Projects in Dhow for artistic and aesthetic development. Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Forms of organization of aesthetic development

Project type: Creative, practical, educational.

Head: Shmakova T.V.

Personnel: teacher, assistant teacher.

District, city representing the project: Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serebryanye Prudy village

Organization address: Moscow region, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serebryanye Prudy settlement, Yubileiny microdistrict, 12.

Venue: MDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 2 "Solnyshko"

Project implementation period: from October 2017 to May 2018.

Number of project participants: 28 children, 1 teacher, 1 assistant teacher, parents of children.

Age of children: 6-7 years (school preparatory group)

Format: daytime

Free activity

Regular moments: morning and evening hours.

Objective of the project:

To develop the cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities of children in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.

Objectives for teaching manual labor techniques:

  1. To develop children's interest in types of work.
  2. Introduce the properties of materials.
  3. 3introduce basic work techniques that are new to children.
  4. Develop the ability to use simple tools.
  5. Develop general manual skill.
  6. Coordinate the work of the eyes and both hands.
  7. Learn to paste ready-made forms, create images of finished objects from them, improving orientation on the plane of the sheet.
  8. Develop children's technical skills with materials (seeds, cereals, paper, fabric, threads, napkins, etc.)
  9. Starting with the simplest crafts, gradually master more complex techniques of working with various materials, leading to the creation of works according to your own ideas.

Tasks for sensory education:

  1. Increase sensory sensitivity.
  2. Promote a subtle perception of shape, texture, color.

Speech development tasks:

  1. Form speech activity.
  2. Develop dialogical speech.
  3. Actively use words denoting actions and properties.
  4. Name the materials used for the work.
  5. Actively use words denoting objects and natural phenomena.

Objectives of aesthetic education:

  1. Learn to create expressive images.
  2. Develop the ability to select colors.
  3. Learn to see, feel, appreciate and create beauty.
  4. Develop compositional skills.

Objectives for moral education:

  1. To develop in children the ability to work in a team.
  2. Cultivate perseverance, patience, attentiveness, diligence, and independence.
  3. Foster camaraderie and mutual assistance.
  4. To develop children's desire to do something nice for their parents.
  5. Increase children's self-esteem through achievements in visual arts.

Stages of work:

Stage 1. Preparatory: Drawing up a work plan, selecting material (lesson notes, material for classes)

Stage 2. Practical stage: Lessons according to the work plan.

Stage 3. Final: Preparation of a poster on the topic “These are the talents we are” (photo report from the classes).

Evaluation of the results of project activities will be monitored through:

  • conversations with children;
  • observation of children during the creation of a project and joint direct educational and independent activities;
  • examination of created crafts;
  • conversations with parents;

Predicted result:

  1. Mastering various techniques for converting materials.
  2. Mastering generalized ways of working.
  3. Development of constructive, cognitive, creativity.
  4. Developing a positive attitude towards work.
  5. Work independently, strictly following the instructions.

Design of the exhibition of works “Our Skillful Hands”

Rewarding parents who actively helped in the implementation of the project.

Expected results:

The ability to find new ways for artistic depiction;

Master the skills and abilities to perform the work correctly, observing the algorithm and safety precautions;

Work independently, strictly following the instructions.

Relevance of the project:

The problem of developing children's creativity is currently one of the most pressing problems, because We are talking about the most important condition for the formation of the individual identity of a person already in the first stages of its formation. Federal state educational standards confirm that artistic and aesthetic development is one of the educational areas that is based on the development of children’s interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality and the early development of their creative abilities.

I would like the children to have a good memory, stable attention, competent speech, and to be sociable. Manual labor contributes to the development of all these qualities. Paper, waste, natural material- all this attracts the attention of children and makes them want to create crafts. Manual labor develops fine motor skills, teaches patience and perseverance, creates a favorable emotional mood, and allows every child to feel like a master and creator.

Manual creativity is a type of activity through which skills and abilities, mental and aesthetic development are especially quickly improved. Children with well-developed mastery skills develop speech faster, since fine motor skills of the hands are connected to speech centers. Dexterous, precise hand movements give the child the opportunity to quickly and better master writing techniques. A child is a born designer, inventor and researcher. These inclinations inherent in nature are especially quickly realized and improved in this type of activity. In the process of manual labor, performance increases, blood circulation improves, and coordination of hand and eye movements (sensory) develops. When making crafts, children actively use tools, use them for their intended purpose, learn to recognize the properties of materials, compare them by shape, size, depending on the purpose, size of the craft. The child develops an idea of ​​categories such as size and shape. He learns from experience the structural properties of parts, the possibilities of their fastening, combining, and design. At the same time, as a designer, he creates, learns the laws of harmony and beauty. Children who are interested in manual labor are distinguished by their rich imagination and imagination, the desire to experiment and invent. They have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, and this is the basis of intellectual development and an indicator of the child’s readiness for school.

The Skillful Hands project is aimed at implementing federal state educational standards in the educational field of “artistic and aesthetic development”, creating an educational space for personal self-development, a socio-cultural environment that creates optimal conditions for the development of children's creativity.

List of children in the senior group:

  1. Anikonov Arseny
  2. Semyonova Valeria
  3. Lomova Maria
  4. Migunova Stefania
  5. Alyasev Semyon
  6. Solovyova Margarita
  7. Soboleva Alina
  8. Kunin Victor
  9. Anisimova Angelina
  10. Medvid Ivan
  11. Pazludinov Muhammad
  12. Kornishina Alena
  13. Rodnov Bartholomew
  14. Smirnova Anastasia
  15. Abdrakhmanova Arina
  16. Arefiev Denis
  17. Antonov Sasha
  18. Zimmerman Sophia
  19. Mironova Lada
  20. Ptitsyna Lada
  21. Olenin Daniil
  22. Bukatov Mikhail
  23. Astakhov Mikhail
  24. Kolganova Sofia
  25. Teslikova Margarita
  26. Tanin Denis
  27. Khokhlova Margarita
  28. Abdullaeva Kistaman


  1. Consultation “Smart Crafts”.
  2. Joint exhibition of parents and children “In the Land of Fairy Tales” ( fairy-tale heroes made from waste and natural materials).
  3. Joint exhibition of children and parents “Parade of Snowmen”.
  4. Final exhibition “Our Skillful Hands”.

Material for working with children

  1. Paper (writing, colored, tissue, corrugated, self-adhesive, wrapping, wallpaper).
  2. Cardboard (single-layer and multi-layer).
  3. Natural material (cones, acorns, shells, leaves, branches, straws, birch bark...)
  4. Waste material (bottles, boxes...)
  5. Threads (plain, nylon, wool, twine)
  6. fishing line
  7. Buttons
  8. Scotch
  9. Scraps of fabric
  10. Colored beads
  11. Wire

Techniques and methods used in project activities:

  1. Emotional mood - the use of musical works.
  2. Practical - exercises, games.
  3. Verbal methods - stories, conversations, artistic expression, dramatization, verbal techniques - explanation, clarification.
  4. Visual methods and techniques - observations, examination, showing a sample, showing methods of implementation, etc.

All methods are used in combination.

When starting work on teaching children how to create crafts from various materials, the main attention should be paid to the children’s mastering of basic techniques. But this does not mean that it is necessary to exclude creative tasks. Often, teaching technical techniques goes hand in hand with developing children’s creativity.

