with the participation of children, fill out questionnaires based on the results

The leading activity of children in preschool age is play. That's why we actively use gaming technologies. They are closely connected with all aspects of the educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.
Technologies of project activities
Their goal: development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.
Information and communication technologies
Through multimedia presentations, travel games become more vivid. Movements, sound, and animation attract the child’s attention for a long time and stimulate children’s cognitive activity.
Children's drawing competitions “Seasons”, “The World through the Eyes of Children”, “How I Spent the Summer”, “Falling Leaves”, “Winter-Winter”, “The Snowball Melts, the Meadow Comes to Life” were held. Or such a competition as “The best craft made from natural materials.” Children try to involve their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers in making crafts at home. The following work was also carried out:
Analytical classes
1. GCD on the topic: “The nature of our region”; "The fauna of our region; "Trees and shrubs, flowers of our kindergarten." . Ivan Surikov “Winter”
Conversations with children:
1. “Getting to know the Red Book”
3. Promotion “Feeder for a birdie”
Making feeders by parents
4. Campaign: “Garbage does not suit the earth”
Environmental cleanup
5. Exhibition of drawings “The Earth is our common home” (for Earth Day)
6. Promotion “House for the Starling”
7. Spring Kindness Week
9. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “What autumn brought us”
10. Titmouse Day (Day of meeting wintering birds (Walk)
11. Ecological game “Mysteries of Nature”
13. Watching videos “How people protect nature”
Working with parents.
Parents are full participants in the educational process. Understanding this, I try to more actively include the families of my students in the educational process. Only by relying on the family can we raise an environmentally literate person through joint efforts. When working with parents on environmental education of children, we used both traditional forms of work (parent meetings, consultations, conversations), and non-traditional ones (business games, round table, discussions).
I worked with parents continuously, paying great attention to the joint activities of children and adults (environmental activities, entertainment, exhibitions, joint projects). Such forms of work provide an opportunity for parents to get to know their children better.
As a result of the work on environmental education, the project “Cultural field plants on our site” was implemented. This is an educational and research long-term project. Implementation period - (May - October)
The participants in this project activity were students senior group- educators - parents.
Relevance of the project topic: the project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated field plants of the Pavlovsk region, how to care for plants, and awareness of the importance of vegetables in human life. All work on the project was carried out in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the VII type program.
The content of the project has been expanded through the use of a regional component and the involvement of parents in the educational process.
The goal of the project: to create conditions that stimulate interest in research activities, to reveal the creative and intellectual potential of preschool children with special educational needs, to involve children in practical activities in growing cultivated garden plants of the Southern Urals.
1. Learn how to properly care for plants.
2. Give children a clear idea of ​​the need for light, heat, moisture, and soil for plant growth.
3. Develop cognitive and Creative skills children.
4. Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.
5. Consciously form the correct attitude towards the nature of the native land, towards human work.
Project idea: to create a vegetable garden on the kindergarten site. Get a harvest of field plants grown by preschoolers themselves.

The goal is to systematize children's knowledge about plants, their purpose and use.
Objectives: To clarify and consolidate children’s existing knowledge about water and its properties. To introduce children to the properties of water in practice - through experiments.
Analyzing the results of the project activities, we can conclude: children’s knowledge about water and its properties has expanded, children have become better oriented in the environment; interest in cognitive activity increased. Children developed a steady interest in creative, search and research activities; independent creative thinking skills have been developed.
Parents are also involved in project activities. Through the developed reminders and recommendations, they learned about the activities carried out in the group and, at home, consolidated the knowledge acquired by the children in the preschool educational institution.
Our joint creative activity is carried out under the motto:
Develop, play, create!
Let it be a rule for us:
“It didn’t work out today
- it will definitely work out tomorrow,
You just have to want it! »
In the afternoon, activities were implemented in cultural practices. So in the “Creative Workshop” the following work was carried out:
Making crafts with an ecological focus –
1. “Caterpillars in a pear” (corrugated models).
2. “Our cheerful garden, whatever grows here” (making fruits and vegetables from salt dough).
3. “Dahlias” three-dimensional applique
1. “Autumn fantasies” (from natural material)
2. “Baby Elephant” (from natural material)
3. “Swan” (from natural material).
1. “Rowan” (quilling, origami).

