Self-analysis of nodes in the 2nd junior group. Ood on femp in the second junior group, outline of a lesson in mathematics (junior group) on the topic. analysis of the “harmony” program in mathematics in kindergarten

Svetlana Fomina

Spent: Senior teacher of MBDOU No. 4 "Martin" Armyansk Fomina S. N.

Group 2 junior No. 3, age of children 3-4 years, teacher Prikhodko N.A.

Subject classes: "My family» .

Target: To form children’s ideas about family.


1. Educational:

Strengthen children's ideas about family, its members, development curiosity, cognitive interests;

Learn to take care of your loved ones.

2. Developmental:

Develop children's communication skills, cause children to enjoy the image of the sun they created;

Develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the fingers, eye;

Develop coherent speech.

3. Educational:

Cultivate love, affectionate and sensitive relationships with members families;

Foster feelings of family cohesion.

On class, Natalya Anatolyevna used visual, verbal, gaming and practical methods and techniques for working with children: eye exercises, finger exercises "My family» , D/games "What for whom", "Find members of your families» , used a game moment (a cartoon character came to visit the children "Luntik", held a conversation aimed at using speech, educational, motor, practical skills and abilities and their improvement. Visual and verbal methods were used throughout classes. The methods used corresponded to the material being studied and to the ways of organizing children’s activities in accordance with the age characteristics of a given age.

Natalya Anatolyevna structured training as an exciting game activity. The children performed various tasks. This activity created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased children’s speech activity and maintained interest throughout the entire process. classes. Throughout classes the children were friendly, responsive, helped each other, and the teacher had an individual approach to each child.

All stages classes were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to a given topic and goals classes. Changing the type of activity at each stage classes helped prevent fatigue. The children dynamically switched from one game to another. At all stages classes speech became more active, educational, motor activity of children.

Senior teacher Fomina S.N.

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group “My Family” Program content: 1. Introduce children to such a social phenomenon as the family. 2. Consolidate knowledge about family members and their social ones.

Goal: - To give children knowledge about astronauts, about space flights; - Cultivate curiosity, the desire to be like astronauts; - Activation.

Self-analysis of GCD for the development of coherent speech

in the second junior group “Why”

Subject:"Journey to the Winter Forest"

Target: learn to compose with an adult short story based on the diagram.



Learn to compose a short story according to a diagram, following the sequence;

Activate and enrich your vocabulary with adjectives;

With the help of special problem situations, develop and activate children’s speech.


Develop children's coherent speech;

Develop cognitive interest, the ability to express one’s thoughts;

Activate spatial prepositions in speech (before, on, behind, under) with the simultaneous use of case forms;

Develop coherent speech skills based on visual material;

Summarize and systematize children’s understanding of winter as a season;

Evoke positive emotions in children using artistic expression and music;

Promote the development of motor coordination.


Encourage children to want to participate in a conversation (conversation) with the teacher;

Continue to teach children to be friendly, to cultivate a desire to always come to the aid of the weak, the little ones;

Foster a kind, sensitive attitude towards wild animals;

To cultivate love and respect for nature, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Planned results: Shows sustained interest in various activities; is able to use simple maps to compose sentences and a coherent story, applies learned information, and methods of performing activities under the guidance of an adult.

Integration of educational areas:

« Speech development", "Cognitive development", “Socio-communicative development”, "Physical development".

I conducted a thematic lesson on the topic “Journey to the Winter Forest” in the 2nd junior group. There were 8 children present at the lesson. Children's age is 3 - 3.5 years.

Organizational activities, preparation for class
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The summary is compiled in accordance with the objectives of the basic general education program corresponding to the given age of the children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining form. At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated the children’s mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson. Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.

The duration of the lesson corresponds to hygiene standards for children of this age. Air, heat and sanitary conditions were observed. The lesson is dynamic, it includes several techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - standing, physical education, games, moving around the room, sitting on chairs.

Didactic activities of the teacher:
All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. During the lesson I used the following methods and techniques: demonstration (illustrations, showing a sample, method of action), verbal (explanation, story). They met at every stage of the lesson. The use of health-saving technologies and changes in activities made it possible to avoid overloading children. The creation of problem situations intensified the children's mental and speech activity.