Before teaching children to work with natural and waste materials: fabric and paper, it is advisable to conduct classes to become familiar with the properties of these materials. When teaching various methods of transforming materials, the most significant place among the methods and techniques used will be occupied by the process of making crafts. At the first lessons there is a full demonstration with a detailed explanation of your actions. As children gain the necessary experience, children should increasingly be involved in the show. When introducing preschoolers to various (materials) techniques, you can also use a step-by-step demonstration. The activity of children in transforming various materials is in itself interesting to them, and at the same time, it contributes to the formation of combinatorial skills and creativity. And the use of fiction and surprise moments in the classroom makes it even more exciting and helps to overcome emerging difficulties. The widespread use of gaming techniques has a positive effect on children’s emotions, which in turn influence the development of creativity in preschoolers.

Using the thematic principle of constructing classes allows you to vary them depending on the skills of the children and achieve more significant results. Such cycles are very mobile and easy to use.

Thematic cycles make it possible to create common compositions with children from different materials, allowing them to be used in the design of a group, preschool institution, and makes it possible to unite children in groups for collective work. The collective form of conducting classes helps to create interesting, multifaceted and colorful compositions, has a positive effect on the moral and aesthetic development of the child, promotes the ability to coordinate one’s desires with the desires of other children, and help each other in difficult situations. Various forms of association are used: in pairs, in small groups, as a whole group, each separately to combine into a common composition.

The number of activities included in any of the thematic cycles cannot be clearly fixed; it largely depends on whether the work is done by the whole group or done by children of the same age group. The use of thematic blocks allows you to transfer classes from one topic to another, replace one task with another, without changing the main goal - the development of children's artistic and creative abilities while working with various materials. When analyzing work, use various game exercises and didactic games. During them, in an entertaining way, preschoolers learn to find the advantages and disadvantages of their own works and the crafts of other children.

Principles of constructing the pedagogical process:

  1. From simple to complex.
  2. Systematic work.
  3. The principle of thematic cycles.
  4. Individual approach.

Classes with children are conducted according to the following scheme:

  1. The beginning of the lesson is a surprise moment, a fairy tale plot or some kind of motivation for creating the work. Riddles are asked, poems are read, conversations are held.
  2. A story accompanied by a display of material. Children explore shape, pay attention to color and structure.
  3. Demonstration of samples, panels, applications, compositions, their analysis.
  4. Explanation of creation techniques. It is important to encourage children to make suggestions about the sequence of completing the task, and to note the features of working with this material.
  5. Finger gymnastics, arm warm-up.
  6. Making your own crafts.
  7. Analysis of finished crafts of one’s own and one’s friends.
  8. Cleaning workplaces, tools, remaining material.

Literature studied:

  1. “Program of artistic education, training and development of children” by I.A. Lykov.
  2. “We make, we reflect, we grow” by I.M. Konyshev
  3. “One hundred crafts from unnecessary things” by E.E. Tsamutalin
  4. “Your little workshop” G.A. Chernukh
  5. “Crafts from pine cones” by G.I. Changeling
  6. “We will paste the sun, sky and flower onto a piece of paper” by V.S. Gorichev
  7. Articles from the magazines “Preschool Education”, “Hoop”.
  8. “Development of artistic abilities of preschool children” T.S. Komarov

Work plan:


Week 1: Topic:. “Golden autumn!”
Tasks: Develop the ability to work with colored paper. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skills, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Foster independence.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Strips of yellow and orange colored paper, 1 cm wide. Brown colored paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic:"My fairy-tale world!" (fabric applique)

Tasks: To develop the ability to make appliqué from fabric. Fix the technique of working with fabric. Develop imagination and fine motor skills.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Scraps of fabric of different colors. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 3: Team work.
Topic: “Basket of mushrooms.”
Tasks: Develop the ability to make paper crafts. Strengthen the ability to perform work accurately. Develop fine motor skills. To cultivate aesthetic perception and interest in the activity.
Material: Finished image of a wicker basket. Strips of colored paper 20-30 cm long, white for mushroom stems, strips of brown and orange, 10-15 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Subject:“Mountain peaks” (drawing with semolina)
Tasks: Learn to use semolina in creativity. To develop the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, and accuracy in work.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper, semolina, gouache, brushes, water, PVA.


Week 1: Team work.
Topic: “Flag of Russia.”
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to work with napkins and glue. Fix the colors of the Russian flag. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. Napkins of white, blue, red colors, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic:“Aquarium” (plasticineography)

Tasks: To develop children’s ability to depict a picture using the plasticineography technique. Build independence and develop a sense of self-confidence. Foster independence. Develop hand motor skills.
Material: Sheet of cardboard, plasticine, stack.

Week 3: Topic: “Machine”.
Tasks: Develop the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes). Fix the rules for safe work with glue and scissors. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.
Material: Colored paper, 3 matchboxes for each child, PVA glue, tassels, oilcloth.

Week 4: Topic:.“Matryoshka” (plasticineography)
Tasks: Develop compositional skills. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: a sheet of cardboard with a stencil, plasticine.


Week 1: Topic: “Rowan branch.”
Tasks: To develop children’s ability to work with different materials (napkins) and plan their work. Fix the signs of winter. Develop fine motor skills and perseverance. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.
Material: cardboard, stencil, white, red napkin, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 2:“Father Frost’s Workshop” (making Christmas tree decorations)
Tasks: To develop children's ability to work with paper. Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: colored paper, glue.

Week 3: Topic: “Snowflake”.
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials (semolina). Teach safety rules for working with glue and cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills and perseverance. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.
Material: semolina, cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Topic: “Christmas tree of wishes.”
Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Strengthen children's ability to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: a sheet of A3 paper, a palm stencil, PVA glue, a brush, colored paper, cotton wool.


Week 2: Topic: “Christmas gift. Little angel."
Tasks: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills and color perception. Build independence and a sense of self-confidence. Create a desire to make a gift for your family. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: cardboard, cotton pads, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: “Sheep.”
Tasks: Teach the rules of safe work with glue and cotton swabs. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to make crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, brush, cotton swabs, scissors.

Week 4: Topic: “Giraffe”.
Tasks: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, millet.


Week 1: Topic: “In the kingdom of fish.”
Tasks: To develop children’s ability to work with different materials and discs. Fix the rules for safe work with glue, paper, and scissors. Develop compositional skills, eye, sense of proportions. Cultivate a desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Colored paper, PVA glue, brush, scissors, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: “Raft”.
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials (cork, fabric, toothpick, elastic band). Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy and initiative.
Material: plastic plugs (or regular ones made from balsa wood), rubber bands, wooden toothpicks, a piece of full cloth.

Week 3: Topic: “Photo frame for dad.”
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop artistic taste. Foster independence.
Material: stencil cardboard, PVA glue, buttons of different sizes and colors.

Week 4: Topic: “Horseshoe for the home”
Tasks: To develop children’s ability to work with different materials. Strengthen the ability to do work carefully and bring the job started to completion. Cultivate desire

make crafts with your own hands.
Material: plasticine, stack.


Week 1: Topic: “Mimosa sprig.”
Tasks: Strengthen the ability to work with a napkin and roll balls of the same size. Continue to teach how to create a composition together. Develop a sense of color and composition.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper. Green crepe paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors, yellow napkin.