Cooperation with children's families on environmental issues, joint organized events not only helped to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also brought into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child. Only through joint efforts can we solve the main task - to raise an environmentally literate person.
I would like to believe that love for our native nature will remain in the hearts of my students for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

Vera Proshunina
Report on environmental education in the preparatory group

Environmental education of preschool children»

Analytical preparatory report"B" groups for the 2016-2017 academic year

Proshunina Vera Semenovna, teacher first qualification category

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution

Pavlovsk kindergarten No. 7

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature for everyone with my heart:

Be surprised, learn, love!

We want the earth to bloom

And the little ones grew like flowers,

So that for them ecology has become

Not science, but part of the soul!

2016-2017 was declared the year ecology.

These days when the world is on the brink environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the pressing problems of our time. To preserve nature on the planet, we need educated people. Her fate will depend on them. Everyone was a child once. This is why the role of preschool educational institutions is so important. After all, the first basics environmental cultures are established in preschool childhood.

The natural world is amazing and beautiful. However, not everyone is able to see this beauty; variety of colors, shapes, variety of colors of the sky, leaves, water... skill "look" And "see", "listen" And "hear" does not develop by itself, is not given ready-made from birth, but brought up. Nature is an endless source of emotional states and an unquenchable desire to learn. Therefore, in my work I pay great attention environmental education of children.

Purpose environmental education in our work with preschoolers is the formation of a positive attitude towards nature, educate conservationists, give environmental knowledge, teach children to be merciful, to love and take care of nature (earth, water, air, flora, fauna, in a businesslike manner, which means to carefully manage its wealth.


Development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with norms of behavior in nature and in society.

Upbringing ethical and aesthetic feelings, development of emotions by means of nature.

Formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills environmental character in preschool children.

Ways of implementation:

Creating conditions greening the development environment, software.

Promotion environmental literacy of teachers, their professionalism in the field environmental education.

Updating the content, forms and methods of working with children in accordance with the programs used. Introducing a regional component.

Providing direct communication between children and living nature, involvement in active environmental activities.

Ecological parent education, propaganda environmental knowledge.

Expected result:

Promotion ecological culture of pupils and their parents;

Reassessment of pedagogical values, one’s professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process;

- education of conservationists;

Creative activity pupils;

Introduction of new technologies education, training, development.

As a result of the work done work:

Children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

A consciously correct attitude towards objects and natural phenomena has been formed;

The beginnings are formed children's ecological culture;

Children receive practical knowledge on nature conservation;

Children's speech skills develop;

Children learn to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions.

The main directions of my work are the formation of a subject-development environment, interaction and co-creation with children and parents.

A developing subject-spatial environment should ensure maximum realization of the educational potential of space and materials. Working on the development of the subject environment, we strive to make it as rich, multifunctional, accessible and safe as possible. According to these requirements in group a nature corner has been designed that introduces children to indoor plants, wild and domestic animals, weather observations are carried out and much more. Big role in environmental Practical and research activities play a role in the education of preschoolers. For this purpose, an experimentation corner has been created with a set of materials for experiments, a card index of didactic games and walks.

When interacting with children, we use various forms of work. But experimentation occupies a special place - in each experiment the cause of the observed phenomenon is revealed, children are led to certain judgments and conclusions. During experiments, knowledge about the properties and qualities of natural objects is clarified (about the properties of snow, water, plants, their changes, etc.). Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation and mental activity.

Great help in working on books helped us in ecology. These are Suteev’s tales about plants and animals, stories by V. Bianki and M. Prishvin, "Alyonushka's Tales" Mamin - Sibiryak D.N., stories by N. Charushin and V. Permyak, as well as Georgy Skrebitsky. .Poems by Russian poets about autumn (A. S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Pleshcheev.)

V. Chaplin "Pets of the Zoo", poets about spring (poems about spring)

Demonstration material helps in the work. To improve the quality of our work, we incorporate health-saving technologies. Their goal is to provide the child with the opportunity to improve his health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Brief description of the activities carried out with children. (2016 – 2017)

During the year in high school group activities were held with children according to the annual thematic plan:

Mystery evenings (puzzles) By topics: "Animals", "Human", “What kind of birds are these?”, "Winter's Tale".

Quizzes "Animals", "Bird Experts" ,"Winter has come".

Thematic days: "Earth Day", "Bird Day"

District competition "Vegetable garden on the window"

Stock:"Let's help feathered friends", District action for Victory Day

"Let's decorate the earth with flowers" "Let's save all life on earth"

Holidays. Traditions. "Osenins" environmental orientation, "Health Day" on environmental theme.