During the lesson, children's behavior skills were practiced (listen carefully to tasks, show restraint). She regulated and directed the children's behavior during the lesson, maintaining the children's interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.

The structure of the lesson has been followed, the result has been summed up. The children have mastered the material. During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time. Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, expand active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 34 "Toy"

city ​​of Gubkin, Belgorod region


according to the “Childhood” program,

section of the program: “Speech development”.

Mikhaleva O.L., teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten"

General developmental type

No. 34 “Toy”

Gubkin, 2015

Direct educational activities in the “Childhood” program, section of the program: “Speech development”, second junior group.

Program content:

1. Strengthen the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning(antonyms).

2. Continue learning to pronounce sound combinations: meow-meow, woof-woof, mu-mu.

3.Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds Ch, Sh, S, Z.

4. Continue to teach how to recognize an animal by description, select verbs that denote the characteristic actions of animals. Reinforce the concept of “pets”.

5. Consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.

6. Develop children's coherent speech.

Preliminary work:conversation with the teacher,looking at various pets and talking about them, memorizing the physical exercise “Apple”, didactic game“Say the opposite”, outdoor game “Train”.

Material and equipment:letter in an envelope, screen, toys: cat, dog, cow, vegetables and fruits, image of a vegetable garden, Masha doll, beans.

The objectives were implemented throughout the entire educational activity. The event consisted of stages.

Speech activity of children

At the organizational stagea positive attitude was created among students to include them in educational activities. The students were invited to go on a tripby train to the village, the children accepted the game plot with interest and tuned in to joint activities.

To the structure directly educational activities

Includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of children’s speech activity, creativity, to expand and activate the vocabulary and coherent speech.

The speech game “Say the other way around” contributed to the formation of skillschoose words that have opposite meanings(antonyms).

Carrying out the outdoor game “Train” contributed tostrengthening the correct pronunciation of the sounds Ch, Sh, S, Z.

"Guessing riddles"aimed at developing mental activity, logic, coherent speech, abilityrecognize the animal by description, select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals. Reinforce the concept of “pets”.

The didactic game “Arrange the vegetables and fruits” helped to consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.

The “Apple” physical exercise was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement and at developing the intonation expressiveness of speech.

Throughout the event, the children were active, showed independence in creatively completing tasks, and developed logical thinking.

At the final stage, the children were asked to remember what games they played, what tasks they completed, what was interesting to them and what they remembered most.

Assessment of the content of the material being studied.

The material being studied in this direct educational activity is accessible and feasible for children.

The activities had a connection with previously studied material.

Direct educational activities were united by a single plot.

The timing of the actual educational activities corresponded to the age of the children. The density is maintained.

Evaluation of the methods and techniques used by the teacher.

When carrying out direct educational activities, a variety of methods and techniques were used, and their alternation was envisaged.

Visual methods and TSO(demonstration material, use of tape recording)

Practical methods(used in preliminary work)

Actively used game method (games “Arrange the fruits and vegetables”, “Say the opposite”). These games corresponded to the intended goals and objectives.

In the process of direct educational activities, a variety ofverbal methods.

Maintaining a positive emotional background of the educational activity itself, preventing the appearance of fatigue, various types of activities (motor, communicative, play) were alternated.

Attention was focused on activating and supporting inactive children.

Evaluation of real results

In the course of direct educational activities, children acquired a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account the assigned tasks.

Children consolidated: correct pronunciation of the sounds Ch, Sh, S, Z; ability to choose words that have opposite meanings(antonyms); classification of vegetables and fruits; the ability to recognize an animal by description, select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals, the concept of “pets”.

The children were positively disposed to direct educational activities, collaborated with the teacher and with each other, carried out collective tasks in a friendly manner, showed independence, creative imagination, were friendly, proactive, and self-confident. Children can apply the knowledge and skills acquired during direct educational activities in everyday life.


directly educational activities

Shushunova Valeria Viktorovna


M BDOU "Kindergarten"

"Fairy tale"


“Duck fence. Game "Magic bag"

Integration of educational areas

"Cognition", "Communication"

13 children attended the lesson. This lesson corresponds to the thematic planning of the program “From Birth to School” and was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: addition, expansion, application in a similar situation of children’s knowledge acquired earlier.