Week 2: Topic: “Furniture for dolls.”
Tasks: Strengthen the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes) Learn to plan the progress of work. Build independence and a sense of self-confidence. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, pieces of fabric.

Week 3: Topic: “Clothing.”
Tasks: Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: Stencil, cereals, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, napkins.

Week 4: Topic: “Ice cream.”
Tasks: Continue to improve your skills and abilities by working with various materials. Reinforce the rules for safe work with glue, cotton wool, and cereals. Develop compositional skills. Foster independence.
Material: Cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, napkin, cereal, cotton wool.


Week 1: Topic: “Swallow”
Tasks: Teach children to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: white paper, black paper, stencil, PVA glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: “Flying Saucer”
Tasks: Develop the ability to plan your work. Develop children's creative imagination and manual skills. Foster independence.
Material: Disposable plates, colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush, napkins, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: “Bear”.
Tasks: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Foster independence and activity.
Material: stencil, millet, PVA glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 4: Topic: “Flowers”
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to enjoy working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, and accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


Week 1: Topic: “Postcard for Veterans”
Tasks: Develop the ability to work collectively. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: PVA glue, brush, pencils, napkins.

Week 2: Topic: “Butterfly”
Tasks: Develop the ability to work with paper, make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush.

3 - 4 weeks Diagnostics Exhibition of works.

"Finger gymnastics".


One two three four five, (Hit the table with your fingers.

The left one starts with the little finger, the right one—

from the thumb.)

The rain came out for a walk. (Rapidly hitting the table

fingers of both hands.)

Walked slowly, out of habit, (“Walk” with middle and

index fingers

Why should he rush? both hands on the table.)

Suddenly he reads on the sign: (They rhythmically strike with their palms, then

"Do not walk on the grass!" fists on the table.)

The rain sighed softly: (They clap their hands frequently and rhythmically.)

- Oh! (One clap.)

And left. (Rhythmic clapping on the table.)

The lawn is dry.


The hostess came from the market one day, (“They walk” with their fingers

The hostess brought it home from the market on the table.)



Parsley and beets.

Oh!.. (Cotton.)

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table - (Alternating beats

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth, fists and palms.)

Potato? (Bend fingers.)


Parsley or beets?

Oh! (Cotton.)

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife (Knock with the edge of the palm

And with this knife she began to chop on the table.)

Potatoes (Bend one finger at a time.)


Parsley and beets.

Oh! (Cotton.)

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot (Palms fold

Boiled, boiled in boiling water crosswise on the table.)

Potato, (Bend one finger at a time.)


Parsley and beets.

Oh! (Cotton.)

And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad! (Show thumb.)


Like our cat (Bend the fingers on both hands,

Boots on feet. one at a time, starting with the largest ones.)

Like our pig

There are boots on my feet.

And on the dog's paws

Blue slippers.

And the kid is small

Puts on boots.

And son Vovka -

New sneakers.

Like this, (“They walk” on the table with their index

Like this, and the middle finger of both hands.)

New sneakers.


Snow was falling on the threshold. (Children twice slowly

lower the la doni onto the table.)

The cat made himself a pie. (They show how to make a pie.)

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed away like a stream. (“Run” the fingers of both hands across the table.)

Bake your own pies (They show again how the pie is baked.)

Not from snow - from torment.


Give me milk, Burenushka, (Children show how to milk

At least a drop - on the bottom. cow.)

Kittens are waiting for me (They make “muzzles” from

Little guys. fingers.)

Give them a spoonful of cream (Bend one finger at a time -

A little cottage cheese chiku on both hands.)

Oils, curdled milk,

Milk for porridge.

Gives everyone health (They “milk” again.)

Cow's milk.


Everyone in our group is friends. (The children knock rhythmically

fists on the table.)

The youngest is me. (Unclench their fists,

This is Masha starting with the little finger.)

This is Sasha

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities


"Miracles from a Chest"

"Aesthetic education of children preschool age by means of decorative and applied arts"

Nomination: development of applied and technical creativity in the system of additional education

This work is winner municipal competition of innovative projects (programs) for the development of applied and technical creativity in the system of additional education"



1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………3-7

2. Main part………………………………………………………………………………….8-16

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………17-18

4. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………19-20

“The fine and applied arts are hidden in

huge opportunities for creative development

potential, fantasy and intuition, for the child to feel

the joys of manual labor as creativity"

B.M. German


At the present stage of development of our state, against the backdrop of economic and political changes, the goal of the educational process is the comprehensive development of the child.

Aesthetic education is a necessary condition for the formation of a person of high culture. By aesthetic education, pedagogy understands the cultivation of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, evaluate and create beauty in life and art. During the preschool period, the child’s personality develops

It is in preschool age that all the foundations for the entire future development of humanity are laid. Preschool age is the most important stage of personality development and education. This is the period of a child’s familiarization with the knowledge of the world around him, the period of his initial socialization. It is at this age that independent thinking is activated, children’s cognitive interest and curiosity develops.

In this regard, the education of preschoolers’ artistic taste, the formation of their creative skills, and their awareness of the sense of beauty is of particular relevance.

I believe that a person who does not study the creativity of his people, is not interested in them, cannot consider himself a citizen of his Fatherland. Love for the Motherland begins in early childhood, when a child is especially receptive to everything new and bright. Folk arts and crafts carry many national traditions; they are closely related to how people live now and how they lived in the past. Folk arts and crafts have a beneficial effect on the development of children's imagination, imaginative thinking, and the activation of their creative process.

Folk arts and crafts of our country are an integral part of culture. The emotionality and poetic imagery of this art are close, understandable and dear to people. Like any great art, it fosters a sensitive attitude to beauty and contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep, artistic traditions, folk art enters the life and culture of the people and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the person of the future. In solving current problems of the formation of a person’s spiritual world in aesthetics, special importance is attached to art.

Folk arts and crafts have great educational potential. It carries a huge spiritual charge, an aesthetic and moral ideal, faith and the triumph of beauty, in the victory of goodness and justice.

Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to various types of decorative and applied arts and folk traditions. In the main general education programs of preschool education, the conditions for the formation of creative imagination in children are not sufficiently disclosed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop practical conditions that optimize the process of development of artistic abilities and creative imagination in children.

If you use the versatility of folk applied art in the upbringing and education of children, their aesthetic qualities, patriotic feeling, and creative abilities will develop.

The system of additional education helps with this, which in recent years has covered children not only of school age, but also of preschool age in the village. Yar-Sale.

Club work- this is an original way of organizing the activities of preschoolers in a small group (6-8 people) with the participation of a teacher who initiates the creative nature of the children’s activities.

The purpose of the group activity is: improvement and deepening of fine arts skills, revelation of the child’s creative potential, using various techniques and genres of folk arts and crafts, formation of a creatively developed personality, development of independence, individuality, fine motor skills.

Thus, the implementation of the “Miracles from a Chest” project will solve several problems:

1. Expanding the opportunities for additional education by including preschool children in accordance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO;

2. To develop aesthetic taste and aesthetic perception in preschool children;

3. Increase interest in art through creative arts activities and develop creative abilities in the process of activity;

4. Organize joint activities of children and parents as part of activities to improve the status of paternity and the formation of “responsible parenthood.”