Photo exhibition “Nature and animals of the Voronezh region”

Educators and children took part in design competitions groups for the beginning of the school year, registration groups for the new year, in the autumn crafts competition "Autumn round dance". District competition "Vegetable garden on the window"

During the activities carried out, positive results were obtained results:

1. Positive dynamics in success pupils, with whom individual work was carried out in educational areas.

2. Parents are actively involved in life groups and kindergarten; attend classes and other events with the participation of children, fill out questionnaires based on the results

The leading activity of children in preschool age is play. That's why we actively use gaming technologies. They are closely connected with all parties educational and educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

Technologies of project activities

Their goal: development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Information and communication technologies

Through multimedia presentations, travel games become more vivid. Movements, sound, and animation attract the child’s attention for a long time and stimulate children’s cognitive activity.

Children's drawing competitions were held "Seasons", "The world through the eyes of children", "How I spent summer", "Leaf Fall", "Winter-winter", “The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life”. Or such a competition “The best craft made from natural materials”. Children try to involve their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers in making crafts at home. The following was also carried out Job:

Analytical classes

1. GCD on the topic: "The nature of our region"; "The fauna of our region; "Trees and shrubs, flowers of our kindergarten." Ivan Surikov "Winter"

Conversations with children:

1.“Getting to know the Red Book”

3. Promotion “Feeder for a birdie”

Making feeders by parents

4. Promotion: “Garbage does not suit the earth”

Environmental cleanup

5. Exhibition of drawings "The earth is our common home" (for Earth Day)

6. Promotion "House for the Starling"

7. Spring Kindness Week

9. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “What autumn brought us”

10. Titmouse Day (Day of meeting wintering birds (Walk)

11. Ecological game"Mysteries of Nature"

13. Watching videos “How people protect nature”

Working with parents.

Parents are full participants in the educational process. Understanding this, I try to more actively include my families in the educational process. pupils. Only by relying on the family can we work together. When working with parents environmental education children were used both traditional forms of work (parent meetings, consultations, conversations, and non-traditional (business games, round table, discussions).

I worked with parents continuously, paying great attention to the joint activities of children and adults (environmental actions, entertainment, exhibitions, joint projects). Such forms of work provide an opportunity for parents to get to know their children better.

As a result of the work on environmental education was the implementation of the project “Cultural field plants on our site”. This is an educational and research long-term project. Implementation time- (May-October)

The participants in this project activity were senior group pupils - teachers - parents.

Relevance of the project topic: the project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated field plants of the Pavlovsk region, how to care for plants, and awareness of the importance of vegetables in human life. All work on the project was carried out in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the VII type program.

Objective of the project: creating conditions that stimulate interest in research activities, revealing the creative and intellectual potential of preschool children with special educational needs, involving children in practical activities in growing cultivated garden plants of the Southern Urals.


1. Learn how to properly care for plants.

2. Give children a clear idea of ​​the need for light, heat, moisture, and soil for plant growth.

3. Develop children's cognitive and creative abilities.

4. Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.

5. Consciously form the correct attitude towards the nature of the native land, towards human work.

Project idea: create a vegetable garden on the kindergarten site. Get a harvest of field plants grown by preschoolers themselves.

The goal is to systematize children's knowledge about plants, their purpose and use.

Tasks: To clarify and consolidate children’s existing knowledge about water and its properties. To introduce children to the properties of water in practice - through experiments.

By analyzing the results of the project activities carried out, it is possible to make conclusion: children’s knowledge about water and its properties has expanded, children have become better oriented in the environment; interest in cognitive activity increased. Children developed a steady interest in creative, search and research activities; independent creative thinking skills have been developed.

Parents are also involved in project activities. Through the developed reminders and recommendations, they learned about the ongoing group activities and at home, they consolidated the knowledge acquired by children in preschool educational institutions.

Our joint creative activity takes place under motto:

Develop, play, create!

Let it be for us rule:

“It didn’t work out today

It will definitely work out tomorrow,

You just have to want it!”

In the afternoon, activities were implemented in cultural practices. So in "Creative workshop" the following Job:

Making crafts with an ecological focus –


1."Caterpillars in a Pear" (corrugated models).

2.“Our cheerful garden, what doesn’t grow here” (making fruits and vegetables from salt dough).

3. "Dahlias" 3D applique

1."Autumn Fantasies" (from natural material)

2."Baby elephant" (from natural material)

3. "Swan" (from natural material).

1."Rowan" (quilling, origami).

Cooperation with children's families environmental direction, joint organized events not only helped to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also introduced into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child. Only through joint efforts can we solve the main problem - raise an environmentally literate person.

I would like to believe that love for my native nature will remain in my hearts pupils for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

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