Take an active part in productive activities;

Take part in games (“Wonderful bag”, follows a sounding toy, imitates the movements of ducklings)

Show a desire to build on your own

Develop logical thinking, memory, attention, auditory perception;

Methods and techniques:

    Verbal (questions for children, repetition and clarification, reminder, encouragement)

    Visual (cubes of the same size, but different colors; toy duck, ducklings (according to the number of children), and a bag);

- Game (game plot “duck and ducklings”);

    Control methods (analysis of completed tasks, children’s self-assessment of performance results)

Lesson structure

Water part: (organization of children) – 2 minutes

Main part: (practical activity) - 10 minutes

Final part (summarizing) 3 minutes

Water part of direct educational activities (GED) involved organizing children: switching attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, setting up for the upcoming activity, explaining. This was done using the game plot “Duck and Ducklings.” The educational activity was directly aimed at solving a problem-game situation: building a fence for little ducklings.

To increase motivation to participate in the upcoming activity, a mother duck was introduced.

The main part of the GCD - Thisindependent mental and practical activity of children, aimed at independent mental and practical activity, fulfillment of all assigned educational tasks.

The main part of the ECD included tasks for repeating what has been learned and activating basic knowledge in order to repeat what has been learned and lead to the perception of new knowledge, systematization of children’s existing knowledge in independent activities, and consolidation of skills

In the middle of the lesson, in order to relieve static tension, increase mental performance, and reduce fatigue, physical education was held.

Direct educational activities were built using elements of modern educational technologies: individually differentiated training, developmental didactic aids.

Individualization of learning was manifested in providing assistance, reminders, additional explanations to children who had difficulty completing tasks, as well as in the teacher taking into account the peculiarities of thinking and the pace of perception of each child. To achieve results, each child was provided with a differentiated approach to learning during the activity.

The use of physical education in direct educational activities ensured activity, high performance, and interest of children in the content of the activity.

In the final part of the GCD The results of the activities were summed up using the method of analyzing the success of completing tasks and the method of children’s self-assessment of their capabilities.

The tasks set in direct educational activities were completed. The logic of constructing various types of activities allowed it to be carried out within the time limit of 15 minutes.

GCD Self-Analysis

second group early age from 2 to 3 years

Integration of educational areas “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic”

Topic: In a forest clearing

Goal: Development of sensory abilities

Objectives: To form ideas about color, shape, size and the ability to name them.

Promote sensory development (development of the ability to perceive, remember, distinguish, identify objects according to a pattern, group them according to a certain qualitative characteristic of objects).

Continue to stimulate active speech: answer the questions posed.

Create conditions for the development of fine motor skills, attention, and logical thinking.

Develop the ability to play together in a friendly manner.

Foster a caring attitude towards representatives of nature.

Direct educational activities were carried out with the second group of young children in accordance with the general educational program of the MADOU “Solnyshko”, developed on the basis of the exemplary general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

GCD corresponds to educational goals and objectives, program content, level of development of students, as well as their age characteristics.

The material for ECD was selected at a level accessible to children and corresponded to their age and psychological characteristics and was rational for solving set goals and objectives.

The following forms of work were used at GCD: frontal, individual, group.

Methods: verbal, visual demonstration, practical (performing actions with objects), gaming, control methods.

Methods include a system of techniques that are combined to solve learning problems. Techniques: explanations, instructions, demonstration, play technique, artistic expression, encouragement, helping the child. The techniques are aimed at optimizing the individual development of each child.

Before the OD, ventilation and wet cleaning were carried out.

The educational activity itself consisted of interconnected parts, during which children gradually performed various actions. This structure is completely justified, since each part of direct educational activity is aimed at solving certain problems and offers a choice of methods and techniques.

During the OD, there was a change in types of activities, physical education was used, and a differentiated and individual approach was used.

Game motivation aroused interest among children and activity was quite high. During the NOD, I tried to activate all the children and achieve individual answers.

At the end of the GCD, a surprise moment (apples) was used. Positive results are reinforced with verbal encouragement.

The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes, which corresponds to San Ping standards.

I believe that the form of organization of direct educational activities for children that I chose was quite effective and dynamic. I tried to comply with the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact. I believe that the tasks set in direct educational activities were completed. GCD achieved its goal.

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