Objective of the project: to form a cognitive interest in folk crafts, to expand ideas about creative arts. To develop children's aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, and creative abilities in the process of productive activity.

Objectives of this project:

    Continue to acquaint children with folk crafts, consolidate and deepen knowledge about the types of painting of children with folk crafts.

    Arouse interest in folk art

    Cultivate a love for Russian applied art

    Foster a love of folk art

    To cultivate aesthetic and ethical feelings, curiosity, interest in art

    To develop the ability to correlate the artistic image and means of expression that characterize it in different types of art, to select material for independent artistic activity

    Develop a sense of color and composition skills

    Develop attention, thinking, creative imagination, visual memory, ability to analyze

    Expand interaction with parents, enrich child-parent relationships in joint artistic and creative activities.

Fine folk art has enormous emotional impact and is a good basis for the formation of a person’s spiritual world.

Folk art is figurative, colorful, and original in its design. It is accessible to children’s perception, since it contains understandable content that specifically, in simple, laconic forms, reveals to the child the beauty and charm of the world around him. Increasingly, works of decorative and applied art penetrate into people's lives, shaping artistic taste, creating an aesthetically complete environment that determines the creative potential of an individual.

Therefore, when working with preschoolers, it is necessary to work on getting acquainted with examples of folk art.

Creating conditions contributes to the development of arts and crafts activities. First of all, this is the availability of a variety of materials and equipment at the work site. A variety of activities require a wide range of materials: aniline dyes, watercolors, relief paste, ceramic clay, glaze, birch bark, all kinds of brushes, various fabrics.

It is known that visual activity is an activity specific to children, allowing them to convey their impressions of the world around them and express their attitude towards what is depicted. In the process of drawing, a child experiences different feelings - he is happy about the beautiful image he has created, he is upset if something does not work out, and he strives to overcome difficulties.

Drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing knowledge of aesthetic education, since it is associated with the independent practical and creative activity of the child. In the process of drawing, a child’s observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creative abilities are improved. By drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities: visual assessment of shape, orientation in space, sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Modeling is of great importance for the training and education of preschool children. It promotes the development of visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, and the instilling of manual skills and abilities necessary for successful learning at school. Modeling, just like other types of visual activity, shapes aesthetic tastes, develops a sense of beauty, the ability to understand beauty in all its diversity.

Modeling as an activity, to a greater extent than drawing or appliqué, leads children to the ability to navigate in space and to master a number of mathematical concepts.

Another specific feature of modeling is its close connection with play. The volume of the completed figurine stimulates children to play with it. This organization of activities in the form of a game deepens children's interest in modeling and expands the opportunity to communicate with adults and peers.

Modeling classes are closely related to classes on familiarization with the environment, with teaching the native language, with familiarization with fiction, and with observation of living objects.

A child’s creation of even the simplest sculptures is a creative process.

The specifics of sculpting are determined by the material.

Why dough and clay? Dough is a material that is more comfortable for a child’s hand - it is soft and is of more interest to the child than plasticine. Modeling clay is used in artistic sculpting. During the work of the circle, children become more familiar with Gorodets painting and Dymkovo toys.

Salty dough In recent years it has become a very popular material for modeling. Crafts made from dough are an ancient tradition; they have a place in the modern world, because now everything that is environmentally friendly and made with one’s own hands is valued. Dough is a very elastic material, easily takes shape, and products made from it are quite durable.

Application is considered a type of artistic activity for preschoolers. Getting acquainted in classes and independently with materials, techniques and methods of processing paper, children acquire the skills of graphic and plastic representation of objects, master the ability in silhouette form, figuratively, creatively to process their impressions received when getting acquainted with the outside world, while reading fiction, looking at illustrations, paintings, sculptures, works of folk arts and crafts.

The process of creating an application consists of a number of sequential actions that require the child to have a fairly high level of development of visual and technical skills, as well as concentration, perseverance, endurance, accuracy, and independence. An insufficient degree of development of technical skills inhibits the work of imagination, fetters children's initiative, and reduces the quality of performance results. And vice versa, if a child is proficient in the techniques of cutting, gluing, and sewing appliqué onto a base, his attention is directed to creating combinations of different shapes, sizes, and colors, which leads to new, original results and stimulates a creative attitude to work. This is possible only when the teacher skillfully regulates and applies the most effective teaching methods in the classroom, when tasks are given not only in ready-made form, but more often require children to actively, creatively, rather than reproductively, use the acquired knowledge and skills.

Thus, arts and crafts activities are closely related to drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Research has shown that children acquire a variety of knowledge and skills. They develop artistic abilities - creative imagination, evaluative attitude, emotional responsiveness. And the searching nature of the activity contributes to the development of initiative and consistency.

Novelty of the project:

In the course of work, children develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards cultural heritage. Preschoolers will have an idea of ​​folk arts and crafts, folk crafts and their characteristics, and will master extensive visual and expressive skills, which introduces children to elementary creative activities, going through a complex path from the simplest actions to the processes of imaginative reproduction of forms. The development of fine motor skills of the hands prepares the child’s hand for writing and increases cognitive activity.

Today, the problem of the harmonious development of a child as the basis for the formation of a future personality is all-encompassing. It depends on the successful solution of many educational tasks, among which the issue of aesthetic education occupies a special place.

Over the past two decades, psychologists and teachers have been actively looking for a way out of the situation, conducting research to find new methodological approaches to the problem of the formation of an individual as a personality and creative individuality in modern conditions.

Main part.

The object of my project is the process of aesthetic education of preschool children, and the subject is arts and crafts as a means of aesthetic education of preschool children.

The important role of folk and decorative arts in aesthetic education was noted by many domestic art critics and researchers of children's fine arts (A.P. Usova, T.S. Komarova, T.Ya. Shpikalova, N.B. Khalezova, T.N. Doronova , A.A. Gribovskaya and others). They convincingly show that familiarization with works of folk art stimulates in children the first vivid ideas about the Motherland, its culture, contributes to the education of patriotic feelings, introduces them to the world of beauty, and therefore they need to be included in the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Throughout the preschool period, changes in perception occur, from simple attempts to examine and feel, without answering the question of what the object is, to the desire to more systematically and consistently examine and describe the object, highlighting the most noticeable features.

Children's assimilation of the system of sensory standards significantly restructures their perception, raising it to a higher level. In the process of cognitive activity, children acquire systematized knowledge about the sensory qualities of objects; a special role in this is played by the formation of generalized methods of examining objects. The structure of the images formed depends on the examination methods.

Sensory culture is of great importance for artistic and aesthetic education. The ability to distinguish colors, shades, shapes, combinations of shapes and colors opens up the opportunity to better understand works of art and then enjoy it. The child learns to create an image, masters the ability to convey the inherent properties of objects, shape, structure, color, position in space, his impressions, and acquires knowledge about the materials used to convey the image and create an artistic image. Mastering visual and expressive skills introduces children to elementary creative activities, going through a complex path from the simplest actions to the processes of imaginative reproduction of forms.

The next feature of artistic and aesthetic education in preschool age is associated with changes occurring in the sphere of the student’s cognitive processes. The formation of artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, as part of their worldview, is a complex and lengthy process. Folk arts and crafts have great educational potential. It carries a huge spiritual charge, an aesthetic and moral ideal, faith and the triumph of beauty, in the victory of goodness and justice.

Fine folk and applied arts have enormous emotional impact and are a good basis for the formation of a child’s spiritual world. Folk applied art is figurative, colorful, and original in its design. It is accessible to children’s perception, since it contains content that is understandable to children, which specifically, in simple, laconic forms, reveals to the child the beauty and charm of the world around them.

Carrying out visual activities based on the material of folk applied art helps to satisfy the intellectual, cognitive need for acquiring new knowledge about the world and the history of one’s country. Children learn examples of folk works embodied in different materials, the properties of various materials, types of art, including folk art, which have great potential for the development of a child’s intellect.

Folk applied art promotes the development of such mental processes as: perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, emotional and positive attitude towards objects of aesthetic content, which are important for mastering various contents of knowledge not only in kindergarten, but also at school, and on the basis of which Children develop a variety of artistic and creative abilities.

Folk arts and crafts play an important role in labor education preschoolers. In the process of visual activity, mental and physical activity are combined. Preschoolers master many practical skills and acquire manual skills, which allow them to feel independent.

Mastering labor skills is associated with the development of such volitional personality traits as attention, perseverance, endurance; children are taught the ability to work and achieve the desired result.

In the process of mastering the techniques of folk crafts, children develop their hand, coordination of hand and eye actions, enrich their understanding of artistic activity, the creativity of a folk craftsman, the need for conscientious work, respect for people, and respect for nature.

Based on the position developed by domestic psychologists that the development of creative abilities depends on the expansion of practical experience and participation in various types of artistic activities, three aspects can be distinguished in abilities:

    accumulation and systematization of knowledge

    formation of needs for certain types of activities

    the role of skills in creative problem solving abilities.

When introducing children to arts and crafts, it is also necessary to take into account that:

    folk art is a kind of catalyst for children's fine arts;

    folk art accumulates the traditional artistic experience of generations;

    works of folk art contribute to the national formation and development of artistic taste, aesthetic ideal, and creativity in the individual.

Visually decorative, festive impression. It is necessary to endow a thing with beauty, which manifests itself in elements of decorativeness and ornamentation.

Folk decorative and applied art is not only the fruit of the skill and craft of its creators, but also an integral part of their life and everyday life.

Introducing a child to Russian folk arts and crafts is based on the principle of general didactics - connection with life, systematicity and consistency, an individual approach to teaching and artistic development of children, and clarity.

Decorative and applied arts are divided into types according to technologies for processing various materials.

Decorative and applied art is one of the factors in the harmonious development of personality. Through communication with folk art, the child’s soul is enriched and a love for his land is instilled. Folk art preserves and passes on to new generations national traditions and forms of aesthetic attitude towards the world developed by the people. The art of folk craftsmen helps to reveal to children the world of beauty and develop their artistic taste.

Education is a sociocultural phenomenon that is associated with a certain level of economic, political, artistic aesthetic development personality.

Artistic and aesthetic education is one of the most important aspects of the multifaceted process of personality development, aesthetic awareness of beauty, the formation of artistic taste, and the ability to creatively create handmade products.

Preschool age is the most important stage in the development and education of the individual, the most favorable for the formation of artistic and aesthetic culture, since it is at this age that positive emotions predominate in the child, special sensitivity to linguistic and cultural manifestations, personal activity appear, and qualitative changes occur in creative activity.

Introducing a child to culture is educational in nature: it develops creative abilities, forms artistic taste, and introduces the younger generation to aesthetic views.

The basics of artistic and aesthetic education are laid with the participation of adults immediately after the birth of a child and continue to develop for many years, so parents and educators should try to create such an atmosphere so that the child quickly develops such aesthetic feelings as a sense of beauty, artistic taste, and creative skills.

At the moment, three groups for preschool children are working on the basis of the Yamal Central Educational Center. They are visited by children aged 3-6 years. Classes are held on weekends - Saturday, Sunday. Children attend artistic and aesthetic clubs: arts and crafts, choreography.

Education for young children (3-4 years old) is carried out according to the author’s program “Little Wizards”, where children are actively introduced to various types of arts and crafts and non-traditional drawing techniques.

Project implementation mechanism

Aesthetic education is a necessary condition for the formation of a person of high culture. By aesthetic education, pedagogy understands the cultivation of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, evaluate and create beauty in life and art. During the preschool period, the formation of the child’s personality occurs.

Aesthetic education has its own special tasks, which are divided into two groups. The first group is aimed at developing an aesthetic attitude towards the world around us. The following is provided: to develop the ability to see beauty in nature, actions, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty. The second group of tasks is aimed at developing artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, design; singing, moving to music; development of verbal creativity.

The named groups of tasks will give a positive result only if they are closely interconnected in the implementation process.

To implement the tasks of aesthetic education of preschool children, the following conditions are necessary:

    Environment (toys, clothing, premises);

    The saturation of everyday life with works of art;

    Independent active activity of children;

    Implementation of an individual approach to the child.

Aesthetic education of the individual occurs from the first steps of a little person, from his first words and actions. Nothing other than the environment leaves an imprint on his soul for the rest of his life. Communication with parents, relatives, peers and adults, the behavior of others, the mood of their words, looks, gestures, facial expressions - all this is absorbed, deposited, and recorded in his mind.

Manual artistic labor is a necessary element of the moral and aesthetic education of young children.

Introducing children to folk arts and crafts is a topical, promising topic that has creative novelty and is highly effective in the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, level of education, and in the development of students.

The construction of a new system of educational and creative classes can be considered as the construction of part of the system of fine arts classes in kindergarten. The system is characterized by a leading idea and didactic principles that determine the selection of program content and a variety of teaching methods.

The social order of modern society should be reflected in the content of teaching fine art activities using folk arts and crafts. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the leading factors for building a system of educational and creative tasks:

Systematic and comprehensive planning of educational goals and objectives in decorative drawing classes;

Systematic selection of works of folk arts and crafts, objects of reality for aesthetic cognition and decorative work of children;

Differentiation of methods, techniques of pedagogical leadership, methods of stimulating both the process of aesthetic cognition and the decorative work of children.

Fundamentally important in this system is the unity of aesthetic knowledge and the content of decorative work ( labor activity) children based on the material of folk arts and crafts, and such methodological techniques are being developed that stimulate children’s creative creation of independent compositions, and not simple imitation of folk art techniques. For this purpose, in decorative drawing classes, folk paintings of Gorodets, Polkhovsky Maidan, Khostov, Khokhloma, clay Dymkovo and Filimonov toys, wooden folk toys, household products of masters of the North, embroidered products from Ryazan, Vladimir, Torzhok, works of masters of artistic varnishes of Palekh are used. When working with children, the aesthetic knowledge of preschoolers is deepened and systematized on the basis of familiarity with folk ceramics from Gzhel, Skopin, folk prints, folk engravings - lubok.

Business plan for the project

Name of equipment

Type of equipment







Craft shelf


Interactive consolePowint

Table with plumbing fixtures


Soft modules for the relaxation area



In classes in decorative and applied painting, aesthetic perception, presentation, and aesthetic feelings are developed. Sensory experience accumulates, speech is enriched. Children develop thought processes: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization. Recently, the importance of arts and crafts painting classes in kindergarten has been emphasized for the formation of collective forms of work, the ability to work together, act in concert, together, and provide assistance to comrades. The ability to rejoice in the successes of each student and the achievements of the entire group team develops. All this creates the basis for the further development of genuine collectivism, mutual exactingness and, at the same time, comradely mutual assistance.

Teaching decorative and applied painting to preschoolers contains great potential for the comprehensive development of the child. However, these opportunities can be realized only when children gradually master this activity in accordance with their age characteristics and receive satisfaction from it. If children do not feel joy from what they have created, if the process of creativity does not cause them a good mood, but on the contrary, children will experience dissatisfaction, disappointment that their plans do not work out, then gradually this will lead to a loss of interest in painting, and then their the impact on the comprehensive development of the individual will be not with a plus sign, but with a minus sign. In this regard, we were faced with the task of finding ways to optimize activities in order to increase its impact on the comprehensive education of the child’s personality, the development of his abilities and creative potential.

Decorative and applied arts are of exceptional importance in the spiritual development of preschool children, in their labor and aesthetic education, and in preparing them for work in the national economy. Folk arts and crafts are an integral part of culture and actively influence the formation of artistic tastes.

The high spiritual and ideological significance of folk arts and crafts has a powerful influence on the formation of the inner world of children. Systematic classes in various types of artistic processing of materials have a beneficial effect on the development of children’s aesthetic taste and, at the same time, are associated with their acquisition of skills necessary for further work. The technological process of processing materials is based on industrial equipment and at the same time is impossible without the use of hand tools, the ability to master the techniques of a carpenter, turner, milling machine, stamper, welder, solderer, molder, electrician, blacksmith and many others. By being engaged in the artistic processing of materials, preschoolers master the skills of these specific professions, acquiring the skills of a creative approach to performing labor operations.

Various types of artistic processing of materials force children to involuntarily come into contact with technical and technological tasks. Thanks to interest in these activities and passion for them, hard work and perseverance in work are cultivated. Through the process of creating beautiful, aesthetically justified products of decorative and applied art, a love for various professions is gradually, unobtrusively, but very productively instilled in children.

Arts and crafts classes combine the fundamentals of many sciences that are of primary importance in the polytechnic development of children.

Decorative and applied art, like no other type of educational and creative work for preschoolers, allows, simultaneously with equipping them with technical knowledge, developing their labor skills, psychological and practical preparation for work, for choosing a profession, to reveal the beauty and enormous spiritual value of the products of folk craftsmen, their high skill and art, form aesthetic taste and aesthetic ideal.

Thus, the specificity of decorative and applied art, expressed in the unity of form and practical purpose of a decorative item, in the unity of labor skills, skills and artistic and aesthetic taste, allows for an integrated approach to the organization of arts and crafts classes in kindergarten, determines the organic unity of labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. This unity is also due to the modern requirement of international standards in industrial products, which is expressed not only in a highly efficient level of the work process, but also in the requirements of technical aesthetics.

The teacher’s task is to guide the creative process of preschool children, focusing them on studying examples of folk arts and crafts. The principle of orientation towards folk art should be the basis of the content of classes with preschoolers in various arts and crafts.

The leading goal set by society for the project is to achieve close unity of labor, moral and aesthetic education for the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. In the educational process in decorative drawing classes, we see the solution to such an important national task in the implementation of a system of educational and creative tasks based on the material of folk decorative art. Such a system should serve to reveal the child’s spiritual powers, be effective for the aesthetic development of the preschooler’s personality, and activate children’s decorative creativity.


Strategy to achieve the goal:

Stage name



1. Formation of regulatory documentation

2. Formation of a data bank of best practices for working with preschool children in the additional education system

3. Drawing up a professional development plan

Organizational and practical

Formation and testing of mechanisms of interaction between teachers and preschool children

2. Formation of a working group on issues of correcting the project for working with preschool children.

3. Formation of information banks based on the results of the project implementation


1. Generalization and analysis of the results of the activities of the center for working with preschool children in additional education

2. Summing up the work of the institution within the framework of this project, evaluating its results and disseminating the experience of the CVR

Photo gallery from experience in this area

Loginova Irina Leonidovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU No. 24 "Ship" of the city of Saratov
Locality: Saratov
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Project for artistic and aesthetic development "Journey into the world of children's creativity" "Sorceress - Spoon"
Publication date: 10.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 24 "Korablik" Oktyabrsky district of Saratov


Artistic and aesthetic project


"Journey into the world of children's creativity"

Middle group topic:

"The Spoon Sorceress"

Project Manager:


Harutyunyan S. Yu.

Saratov 2016

Project type:

Creative, educational.

Project participants:

Children, parents, middle school teachers.

Project implementation timeline:

07.11.2016 – 18.11.2016

Project Manager:

Teacher Harutyunyan S. Yu.

Objective of the project:







(l o g k i).

Improve the ability to compare and highlight elegant utensils - a spoon

(color, pattern). Development of creative abilities, aesthetic perception.




dining room,

kitchen); components of dishes.



(spoon), and what material it was made from.



children's ideas about the different materials from which they are made

spoons (wood, iron, plastic).













aesthetic perception.

Forms and methods of project implementation:

examination of paintings, illustrations depicting dishes, products

folk craftsmen;

group observations;

writing descriptive stories;

conversations and activities;

exhibitions and thematic exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

role-playing games, didactic games, outdoor games;

watching cartoons, presentations;

theatrical activities;

reading fiction.

Expected result:

The child knows what the utensils (spoon) are for; sees her distinctive

signs; - can give a basic assessment based on external signs;

shows a desire to decorate the silhouette of dishes (spoons) by

visual activities. Shows interest in folklore

applied creativity.

Project Implementation Plan



the date of the

Work with children


aesthetic and


Topic: Riddles about dishes

Goal: To teach children to understand

what the riddle says, and

guess it.

Topic: Reading “Fedorino’s grief”

K. Chukovsky

Goal: Teach children carefully

questions. Introduce something new

tableware - Russian

samovar. Bring up

accuracy, careful attitude

to the dishes.

Topic: Reading the fairy tale "Zhikharka"

Goal: Teach children carefully

listen to works, respond to

questions, highlight from the general

text description of different spoons and

Zhikharka’s favorite spoon.

Reading the poem "Spoon"

K. Nefedova (excerpt).

Conversations on the topic:

"Wooden Spoon", "Mine"

favorite spoon”, “What is the use of

Goal: develop interest in

folk art,

word creation.

7.11. – November 18, 2016

7.11. – November 18, 2016


and speech


Didactic games and


Topic: "What is the spoon made of?"

Goal: Enrichment

children's ideas about different

7.11. – November 18, 2016

materials from which

make spoons (wood,

iron, plastic).

Topic: "The Fourth Wheel"

Goal: Development of logical

thinking, attention, learning

reasoning and ability to do

Topic: "Guess the object by

Goal: Consolidate features

the appearance of the dishes, its

components, be able to do parts

name a piece of utensils.

Topic: “Find what’s wrong”

Goal: group items by

signs, see a mistake,

which the teacher allowed.

Activate children's speech.

What did you get"

Goal: Consolidate names

utensils, skill

classify according to characteristics.

Activate children's vocabulary.

Topic: “Choose dishes for

Purpose: group and

classify objects

dishes according to their intended purpose.

Topic: “What is missing”

Purpose: to coordinate

adjectives with

nouns in gender, number,

Socially –



S/r: "Tableware store

Goal: Consolidate names

tea room, dining room items,

kitchen utensils, their purpose,

highlighting the main features

items: material and its qualities,

color, details and purpose.

S/r game "Cafe"

Purpose: To consolidate names

utensils, their purpose.

7.11. – 11/18/2016

Bring up the rules

behavior in public places.

Artistically –






(decorative) “Oh, yes





drawing circles and coloring

pens in one color

Modeling “Colored spoon”

Purpose: to sculpt a spoon, decorate

her using the following techniques:

rolling, flattening,

anointing, decoration.

Application “Beautiful”


Purpose: to decorate the silhouette of a spoon.



Outdoor games:

Relay race: “Just transport

Relay race: “Carry it in a spoon”

(potatoes, ball...)

7.11. – November 18, 2016

Socially –



Continuing the formation of the corner

Russian folk art

7.11. – November 18, 2016

Artistically –



Theater activities; children's

Ensemble “Knock, knock – spoon”

(imitation of playing on a wooden

Working with parents



Consultation for parents: ""

7.11. – November 18, 2016

Questionnaire “Artistic

7.11. – November 18, 2016

creativity in the life of a preschooler."

List of used literature




Teacher, 2012.



kindergarten - Voronezh: Teacher 2008.

3. I.A. Lykova Visual activities in kindergarten - Moscow:

“Karapuz – didactics” 2009

4. “Preschool education” magazine No. 3 2011.

5. N.F. Gubanova Development of gaming activities: Moscow Mosaic - synthesis

Type of project: creative and informational

Implementation period: short-term December-January

Relevance: in our time, little attention is paid to introducing children to folk traditions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop practical conditions that optimize the process of development of artistic abilities and creative imagination, through familiarizing children with folk traditions.

· Introducing children to folk traditions associated with Christmas.

· Develop cognitive interest in Russian folk art.

· Summarize the results of the collective creative activity of children, parents, and teachers during the implementation of the “Christmas Tale” project.


· Introduce children to the folk traditions of celebrating Christmas (Yuletide, caroling).

· Introduce children to oral folk art (chants, songs related to Christmas, nursery rhymes, Russian folk tales).

· Learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles.

· Introduce children to the techniques of modeling, appliqué, and design when creating a plot composition.

· Introduce children to the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ.


· To cultivate in children a love for Russian folk culture.

· Cultivate aesthetic and ethical feelings.

· Cultivate curiosity.


· To develop children's cognitive interest in Russian folk culture.

· Development of attention, thinking, creative imagination, ability to analyze.

· Develop the ability to create an artistic image based on a read work.

· Activate vocabulary: Christmastide, caroling, “kozulki” (Christmas cookies)

· Develop communication skills in children.

Planned results:

· Children's knowledge of folk traditions associated with Christmas.

· Has an idea of ​​the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

· Able to create an artistic image based on a read work.


Activities of the Deputy Head of Internal Affairs:

1. Creation of regulatory and methodological conditions for the implementation of the project:

— study and development of regulatory documents

2. Organization of interaction with third parties during project implementation

3. creation of organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the project:

— planning and carrying out organizational activities in accordance with the work plan of the preschool educational institution, daily routine and regulations of educational activities;

— planning and carrying out organizational activities within the framework of additional education for children.

4. Logistics support for the project

5. Organization of project management and monitoring the progress of its implementation:

— Monitoring the implementation of planned events

— Analysis of the effectiveness of activities

— Report on the implementation of the program at the teachers’ council

— Adjustment of the content of plans.

Activities of the senior teacher:

2. Assistance in organizing an excursion to the museum.

3. Preparation of methodological literature, illustrated books, photographs

4. Organization of work to develop long-term planning, develop and implement educational projects, involve parents in joint events

Model of interaction between kindergarten teachers and specialists

  1. Forms of interaction between the music director and the teacher:
  • joint design of work plans, their adjustment as common tasks are solved;
  • mutual consultations on the use of musical material in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, in solving various problems of education and development;
  • musical lounges and evenings of meetings with music, organized at preschool educational institutions;
  • joint preparation of workshops on the problem of holistic education and development of a preschool child through music;
  • joint organization of parent meetings on the issue of musical education and child development;
  • joint design of a musical and educational environment in preschool educational institutions, in groups;
  • organizing reviews and competitions of projects for the musical development environment in preschool educational institutions, in a separate group;
  • compiling a musical and professional music library, a bank of pedagogical techniques and technologies for using music in solving various problems in the education and development of preschool children;
  • interaction with the methodological service of the preschool educational institution.
  • plans and organizes educational activities in artistic creativity (the selection of program material is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children and diagnostic analysis. For each age group, long-term planning is drawn up. Lesson notes are developed, which teachers are familiar with, consultations are held on certain issues (methods of conducting classes, methods of organization, etc.);
  • provides methodological assistance on issues of artistic education to all preschool teachers (conduct various consultations, speak at pedagogical councils, workshops, etc.). Planning of such joint activities is carried out on the basis of the annual plan of the preschool institution. In addition to group forms of interaction, meetings with specialists are planned once a week and issues that require attention are discussed.
  • develops and organizes information work with parents.
  • mutual consultations on the use of artistic material in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, in solving various problems of education and development;
  • mutual attendance at classes followed by discussion;
  • joint design of an artistic and educational environment in preschool educational institutions, in groups;
  • organizing competitions and projects for the artistic and aesthetic development of children.
  • drawing up a card index didactic games on the development of artistic and creative abilities of children, a bank of pedagogical techniques and technologies for the use of visual creativity in solving various problems in the education and development of preschool children.
  • Conducting open classes
  • The teacher, based on the recommendations of the additional education teacher, carries out individual work with children;
  • carries out preliminary preparation for the lesson:

    – consideration of illustrative and didactic material

    — conducting didactic games to develop color perception, compositional structures, creativity

    - reading works of fiction

    Design of thematic exhibitions

    Conversations, observations

    — assistance in the selection of illustrative material

    — attendance at classes with a specialist;

  • designing exhibitions of children's art in groups;

Younger age.

1.1. Didactic games: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”, “Make a pattern”

2. Speech development.

2.2. Enrichment of the active vocabulary: “sheep coat”, “mittens”, “felt boots”, “shawl”, caroling, “kozulki” (Christmas cookies)

3. Cognitive development.

4.2. Artistic activity:

— “Christmas candles” (applique)

— “Santa Claus, Santa Claus, brought a Christmas tree for the children” (composing an image from ready-made forms using the applique technique)

— “Making Christmas tree decorations” (learning how to sculpt simple shapes: ball, flagellum, disk)

— “Colors of the New Year’s holiday” (mixed media painting).

4.2. Learning songs and dances.

4.3. Participation in caroling (older children come to visit the children).

4.5. Creation of creative works based on the read work.

Average age.

Activities of teachers and children

1. Social and communicative development.

1.1.Didactic games: “Assemble an animal from figures”, “Make a pattern”, “Circle an element”, “Assemble a whole”, “Continue the drawing”.

2. Speech development.

2.1. Learning poems and nursery rhymes.

2.2 Enriching the active vocabulary: Christmastide, caroling, “kozulki” (Christmas cookies)

3. Cognitive development.

3.1. Conversations with children about the traditions of celebrating the New Year.

3.2. Examination of paintings and illustrations.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4.1.Reading fiction:

- nursery rhymes: “Oh, frost, frost, frost...”, “Oh, you winter-winter...”, “Let’s buy Vanya felt boots...”, “Our Katya is little...”, “Like in the snow, in a blizzard...”

- Russian fairy tales: “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “Mitten”, “Winter Quarter of Animals”.

4.2. Learning songs, chants, dances: “Like on thin ice...” (r.n.p.), song-game (carol) “Shchedrovichka”, chant “Frost, Frost! Don’t freeze our nose!”

4.3. Artistic activity:

- “Oh, prankster, Santa Claus!” (image of frosty patterns using decorative drawing technique).

— « New Year's toys"(mixed media - drawing, applique)

— “Holiday Christmas tree” (applique)

- "We are waiting new year holidays"(introduction to the traditions of celebrating the New Year, Christmas - collective work)

— “One frosty evening...” (creating fairy-tale images in sculpting - “collage”)

— “The Snow Maiden is dancing” — (plot modeling)

4.4. Carrying out a New Year's party

4.5. Participation in caroling (older children come to visit the children).

Joint activities of children and parents.

1. Selection of postcards, photographs for the design of albums and exhibitions.

2. Participation as spectators at holidays dedicated to the New Year and national holidays.

3. Participation in the design of a group room.

4. Joint parent-child creative activities (making crafts, drawings, etc.)

Older age.

Activities of teachers and children

1. Social and communicative development.

1.1. Didactic games: “Assemble an animal from figures”, “Find the odd one out”, “What has changed”, “Find out the elements of the pattern”, “Art clock”, “Make a pattern”, “Which painting is the bird from”, “Help Dunno” and etc.

1.2.Organization of an excursion to the Museum of “Folk Life” in orphanage No. 14

2. Speech development.

2.1. Learning poems and nursery rhymes.

2.2.Enriching the active vocabulary: Christmastide, caroling, “kozulki” (Christmas cookies), Christmastime fortune-telling

3. Cognitive development.

3.1. Conversations with children about the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas.

3.2.Acquaintance with folk signs

3.3. Examination of paintings and illustrations.

3.4. Introducing children to the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4.1.Reading fiction:

- nursery rhymes: “Like thin ice...”, “Oh, frost, frost, frost...”, “Kolyada! Kolyada! And sometimes there is a carol...", "a carol, a carol, give me some pie...", "How did the carol go..."

- Russian fairy tales: “Snow Maiden”, “Winter quarters of animals”, “At the command of the pike”, “Morozko”, “Twelve months”, “Silver hoof” by P. Bazhov, “Old Yearling”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Christmas tree” V Suteev.

4.2. Artistic creativity:

— “Snowman” — application with drawing elements

— “Ringing bells” — testoplasty

— “Magic Snowflakes” (introducing children to folk art - lace, Gzhel arts and crafts)

— “Gift boxes” — design

— “Snowman candlestick” — frame modeling with design elements.

— “Hare” — making a figurine of an animal according to a diagram (design)

— creation of a collective plot composition.

Creation of elements for a carnival costume - carnival masks (design)

— “New Year’s Clay Tale” — sculpting characters for a fairy tale based on folk toys (Kargopol, Dymkovo, Filimonov)

— “Dolls of our grandmothers” — design

— “Winter patterns” (introducing children to folk art - lace, Gzhel arts and crafts).

4.3. Learning songs, chants, dances.

4.4. Carrying out a New Year's party

4.5. Caroling (carrying out a joint holiday event with children from an orphanage).

4.6. Creating a plot composition based on a read work.

Joint activities of children and parents.

1. Selection of postcards, photographs for the design of albums and exhibitions.

2. Participation as spectators at holidays dedicated to the New Year and national holidays.

3. Participation in the design of a group room.

4. Joint parent-child creative activities (making crafts, drawings, writing creative fairy tales, etc.)


    "From birth to school." Approximate basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: MOSAIKA_SYNTHEZ, 2012

    2. Babunov E.S. “Our home is the Southern Urals”

    3. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture

    4. Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten. Middle group. Fun fair. Lesson notes and methodological recommendations: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Publishing House “Tsvetnoy Mir”, 2010.

    5. Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten. Senior group. Lesson notes and methodological recommendations: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Publishing House “Tsvetnoy Mir”, 2010.

    6. Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten. Preparatory group. School of Design. Lesson notes and methodological recommendations: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Publishing House “Tsvetnoy Mir”, 2011.

    7. Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten: Educational and methodological manual. –M.: Publishing house “Color World”, 2010.

    8. Shestakova A.V. ROSTOK: a textbook on the artistic and creative development of preschool children. – Chelyabinsk, 1996.

    9. Encyclopedia children's folklore: nursery rhymes, jokes, chants, sentences, games, lullabies. – M.: publishing house “WHITE CITY”, 2008

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 12, Aleysk city

Project on artistic and aesthetic development for the individual training group of MBDOU kindergarten No. 12

Teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 12

Goal setting

Currently, teachers and specialists in the field of preschool education insist that the development of intellectual and thinking processes must begin with the development of hand movements, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers. This is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for a child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. “The sources of children’s creativity and talent are at their fingertips. In other words: the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter child", - this is what V.A. said. Sukhomlinsky.

Improving a child’s personality presupposes the development of various abilities, abilities, and skills that develop in productive artistic activity. Speaking of abilities, T.S. Komarova identified the following properties of a person’s personality that determine his ability to perform activities: perception and ideas formed on this basis, imagination, manual skill, and an emotionally positive attitude towards activity. All these qualities of a child’s personality develop in the process of communicating with different materials.

A child learns the world through manipulation, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to recognize and study their properties, while also learning his creative abilities and changing what he touches. One of the child’s assistants in this most important task for his development is working with paper. Therefore, there was a need to create this project.

Objective of the project

Creating conditions for the development of manual skills in preschoolers through strengthening fine motor skills and organizing joint creativity between children and adults.

    To develop the ability to convey the simplest image of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world through three-dimensional application;

    Teach basic techniques in appliqué technique, the ability to work with scissors;

    Train to work in a given space;

    Enrich sensory experiences;

    Develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements;

    Develop speech skills;

    Develop creative imagination, aesthetic and color perception;

    Cultivate accuracy in working with paper;

    Foster a desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.

Implementation period – 9 months.

Estimated results

    The ability of children to independently create their plans and bring what they start to the end;

    The ability of children to independently plan work and analyze the results of their work;

    Ability to work with paper, scissors, glue;

    Development of children's cognitive activity, creative abilities, and communication skills.

Forms and methods

    Game, riddle, fairy tale, conversation;

    Examination of illustrations;

    Showing a sample of the work sequence.

Perspective plan of the “Masterilki” circle

September - stripes

    Magic properties of paper;

    Fantasies with a sheet of paper;

    The strip turns into a drop;

    The strip turns into a ring.

October - made of accordion and circles

    Flower for "Elderly Person's Day";

    Frog made of circles;

    Circle turtle;

    Little Red Riding Hood.

Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

November - from circles

    Bird on a branch;

Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

December - from palms

    Father Frost;


Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

January – accordion



Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.


    Postcard for dad;

Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

March - on the palms


  1. Heart;

Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

April – accordion

Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

May - from hand

  1. Octopussy;

    Little man.

Materials and equipment: paper, glue, scissors.

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